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Fadel : Where do you work now?

Jhonatan : I work at a Microsoft company in Jakarta.

Fadel : is this the job you dreamed of for a long time?

Jhonatan : Yes Sure, I can make my mother proud by joining one of the biggest IT companies in
Indonesia. Because to qualify for the company is not easy.

Fadel : In how many hours a day do you code

Jhonatan : can 1 hour to 5 hours working on, depending on the project provided

Fadel : Try to tell me how you used to go to college so you can be good at coding like this

Jhonatan : I am diligent in learning the program, even though the program code is always wrong
but I never give up on finding the right solution.

Fadel : what is your message for IT candidates in Indonesia

Jhonatan : Always pray and try to try, Never give up even though always fails many times. Every
time there is a problem there is a way out.

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