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Professional Ethics and Practices Deconstruction of a Movie Analysis

Name:______________________________________________________ Date: __________________

General Instructions:
1. Students should look for particular situations that illustrate the discussed sources of ethics; and
2. The rubric below will be used as a guideline in rating your response.
4 3 2 1
Expert Accomplished Capable Beginner
Piece was written in Piece was written in an Piece had little style
an extraordinary style interesting style and or voice Piece had no style or voice
Quality of Writing and voice voice Gives some new Gives no new information and
very informative and Somewhat informative information but very poorly organized
well organized and organized poorly organized
Few spelling and
Virtually no spelling, A number of spelling, So many spelling, punctuation
Grammar, Usage & punctuations errors,
punctuation or punctuation or and grammatical errors that it
Mechanics minor grammatical
grammatical errors grammatical errors interferes with the meaning

Sources of Ethics Description Situation Manifested in the Movie

Supernaturalism (God-
Based Ethics) makes
ethics inseparable from

It refers to good and

bad are real objective
Intuitionism properties that cannot
be broken down into
component parts.

It is based on the
consequences of
Consequentialism human actions and not
on the actions
It opposes the
whereas some acts are
Deontological right or wrong in
Ethics themselves, whatever
the consequences and
people should act

It looks on virtue or
Virtue Ethics
moral character.

It rejects prescriptive
rules and argues that
individual ethical
Situation Ethics
decisions should be
made according to the
unique situation.

It argues that there are

some moral rules that
are always true that
Moral Relativism
can be applied to

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