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1. Problem analysis and project planning

1.1 Introduction
This software is designed in such a way that it receives the name and other
particulars from the student. Based on marks the student has scored the list of
possible branches that will accommodate for the student will be displayed. Only
work for the student is he has to fill the form and submit it.

1.2 Objectives
The ultimate objective of this software is to eliminate hassles that the student
overcomes while registering him. This software will reduce the paper work. This
also reduces the time delay.

1.3 Scope
The student is first requested to fill the form. This form will contain
important particulars of the student like his name, DOB, preferred branch, his
marks. Once the student fills it, a unique id number be provided. An important
thing with in this is to decide made to payment to opt by the student. It may be
either the demand draft or credit card information. As soon as student registered
then the number of seats available displayed.

1.4 P roblem Statement

As project developers we developed a new course registration system to
replace the existing manual registration since manual system are prone to errors
and take more time.

The system made by user friendly and reduce the burden of users. Our
system can be made available even in the website of our college.

Students can easily register the course in our system without any difficulty
and can easily understand and also time taken for registration is less when
compared to manual registration. Options are given to the student to select their
elective and also it shows the number of papers available along with the number of
student who have registered and also the number of days for particular elect ive per
semester also displayed at the side. This makes your work easier for you than when
you register manually since you need to make a copy of HOD, staff separately that
even if one is missed the whole process is to be redone. Your information will be
stored as soon as you registered. As you can see registration form again separate id
and password to see the registration form and also number of forms updated this is
to prevent from unauthorized access.

They can see the number of students registered for the particular paper. So
that if the registration does not satisfy the number then particular course is a

Fees structure for the course too is provided on the particular paper so that
the student may get the proper information about the fees too. Here database
administrator keeps record of every database and he updates the database whenever
registration takes place. Administrator provides id for students and staff to access
the system. Billing information if necessary is also updated.

This is fast when compared to manual intervention since separate form

should be provided to HOD, staff, administrator which takes more time for
registering and even if student wants to view the record it takes more time where as
the system designed does not need any manual intervention.

2. P roblem statement (Use case) analysis

2.1 Identified use cases

i Login
ii Registration
iii Course details

2.2 Identified Actors

i Student
ii Staff
iii Database
iv Database Administrator
2.3 Use Case Diagram

student course details




3. Design of Course Registration System

3.1 Design Documentation

1. Login

1.1 Brief description:

This use case describes how the user logs into the system.

1.2 Flow of events:

1.2.1 Basic flow:

1. The system requests the actor to enter the name and the password.
2. The actor enters the name and the password.
3. The system validates the entered name and the password and logs the
actor in to the system.

1.2.2 Alternative flow:

1. If in the basic flow the actor enters the invalid name or password the
display an error message.
2. The actor can choose either to return to the beginning of the basic flow or
cancel the login at which point use ends.

1.3 Pre conditions:


1.4 Post conditions:

The use case was successful and the actor is now logged into the system. If
not the system state is unchanged.

2. Registration

2.1 Brief description:

The student uses this use case for registration.

2.2 Flow of events:

2.2.1 Basic flow:

1. The actor asks for the registration form.

2. The registration form asks for the student’s details.
3. The actor enters the details.
4. The form control checks for the validation. It will check for the elective
details(i.e. whenever the elective preferred by the student is available).
5. If the contents are valid then the details will be stored in the database and
confirmation message will be displayed.

2.2.2 Alternative flow:

1. If the elective preferred by the student is not available the appropriate

message will be displayed.
2. If the registration form ids complete then the appropriate message is
3. The student will have now registered the form again.
2.3 Pre Condition:

The administrator must be logged on to the system.

2.4 Post Condition:

If the use case was successful the student he/she can come out of the use
case of if the registration was not successful then the student can apply for the
registration again.

3. Course details

3.1 Brief description:

This use case is starts when the user wished to see about the elective.

3.2 Flow of events:

3.2.1 Basic flow:

This use case starts when the user wishes to see about the elective details of
the course.

The user will, select the course.

1. The course will validate the request.

2. After validation the form control will display the request details.

3.2.2 Alternative flow:

If the user starts for the details of the elective that is not offered then the
error message will be displayed.

3.3 P re Condition:

The actor will need to have successfully logged in.
3.4 Post Condition:

If the actor has successfully seen the course details then he/she come out of
use case else try.


1. Login

: student Main window Login window login control welcome error message

1: Logging

2: Asking for ID
3: verification

4: valid

5: invalid

6: error message

7: relogin cancel
2. Registration:

registration from control error message

: student : database
1: registration()

2: request for details()

3: enters details()

4: validation()

5: verfy elective details(())

6: store details()

7: confirm message()

8: invalid elective details()

9: display()

10: invalid()

11: re-registration()
2. Course details:

course form course form error message

: student : database
1: select course()

2: validation()

3: Get course information()

4: display course information()

5: invalid()

6: display error message()

1. Login:

1: Logging Main


2: Asking for ID
: student
7: relogin cancel

window 3: verification
6: error message

4: valid
error login
message control
5: invalid

2. Registration:
1: registration()
3: enters details()
11: re-registration()
n from
2: request for details()
: student 4: validation()

9: display()
5: verfy elective details(())
7: confirm message()
10: invalid()

error from
message control
8: invalid elective details()

6: store details()

: database

3. Course details:

1: select course()

: student
2: validation()
6: display error message()
4: display course information()

course form
error control
5: invalid()

3: Get course information()

: database


students registered>...
student registered=student registere...

student registered <20

open close



1. Login
<<Class Module>>
main window


<<Class Module>>
login window
<<Class Module>> <<Class Module>>
welcome window error message
<<Class Module>>
login control

2. Registration:

<<Class Module>> <<Class Module>>+1 +1 <<Class Module>>

error message control form registration form


3. Course details:

<<Class Module>> <<Class Module>> +1 +1 <<Class Module>>

error message course form control course form control

+0 ..* +1

<<ActiveX DLL>>
view courses

<<ActiveX DLL>> <<ActiveX DLL>>

login registration

<<ActiveX DLL>> <<ActiveX DLL>>

security validation

1. Login

Option Explicit

Public NewProperty As welcome_window

Public NewProperty2 As welcome_window

2. Registration

Option Explicit

Public NewProperty As control_form

Public ____ As error_message

3. Course details

Option Explicit

Public NewProperty As course_form_control

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