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Procedure to create new line style.

Requirement is to create line style for buried pipe and also create a new SP P&ID
symbol, which utilizes the new line style.

1.) Create new symbol in Catalog Manager to be your new line style.
a. From Windows Explorer
i. Create new folder at ~\Symbols
1. Name the folder, Point Symbols for Linear Styles
ii. NOTE: This is not the symbol the end user will place; it is only used for the
definition of the Point Style in the Line Style Editor.
b. Start Catalog Manager
i. Clone the Primary Piping symbol
1. Symbols > Piping > Routing > Process Lines
ii. Rename to B Linear Style Buried Pipe
c. Exit Catalog Manager
d. From Windows Explorer
i. Move (cut and paste) B Linear Style Buried Pipe.sym to the ~\Symbols\Point
Symbols for Linear Styles folder.
e. Start Catalog Manager
i. Open B Linear Style Buried Pipe.sym
ii. Delete all items off the various tabs and save.
1. Graphics
2. Heat Tracing
3. Label
4. Hidden Objects
5. Icon
iii. Set the tab to Graphics
1. Place Dumb Text – B
a. Tools -> Customize
i. Select Category of “Text” and select the “Text Box”

iv. Drag Text Box to the top where your other commands are located.

v. Place dumb text (B) with the Text Box command.

vi. You may want to set properties such as justification.

f. Load the Line Style Editor

i. Tools > Add-Ins
ii. You should have the Line Style Editor available now.

g. Using the Line Style Editor

i. Add a Point Style

iii. Style Name = B Point Style

iii. Add a “Note” if applicable.

Select OK.
iv. Your entry should be displayed under Point Styles.

v. Define Point Style Graphics

1. Highlight the B
2. Select Define Point Style Graphics

3. Drag the cursor, with the red target, over to the B, place the
vi. Add a Style to Linear Patterns

vii. Define a Style Name

Select OK.
viii. Define Linear Pattern Properties for the first stroke index.
1. Input Notes
2. For the first stroke index set the dash length.
3. Notice the Preview box.
Select OK
ix. Define Linear Pattern Properties for the second stroke index.
1. Set the Stroke Index = 2
a. Note: Select the Stroke Index drop down box in the
Stroke Sequence Definitions frame to set to the
second stroke.
2. Set the Gap length = .25
3. Select the Point Style Name = B Point Style
4. Position Along Stroke = .5
5. Orientation = Always Up.
6. Notice the Preview box.
Select OK
x. You should see your entry for Buried under Linear Patterns.

xi. Add a Style to Linear Styles.

xii. Define Style Name = BuriedPipe

Select OK
xiii. Define Linear Style Properties
1. Enter Notes
2. Set Linear Pattern = Buried
3. Notice the Preview box
Select OK
xiv. You should see your entry for Buried Pipe under Linear Styles.

xv. Test your new Linear Style.

1. In graphics window of the B Linear Style Buried Pipe.sym
2. Select the Line command from the toolbar to route a dumb

3. Set the Style = Buried Pipe

xvi. Delete the Line.
1. File > Exit Catalog Manager
a. Save
2.) To utilize the new Line Style, Import the Linear Pattern via Start -> Programs>
Intergraph SmartPlant P&ID > Options Manager.
a. Select Tools > Linear Patterns

b. Select Import
c. Tree down to the symbol you created through the Line Style Editor
i. Select the symbol
ii. Select Open.

d. Notice your Linear Pattern was imported.

e. File > Exit Options Manager.
f. Add Buried Pipe as a new Pipe Run Type to the PID Data Dictionary. We
are adding this entry to be able to discriminate on Buried Pipe either
through Reports, Graphics or the Engineering Data Editor.
i. Start -> Programs -> SmartPlant Engineering Manager -> Data
1. select Select Entry
2. Selected List = Line Type
3. Add New Entry
a. Value = Buried Pipe
b. Short Value = Buried Pipe
4. Select File -> Save
5. Select File -> Exit
g. Open Options Manager and add Buried Pipe to Options Manager >
Symbology. We are adding entries to graphically depict Buried Pipe
when placed as New, Existing or Future (Construction Status).
i. Select the Project Filter of Hose – New
ii. Select Insert Item
iii. Add Buried Pipe - New Simple Filter.
1. Select the ellipses on the row that was inserted.

2. Select Zymology Filters under the Plant Folders.

3. Select New under Symbology Filters.

4. Select the NEW command to create a Simple Filter

5. Select Simple Filter > OK

6. On the Add Filter form

a. Name the filter
i. Buried Piping – New

ii. Assign a Description

1. Filter for New Buried Pipe

iii. Filter for:

1. Pipe Run

iv. In the Definition frame.

1. toggle Definition = Match All
2. Define the Construction Status and Pipe Run Type
properties to match on.
a. Select the Construction Status property from the Edit
Property Field
b. Utilize the Add button to add a row to the field and
select the Pipe Run Type property from the Edit
Property Field.

c. Select OK
d. Select OK
e. Select File > Save
v. Repeat the previous (g) steps to add two additional Simple Filters
1. Buried Pipe - Future
2. Buried Pipe - Existing
h. Set the Color, Width and Patter for the Buried Pipe Filters
i. Buried Pipe – New
1. Color = Red
2. Width = 0.35 mm
3. Pattern = Buried Pipe
ii. Buried Pipe – Future
1. Color = Cyan
2. Width = 0.18 mm
3. Pattern = Buried Pipe
iii. Buried Pipe – Existing
1. Color = Cyan
2. Width = 0.18mm
i. Select File > Save

j. Select File > Exit Options Manager

3.) To utilize the new Line Style (Buried Pipe) in a Drawing.
a. From Catalog Manager, create a new Pipe Symbol for Routing.
i. Clone the Primary Piping.sym
ii. Rename to Buried Piping.sym
iii. Open Symbol
iv. Change AABBCC code = WM1B01
1. Reference Catalog Manager Help for which AABBCC codes
to assign.
v. Change the PipeRun Type = Buried Pipe
1. Edit the ICON tab.
vi. Save
vii. Exit Catalog Manager
b. From Drawing Manager open a drawing and route three different pipe runs
with Buried Piping.

c. Set the Construction Status to New, Existing or Future, for the pipe runs.
i. Remember by default the Construction Status = New
1. Tools > Options > Placement
d. Connect Primary Piping to the ends of the Buried Pipe runs.
i. Do you receive an inconsistency marker where the two pipe run
types are connected?
Answer: Yes, Why?
Hint: Think Rules and Filters
e. Permanently address the Inconsistency Marker being placed when the two
pipe run types are connected.
i. Enter Rule Manager
1. Select the Pipe To Pipe rule.
a. Plant Rules > Relationship > Piping

2. Select Edit > Properties

3. On the Items tab notice the Name of the Filter being
a. Process Pipe Run
b. Select Browse

c. Select Browse
d. Select Properties
e. Select Properties
f. Notice the Pipe Run Type = Buried Pipe is not listed
in the Definition field.

ii. Add the Pipe Run Type = Buried Pipe to the Filter
1. Select ADD on the Filter Properties form
a. This opens a row in the Definition field.
b. From the Edit Property field select the Pipe Run
Type = Buried Pipe.

c. Select OK
d. Select OK

e. Select Yes to save your changes

Select OK
iii. Refresh the other Rules which utilize the same filter.
1. They will be indicated with a
2. Piping > Pipe OPC to Process Pipe Run

3. Instrumentation > Connect to Process to Pipe Run

4. To Refresh a Rule
a. Select the Items tab for the Rule
b. Click in the Name field, which should be indicating the

c. Select OK
d. Select File > Save
e. Select File > Exit
5. Consequences of not addressing ALL Rules which utilized
the modified Filter.
a. Upon entering the drawing your will receive the below
dialog box.

iv. From Drawing Manager open the drawing

1. Route Primary Piping on the other end of the Buried Pipe

2. Review and Address the Inconsistencies.

a. Approve the Inconsistency
b. Copy the value from Item 1 to Item 2
c. Copy the value from Item 2 to Item 1
d. Place a Segment Break
i. Symbols > Piping > Segment Breaks >
Construction Status
3. Correct the Inconsistencies placed on the other end of the
Buried Pipe.

a. Disconnect the Primary Piping from the Buried Pipe

and Reconnect.
b. Review and Address any Inconsistencies

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