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Discussion Questions
1. John had some struggles with school and classmates. What are
some elements you struggle with in school or with classmates?

There is a lot of bullying that occurs in school and this affects a lot of
students throughout the school.

2. How did you feel when John fell in the ice and they couldn’t find

It was emotionally and mentally scaring from the trauma that john and
his friends would have been going through and that was felt by many.

3. How did you feel when John’s mum started to pray for him even
when everyone else gave up already?

It was uplifting to feel that she had the hope that he would survive
after everyone already gave up.

4. John’s mum prayed for him and God answered her prayer by
bringing John back to life. Have you ever seen God answer your
prayers? What happened?


5. What did you think when John’s mother told everyone not to say
anything negative about John’s health condition?

It was her being very positive about the situation and hoping that
without any negative thoughts she and everyone else could get
through the trauma that they are facing.
6. When John’s mum stated, “It’s not a good time,” Pastor Jason said,
“I know. That’s why I’m here.” What do you think that means? How
can you be there for someone who’s going through difficult times?

It is because he wants to help them get through the trauma they are
facing and they are going to be facing troubling times and he wants to
help them.

7. The doctor stated ‘John is a miracle’. Have you ever seen a miracle?
What happened?

I have never.

8. John’s teacher asked him why he thinks God saved him, but not her
husband. Other people also wanted to know why John received a
miracle and other people didn’t. How would you answer this
question? Why do you think other people receive miracles and
others don’t?

There is no reason for them to be chosen. It is just luck.

9. What did you learn about prayer from this movie?

It can be useful for some people to get through trauma and loss.

10. Do you believe miracles still happen today?


11.  What have been your moments of fear or doubt when you
have been in a crisis?


12. Comment on your thoughts and feelings in relation to the

message of the film.
It is a good message to believe in god. But it is drastically exaggerated.

Comment on the following quotes from the movie:

God Created Everyone For A Purpose – Chrissy prayed, “You have

created him for a purpose.”

It is true that everyone has their own purpose and it is good for everyone
to know that.

Your Attitude Determines Your Altitude – Like many teenagers, John

had attitude problems.  This was destroying opportunities as a basketball

This is very relatable as there are many people who are struggling to
succeed due to their anger or attitude problems.

Life Can Change In An Instant – John was having a normal fun day
when he suddenly fell through the ice.  In a single instant, he and his
family’s lives were changed forever.

This can happen to teveryone and it is a reminder that you need to live
your life to the fullest as anything can happen and your life can be
changed in an instant.

Leaders Call Out The Very Best In Others – Joyce told Dr. Garrett,
“You be the best.  Nothing less.  And let God do the rest.”

It is necessary to believe in god and to stress about what is going to

happen as there is nothing you can do because god controls your fate.

Without love we cannot find our place in this world.

It is important to love each other and let them know how much
you care about them

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