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STE Looc Integrated

Looc Integrated School

Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics



Chapter 1



Chemical fertilizers are important for the cost-effective production of commercial

crops, and have been since the 1930s. With a growing population and high cost of living,

a bountiful harvest ensures enough food is available for everyone at affordable prices.

However, using chemical fertilizers do have their hidden dangers about which most

people may not know. Some may have some vague idea of groundwater contamination

and other environmental effects, but not anything in depth. Most people are not aware,

for example, that an excessive amount of nitrogen in the soil can kill off fish in nearby

bodies of water. To understand these effects, we need to know exactly what chemical

fertilizers are and how they work (Buckler, 2018).

Several international agreements demonstrate increased commitment worldwide

to the safe management of chemicals and the special vulnerabilities of children. While

many countries require chemical testing to protect human health and safety, relatively

few have been explicitly tested for safety to children. Hazardous chemicals may be

unsafely stored in homes and schools, without adequate safety labeling, or child resistant

packaging. Sometimes, packages of chemicals are broken open and the contents sold in

open containers. Both acute and chronic exposures to unsafe chemicals can have lasting

health effects, such as hindering growth and development, affecting the immune and
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endocrine systems, causing or triggering asthma, inducing poisoning and other effects.
Yet despite

this, the effects of chemicals on children's health are often given insufficient

attention by scientists and policy-makers. Poor children are more likely to be exposed,

and are more vulnerable to chemicals because of how and where they live. For example,

the United Nations estimates that over 171 million children as young as age five are

working in hazardous conditions, in some cases exposing them to dangerous


The awareness of environment and food safety issues is responsible for the

development of organic farming in the recent years. Eggshells wastes can be used as a

plant fertilizer because eggshell contains 95% calcium carbonate and is potent source of

lime to neutralize the pH of acidic soil. A study demonstrated that plants of red clover

when grown on eggshells fertilized soil grew 10 mm larger than the plants without

eggshells . Boiled Tea Waste (formed after making tea) is also used for correcting the pH

of soil and is a good source of Tannic Acid which helps to neutralize the soil. Tea leaves

contain potassium (K), phosphorous (P) and Nitrogen (N), which are important elements

for plant growth. When tea mixed with the soil, it improves the nutrient retention of the

soil which can stimulate the plant growth. Banana peels contain the three macronutrients

i.e. Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium, as well as many micronutrients, which promote

the growth of garden plants from seed germination to blooms and fruits. Because of these
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Looc Integrated School
Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics

nutrients, banana peels also help plants to resist against diseases. Ash can be used for
growing garden plants. The main constituents of ash are calcium, iron, magnesium,

aluminum, potassium, sodium, silicone and titanium. Insam et al. (2009) found a

progressive effect of ashes on soil texture,

aeration, water DOI: 10.4236/as.2018.96049 704 Agricultural Sciences A. Wazir

et al. holding capacity and cation exchange capacity. It is very alkaline in nature and can

be used to increase the soil Ph(Aisha Wazir1, Zishan Gul2*, Manzoor Hussain1 et


Mango is one of the major fruit crops of India. During processing of mango, huge

quantities of solid and liquid wastes are generated. Solid waste comprised of mango peel,

stones, stalk, trimmings and fibrous materials constitute about 40-50% of total fruits

waste of which 12-15 percent is peel, 5-10 percent is pulper waste and 15-20 percent is

kernel. Mango peel is generally termed as total waste. If a factory is processing 5 tonnes

of Totapuri mangoes per hour say working for 8hours a day, about 6 tonnes of peel

would be available as waste. This waste is either used as cattle feed or is dumped in open

areas where it adds to environmental pollution. Composting can be viewed as a solution

to two main problems, namely environmental pollution control due to waste disposal and

the need for recycling of organic matter. Information, as received from mango processing

industry reflects that composting of mango peel is very difficult and it takes around one

year for the peel to degrade completely. The approximate biochemical composition of

mango peel has been given in Table 1. Mango peel is difficult to decompose because of
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its complex lignocellulosic composition. Although, partial degradation takes place,


complete composting is difficult to achieve because of wide C:N ratio and absence of

cellulolytic and lignin degrading micro-organisms. Our earlier result has shown that

pretreatment of

peel with acid or alkali did not bring about significant degradation of mango peel

fiber, while co-treatment with cow dung resulted in significant breakdown of mango peel

fiber. This was confirmed under controlled laboratory conditions and under field

conditions. The following technology has been standardized.To mango peel add fresh

cow dung (3:1 ratio) and Urea 2.5% dissolved in water. Maintain moisture level

(approx.50%) and turn the compost every 3rd or 4th day until the compost is ready.

Compost is ready in one month. Mango peel compost has better manurial status

compared to farm yard manure (Table 2).Plate 1 shows mango peel before composting.

Our results have shown that good quality compost from mango peel could be prepared in

one month when it was mixed with cow dung (Plate 2). It had dark brown colour with

earthy flavour and the identity of peel shreds was lost completely. In the control

treatment, peel shreds could be seen after one month and the compost was not ready. The

N,P, K analysis of the finished compost revealed that it had better manurial value

compared to well rotted farm yard manure (Table 2). Mixing mango peel with cow dung

can fasten the composting of mango peel. This has particular relevance to the processing

industry, which is facing mango peel disposal problem. Composting of mango peel will
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not only solve the environmental pollution problem but will also improve the fertility of
our sick land by way of organic matter recycling(Garg,et al.,2016).

Food waste actually has a good potential if it is processed into organic liquid

fertilizer rather throwing away. The present research study deals with conversion of

food waste generated from restaurants, marriage halls and hotels into organic liquid

fertilizer through anaerobic process in the Cherlapally Industrial Area for improving

service level

benchmarks as designed by the Ministry of Environment and Forest. The food waste

was processed in a closed container along with addition of molasses in anaerobic

conditions where after 72 hours the food waste started converting into organic liquid

fertilizer and a by-product as pulp. The NPK values were analyzed in the liquid

fertilizer which showed N-1.15 %, P0.308% and K- 0.7% and in pulp N-0.39%, P-

0.159% and K-0.51%. Pot culture experiments in triplicate were conducted to test the

toxicity of the organic liquid fertilizer for seed germination. Liquid fertilizer has many

advantages because of easy process, inexpensive and no side effects. The resulting

benefits are very likely to fertilize crops, to maintain the stability of nutrient elements

in the soil and reducing the bad impacts of chemical fertilizers. In addition to a liquid

fertilizer that can be sold in the market, liquid fertilizer can be used for agriculture

purpose or in the premises for plantation(Unnisa,et al.,2015).In community many

farmers are using chemical fertilizers so that their plants can grow faster, they did not

know what can be the different effects of chemicals in our health. Chemicals our well
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Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics
known as source of lasting health effect like asthma, hindering growth and


development, affecting the immune and endocrine systems, or maybe lung cancer.

Banana trees are giant perennial herbs coming from the Southeast Asia and

belong to the Musa genus. From a botanical point of view, Musa genus can be divided

into two parts: edible and wild species. Wild species includes wild diploid and seminifar

non edible parents, namely Musa acuminate (AA) and Musa balbisiana (BB), of all

consummated bananas . The majority of consumed bananas derive from seedless triploid

clones . There are three types of edible bananas. First, “dessert” bananas (AAA)

characterized by a high

sugar content. It represents the majority of cultivated bananas, especially

Cavendish, GrosMichel and Figue-rose sub-groups . These are generally export varieties.

Their production requires a high quantity of inputs andis based on a mono specific model

without rotation . Second, cooking bananas (AAB) characterized by a high starch content

at maturity. This group essentially consists of plantain bananas. Third, ABB triploid

group is represented by more hardy bananas which fruits must be eaten cooked

( Luyckx.,2016).

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to use Banana Peel extract and Mango Peel extract to the effect on

the growth of tomato plant.

Specifically, this study wanted to answer the following questions:

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A. How many mL of banana peel and mango peel extract is needed to develop organic



B. How effective will be the organic fertilizer to the growth of tomato in terms of:

a1) Leaf area;

a2) Number of leaves;

a3) Height of the plant?

C. Is there a significant realationship between the leaf area,number of leaves and height

of the plant?

D. What statistical tool will be used?


If there is a significant relationship to the different concentrations of the banana peel

extract, then it will have a relationship in terms of leaf area, height of plant, and number

of leaves.

Significance of the Study

This study benefits the following:

Students. When the study is applied, it will gain knowledge about

discovering useful stuff and it will help them in future field of work.
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Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics
Future Researcher. The results of the study may serve as they references


in conducting research.

Community. This study will benefit those barangays that needs cheap and

good quality of Fertilizer.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study focused on determining the effect of Banana Peel extract and Mango Peel

extract to the growth of Tomato. This study is conducted in Looc Integrated School.

owever, it is limited for only three (3) samples with different amount of Banana Peel

Extract and Mango Peel extract and the controlled one.


Banana peels. are the outer envelopes of banana fruits,which will serve as main

component in making fertilizer

Fertilizer-an oraganic fertilizer made with banana peel and mango peel extract.

Mango Peels-are the outer envelopes of mango fruits which will be one of the

components in making fertilizer.

Conceptual Framework

Different amount of Effectiveness of organic fertilizer

Banana Peel extract and in plant growth in terms of:
Mango peel extract
 Leaf Area
a.30 ml of Mango peel
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Figure 1. Paradigm of the study

The paradigm of the study shows the relationship between the amount of banana

peel extract and mango peel extract to the characteristics of plants in terms of leaf area,

number of leaves, number of fruits and height of the plant, the relationship and the

statistical tool used.

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Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics



Chapter II



Contrary to popular belief, banana plants are not trees but giant herbs, which reach

their full height of between 10 and 20 feet after only a year. Every banana blossom

develops into a fruit, which is ripe enough for consumption after about three or four

months. After producing fruit, the plants' stems die off, and are replaced by new growth.

The number of bananas produced by each plant varies. However, ten or more bananas

growing together forms a "hand." Banana stems have on average 150 "fingers" and weigh

nearly 100 pounds. The trunks of banana plants are not woody but composed of sheets of
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overlapping leaves wrapped tightly around one another, a design feature that enables


them to conserve water. Because banana plants are approximately 93 percent water, even

moderate winds can knock them down and destroy entire plantations. Also bananas are

indigenous to the tropical portions of India, Southeast Asia and northern Australia, and

were brought to South America by the Portuguese in the early 16th century. Today,

banana plants grow in the humid, tropical regions of Central and South America, Africa,

and Southeast Asia where there are high temperatures and rainfall. Modern agricultural

technologies also enable people to cultivate banana plants in non-tropical regions such as

California in the United States (Jukofsky, Diane. Encyclopedia of Rainforests.

Connecticut: Oryx Press, 2002).

The banana plant has different parts. The Root System, rhizome, pseudo stem,

leaf and sucker. The root system is the one that absorbs the water and nutrients from soil

to the main plant. The rhizome is the banana plant's true stem. Rhizomes are growing in

horizontal way underground, roots from multiple nodes and production of clonal plants.

The true stem is visible in the center of the pseudostem and is the part of the plant that

looks like a trunk. This 'false stem' is arranged by the tightly packed overlapping leaf

sheaths. The leaf is the main organ of plant where the photosynthesis takes place. The

upper surface of the leaf is called adaxial while the lower one is called abaxial. The first

rudimentary leaves came from a growing sucker are called scale leaves. Mature leaves
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that consist of sheath, petiole, midrib and blade are called foliage leaves. A sucker is the
one that develops from the rhizome and it appears and emerges near to the parent plant.

Morphologically, there are two types of sucker: sword suckers, characterized by narrow

leaves and a big rhizome, and water absorbers, which have wide leaves and tiny rhizome


Furthermore Banana is a sensitive fruit to changes in the surroundings. Monteith's

analysis of the response of plants stated that the radiation can be a tool in analysing the

banana’s productivity. Also, it is sensitive to soil water deficits and the first to be affected

are the leaves and the fruit. When the soil starts to dry, the stomata closes making the

leaves highly dehydrated in the means of root pressure. These plants were cultivated and

differ in

height depending on the factors in the environment that affect its growing. The

common height are around 5 m (16 ft) tall, this makes the banana plant its rare and

tropical appearance. A true stem was sent upwards and pushes through the middle of

pseudostem. The true stem produces a cluster of flowers at its tip. The spent plant was

chopped down by the growers and farmers and they took out the wastes. Sometimes, the

dead plant was allowed to dry for three or four months to make it easier to rid of. After

the bananas are removed, the pseudostem dies (Braz, 2007).

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However the life of a banana plant starts with a seed. A sucker will be formed at
the base of the main plant or as a newly grown seedling after 3 months. The leaves are

commonly cut off. Next, it will undergo Vegetative growth. Its growing starts by a false

stem, the pseudostem are formed by concentric layers of leaf sheaths. The apex appears

and found at the ground level grows up through the middle of pseudostem after 10 to 15

months of the new plant emergence. This causes the plant to bear fruit. These are the

flowers. Female flower are followed by hands of male flowers. Then it reaches its

maturity. All banana fruits are formed and are ready for harvest. In fact, Lescot said that

generally, a hand consists of 10–20 bananas, and there are 6–15 hands per stalk, which

equals 40–50 kilograms per stalk or more than 10 tons per acre and per year.Even it is

green, banana is usually harvested after they reach the standard size. They are allowed to

ripen while transported or being sold. Lastly, is the removal of mother pseudostem.

Since the banana pseudotem only produces fruit only once, the stalk is cut off and

chopped into tiny pieces which are left on the ground and turned into as mulch. The one

that will produce the next

crop are the new pseudostems. The plant can be regenerated and be productive

for up to 10 years (Lescot, 2008).

Areas with varying degrees of success in diverse climatic conditions are suitable

places for banana plant. Some of the bananas especially commercialized are grown in

equatorial regions, in banana exporting countries. Philippines is included in the four

leading banana export countries worldwide are Ecuador, Costa Rica, and Colombia are
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also listed in the list. A total of 130 countries in 2004 produce bananas. Production, as
well as exports and imports of bananas reached 75% in 2004 generated in 10 counties.

Countries such as India, Ecuador, Brazil and China, Latin American and Caribbean led

the production up to the 1980s, and Asian nations took the lead during the 1990s. African

production levels have remained constant and the same (United Nations Conference on

Trade and Development, 2009). The suitable soil for the bananas to grow and to fruit is

soil in poor condition but it will be less productive if f it was not deep and well-drained

soil. The good drainage is the key element for good type of banana plant. Soil near river

valleys is ideal for the growing of bananas. These plants prefer an acid soil (Morton,



Otherwise, fertilizers are any organic or inorganic material of natural or synthetic

origin [other than liming materials] that is added to a soil to supply one or more plant

nutrients essential to the growth of the plants. Fruits contain a high amount of

antioxidants that are beneficial to our health in many ways. The present study deals with

the utilization of fruit peels for the effective growth of plants and higher yield, by mainly

focussing on

Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potassium. Different fruit peels such as Pomegranate,

Orange, Sweet lime and Banana were used(Jariwala Hiral et al.,2016).

Food waste actually has a good potential if it is processed into organic liquid

fertilizer rather throwing away. The present research study deals with conversion of food
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waste generated from restaurants, marriage halls and hotels into organic liquid fertilizer
through anaerobic process in the Cherlapally Industrial Area for improving service level

benchmarks as designed by the Ministry of Environment and Forest. The food waste was

processed in a closed container along with addition of molasses in anaerobic conditions

where after 72 hours the food waste started converting into organic liquid fertilizer and a

by-product as pulp. The NPK values were analyzed in the liquid fertilizer which showed

N-1.15 %, P0.308% and K- 0.7% and in pulp N-0.39%, P-0.159% and K-0.51%. Pot

culture experiments in triplicate were conducted to test the toxicity of the organic liquid

fertilizer for seed germination. Liquid fertilizer has many advantages because of easy

process, inexpensive and no side effects. The resulting benefits are very likely to fertilize

crops, to maintain the stability of nutrient elements in the soil and reducing the bad

impacts of chemical fertilizers. In addition to a liquid fertilizer that can be sold in the

market, liquid fertilizer can be used for agriculture purpose or in the premises for

plantation.(Unnisa et al.,2015). The awareness of environment and food safety issues is

responsible for the development of organic farming in the recent years. Eggshells wastes

can be used as a plant fertilizer because eggshell contains 95% calcium carbonate and is

potent source of lime to neutralize the pH of acidic soil. A study demonstrated that plants

of red clover when grown on eggshells fertilized soil grew 10 mm larger than the plants

without eggshells . Boiled

Tea Waste (formed after making tea) is also used for correcting the pH of soil and

is a good source of Tannic Acid which helps to neutralize the soil. Tea leaves contain

potassium (K), phosphorous (P) and Nitrogen (N), which are important elements for plant
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growth. When tea mixed with the soil, it improves the nutrient retention of the soil which
can stimulate the plant growth. Banana peels contain the three macronutrients i.e.

Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium, as well as many micronutrients, which promote the

growth of garden plants from seed germination to blooms and fruits. Because of these

nutrients, banana peels also help plants to resist against diseases. Ash can be used for

growing garden plants. The main constituents of ash are calcium, iron, magnesium,

aluminum, potassium, sodium, silicone and titanium. Insam et al. (2009) found a

progressive effect of ashes on soil texture, aeration, water Agricultural Sciences A. Wazir

et al. holding capacity and cation exchange capacity. It is very alkaline in nature and can

be used to increase the soil Ph(Aisha Wazir1, Zishan Gul2, Manzoor Hussain1 et

al.,2018).  Some sources will declare that because coffee grounds contain nitrogen, a

major plant nutrient, this makes coffee grounds a great fertilizer. But just because they

contain nitrogen, it does not mean that coffee grounds are suitable for use as a fertilizer as

is. Some studies have shown that using uncomposted coffee grounds in high

concentrations around plants will actually stunt their growth. The grounds need to break

down before they are truly a benefit to plants. The grounds need the help of

microorganisms in order to release their nitrogen. Research has shown that using coffee

grounds in compost piles tends to help the pile reach higher internal temperature. This is

an important step in proper composting which helps kill weed seeds and pathogens that

may be present in the pile(Nelson Schultz Jennifer et al.,2016)

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The aims of this study were to determine direct input energy, indirect energy and
other energy use indices in mango production in a group of mango plantation of a

research farm in Nigeria. The study also estimated the economic indices of mango

production in the study area and energy potentials of mango by-products. The average

energy consumption of the plantations investigated in this study is 15,015.16 MJ ha−1.

Out of the total energy, 93% was direct and 7% was indirect. Renewable energy

accounted for 21% and energy usage efficiency was found to be 1.3. The total energy

input into the production of 1 kg of mango was estimated to be 0.70 MJ. The dominant

contribution to input was energy in the form of diesel used in tractor operation and

captive power generation (56%), followed by human labor used for land preparation,

cultural practices and harvesting (33%), machinery (5%) and chemicals, mainly

herbicides (4%). The use of energetically available residues of mango could give an

average value addition of 57,067 MJ/ha. The cost of mango production per hectare was

found to be 2246 $ ha−1. As a result of benefit-cost ratio value (1.24), energy use

efficiency and the energy value addition from mango residues, mango production was

found to be economically efficient in the study area (Jekayinfa,2012). Mango (Mangifera

indica) trees are traditionally established at about 100–200 trees per ha and eventually

grow into large specimens 10 m tall or more, making spraying and harvesting difficult. It

also takes a long time to recover the initial costs of establishing and maintaining the

orchard. There has been considerable interest in planting orchards up to

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4000 trees to take advantage of early production and to increase economic returns.

However, trees planted at high density soon begin to crowd and shade each other and

production falls. We reviewed the performance of high-density orchards in different

growing areas, and the role of dwarfing cultivars and rootstocks, tree canopy

management and the growth regulator, paclobutrazol to control tree growth. There has

been no general agreement on the optimum planting density for commercial orchards

which vary from 200–4000 trees per ha in different experiments. Some potential

dwarfing material has been developed in India and elsewhere, but these cultivars and

rootstocks have not been widely integrated into high-density orchards. Canopy

management needs to take into account the effect of pruning on the regrowth of the

shoots and branches, light distribution through the canopy and the loss of the leaves that

support the developing crop. Pruning must also take into account the effect of vegetative

growth on flower initiation. Annual light pruning usually provides better fruit production

than more severe pruning conducted less regularly. There have only been a few cases

where it has been demonstrated that paclobutrazol can counteract the negative effect of

pruning on flowering and fruit production. There are also concerns with residues of this

chemical in export markets and contamination of ground waters. The future development

of high-density plantings in this crop is dependent on the use of dwarfing cultivars and/or

rootstocks and better canopy management strategies. Dwarfing cultivars and rootstocks

should provide small- to medium-sized trees with medium to large yields. This can

readily be identified in experiments by examining the relationship between yield and tree

growth. Research on canopy management should assess

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the impact of pruning on flowering, light distribution within the canopy and the leaf area

supporting the developing crop. The productivity of mango is not likely to be increased

by the use of high-density plantings without extensive efforts in plant breeding and

canopy management (Menzel.,2016).


The tomato crop (Solanum lycopersicum L.) has a great importance in the world,

and its production, in 2013, reached 163.9 million tons and average yield of 34.7 tons per

hectare. The tomato is classified as a functional food, for having good levels of vitamins,

minerals, and especially lycopene, a carotenoid pigment that provides red color and has

antioxidant qualities.The quality of the tomato is affected by genetic foundation,

developing conditions, used inputs, and aging during postharvest storage. OPEN

ACCESS Foods 2015, 4 264 The quality of a vegetable can be characterized by features

such as appearance, texture, safety, flavor and nutritional value. The appearance is the

main characteristic because it defines the product commercialization value.The growing

management of tomatoes, however, is highly influenced by pulverization of pesticides,

so, there is the requirement for improving tomato production, and give consumers

superior flavor and quality to reach their expectations.To produce organic food, it is

necessary to use inputs and methods that improve the ecological equilibrium of natural

systems. This happens because organic vegetable is grown without pesticides, herbicides,

highly soluble fertilizers and genetically modified organisms. The value of the organic
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product is not only in the product itself, but also in its production process. Thus, personal
principles are one of

the important reasons found to encourage the purchase of organic food,as well as

health concerns. So, in addition to the agricultural aspects, consumers also consider the

environmental and social factors. These characteristics of quality from organic products

classify it as a “belief”, seeing that they exhibit highly specified attributes of quality, non-

identifiable by simple observation, neither after the purchase.Several researches show

that the demand of organic agriculture has increased, because this kind of product is

identified by the consumers as a healthy product. The majority of the consumers of

organic products, usually are women between 30 and 50 years; with high instruction

level; belonging to the middle class and with purchase behavior diversified. The main

motivation for purchase is the familiar health, followed by the absence of pesticide use,

the biological value, the taste, the aroma and the environmental concern.The total of

organic land in the world has reached 43.1 million hectares in 2013, with 2 million

organic producers. The total area under organic vegetable production has tripled, from

105 thousand hectares in 2004, to 305 thousand hectares in 2013. However, it represents

only 0.5% of the total area of vegetables grown in the world. The United States, China,

Mexico and Italy are the countries with the largest organic vegetable areas, all of them

with more than 20 thousand hectares each.Despite the high growth, the organic farming

comprises a small area of the total acreage in the world, probably due to the need for

more information about the agronomic development of crops under organic management,

justifying the importance of a larger effort in research for new agricultural practices.
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Many approaches, including sensory, physical and chemical are currently in use to


determine tomato quality. This review reveals the importance of tomato cultivars on their

quality. Originating in the Andes, the

tomato ( Solanum lycopersicum L.) was imported to Europe in the 16th

century. At present, it is an important crop plant cultivated all over the world, and its

production and consumption continue to increase. This popular vegetable is known as a

major source of important nutrients including lycopene, β-carotene, flavonoids and

vitamin C as well as hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives. Since the discovery that

lycopene has anti-oxidative, anti-cancer properties, interest in tomatoes has grown

rapidly. The development of genetic engineering tools and plant biotechnology has

opened great opportunities for engineering tomato plants. This review presents

examples of successful tissue culture and genetically modified tomatoes which

resistance to a range of environmental stresses improved, along with fruit quality.

Additionally, a successful molecular farming model was established(Gerszberg.,2015)

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Chapter III

A. Materials

This study used the following materials:

Figure1. Banana Peel-theFigure2.Mango peel-the main

main component for makingcomponent in making
fertilizer fertilizer

Figure3. Blender-used to extract

Figure4. Beaker-container
the mango peels and baana peels of extracts
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Figure5. Knife-used to cutFigure6.

into Strainer-to seperate

pieces the peels the water to the peels

Figure7. Empty spraybottle- Figure8. Scissors-to cut

container of the fertilizer into pieces the banana

peels and mango peels

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B. Methods

Gathered some banana peel and Cut the banana peels

mango peel that will use as a and mango peels into
fertilizer smaller pieces using

Extract the banana peels and

mango peels into smaller
pieces using blender. Washed the banana peels
and mango peels.

Extract the mango peels and This is the product with 30ml
do it too to the banana peels mango peel and 15 ml banana
peel.Do it again to the treatment 2.
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C. Data Gathering

To determine the effect of banana peel extract and mango peel extract the researcher

observe the growth of the plant weekly and evaluate the fertilizer to the plants in terms of

leaf area, number of leaves, and height of the plant.

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Chapter IV

This chapter focuses on the results and discussion of this study. The table below shows

the different outcomes of the characteristics test by the researcher.




A. Effect of
Leaf Area of the Tomato Plant fertilizer
in terms

2 of Leaf

1.5 Area.


7 14 21 28 35

Controlled Treatment1 Treatment2

Figure1.Leaf area of the Tomato Plant.

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The figure shows the data of leaf area for each plant. It shows that in the part of
controlled the data maintain and the Treatment 2 which has a greater amount of banana

peel got the highest data for leaf area. Potassium promotes the movement of water and

nutrients between cells. It also strengthens stems and protects plants from disease.

Because the plant

is healthier, it might flower more. After the plant blooms, potassium can improve the

quality and size of any fruit or nuts (Reed.,2019).

Figure2. Effect of fertilizer in terms of Height of the Plants.

Height of the Tomato plant


7 14 Controlled Treatment
21 1 Treatment2
28 35

Figure1.Leaf area of the Tomato Plant.

The Figure above shows on how the height of the plant increases, it shows that

the treatment 2 which has a greater amount of Banana peel has a grower plant base on

the height and the treatment 2 is more effective to the growth of the plant. Banana
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Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics

contains phosphorus that the plants needed to develop a good height of plant, Another
one of the most prevalent nutrients in banana peels is phosphorus. Banana peels are 3.25

percent phosphorus, one of the other major nutrients that plants need to grow.

Phosphorus helps rooting, improves winter hardiness and speeds up flowering and

fruiting (Reed.,2019).

Figure3. Effect of fertilizer in terms of Number of leaves of the Plants.

Number of leaves






7 14 21 28 35

Controlled Treatment 1 Treatment2

Figure3. Number of Leaves

The Figure3 shows the number of leaves for each plants. The Treatment 2 gain the

highest number of leaves which has a greater amount of Banana Peel. The Banana peel

affect the leaves of each plant specially to the treatment 2 that has a highest amount of

banana peel, Banana peels as organic waste drew a great attention due to its extract rich
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Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics

in natural phenolic compound antioxidants such as vitamins, flavonoids, essential amino
acids, growth promoters, and potassium element which are necessary for plant growth

(Lee et al. 2010).
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Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics



Chapter V



The researcher of the study concluded that if Banana and Mango peel extract has the

same amount it is more feasible to the growth of Tomato Plant. Comparing the three

samples done by the researcher the sample 3 which has the higher amount of banana is

more effective to the Plant.


The researcher of the study would like to recommend that to be able to produce a better

plants use the higher amount of banana peel extract.

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Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics


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Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics



The pictures shows on how the researcher conducted the experiment. In this picture the

researcher is determining the height of each plants, leaf area of each plant and the number

of leaves for each plant.

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Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics



Kim Marianne A. Casilana

Block 4, Lot 5, Lazer Compound

Barangay Cinco, Calamba City, Laguna



Age: 16 years old

Birthday: October 12, 2003
Citizenship: Filipino
Civil Status: Single

Address: Block 4, Lot 5, Lazer Compound Barangay Cinco,

Calamba City, Laguna

Name of Father: Pablito R. Casilana JR.

Name of Mother: Marilyn A. Casilana

Siblings: Kevin Lester A. Casilana

STE Looc Integrated
Looc Integrated School
School   2019-
Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics

Kenneth A. Casilana
Karlene A. Casilana 34


Secondary Junior High School Diploma

S. Y. 2016 – 2020

Looc Integrated School, Looc, Calamba


Elementary Elementary School Diploma

S. Y. 20011 – 2016



Looc Integrated School, Looc, Calamba City

STE Looc Integrated
Looc Integrated School
School S.Y.
Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics


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