AAPG Student Chapter

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As one of the active student chapters, AAPG UNHAS SC has a number of past activities

which are used to support the development of student skills. Our purpose is to make AAPG
UNHAS SC as a place for development of petroleum science that focuses on scientific
proffesionalism, and global minded to become a capable geologist to compete in global world.
To optimize our vision and mission, we put together four division such as public relation, human
resources, and event fieldtrip division.

We had several past activities in 2019 period. On January we did meeting to discuss
about reorganization with about 30 member and former member. We talk a lot about the new
form and continuation of AAPG UNHAS SC. On February we begin to think about what work
programs are needed in this period, member circumstances, and distribute the division.

In March we started to have a pretty tight schedule. we have 5 very diverse activities. At
first we held the Open Recruitment 1 to all the students. This open recruitment divided into
several activities such registration, written test, interview, and focus group discussion. Next
activity is AAPG Learning day. This is one of our routine activity with the theme petroleum
system. We also invite speaker from our senior who have more knowledge that can be shared
with other members.

And move to the AAPG Goes To School. This is our one big event outside the campus.
We held this event in Senior High School in Makassar. In purpose of sharing knowledge of
petroleum geologist, Gas and oil activities in the world, and also a little bit experienced ini
college world. We shared this among the twelve grades students. Then we also got seminar and
internal meeting in the end of March.

At the beginning of April opened with AAPG Learning Day with the theme source rock,
as the continuous learning from the petroleum system. We also hld Open House 1 Here is we
welcoming the brand new members that already pass the student volunteer period. And we
did workshop to improve hardskills. And closed by internal meeting.

On May we only had two activities going on. The first one is AAPG Learning Day with
theme Migration. We also held the number two biggest event which is Charity. Our charity is
giving donations in the form of decent used goods, groceries, and cash. we did charity at one of
the orphanages in town.

On August we held Workshop with the theme Petroleum system and log analysis, Open
Recruitment II, AAPG Learning Day : Reservoir, Open House II, and Internal Meeting. On
September we held seminar with the theme Geothermal Goes to Campus. With advance
speaker by Mr. David P. Timisela and October we only did AAPG Learning Day with the theme
Trap and Seal Rock. November we went to Energy Equity Epic Sengkang to do Fieldtrip. This
fieldtrip is very exciting because we can directly learn in the field. Meet experts who are
experienced in their fields and can ask many things in the world of work. did internal meeting
and workshop. We also held back the AAPG Learning Day as the routine activity. On December
we did internal meeting.

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