Can Veganism Save The World?

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Can Veganism Save the world?

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10The terminology of ‘’ Vegan’’ was introduced in 1944 by the group of few vegetarian people

who broke away from the Vegetarian Society in England in order to develop the Vegan

Society. The main goal was not to consume dairy, eggs and any product of animal origin in

order to avoid from the meat food products as vegetarians do. The term vegan has its origin

from the word ‘Vegetarian’ and it is produced by joining the first and last letters of the word


So currently we define ‘Veganism’ as a it is the method of living which excludes all type of

animal utilization and brutality from clothing, food and various other purposes. It is the major

point of concern that why the people became Vegan. There are several reasons that made

people vegan.

20The first most major reason to be vegan is ethics. Vegans which are ethical believes that all

the organisms in this world have right to live freedom. They consider that if the alternatives

are available then why we consume animals. Further ethical vegans also oppose the modern

farming techniques which results in physical and psychological issues. Also, ethical vegans

disapprove the use of small cages where the livestock live from birth to slaughter.

Lot of people became vegans because of its potential health impacts. As diet containing

plants and their derivatives will lowers the chances of diabetes, heart problems and Cancer

as well. Also, veganise wants to avoid from the impacts of hormones and antibiotics which

are used in the animal farming now a days. One of the most promising reason of people to

became veganise is there needed to look more smarter by reducing weight and BMI (Body

30mass index).

Raising livestock for meat expends a huge part of the world's harvests and crisp drinking

water. At present, horticulture, "especially meat and dairy items," represent 70 percent of the

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world's freshwater utilization. It likewise represents 39 percent of the globe's complete land

use. Critically, as the populace develops, the effect from agribusiness will significantly

develop too, on account of the expanding utilization of creature items. The U.N report states:

"in contrast to petroleum products, it is hard to search for options." The main choice is to

eliminate the quantity of creature items devoured. (United Nations report ,2010).

“If you want to test cosmetics, why do it on some poor animal who hasn't done anything?

They should use prisoners who have been convicted of murder or rape instead. So, rather

40than seeing if perfume irritates a bunny rabbit's eyes, they should throw it in Charles

Manson's eyes and ask him if it hurts.” (Ellen DeGeneres)

Similarly, people also want to protect their environment from the impacts of animal farming

pollution which is one of the prime causes of pollution. According to United Nations report

the animal farming will require more use of natural resources and in result it emits more

greenhouse gases as compared to the plant-based options. (United Nations report ,2010)

Also, animal farming will result in more depletion of natural resources as it requires more

water then plants farming. Animal farming also leads to deforestation this habit will also

cause the distinction of some species as well.

There are several types of Vegans as well which dietary vegans are whole-food vegans,

50Junk-food vegans, raw-food vegans, raw-food vegans and low-fat/raw-food vegans. Some of

the common foods which vegans eats includes beans, lentils, tofu, seitan, tempeh, nuts and

seeds. Dietary vegans Regularly utilized reciprocally with "plant-based eaters," this term

alludes to the individuals who stay away from creature items in their eating regimen however

keep on utilizing them in different items, for example, garments and makeup.

Whole-food vegans These people support an eating routine wealthy in whole foods, for

example, natural products, vegetables, whole grains, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. Junk-food

vegans A few people depend vigorously on prepared veggie lover food, for example,

vegetarian meats, fries, solidified meals, and treats, including Oreo treats and non-dairy

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frozen yogurt. Raw-food vegans These gathering eats just foods that are raw or cooked at

60temperatures below 118°F (48°C) (22Trusted Source). Low-fat, raw-food vegans Otherwise

called fruitarians, this subset constrains high-fat foods, for example, nuts, avocados, and

coconuts, rather depending mostly on organic product. Different plants are every so often

eaten in modest quantities.

“If slaughterhouses had glass walls, the whole world would be vegetarian.” (Linda


Benefits of Vegan food includes less amount of cholesterol, fats, reduction in blood pressure,

enriched with fibres, magnesium, potassium, antioxidants and Vitamin C and E. So that we

sum up that the Vegans are not just due the health benefits there are several reasons

behind that decision. It is a fact, presently pretty much all around recognized, that a plant-

70based eating routine can do ponders for both your wellbeing and the soundness of the

planet. Furthermore, as per another investigation distributed in Proceedings of the National

Academy of Sciences—the first of its sort to interface both individual wellbeing and the

Earth's—a vegan diet, which bars meat, fish, poultry, eggs, and dairy, can truly raise the

stakes on the two fronts. The investigation's outcomes show that 8.1 million passing’s can

be maintained a strategic distance from yearly over the globe if more individuals embrace a

vegan diet.

As the key advantage to be a vegan is weight loss but the instant weight loss results in

weight gain as well. Further a diet containing less amount of nutrients will results in dietary

disorders as well. As diary products are enriched with calcium, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin

80B-12 and folate. (Savita Iyer,2016) The diminished or even (in some outrageous cases) non-

existent degrees of vitamin B-12 of a severe veggie lover diet are of specific worry to Keller.

Vitamin B-12 has numerous ramifications for the smooth running of the focal sensory system

and for advancing metabolic capacities and in her view, it's extremely hard to get enough

measures of B-12 from leafy foods alone. One size can never fit all and eventually, the

perfect eating routine for any individual will rely upon elements, for example, age, wellness

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levels, by and large wellbeing, and individual dietary inclinations. Notwithstanding any

significant sicknesses, for example, diabetes, or kidney issues, a vegetarian diet can surely

be useful for weight reduction and well-being.

A great deal of the food that is developed on the planet isn't being eaten by people. Truth be

90told, 70% of the grain developed in the US nourishes domesticated animals, and, all

inclusive, 83% of farmland is put aside to raise animals. It's evaluated that 700 million tons of

food that could be devoured by people goes to domesticated animals every year. While meat

is more calorically thick than plants, progressively total calories (and increasingly differing

supplement profiles) could be created if that land was devoted to different plants.

“Poor animals, how jealously they guard their bodies, for to us is merely an evening’s meal,

but to them is life itself.” (T. Casey Brennan)

Raising livestock costs a ton of vitality. This is because of a wide scope of components

including: it sets aside a long effort to raise animals; they expend a great deal of food that

was developed ashore that could have been put to other use; meat items should be sent and

100refrigerated; and meat sets aside a long effort to process from slaughterhouse to kitchen

table. Like how livestock contaminate water, they additionally disintegrate and debilitate soil.

This is halfway because raising livestock normally prompts deforestation, which clears

tremendous swaths of place where there are the various components, (for example, trees)

that give supplements and strength, to account for the livestock to wander. The world loses

generally the size of Panama every year to deforestation, which likewise quickens

environmental change (trees store carbon) Raising a decent variety of plants, rather, feeds

soil and prompts long haul strength.

“I made the choice to be vegan because I will not eat (or wear, or use) anything that could

have an emotional response to its death or captivity. I can well imagine what that must feel

110like for our non-human friends - the fear, the terror, the pain - and I will not cause such

suffering to a fellow living being.” (Rai Aren)

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Every one of the nutrients you need and most likely don't get enough of- are given by a

vegetarian diet. New vegetables, leafy foods veggie lover staples are abounding with

nutrients that meat simply doesn't give. You can get all the protein you need from nutty

spread, quinoa, lentils, beans, and a whole lot more. The World Health Organization just

discharged a report further delineating the expanded dangers of colorectal malignancy from

normal red meat and prepared meat utilization. This is over existing worries about coronary

illness, stroke, and other wellbeing entanglements. Many individuals have eats less that are

uncommonly high in handled food that contain included sugar, additives, synthetic

120concoctions, and different fixings that can block your wellbeing, make you feel languid every

day, and lead to long haul medical issues. A great deal of the time, meat is at the focal point

of this eating routine. Obviously, vegetarians can have a profoundly prepared, undesirable

eating routine. Be that as it may, going veggie lover constrains you to effectively consider the

elements of the foods you are devouring. This day by day thought will likely, after some time,

lead to a fresher, increasingly supplement rich eating regimen. It's truly stunning how much

better you feel when you practice good eating habits. Attempt it if you don't trust me.

General Comments

Comments on the research specification the research question is: Can Veganism save

the world

130The thesis statement is:

Thesis claim I think that veganism saves the world because.

Supporting Reason 1 As animal agriculture is one of the leading causes of global climate

change as indicated by UN reports.

Supporting Reason 2 Animal farming will consume more resources then plant farming this

results in depletion of natural resources without productivity.

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Supporting Reason 3 Livestock consumption as food will cause severe health issues as



Veganise are increasing day by day due to its positive impacts mainly related to health and

140environment. Veganism has enhanced in the world in last few years. Content available on

the internet especially social media is playing a key role for exposing animals’ impact on the

environmental and the human health. According to UN reports the animal agriculture will

require more resources as compared to the plants also a huge amount of greenhouse gases

is produced by animal farming as well. (UNEP, 2010) According to a report the animal

agriculture results in the emission of 65% of global nitrous oxide, 40% methane and 9% of

carbon dioxide. All these emitted gases are considered as the greenhouse gases and they

are playing disastrous role in changing climate.

One thing is clear: just toward the start of our advancement were we really equivalents of

different species. At present, this uniformity is just a wish and a hypothesis. Practically

150speaking, it is just an ethical obligation of our own. All things considered, let us not

egotistically think the entire of the remainder of nature is at our mercy. The adversary

microscopic organisms that we thought we had annihilated—those that cause cholera, jungle

fever, plague—are altogether returning, and we have to kill them, else they will execute us.

“You have just dined, and however scrupulously the slaughterhouse is concealed in the

graceful distance of miles, there is complicity.” (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

On the same way animal agriculture will also results in the depletion of natural resources as

well. Animal agriculture requires water intensively. On standard we also say that animal

farming will require 43 times more water then the amount of water required to produce same

amount of cereal grains.

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160On the broader spectrum we will also say that animal agriculture results in deforestation. As

the forests are being used as pasture land or burned due to animals harvesting. (Sergio

Margulis ,2004).

Figure 1. Veganism saves the world

The beef business has added to more American passing’s than every one of the wars of this

century, all the catastrophic events, and all the car crashes joined. On the off chance that

beef is your concept of 'genuine nourishment for genuine individuals' you would be wise to

live genuine near a genuine decent clinic, by Dr. Neal Barnard.

“Veganism is not about giving anything up or losing anything; it is about gaining the peace

170within yourself that comes from embracing nonviolence and refusing to participate in the

exploitation of the vulnerable” (Gary L. Francione)

Migraines distress 38 million Americans. Those experiencing migraines have a higher wealth

of mouth bacteria that decrease mixes, for example, nitrates into nitrites, which can be

changed over into nitric oxide. Expanded nitric oxide in human blood serum is connected to

migraines. Nourishments like wieners and handled lunch meeting meats are bound with

nitrates. It's everything the more motivation to switch you’re eating regimen.

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Figure 2. Depletion of cereal harvest production to feed animals

Animal agriculture will affect the water quality a well by free and easy access to water source

180where they deposit nitrogenous waste which is highly poisonous for the marine ecosystem.

The industrial scale animal agriculture is now poisoning the earth as the toxic weed killer

along GE, damaged almost 3.6 million crops in 2017 and this figure will must be improved

and produce more devastating results even in 2018 as well. Most of animal farmers do not

report their emissions which is one of the leading causes of poisoning the earth. These

animals will pollute the water bodies as well, as farm waste is ultimately released in water

since farm animals waste enriched with antibiotics and hormones which results in intense

pollution of the water body.

Additionally, the individuals who take up vegetarianism or veganism often consume privately

delivered nourishment that utilization natural, agroecological or permaculture techniques and

190utilizing "reasonable work rehearses." Vegetarians and veggie lovers will in general be

disparaging of agribusiness conglomerates that training high-input enormous scale intensive

monoculture that utilization synthetic compounds or hereditarily altered harvests, bust unions

and super-misuse laborers. These realities should make present day veganism important to

anybody worried about radical social change.

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“I choose not to make a graveyard of my body for the rotting corpses of dead animals.”

(George Bernard Shaw)

Also, to be Vegan is economical as well because the prices of meat and diary products are

increasing day by day due to increase in the cost of animals feed. To be Vegan will not only

improve your health effectively but also it provides you economic benefits as well. One of the

200important questions that may rise in mind that if vegans are increased in this world the cost

of vegan’s food will also increased as well. Answer to this question is that plant agriculture

will require less amount of resources as compared to animals so that cost of vegan’s food is

not increased. One of the key advantage vegetarianisms that individual with limited finance

will sustain easily as compared to meat eaters.

Livestock rising will cause adverse impacts on the environment as it requires large scale

irrigation and some time it requires pesticides and fertilizers as well. On the same hand

technology is playing a key role in improving food production techniques. Due to this

developed technology we will easily monitor food from the point of production to the

consumption side, further we will monitor the method of food disposal as well.


Figure 3. Calls for every one of us to switch totally to plant-based

nourishments overlook one of the most integral assets we need to alleviate against

these ills – grazing and browsing animals. (Matt Kenyon)

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But on the other hand, to become a Vegan is not the ultimate solution to save the world. We

should incorporate the sustainable development of meat and diary products by traditional

rotation system, conservation grazing and natural pasture. We are developing crops that

require high inputs of fertilizers, fungicides and herbicides without improving the sustainable

amount of livestock which replenish the soil with the minerals.

According to a report from UN Food and Agricultural Organization almost 25 to 45 billion

220tonnes of topsoil lost yearly to erosion, the reason of it is ploughing and intense cropping

(UN Report ,2015). One of the key benefits of this livestock is that it will provide farmers

with an income as well, not only with income, but it will replenish their soil with urine, dung

and their way of grazing will restore the soil.

General Discussion

At the beginning of the essay we introduced that veganism will save the world due to

 Animal agriculture will cause global warming.

 Animal agriculture results in depletion of resources.

 Livestock consumption results in severe health issues.

These are the main leading disadvantages of animal farming which ultimately leads

230 someone to be vegan. There are several other reasons as well which are associated

with these broader outcome-based cons to relay on animal farming which are discussed

in the above paragraphs. If we completely relay on plant agriculture and livestock

development is completely reduced this will cause adverse impacts on the natural

ecosystem as the key contributing factors in the environment are demolished. This may


 Plant agriculture will require huge amount minerals which are provided by the


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 Intense cropping will result in intense amount of top soil loss which is referred as

the most mineral enriched soil.

240  A big source of natural fertilizers production is diminished results in production of

fertilizers at industrial scale which may leads to adverse health issues as well.


Veganism is the most propagating term now a days in this modern world of technology due

to many reasons include health advantages, ethical reasons and environmental

preservation. Due to this technical advancement everyone is more health conscious as they

know the health impacts of livestock consumption. As discussed above there are intense

environmental issues due to animal farming which includes the emission of greenhouse

gases which cause global warming. Similarly, the animal agriculture will cause more

depletion to natural resources. Also, animal farming results in deforestation as well. But on

250the same hand if we relay on plants agriculture and minimize the animal agriculture this

results in adverse impact on the natural ecosystem and It will be disturbed drastically. There

will be obvious disadvantages as well which are discussed above due to intense plant


From all above discussion we conclude that veganism saves the world as the positive

impacts to be a vegan are more as compared to its negative impacts as we discussed

above. But a huge research will be required in order to foresee the positive and negative

impacts of veganism. According to current situation it might the preferred option but about

the future where the consumers relay intensively on plants farming. Considering the current

scenario, we easily conclude that veganism saves the world. But this is mot the ultimate

260solution to prevent our ecosystem. We must analyse and observe where we are going wrong

what are the main causes which leads to world destruction and what are their preferred


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Alina Petre, MS, RD(CA). ‘What Is Veganism, and What Do Vegans Eat?’, 26 August 2019.

Bonnie Berger, David Pimentel. ‘Water Resources: Agricultural and Environmental Issues.’,


Dr. Reese Halter. ‘Veganism Saves the World.’, 10 June 2018.

270Emma Henderson. ‘Why Veganism Isn’t as Environmentally Friendly as You Might Think.’,

27 January2018.


Erica Sanchez, Joe McCarthy. ‘9 Ways Veganism Helping the Planet’, August (2016).

Peter Gelderloos. ‘Veganism Is a Consumer Activity’, (2008).

Sergio Margulis. Causes of Deforestation of the Brazilian Amazon, (2003).

Suny Geneseo, Cece Bachmann. ‘Have I Told You I’m Vegan? Why Veganism Is More

Sustainable than the Standard American Diet.’, (2017).


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