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Climate plays an important role in our daily life and it should be considered as important

factor for the living organisms. The climate decides the nature of life on the earth or on

the concerned region where we are going to reanalyze the climate. It is necessary to get a

deep research on all possible measures like temperature, pressure level, atmospheric

pressure and the pressure of level of sea. The analysis would of the different regions or

countries to get an idea about the condition of the climate in those different regions. We

will also use other measure like wind, geopotential height and precipitation. As we know

that temperature, wind and pressure are the most important measures in this area of study.

They play the major role in the change of climate at any place in the world or even they

are important to consider in space. We will use these materials as our explanatory

material and evaluate the measure to get a clear understanding. In this essay we will

include our observations in terms of physical interpretations of several features and

discuss the associated mechanism with these features. Then checks the implications of

these climate factors and measures with specific locations including Hong Kong,

Shanghai and Beijing.

Describe the nature of components of the atmospheric circulation:

The stationary components are very important in the study and evaluation of the

atmospheric circulation. The general circulation of the atmosphere includes the totality of
the motions that characterized the global scale of the atmosphere. The temperature, wind,

humidity, precipitation and other meteorological variables are very important to consider

in the atmospheric circulation. The general circulation is then be considered to the

average of the time over the period would be sufficiently long to remove the random

variations in the climate and the other measure in every region and particularly in the

targeted regions. There are two major stationary and transient components which are very

important to consider in the discussion of the climate change and the atmospheric


The first component of atmospheric circulation is stationary component known as the

time averaged component. As the name indicates it is important to consider when we

discuss the atmospheric circulation in terms of time. Mean what is the condition of the

atmosphere is we talk about the average of the time. The time is an important factor and

component as it is necessary in the evaluation of each and everything. The climate and

atmosphere changes over the time and different materials participate in the change of the

atmosphere but this measures ad recorded according to time.

The last century was very important in terms of climate and atmospheric circulation in

the world and in the targeted regions. It brings many changes in the atmosphere if I said

the climate is totally changed over the last century then it would not be wrong. The

atmosphere is changing day by day because we can see the clear changes in the

atmosphere. If we look at the atmosphere of the last century, we can get a clear

understanding that the atmosphere is totally changed over that time period. And we
measure this change in terms of time and recorded according to the time frame. In this

component we keep the record and measure it in average mean we are not going to get

the actual change in the regions but get an average according to time.

The second component of the atmosphere is transient, or it is known as the time varying

component of the atmospheric circulation. This is also important in the atmospheric

circulation while the in the measurement of the components of the atmospheric

circulation. Time varying is an important component as it is based on the variations f the

climate and atmosphere overt the actual time and not the average of the time. In this

component we record and keep the actual measurement of every place and region and not

the average of the group of places. It works as the temperature measurement software

works and tell you the actual temperature and the weather condition of your exact

location. These software’s are telling us about the group of places they will tell you the

actual temperature of your present location where you currently standing while checking

the weather condition.

The atmospheric condition mostly depends on the geopotential height of the atmosphere.

The atmospheric condition would be change when the geopotential height increase or

decrease. It is also depending on the pressure level which has an important influence over

the atmosphere. The temperature and the wind depend on the geopotential height and the

pressure level of the atmosphere. When the geopotential height increases the temperature

will be decreases and the pressure of the wind will be increase. And if we talk about the
pressure level it will also has major affect on the atmosphere regarding the temperature

and the wind in the environment.

According to the JRA there are seventy meteorological variables which are provided by

the atlas for atmospheric maps in the world to measure the atmospheric circulation. How

the atmosphere circulates in the world and in the space, what are the measures of the

circulation of the atmosphere. Why there is a cool temperature in one place and there is

hot temperature at another place in the same time frame. In my point of view and

according to my learning by all the study that the climate and the atmosphere changes

due to the two major things that are happening when you travel from one place to

another. The atmospheric condition depends on the geopotential height and the pressure

level in the environment it may be sea level pressure. These two factors cannot be same

when you move from one geological place to another geological place. So, the

atmospheric circulation occurs and affect the weather and produce change in the different

regions and in different places. Therefore, the change is occurring in the atmosphere and

we see the difference in the atmosphere at different places.

Actual observations and physical interpretations of different specific


This section includes the actual observations and physical interpretation of the several

specific features or phenomena. We have observed many features and their processes

under our observations regarding the study of the atmospheric circulation. We have
studied about the different variables of meteorological for the atmospheric circulation.

We get a deep look on the atmospheric change from the different sources and their report

like from JRA and ECMWF for the evaluation of the essay. We see different features at

these sites the best features that interest me is the sea level pressure, Surface

climatology’s, temperature and the wind measurement process. They have gathered all

the necessary information and have different maps to show the atmospheric change in

every region and they have the record of last fifty years. This thing mostly interests me

that they have a big data and save record for the atmospheric circulation from the last five

decades. They arranged this record in efficient way and in time frame you can get a look

on monthly and annually.

The fist feature that interest me there is the measurement of sea level pressure and

geopotential height this is very amazing feature. The sea level pressure and the

geopotential height are managed together that is very interesting. As we know that the sea

level pressure changes at every place even in changes after some kilometers and it is

difficult to measure this pressure at the big scale and show the accurate pressure at every

place and showing different pressure at different places. The sea level is constantly

changing at every place with the changes in tides, atmospheric pressure and the

conditions of the wind. The longer-term changes in the sea level pressure is mostly

occurred by the changing climate of the earth and the atmosphere. Consequently, the

level is better defined as mean sea level, the height of the sea surface averaged over all

stages of the tide over a long period of time. The sea-level pressure is the average
atmospheric pressure at sea level. This is the atmospheric pressure normally given in

weather reports on radio, television, and newspapers or on the Internet and has given on

the ECMWF. When barometers in the home are set to match the local weather reports,

they measure pressure adjusted to sea level, not the actual local atmospheric pressure.

This is the process to measure the sea level pressure used by them and this is very


The second feature is the surface climatology that is very interesting and important in the

terms of atmospheric circulation and changes. Climatology is the scientific study of

climate, scientifically defined as the conditions of the weather averaged over a period in a

specific region. This is the modern field of study and regarded as a branch of the

atmospheric sciences and a subfield of physical geography, which is one of the Earth

sciences. Climatology is now including the surface climatology. In surface climatology

different processes or phenomena are used to measure the climatology it may be pressure

level, or it may be temperature also. In surface climatology they took a wide rage or

length of the earth as a sample and then done a variety of experiment on that sample and

the results are applied on the whole earth surface that is took under the sample. They do it

for many surface samples and process through experiments and then make a report

according to their findings about that surface. The pressure level, temperature and the

wind pressure may take during the experiments on the surface while doing surface

climatology. The climatology is a method that is used for the different experiments to get

clear understandings for the concerned surface and its environment.

The third on that interest me was temperature measurement with an awesome rate of

accuracy. The temperature plays an important role in the atmospheric circulation of the

sphere and the overall world. The temperature mostly decides the life of living things that

they may bear in that environment or not. If the temperature is too cool or too hot, then

the life is impossible on that place as if the temperature is too cool then it will freeze each

and everything and if the temperature become too hot then it might melt the each and

everything. The most interesting that was that how they get an accurate temperature for

the places and how they measure. Even they are showing the accurate temperature of the

different villages and cities. They gather data from the different research teams and then

also get data from the satellites and then combine and process the received data. Then

build the temperature graphs and for different geographical locations based on the

experiments and the processed data that they receive from the different sources to make a

clear understanding and findings about the temperature of the surface and the overall

environment. They used different equipment to get the results.

This is the actual observation that I observe during the study and the research on different

sources about the physical interpretation of the several features or phenomena. this

observation was based on the actual data provided by the given websites as source for the

measurement of the atmospheric circulation and the climate change for the given areas

and regions. When you study about the atmosphere then in my point of view you are

studying the whole universe because the atmosphere is for the whole universe and has the

maximum effects on the environment where you are living or where you are going to
live. The surface climatology is the most important one in all findings that is the

measurement for the surface, and I think the surface is the base for the experiment and

particularly in our case the surface is most important.

Implications of the atlas data on different geographical locations:

This section is about the atmosphere of the given geographical locations that would be

different from the each other. Before going to discuss the given geographical locations

have a look on the overall surface of that locations because these locations almost from

the same environment or the same climate change. The climate and the atmosphere bring

many differences in our daily life and sometime makes life beautiful in some regions but

at the same time the life may be tough to survive due to atmosphere and the hard climate

at the other place. The atlas data is provided as the source and now we are going to

differentiate each location according to the atlas data. The data is not tough to get and

easily available and we can use it easily.

The first geographical location is Hong Kong and this place is very famous in the whole

world. The atmosphere and the climate of this location is very good and beautiful and

many of the tourist visit this place every year. Now we will discuss in detail about the

atmospheric conditions of this location according to the atlas data. According to the atlas

data Hong Kong has the humid type of the climate with hot summers and cold dry
winters. The Hong Kong has the vast area surrounded by the water and therefore its

weather remains wet and rainy in most of the time in the year. Hong Kong has an average

of 1700 hours of sunshine over the one-year period and the climate with a sunshine. The

summer season is hot in this area and an average temperature of 31.6 degree is seen in the

month of July and rare temperature may rise to 36 degree. And the winter season is cool

with an average temperature is 14 degree and in rare cases it falls below at 10 degree but

in rare cases not every year. This is all about the atmosphere and climate of the Hong

Kong according to the atlas data.

The second geographical location of discussion is the Shanghai which is the big city of

the China and has the different climate and atmosphere then the Hong Kong. The

shanghai city has four weathers in its environment which are the gifts of God and most of

the area missing these seasons which includes summer, winter autumn and spring these

weather are beautiful to experience by the citizens and many tourists came here from

other regions to enjoy these seasons. The spring season of the Shanghai is warm and

pleasant, and it is relatively rainy throughout the whole season. The nights and the

mornings may be cool, and the daytime remains pleasant in this season. The summer

season is long and hot with 32-degree temperature in average throughout the summer

season. Autumn is the short season in the shanghai but this season is very lovely. The

winter season is cold and icy dark, and temperature falls below freezing point not every

time, but it comes.

The third geographical location is Beijing that is also a china’s city. Beijing has two

seasons one is the hot summer and second one is cold dry winter. The is remain shiny in

the whole year and its gets warmer in the season of spring. The winter season of Beijing

is too much cold and dry with the temperature down at -18 degree at the peak of winter

season. But mostly it remains sunny and icy throughout the winter season. Spring is a

warmer and gets the temperature at the 21 degree. The summer is hot and long season in

Beijing and the average temperature in summer is up to 40 degree when its not raining in

summer. This is all about the Beijing climate according to the atlas data.


The climate and the atmospheric circulation are very important to study to know about

the actual behavior of the climate and our atmosphere surrounding us and our

environment. The nature of atmospheric circulation depends on its components stationary

or time averages component and the transient or the time varying component both are

important to consider when you are going to study the actual behavior of the atmosphere

and the climate around your environment. Temperature, wind, humidity and the pressure

level affect the atmosphere and the climate these measures influence the change in

climate and in the atmosphere. The actual observation shows that how the several specific

features are important and how they are processed or examine for the actual results and

the findings. And we note that these features are very important to consider in the study

of atmospheric circulation. The different geographical locations are studied, and the atlas

data is implicated on these locations to know about the behaviors of the climate and
atmosphere in these locations. The Hong Kong, Shanghai and Beijing are studied under

the data of atlas to check the atmosphere change in these locations and we discuss about

the behavior of the climate and atmosphere in these geographical locations.

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