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Waste Heat Recovery Unit Revision

Technical Specification Page

Planta de Secado Lodos - No. Date
PTAR Bello
HUSC-1-ET-LC3D3-xxxxxxxxx-B B 31-05-2016 1 of 28


PROJECT: Planta Cogeneración y Secado Lodos PTAR Bello -EPM

Reviewed by Approved
Rev Date By Issued for
H. Review
A 24/05/16 R. Feo
P. Muñoz
B 31/05/16 R. Feo
P.Muñoz Bid

Waste Heat Recovery Unit Technical Specification – HUSC

Waste Heat Recovery Unit Revision
Technical Specification Page
Planta de Secado Lodos - No. Date
PTAR Bello
HUSC-1-ET-LC3D3-xxxxxxxxx-B B 31-05-2016 2 of 28


Revision Reviewed
No. By App. Date Pages
A R. Feo P. Muñoz 24/05/16 21 Issued for Internal Review and Comments
B R. Feo P. Muñoz 31/05/16 28 Issued for Bid

Waste Heat Recovery Unit Technical Specification – HUSC

Waste Heat Recovery Unit Revision
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PTAR Bello
HUSC-1-ET-LC3D3-xxxxxxxxx-B B 31-05-2016 3 of 28


1 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................5
2 SCOPE .................................................................................................................................5
3 SCOPE OF SUPPLY ............................................................................................................6
4 APPLICABLE CODES AND STANDARDS ..........................................................................7
4.1 Standards.............................................................................................................................7
4.2 EPM and Huber Schrader Camargo Consortium Technical Documents .........................8
5 SITE CONDITIONS ...............................................................................................................8
6 DESIGN CRITERIA...............................................................................................................9
6.1 Sludge Drying Plant Operations Value ............................................................................11
6.2 Gas Turbine Exhaust Conditions .....................................................................................12
6.3 Fuel Conditions .................................................................................................................12
6.4 Feed Water Conditions .....................................................................................................13
7 MAIN EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS ...............................................................................17
7.1 WHRU .................................................................................................................................17
7.2 Fresh Air Firing System ....................................................................................................17
7.3 Burner Inlet Duct ...............................................................................................................17
7.4 Duct Burner .......................................................................................................................17
7.5 Firing Duct .........................................................................................................................17
7.6 Complete Bypass System .................................................................................................18
7.7 WHRU Outlet Duct .............................................................................................................18
7.8 Main Stack .........................................................................................................................18
7.9 Trim and Instrumentation .................................................................................................18
7.10 Thermal Insulation and Casing ........................................................................................18
7.11 Heat Recovery Control System ........................................................................................18
8 MATERIALS .......................................................................................................................19
9 GENERAL INSPECTION AND TESTING ...........................................................................20
9.1 Hydrostatic Test ................................................................................................................22
10 INSTALLATION, START-UP AND COMMISSIONING .......................................................23

Waste Heat Recovery Unit Technical Specification – HUSC

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Planta de Secado Lodos - No. Date
PTAR Bello
HUSC-1-ET-LC3D3-xxxxxxxxx-B B 31-05-2016 4 of 28
11 TRAINING ...........................................................................................................................23
12 NAMEPLATE ......................................................................................................................23
13 PREPARATION FOR SHIPMENT ......................................................................................24
14 VENDOR’S DOCUMENT REQUIRED LIST ........................................................................25
14.1 Proposal documents .........................................................................................................26
14.1.1 Drawings .............................................................................................................................26
14.1.2 Technical Data ....................................................................................................................27
14.1.3 Curves .................................................................................................................................27
14.2 Fabrication dossier ...........................................................................................................27
14.2.1 Installation, Operation, Maintenance, and Technical Data Manuals .....................................28
15 SAFETY AND OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH .........................................................................28

Waste Heat Recovery Unit Technical Specification – HUSC

Waste Heat Recovery Unit Revision
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Planta de Secado Lodos - No. Date
PTAR Bello
HUSC-1-ET-LC3D3-xxxxxxxxx-B B 31-05-2016 5 of 28


Empresas Publicas de Medellin (spanish acronym EPM) is building a Waste Water Treatment Plant
(WWTP) located in Bello, Antioquia, Colombia (ten (10) kilometers to the north of Medellin City), the main
design concept of the “WWTP” consists of a mechanical and biological treatment with anaerobic sludge
digestion, energy recovery and the hydrated sludge disposal (as result of the water treatment) will be
treated in a Sludge Drying Plant.

The Sludge Drying Plant EPC project has been awarded to Huber Schrader Camargo Consortium and
the scope of work is to develop all activities related to the detail engineering, procurement and
construction for different areas (civil, mechanical, electrical, communications, instrumentation and control)
necessary to erect a complete sludge drying plant and facilities, with all appurtenances for a complete
installation and satisfactory operation, both, individually and as a part of one particular process.


This technical specification covers the Vendor´s general requirements for calculate, detail design,
fabrication, furnish all materials, instruments and control, shop testing and inspection, shop painting, code
stamp, training, supply of spare parts and tools, packaging, delivery, field assistance for erection and
installation, commissioning of two (2) Waste Recovery Heat Units (WHRU).

The Vendor´s scope of work also includes all activities and materials (mechanical, electrical and control)
related to the integration of each WHRU with two (2) gas turbine generator sets (supplied by others) to
conform (as a single system) the Cogeneration Heat and Power (CHP) Plant that shall be able to supply
at first the thermal energy and electricity consumption demand of the sludge drying plant and the
remaining electricity to cover the demand of the “WWTP”.

All equipment and materials furnished by the Vendor shall be complete with all accessories, valves,
piping, instruments, anchor bolts, control panels, all wiring within each unit and from the units to the
control panels, and all necessary appurtenances required for a complete installation and satisfactory

The Waste Recovery Heat Units shall be furnished at minimum with the following components:

• Motors and electrical load required for the process.

• Control and sub-distribution power panels.
• Electrical grounding system.
• All required instrumentation and control panels.
• Piping and appurtenances.
• Exhaust gas system (duct burner and firing duct).

Waste Heat Recovery Unit Technical Specification – HUSC

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• Supplementary burners.
• All Ducting and expansion joints.
• Burner fuel system (including all pressure flow regulation and relief items).
• Burner management system.
• WHRU control system.

Vendor shall ensure that the design and selection of all components shall be reliable and complies with
the following conditions:

• Totally automated with friendly operation and without permanent supervision by the EPM’s
operation staff.
• Safe and cost effective operation along the whole working range.
• Guarantee easy access to all parts and components for maintenance and repair works.
• Standardized parts and components, sensors and instruments.
• Controls for all operational conditions, including starting, maintenance and repairing.
• Control systems shall be capable of maintaining the recovery heat system in a safe condition in
the event of failures.
• Supplementary burners shall be designed to deliver sufficient thermal capacity to ensure total
sludge drying (according to sludge dryness parameters defined further down in this document) in
case of failure or operation and maintenance of a gas turbine.
• Exhaust gases diverter sized and controlled in order to permit gas turbines. Operation 24/7. Three
minimum working shifts shall be considered.


Vendor shall be responsible for supplying all components (at least as) indicated in the Table 1 below as
part of the WHRUs:

Table 1. Vendor´s Scope of Supply

Turbine Outlet Flange Expansion Joint X
Inlet Duct from Turbine to Diverter X
Fresh Air Fan and Isolation Dampers X
Fresh Air Fan Silencer X
Diverter Valve X
Bypass Silencer X
Bypass Stack X
Bypass Support Structure X
Duct Burner X
Combustion Chamber X

Waste Heat Recovery Unit Technical Specification – HUSC

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Planta de Secado Lodos - No. Date
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HUSC-1-ET-LC3D3-xxxxxxxxx-B B 31-05-2016 7 of 28
Table 1. Vendor´s Scope of Supply
WHRU to Stack Transition X
Main Stack Inlet Expansion Joint X
Exhaust Stack X
Exhaust Stack Access Ladder/Platform X
All Platforms, Ladders and Walkways X
Vent and Drain Valves X
Flow Control Valves X
Instruments X
Control Panel X
Technical Support in Field to Start-up, testing, commissioning and training. X
Special Tools (as required) X
Two (2) years operation and start-up spare parts X

Vendor shall indicate as optional some additional work, services or equipment that will be necessary to
include in the scope of supply that will be considered as essential to have a reliable and safe operated
Heat Recovery System.

Equipment and system specifications stipulated herein are the minimum functional requirements from
EPM, but shall in no way relieve the Vendor from its responsibilities to meet all design, sizing, and
guarantee requirements or providing completely safe and reliable operating equipment/systems.


The Last edition of the following standards and the EPM’s technical documents shall be considered.
Items not included in these standards must be designed according international codes previously agreed
between Vendor and Huber Schrader Camargo Consortium.

4.1 Standards

• API RP 535 - Burners for Fired Heaters in General Refinery Services

• API RP 534 - Heat Recovery Steam Generators
• ASME B31.3 Process Piping
• ASME B31.1 Power Piping
• ASME BPVC Sec I - Rules for Construction of Power Boilers
• ASME BPVC Sec. VIII Div. 1 Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels
• ASME BPVC. Sec IX Welding and Brazing Qualifications
• ASME STS-1 Steel Stacks
• DIRECTIVA 94/9/CE de la Comunidad Europea, sobre los aparatos y sistemas de protección para

Waste Heat Recovery Unit Technical Specification – HUSC

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Planta de Secado Lodos - No. Date
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uso en atmósferas potencialmente explosivas”
• EN 1127-1:2012 Explosive Atmospheres - Explosion Prevention and Protection - Part 1: Basic
Concepts and Methodology
• CEI 60079-10-1:2008 Explosive atmospheres - Part 10-1: Classification of areas - Explosive gas
• NFPA-70 National Electrical Code
• NFPA-85 Boiler and Combustion Systems Hazards Code
• NFPA 497 Recommended practice for the classification of flammable liquids, gases, or vapors
and of hazardous (classified) locations for electrical installations in chemical process areas
• NFPA 850 - Recommended practice for fire protection for electric generating plants and high
voltage direct current converter stations
• NFPA-2001 Standard on clean agent fire extinguishing systems
• OSHA1910 Occupational Safety and Health Standards
• RESOLUCIÓN 0909 del 5 de junio de 2008 “Por la cual se establecen las normas y estándares
de emisión admisibles de contaminantes a la atmósfera por fuentes fijas y se dictan otras
disposiciones” Ministerio de ambiente, vivienda y desarrollo territorial – Republica de Colombia.
• NSR10 “Reglamento Colombiano de Construcción Sismo Resistente”
• EPA 40 CFR-60 Standard of Performance for Fossil-Fuel-Fired Steam Generators
• RETIE Reglamento Técnico de Instalaciones Eléctricas
• NTC 2050 del ICONTEC Código Eléctrico Nacional

4.2 EPM and Huber Schrader Camargo Consortium Technical Documents

• LC 11.3 - Cogeneration Plant Technical Specifications. Rev.1.

• SECTION 01000 - General Requirements for Mechanical Equipment.
• Anexo 3. Condiciones del Sitio.
• HUSC-1-HD-LC3D3-xxxxxxxxx-B Waste Heat Recovery Unit Data Sheet
• 292-DF1-01-B5 Diagrama de Flujo Planta Tratamiento Biosolido


Vendor shall develop the WHRU´s calculations and equipment performance based on the following site

• Altitude: 1.410 m.a.s.l.

• Barometric pressure: 0,855 (bar)abs
• Ambient Temperature: maximum 35°C / average 23°C / minimum 16°C
• Relative humidity: maximum 98% / average 77% / minimum 60%
• Seismic Per NSR-10: Acceleration: Aa: 0.15g; Av: 0.20g; Fa: 1.2 Fv: 1.65; Seismic Zone:

Waste Heat Recovery Unit Technical Specification – HUSC

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intermediate; Soil Profile: C; (To be Confirmed Later)
• Wind Speed: 52 m/s per NSR 10


The Waste Recovery Heat Units shall be designed and constructed for a minimum service life of twenty
(20) years and at least three (3) years of uninterrupted normal operation. The WHRUs shall be calculated
in order to cover all the thermal requirements specified for the sludge drying system indicated further
below in this chapter.

The WHRU system shall be designed for installation indoors and resistant to weather and sludge drying
process particular conditions.

Vendor shall design an optimal Heat Recovery System with minimum exhaust gases waste due to sludge
drying process control. Diverter valve shall be included in order to dispose minimal amount of exhaust
gases or to isolate each gas turbine in case of operation and maintenance scenarios.

Exhaust gas pressure drop through the Heat Recovery System (included ducts, silencer, diverter and any
other exhaust gas obstruction) shall be designed in order to minimize the turbine site rated power. The
exhaust gas pressure drop shall be less than 250 mmH2O. Exhaust gases silencer shall be considered in
any atmosphere discharge. Sound pressure levels shall fulfill local regulations.

Vendor shall include within the WHRUs to be supplied, supplementary burners in order to cover all
normal thermal demand and produce sufficient thermal energy to permit uninterrupted sludge drying
process in case of a gas turbine failure or shut-off by some occasional operation and maintenance
procedure. Each WHRU shall have a 100% set of burners ready to operate at any time of the day with or
without the gas turbine operation (diverter valve shall isolate the burners and the heat recovery system
from gas turbines, allowing safe operation and maintenance works in the gas turbines or their ancillary

Exhaust gases atmosphere discharge temperature (after heat recovery system) shall be no less than 180
°C. Vendor shall use lower temperatures if no corrosion substances are derived from exhaust gas
condensation. Higher exhaust gases atmosphere discharge temperature is permitted if this does not
affect cogeneration plant overall heat rate. Whole cogeneration plant site rated heat rate (including
supplementary burners) shall not exceed 14.800 BTU/ekW-h.

Vendor shall be aware of local emission regulations. If required emissions suppression system should
also be specified with the proposal. Vendor shall fully describe the system being proposed, including
variations of emissions with natural gas composition being used, effects over ambient range on

Waste Heat Recovery Unit Technical Specification – HUSC

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Equipment furnished by Vendor shall accomplish the maximum allowable sound pressure level according
to local regulations. In order to determine compliance, Vendor shall provide both maximum sound
pressure and sound power level data per octave band for each principal component supplied.

Vendor shall describe the special tooling needed for on-field replacement and maintenance within the bid,
if the design does not permit it, the Vendor shall state in the proposal the procedure for the field
disassembly required for such repairs.

All pressure parts shall be suitable for operation at the most severe condition of pressure and

Arrangement of the Heat Recovery System, including pipe, ducts and auxiliaries shall be developed by

Motors, electrical components and electrical installations shall be suitable for the area classification
specified in the Data Sheet (class, group, and division or zone) for the cogeneration plant building.

Adequate clearance shall be provided at bolting locations to permit the use of socket or box wrenches.
Openings for inspection instruments such as boroscopes shall be provided to permit complete inspection.

Duct supports shall remove all duct loads from the gas turbine flanges. The ducts shall be supported to
allow lateral as well as axial displacements due to temperature changes. The ducts and supports shall be
designed to remain stationary when sections near of the gas turbine are removed to provide access for
maintenance. Ducts shall be sufficiently rigid to avoid vibration.

As be possible, manways shall be provided in each duct adjacent to the gas turbine inlet and exhaust
flanges to allow final cleaning and inspection of the entire duct system before operation. Manway covers
shall be designed to permit their safety removal. Manways shall be considered also for the WHRUs

Ducts and casing connection flanges shall be designed according the stresses induced in these, including
internal pressure, these do not exceed the parameters indicated in ASME BPVC Section VIII DIV 1.
Vendor shall indicate the maximum allowable forces and moments on the inlet and exhaust flanges, and
design all ancillary components according these parameters.

For exhaust temperatures higher than 480 °C (900 °F) at site rated power, special precautions shall be
applied in the selection of duct and silencer materials to avoid carburization or corrosion at these

Gastight expansion joints shall be provided between the ducting and gas turbine inlet and exhaust
flanges. These joints shall permit the relative movement of the ducts and gas turbine in vertical and
horizontal directions. Expansion joints shall have an internal liner to prevent undue flutter, joint

Waste Heat Recovery Unit Technical Specification – HUSC

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deterioration, or pressure drop. As required the joints shall be covered with a sound absorbing material
that will meet the noise level specifications.

The exhaust expansion joints shall be metal or high-temperature fabric. If fabric is used, this shall be
multilayered and reinforced with nickel alloy wires. all bolting, duct, and joint components in contact with
the fabric shall have rounded edges to avoid tearing of the material.

The next chapter indicates the conditions of the hot water required by the sludge drying plant and the
exhaust gas from the gas turbine, this values shall be used only for bid and sizing the WHRUs units.
Vendor shall confirm these values prior to performing some fabrication works with the final fabrication
dossier document that will be supplied later by Huber Schrader Camargo Consortium within the purchase

6.1 Sludge Drying Plant Operations Value

Three (3) Sludge Drying Units model BT-30 selected and supplied by HUBER shall be fed with hot water
as heat transfer medium from the turbine exhaust heat recovery, the hot water will be recirculated to the
WHRUs through a closed circuit from each drying unit. Table 2 and Table 3 show the hot water conditions
required by the drying process.

Table 2. Hot Water Conditions 100 % of load

Item Condition Unit
Heat Source Hot Water --
Drying Unit Hot Water Inlet Temperature 140 °C
Drying Unit returned Hot Water Temperature 125 °C
Hot Water Inlet Pressure to Dryer 7 bar
Hot water Outlet Pressure from dryer 6 bar
Flow Total amount1 592 m3/h
Drying Unit thermal energy consumption1 10326 kWh/h
1 Total flow of hot water amount for three (3) BT-30 units operating at 100 % of load

Table 3. Hot Water Conditions 50 % of load

Item Condition Unit
Heat Source Hot Water --
Drying Unit Hot Water Inlet Temperature 140 °C
Drying Unit returned Hot Water Temperature 125 °C
Hot Water Inlet Pressure to Dryer 7 bar
Hot water Outlet Pressure from dryer 6 bar
Flow Total amount 296 m3/h
Drying Unit thermal energy consumption1 5163 kWh/h
1 Total flow of hot water amount for three (3) BT-30 units operating at 100 % of load

Waste Heat Recovery Unit Technical Specification – HUSC

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6.2 Gas Turbine Exhaust Conditions

Two (2) API STD 614 Gas Turbine Generator Sets will be supplied by others. The ISO rated estimated
power per turbine is equal to 5670 ekW at 15000 rpm. The estimated exhaust gas flow according to the
turbine rated performance at site conditions at different operation points, and 100 % load is shown in
Table 4 and different percentage load (at 23 °C and 77 % HR) is shown in Table 5.

Table 4. Gas Turbine Exhaust flow at 100 % load

Cases 1 2 3 4 5
Engine Inlet Temperature °C 16 20 23 30 35
Relative Humidity % 77%
Specified Load kW 100%
Net Output Power kW 4575 4440 4329 4085 3909
Heat Rate Btu/kW-hr 11166 11274 11378 11653 11881
Thermal Eff % 30.558 30.266 29.989 29.28 28.719
Engine Exhaust Flow kg/hr 64962 63813 62901 60943 59466
Exhaust Temperature °C 518 522 524 531 536
Exhaust Pressure (in H2O) 3.0

Table 5. Gas turbine Exhaust flow at 23°C and 77 % R.H Different load cases
Cases 1 2 3 4 5
Engine Inlet Temperature °C 23 23 23 23 23
Relative Humidity % 77%
Load % 50 % 60 % 70% 80% 90 %
Net Output Power kW 2165 2598 3030 3463 3896
Heat Rate Btu/kW-hr 15200 13898 12886 12069 11651
Thermal Eff % 22.448 24.551 26.479 28.271 29.286
Engine Exhaust Flow kg/hr 40903 45282 49333 53121 58533
Exhaust Temperature °C 589 569 552 537 524
Exhaust Pressure (H2Og) 2.5 3.0

6.3 Fuel Conditions

A Gas Pressure Regulating and Metering station (RMG) will be supplied by others near to the new
Sludge drying building, Gas Natural will be the main fuel source to burn in each WHRU in case some
contingency in whichever gas turbine generator set. The natural gas conditions and chromatography are
indicated in the table 6 and table 7.

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Table 6. Fuel Gas Composition (Volume Percent)
Component Percent
Methane (CH4) 98.06
Ethane (C2H6) 0.26
Propane (C3H8) 0.05
I-Butane (C4H10) 0.02
N-Butane (C4H10) 0.0070
I-Pentane (C5H12) 0.0060
N-Pentane (C5H12) 0.0020
Hexane (C6H14) 0.02
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) 0.08
Nitrogen (N2) 1.51
Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) 0.0001

EPM has indicated that the fuel supply pressure available (upstream of the new RMG) will be 6 bar.
Vendor shall confirm the gas pressure and flow required per each gas burner.

Table 7. Fuel Gas Properties

LHV (kJ/Std.m3) 33532.9
Specific Gravity 0.5634

6.4 Feed Water Conditions

EPM will build in the WWTP a grid called “Water Process to Equipment” (Spanish acronym “APE” “Agua
de Proceso para Equipos”), this system will consist of two circuits with operation pressure equal to 2 bar
(circuit 1) and 3 bar (circuit 2).

The quality of the water is the same of potable water from an external source supplied by EPM with the
composition shown in the Figure 1. Vendor shall design the WHRU´s internal parts according the
indicated water properties. Vendor shall submit the appropriately materials in the Proposal

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Figure 1. Feed Water Quality

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Figure 2. Feed Water Quality

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Figure 3. Feed Water Quality

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Vendor shall include as minimum with the bid the following equipment and control specifications as base
of the proposal. If required, Vendor shall include an additional system or component to have a heat
recovery system functional and reliable. Any deviation from the conditions indicated below shall be written
clearly in the proposal. The following components indicated are for one WHRU.

7.1 WHRU
• The finned tube water heater shall be arranged with the number of passes appropriate to heat
transfer from the exhaust gases. The number of flow streams shall be selected to maintain high
water side velocities consistent with good design practices. The headers will be constructed from
SA106B material or the Vendor´s standard for this application.
• The heater will include end and intermediate tube sheets constructed from 410SS. The water
heater casing shall be carbon steel outer casing and internally insulated with ceramic fiber
insulation and 409SS floating liner.

7.2 Fresh Air Firing System

• One (1) combustion air fan will be sized to deliver enough ambient air driven by an electrical
motor, TEFC type, suitable for 460/3PH/60Hz tension level.
• One (1) combustion air fan inlet silencer.
• One (1) Combustion Air Fan Isolation Damper Assembly. The damper assembly will use two (2)
multi blade dampers in series, with a seal air fan to discharge into the cavity between the
dampers, and provide zero leakage of turbine exhaust into the combustion air fan with the
expansion joints and ducts.

7.3 Burner Inlet Duct

• Ductwork will be fabricated from carbon steel outer casing, internally insulated ceramic fiber
insulation and lined with a stainless steel floating inner liner.

7.4 Duct Burner

• A natural gas duct burner system shall be included. Vendor shall supply a complete system
including: the duct burner elements, fuel control skid, and redundant scanner cooling air blowers.
• Ignition system shall include an ignition transformer and igniter plugs. Ignition shall be
automatically de-energized.

7.5 Firing Duct

• Ductwork will be fabricated from carbon steel outer casing. Due to the firing temperatures, this
shall have an unlined combustion chamber incorporating monolithic ceramic fiber modules. This
approach is far superior system to that of the traditional lined system. The enhanced velocity
resistance of the monolithic ceramic fiber modules eliminates the need for a liner system.

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7.6 Complete Bypass System

• Internally insulated diverter valve Silencer/By-pass stack assembly consisting of silencer section
and A588 corten Stack terminating or Vendor standard material to high temperature resistance at
30’ above ground elevation.
• Expansion joints complete with frame, retaining bars, fasteners, internal insulation and ASTM 409
stainless steel or the Vendor´s material standard.
• Cladding, assembly, mounting at diverter inlet and bypass.

7.7 WHRU Outlet Duct

• As minimum ductwork will be fabricated from carbon steel and externally insulated.

7.8 Main Stack

Vendor shall propose as optional within the scope of supply an exhaust stack that may be equipped as
• Prime Painting (Exterior Only)
• Exhaust gases Test Ports
• Ladders / Platforms which will be provided for access to the main stack test ports.

7.9 Trim and Instrumentation

Vendor shall supply all instruments and trims required for the correct operation of the bided Heat
Recovery System.

7.10 Thermal Insulation and Casing

• Insulation for personnel protection shall be provided by Vendor.
• Vendor shall supply all thermal insulation and casing materials utilized in various portions of the
Heat Recovery System as inlet ducting, WHRU, outlet duct, stack etc.
• Acoustic and/or thermal insulation, whether externally or internally applied, shall be suitably
captured to prevent its deterioration over time when subject to a normal exhaust system

7.11 Heat Recovery Control System

Vendor shall supply the WHRU’s control system including control and monitoring functionality as a
minimum for the following applications:

• Duct burner firing rate and diverter valve position control based on hot water outlet temperature.
Vendor may include his own control system suggested for this application, this shall be indicated
as optional and separately within the bid.

The control systems shall be based as minimum on the following criteria:

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Vendor shall supply a PLC which shall include all the necessary I/O cards to control the whole heat
recovery system. The control system shall be packaged in a free standing, dead front, NEMA 4 enclosure
including all required terminal blocks, fuses, circuit breakers, PLC hardware and local HMI display.

The integrated NEMA 4 enclosures shall include as a minimum the following items for each cabinet (one
(1) cabinet per WHRU):

• PLC hardware, including power supply module (see below), CPU module, I/O cards,
communications interface cards.
• 120 VAC from UPS input/ 24 VDC Power Supply.
• Local HMI display.
• Ethernet switch (interface to plant DCS shall be implemented via Modbus TCP/IP protocol).
• Interposing relays, panel indication lights, panel switches.
• Starters for WHRU motors provides with management and control devices.
• Emergency push button.
• Water column relays.
• Flame scanners amplifier (if needed).
• Terminal blocks, fuses, circuit breakers, wire-way, and associated wiring.
• LED fixture for panel interior lighting with door actuated switch.
• Thermostat/ hygrostat controlled heater.

Documentation provided shall include as a minimum

• Control system drawings for the supplied WHRU Packages.

• Panel internal connection diagram.
• Panel layout drawings.
• Power distribution drawings.
• IO Drawings that provide field termination detail.
• Network topology diagram.
• Hardcopy of the WHRU ladder logic printed from PLC.

The supplied ethernet switch will provide the required connectivity to interface with the EPM´s DCS and
the gas turbine and sludge drying unit PLCs.


The WHRU’s components materials of construction shall be the Vendor’s standard for the specified
operating conditions. Vendor shall identify any corrosive agents present in the process fluids and the

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Materials shall be identified within the proposal according some internationally recognized material
designation numbers and grade where is applicable. if no such designation is available, the Vendor´s
material specification shall indicate the material properties, chemical components and test requirements.

Vendor shall specify the optional tests and inspection procedures that shall be necessary to ensure that
all materials are satisfactory for the specified service. All tests and inspections shall be listed within the

Minor parts that are not identified (such as nuts, springs, washers, gaskets, and keys) shall have
corrosion resistance at least equal to the specified parts in the same environment.

Protective materials or coating and details of the surface preparation proposed shall be submitted by
Vendor with the proposal unless otherwise indicated.

When dissimilar materials with different electrical potentials are placed in contact with the presence of an
electrolyte solution, galvanic couples that can result in several corrosion of the less noble materials may
be created. If such conditions exist, Vendor shall select materials in accordance with NACE.

Materials and the welding quality shall be as a minimum equal the required by ASME BPVC Section VIII,
Division 1. Vendor shall specify in the proposal if an alternative internationally recognized pressure vessel
code is applied.

Welding of pipe and pressure parts, as well as any dissimilar metal welds and weld repairs shall be
performed and inspected by certified inspectors with procedure qualified in accordance with ASME BPVC
Section VIII, Division I and Section IX.

Vendor shall be responsible for reviewing all weld repairs to ensure that those are properly heat treated
and nondestructively examined and compliance with the applicable qualified procedure. Vendor shall
specify within the proposal if an alternative code is applied.


Vendor shall include in his proposal a recommended Inspection and Test Plan (ITP) for the Heat
Recovery System.

The inspection and test plan shall identify the inspection and testing points including the acceptance
criteria for major components of the work, the facility location for each inspection or test and inspection
target dates for each inspection or test. The inspection and test plan shall be completed when first issued
will be submitted to Huber Schrader Camargo Consortium and it shall be maintained current throughout
the life of the contract documents. A monthly update of the ITP progress shall be provided to Huber

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Schrader Camargo Consortium. The plan shall also include the Vendor's strategy for inspecting the
subcontractor Vendor's work, including inspections by Vendor at his subcontractor facilities.

In accordance with the project schedule, a detailed Inspection and Test plan (i.e., a Quality
Assurance/Quality Control Plan) for Heat Recovery System shall be submitted by Vendor to Huber
Schrader Camargo Consortium as specified in the Purchaser Order prior to starting fabrication. The
Huber Schrader Camargo Consortium will designate any additional test witness points or other inspection
points required during review of the Vendor’s submitted detailed inspection and test plan.

The Vendor shall inspect the subcontractor´s work to ensure that proper materials and equipment are
furnished and that fabrication, assembly and erection are accomplished in accordance with the purchase
order documents. Huber Schrader Camargo Consortium will specify the extent of participation in the
inspection and testing and the amount of advance notification required.

Huber Schrader Camargo Consortium and its representative shall have permission to access at Vendor
facilities (including the Vendor´s subcontractor) where manufacturing, testing, or inspection of the
equipment are in progress.

Vendor shall provide sufficient information to Huber Schrader Camargo Consortium before performing
any inspection or test specified to be witnessed or observed.

According the approved Vendor´s inspection and testing plan, Huber Schrader Camargo Consortium and
Vendor shall meet to coordinate the holding points and the inspector’s visits.

The minimum surveillance activities to be included in the Vendor’s inspection and test plan are specified
below. The Huber Schrader Camargo Consortium may make additions and deletions of surveillance
activities based on, but not limited to, the following:

• Vendor ITP.
• Vendor performance.
• EPM requirements.
• Equipment assessment.
• Design reviews

A brief meaning of the inspection activities is indicated following:

• Witnessed will mean that a hold point shall be applied to Vendor´s manufacturing schedule and
the Vendor´s inspection or test shall be carried out with the attendance of Huber Schrader
Camargo Consortium or his representative.

• Observed will mean that Huber Schrader Camargo Consortium shall be notified in advance on the
occurrence of some inspection or test. However, the inspection or test shall proceed according to

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the approved inspection and test plan, without the Huber Schrader Camargo Consortium or his
representative attendance.

• In-Process Inspection Point is an inspection point that occurs during the manufacture of Vendor
equipment. Notification by Vendor is required to provide a minimum of five (5) days advanced
notice prior to the In-Process Inspection Point is scheduled to occur.

• Review: Inspection point is reviewed during the fabrication stage.

• Verify: Inspection point is verified during the fabrication stage.

Vendor shall keep in custody the following inspection records available for at least twenty (20) years to
consult or reproduction by EPM or his representative:

• Certification of materials, such as mill test reports.

• All test Records and data.
• Performance Curves
• Fabrication Drawings
• Welding map

The type of Nondestructive Essay (NDE) recommended to the parts that shall be subject to surface and
subsurface examination are indicated as following:

• Radiographic Inspection as required by Design Code.

• Ultrasonic Inspection as required by Design Code.
• Magnetic Particle Inspection
• Liquid Penetrant Inspection

During the equipment assembly and before testing, each component (as all piping and appurtenances)
shall be cleaned chemically or with another method to remove foreign materials, corrosion productions,
and mill scale.

Vendor shall inform not less than five (5) days in advance to the Huber Schrader Camargo Consortium
that the Heat Recovery System is ready for testing. If the testing is rescheduled, Vendor shall notify with
not less than five (5) days before to the Huber Schrader Camargo Consortium the new date.

The shop test acceptance will not constitute relief of the Vendor Responsibilities to accomplish of
requirements for the Heat Recovery system´s field performance under specified operating conditions.

9.1 Hydrostatic Test

Vendor shall indicate within the proposal which components and parts shall be Hydrostatically Tested.

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The pressure test values, water quality and tested temperature to be used shall conform to the design
standards as required at ASME B31.3 / ASME B31.1 for piping and BPVC Section VIII, Division 1 for
pressure vessel parts.


Installation and assembly of the Heat Recovery System shall be in accordance with the drawings and the
Vendor’s installation instruction manual. Vendor shall furnish all bolts, shims, tools and other devices
necessary to lifting / handling, leveling, anchoring and aligning the WHRUs and its ancillaries. Vendor
shall supervise at field the handling, installation, start-up and testing of the Heat Recovery System.

Vendor shall furnish within the Heat Recovery System proposal, the field assistance. If there are
difficulties in operation of the system due to the Vendor´s responsibilities, additional services shall be
provided by Vendor without any cost or expenses to Huber Schrader Camargo Consortium and/or EPM.


Vendor shall include within the proposal a training program, as minimum shall include the following:

• Start-up procedures.
• Shutdown procedures.
• Troubleshooting.
• Operating adjustments for performance optimization.
• Preventive maintenance.
• Maintenance procedures.
• Emergency procedures.
• Record keeping.
• Mechanical unit function and description.


A nameplate shall be securely attached on easily accessible point of the equipment and under other
major piece or auxiliary equipment.

Nameplates shall be made of corrosion and thermal resistant material as AISI Standard Type 300
stainless steel or similar or nickel-copper (Monel or equivalent). Attachment pins shall be made of the
same plate material. Welding is not permitted.

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The following data, as a minimum, shall be clearly stamped on the WHRU’s nameplates:

• Cliente: Empresas Públicas de Medellín (EPM)

• Serial number.
• Model.
• Site rated Heat transfer (Duty).
• Design Pressure.
• Design Temperature.
• Flow Capacity (Wet Side).
• Exhaust Gases Capacity.
• Site rated inlet pressure.
• Site rated exhaust pressure.
• Site rated firing temperature.
• Fuel type.
• Design Code.


The shipping preparation shall be for equipment preservation, at least, for six (6) months of outdoor
storage from the time of shipment inclusive storage for a longer period shall be contemplated, Vendor
shall ensure equipment integrity. Whichever Heat Recovery System component, accessory or instrument
not resistant for the environment agents or preservation under long time storage conditions shall be
identified by the Vendor in the bid, Vendor shall recommend preventive actions to protect these elements.

Vendor shall take necessary actions to preserve the integrity of the storage preparation after the
equipment arrive at the EPM’s WWTP site and before start up.

Exterior surfaces, except for those surfaces and corrosion resistant material shall be coated with the
Vendor’s standard paint. The paint shall not contain lead or chromates.

Exterior machined surfaces, except for corrosion resistant material shall be coated with a suitable rust

The interior of the equipment shall be clean, free from scale, welding spatter and foreign objects shall be
treated with a suitable rust protection in accordance with Vendor standard. Product removal requirements
prior to start up shall be identified by external tags.

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Flanges openings shall be provided with metal closures at least 5 millimeters (3/16 inch) of thickness,
with elastomer gaskets and at least four bolts. For studded openings, all nuts needed shall be used to
secure the closures. Each opening shall be car sealed so the protective cover cannot be removed without
the seal will be broken.

Threaded openings shall be provided with steel caps or round-head steel plugs. Non-metallic (such as
plastic) caps or plugs cannot be used.

Openings that have been beveled for field welding shall be provided with closures designed to prevent
entrance of moisture or foreign materials and to protect the beveled edges.

Lifting points and the center of gravity shall be clearly identified on the equipment package. A
recommended lifting arrangement shall be provided by Vendor showing the center of gravity, the weight
of package unit, the necessary steel ropes’ length for lifting the WHRUs and the components which have
to be disassembled for transport.

The equipment shall be identified with the item and serial numbers. Material, accessories and instruments
that will be shipped as “ship loose” shall be identified with securely affixed, corrosion resistant metal tags
indicating the item and serial number of the equipment will be attached. In addition, if equipment is
packaged in container, it shall be shipped with duplicate packing list, one inside and one outside of the
shipping container.

If corrosion inhibitor in bags is installed in large cavities to absorb moisture, the bags must be attached in
an accessible area for easy removal.

One copy of the Vendor’s standard installation instructions shall be packed and shipped with the

Auxiliary piping that will be removed for shipment, shall be match marked for ease of reassembly.


Vendor shall be supplied within the proposal the Vendor Document Required List and shall detail the
schedule for transmission of drawings, curves, manuals and records according the number and type of
copies required by EPM.

The documentation shall be supplied in electronic format during the project execution.

The final documentation Dossier, which is part of Vendor scope of supply, will be delivered in electronic
and two (2) paper copies.

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The Vendor´s documents shall be identified on the transmittal (cover) letters and in the title blocks or
pages with the following information:

• The owner’s/user’s corporate name.

• The job/project number.
• The equipment service name and item number.
• The inquiry or purchase order number.
• Any other identification specified in the inquiry or purchase order.
• The Vendor’s identifying proposal number, shop order number, serial number, or other reference
required to identify return correspondence completely.

A coordination meeting shall be performed, preferably at the Vendor offices, within four (4) to six (6)
weeks after issued the purchaser Order, unless otherwise specified by Huber Schrader Camargo
Consortium. Vendor will prepare and submit to Huber Schrader Camargo Consortium an agenda prior to
this meeting, including as a minimum the following items for reviewing:

• The scope of supply, unit responsibility, and subcontractor items.

• Heat Recovery Unit Data sheets.
• Technical and Commercial Terms Deviations
• Vendor Data, Fabrication, Inspection and Testing (project detailed schedule) plan.
• Quality assurance program and procedures.
• Inspection, expediting and testing records.
• Bills of material (B/M) and auxiliary equipment list.
• Heat recovery system drawings and specifications (including diverter valve and burners).
• Heat recovery system unit, balance of plant, Process Flow Diagram (PFD) and P&ID (whole site
rated plant performance according to design conditions).
• Ducting and silencer system specification and drawings (specify stack height).
• Sound and gas emission level analysis according local regulations.
• Electrical, mechanical, control and instrumentation interconnection with the gas turbine generator
set, sludge drying unit and auxiliary system from existing WWTP system
• Other technical items.

14.1 Proposal documents

Vendor shall submit within the original proposal the specified number of documents copies. As a
minimum, the Vendor´s proposal shall contain the documents specified below. The Vendor shall provide
details to enable Huber Schrader Camargo Consortium to evaluate any proposed alternative designs.

14.1.1 Drawings

As a minimum, the following drawing shall be furnished by Vendor:

• A general arrangement or outline drawing for Heat Recover System, showing overall dimensions,

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maintenance clearance dimensions, overall weights, erection weights, and maximum
maintenance weights (indicated for each piece). The orientation, size and location of major
connections shall also be indicated.
• Cross-sectional drawings showing details of the Heat Recovery System Proposed.
• Schematics of all auxiliary systems (plant layout, PFDs and P&IDs), such as fuel system, control,
heat recovery, ducts etc. Bills of material shall be included.
• Methods of lifting and material handling

14.1.2 Technical Data

The following technical documents as minimum shall be included by Vendor:

• The Heat recovery’s data sheets with complete Vendor’s technical information and details that
fully describes the bid.
• Vendor Document Requirements List indicating the schedule and date.
• The shipment schedule, in terms of weeks after receipt of the order.
• A list of spare parts recommended for start-up and normal maintenance purposes.
• A list of special tools furnished for maintenance.
• Any special weather protection required for start-up, operation, and periods of idleness under the
various site conditions specified herein.
• A complete tabulation of utility requirements, such as water, electricity, air and natural gas.
• Any start up, shutdown, or operating restrictions required to protect the integrity of the system.

14.1.3 Curves

The proposal shall contain curves showing daily operation of burners and diverter valve according the
turbine load and sludge drying requirements, curves showing daily fuel gas consumption by burners, the
heat recovery system´s hot water volume flow daily fluctuations, pressures and temperatures, Daily
exhaust gas emission fluctuations (NOx, CO, unburned hydrocarbons according the local regulated
emissions parameters).

14.2 Fabrication dossier

Vendor shall submit to review at Huber Schrader Camargo Consortium the approved fabrication
documents to final Dossier; however, this review shall not constitute permission to deviate from any
requirements indicated at the Purchaser Order. All deviations must be specifically agreed in writing
between Huber Schrader Camargo Consortium and Vendor. After all documents submitted have been
reviewed, Vendor shall include all comments and shall furnish again (with new version) new copies in the
quantity specified and certified.

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14.2.1 Installation, Operation, Maintenance, and Technical Data Manuals

Vendor shall provide sufficient instructions and drawings list to enable to EPM the correct operation and
maintenance of all equipment purchased. This information shall be compiled in a manual or manuals with
a cover sheet that contains all reference identifying data, an index sheet that contains section titles and a
complete list of referenced and enclosed drawings by title and drawing number.

Some special information required for proper installation design that is not included in the drawings, shall
be compiled in a manual and separate from the operating and maintenance instructions. The manual
shall contain information such as special alignment and grouting procedures, utility specifications
(including quantities), and all other installation data, including the drawings. The manual(s) shall clearly
identify the locations of all lifting points and lifting lugs. Weights, dimensions, and centers of gravity, other
necessary instructions, drawings, data, procedures for the safe handling, loading, unloading, and
maintenance of that package shall also be included.

As Required by Vendor, the additional manual shall include a section providing special instructions for
maintenance and operation at specified environmental conditions.


Any Consideration shall be given to any occupational risks from flammable gases handling as well as
from dust produced during sludge processing. Special care shall be taken during plant commissioning
and maintenance, where there could be exposure to high concentrations of dust and fuel gas leakage.

Provide warning signs and simple barrier fencing, to prevent access of unauthorized personnel to stored
materials, valves or hazardous equipment. Submit Hazard Data Sheets to the Owner giving details on
handling the product.

Waste Heat Recovery Unit Technical Specification – HUSC

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