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Code No.

: 13ME327/ME328
III B.Tech. II Sem. (RA13/RA11) Supplementary Examinations, Nov/Dec - 2019
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 70
Answer ALL questions
All questions carry equal marks
10 x 2
1. Describe the boundary conditions for steady.
2. Define thermal diffusivity.
3. What are Biot and Fourier number?
4. Define Radiation with example
5. What is Prandtl number?
6. Briefly explain the any two important dimensionless numbers in forced convection heat
7. Write the LMTD expression for counter flow heat exchanger.
8. Explain the classification of heat exchangers.
9. Explain the term of “thermal boundary”
10. What is Stefan-Boltzmann law?
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks
5 x 10
1. a) Derive differential equation of heat conduction in cylindrical coordinate system.
b) A hot plate of length 0.75 m, width 0.5 m and thickness 2 cm is placed in air stream at
20⁰C. It is estimated that a total of 300W is lost from the plate surface by radiation. Taking
the convective heat transfer coefficient as 25 W/m2K, and the thermal conductivity of the
plate as 43 W/mK. Calculate the inside temperature of the plate.
2. a) State the basic law of heat transfer for three modes of heat transfer.
b) What is the use of initial and boundary conditions? Discuss the conditions:
i) Prescribed surface temperature
ii) Prescribe heat flux

3. Water at 75⁰C flows through a 0.005 m diameter tube with a velocity of 1 m/s. If the tube
wall temperature is 25⁰C, make calculation for heat transfer coefficient.
Use the correlation, St = 0.023Re0.2Pr-0.667.
The thermo-physical properties of water are: Thermal conductivity is 0.647 W/(m.K);
Viscosity is 1.977 kg/h.m; Density is 1000 kg/ m3 ; Specific heat 4.187kJ/(kg.K).
4. What do you understand by lumped system analysis? Derive an expression for temperature
distribution in a body during Newtonian heating or cooling.
5. Derive the expression for boundary layer thickness for free convection heat transfer on a
vertical flat plate.
6. What is the purpose of radiation shield, find the ratio of heat transfer between two finite
parallel surfaces with radiation shield and without radiation shield.
7. Derive the expression for LMTD for parallel flow Heat exchanger.
8. a) Define the planck’s law of monochromatic black body radiation and prove that the
emissive power of a black body is given by Eb =5.669x10 -8T4.
b) A hemispherical furnace of radius 1.0m has roof temperature 527°C and emissivity is
0.8m. The flat circular floor of the furnace has a temperature of 327°C and emissivity is
0.5m. Calculate the net radiation heat exchanger between the roof and floor.


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