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Object Detection System 00317024418

Kartik Sang


Title of the Project.

Object Detection System

Introduction of Project
The face is our primary focus of attention in social life playing an important role in

conveying identity and emotions. We can recognize a number of faces learned throughout

our lifespan and identify faces at a glance even after years of separation. This skill is

quite robust despite of large variations in visual stimulus due to changing condition,

aging and distractions such as beard, glasses or changes in hairstyle.

Computational models of face recognition are interesting because they can contribute not

only to theoretical knowledge but also to practical applications. Computers that detect

and recognize faces could be applied to a wide variety of tasks including criminal

identification, security system, image and film processing, identity verification, tagging

purposes and human-computer interaction. Unfortunately, developing a computational

model of face detection and recognition is quite difficult because faces are complex,

multidimensional and meaningful visual stimuli.

Face detection is used in many places now a days especially the websites hosting images

like picassa, photobucket and facebook. The automatically tagging feature adds a new

dimension to sharing pictures among the people who are in the picture and also gives the

idea to other people about who the person is in the image. In our project, we have studied

and implemented a pretty simple but very effective face detection algorithm which takes

Object Detection System 00317024418
Kartik Sang

human skin colour into account.

Our aim, which we believe we have reached, was to develop a method of face recognition

that is fast, robust, reasonably simple and accurate with a relatively simple and easy to

understand algorithms and techniques. The examples provided in this thesis are real-time

and taken from our own surroundings.

The face recognition algorithms used here are Principal Component Analysis(PCA),

Multilinear Principal Component Analysis (MPCA) and Linear Discriminant


Every algorithm has its own advantage. While PCA is the most simple and fast algorithm,

MPCA and LDA which have been applied together as a single algorithm named

MPCALDA provide better results under complex circumstances like face position,

luminance variation etc. Each of them have been discussed one by one below.


Changing of requirements as an industrial project to build a product, we must

follow the requirement from the user. However, because the project’s goal is to
be used by the business team, but it is responsible by the technical team, the
requirement changed a lot in the middle after a meeting with the business team.
The business team want a simple bot that can give recommendation
immediately. We had to archive what we had done before and build a new one.

• Lacking of training data: The quantity and quality of training data is critical
to the performance to a machine learning model. However, because some
confidential and privacy reasons, the business team cannot provide enough data
for us, and we had to make up data by our own. For the machine learning
model, we generate some fake data based on our daily life experience, which is
really biased, although with a good accuracy on the fake dat.

• Unstable API version: Because API service we are using are still under

Object Detection System 00317024418
Kartik Sang

development, and we cannot fix to a version for the API, the API may changes
overtime. Moreover, there are inconsistencies between the APIs and their
documents or sample codes.

Not familiar with the PHP language and .NET framework: None of the three of us

has previous knowledge with PHP language. Programming in a new language in such a

huge framework is quite challenging for us at the beginning of the project. However,

when we comes to the later phases, we are more used to that


Requirement Analysis is a software engineering task that bridges the gap

between system level software allocation and software design. It provides the
system engineer to specify software function and performance indicate
software’s interface with the other system elements and establish constraints
that software must meet.
The basic aim of this stage is to obtain a clear picture of the needs and
requirements of the end-user and also the organization. Analysis involves
interaction between the clients and the analysis. Usually analysts research a
problem from any questions asked and reading existing documents. The
analysts have to uncover the real needs of the user even if they don’t know
them clearly. During analysis it is essential that a complete and consistent set of
specifications emerge for the system. Here it is essential to resolve the
contradictions that could emerge from information got from various parties.
This is essential to ensure that the final specifications are consistent.

It may be divided into 5 areas of effort.

1. Problem recognition
2. Evaluation and synthesis
3. Modelling
4. Specification
5. Review

Object Detection System 00317024418
Kartik Sang

Each Requirement analysis method has a unique point of view.

However all analysis methods are related by a set of operational
principles. They are
 The information domain of the problem must be represented and
 The functions that the software is to perform must be defined.
 The behaviour of the software as a consequence of external events
must be defined.
 The models that depict information function and behavior must be
partitioned in a hierarchical or layered fashion
 The analysis process must move from essential information to
implementation detail.


Specification Principles:
Software Requirements Specification plays an important role in creating
quality software solutions. Specification is basically a representation
process. Requirements are represented in a manner that ultimately leads
to successful software implementation.

Requirements may be specified in a variety of ways. However there are

some guidelines worth following: -
 Representation format and content should be relevant to the
 Information contained within the specification should be nested
 Diagrams and other notational forms should be restricted in number
and consistent in use.


 Intel Core(TM)2 dual core and above

 240 GB HD

 Minimum 2 GB RAM

 Standard USB Keyboard and Mouse

Object Detection System 00317024418
Kartik Sang

 Window-7 or above


 Operating System: Windows 7 or Above

 Front End Programming : - HTML, CSS

 Back End Database : Python, OpenCv, Matplot

 Modules Used:- Mysql


The main thing is that, irrespective of its functions and the tasks it is entrusted
with, window application should fully fit the spirit and the principles of the
company. That is why you should be very serious when deciding to develop a
window application. And in order to get exactly what you need in the end of the
development, you need to clearly define requirements.

So, requirements specification (RS) is a code of all window application

requirements. RS is an integral part of agreement between a client and
developers: It should contain description of all stages of window application
development, the core and tasks of development works, functional elements
tasks; programming rules, constraints and testing and project estimation
methods should be defined. RS presence will make work of both parties easier
and will allow testing the end result of the work.


The present system of attendance marking i.e., manually calling out the roll call by the

faculty have quite satisfactorily served the purpose. With the change in the educational

system with the introduction of new technologies in classroom such as virtual classroom,

the traditional way of taking attendance may not be viable anymore. Even with rising

number of course of study offered by universities, processing of attendance manually

Object Detection System 00317024418
Kartik Sang

could be time consuming. Hence, in our project we aim at creating a system to take

attendance using facial recognition technology in classrooms and creating an efficient

database to record them

(b)Tools / Platform, Hardware and Software Requirement specifications.

Software requirements:

(A) Frontend :- HTML , CSS

(B) Backend :- Python , OpenCv , Matplotlib

(C) Modules used: Mysql

Hardware requirement :

Object Detection System 00317024418
Kartik Sang

Hard disk 1GB

Processor. Intel Core i3 Processor

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