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Name:__________________________________________________________ Score: _______________________

Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on the space provided before the number.

______ 1. It is a set of beliefs, values, norms, customs, traditions, rituals, and a way of life that differentiates one
group from another.
a. Culture b. Society c. Politics d. Gender
______ 2. It refers to social, cultural, and psychological characteristics or traits related to males and females.
a. Culture b. Society c. Politics d. Gender
______ 3. In Socio Economic class during the Pre Colonial Period these people served another person or family as
payment for debt.
a. Maharlika b. Timawa c. Alipin d. Datu
______ 4. Which is true about Peninsulares?
a. Spanianiards who were of Spanish descent but were born in the Philippines
b. It is usually the children of Spanish and Chinese couples or of Spanish and indio couples
c. Spaniards in the Philippines who were born in Spain
d. None of the above
______ 5. Which of the following was considered as the lowest class on the society during the Spanish Colonial
a. Low-income Class b. Alipin c. Mestizos d. Indios
______ 6. It is the movement of people or Families within or between different levels in society?
a. Social Dimension b. Social stratification c. Social Status d. Social Mobility
______ 7. What is the difference between ethnicity and race?
a. Ethnicity have common culture, language, history and religion; Race divide people based on their social affinities.
b. Ethnicity people are divided into groups based on different social factors; Race people are group based on their
physical appearance.
c. Ethnicity is a group of people shared the same physical attributes; Race is a group of people shares common
culture, language, history
d. There is no difference at all.
______ 8. It is the discrimination or prejudice based on one’s race.
a. Genocide b. Ethnocentrism c. Racism d. Ethnic Cleansing
______ 9. It refers to a group of people who have common language, history religion and tradition.
a. Race b. Ethnocentrism c. Racism d. Ethnicity
______ 10. It is the discrimination or prejudiced based on one’s culture.
a. Ethnic Cleansing b. Racism c. Ethnocentrism d. Ethnicity
______ 11. It is a self-governing legal and political entity.
a. Country b. Nation c. Nationality d. State
______ 12. In this principle a child’s citizenship is determined by the place of his birth.
a. Jus Soli b. Jus Sanguinis c. Naturalization d. Citizenship by Birth
_______ 13. It is an activity that is forbidden or prohibited or scared based on religious and moral beliefs.
a. Norm b. Beliefs c. Taboo d. Folkways
_______ 14. It is a term used in politics to refer to a family in which several members are involved in public
a. Elections b. Political Candidate c. Political Dynasty d. Political Entity
_______ 15. A Republic Act that gives special rights and privileges to persons with disabilities (PwD)
a. R.A. 7722 b. R.A. 7272 c. R.A. 2772 d. R.A. 7277

_______ 16. What makes a person exceptional?

a. Aileen that always make her spot on the top 10 achievers.
b. Josh goes to school with his friend Lino with physical disability
c. Digs having a break time in canteen together with his co-employee who is also a PWD.
d. Coco Martin who is good looking guy in showbiz industry.
_______ 17. These are the Spaniards who were of Spanish descent but were born in the Philippines.
a. Insulares b. Peninsulares c. Mestizos d. Indios
_______ 18. People earning an average of 36,000 per month belongs to what class in Modern Socio Economic?
a. High income Class b. Middle Income Class c. Low Income Class d. Both Middle and Low Income
_______ 19. What do you called the division of society based on occupation, income, wealth or power/
a. Social Status b. Social Mobility c. Social Stratification d. Social Dimension
_______ 20. It is also called “right of blood” and one mode of acquiring citizenship.
a. Jus Soli b. Jus Sanguinis c. Naturalization d. Citizenship by Birth

Test II. Identify the following situation if it is Jus Sanguinis or Jus Soli. Write Jus Sanguinis or Jus Soli on the Space
provided before the number.

_____________________ 21. A child born in the Philippines with both Filipino parents.
_____________________ 22. A child born in Mexico with parents as migrants.
_____________________ 23. Baby Frank born in Pitogo with his father as American citizen and his mother as Filipino
_____________________ 24. Ashley born in USA. Her mother is half-Pinay and her father half German.
_____________________ 25. Childs citiezenshp is determined by the place of his birth.

Test III. Give an example of each phenomena

Social Phenomena Political Phenomena Cultural Phenomena
26. 28. 30.

27. 29

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