Church Bulletin 2020-2

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Faclitator. a chris Zabion Opening Prayer. oe Song Of PEE orn sn Congregation ‘Welcome & Superintendent Opening Remar en—nnanChris Zon e550" Study nn" FFOM Bal tO VIEL nnn C805 WORSHIP HOUR - 11:00 A.M, — MARCH 14, 2020 Announcements & Welcome nnn PRONE enn MUSES Callt0 Worship ssnnnnn Praise Leader Inte ne oreat Are YOU LOFE nos nnsCOngregatton “tavocation. a P.James Rooney Pralge & Wot nemo nnnnrnnneeeather Baptiste & Friends “Hymn ofPraiscamnenan"l Sing The Mighty Power. Congregational Prayer Tina Achumba (Praying for Pennsylvania Conference, Abused and Abusive Women) offering “adventist World Rado. Chiles tory nnn vn 0hn 3020 MurielleBayot Pr. tames Rooney Scripture Reading. snnsanda da Siva Special Music —s Jonathan Bartosr Spoken Wordansnn"Don't Curse the Heat”. Pr. James Rooney what A Friend We Have In Jesu8" 8899 ‘Hymn of Consecration. *Benedicton, nnn. Jes ROONEY *Postude... os Musicians Legend: “Congregation stands teron Duty: tb ore: Oring et Week: Lace Chrch doe Sunset today 730 AM. Next Fiday: 737 Pa. ‘Asincere welcome taal our members and visitors. Moy God bess you lhly ‘as we worship todoy. A special welcome to pastor James Rooney and his {fami Posto lomes is the Director, Camp Frenda and Associate Director, (Compassion Ministries. + Today ~3:30 pim. choir practice ‘+ Wednesday 7:00pm Prayer Meeting 1) Mareh21~ Global Youth Day 2}, March 25 — ABC Book Mobile between 89 pm. Pre-order by March 23% 3), March 28- The Felendsof Jesus Adventurer chib meet at 4-0. §), Ape 20- The Golden agers, 5 pus, and ther guess rete tow LUncheon atthe Manderin Restaurant - 387 Welington R, London Senior's Discount i avalable for those over 6, Atable reserved, plearearive by 11:30AM, There i Sign-up Sheet in the foyer, speak to Don Topper, ‘Aden iteringor any member ofthe Senior's Ministry fr more Informatio, 5) October 30-Noverber 1, 2020 - MASTERPIECE: Young Women & Women’s Retreat See poster on the bulletin board in the foyer! ‘COVID-19- We are encouraging our congregation to take preventive steps to avoid infection Please adopt the folowing guidelines as best you are ‘ble 1) Respecting the needs of others, abstain fom unecessary embraces, but alo lve with compassion and cre for others. 2} Wash your hands with cap under running water fr 20 seconds before eating and after using the bathroom. 3) Use the hand-sanitizer that i lcsted in Several laces in our church facty. 4) Cough and sneeze into your elbow or a tissue lasing f the tisue by dropping itn a wast bin.) Avoid touching your eves, mouth an nose. 6} f you have fluke symptoms please make use of ou ve streaming. ‘+ Vulnerable Sector check: In order ‘tobe algned with the Ontario Conference, and Rsk Management guidelines al church officers must provide a vlnerabe sector check I you haven't done so, please submit fe tothe church ler, Larris Biggs as son possible Please submit your receipt othe treasurer Ritch Pandaleke for reimbursement Jol Posting: ADRA Canada hasan opening fora Publications Coordinator to join the Supporter Relations Department. Please see the bulletin board Pleasernote: In keeping with Adventst Risk Management guidelines, any rooms net being used, and supervised by an adut would be locked at all Should you require a pastoral vst at home or in hospital, please et Pastor [Atencio know. The elders and deacons/deaconesses are leo avaliable to ‘stand pray with you lease be aware that due to privacy laws, your permission required to include your name onthe faye ist ath bali. Parents with Children: The Mother's room i available for parents with infants and toddlers. Resources inthe room ore not available ta your chltren ‘Security Reminder Parents and guardians pease be aware of your child/chidren wheresbovtsin church. Your hilar) MUST always BE in your company. Need your proyers— The Vil omy, Connie Sores, Ruth Stoddard, Ywonne Thuile ond the Dowdel family. ay Soo C5} Birthday Celebrant - March 10-13 March 20 af appar ‘March 12 Moko ect Contact Information Pastor von Cores Atencio Fist Elder: Claro Baptiste Telephone: (519) 535 8945 Telephone: (59) 685 6110 mal otenco@adventztonoroora | Ema cmbaptsteBhotmeicom weinie wmmoleenthiondonse | Weekty Buttettn Telephone: (19) 680-1965 londonsdobuletin@gmoitcam bby TutsoAt, 10:00pm. 805 Shelbore Stee, London, ON NSZ CS Let your light shine before people, So they can see the good things you do, Matthew F6

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