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 At the end of this lecture, students should be able to:

Understand the fundamental of matrix acidizing
treatment Differentiate acid fracturing and matrix


 Matrix Acidizing Treatments

 Carbonate Acid Fracturing


Matrix acidizing is a near-wellbore treatment, with all of the

acid reacting within about a foot of the wellbore in sandstone
formations, and within a few to perhaps as much as 10 ft of
the wellbore in carbonates.

Carbonate Acid Fracturing

 These systems are used both to create the fractures
and to differentially etch the fracture faces.
 Applicable in heterogeneous carbonates (e.g.
dolomites, impure limestone).

The basic viscous acid fracturing treatment design includes :

 Preflush
Viscous Fingering (pad acid)
 Viscous acid stage
 The formation is first hydraulically fractured with a  Overflush
nonreactive, high-viscosity gel, normally crosslinked
Viscous Acid Fracturing
gelled water (to create desired fracture geometry and
to cool the formation to slow subsequent reaction of Preflush
the acid injected).
 To initiate a fracture and lower the temperature
 Next, lower-viscosity acid (HCl or an HCl-organic acid
around the fracture. Typically use slightly gelled (slick)
blend) is pumped into the created fracture.
 The acid presumably fingers through the higher
viscosity pad because of the viscosity contrast and Viscous Acid Stage
consequent mobility difference. This phenomenon is
called viscous fingering.  To simultaneously propagate the fracture and
 If the viscosity difference is at least about 50 cp, differentially etch its well. Typically use gelled,
sufficient viscous fingering occurs emulsified, or foamed acid.
 15% HCl is the most common. Higher strength HCl,
organic acids, and HCl-organic acid blends are also

Overflush :

 To displace acid from the wellbore and push the acid

volume forward, hence increasing the penetration
 When viscous acid is used, a large overflush can
effectively increase the etched fracture length.

Viscous Acid Fracturing

Viscous Fingering (pad acid)
 More complex method of viscous acid fracturing
 The most commonly used acid is 15% HCl. include alternating-stages and alternating-acids.
 Higher concentrations, such as 20% or 28% HCl, can  In alternating-stage technique, acid and gelled water
also be used (advantage of being more viscous than are alternately pumped. The alternating gelled-water
15% HCl. stages serve three purposes:
 Alternatively, HCl-organic acid blends and totally  Gelled-water stages create greater fracture width,
organic acid blends can be used in place of HCl. because of higher viscosity.
 Common viscous acid systems : acid-oil emulsion,  Gelled-water stages cool the fracture, thereby
foamed acid, and gelled acid (polymer gelled and increasing depth of acid penetration. (Acid reaction is
surfactant gelled). exothermic; therefore localized temperatures in the
 However, viscosity contrast between the acid and the fracture can become high).
pad must be significant.  Alternating pumping increases penetration distance if
 The pad fluid is typically gelled water containing 20-40 the acid is retarded, because the gelled water reduces
pounds per thousand gallons (pptg) of guar or acid leak-off from the fracture to the matrix.
modified-guar polymer.  With the alternating-acid technique, 2 acids with
opposite characteristics can be pumped alternately.
Viscous Acid Fracturing
One acid mixture typically contains reaction-retarding
 More common acid fracturing system. additives. The other acid mixture is nonretarded and
 Uses viscous acid systems such as gelled, emulsified, will react faster.
and foamed acid or chemically retarded acids.  The idea is to enhance differential etching and to
increase dissolution of rock near the wellbore.

At the end of this lecture, students should be able to:  Increased velocity increases live acid penetration.
Depends on injection rate, geometry of fracture
 Understand basic acid chemistry
/channels, etc.
 Use of dissolving power concept to estimate the
amount of acid required to remove damage around a Formation Composition
 Acid spends very rapidly in highly reactive (>95%)
 Acid spending time can be much slower in formations
 Dissolving Power Concept
with lower HCl reactivity (65% - 85%).
 Acid Chemistry
 The reaction rate of acid in limestone is about twice
that in dolomites (at lower temperatures).
 Formation physical composition is key to acid

Surface-Area-to-Volume Ratio

 The spending rate of acid is proportional to the surface

area of rock that comes in contact with a given volume
of acid.
 In matrix acidizing, the ratio of surface area to acid
volume is very high, and acid spends rapidly. Hence,
very difficult to achieve deeper penetration.
 In natural fractures, the ratio of surface area to acid
Acid reaction rate is important, in which, together with volume is much less, and deeper treatment is possible.
formation characteristics, it determines the acid type and  In fracture acidizing, the ratio of rock surface area to
volume required. acid volume is even lower. Very deep stimulation in
fracturing applications is therefore possible.
Acid reaction rate is governed by

Temperature - Acid reaction rate increases directly with

temperature. At about 150oF, the reaction rate of HCl and
limestone is about twice that of 80oF.

Pressure - Pressure greater than 500 psi has little effect on

reaction rates. Below 500 psi, increased pressure accelerates
reaction rate.

Acid Type - Acid strength varies with acid type. Acid strength
is defined by ionization strength, or the degree to which acid
ionizes to hydrogen ion (H+), the reactive species with
carbonate minerals.

HCl is the strongest acid, as it nearly completely dissociated to

H+, and Cl- , in water.

Acetic and formic acids are weakly ionizing, as they do not

completely dissociate to H+ and the corresponding anion in

Acid Concentration

 Rate increases with acid concentration up to 20% wt

HCl, after which the rate decreases due to retarding
effects of dissolved reaction products (CaCl2 and

 More convenient way to express reaction

 Represent the amount of mineral consumed by a
given amount of acid on mass or volume basis.
 Complex reaction.
Well history should be studied to determine whether the
damage is amenable to removal with acid.

Acidizing treatment design can begin.

 Selection of the type and concentration of acid to be

WELL STIMULATION TECHNIQUES  Determine the volume of preflush, HF/HCl mixture,
At the end of this lecture, students should be able to: and postflush required, and desired injection rate.
 Acid placement.
 Understand sandstone matrix acidizing treatment  Additives to be added.
design process
 Understand the selection of the acids for matrix ACID SELECTION
acidizing treatment Based primarily on field experience.
 Describe the various acid placement techniques
Standard treatment : 15 wt% HCl pre-flush followed with 3
LECTURE CONTENTS wt% HF + 12 wt% HCl mixture (mud acid).
 Sandstone Matrix Acidizing Treatment Design Process Recent trend has been toward the use of lower-strength HF
 The Selection of The Acids for Matrix Acidizing solutions to:
 Various Acid Placement Techniques  Reduce damaging precipitates.
 Reduce risk of unconsolidation of formation around
 Matrix acidizing is used primarily in sandstone formations to
dissolve unwanted materials that have invaded the rock pores
during drilling, cementing and completions operations

Due to high friction pressure, matrix acidizing must be

conducted at low injection rate so that the acids penetrates
into the pore spaces of the rock without fracturing the


Due to insolubility of some fluorite salts, mud acid should :

INTRODUCTION  Never be diluted with seawater

 Never be used to acidize carbonate formation
Analysis of the cause(s) of impaired well performance.  Always be used with preflush of HCl
Well skin effect measurement.  Always be used with postflush with HCl or NH4Cl
 The observed reduction in permeability is not due to
fines migration but is a result of the CO2 produced by
the reaction of acid with the carbonates present in
Berea appearing as a separate CO2 – rich phase within
the pore spaces.
 If this is the case, the rock is not at all damaged, but
the relative permeability to acid is simply decreased
by the presence of the additional fluid phase.
 This phase will, however, be readily removed when
the well is put on production since CO2 has a
substantial solubility in both oil and water.

Laboratory Test to select Optimal Acid

 Particularly useful when many wells will be treated in

the same formation.
 Flow acid through a small core and monitor
permeability response from pressure drop.
 Compare “Acid Response Curve” – a plot of the
permeability of the core as a function of acid 1. PREFLUSH
 throughput in pore volumes.
 Should only be used as guideline for field treatment.  Important - to remove formation materials that would
react to a significant extent with HCl.
SANDSTONE MATRIX ACIDIZING DESIGN  Usually 5 – 15 wt% of HCl, containing corrosion
inhibitors and other additives (as required).
 Displace connate water from the near-wellbore
region, minimizing direct contact between sodium and
potassium ions in the formation brine and the HF or
fluosilicate reaction products.
 Reduce the possible redamaging of the formation by
precipitation of insoluble sodium or potassium
fluorides or fluosilicates.
 Reduce reaction between HF & CaCO3 , avoid waste of
more expensive HF, prevents precipitation of calcium
fluoride (CaF2 ).
 Serves to precool formation.

P/s : use dissolving power concept to estimate the volume of

Permeability initially decrease, reaches a minimum, then
preflush needed.
Smith et al (1965) reasoning:
 HCl mixture (usually 3 wt% HF and 12 wt% HCl).
 Initial permeability decrease due to partial
 HF reacts with clays, sand, drilling mud or cement to
disintegration of the sandstone matrix, and the
improve permeability near the wellbore.
downstream migration of fine that plug flow channels.
 HCl will not react with these materials but is needed
Continual exposure to acid resulting in dissolution of
to keep the pH low, reducing the precipitation of HF
reaction products.
 Subsequent increase in permeability due to clearing of
pore channels plugged by fines and the enlargement 3. POSTFLUSH
of other pore channels by the acid.
 To isolate reacted HF from brine that may be used to
Shaughnessy & Kunze (1980) reasoning: flush the tubing.
 To displace spent acid into the formation.
 Permeability damage to Berea cores will also result if
 To restore water wettability of the formation.
HCl is used without HF.
 Moves precipitates farther from wellbore, so the
precipitations that may form will be less damaging.
 Minimum volume : tubing volume plus twice the  Usually denser than fluid, so that after treatment, the
volume of wellbore below the tubing (due to gravity ball sealers will fall into the rathole.
segregation effects as mentioned by Hong and  Erbstoesser (1980) showed that ball sealers that are
Millhone (1977). slightly buoyant in the carrying fluid seat more
efficiently than dense ball sealers, but require ball trap
Types :
to be added to flow line as it will be produced back at
 Oil Wells – diesel oil or 15 wt% HCl surface after treatment
 Water Injection Wells – HCl  General guideline to use twice as many ball sealers as
 Gas Wells – acid or gas (nitrogen or natural gas perforations & 50% excess for buoyant sealers.
 Their efficiency depends on the relative density
ACID PLACEMENT TECHNIQUES between the balls and the injection rate.
Acid will usually follow the path of least resistance – lesser  The higher the rate, the better ball sealers will work,
damaged intervals. i.e. Seating efficiency increases as injection rate
Allowing acid to choose its own path may not achieve the  Not recommended for low rates.
design coverage.  Not effective in deviated or horizontal wells.
Therefore, acid placement or diversion is to ensure uniform
distribution of acid across the treatment intervals. 2 main
categories :

 Mechanical
 Chemical


Isolate individual zones mechanically and treat all zones

Accomplished with (as described by McLeod) : AGENTS

 Opposed cup packer (Perforation wash tool) Fine particles that form a relatively low-permeability filter
 Combination of a squeeze packer and a retrievable cake on formation face. The pressure drop through this filter
bridge plug cake increases the flow resistance, diverting the acid to other
 Inflatable straddle packers parts of the formation where less diverting agent has been
Requires the removal of tubulars from well, adding significant
cost to treatment. However, the cost may often be justified by Added to acid continuously or in batches between acid stages.
the improved placement, particularly in horizontal well. Must form a low-permeability filter cake that is easily removed
Best method for obtaining uniform placement. by choosing agents that are :

 Small particles with wide ranges of sizes

 Soluble in oil, gas or water

Creates temporary plug in high permeability zones so that the

treatment fluids are diverted to the low permeability zone.


 Rubber-coated balls that are designed to seat in the

perforations in the casing, thereby diverting injected
fluid to other perforations.
 Added to injected acid in stages, so that after a
number of perforations have received acid, they are
blocked, diverting acid to other stages. LEARNING OUTCOMES
 At the end of this lecture, students should be able to:  Flow geometry
 Understand carbonate matrix acidizing treatment  Injection rate
process  Reaction kinetics
 Mass transfer rates
Carbonate matric acidizing is all about wormholes : acid-
 Carbonate Matrix Acidizing Treatment Process
created channels that are orders of magnitude larger than


In matrix acidizing, wormholes are good.
Physically and chemically different from sandstone
Propagation of wormholes through the damaged zone yields
 Very fine grains exhibiting vugular or fracture porosity negative skin.
compared to sandstone (intergranular porosity)
Only a small fraction of the matrix must be dissolved.
 React much faster with HCl than sandstones
 Often, a few large channels, called wormholes, are
created, caused by the nonuniform dissolution of
limestone by HCl in a linear core flood.

Carbonates normally

 Massive deposits of chalk, limestone or dolomite

 Smaller particles than sand grains
 Undergo large porosity & permeability reduction
(burial & diagenesis)
 Also include Fe, clays, Si materials



Surface reaction rates are relatively high, hence mass transfer

limits reaction, leading to highly nonuniform dissolution

A few large channels called wormholes form

Structure of wormholes depends on many factors including:


HCl acid is the most common acid used in carbonate matrix


Weak acids are suggested for perforation cleanup and

perforating fluid, but otherwise, strong solutions of HCl are
All models of wormhole propagation predict deeper
 At A, high Damkohler number, acid is consumed at the penetration for higher acid concentrations, so high
inlet flow face of the core, permeability increase is concentration of HCl is preferable.
negligible, acidizing is inefficient. In carbonates, there are no precipitation reactions to limit the
 At B, low Damkohler number, acid can penetrate into acid concentrations used, as in the case in sandstones.
the porous matrix and enlarge flow channels, a
wormhole is formed. The wormholes increase the
permeability significantly making the acidizing


 Determine the acid volume and injection rate

schedule for carbonate acidizing, similar to the
approach used in sandstone acidizing.
 Determine the maximum volume needed based on a
model of the acidizing process and then adjusting the
injection rate and volume actually pumped based on
real-time monitoring of the treatment.
 The acid volume is calculated with a model of
wormhole propagation (Daccord’s model or the
volumetric model) for a desired penetration of
 Current models of wormhole propagation predict that
wormhole velocity increases with injection rate to the
power of ½ to 1.
 Thus, to propagate wormholes at a given distance The criteria (stated in the Table) determine whether a well has
most rapidly, the maximum injection rate is minimum of :
 Remaining reserve to justify well stimulation
 In general, sufficient acid volumes are available, so
 Well inflow productivity
that injection at the maximum rate is recommended
 Capacity in facilities to process extra fluid production
for limestone formations.
 Therefore, by increasing the reaction rate, acid will 1. Does the well show sand production? Are sand control
penetrate farther into the formation. measures in place?
3. MONITORING THE ACIDIZING PROCESS Matrix stimulation treatments of gravel packed completions
have historically shown a lower success rate than when
Injection rate and injection pressure should be closely
perforated completions are treated.
monitored, similar to the approach as in the case in
sandstones acidizing treatment. 2. Is the cause of formation damage known (or at least
Because the wormholes created in carbonates are such large
channels, it is generally assumed that the pressure drop Identification of the cause of the formation damage greatly
through the wormholed region is negligible, so that the effect increases the chance of matrix treatment success since a
of the wormholes on the well skin effect is the same as treatment fluid which efficiently removes that specific form of
enlarging the wellbore. formation damage can be selected.
The skin evolution in a carbonate matrix acidizing treatment Could other inflow improving measures (e.g. re-perforation)
can be predicted with the models of wormhole propagation. be a more economical approach to increase well production?
4. FLUID DIVERSION 3. Is the stimulation feasible?
 Adequate placement of acid into all zones to be The final stage of stimulation candidate selection is to
stimulated is as important in acidizing carbonates as it evaluate the practical aspects of the stimulation.
is in sandstones. The same fluid placement techniques
are applicable. e.g. What is the mechanical condition of the well?
 One exception is in carbonate formations that are Are there any logistical, scheduling, or other overriding
vugular or contain large natural fractures. considerations, which prevent the well being taken out of
 In these types of formations, larger particle diverting production?
agents are needed.
 For a vuggy or fractured carbonate, diverting agents
such as Unibeads or benzoic acid flakes are To correct formation permeability impairment caused by
recommended. drilling mud :
LEARNING OUTCOMES  Immediately after drilling/completion
 Identify potential hazards in acidizing treatments Routine field production surveillance, well produced less than
 Understand well stimulation economics surrounding wells with comparable reservoir
 Describe what is a good matrix acidizing candidate quality/permeability-thickness
LECTURE CONTENTS  After routine surveillance
 Economics Potential Hazards in Acidizing Treatments
 Matrix Acidizing Candidate Selection


WELL STIMULATION ECONOMICS Cost of returning the well to production e.g. initiate
production by lifting with nitrogen gas.

Cost of consumables e.g. chemicals etc. The stimulation

treatment :

That yields the highest (discounted) rate of return, and

That is operationally feasible Should be carried out first if

several stimulation candidate wells have been identified.

Payback Time

The production time required for the increased, net HC

production to pay back the costs of the stimulation treatment.
A simpler calculation method.  The most profitable candidate
Line with steeper slope corresponds to a greater, annual, net
is the stimulation treatment yielding the most rapid payback
HC production decline rate.
Most companies require a very high rate of return from this
Extra oil reserves created by producing the well above the type of well treatment, leading to pay back times of between
economic limit for a longer period of time. 6 and 12 months.
The expected, net HC production gain needs to be estimated
first if :

 The well’s skin value is known or Use Hawkins formula

if the extent and depth of formation damage are
known (or guesstimated).
 Experience with comparable stimulations in the same

Field experience has shown that :

 Gain in production will normally be followed by an

increased production decline rate.
 In time, well’s production rate will often revert to its Leaks and handling of acid.
predicted, original value or even below this
extrapolated value. The latter occurs if the well’s  Leaks on surface endanger service personnel. Contact
reserves have undergone an accelerated depletion with acids can cause severe burns and should be
resulting from the increased well production following avoided
the well stimulation.  Subsurface leaks corrode tubing & casing

Estimate of the length of time, during which the stimulated Most additives used in acid are toxic to varying degree.
well stimulation will increase in production is also required, Chemicals contacting the skin should be removed immediately
consider : by washing with soap and water.

 The well inflow i.e. whether the well has sufficient Potential Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) may be produced when acid
inflow capacity and remaining reserves react with sulfide scale
 The well (tubing) outflow capacity
 H2S smells like rotten eggs at low concentrations
 Whether the production facilities have sufficient
 Effects depends on concentrations and duration of
capacity to process the extra fluid volumes.
exposure Immediate death when concentrations are
over 500-1000 ppm

Arsenic Inhibitor (poisonous if swallowed)

Compare the increased revenue with cost of stimulation which
include the :  Arsenic contact with aluminium or magnesium may
produce arsine gas
Cost of mobilization, equipment rental (pumps, tanks etc.) and  Arsine gas - an inhalation hazard, very deadly
personnel  Generally do not use Arsenic inhibitors due to their
toxicity and environmental protection problems
Environment Protection

 Proper handling & disposal of acid and spent acid

 Follow regulatory guidelines



At the end of this lecture, students should be able to:

 Identify the hydraulic fracture treatment selection

 Analyse the fracture stimulated well inflow
performance The radial well inflow equation shows that the well production
 Understand the fundamental of fracturing rate (Q) can be increased by :

LECTURE CONTENTS  Increasing the formation flow capacity (k.h) {the

fracture may increase the effective formation height
 Fundamental of Fracturing (h) or connect with a formation zone with a higher
 The Hydraulic Fracture Treatment Selection permeability (k)}
Guidelines  Bypassing flow effects that increase the skin, S (near
 The Fracture Stimulated Well Inflow Performance wellbore formation damage)
FUNDAMENTAL OF FRACTURING  Increasing the wellbore radius (𝑟𝑤) to an effective
wellbore radius (𝑟𝑤 ′ ), which is itself is a function of
the conductive fracture length, 𝐿𝑓

Hydraulic Fracturing is beneficial in following three cases :

1. If the reservoir is composed of a low-permeability,

homogeneous rock, fracturing is similar in effect to
increasing the size of the hole. (i.e., fluid formerly
flowed through the low-permeability rock becomes
 Propped Hydraulic Fracturing consists of pumping a able to move into the high capacity fracture at some
viscous fluid at a sufficiently high pressure into the distance from the well.)
completion interval so that a two winged, hydraulic 2. Fracturing will eliminate formation damage by
fracture is formed. bypassing it.
 This fracture is then filled with a high conductivity, 3. Fracture radiating from the well bore act as a
proppant which holds the fracture open (maintains a gathering lines connecting permeable and porous
high conductivity path to the wellbore) after the systems that are otherwise isolated from the well by
treatment is finished. impermeable barriers.
 The propped fracture can have a width between 5 mm TREATMENT SELECTION GUIDELINES
and 35 mm and a length of 100 m or more
 Hydraulic fracture stimulation is required for the
economic development of low permeability
 This is because a highly conductive fracture results in
a negative skin with the wellbore flowing pressure,
(P1) having been increased, at a given flow rate,
compared to an unimpaired (P2) or impaired (P3)
 An alternative is to pump acid at a wellbore pressure flowing pressure.
greater than the fracture propagation pressure for a
inhomogeneous carbonate formation.
 Both types of fracturing treatments create highly
conductive paths from deep in the reservoir to the

The fracture conductivity is increased by:

 An increased fracture width (w),

 An increased proppant permeability (large, more
spherical, proppant grains have a higher permeability)
 Minimising the permeability damage to the proppant
pack from the fracturing fluid.

Propped hydraulic fracture well stimulation should only be

considered when the:

 Well is connected to adequate produce able reserves;

 Reservoir pressure is high enough to maintain flow
when producing these reserves (or it is economically
justifiable to install artificial lift);
 Production system can process the extra production.


 These minimum criteria are equivalent to those used

for matrix treatments and are summarized in the
table. There is, however, one extra and unique
requirement for propped hydraulic fracturing:
 Professional, experienced personnel are available for
treatment design, execution and supervision along
together with high quality pumping, mixing and
blending equipment
 The last requirement arises because a propped
hydraulic fracturing treatment is more complex
compared to matrix or acid fracturing treatments.
The above correlations and equations can be used to quantify
the relationship between the increased production (FOI) as a
function of the fracture length ( 𝐿𝑓 ), formation permeability
(k) and the fracture conductivity (𝑘𝑓 ∗ 𝑤). The figure shows
that for wells in low permeability (0.1 mD) formations :

High values of the FOI are possible;

FOI is related to fracture half length, while the fracture

conductivity has a limited effect, providing its value is greater
than a certain minimum.

The (low) formation permeability is controlling the well inflow

and increased fracture conductivity does not improve well
inflow performance. An increase in the formation permeability
to 10 mD results in:
 A fracture with a low conductivity (100 mD.ft) has he split will be in the direction of least resistance, i.e. will
essentially no effect on the well production; propagate most easily in the direction perpendicular to the
 Increasing the fracture conductivity by a factor of 10 minimum in-situ stress.
(to 1,000 mD.ft) increases the well production (or FOI),
Thus, in tectonically relaxed environments, we can assume
but the FOI is still independent of fracture
that a hydraulic fracture will have a vertical orientation and
A further increase to 10,000 mD.ft is required before the will propagate in the direction of the intermediate (or
inflow performance becomes sensitive to created fracture maximum horizontal) of the in-situ stress i.e. at right angles to
length i.e. the fracture conductivity is no longer the only the minimum in-situ stress.
limiting factor in well inflow performance.

Inflow from the formation into the fracture is no longer the

controlling factor for this higher permeability reservoir.

The above considerations will control the hydraulic fracture

treatment design process since long and highly conductive
fractures are more difficult to make and have a greater cost.


 In-situ Stress
 Effective Stress
 Fracture Initiation and Perforation
 Programme Data Gathering


It is known that there are three principle earth stresses

orientated to one another.

 𝜎1 is the vertical stress

 𝜎2 is the minimum horizontal stress The vertical stress (𝜎𝑥) can be measured, or assumed, with
 𝜎3 is the maximum horizontal stress reasonable accuracy. The important rock property for
predicting the other two stresses from the vertical stress is
called Poisson’s Ratio (v), the ratio between Lateral Strain (𝜀𝑦)
and the Longitudinal Strain (𝜀𝑥)

The negative sign is included because (convention) states that

expansion should be treated as negative and we wish Poisson’
Ratio to be a positive number

Below about 500m, in a relaxed tectonic environment, the

vertical stress is normally the greatest

𝝈𝑽 > 𝝈𝑯 > 𝝈𝒉

The overburden stress can be computed with density log data.

Normally, the value for overburden stress is approximately 1
psi/ft of depth, though lower values are encountered in
shallow, particularly offshore environments subject to rapid

Propagation of a hydraulic fracture, requires the actual

splitting apart of the fabric of the formation. T
Figure 3 explains how subjecting a rock sample to a vertical  The pressure needed to start the fracture propagating
(the overburden) stress results in it shortening in the vertical
Fracture Propagation Pressure (FPP)
direction and expansion in the horizontal direction.

A similar effect occurs in a reservoir rock deposited in a  Pressure needed to continue fracture propagation =
sedimentary basin. minimum rock in-situ stress + fracture toughness :

The magnitude of the vertical stress at any depth is related to Since the propagating fracture has to overcome the forces that
the weight of the overlying rock mass. This can often be are preventing further splitting of the rock, the minimum rock
estimated by integrating the density log from the depth under in-situ stress and its fracture toughness are included in the
study to the surface (a default value of 1.0 – 1.1 psi/ft can be calculation of FPP.
used if this log is not available). The Fracture Initiation Pressure (FIP) - the pressure needed to
EFFECTIVE STRESS start the fracture propagating from the perforation will
normally be greater than the FPP.
 The pore fluids present within the rock matrix will
This is because fracture initiation requires additional energy to
support a proportion of the total applied stress. This
overcome the tensile stresses present around the borehole
means that effective stress (s’) carried by the rock
plus any extra pressure required to overcome the fact that the
matrix grains is smaller than the total stress. This was
perforation is not orientated in the preferred direction for
quantified by Terzaghi as: 𝝈 , = 𝝈 − 𝑷 Where 𝜎 is the
fracture propagation. Inefficient perforating can increase the
total stress, P is the pore pressure, and 𝜎 , is the
effective stress.
 It was later recognized by Handin that the intergrain This illustrates how it is unlikely that inline (O o phasing)
cementation does not allow the pore pressure to perforations will be aligned with this preferred direction of
completely counteract the applied load. A correction fracture propagation (In the case illustrated the perforation is
factor, the pore-elastic constant, 𝛼, was introduced: 𝝈 orientated at right angles to the preferred fracture criteria).
, = 𝝈𝜶 – 𝑷
Field experience indicates that the FIP can be minimized by
perforating the well with 60 o phasing – the maximum
difference between the perforation and induced fracture
orientation will now be reduced to 30.

Figure shows how the fracture has to initiate from the

perforation and then travel around the well until it achieves
the preferred orientation, after which it will propagate away
from the well. The width of the induced fracture is related to

 From these equations, it is concluded that the values the difference between the fluid pressure in the fracture and
of the stresses which control fracture propagation can the in-situ stress.
change as the reservoir pressure depletes during the The fracture will be much narrower at the point of initiation
life of a petroleum reservoir. Hence the stress profile since the maximum rather than the minimum, horizontal
measured early in a field’s lifetime may become stress is acting on the fracture. This area of restricted width
invalid as the field matures. may not be wide enough to allow the passage of proppant
 For example, a hydraulic fracture created later in the grains during the later stages of the fracturing treatment –
life of a field will tend to be more confined to the pay resulting in a premature screen out
zone than a similar treatment carried out early in field
life. This occurs because the pay zone reservoir
pressure will have decreased due to oil or gas
production, while the pressure and hence the in-situ
stress in the bounding shale will be unchanged.


As discussed, the induced hydraulic fracture propagates at

right angles to the minimum in-situ stress.

From a conceptual point of view, it can be seen that the:

Fracture Initiation Pressure (FIP)

 Prior to carrying out the hydraulic fracturing The fracture is still open at the ISIP. Leak off continues,
treatment it is advisable to carry out a smaller data pressure drops until FCP. The FCP is recognized as a change in
gathering called minifrac, to measure the formation slope in the pressure decay curve.
and fluid properties.
Fluid is leaking off into the formation from the whole fracture
 Fluid is pumped at a constant rate and small volume;
surface when the fracture is open.
e.g. : 2 barrel for the required time and the treatment
pressure measured. The fluid loss rate decreases to a low value after the fracture
 Proppant is not used. closes. Due time, pressure will be equalized to reservoir
 The bottom hole pressure begins to rise until FIP, after pressure.
which it drops rapidly to FPP.
Fracture Re-opening Pressure, FRP have lower value than FIP.
 The pumps are stopped when the desired fluid volume
has been pumped and fracture propagation ceases. Valuable information from minifrac:
 This pressure drops rapidly to ISIP.
 The longer the fracture takes to close after the
cessation of pumping, the lower the leak off and the
greater the fracture volume. A volume balance can be
performed to quantify this fluid loss to be used as
input to fracture treatment design programs.
 Fracture height can be measured after the well is
fractured: A temperature log is run across the
perforated interval before and after the minifrac
treatment. This production log will record a
(cool/lower temperature) zone across the created
fracture due to the injection of the cold fracturing


At the end of this lecture, students should be able to:

 Understand the importance of knowing the fracture

size, containment and growth, and the shape of the
induced fracture


 Fracture Height Measurement

 Fracture Size, Containment, and Growth

 Greater volumes of fracturing fluid will create larger

fractures. However, often uncontrolled growth of
fractures is not desirable from a production point of
view e.g. when the target oil zone is overlain by gas
with water underneath.
 It assumes that: The fracture is initiated from
perforations at the midpoint of the oil zone and the
fracture propagates radially. The resulting maximum
allowable fracture half length (𝐿𝑓) is slightly less than
half the height of the oil column.
 The hydraulic fracture should thus be designed so that  Figure 3 shows a case where a massive, homogeneous,
it does not contact unwanted fluids within a single gas bearing sandstone is overlain by a (sodium
formation layer. chloride) salt zone (the cap rock). The well is
 It must also consider whether the hydraulic fracture is perforated near the top of the pay zone.
contained within the pay zone i.e. whether upward  There is thus a very large in-situ stress contrast
and / or downward fracture growth is retarded by (estimated as 10 Mpa) at the salt/sandstone boundary
changes in the formation property contrast between resulting in upward fracture growth being
the two layers. immediately halted. Due to the homogeneous nature
of the sandstone, it is expected that there is a constant
stress gradient.
 The effect on fracture shape and containment of
differing values of the stress gradient is illustrated.
 (i) Constant stress (or zero stress gradient) : The
fracture grows downwards due to the density of the
fracturing fluid giving rise to an increased pressure at
 (Minimum) in-situ stress: permeable formations e.g. the bottom surface of the fracture compared to the
sand typically have a lower Poisson’s Ratio compared top surface.
to the bounding shale layers. The resulting lower in-  (ii) Hydrostatic stress gradient (0.45 psi/ft) : The stress
situ stress will aid hydraulic fracture containment. gradient in the formation is now the same as that of
 Fracture toughness: increased values of the fracture the fracturing fluid – resulting in radial propagation of
toughness imply that it is more difficult for the the fracture, apart from the top surface where upward
fracture to propagate in that zone. growth is stopped due to large (10 Mpa) stress
 Leak off: high fluid loss rates will retard fracture contrast at the salt/sandstone boundary.
propagation through the zone.  (iii) Extensional stress gradient (0.7 psi/ft) is
commonly found in relaxed tectonic environments. A
longer fracture results since the fracture downward
HIGH IN-SITU STRESS CONTRASTS AND FRACTURE SHAPES growth becoming limited due to the minimum in-situ
stress increasing at a greater rate (0.7 psi/ft) than the
hydrostatic head of the fracturing fluid (0.45 psi/ft).
 (iv) Overburden (or maximum) stress gradient (1.1
psi/ft). This scenario yields the longest fracture with
the least downward growth. In fact, the fracture is
trying to grow upwards, the reverse of the first
scenario. This upwards growth constrained by the high
stress contrast of the salt/sand boundary.


 Whether a pay zone boundary is capable of containing
a fracture will depend on the magnitude of the
fracture containment; e.g. the minimum in-situ stress
contrast and the thickness of the boundary.
 Figure 4 illustrates fracture containment for three
different values of the stress contrast. Initially the
fracture propagates radially in the pay zone until the
boundary layer is reached; after which it becomes
more elongated - with greater stress contrasts giving
rise to the more elongated shapes.
 The fracture lines growing with the increasing times /
volume of hydraulic fracturing fluid pumped.

The stress contrast at the upper and lower boundary cause

upward and downward fracture growth to be retarded.
Upward fracture growth is somewhat easier as the stress
contrast in this direction is less. The effect of this partial
fracture containment is to increase the FPP (Times 4, 5, and 6).

At time 7, the upward growth allows the fracture to break

through into the upper water bearing zone. Since this has a
very low, constant fracture gradient, the fracture will grow
rapidly upwards, resulting in a drop in the FPP.

Note that the fracture length in the pay zone has actually
decreased due to the fracture’s rapid expansion into the
upper, water sand. Real time measurement of the FPP thus
allows monitoring of fracture containment.


Whether a pay zone boundary is capable of containing a There are a number of possible measurement techniques
fracture will depend on the magnitude of the fracture which can be used to measure fracture height :
containment, e.g. the minimum in-situ stress contrast and the 1. Run a temperature log immediately after the fracture
thickness of the boundary. treatment to measure cooled zone denoting fracture
Figure 4 illustrates fracture containment for three different fluid entry.
values of the stress contrast. Initially the fracture propagates 2. The depth at which fluid is entering into the well from
radially in the pay zone until the boundary layer is reached; the fracture can be measured by running a production
after which it becomes more elongated - with greater stress log across the perforated interval to measure the flow
contrasts giving rise to the more elongated shapes. profile (spinner a flow meter log) or the flow induced
noise (noise log) or temperature changes.
The fracture lines growing with the increasing times / volume 3. The proppant can be given a lightly radioactive
of hydraulic fracturing fluid pumped. coating. Running a gamma ray log after the excess
proppant has been cleaned out of the well will
measure the propped fracture height.
4. The fracture can be physically observed in open hole
completions using borehole camera generating a
picture of the borehole wall using video.
5. Making seismic measurements. These seismic
monitoring are installed at the surface or in an
observation well.


Several (commercial) programs are available to predict the

shape (height, length and width) of the induced hydraulic
fracture. They fall into one of three classes:

2D : These models use two dimensional, analytical equations

where the fracture height is required as input.

P3D : or pseudo three dimensional programs. These programs

combine analytical and numerical routines that can predict the
fracture height and width somewhat independently

Fully 3D : Complex numerical modelling programs with

extensive input data and high-end computing requirements

The complexity of hydraulic fracturing models derives from

the need to simultaneously satisfy two sets of laws:

Conservation of momentum, mass and energy.

A fracture propagation criteria that controls the advance of

the fracture tip

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