Parts of Capstone Project

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Chapter I The Problem and Its Background

(80%) Introduction
(100%)Objectives of the Study
(100%)lGeneral Objective
To find out ways to improve the manual hotel reservation of _____ and what system will be
developed to enhance it. To make a rapid service on reservation of room for the customer. And
to make accurate computation of bills
(100%)Specific Objectives
To be able to deliver fast and precise service
To be able to lessen the effort of the employers and to have an accurate records
To have detailed reports immediately
To evaluate the flow and operations of manual system
To study and analyze the operation of the document presented
Give solution to problems
_Scope and Limitation
The study limit itse;f to the entire custoers detail of _______. This coers the entry of customer
record, computation of per datt, per reservations rooms and additional charges in case of extend
or prolonged period of staying in the hotel.
_Significance of the Study
*Review of Related Literature and Studies
*Definition of Terms
Chapter II Technical Background
_Conceptual Framework explain work process
*System Architecture
-Context Diagram
_Data Flow Diagram
_Entity Relationship Diagram
_Database Schema
_GANTT Chart
Chapter III Methodology
_Software Development Methodology SDLC
_Respondents of the Study
_Sampling Technique
_Statistical Treatment
Chapter IV Results and Discussion
Chapter V Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations

APA Paper Formatting

APA Paper Formatting & Style Guidelines
Your teacher may want you to format your paper using APA guidelines. If you
were told to create your citations in APA format, your paper should be
formatted using the APA guidelines as well.
General guidelines:

1. Use white 8 ½  x 11” paper.

2. Make 1 inch margins on the top, bottom, and sides
3. The first word in every paragraph should be indented one half inch.
4. APA recommends using Times New Roman font, size 12.
5. Double space the entire research paper
6. Include a page header known as the “running head” at the top of
every page. (To make this process easier, set your word processor to
automatically add these components onto each page)
1. To create the running head/page header, insert page numbers
justified to the right-hand side of the paper (do not put p. or pg. in front
of page numbers)
2. Then type “TITLE OF YOUR PAPER” justified to the left using all
capital letters
3. If your title is long, this running head title should be a shortened
version of the title of your entire paper
Sample running head/page header

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