HRM 2 MARKS UNIT 1 and 2

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UNIT - 1


1. What is HRM?
Human resource management is a process of bringing people and organisations
together so that the goals of each are met. It is that part of the management process
which is concerned with the management of human resources in an organisation.

2. Outline the scope of HRM.

 Procurement
 Training and Development
 Job Analysis and Job Description
 Remuneration/Rewards
 Personnel Records
 Welfare
 Industrial

3. State the importance of human factor in HRM?

 Activates Non-human resources

 Develops competitive advantages
 Act as a sources of relative energy

4. Can you list the challenges in administering HR policies?

 Globalisation
 New-Technology
 New-Challenges
 Partnership between line management & HRM
 Skill shortage
 Knowledge management

5. Identify the various roles of HR Manager?


Administrative Roles Operational Roles Strategic Roles

 Policy-maker Recruitment Strategic partner

 Administrative Expert Trainer and Motivator Change champion
 Advisor Liaison officer/linking pin
 Housekeeper Mediator
 Counselor Employee champion
6. In your opinion what factors that influence HRM?

i. Competition
ii. Compensation
iii. Legislation
iv. Employee Relations
7. What is meant by HR policy?

HR policy are as set of proposals and action that act as a reference point for managers in
their dealings with the employees.

8. List the various types of HR policies?

 Originated Policies
 Appealed Policies
 Imposed Policies
 General Policies
 Specific Polices
 Implied Policies
 Written Policies

9. Describe the need for HR policies?

 Give life and direction to the programme of activities covering the needs of the
organization and its human resources.
 Provides definite guidelines to achieve consistent treatment of all employees.
 Serves as a management tool.

10. Identify and list few areas of computer application in HRM?

 E-Recruitment
 E-Training
 Electronic Performance Support System[EPSS]
 E-Payroll

11. Differentiate between HR policies and procedures?

Policies are clear, simple statements of how your organisation intends to conduct its services,
actions or business. They provide a set of guiding principles to help with decision making.

Policies don't need to be long or complicated – a couple of sentences may be all you need for
each policy area.

Procedures describe how each policy will be put into action in your organisation. Each
procedure should outline:
 Who will do what
 What steps they need to take
 Which forms or documents to use.
Procedures might just be a few bullet points or instructions. Sometimes they work well as
forms, checklists, instructions or flowcharts.

Policies and their accompanying procedures will vary between workplaces because they
reflect the values, approaches and commitments of a specific organisation and its culture. But
they share the same role in guiding your organisation.

12. Write short note on HR Audit?

HR Audit is an examination of the human resources policies, practices, and system of a

firm (or division) to eliminate deficiencies and improve ways to achieve goals.

13. What are the objectives of an HR Audit?

 To identify the degree of efficiency in the performance

 To propose appropriate strategies and corrective action
 To recognize the good work done by the HR people.

14. How do you collect information for an HR Audit?

 Interview Method
 Questionnaire Method
 Observation Method
 Analysis of records and secondary Method
 Workshop Method
 Task force Method

15. What are the benefits of an HR Audit?

 Forecasting strategic business plans

 Clarity of role of HR function
 Organisational competency analysis
 HR system analysis
 ROI analysis
 Increased focus on Human Resources & Human Competencies
 Strengthening performance improvement mechanisms

16. Define HR Accounting?

HRA-Human Resource Accounting is the measurement of costs value of the organization.

17. Outline the HR Audit process?

Determining the objective of the Audit

Developing a Rough Audit plan and its process

Gathering Background Data

Determining the criteria and Technique of Data Collection

Finalizing the Audit Plan

Gathering complete Audit Data

Developing an Audit Data

Act Based on the Audit Report

18. Can you explain the advantages of an HR Audit?

HR System Analysis: An HR audit points out to the competence base required. It sets the
stage and gives at various levels.

ROI Analysis: An HR audit examines the Return on Investment(ROI) on various human

resources development programmers and strategies such as training by lowing into process of
identifying training needs and utilization of training inputs and learning for organization
growth and development.

19. Explain the need for HR Audit?

 When the employer creates or modifies an employee handbook.

 When a new need of human resources management arrives.
 When employee morale, turnover, attendance, or excessive discipline problems seem
to signal the need to evaluate the practices.

20. How would you differentiate HRM and Personnel Management?


1. Employment Contract Careful delineation of written Aim to go beyond
contract. contract.
2. Rules Importance of devising clear It can do, outlook,
rules. impatience, with rule.
3. Guide to Procedures. Business needs.
Management Action
4. Behaviour Referent Norms/ Customs and Values/ Mission.

UNIT – 2
1. Define HR Planning?

According to Bulla and Scott, “Human Resources Planning is the process for ensuring that
the human resource requirements of an organization are identified and plans are made for
satisfying those requirements”.

2. Distinguish between induction and socialization.

Induction is the process of receiving and welcoming an employee when he first joins a
company and giving him the basic information he need to settle down quickly and happily
and start work

Socialization is a long-term process of planned and unplanned formal and informal

activities and experiences through which an individual acquires the attitudes, behaviors, and
knowledge needed to successfully participated as a member of an organization and terms the
firm’s culture.

3. List the factors affecting HR Planning?

o Company policies and Strategies
o Human Resource Policies
o Job Analysis
o Time Horizon
o Government policies
o Level of Economic Development
o Business Environment
o Level of Technology
4. Can you identify the various sources for HR Forecasting?
 Demand Forecasting
 Supply Forecasting
o Internal supply sources
o External supply sources
5. List the external sources of recruitment?
 Nature of compensation for HR
 Legal factors
 Socio-cultural factors
 External Influences
 Unemployment rate
 Labour Market
6. What sources would you recommend for internal recruitment?
 Organizational image

Size of organization

Past practices


7. Define Recruitment and E-Recruitment

According to Edwin B. Flippo , “Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective

employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organization”.

E-Recruitment is a web-based application that enables the electronic handling of

organizational employment needs. It is also called Internet Recruitment or online

8. List the various stages in the recruitment process.




9. What are the objectives of HR Planning?

 Forecasting Human Resource Requirements.
 Analyse Current Workforce.
 Effective Management of Change.
 Realizing Organizational Goals.

10. How would you explain Head Hunting?

Executive recruitment agency that tracks qualified personnel during their work life,
and can quickly and precisely locate a suitable candidate for a specific job
11. Selection is a negative process-why?

It is the process of examining the applicants with regards to their suitability for the given
job or jobs, and choosing the best from the suitable candidates and rejecting the others. Thus,
selection is negative in its application as its seeks to eliminate as many unqualified applicants
as possible in order t o identify the right candidates.

12. List the various types of Interview?

 Preliminary Interview
 Core Interview
 Decision-making Interview
13. What do you mean by Induction?
Induction is the process of receiving and welcoming an employee when he first joins a
company and giving him the basic information he need to settle down quickly and happily
and start work

14. Differentiate between Selection and Recruitment?

S.No Basis of Difference Recruitment Selection

1. Nature It is a positive process It is a negative process
2. Sequence It always precedes selection It always succeeds
3. Objective The basic objective of The basic objective of
recruitment is to attract selection is to choose
maximum number of best out of the available
candidates so that more candidates.
options are available.

15. Explain Socialization.

Socialization is a long-term process of planned and unplanned formal and informal

activities and experiences through which an individual acquires the attitudes, behaviors, and
knowledge needed to successfully participated as a member of an organization and terms the
firm’s culture.

16. State the objectives of an Induction program?

 Formally Welcoming Employees
 Exchanging information
 Controlling the HR cost
 Developing the Team
 Socializing Employee
17. What are the various types of tests used in selection process?
 Aptitude Tests
 Achievements Tests
 Situational Tests
 Interest Test
 Personality Tests
18. Write the objectives of conducting a Medical Examination?

i. Healthy and Fit Workforce

ii. Psychological Stability
iii Workplace Safety
iv. Public Health Protection

19. What is meant by Employee referral?

Employee referral means using personnel contacts to locate job opportunities. It is a
recommendation from a current employee regarding a job applicant who can be friend or a
family member. The logic behind employee referral is that “it takes on to know one”.

20. Define Job Analysis?

According to Edwin B.Flippo, “Job Analysis is the process of studying and collecting
information relating to the operations and responsibilities of specific job”.

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