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Cap Positioning
System on CAP 30

Technical Training Centre
Lund, Sweden
This textbook has been compiled by the Technical
Training Centre in Lund.
Some of the pictures in the book are also available as
OH pictures.
For further information on training material, please contact
the Technical Training Centre.

Issue 3/1301

© 2005, Tetra Pak Technical Service AB, Technical Training Centre

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted
in any form or by any means: electronic, electrostatic, magnetic tape, mechanical photo-
copying, recording or otherwise, without permission in writing from Technical Training
Cap Positioning
System on CAP 30

Training Document
This Training Document is intended for
Training purposes only, and must not be
used for any other purpose.
The Training Document does not replace
any instructions or procedures (e.g. OM,
MM, TeM, IM, SPC) intended for specific
equipment, and must not be used as such.
For safe and proper procedures, refer to
the equipment specific documentation.

Technical Training Centre

Lund, Sweden

General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
How it works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Expectation on the CPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Preparation of the CAP 30 before tuning the CPS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Set cap position with the CPS turned off . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Turn on the CPS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
TPOP window for CPS settings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Trend window to view the cap adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Setting of individual cap holder offset values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Make template calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
LED:s on the camera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Software and PC communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Software for the CPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Establish communication between In-sight camera and PC . . . . . . . . . . 15
Tips & tricks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Faulty trigger signal to camera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
The red LED is always on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Failed calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Picture of template or package is not sharp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Picture of template or package is too bright or too dark . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Camera goes offline after a power cut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Values are changed after power up of camera, e.g. exposure time . . . . . 16
Camera is in offline mode (no light in left LED of camera) . . . . . . . . . . 16
The program is lost after power up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Other tips if the CPS is not working . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Calibration is lost when you are working in In-Sight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Causes for waste . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

The Cap Positioning System (CPS) is today standard equipment when CAP 30
applies Caps over Pre laminated holes (PLH). Due to that the PLH will not al-
ways be at the same position in relation to the package shape, the CPS will de-
tect the PLH position on every packages and move every CAP to be centred to
the PLH. CPS is used when CAP 30 applies caps, such as StreamCaps, Heli-
Caps and DreamCap. CPS is used on both CAP 30 Flex and Speed, but there
are some minor differences on the hardware installation.
The CPS consists of the following main parts:
• A camera which is mounted above the package transfer and captures a pic-
ture of the hole (PLH) when the package is held in place by the package
transfer belts.
• A light ring is mounted above the package to give light to the package when
it's under the camera. There are two types of light rings. The one you see on
illustration 1 can only read PLH on packaging material "printed on board".
The light ring in illustration 2 can read both "printed on board" and metal-
lised packaging material. On the later there is also a protection glass to
avoid that product can't splash up through the pipe and reach the camera.

Light ring, illustration 1 Light ring, illustration 2

Technical Training Centre 3/1301 MT-83133-1 Training Document. For training purpose only. 3
•A trigger unit is mounted on
the drive motor for the Push
Down unit. The trigger sends
a signal directly to the camera
when a picture should be
On some equipment there is
no trigger unit, the trigger sig-
nal is instead taken directly
from an output on the control
system. In this case the stand-
ard output module has been
Trigger unit replaced by a high speed out-
put module.
• Cap correction in Y-direction is made by the Applicator unit, so the Appli-
cator wheel will be advanced to the package or delayed.
• An additional Servo Motor is mounted on the Applicator unit which cor-
rects the cap in X-direction before the cap is applied to the package. When a
Cap Applicator is equipped with a CPS, the cap holders are different and
can be pushed sideways by the cam mounted on the Servo Motor. This
motor is not installed on a DreamCap Applicator since the Cap is only
adjusted in Y-direction.

Servo motor to move

caps in X-direction


• A template is used to set the camera to correct mechanical position. The

template is also used to calibrate the camera, so the Camera can convert
pixels into millimetres. After calibration, the camera has got a reference
cross, or camera centre, to which the PLH position will be compared.
The need for a CPS has different reasons. Already at the production of the
packaging material the hole is punched with certain tolerances in relation to
the crease lines. In the Filling Machine, the PLH position may vary because of
tube twisting, position of design, differences between package material reels
and P-orders, product temperature, amount of Nitrogen injection, etc.
TPA packages may also turn slightly when they are fed in between the package
transfer belts. When this happens, the CPS will compensate for this and adjust
the cap position.

4 MT-83133-1 Training Document. For training purpose only. Technical Training Centre 3/1301
The CPS is able to correct the cap position maximum ±3 mm in Y-direction
and ±2 mm in X-direction.

This textbook will not cover setting procedures already covered in the Ma-
chine Documentation, instead it will explain how the CPS works and the pro-
cedure how to set up the CPS.
TPOP pictures can be different depending on which version of software that is
installed in PLC and TPOP.
We describe how to set up the CPS, presuming that the camera itself is work-
ing correctly.

Technical Training Centre 3/1301 MT-83133-1 Training Document. For training purpose only. 5
How it works

When the Push Down axis is at a position of 288º (Flex) or 0º (Speed), the
camera receives a trigger signal and the camera takes a picture of the package.
On some equipment there is no trigger unit, the trigger signal is instead taken
directly from an output in the control system.
The camera will search for the edge of hole in the paper board and then calcu-
late the PLH centre and compare this to the camera centre. The camera pro-
gram will calculate the deviation in millimetres for both X-direction and Y-
direction. The camera will send this information through the Ethernet commu-
nication to the PLC. The PLC will use these values and other values, such as
offset values, to calculate how much the cap needs to be adjusted for each cap

PLH centre

camera centre

cameraview of template... ...and package

6 MT-83133-1 Training Document. For training purpose only. Technical Training Centre 3/1301
Expectation on the CPS
The camera itself is a very accurate device which measures the PLH position
with an accuracy of 1/1000 of a millimetre. However from the mechanical
point the cap position accuracy is not that accurate. As long as we can open the
package and the cutter (inner pipe in cap) doesn't cut the paperboard, the cap
position is approved. If the cutter cuts into the paperboard, the paperboard may
soak and absorb product when an open package is stored in horizontal posi-

StreamCap, DreamCap,
cap centred to the hole. cap centred to the hole.

HeliCap, critical position.

HeliCap, The cap cutter is interfering with
cap centred to the hole. the paperboard.

The space between the cap and the edge of the paperboard is much smaller on
HeliCap compared to StreamCap, therefore you need to be more accurate
when you tune the CPS on HeliCap application.

Preparation of CAP 30 before tuning the CPS

Before you start to set up the CPS, the Cap Applicator needs to be tuned to
achieve a good cap application with the CPS turned off. Good application is
with the cap centred to the Pre-Laminated Hole as good as possible from all
cap holders. It's also essential during this procedure that the package shape is
as good as possible and that they have been checked with the template for the
PLH position. Packages with the same shape and conditions must be used later
on when we start to tune the CPS.

Technical Training Centre 3/1301 MT-83133-1 Training Document. For training purpose only. 7
Set cap position with CPS turned off
• Turn off the CPS
from the TPOP.
The option must
still be selected;
otherwise there is
no holding torque to
the servo motor,
X-axis positioning
• Verify that the servo motor, X-axis positioning system, is in 0-position.
If not, teach home position to the servo motor. See MM.
• Place a package in the package transfer and make sure that the package is
held tight in position both in X and Y direction. If not, adjust the distance
between package transfer belts, or the package width from the TPOP. If you
have a play for the package it will affect the cap position accuracy.
• Feed the cap applicator with good formed packages which have passed the
test with the template.
• Produce 6 packages* with the help of the package sampling function from
the TPOP. (12 packages on a CAP 30 Speed)
• Cut the packages and check the cap position from the inside. Find out if
there is a common tendency, if all caps have a deviation in the same direc-
• Adjust the cap position in X-direction with the lever.
• Adjust the cap position in Y-direction from the TPOP, "Wheel transfer off-

Setting of Cap position Setting of Cap position

in X-direction. in Y-direction.

• Repeat the sampling after adjustment, as the more samples you produce and
check, the better statistic conclusion you can make.
• If you discover that caps from a certain cap holder is always applied differ-
ent from the others in Y-direction, adjust that particular cap holder with the
eccentric screw. If the deviation is in X-direction you have to, look for
some mechanical damages on the cap holder. In the latest design of cap
holder it's possible to adjust every individual cap holder in X-direction.
• Continue until you have reached a good result.
When the Cap Applicator is performing well it is a good idea to make a note
about the cap position in Y-direction and X-direction, to easily return to these
settings if they are changed. The above settings should not be touched after
they are finalized. As soon as you turn on the CPS, the cap position should
only be adjusted in the TPOP window for CPS settings described below.

8 MT-83133-1 Training Document. For training purpose only. Technical Training Centre 3/1301
Turn on the CPS
Activate the CPS from the configuration window.

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TPOP window for CPS settings

1. General offset in X and Y direction

2. Individual cap holder offset in X and Y direction
3. CPS delta tolerance axis X direction
4. CPS delta tolerance axis Y direction
5. Button to open trend window
First set all offset values to zero.
As mentioned earlier, the camera send information about the deviation General offset values
between the PLH centre and the camera centre to the PLC. If those deviations
are 0, you don’t need any general offset, but in most cases there is a difference
between centre of the camera and PLH centre and for that reason you need
general offset values.
The Camera is centred to the template and not to the centre of the PLH. The
general offsets are to compensate for the camera position. These values are
taken into the calculation on how much every CAP will be adjusted.

The range can be set from 0-1 mm. These offset values are to compensate for Cap holder offset values
small mechanical variations on each cap holder. Only a few tenths of a milli-
metre should be used.
When the machine is in production but not applying caps, corrections are still
made for these individual offsets. This can be seen in the trend window when
the Cap Applicator is waiting for packages.

The range can be set from 0-3 mm. These offset values are to accept a package CPS Delta tolerance
even if the cap is not centered. The space between the hole and the cap cutter
decides how much offset you can have. If you introduce a value, you need to
make sure that the packages can still pass the Package checks.
If we for example introduce 1 mm Delta tolerance for X, the Cap Applicator
will accept a package even if the CPS needs to adjust the cap 3 mm, though the
system only can adjust the cap 2 mm. Note that 1 mm can be accepted for one
type of cap, e.g. StreamCap, while it is too much for another type, e.g. Heli-

10 MT-83133-1 Training Document. For training purpose only. Technical Training Centre 3/1301
Trend window to view the cap adjustment

The white window (3) appears when the Cap Applicator is in production.
When the indicator (3) is green, it shows that the camera has detected the PLH
position on the package.
If the indicator is red, the camera has not detected the PLH on the package, and
that package will be ejected by the Cap detector.
The two lines in the window shows the correction made to the X and Y coor-
dinates for each cap holder. The green line represents the X correction and the
blue line represents the Y correction. These lines move across the page and it's
not possible to identify to which cap holder the correction has been used.
From the scale on the left side of the graph, the correction in mm can be read.
The green line can move between ±2 mm. The blue line can move between ±3
mm. In the windows (1) and (2) you can see the correction made for every cap
When either the blue or green lines reach the maximum working limits, that
particular package will be ejected by the cap detector (if the CPS Delta toler-
ance is set to 0). If too many packages are ejected, the Cap Applicator will stop
producing and an alarm is given.
During the setting of the CPS it's important to work with Packages of the same
shape as when we tuned the Cap Applicator with the CPS deactivated. That
means, the CPS doesn't need to make much compensation at all. The blue and
the green lines in the Trend window will be around 0. If the PLH position be-
comes different, the lines will be at a different position of the Trend window.
The General offset is to compensate for the Camera position, and to find out
correct General offset values we use the graph as a help. If the lines aren't
around the 0- line, it indicates how much we need to compensate and with
which sign, plus or minus.
The target is to get the green and blue lines to move around 0.

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Adjust general offsets according to below information.
– If the X axis value has a POSITIVE sign, enter the same value
with a NEGATIVE sign in the X-axis window.
– If the X axis value has a NEGATIVE sign, enter the same value
with a POSITIVE sign in the X-axis window.
– If the Y axis value has a POSITIVE sign, enter the same value
with a NEGATIVE sign in the Y-axis window.
– If the Y axis value has a NEGATIVE sign, enter the same value
with a POSITIVE sign in the Y-axis window.
When the lines are close to 0-line, cut the packages and look at the cap position
from inside.
When checking the cap position it's important to produce the packages in a se-
quence. For this we use the Package sample function, initiated from TPOP.
This will give us 6 or 12 packages produced from the Cap Holder number 1 to
Cap Holder number 6 (12).
The more packages you check, the better statistic foundation you when you
draw your conclusions. It is recommended to check 3 times 6/12 packages and
evaluate the cap position before you make any changes.

When the Cap Applicator applies StreamCap, you have to estimate the cap
position. For HeliCap and DreamCap you use a template to measure the cap

mm in Y-direction

HeliCap in
mm in X-direction

Evaluate the cap position to identify if the General offset values need to be ad- Streamcap
justed. General offset affect every cap, so you have to look if there is a com-
mon tendency over a number of caps. Keep in mind that you will continue to
set up the individual cap holder offset after this, so some small variations are
accepted. Repeat above method until you have obtained a good result with the
General Offset settings.

12 MT-83133-1 Training Document. For training purpose only. Technical Training Centre 3/1301
Setting of individual cap holder offset values
Use the same method to find out every individual cap holder offset values.
Produce 3 x 6/12 packages and evaluate and adjust the individual cap holder
offset values. Repeat until a good result is obtained.

Make template calibration

In older software versions, it was possible to make calibration from TPOP.
This function has been removed in the latest software update (APR 12), and it
must be done in a software on a PC.
The template is assembled on a fixed distance from the camera. The template
has nine holes of a known diameter and a known distance between the holes.
Doing the calibration, a certain calibration program will start to look for the
nine holes. When the camera can see all nine holes, the camera can find the
camera centre position. The camera program will also calculate the conversion
factor so the camera can translate distance in pixels into distance in millime-
Running the calibration program, you will also be able to set the camera into
its correct mechanical position
To do the calibration Procedure, follow MM or the e-Training for CPS.

1. Button to turn on the illuminator lighting

2. Button to teach the home position to the servo motor, which corrects the
cap in X-direction.

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LED:s on the camera
The LED:s on the camera give you an initial indication if you have any prob-
lems with the camera.

LED Purpose Normal Condition in Production

1 Network status Green
2 Network traffic Flashes green
3 Power Green
4 Trigger signal Flashes red when the camera
receives a trigger signal
5 Online mode Green (camera up and running)

14 MT-83133-1 Training Document. For training purpose only. Technical Training Centre 3/1301
Software and PC
Software for the CPS
Together with the cap applicator you receive the software program IN-SIGHT
EXPLORER. Follow MM for installation.
During the installation two programs will be installed.
• In-Sight Connection Manager Only used to teach IP Address on a
nxxx new camera
• In-Sight Explorer Used during tuning of CPS
There are different versions of the In-Sight software and it can happen that you
can't establish communication to the camera with the version you have in-
stalled. Try with a newer or older version. They can be downloaded from
Cognex homepage.

Establish communication between In-Sight

camera and PC.
You connect your PC with an ethernet cable to the switch. Only one PC at a
time can be connected to the camera.
Following IP addresses are already occupied in the network.
• Camera
For your PC, select an address in the range of to
If you are unable to establish communication you may need to turn off your

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Tips & tricks
Faulty trigger signal to Camera
• If your Cap Applicator has a Trigger mounted on top of the Push Down
module, set the trigger.
To verify correct appearance, inch the Cap Applicator to 288 º (Flex) When
the Applicator stops, the red LED should light up. If not, try with 287 º and
289 º. If you are still missing the trigger signal, check sensor function or set
the trigger.
• Red LED not flashing. Check if the LED is correctly configured.

The red LED is always on

• The internal trigger signal in the camera is set to 1.
• Damaged trigger sensor.

Failed calibration
If the calibration fails, do the following:
• Check the height position of the light ring.
• Check that the lens protection is not dirty.
• Check the protection glass.
• Check the condition of the template so it is clean and not damaged.
• Check that the light ring is on and working (CPS must be selected in the
configuration window).
• Check that the camera is in correct mechanical position.

Picture of template or package is not sharp

• Check/set the light intensity and focus.

Picture of template or package is too bright or too dark

• Adjust the exposure value in relevant program, in calibration program or
relevant package program.
• Check in the statistic window the status of the LED:s.
• Save the application program after changes in the camera.

Camera goes offline after a power cut

The left LED on the camera is turned off.
• Define the job to be used and the camera status at power up and and that the
cameraa will go Online.
• Save the application program after changes in the camera.

Values are changed after power up of the camera, for ex-

ample exposure time
• The camera program has not been saved into camera memory after changes.

Camera is in offline mode (no light in the left LED of cam-

Camera has not been set into Online mode before you disconnected your pc.
• Set the camera to Online status.

The program is lost after power up

The program has not been saved in the camera memory.
• Save the application program in the camera memory.

16 MT-83133-1 Training Document. For training purpose only. Technical Training Centre 3/1301
Other tips if the CPS is not working
• Check that PLC cmd (internal trigger signal) is set to 0
• Check that VS man mode (program selection) is set to 0
• Check that camera is set Online
• Check the selection in the recipe so it corresponds to metalized or not met-
alized packaging material.

Calibration is lost when you are working in In-Sight

If the calibration is lost, the yellow cross is missing in the picture. To return to
latest saved calibration power the camera off and on (disconnect the power ca-
ble). If you haven’t made a calibration, do a calibration.

Causes for Waste

1. Package has been ejected because the cap has been adjusted +2 or -2 mm,
but it was not enough to get the cap into correct x-position.
2. Package has been ejected because the cap has been adjusted +3 or -3 mm,
but it was not enough to get the cap into correct y-position.
3. Package has been ejected because the PLH was not detected by the cam-

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