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Table of content

Chapter 1

1.1 Introduction
1.2 Background of research (contextualization in Mauritius)
1.3 Rationale of research
1.4 Statement of problem
1.5 Aim and objectives
1.6 Research question
1.7 Research Hypothesis
1.8 Research methodology
1.9 Clarification concept
1.10 Chapter division
1.11 Conclusion

Chapter 2

2.0 Introduction

2.1 Conceptual review of literature (title)

2.2 Empirical review of literature (on ground research)

2.3 Theoretical review of literature (theories of concept)

2.4 A conceptual framework

2.5 Conclusion

A literature review should not be a description or summary of what previous studies have found
but it should be a critical discussion showing insights and awareness of different arguments.

Chapter 3

3.0 Introduction

3.1 Research aim

3.2 Research design

3.2.1 Research philosophy

3.2.2 Research approach

3.2.3 Research strategies

3.3 Research method

3.4 Population and sample

3.5 Sampling techniques

3.6 data collection techniques

3.6.1 Data collection tools /instruments

3.6.2 Pilot study

3.6.3 Questionnaire/Interview structure (related to research objective)

3.6.4 The role of the researcher

3.7 validity and reliability (quantitative) or trustworthiness and transferability (qualitative)

3.8 ethical considerations

3.9 data processing and data analysis

3.10 conclusion

[Data processing techniques –qualitative gather information from participant interview ]

Chapter 4

4.0 Introduction

4.1 demographic profile (age, gender, qualification)

4.2 Results and interpretation of results/research findings

4.3 Conclusion

Chapter 5

5.0 Introduction
5.1 A summary of literature of research on

5.2 A summary of key empirical finding

5.3 Research conclusion

5.4 Recommendations from the study

5.5 Avenues for the further research

5.6 Limitation of study

5.7 Conclusion remarks (whole research)

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