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User testing and feedback: Biomedical Informaton Management

Dear all,

We, at Language Technology group - Universität Hamburg under the supervision of Prof. Chris
Biemann, are developing an AI (Articial Intelligence) app in the biomedical domain with NLP
(Natural Language Processing) components. Our app, autolinks - automatc proactve researching, is
a botom-up interactve biomedical informaton management. We conduct a feasibility study to
prepare an EU Horizon 2020 grant proposal with collaboraton between researchers startng from
Danube States, namely Germany, Austria, Croata, and Bulgaria, see htp://

A typical / an ordinary ontological app as we know is usually we see fat graphs connected with
normal nodes and edges for the knowledge representaton, see htps:// And we
thought that is not enough actually and we need some kind of beter hierarchies, more generalized
hierarchies. We can actually have recursively graphs within nodes and this concept is called
compound graphs. Besides compound graphs, another key feature that is not usual nowadays in
informaton management apps/text annotaton tools is discontnuous annotaton concept, where
making new annotatons is possible within diferent ofsets.

Our aim is to assist users, in this case like medical students or biological students, to have a quick
informaton retrieval and quick understanding of the concepts that have been pulled via semantc
services/extracted from docs. And then organize or summarize the informaton with their own
personalized knowledge graphs.
And now, we need your partcipaton to test our app and give feedback to help us improving
autolinks. Please visit our github page to get further informaton about how to access the app and
give feedback at htps://

We are stll working to improve the results of our semantc services to give a beter extension of
RDF (Resource Descripton Framework) formats. Using deep learning for sequence model also will
be an opton to improve our result from open linked data and implement "Human-in-the-loop" for
the future work.
At the moment, we provide demo service that only works for “B cell” query and wiki service that
gives humble and not so variant of results structure. It’s not perfectly perfect now, but at least it
gives some results to give you intuitons. And let us be visionary, the more and beter semantc
services will absolutely come to autolinks.

Best Regards,

Alvin Rindra Fazrie

Research Assistant – Universität Hamburg

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