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Title no. 98-S55

Experimental Study of Reinforced Concrete Interior Wide

Beam-Column Connections Subjected to Lateral Loading
by Carlos G. Quintero-Febres and James K. Wight

An experimental investigation to evaluate the response of interior code writers, structural designers, and researchers. This paper
wide beam-column connections to earthquake-type lateral loading reports on an experimental study intended to shed light on
is described in this paper. Three interior wide beam-column-slab these issues.
subassemblages were tested under quasistatic cyclic loading.
Design variables that control the response of reinforced concrete
The experimental study summarized herein1 was carried
(RC) joints to lateral loading were evaluated, with special atten- out in the University of Michigan Structural Engineering
tion given to the beam width to column width ratio. It was found Laboratory and focused on the hysteretic behavior of interior
that interior wide beam connections, when properly designed, pos- wide beam-column connections designed according to U.S.
sess adequate strength and deformation capacity. The connections design practice.2,3 The response of exterior wide-beam con-
reached their expected capacities and maintained them throughout nections under earthquake-type loading has previously been
a severe deformation history. The hysteretic response was prima- studied at the University of Michigan.4,5 Those studies
rily controlled by the bond behavior of the longitudinal reinforce- showed that exterior connections, if properly designed and
ment, and in particular, the reinforcement passing outside the detailed, can behave well under seismic loading. Other
column core. The response of the test specimens is also examined investigations6,7 showed that conservatively designed interi-
in terms of joint shear behavior, beam plastic hinge spreading, and
slab participation. or wide-beam connections may also behave satisfactorily
when subjected to load reversals. These results suggest that
Keywords: bond behavior; earthquake-resistant structures; hysteretic wide-beam systems have some potential as lateral load-re-
response; interior connections; seismic design; wide-beam construction. sisting systems.
This paper evaluates the lateral load response of interior
INTRODUCTION wide-beam connections designed according to ACI-ASCE
One of the components of a building that is very well- Committee 352 recommendations.2 These design guidelines
suited for cost minimization is the floor structural system. are mostly restricted to the design of typical RC connections,
Floor systems are repeated several times over the height of a that is, connections in which the column width is equal to or
building, and therefore require large amounts of materials greater than the beam width. In those cases, all of the beam
and a great deal of workmanship. Among the least expensive longitudinal reinforcement is normally located within the
floor systems for reinforced concrete (RC) buildings are the column core. The ACI 318-95 Building Code3 allows the use
so-called banded-floor systems. These floor systems, also of beams wider than the supporting columns (Section
called wide-beam systems, consist of slabs carried by, but that limit was derived from practice (R21.3.1),
shallow, wide beams that frame into columns. They are not from research. The presence of wide (wider than the
very efficient in reducing the formwork, in providing sim- columns) and shallow beams framing into the connection
plicity, repetition, and faster construction, and hence, in introduces some characteristics that might lead to a behavior
achieving maximum overall economy. Additionally, different from the behavior of normal-width beams.
banded-floor systems reduce the overall height of a building,
which in turn represents a decrease in the costs for columns, RESEARCH SIGNIFICANCE
walls, ducts, cladding, elevators, and other materials in
This paper provides information on the response of interior
vertical elements. Wide beams are preferred by architects
wide-beam connections subjected to lateral earthquake-type
and interior designers because they are less obstructing than
loading. The significant design variables that govern the
normal depth beams, and thus allow more flexibility in the
response are identified and evaluated. The applicability of
definition of the spaces. Because of its several advantages,
ACI-ASCE Committee 352 recommendations for the design
banded-floor construction (wide-beam construction) is often
of interior wide-beam connections is evaluated. This research
used in nonseismic regions as a primary gravity load-carrying
contributes to a better understanding of the behavior of interior
system. Furthermore, wide-beam construction has been
wide-beam connections under earthquake loading. This
increasingly used in seismic zones, not only as a gravity load
knowledge will allow designers in seismic regions to
carrying system, but also as part of the lateral load-resisting
safely take advantage of the many features that wide-
system, despite the fact that little information on the cyclic
beam systems possess and achieve more economical
behavior of wide beam-column connections exists. Most de-
building designs.
sign codes restrict the use of wide beam systems in seismic re-
gions because of the lack of sufficient information on how the
system would behave under severe earthquake loading. In ACI Structural Journal, V. 98, No. 4, July-August 2001.
MS No. 00-188 received August 24, 2000, and reviewed under Institute publication
particular, the ability of wide-beam connections to transfer policies. Copyright © 2001, American Concrete Institute. All rights reserved, includ-
earthquake loads, and the lower lateral stiffness of the ing the making of copies unless permission is obtained from the copyright propri-
etors. Pertinent discussion will be published in the May-June 2002 ACI Structural
system due to shallower beams, are topics of concern among Journal if received by January 1, 2002.

572 ACI Structural Journal/July-August 2001

Carlos G. Quintero-Febres is a faculty member of civil engineering at the University
of the Andes, Mérida, Venezuela. He received his civil engineering degree from the
University of the Andes, his MSc from the University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, and his
PhD from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. His research interests include
earthquake-resistant design of reinforced concrete structures and structural reliability.

James K. Wight, FACI, is a professor of civil engineering at the University of Michi-

gan. He is a member of ACI Committees 318, Standard Building Code; and 445,
Shear and Torsion, and a member of Joint ACI-ASCE Committee 352, Joints and Con-
nections in Monolithic Concrete Structures. His research interests include earth-
quake-resistant design of reinforced concrete structures.

The experimental program comprised the design and testing
of three interior wide beam-column-slab subassemblages,
hereafter referred to simply as IWB1, IWB2, and IWB3. The
specimens were built in an engineering laboratory and tested
under simulated in-plane lateral earthquake loading. No Fig. 1—Dimensions of test specimens.
axial compression was applied to the columns to evaluate a
worst-case scenario for the connection core. No attempt was
by Committee 352. Because the value of He as previously
made to simulate the effects of gravity loads, which are
defined depends upon the amount of slab reinforcement that
assumed not to significantly modify the location of inflection
is assumed to be effective as tension reinforcement, the
points or the magnitude of the seismic moments.
maximum lateral resistance that could be expected from
All test specimens represented a typical interior connec- the specimen would be obtained when all of the specimen
tion in a three-dimensional building frame, consisting of a slab bars are effective in tension. This maximum expected
single column, two beams in the longitudinal direction (wide lateral load capacity of the specimens is referred to as He max.
beams), two beam stubs in the transverse direction, and a
portion of the slab supported by that ensemble (Fig. 1). All
Dimensions of test specimens
specimens were pin-supported at midheight of the columns The dimensions of the specimens are shown in Fig. 1. The
above and below the connections and at midspan of the column cross section for specimens IWB1 and IWB2 was 14 in.
beams—the assumed points of inflection for the frame bending square (356 x 356 mm). IWB3 had a 13 x 20 in. (330 x 508 mm)
moment diagram due to lateral loads. The specimen story rectangular column cross section. Transverse beam widths
height was 8.5 ft (2.6 m) and the span length was 16 ft (4.9 m), were approximately 80% of the column depth for all
both measured from the center of the pins in the test fixture. specimens. Based on these dimensions and the Committee
This represents approximately a 3/4-scale model of a connection 352 Recommendations, the specimens can be classified as
in the middle to upper stories of an average building with floor Type 2 (seismic region) interior joints for shear calculation
height of 12 ft (3.7 m) and spans of 22 ft (6.7 m). The depth purposes.2
of the wide beam for the three specimens was 12 in. (305 mm), The specimens had wide-beam width to column width
which approximately represents 3/4 of what would be a ratios bw /bc equal to 2.50, 1.86, and 2.53 for IWB1, IWB2,
typical wide and shallow beam depth for the given span and IWB3, respectively. The limits for the width ratios based
length. The transverse beam had the same depth as the wide on the ACI Code requirement (Section are 2.29 for
beam because one of the ideas behind wide-beam construction is IWB1 and IWB2, and 2.39 for IWB3. Only the wide beam
having a uniform depth floor system. A detailed description of width of IWB2 complies with the maximum allowable width
the experimental work may be found elsewhere.1 in the ACI Code, and all exceed those permitted by the
Committee 352 Recommendations.
Design of test specimens
The specimens were designed using nominal material Reinforcement details
properties ( fc ′ = 4000 psi and f y = 60 ksi) following the Details of the reinforcement for the test specimens are
requirements of the ACI 318-953 and the ACI-ASCE given in Fig. 2 through 5, and summarized in Table 1.
Committee 352 recommendations2 (hereafter referred to as Specimens IWB1 and IWB2 had the same beam longitudinal
ACI Code and Committee 352, respectively), except for those reinforcement, only the spacing of the beam bars was different.
issues that were being investigated. The provisions of the Three No. 5 bars on top and two No. 5 bars on bottom were
1999 edition of the ACI Code that are applicable to this re- placed inside the column core, which meant that 48 and 38%
search project are essentially the same as those in the 1995 of the top and bottom beam longitudinal reinforcement,
edition of the Code. respectively, was anchored in the column core. The percentage
Moment strength ratios Mr were calculated using actual of wide beam longitudinal reinforcement anchored in the
material properties and assuming that slab reinforcement column core for IWB3 was 52 and 40% for top and bottom
within an effective width equal to 1/4 of the span length reinforcement, respectively.
would be participating as tension reinforcement. This effec- Specimens IWB1 and IWB2 had light transverse beam
tive width is defined in Section 8.10 of the ACI Code3 as an longitudinal reinforcement. This light reinforcement was
upper limit for the width of the slab effective as a T-beam based on the assumption that the transverse beams would not
flange. A similar assumption was made when estimating the be part of a lateral load-resisting system. The transverse
expected lateral load capacity of the specimens He and the beam longitudinal reinforcement for IWB3 was heavier than
shear force applied to the connection Vu. The joint effective for IWB1 and IWB2. For this specimen, two No. 3 bars were
width was set equal to the column width, as currently specified placed at the sides of the transverse beam to provide support

ACI Structural Journal/July-August 2001 573

Fig. 2—Reinforcement details for IWB1. (Note: dimensions
are in inches [1 in. = 25.4 mm].) Fig. 4—Reinforcement details for IWB2. (Note: dimensions
are in inches [1 in. = 25.4 mm].)

The shear reinforcement for all the wide beams was provided
by sets of overlapped No. 2 hoops spaced at d/2 (5 in. [12.7
cm]). This spacing, which was kept constant along the beam,
represents a relaxation of the ACI Code required d/4 spacing
over the region close to the column. This relaxation was
based on expected low shear stresses in the wide beam
due to the larger area resisting shear. Additional hoops were
provided at the sides of the column for Specimens IWB1 and
IWB3 (Fig. 2, 3, and 5) to improve the confinement of the
concrete in the connection region outside the column core.
This reinforcement was expected to improve the transfer of
forces from the outside beam bars to the joint core and
enhance the bond behavior of those bars. No hoops were
provided at the sides of the column for IWB2. The transverse
Fig. 3—Column side hoops for IWB1. beam shear reinforcement also consisted of No. 2 hoops. No
transverse beam hoops were placed in the wide beam region.
for six No. 2 hoops that were placed at midheight in the joint The slab reinforcement for the three specimens consisted
region (outside the column), in an attempt to determine the of No. 3 bars placed orthogonally along the two main directions.
effective joint area resisting shear. The spacing of the slab bars in the long direction (parallel to the
Three No. 3 hoop sets were used as horizontal joint shear main beam) is less than it would be for the envisioned floor
reinforcement for the first two specimens (Fig. 2 and 4). system, that is, one-way joists spanning in the transverse
Each set consisted of a square hoop plus two smaller rect- direction. This was done intentionally with the purpose of
angular hoops (four legs in each direction). For IWB3, evaluating the behavior of this type of connection for a
two No. 3 hoops and one cross-tie were used (Fig. 5). This situation in which a larger slab participation was present.
resulted in three stirrup legs in the longitudinal direction
and four legs in the transverse direction. The transverse Design parameters and expected capacities
reinforcement for the columns outside the joint was provided The primary design parameters and the expected specimen
by sets of hoops similar to those used in the joint and spaced capacities, computed using measured material properties, are
following ACI Code requirements. summarized in Table 2 and 3, respectively. The column-to-

574 ACI Structural Journal/July-August 2001

Table 1—Reinforcement details for interior wide-
beam specimens
Specimen IWB1 IWB2 IWB3
Size (bc x hc), in. 14 x 14 14 x 14 13 x 20
Column Reinforcement 12 No. 6 12 No. 6 16 No. 5
Percentage ρ,* % 2.7 2.7 1.9
Size (bw x hb), in. 35 x 12 26 x 12 33 x 12
5 No. 5 + 5 No. 5 + 2 No. 6 +
Top reinforcement 2 No. 4 2 No. 4 8 No. 4
beam Percentage ρ,† % 0.53 0.71 0.72
4 No. 5 + 4 No. 5 +
Bottom reinforcement 10 No. 4
2 No. 4 2 No. 4
Percentage ρ,† % 0.45 0.61 0.58
Size (bs x hb), in. 12 x 12 12 x 12 16 x 12
Top reinforcement 2 No. 4 2 No. 4 3 No. 5
verse Percentage ρ, % † 0.33 0.33 0.56
Bottom reinforcement 2 No. 4 2 No. 4 2 No. 4
Percentage ρ,† % 0.33 0.33 0.24
Size (bs x t), in. 55 x 4 64 x 4 57 x 4
‡ No. 3 at No. 3 at No. 3 at
Slab Reinforcement 8 in. 8 in. 8 in.
Percentage ρ,§ % 0.30 0.35 0.29
Shear reinforcement in
Joint 1.07 1.07 0.86
percentage ρt#
ρ = As / bc hc.
†ρ = As / bwd, where d is effective member depth.
‡Slab reinforcement parallel to main beam.
ρ = As / bshs.
#ρ = A /b (d − d′ ), where A is total area of transverse reinforcement in joint; b is
t sj c sj c
column width; and (d − d′ ) is center-to-center distance between top and bottom beam
Note: As is total area of flexural reinforcement; bi and hi are cross section dimensions;
dimensions in in. (1 in. = 25.4 mm); and reinforcement is in U.S. bar sizes, that is,
No. p = p/8 in. diameter.

Table 2—Main design parameters for interior wide

beam specimens based on actual material
Specimen bw / bc* Mr†‡ γ †§
Beam Column
IWB1 2.50 1.3 16.5 22.4 to 28.0 16.0
IWB2 1.86 1.4 18.9 22.4 to 28.0 16.0
IWB3 2.54 1.6 17.0 27.0 to 40.0 19.2
*ACI Committee 352 recommended limit: ≤ 1.
†Calculated assuming slab effective width equal to 1/4 span length.
‡ACI Committee 352 recommended limit: M ≥ 1.4.
§ACI Committee 352 recommended limit: γ ≤ 20 (psi units); γ ≤ 1.66 (SI units).
#ACI Committee 352 recommended limit: h/d ≥ 20.

Fig. 5—Reinforcement details for IWB3. (Note: dimensions

beam moment strength ratios Mr and the shear strength in inches [1 in. = 25.4 mm].)
factors γ were close to the values recommended by Com-
mittee 352 and the ACI Code.3 on wide beam specimens carried out at Michigan. 4 For
The column depth to beam bar diameter ratio (h/db) was IWB3, the h/d b for column bars was increased up to 19 by
22.4 for the No. 5 bars and 28 for the No. 4 bars (IWB1 using smaller diameter reinforcing bars.
and IWB2). For IWB3, these ratios were more favorable
than for IWB1 and IWB2 (27 and 40 for the No. 6 and 4 bars, Instrumentation
respectively). In all cases, the ratios were larger than the ACI Load cells, displacement transducers, and strain gages
Code limiting value of 20. The beam depth to bar diameter were used to monitor the applied loads and displacements,
ratio for the column bars of IWB1 and IWB2 was 16, which and the resulting strains and deformations. Readings from
is less than the Committee 352 recommended value of 20. these instruments were continuously collected by a data
This relaxation was based on the results of previous tests acquisition system. A displacement transducer and load

ACI Structural Journal/July-August 2001 575

Table 4—Average steel reinforcement yield
Specimen Bar size no. fy, ksi
2* 95
3 73
IWB1 and
IWB2 4 68
5 66
6 58
2 70
3 73
IWB3 4 65
5 64
6 67
*Delivered as Grade 60 steel—turned out to be of higher strength.
Fig. 6—Specimen IWB1 in testing rig and IWB2 on casting Note: Reinforcement in U.S. bar sizes, that is, No. p = p/8 in. diameter; and 1 ksi =
6.89 MPa.
Table 5—Average ultimate* concrete compressive
Bottom column,
Specimen psi Beam/slab, psi Top column, psi
IWB1 6600 5200 6000
IWB2 6400 4000 7300
IWB3 3700 3700 4800
*Concrete strength day after specimen test.

Note: Minimum age of cylinder for all specimens was 60 days; and 1000 psi = 6.89 MPa.

steel. Beam transverse reinforcement was Grade 60, smooth

round bars. The concrete had a design compressive strength
of 4000 psi (27.5 MPa) and a maximum coarse aggregate
size of 3/8 in. (9.5 mm). Actual reinforcement yield strengths
Fig. 7—Experimental setup
and concrete compressive strengths are presented in Table 4
and 5, respectively.
Table 3—Expected and maximum expected
capacities for interior wide-beam specimens
based on actual material properties Fabrication of test units
Both the longitudinal and transverse reinforcement were
Maximum expected prepared in the laboratory following ACI Code require-
Specimen Expected capacity* He, kips capacity† Hemax, kips
ments. Strain gages were attached to the bars at the required
IWB1 26.4 29.9 positions before the reinforcement was placed in the forms.
IWB2 25.1 30.1 The column cage was made first, outside the forms, and then
IWB3 30.1 32.8 lifted into place. Once the column cage was in place, the
*Calculated assuming slab effective width equal to 1/4 span length beam and slab reinforcement was placed. All the specimens
†Calculated assuming slab effective width equal to specimen width.
were cast upright, with construction joints at the bottom and
Note: 1 kip = 4.45 kN.
top of the beam, as is common in U.S. concrete construction.
Once the concrete had obtained sufficient strength, the spec-
cell on the 50 kip (222 kN) hydraulic actuator at the top imens were lifted and placed in the testing rig. Figure 6
of the column recorded the imposed displacement and shows Specimen IWB1 in the testing rig and Specimen IWB2
corresponding force. Another displacement transducer was in the casting platform.
used at the base of the column to monitor any slippage of the
base support.
Test setup
Strain gages recorded the strains in the reinforcing bars at A schematic drawing of the test setup is shown in Fig. 7. In
locations in and around the joint. All three specimens had this setup, the beams and columns are pinned at their midspans
between 50 and 60 strain gages. In addition to the electronic to simulate points of inflection. The pins at the ends of the
data recording, cracks were marked on the specimens after beams are supported by vertical steel links that also serve as
reaching displacement peaks, using a different color for each load cells to measure the shear in the beams. These vertical
direction of loading, and numbered according to the loading links allowed free horizontal movement of the beam, but not
cycle. Photographs were also taken each time new cracks vertical displacement. The column was pin supported at its
were marked. base and deflected laterally at its top hinge by a hydraulic ac-
tuator with a maximum stroke of ±5 in. (±127 mm). The load-
Materials ing sequence used for the tests is shown in Fig. 8. It consisted
All longitudinal reinforcement and column transverse of repeated cyclic loading to increasing levels of average story
reinforcement were Grade 60 (nominal fy = 414 MPa) deformed drift, up to a maximum of 5% drift. This drift value, which was

576 ACI Structural Journal/July-August 2001

Fig. 8—Loading sequence.
Fig. 10—Load-versus-displacement response for IWB2.
(Note: 1 kip = 4.45 kN.)

Fig. 9—Load-versus-displacement response for IWB1.

(Note: 1 kip = 4.45 kN.)
Fig. 11—Load-versus-displacement response for IWB3.
at the displacement limit of the actuator, is much higher than (Note: 1 kip = 4.45 kN.)
would be expected for normal earthquake response.
had undergone interstory drifts of 4%, was on the order of 30%
of the initial 1% drift stiffness. The degradation of the reloading
stiffness experienced by the wide-beam specimens, however,
Overall response to lateral loading was found to be similar to that measured for RC beam-column
The behavior of the three specimens was very similar in connections with normal width beams.1 The low stiffness of
spite of the differences in the design parameters. The load these specimens in the load-reversal region of the hysteresis
versus displacement histories (Fig. 9 to 11) show that the loops is typical of RC interior beam-column assemblages10
specimens had adequate load carrying capacity, with no unless the beam longitudinal reinforcement possesses
strength degradation up to drift levels of 4% or more, and extremely good bond conditions that are not guaranteed by
little, if any, strength degradation during the last cycle (5% current design specifications. 2,3
drift). This behavior is considered to be an indication of The energy dissipation capacity of the three specimens,
satisfactory performance.8,9 As shown in Fig. 9 to 11, the evaluated by calculating the area enclosed by the load-ver-
maximum capacities attained by the specimens were larger sus-displacement hysteretic loops during each loading cycle,
than the calculated capacities assuming that the full slab was quite similar during the elastic range of the response
width was effective in tension. Because the capacities shown (roughly up to 1.5% drift); thereafter IWB3 dissipated
in those figures were computed using actual material more energy than the other two specimens. Specimens
strengths, the observed overstrengths can be attributed to IWB1 and IWB2 dissipated approximately the same amount
strain hardening effects and the confining effects of transverse of energy throughout the whole loading history. Specimen
beams and slabs. It is important to notice that the levels of drift IWB3 dissipated approximately 30% more energy than the
at which the expected capacities were attained were relatively other two specimens.
high (approximately 2% drift) due to the flexibility of the test The observed behavior of Specimens IWB1 and IWB2
specimens. This flexibility was partially due to the lower leads to the conclusion that the beam width to column width
stiffness of the shallow wide-beam as compared to a normal ratio is not the most critical design parameter. Both specimens
depth beam, but was exacerbated by the early deterioration of had approximately the same overall response, in spite of a
bond in both column and wide-beam longitudinal bars. significant difference in the width ratio. The lower width
The stiffness decay for the three specimens showed a similar ratio of IWB2 (1.86 as compared with 2.50 of IWB1) did not
trend. The available stiffness at 1% drift, after the specimens result in a noticeable improvement of the specimen response.

ACI Structural Journal/July-August 2001 577

Table 6—Bond conditions for interior wide beam
Specimen IWB1 IWB2 IWB3
Size (bc x hc), in. 14 x 14 14 x 14 13 x 20
Reinforcement 12 No. 6 12 No. 6 16 No. 5
h/db* 16.0 16.0 19.2
† 25.2 28.7 27.5
Bond index (BI)
Size (bw x hb), in. 35 x 12 26 x 12 33 x 12
5 No. 5 + 5 No. 5 + 2 No. 6 +
Top reinforcement‡ 2 No. 4 2 No. 4 8 No. 4
ρanc.§ 48 48 52
22.4 to 22.4 to 26.7 to
h/db* 28.0 28.0 40.0
20.5 to 23.3 to 20.7 to
Wide Bond index (BI)† 16.9 19.2 13.4
4 No. 5 + 4 No. 5 +
Bottom reinforcement 10 No. 4
2 No. 4 2 No. 4 Fig. 12—Strain history for column bar in Specimen IWB3.
ρanc.§ 38 38 40
22.4 to 22.4 to Bond behavior
h/db* 40.0
28.0 28.0 The response of the three specimens to the displacement
20.5 to 23.3 to history imposed in this investigation was highly influenced
Bond index (BI)† 16.9 19.2
by the bond behavior of both column and beam longitudinal
*ACI Committee 352 recommended limit: h/db ≥ 20. bars. All specimens experienced bond deterioration from the
†Japanese recommended limit: BI ≤ 17 (psi units); 4.5 (kg/cm2 units); or 1.4 (MPa early stages of the tests in spite of the fact that Committee
units). BI in psi units.
‡Refer to Fig. 4, 6, and 7. 352 design requirements were satisfied in most cases. All
§Percentage of wide-beam reinforcement anchored in column core. longitudinal bars met the design requirement of Committee
Note: Dimensions in inches (1 in. = 25.4 mm); reinforcement is in U.S. bar sizes, that
is, No. p = p/8 in. diameter; and bi and hi are cross section dimensions.
352, that is, h/db ≥ 20, with the exception of the column bars
of IWB1 and IWB2. Table 6 summarizes the bond conditions
These experimental results showed that wide-beam interior of the longitudinal reinforcement for the three specimens
connections designed to meet Committee 352 recommen- tested in this investigation. That table includes not only the
dations possess enough strength and stiffness to withstand ACI Committee 352 requirement, but also the bond index,
large interstory drifts without collapse or significant strength which is an indicator of the severity of the bond stresses in a
deterioration. The specimens did experience significant reinforcing bar. The bond index is based on the assumption
bond deterioration from the early stages of the tests, and this of simultaneous yielding at both faces of the joint and the
bond deterioration led to the pinching of the hysteretic loops, Japanese proposed limit is related to a certain amount of
which is an indication of the softening of the connections energy dissipation at 2% drift. The bond index is computed as19
during the tests. The increased flexibility of interior wide-
beam connections due to the deterioration of bond could create ub fy ( d b ⁄ hc )
problems, such as nonstructural damage or eventual collapse BI = --------- = ----------------------
- (1)
f c′ 2 f c′
if large P-∆ effects occur during an earthquake. It is worth
noting, however, that interior connections in real structures
are much more restrained than they are in a laboratory fixture, where ub is the maximum bond stress of beam reinforcement
where the beams are free to elongate as the test progresses. over the column width, db is the beam bar diameter, hc is the
This beam growth has been studied by several authors.11-13 column depth, fy is the yield strength of beam bars, and fc′ is
In a real structure, lateral forces may be redistributed to more the concrete compressive strength, all in consistent units.
stiffer elements such as walls or exterior connections when Bond indexes for column bars are computed similarly.
sways reverse.10 The deterioration of bond in such cases would
not necessarily lead to the same type of overall structural Bond response of column bars
behavior as was observed in these isolated subassembly The column bars for Specimens IWB1 and IWB2 behaved
experiments. Furthermore, the lack of axial load in the elastically up to 3% subassembly drift, then all of the bars on
experimental setup used in this investigation simulated a the column faces yielded at the top of the joint during the
worst case scenario. In general, column axial load enhances excursion to 4% drift. The column bars of IWB3 did not
the performance of beam-column joints by improving the yield during the test. Signs of bond deterioration were detected
bond conditions of the longitudinal beam bars, by increasing in column bars for all three specimens starting during the
the shear strength of the joint, and within a certain range, by second loading cycle (cycle to 0.5% drift). Tensile strains
increasing the column flexural capacity, which would improve were recorded in all column bars simultaneously at both the
the overall response of the specimens.2,14-18 Thus, the presence top and bottom of the joint from 1% drift on, indicating that
of an axial load should cause a reduction in the pinching of the transition from tension to compression could not take
the hysteretic loops. The experimental results obtained from place over the beam depth. This behavior is shown in Fig. 12
this investigation can be considered as a lower bound on the for a column bar in Specimen IWB3. This trend of behavior
expected behavior of interior wide-beam connections. was the same for the three specimens, despite the fact that

578 ACI Structural Journal/July-August 2001

Fig. 14—Strain history for outermost bars in Specimens
IWB1 and IWB3.
bond deterioration, but did improve the bond conditions
along the bars.
Figure 13 shows the drift versus strain relationship up to
yielding for four top No. 4 bars in IWB3, as measured by
strain gages WB2, WB4, WB7, and WB12, that were attached
to bars passing outside and inside the column core. It can be
seen in Fig. 13 that the bar passing inside the column core
had a good bond behavior, cycling in tension and compression
Fig. 13—Strain behavior of No. 4 top bars to yielding in during this part of the test. The other three bars experienced
Specimen IWB3. small compressions during the first cycles of loading and
then the strains slowly went into tension, indicating some
IWB3 had a more favorable h/db than the other two speci- bond deterioration. This process was less pronounced than
mens (19.2 versus 16). The bond index, however, which for the top bars of IWB1, which had approximately the same
takes into account material strengths, was in the same range beam width. Among the bars passing outside the column
for all three specimens (Table 6). core, the bar located between the bars placed at the corners
of the hoops, outside the column core, experienced the larg-
Bond response of wide beam longitudinal bars est tensile strains when the concrete surrounding the bar was
In general, wide beam reinforcement had more favorable in compression. This was probably due to the less effective
bond conditions than the column bars, as measured by the confinement provided along the top leg of the side hoops.
h/db and the bond index, and overall, the bond response of The bar farthest from the column core yielded after the other
two beam bars passing outside the column core. These results
the wide beam bars was better than that of the column bars.
show that bars having the same h/db ratio and the same bond
All the longitudinal reinforcement of the wide beams yielded
index may have a different bond response depending upon
at the column face in both top and bottom layers, for all
their location with respect to the column core and any
specimens. The yielding history, however, was different in transverse reinforcement. Thus, different limits for the
each case. bond parameters should be specified for bars passing
The load versus strain plots for the strain gages attached to through or outside the column core.
the wide-beam bars indicated that cyclic tension and Figure 14 shows the strain history for the outermost bar of
compression were experienced by those bars during the IWB1 and the outermost bar of IWB3. These two No. 4 bars
first three to four loading cycles, up to 1% drift (Fig. 13). were located on top of the wide beam approximately at the
Compressive strains were very small during those cycles. same distance (8 to 9 in.) from the column side face. The
Thereafter, the beginning of slippage was obvious, as indicated h/db ratios for these bars were 28 and 40 for IWB1 and
by the increasing magnitude of tensile strains on the com- IWB3, respectively. The difference in behavior is noticeable.
pression side of the beam. This tendency increased as the The bar in IWB3 yielded much earlier in the test sequence than
cycling progressed. Even though bond deteriorated as the the one in IWB1, and experienced much higher strains
test progressed, all the wide-beam longitudinal bars went throughout the test. The degradation of bond before yielding
into the strain hardening range and maintained their anchorage was also less severe for the bar in IWB3. The beneficial
throughout the test. effect the deeper column had on the bond response is
The data recorded during the tests consistently showed clearly shown in that figure for the wide-beam bars passing
that bond deteriorated faster for bars passing outside the outside the column core of IWB3.
column core than for bars passing through it. Also, the bond
response of bars in the bottom layer was better than the response Joint shear behavior
of the bars in the top layer. The hoops placed at the sides of the The joint shear reinforcement of the test specimens satisfied
column to provide some degree of confinement did not prevent the requirements of Committee 352. The design philosophy

ACI Structural Journal/July-August 2001 579

been reported by other researchers20-22 and suggests that the
joint shear requirements could be relaxed for beam-column
connections in wide-beam frames. This relaxation, however,
would not be advisable until more conclusive data becomes
These specimens were tested under no axial load and no
shear distress occurred. The effect of column axial load on
the shear strength of beam-column joints has not been
clearly stated. Most researchers agree, however, that for
low to moderate levels of axial load this effect is beneficial,
either by confining the joint core2,15,16 or by equilibrating
part of an inclined compressive strut inside the joint
core.17,18 Under extremely high column axial loads where
P-∆ effects can become significant, the effect of column
axial load on the shear strength of beam-column joints
could be detrimental.

Plastic hinge spreading

One of the concerns regarding wide-beam construction is
the ability of the wide beam to develop a full plastic hinge
within levels of drift allowed by design codes. This plastic
hinge development is important to guarantee that the assumed
design strength is achieved before a collapse mechanism is
developed in the event of a severe earthquake.
The observation of the yielding pattern for the three
Fig. 15—Slab participation at 2% drift for IWB3: (a) positive specimens indicates that there can be a significant delay
loading; and (b) negative loading. ε (at yield) taken as yield in the development of a full-width plastic hinge in a wide
strain recorded in same bar on other side of transverse beam. beam. This delay is more dependent on the bond conditions
(Note: NY = no yielding recorded; U.S. reinforcing bars for the bars and on the confinement of the region outside of
sizes.) the joint, than it is on the beam width. For IWB1, which had
a beam to column width ratio of 2.50, a full-width plastic
embodied in the Committee 352 recommendations implies hinge, based on strain gage data, developed between 2 and
that joint shear is resisted mainly by the concrete strut 4% drift. For IWB2, with a width ratio of 1.86, a full-width
mechanism because to activate the alternate truss mechanism, plastic hinge developed between 2 and 2.5% drift. The develop-
extremely good bond conditions are necessary within the ment of a full plastic hinge for IWB3, which had a width ratio
joint. Such bond conditions are not assured using the bond of 2.54, also occurred between 2 and 2.5% drift. These results
parameter limits proposed by Committee 352. clearly show that the beam to column width ratio is not the fac-
The observation of the test results indicates that the joint tor controlling the spreading of the plastic hinge. IWB3,
shear strength of the test specimens was enough to withstand which had the largest width ratio, showed only a small delay
the imposed deformation history. No signs of shear distress in the lateral spread of yielding. A similar behavior was
were noticeable from the load versus displacement histories exhibited by IWB2, with the smallest width ratio. IWB1,
during the tests. with a width ratio similar to that of IWB3, exhibited the larg-
The level of shear stress, calculated following Committee est delay in the lateral spread of yielding. The bond condi-
352 recommendations, assuming that the joint effective area tions for the wide-beam longitudinal bars of this specimen
is equal to the column section and assuming a slab effective were less favorable than for IWB3. Additionally, the side
width in tension equal to one fourth the span length, was at hoops of IWB1 did not enclose as much concrete in the out-
16.5 f c ′ , 18.9 f c ′ , and 17.0 f c ′ (psi units) for IWB1, side portion of the joint as did those of IWB3. It is worth
IWB2, and IWB3, respectively. These levels of shear stress mentioning that all three specimens reached their expected
increase up to 19, 22, and 19, if full slab participation is capacities by 2% drift, regardless the aforementioned delay
assumed. in the spreading of plasticity. Measures should be taken,
These results suggest that the ACI Committee 352 limit of however, to improve the bond conditions of the beam re-
20 f c ′ for the maximum allowed shear stress is a reasonable inforcement to minimize this delay in wide beam specimens.
value, at least from the shear strength point of view. The Previous studies6,7 on interior wide beam connections have
shear deformations associated with these shear stress levels, shown that specimens with more favorable bond conditions
however, are probably too high and will increase the pinching did not exhibit this delay in spreading of the beam plastic
of the hysteretic loops, thus reducing the energy dissipation hinge.
capacity of the connection. All three specimens had a wide-beam stirrup spacing
Strain gage data from IWB3 showed that at least within larger than the value recommended by code provisions
3 in. from the column faces on both sides, the shear strain for potential beam plastic hinge regions. Strain gage data
level recorded was in the same range (approximately 1000 recorded in the wide-beam shear reinforcement located close
µε) as that recorded inside the joint core, thus indicating that to the column confirmed that shear stresses in the wide beam
the outside region of the joint did participate in carrying the were low and did not justify the use of a closer spacing, as
joint shear and therefore that the area resisting the joint shear recommended by Committee 352 and the ACI Code for
forces is larger than the column section. This observation has normal beams. Also, IWB3 did not comply with the ACI

580 ACI Structural Journal/July-August 2001

Code provision to prevent buckling of longitudinal bars hysteretic loops. This pinching, typical of interior RC
in the plastic hinge region, which requires that at least every connection specimens, was exacerbated by the early
other bar must be supported with a tie leg. The good performance bond deterioration of column and wide-beam longitudinal
of the plastic hinge region for all the test specimens justified a reinforcement;
reduction in the amount of transverse reinforcement. 3. The interior wide-beam specimens, designed according
to the ACI-ASCE Committee 352 recommendations, had an
Slab participation acceptable performance even when the beam width to column
Results from this study show that the slabs played an im- width ratio was 2.54. If the design parameters are kept close
portant role in the behavior of the test specimens. Full par- to the limits recommended by Committee 352, however,
ticipation of slab reinforcement was recorded for IWB3 pinching of the hysteretic loops is unavoidable. A method to
during the cycle to positive 4% drift. For negative loading delay the onset of pinching, or even to eliminate it, would be
to 4% drift, gages on the slab bars at the other column face to use larger column sections that would improve the beam
were strained above 2000 µε, but did not indicate yielding. bars bond conditions, increase the moment strength ratio,
Full width cracks were observed during the test on both and reduce the shear stress level;
sides of the transverse beam. These cracks were closer to 4. The bond response of beam bars passing outside the
the edges of the transverse beam than at the column face column core was different than that of the bars passing inside
line, where the strain gages were located. The width of the column core. Therefore, different bond parameters
those cracks suggests that the slab bars should have yielded should be specified for those bars;
for negative loading too, but at locations closer to the trans- 5. The joint shear strength of interior wide-beam specimens
verse beam. Figure 15 shows the strain level in the slab bars designed according to Committee 352 seems to be adequate
at the 2% drift cycle during which IWB3 reached its ex- based on the experimental results reported herein. If the shear
pected capacity He. The calculation of He assumed an ef- factor is kept close to 20, however, large shear deformations
fective slab width that included only the first slab bar on that would increase the pinching in the subassembly load
each side of the beam. Even though no yielding had been versus deformation response are to be expected;
recorded in the slab bars at that drift level, the slab bars 6. Plastic hinge spreading is more dependent on the bond
were participating to a significant extent, especially for conditions of the bars passing outside the column core, and
positive loading. Using a slab effective width equal to the on the confinement of the outside region, than on the beam-
ACI Code effective width in compression provided a good to-column width ratio;
approximation for the calculation of He of IWB3. Slab par- 7. The results of these tests confirmed that the shear rein-
ticipation in IWB1 and IWB2 was also important. Both forcement requirements for the beam plastic hinge region
IWB1 and IWB2 reached their expected capacities He at could be relaxed for wide-beam connections; and
approximately 2% drift. At that drift level no slab bar yield- 8. Slab participation played an important role in the response
ing was measured for negative loading, but the strain level of the specimens to lateral loading. A good estimate of the
in the slab bars was high. These results again showed that specimen capacity at 2% drift was obtained by including all
the ACI Code effective width in compression provided a slab reinforcement, within a width equal to the ACI Code
good approximation for the calculation of the expected ca- effective width in compression, as tension reinforcement for
pacity of IWB1 and IWB2. It is worth mentioning that the the beam section.
test specimens reached their capacities at that drift level in
part because of the deterioration of bond that made the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
specimens more flexible. If bond deterioration is controlled The work presented in this paper was carried out at the University of
or reduced, then a higher slab participation can be expected Michigan. Partial financial support for the study was provided by the U.S.
National Science Foundation (Grant Nos. NSF-BCS-9122704 and NSF-G-
before 2% drift. This could jeopardize the strong column, CMS-9526326). The first author would like to thank the Universidad de los
weak beam assumption if the moment ratio Mr does not ac- Andes, Mérida, Venezuela, for its support. The research formed part of the
count for participation of slab reinforcement. Using an ef- PhD requirements for the first author. The conclusions and recommenda-
fective slab width equal to the ACI Code effective width in tions contained in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily
represent the view of the sponsors.
compression, however, should provide a reasonable check
when using the limit recommended by Committee 352 for
the moment strength ratio, that is, Mr = 1.4. CONVERSION FACTORS
1 in. = 25.4 mm
1 kip = 4.448 kN
CONCLUSIONS 1 ksi = 6.895 MPa
The interior wide-beam specimens tested in this investigation 1 lb-ft = 1.356 N-m
were subjected to a cyclic displacement history up to ± 5%
story drift. No axial load was applied to the specimens during NOTATION
the tests. The response of these specimens to this simulated bw /bc = beam-to-column width ratio
earthquake-type loading can be summarized as follows: h/db = member depth-to-bar diameter ratio
He = expected capacity of specimen
1. The three specimens showed adequate strength and He max = maximum expected capacity of specimen
deformation capacity. They reached their expected capacities Mr = moment strength ratio according to ACI Building Code
before or at 2% drift and maintained those capacities Vu = design shear force applied to joint
throughout the test without failure or significant strength γ = shear strength factor according to ACI Building Code
decay. The ultimate deformation capacity of the specimens
was not tested because the maximum stroke length of the REFERENCES
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582 ACI Structural Journal/July-August 2001

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