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NAME: _______________________ DATE: _________________

Inductive Grammar Chart

(Unit 3, page 28)

GRAMMAR. The causative

Look at these sentences.

I’ll get the waiter to correct the check.

They got him to pay for dinner.

I’ll have my assistant call your office.

Did she get her friends to give money to the school?

I’ll have my assistant call your office.

We had them bring breakfast to our room.

Complete these grammar rules about causatives with get and have.
1. Use an object and an infinitive with ____________.
2. With ____________, use an object and a base form of a verb.

Top Notch 3, Third Edition Unit 3

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NAME: _________________________ DATE: ________________________

Extra Grammar Exercises

(Unit 3, page 29)

LESSON 1 The causative

1 Complete the conversations. Use the causative get.
1. A: I’m going to get something cold to drink. Could I leave my laptop with you for
a minute?
B: Sorry, I’m late for class. Jason isn’t going anywhere. Why don’t you
get him to watch (him / watch) it?

2. A: Oh no. I’m out of cash. Could I borrow some money from you?
B: Sorry, I’m out of cash, too. Maybe you could
(Kyla / lend) you some.

3. A: I can’t leave my desk right now. Could you pick up something for me when you
go for lunch?
B: Sorry, I’ve already gone out for lunch. Why don’t you
(Ben / buy) something for you?

4. A: Could you pick up Dad at the airport? His flight gets in at 7:00, and I’ll be at
work then.
B: Sorry, I have a class. I know it’s a little expensive, but we should
(a limo service / pick up) Dad. He’d
like that!

5. A: My sister is meeting her friends at the mall, but I can’t take her right now. Do
you think you could drive her there?
B: Sorry, I don’t drive! But Vicky does. Why don’t you
(her / do) it?

6. A: I’m so tired! Why did I bring so much luggage on this trip?

B: No problem. You can (the bellman /
bring) your luggage to your room.

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NAME: _________________________ DATE: ________________________

2 Complete each statement or question with a base or infinitive form of the verb.
Be careful: Some of the statements use have instead of get.
1. (help) You should get your friends to help you.
2. (take) Why don’t you have the waiter your coat?
3. (come) Maybe I can get my colleagues to that meeting.
4. (make) My sister got me a cake for her best friend’s birthday.
5. (send) Why don’t you have your assistant an e-mail to
announce the meeting?
6. (wait) Don’t forget to get the taxi driver for me.
7. (write) I’ll have the doctor a note for you.
8. (lend) You won’t get my brother you any money.

Top Notch 3, Third Edition Unit 3, Lesson 1

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Conversation Activator Pair Work, page 29
Practice the conversation and vocabulary with a partner. Use your own words.
A: Do you think ? .
A: . I’ll think of something.
A: . I’ll go ask .

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Conversation Activator Pair Work, page 29
Practice the conversation and vocabulary with a partner. Use your own words.
B: Gee, I’m sorry, but .I .
B: Hey. I have an idea. Maybe you could get to .

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NAME: __________________ DATE: ______________

Graphic Organizer

(Unit 3, page T30, Grammar)

Activity Me My partner

Clean the house / apartment

Paint the house / apartment

Get a haircut

Wash the car

Wash clothes



Top Notch 3, Third Edition Unit 3

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NAME: _______________________ DATE: _________________

Inductive Grammar Chart

(Unit 3, page 30)

GRAMMAR. The passive causative

Look at these examples.

We had our picture taken after the meeting.

They plan to have the offices painted next week.
Can she have her X-rays sent this morning?

Complete these grammar rules.
1. Form the passive causative with the appropriate form of get or have + object + a
_____________ participle.
2. In a passive causative statement, the _____________ comes between have or get
and the past participle.

Look at these examples.

We had the office painted last week. It looks great.

We're having the office painted by Royal Painting Services. They're the best!

Complete this grammar rule.
Use a by phrase when it is ______ to mention the person or group doing the service.
a. necessary b. no necessary

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NAME: _________________________ DATE: ________________________

Extra Grammar Exercises

(Unit 3, page 30)

LESSON 2 The passive causative

1 Read the causative and passive causative sentences. Choose the

correct forms.
1. I’m having some documents (copy / copied / to copy) right now.
2. She’ll get her friend (repair / repaired / to repair) her bicycle tomorrow.
3. Can I have this announcement (print / printed / to print) this morning?
4. He needs to have his pants (lengthen / lengthened / to lengthen) today.
5. She wants to get the tailor (shorten / shortened / to shorten) her red dress
right away.
6. Can we have a professional (paint / painted / to paint) this room?
7. Can I get my sweater (dry-clean / dry-cleaned / to dry-clean) in 24 hours?
8. They should get someone (frame / framed / to frame) your picture.

2 Complete the statements and questions, using the passive causative with a
correct form of have. Use contractions when possible.
1. I’d like to have a suit made a.s.a.p. (I / would like /
a suit / make)
2. right away. (you / need / that
tooth / fill)
3. This is the front desk calling.
this evening? (would / you / like / your room / make up)
4. to your apartment by next
week. (we / will / your new washing machine / deliver)
5. Hello. Front desk? this morning.
(I / need / my laundry / pick up)
6. This was a great meeting! . (we
/ should / everyone’s photo / take)
7.Excuse me! This bill total isn’t right! ?
(we / can / please / it / correct)
8. I paid $200 for this device, and it isn’t working.
today! (I / need / this problem /
9. Hello. Is this the front desk? to
Room 205? (can / we / a rollaway bed / bring up)

Top Notch 3, Third Edition Unit 3, Lesson 2

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NAME: _______________________ DATE: _________________

Learning Strategy
(Unit 3, page 30, Vocabulary)


Recognize words that go together to help you improve your use of new vocabulary.

Choose words from the box that go with each of the verbs below. Write them in
the blanks. NOTE: Most words in the box can go with more than one verb.

a camera a diploma a letter a package

pants a picture a report a shirt
shoes a sign a skirt a suit

lengthen ___________________________________________________________

deliver ___________________________________________________________

copy ___________________________________________________________

frame ___________________________________________________________

shorten ___________________________________________________________

dry-clean ___________________________________________________________
___ ______________

print ___________________________________________________________

repair ___________________________________________________________

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Conversation Activator Pair Work, page 31

Practice the conversation and vocabulary with a partner. Use your own words.

A: Could I __________ by __________?

A: I’m sorry, but it’s pretty urgent. __________.
A: __________!

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Conversation Activator Pair Work, page 31

Practice the conversation and vocabulary with a partner. Use your own words.

B: __________? That might be difficult.
B: Well, I’ll see what I can do. But it won’t be ready until __________.

Top Notch 3, Third Edition, Unit 3, page 31

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NAME: _______________________ DATE: _________________

Learning Strategy
(Unit 3, page 32, Reading)

READING STRATEGY: critical thinking

Think carefully to make sense of the ideas in a reading.

Answer the questions.

1. What kind of background and experience does the author of the article probably have?

2. When isn’t the customer right? Give an example.


3. What does the author mean by “… (customers) buy solutions and relationships”?

4. How would you rank the best practices that the author discusses? Why? (Rank 1 as
the most important and 5 as the least important.)

Top Notch 3, Third Edition Unit 3

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Extra Reading Comprehension Exercises

(Unit 3, page 32)

A. Complete the information based on the Reading.
1. The article is about service.

2. The author gives several tips that will keep customers .

3. A popular expression in business is “The customer is always .”

4. It’s important to to customers’ praise as well as their complaints.

5. Making customers feel valued, and them for their business are two of the most
important  practices.
B. Answer these questions.
1. Why is it a smart practice to treat customers as though they are right,
even when they aren’t?
2. Think about a place of business that you regularly go to. Why do you go there?
Top Notch 3, Third Edition Unit 3
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NAME: _______________________ DATE: _________________

Pronunciation Activity
(Unit 3, page 33)


PAIR WORK. Take turns asking and answering the questions. Answer the
questions using emphatic stress to express enthusiasm. Use correct stress as

1. A: Can you recommend a good dry cleaner?

B: Try Perfection Dry Cleaners. They’re REALly good.

2. B: Can you recommend a good express delivery service?

A: Sure. Air Express is VEry professional and inCREDibly fast.

3. A: Do you know a good auto repair shop?

B: Absolutely. Bart’s Auto Repair is REALly honest and VEry reasonable.

4. B: Do you know a good copy service?

A: Try Speedy Copy Services. They’re exTREMEly helpful and fast.

5. A: I’m looking for a reliable housecleaning service.

B: You should try Home Services. They’re VEry reliable and REALly inexpensive.

6. B: I’m looking for a good professional painter.

A: Well, I use Sunny Painters. They’re SO professional and inCREdibly helpful.

Top Notch 3, Third Edition Unit 3

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NAME: _______________________ DATE: _________________

Learning Strategy
(Unit 3, page 34, Listening Comprehension)

LISTENING STRATEGY: explaining your answer

Supporting your answers shows that you aren’t just guessing but that you understand
what you've heard.

2:15 In Exercise B, Listen for main ideas on page 34, after you’ve completed the exercise
support your answers by quoting from the listening. Listen again if necessary.

send out announcements I’ll get my brothers to do it.
put up signs

check the sound system
set up the mikes
set up the projectors

set up the chairs
arrange for someone to hand out
the agendas
arrange for someone to introduce
each speaker

Top Notch 3, Third Edition Unit 3

Copyright 2015 by Pearson Education. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

NAME: ____________________________ DATE: ____________

Unit Study Guide

(Unit 3)
Self-Check Write a checkmark ✔ next to the language you know. Return to the unit in your
Student’s Book to find and study the language you are not yet sure of.

GRAMMAR Planning and running † You’re a lifesaver!

† The causative (page 28) an event † No sweat.
† The passive causative † send out the † Thanks a million.
(page 30) announcements † I owe you one.
† set up the room
† I see you’ve got a lot on
† set up the projector your plate today.
VOCABULARY † put up the signs
† check the sound † I won’t keep you any
† dry-clean [a suit] longer.
† a microphone / a mike
† repair [shoes] † Do you think I could
† a handheld mike
† frame [a picture] [borrow your car]?
† a lapel mike
† deliver [a package] † I’m sorry, but [I’m going
† hand out the agenda
† lengthen / shorten [a to need it].
† a handout
† introduce the speaker / † No problem.
† print [a sign] the guest † I understand.
† copy [a report] † a podium † No worries.
Words to describe good Other language † Don’t worry about it.
† repair shop † Maybe you could [get
† reliable Jack to lend you his
† doctor’s appointment
† reasonable car].
† workmanship † Good idea.
† helpful SOCIAL LANGUAGE † That might be difficult.
† professional † I know this is last † Well, I’ll see what I
minute. can do.
† It’s really urgent. † I really appreciate it.

Top Notch 3, Third Edition Unit 3

Copyright © 2015 by Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

NAME: ____________________________ DATE: ____________

Unit Study Guide

(Unit 3)
Practice Write a new sentence or a short conversation with each grammar point, word, or
expression you didn’t check.

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Top Notch 3, Third Edition Unit 3
Copyright © 2015 by Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

NAME: _______________________ DATE: _________________

Supplementary Pronunciation Lesson

(Unit 3)


Use falling intonation with more force and higher pitch on an adverb
receiving emphatic stress.

For example:

They’re REALly helpful. She’s QUITE reasonable.

2:12 A. Listen again to the Pronunciation exercise on page 33 of the Student’s Book
and repeat after the pauses.

1. They’re REALly reliable. 3. He’s exTREMEly professional.

2. They’re inCREDibly helpful. 4. She’s SO reasonable.

2:11 B. Listen to the Reading on page 32 of the Student’s Book. Listen for stressed
words, especially adverbs. Listen for the following sentences. Then practice
saying the sentences with the correct emphatic stress.

1. That may not be comPLETEly true.

2. Customers don't REALly buy services and products; they buy solutions and

3. Be REALly reliable.

4. Be exTREMEly friendly and courteous.

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NAME: _______________________ DATE: _________________

Writing Process Worksheet

(Accompanies Unit 3, page 36)

ASSIGNMENT: Write an explanation, giving examples from personal

experience, of whether or not you are a procrastinator.

Check the box that is true for you.

 I get things repaired as  I usually wait a few  After a year or so, I just
soon as they get months to get something buy a new item.
damaged. repaired.

 I wait until I need to wear  Stuff just sits in my

 I get things cleaned
something and then get it closet! I never get it
right away.
cleaned. cleaned.

 I always pay my bills on  Every now and then, I'm  I can never seem to
time. a little late paying my bills. pay my bills on time.

 I like to plan vacations at  I never plan vacations!

 I plan my vacation
the last minute, right before I just get up and go!
months in advance.
I leave.

 I'm really good about  Sometimes I let a lot of  I just can't seem to
keeping in touch with time go by, but then I send keep up with my friends.
people. an e-mail or call my friends.

On a separate sheet of paper, write a first draft of the paragraph. Use the information
in the chart from Prewriting to support your opinions.

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Meet with a partner. Read each other’s paragraph. After reading the paragraph,
complete the Peer Feedback Checklist. Then give your partner your feedback.


1. Is the paragraph interesting?  
If yes, write why. If no, suggest ways to make it interesting.
a. ________________________________________________
b. ________________________________________________
c. ________________________________________________

2. Is the paragraph clear?  

If no, point out the parts that are not clear and suggest ways to
make them clearer.
a. ________________________________________________
b. ________________________________________________
c. ________________________________________________

3. Did your partner use the new vocabulary correctly?  

If no, underline the sentences with errors.

4. Did your partner use the passive causative correctly?  

If no, underline the sentences with errors.

5. Are there any misspelled words or incorrect punctuation?  

If yes, circle the misspelled words and the incorrect punctuation.

Tell your partner to revise his or her paragraph based on your feedback. Revise your
paragraph based on your partner’s feedback.

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Name: ____________________________ Date: ____________

Just for Fun

(Unit 3)

A. RIDDLES FOR YOU! Answer the questions. Use the picture for help.
a. If a situation is urgent, when do you need to do something about it?


b. If you need a package delivered a.s.a.p., what can you ask the courier to do?


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B. Complete the crossword puzzle. Use the clues below.

Across Down
3. Get your assistant to _____ the report. We need 1. I’d like to have these pants professionally ______;
100 of them. they’re so dirty!
6. The employees there are very _____; they do good 2. Their prices are really _____; not too high, not too
work quickly. low.
8. They’re _____; you can trust them. 4. You can get signs ______ at that document
9. Have Bob ____ the mike to be sure it’s working. processing center.
10. Did you get a _____? It has the background 5. The _____ of our jewelry is excellent. A lot of
information about the speakers. workmanship goes into every piece.
11. When my shoe broke, I had the store ______ it. 7. Have the package _____ to this address.
14. You should have that picture professionally _____. 10. A _______ person takes time to explain things to
15. A _____ business always does a good job. you.
17. Can I get this dress ____? It’s too short for me. 12. Have you sent out the _____ to the guests yet?
13. Let’s _____ the room to create a really fun, festive
16. Do you have express service? I need this
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NAME: ______________________ DATE: __________

Top Notch Pop Song Activities

(Unit 3, “I’ll Get Back to You”)

A. Listen to the song “I’ll Get Back to You.” Complete the lyrics with the words
you hear.

Your camera isn’t working right.

It needs a few repairs.
You (1.) _________________ overnight.
Nothing else compares.
You had to (2.) _________________,
and now you want to (3.) _________________
someone to (4.) _________________your fancy shirts
and (5.) _________________when they’re wet.
Come a little closer—
let me whisper in your ear.
Is my message getting across
to you loud and clear?
You’re always making plans.
I’ll tell you what I’ll do:
let me think it over and
I’ll get back to you.
You want to (6.) _________________.
You want to (7.) _________________someone
to (8.) _________________your new pair of jeans
and (9.) _________________you when they’re done.
I guess I’ll (10.) _________________a sign
and hang it on your shelf,
with four small words in one big line:
“Just do it yourself.”
Let me tell you what this song
is really all about.
I’m getting tired of waiting while you
figure it out.
I’ve heard all your demands,
but I have a life too.
Let me think it over and

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I’ll get back to you.

I’m really reliable,
incredibly fast,
extremely helpful
from first to last.
Let me see what I can do.
Day after day,
everybody knows
I always do what I say.
You’re always making plans.
I’ll tell you what I’ll do:
let me think it over and
I’ll get back to you.

B. Listen to the song again. Answer the questions with the passive causative.
1. What did she want done to her new skirt?
She ____________________________________________________________.
2. What does she want done with her fancy shirts?
She ____________________________________________________________.
She ____________________________________________________________.
3. What things does he want done?
He wants to get his ___________________________________ and his new pair of
jeans ____________________.
He wants someone to ___________________________________when they’re
4. What message does she want hung on his shelf?

ABOUT YOU. Answer the questions.

1. What things do people ask you to do for them?
2. What do you ask other people to do for you?

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3. Do you feel you do more for other people than they do for you? If so, how does that
make you feel?
4. Do you think the woman is angry at the man she’s singing to? Why or why not?
Support your answer with details from the song.

SPEAKING OPTION. Compare and discuss your answers with a classmate.

Top Notch 3, Third Edition Unit 3

Copyright © 2015 by Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.


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