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And I'll Wish You New

I was made to break the laws of fandom

(blog for LJ Author Wishunew)

you can call me Cassie



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A Model Delight

Onkey commission for @cntardisblue

A Model Delight


Kibum is a chief and Onew is accidentally his muse

La Cle cafe and bakery was a high end store in the middle class part of town,
a self started business by a passionate man. Key, for whom the store was
named after, was a proud, fastidious man, who saw to each and every one of
his creations personally. Or, rarely, overseeing them if his young apprentice
was handling it. The patrons were dedicated, they trusted key to deliver
affordable extravagance and never complained when the menu changed on
his whim.

The cafe and bakery grew into a solid fixture in the community, pulling in
customers from all around. There was one customer in particular that stood
out in the eccentric chef’s mind. A beautiful man, he stood with a practised
grace and easy smile, he seemed to flow like water as he moved. He was
usually there in the mornings, and sometimes again in the afternoon with a
gaggle of children in tow. He gave his name as Jinki, unique and memorable
as the man himself, and always ordered from the low-fat, low-sugar version
of Key’s menu.

The man’s presence became the muse for which Key’s creativity attuned to.
The chef found himself working ever harder to impress the soft spoken man,
just to see the look on his face when Key presented him with his secretly
dedicated treats. They never spoke to each other beyond customer service
interactions, but Key was infatuated from the start. Cherry red for hours after
Jinki, who always seemed to be pressed for time despite being so polite, left
for the day. For all his confidence as a chef and a business owner, all Key
could do was bring himself to fantasize about the other man, thinking up
recipes to impress and maybe woo the beauty he sees but twice a day if he’s

Then, on one rainy October day, Jinki disappeared from his life. He never
came in the mornings, never returned at night, it was like he never existed.
And all the light slowly drained from Key’s world. His creativity suffered, his
apprentice took over more and more as Key struggled to come up with new
menu ideas. They’d had to resort to revisiting popular items to keep
customers happy. “Memories to warm the heart” Key called them, as he
recreated and displayed every dish he’d ever made for the mysterious Jinki,
like it would somehow lure him back.
But he never did. The rainy season came and went, the cold settled in for the
long haul, and Key was hip deep in christmas orders before he knew it. It was
a fine distraction, as distractions go, submerging himself in the task of
making other people happy. He almost forgot about his missing muse.
Strange and empty as he felt inside without him, he could still do this.

It was five minutes past closing on christmas eve. Key had already sent his
apprentice Taemin home early for the holiday, as he finished cleaning the
dishes and labeling the uncooked product to be frozen for the week his shop
would be closed. Then he heard a knock, soft, shy, from the front of the
store. Key scowled and dried his hands, squaring himself to walk to the front
of his store and explain to someone who can’t seem to read that they are
closed, thank you, come back in a week. Except upon actually walking out
there he finds himself blinking owlishly through the glass at his favorite
customer. Blond now for some reason, looking so forlorn standing there,
covered in a light dusting of snow that seemed to have just started to fall.

Hurriedly, heart hammering hard against his ribs he quickly undid the lock
and open the door.

“Come in, come in!” he urged before the other man had a chance to speak,
tugging him in from the cold. The chef urged the man deeper into the store,
to the back where the lights were on and it was a little warmer. “You look
like you’re freezing, give me your coat i’ll make you something hot. When
did it start snowing?” he rambled, in boss mode, nervousness making him
pushy as he bustled the beautiful.. “Are you wearing make up?” man around
his kitchen to get him warm.

The Blonde man laughed as he let himself be guided around, finally settling
down in a chair with a cup of tea that smelled of honey.
“Yes i am actually, I came right from work.” he wrapped his hands around
the mug, letting its warmth seep into his bones, before taking a long sip.

“My schedule had me out of the country so often I missed this place…
missed you” he said into his cup, “so when we were done shooting i came
right over. I didn’t mean to make you open up again, my watch is still on the
wrong time zone.” he gave the chef a weak smile because he knew it was a
flimsy excuse.

Key, however, was flummoxed, blinking at Jinki like he’d never seen him
before, as his muse and crush talked to him like they were old friends. With
his newly golden hair and voice richer than the honey Key had put into his
tea, and the make up giving his eyes a sultry smokey look, Key was just
stunned to stupidity by the other man.

“Are you an actor” he asked after a while, Unable not to, “why aren’t you
with your family right now?”

Jinki smiled at him, bright and free like a bonfire, “I’m a model, actually. And
I sent my parents to Hawaii for the holidays. I didn’t know i’d be home.” His
face glowed a bit with sadness, before slipping into happy guilt as he took
one of the finger pastries key had set out and popped it into his mouth.

“Oh god it’s been forever since i’ve had real sugar.” he said though a mouth
full of the food and somehow that was even more endearing. Key cursed to
himself because he was truly screwed. Jinki cleared his throat and looked at
Key sincerely, “What about you?” he asked, gesturing towards the outside,
Where’s your family?”

“It’s just me” Key said, squaring himself and refusing to feel bad about it,
this isn’t his first christmas alone he’s a big boy. Then he cleared his throat
and set his own cup of tea aside, holding his hand out, “Kim Kibum, French
Pastry Chef.”

Jinki looked at him like he was an alien for a long second before also setting
his cup aside and taking Key’s hand, “Lee Jinki, Model and part time Tutor.”

Key kept himself from melting because of course Jinki is also a tutor, he’s
perfect. He cleared his throat, making to pull his hand back before it became
too weird

“Would you like to have Christmas eve Dinner with me, Lee Jinki?”

Jinki’s face went blank for a moment, not letting key pull away as he rubbed
his thumb over the back of Keys hand gently, “I think I would love to.”

onkey shinee onew kim kibum lee jinki have a thing

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77 notes

Dec 4th, 2016

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It is confirmed!! Lee Jinki and Kim Kibum are BOTH blonde again!!

mvp-nation mvp-nation

Source: amiramorfati if this is true I will die i mean not like I care if Key is
blond he's fine and all but omg ONEW LEE JINKI do not be that blonde angel
again i will cry blood

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I live for how out of breath Lee jinki sounds during excuse me miss tbh

onew shinee lee jinki

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shinee onew jinki lee jinki onew neunim The Leader Almighty i will let you i

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Fate is the Hunter

Title: Fate Is The Hunter

Author: Wishunew

Rating: PG-13

Pairing: Jongtae, Minkey, Onkey

Summery: Its days like this that make Kibum hate being the dominant Alpha
in the group. But then again, they’ve never really HAD days like this

Beta’d by Celiimess
As Fate Would Have It/A Twist Of Fate/The Seeds of Fate/The Misconceptions
of Fate

Jongtae onkey minkey shinee fate series have a thing

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Cause of death: Onew in a star wars t-shirt

onew shinee lee jinki the leader almighty

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Anonymous asked:

3. OnKey. Christina Perri- A Thousand Years. Maybe something supernatural?

Like a vampire couple and one was put into a thousand year sleep and the
other had to wait for him to wake up? Just counting the days, but still like
living a life doing stuff for those thousand years.

Kibum’s crystal sarcophagus was spectacular. Jinki knew because he built it

himself, from a quartz that doesn’t exist in the world today. The innermost
box was onyx, filled with the rich dirt of their homeland, now overmind and
over populated, Jinki would have to dig for a mile straight down to get soil so
pollution free. The dirt, the onyx, the crystals, they were all doing their part,
pulling the sunseeds, the poison that had been dripped into Kibum, hundreds
of years ago. 997, to be exact. punishment, for making Jinki. for saving his

But hunters, true hunters, weren’t supposed to turn, they should rather have
died, and god, Jinki didn’t want to die.

He was born a gentle soul in a harsh world, and Kibum had seen that, the
first time his family had happened across the pacifistic vampire. Jinki just
barely a man and Kibum the most strikingly beautiful creature he had ever
seen. Jinki had been beaten soundly for his hesitance, his infatuation. H was
to marry, have children, continue the blood, hold the line against the
monsters of the dark, not give into their sin, the deprivation of lying with a
monster, never mind a man.

He’d hoped to have hid it, and many years passed before he ever laid eyes
on the elusive vampire again, but at that time he’d been dying, ripped open
and left as a warning to his family. Kibum had swooped in like an angel,
blood thick, rich, healing. it took many days in the ground before he could
stand on his own, may years suckling at the treats of his maker before he
could hunt for himself, though he would always crave the taste of Kibum.
He was barely out of his fledgling years, slowly learning to curb his appetite,
contain it with substituts of ecstasy and alcohol, when his family had caught
up with them. Kibum had forced him underground, and that was the last he
ever saw his beautiful mates face with flesh on his bones.

when the sun had set and he was finally able to arise, he’d found his master,
hung from a tree, charcoal black yet still alive, the strength of his line, his
age, giving him some way, a miracle beyond miracles, to survive the day.
but not long would he last, with sunpoison so great he glowed from the
inside out. the cure, the coffin of gemstone and dirt, had been in his mind
before he could beg the universe for help, and he built it. put all his
supernatural strength and speed, his blood his hopes and dreams, all into it
as he built up the walls around his maker, his lover his life, and sealed it with
a kiss.

a thousand years, it would take, to reverse such damage, and Jinki vowed to
await at his mates side until it did. A thousand years of History, of war and
death, of hiding. a thousand years alone. Everything tasted like ash, and if it
wasnt for the hope, that this could work, that the shadow crystals would
draw the sun from his maker like poison from a wound, then he would have
let himself die, his scant years on this earth offering no built up tolerance for
the sun. He had been forced to flee on many occasions, hunters, soldiers,
their home burnt and built and reburnt in a never ending cycle of life and
destruction. He was lost, on the heat of other continents, in the chaos of
Covens, trapped deep in the ice by those jealous of his blood, those who
could not kill him.

his blunt gentle nature had sharpened in his years alone, whittled away like
a cliff on the shore, weathered by time, exhaustion, loneliness. years he
slept, years he cried, the world changing over him but he headed nothing,
half whole as he was, and scared, so scared that he would never be whole
he had risen, by chance, hunger forcing him from sleep, to feast and gorge,
planning on another hibernation, when he had seen it, like a vision, like a
dream, his lost love, the Sarcophagus of crystal, a Wonder to the humans,
was on display at a museum. He cried out Kibum’s name, a word he had not
spoken aloud in nigh a thousand years, and quickly set himself to his lovers
location, taking a suddenly vacated job as nightly Security Guard. In the after
hours he would layed hands on the brilliant coffin, and knew. it was not yet
time. Soon, he could feel the minerals, the gems, the body beneath them all,
they whispered to him in eager longing. Soon.

onkey vampires Have a thing shinee

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Shinee au where they all sleep with each other for stress relief, no strings
attached. Except Jinki loves (and only bottoms to) Jonghyun, but jjong only
sex’s onew if hes asked to, kibum loves taemin, who despite the mansex, is
confident he’s straight and it doesnt count, and Minho loves onew (even
though they only oral… except for that one time Jinki was really drunk and
kept calling him jonghyun)

shinee shinee au have a thing

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i need that gif of Onew from the Everybody behind the scenes with his heavy
eyemake up and he’s like kinda sitting up on the floor covered in sweat and
playing with his hair and he looks freshly fucked

i need it so when people ask me what my problem is I can show it to them

onew Jinki Lee Jinki is all of my problems

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KeyloveSG: [TRANS] Onew's interview for jTBC's "Sitcong Royal Villa"


SHINee’s Onew (24, real name Lee Jinki) will be joining the line of “Acting-

Onew is set to appear in the JTCB Sitcong “Royal Villa (Director Kim
Seokyoon)" which will air its first episode on the 15th at 11PM. “Sitcong
Royal Villa" is a new genre that combines sitcom and conte. Out of...

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