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Directions: Read the following statements carefully .Choose the letter that best describes the
statement. Write your answer on your answer sheet.

1. What is true about impulse and momentum

A. Momentum and impulse are unrelated to each other.
B. Impulse is mass times velocity while momentum is force times time.
C. Impulse deals with velocity while momentum deals with change in velocity
D. Momentum is the mass of a substance multiplied by the velocity while impulse is just the
change of momentum.
2. If two objects collide with each other_________________
A. The sum of their momentum after the collision is equal to the sum of their momentums
before the collision.
B. The momentum before the collisions is always greater than the total momentum after
the collision.
C. The object with greater mass always has greater momentum
D. They both lose momentum at the moment of impact.
3. If a football player running down the field is tackled by another football player who holds
onto the first football player so that they both fly out of bounds together, that collision is
A. Elastic B. inelastic C. momentum D. invisible
4. In a perfectly elastic collision, a ball dropped from a certain height would…….
A. Bounce at a greater height C. bounce at a lesser height
B. Bounce at the same height D. stick to the floor
5. A 0.2 kg red cue ball rolling at 1.4 m/s elastically collides directly with a 0.2 kg 9- ball at rest.
Which of the following is true?
A. The red cue ball would have a velocity of 0 m/s
B. The 9-ball would have a velocity greater than 2 m/s
C. The red cue ball would have a velocity greater than 1.0 m/s
D. The 9-ball would have a velocity greater than 0.5m/s but less than 2 m/s
6. When comparing the momentum of two moving objects, which of the following is correct?
A. The object with higher velocity will have less momentum if the masses are equal.
B. The more massive object will have less momentum if its velocity is greater.
C. . The less massive object will have less momentum if the velocities are the same.
D. The more massive object will have less momentum if the velocities are the same.
7. A roller coaster climbs up a hill at 4 m/s and then zips down the hill at 30 m/s. The
momentum of the roller coaster
A. is greater up the hill than down the hill.
B. is greater down the hill than up the hill.
C. remains the same throughout the ride.
D. is zero throughout the ride.
8. A billiard ball collides with a stationary identical billiard ball in an elastic head-on collision.
After the collision, which of the following is true of the first ball?
A. It maintains its initial velocity. C. It comes to rest
B. It has one-half its initial velocity D. It moves in the opposite direction
9. If a force is exerted on an object, which statement is true?
A. A large force always produces a large change in the objects momentum
B. A large force produces a large change in the object’s momentum only if the force is
applied over a very short time interval.
C. A small force applied over a long time interval can produce a large change in the object’s
D. A small force always produces a large change in the object’s momentum.
10. If a mass is at rest, what must be applied to cause it to move?
A. Kilograms B. speed C . mass D. force
11. Which has more momentum, a heavy truck or light truck moving at the same speed?
A. Light truck C. both have the same momentum
B. Heavy truck D. cannot be determined
12. A person jumps to the ground from a platform 10 feet high. Which of the following is true?
A. The person has more kinetic energy before they jump than after they jump.
B. The person has less potential energy at the top of the platform than in the air.
C. The person’s potential energy at the instant they jump is approximately equal to their
kinetic energy the instant they land.
D. The person’s kinetic energy at the instant they jump is approximately double their
potential energy the instant they land.
13. Is energy transformed while a rock is falling from a cliff? Explain
A. Yes, kinetic energy is transformed into gravitational potential energy as the rock falls.
B. Yes, gravitational potential energy is transformed into kinetic energy as the rock falls
C. No, because the rock lost all of its gravitational potential energy once it started to move.
D. No, because one form of energy cannot be transformed into another form energy.
14. A ball, starting from rest at position 1, rolls along a curved track toward position 5. The ball
speeds up as it rolls from position 1 to position 3, and it slows down as it rolls from position 3
toward position 5. Just before it reaches position 5, it stops and rolls back down the track.
As the ball rolls back and forth along the curved track, the ball and the track get a little
When does the thermal energy of the ball and track increase and why?
A. Only when the ball rolls from Position 1 to Position 3 because the gravitational potential
energy of the ball is converted into thermal energy
B. Only when the ball rolls from Position 3 toward Position 5 because the kinetic energy of
the ball is converted into thermal
C. The thermal energy increases the
entire time the ball is rolling along
the track because both the gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy of the ball
are converted into thermal energy.
D. The thermal energy increases the entire time the ball is rolling along the track, but the
increase does not come from a change in gravitational potential energy or kinetic energy
because motion energy and gravitational potential energy cannot be converted into
thermal energy.
15. A girl is riding her skateboard down a hill.  She speeds up as she goes down the hill, and the
wheels get a little warmer.
What energy transformations happen while she is going down the hill?
A. Kinetic energy is transformed into gravitational potential energy and thermal energy.
B. Gravitational potential energy is transformed into kinetic energy
and thermal energy.
C. Gravitational potential energy is transformed only into kinetic
D. No energy transformations are involved while she is going down
the hill.
16. In the San Roque Power Plant, which energy transformation takes place?
A. Nuclear energy heat electrical energy
B. Heat mechanical energy electrical energy
C. Electrical energy mechanical energy electrical energy
D. Gravitational potential energy kinetic energy electrical energy
17. Which of the following is an example of the transformation of gravitational potential energy
into motion energy (kinetic energy)?
18. A swinging pendulum has ________ at the bottom (middle) of its arc.
A. minimum kinetic energy C. minimum potential energy
B. minimum total energy D. maximum potential energy

Refer to this situation in answering questions 19-20.

An object falls freely from a certain height.
19. Which of the following happens to the object?
A. It loses PE and gains KE. C. It loses both PE and KE.
B. It gains PE and loses KE. D. It gains both PE and KE.
20. The PE of the object at the highest point compared to its KE at the lowest point is
A. lesser B. greater C. equal D. not related

21. In the given diagram, where is the

kinetic energy greatest?
A. As the biker is climbing the hill.
B. As the biker is on the top of the
C. As the biker is on the downside
of the hill.
D. There is no example of kinetic
22. The total mechanical energy of the object at the highest point compared to its total
mechanical energy at the lowest point is
A. Lesser B. greater C. equal D. not related
23. A 4 kg toy car moves along a frictionless surface with a uniform speed of 8 m/s. What is its
kinetic energy?
A. 1.28J B. 12.8 J C. 128J D. 1 280J
24. Using the turbine model, what are some ways you can do to lift the hanging papers clips?
A. Rotating the straw by hand C. Winds up the string
B. Blowing on blades D. All of the given choices.
25. According to the law of conservation of energy, in theory, a bouncy ball should never stop
bouncing. However, we know that it eventually stops. Where does the energy go? Some
gets converted into
A. Sound energy and escapes into the surroundings
B. Thermal energy and escapes into the surroundings
C. Mechanical to potential energy
D. Both A and B
26. Mario stretched a rubber band six times. After that, he observed that the rubber band felt
warm. Did the rubber band gain Heat?
A. No, it is not evident.
B. Yes, the rubber band felt warm means it loss heat.
C. Yes, the rubber band felt warm means it gained heat.
D. No, temperature is not related to a gain or loss of heat.
27. Thermodynamic reactions play important roles in all of the following except…
A. Car engines B. Refrigerators C. hitting baseballs D. cooking food
28. Which has more internal energy, a bathtub full of cool water or a cup of hot water?
A. Bathtub full of cool water C. Both A and B
B. Cup of hot water D. None
29. In the equation: change in U = Q - W , W stands for ?
A. Work C. Work done on the system
B. Entropy D. Work done by the system
30. A system has 30 J of heat added to it and in doing so, it does 25 J of work. The change in
internal energy will be:
A. +25 J B. +5 J C. -5 J D. -30 J
31. What is the ideal efficiency of a heat engine that has a hot reservoir at 500 K and a cold
reservoir of 200 K?
A. 60% B. 55% C. 45% D. 40%
32. Given the following mechanism, which best describes correct sequence of the refrigeration
I. Compression II. Condensation III. Expansion IV. Evaporation
A. I, II, III, IV B. II, III, IV, I C. iii, IV, I, II D. IV, III, I, II
33. Why is heat engine not 100% efficient? Because
A. some of the gases taken up in the piston. C. all mixture of gases is converted into
B. all of the gases are used up by the engines. D. engines needs to be cooled down
34. What is the correct sequence of four cycle-stroke of gasoline engine?
I. Intake II. Power III. Exhaust IV. Compression

35. What is the function of a heat engine? It converts…
A. thermal energy into chemical energy. C. chemical energy into mechanical energy
B. thermal energy into mechanical energy. D. mechanical energy into chemical energy.
36. How does water from the deep well move upward?
A. It flows from higher temperature to cooler temperature.
B. It is spontaneous process.
C. It uses water heat pump.
D. It occurs naturally.
37. A system does no work even when heat is added to it. Which of the following may happen to
the system?
A. The system expands C. Both a and b
B. The internal energy of the system increases D. Neither a nor b
38. Ashley turned on the LED TV set to watch her favorite drama series Which of the following is
correct path of electrical power that can be traced back to the source.
A. Power plant transmission substation distribution substation residence
B. Transmission substation power plants residence distribution substation
C. Residence distribution substation power plants transmission substation
D. Distribution substation transmission substations power plants residence
39. Why do power stations generate AC, and NOT DC?
A. Transformers work with AC.
B. AC is more efficient and economical.
C. AC is used in mobile devices and gadgets.
D. It is easier to generate, safer, and more economical to transmit AC than DC.
40. Transformers are used to raised the voltage along substations and lower it for residential
consumption. What kind of transformers are used to raised the voltage?
A. Step-up B. Step down C. both A and B D. neither of the two
41. In which of the following units is electrical consumption measured by electric companies for
our household consumption in our homes?
A. Kilowatt B. Kilowatt hour C. voltage D. megawatt
42. What energy transformation takes place in a generator
A. Electrical to mechanical C. chemical to mechanical
B. Mechanical to electrical D. heat to mechanical
43. Kakay paid Ph 1750.00 for electricity. How much energy (in kWh) is consumed if the electric
company charges Ph 6.88/kWh?
A. 3.93 B. 255.65 C. 254.36 D. 12 040
44. If 5 W light bulb is lit for 12 hours each day for 30 days in a month, how many kilowatt-hours
will the bulb consume?
A. .18 kWh B. 1.8kWh C. 180 kWh D. 1800 kWh
45. All of the following power plants use steam to drive the turbines to produce electricity
A. Coal-fired B. nuclear C. hydropower D. geothermal
46. What must be done to reduce your electric bill?
A. Connect appliances in series. C. Put off main switch during the day.
B. Make use of limited appliances. D. Put off appliances when not in use.
47. When a turbine rotates to produce electricity, what energy transformation takes place?
A. Thermal mechanical C. chemical electrical
B. Electrical electromagnet D. mechanical electrical

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