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Experiment No.

To measure the diameter of the given act of pins by using Vernier caliper
 Vernier caliper
 Pins of different diameter
Vernier caliper:
The Vernier caliper is extremely precise measuring instrument; the reading error is
1/20mm=0.05mm. close the jaws lightly on the object to the measured. if you are
measuring something with a round cross section, make sure that the axis of te
object is perpendicular to the caliper.

1. Main scale- The main scale is similar to that on a ruler, graduated in the
mm and cm on one side and the inches on the other side.
2. Vernier scale- The venire scale is the sliding scale. Its sides parallel to the
main scale and enable reading to be made to a fraction of a division on the
main scale.
3. Screw- The Vernier scale can be fixed at any position on the man scale
with the help of a screw.
4. Jaws- it has two jaws the lower jaws are called outside jaws and they are
used to measure the length of a rod, diameter of a sphere or the external
diameter of a cylinder. the upper jaws are called the inside jaws which are
used to measure the internal diameter of a hollow cylinder or pipe.
5. Strip-The thin strip is used to measure the depth of the objects like beaker.
6. Principal of Vernier- the graduation on the Vernier scale are such that
the length of ‘n’ divisions on the Vernier scale is equal to (n-1) division of
the main scale.
Generally, a Verner has 10 divisions and the length of these 10 divisions are
equal to the length of 10-1=9 divisions of the main scale .
That is, 10 div of the Vernier scale = 9mm
1 div of Vernier scale = 9/10mm
Least count of the Vernier of Vernier constant:
It is defined as the difference between the value of one main scale division and
one Vernier scale division.
L.C=value of one main scale division / total numbers of divisions on Vernier
=1mm/10=0.1mm or 0.01cm
Dial caliper:
A precision measuring device wit parallel jaws or legs, with a shape similar to a
clock face. The device is used to measure linear dimension, thickness, or
diameter .
Digital caliper:
The digital caliper (sometime is incorrect called the digital Vernier caliper) is a
precision instrument that can be used to measure internal and external distance
external distances extremely accurately. The example shown below is a digital
caliper as the distance / measurements, are read from a lcd display.
1. First if all check the zero error of the Vernier caliper.
2. if zero error is present it may be negative or positive
3. multiply the zero error of least count of Vernier caliper and add or
subtract it from the reading
4. if the zero error is not present then we get the reading withought error
5. To take the reading open the Vernier caliper and place the pin between
the jaws and close them.
6. Check the main scale line which is behind the zero of the Vernier scale,
this is the main scale reading
7. Now check the line of Vernier scale which consider with the main scale,
this is the Vernier scale reading.
8. Multiply Vernier scale reading to the least count and add it to the main
scale readings.

Observation & calculations:

Least count: 0.05mm and 1/q128 inch
Total reading-main scale reading + (Vernier scale reading * least count )

Main scale Vernier Total

Sr# reading scale reading
(mm) reading (cm)

Outside Dia 1

Inside Dia 1

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