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(State the Problem)
 It is often claimed that...
 Many People contend that...
 We often hear that...
Linking Ideas
(Maintain balanced View, don’t be to categorical)
 While it is true that...
 Not only do.... but they also....
 That may well be so but, surely...
 In fact

(Use Rhetorical Questions, not too much. Relative Formal Register)
 I can honestly say that....
 In my view...
 As I see it, ...
 On balance...
 Taking everything into consideration, there are many good
arguments for...
Formal Letter
 Dear “title and name” (if we know them)
 Dear Sir or Madam (if we don’t know the title and name)
 To whom it may concern (if we don’t know who will read the letter)
Opening phrases
(begin identifying the situation)
 I am writing with regard to...
 I am writing in reply to....
 I have been asked to write to you concerning...
 In response to your letter of 15 January, I am writing to...

(make links between paragraphs)

(don’t use same Language as in the input)
(make links between points within the paragraph)

(say what you want the result of your letter to be in the final paragraph)
 I very much hope you will consider....
 I am sure you will see...
 I look forward to receiving your response to...
 I look forward to hearing your views on...
 Yours faithfully, (when begun with title and name)
 Yours sincerely
Informal Letter/Email
 Dear “name”,

Body of the letter or email

(Use paragraphs in which you cover each of the points mentioned)
(add some of your own ideas)
Beginning the letter/email
 Thanks so much for your letter/email. It was…
 I’m really sorry not to have written/been in touch for so long/ such a long
time/lately. I’ve been…
Responding to an invitation
 Thanks so much for inviting…
 I was absolutely thrilled to get your invitation…. But unfortunately it doesn’t
look as if I’ll be able to make it.
Referring to a previous letter/email
 Remember that… you said you had…?
 You told me in your letter/email that…
 Last time you wrote, you wanted to know…
 You know that…. I told you about?
 I’m really /terribly/awfully sorry that…
 Sorry we didn’t manage to…
 Do you fancy…
 Why don’t we…
 I was wondering if you’d be into…
Making a request
 I was wondering if you happened to…
 If you’ve got a spare moment, do you think you could…

(finish by arranging to see or contact them again soon)
 I think that brings you up to date on what I’ve been up to. Do write soon and let
me know…
 Once again, thanks so much…
 I’m really lloking forward to “seeing you” on the eighteenth/in two weeks’ time
in Barcelona
 Please say hi to… from me.
 Give my love to…
(Use Headings and bullet points)
(State the purpose) (use relatively formal and impersonal style)

 The principal aim/objective/purpose of this report is to provide a description

of/present results of/ assess the importance of...
 In this report I will provide a description of/present results of/assess the
importance of...
 This report describes/provides an assessment of/presents results of...

(Discriving how you got your information)

 I conducted interviews with local council officers/a survey of...

 “Whoever” responded to an online questionnaire.
 I visited three of the most popular restaurants:
 High Street shoppers were invited to attend a focus group…
(Reporting your results)

 ….. stated that/expressed the opinion that…

 Acording to…
 A large/considerable/significant proportion of those
surveyed/respondents/informants said that….
 Nearly three quarters of the shop keepers…
(Presenting a list)
(use your task input as the guide for how to divide your report into sections)

 The arguments against….. are the following: (numerical list)

 The following were the main reasons given for supporting ….: firstly….,
 There are several ways in which… might be…: (numerical list)

(include a sentence summarising your opinion at the begining) (use bullet points)

 Taking all the factors mentioned into account/In the light of the results of the
survey/questionnaire, focus group sessions .... would appear to be the most
viable solution/otion/approach.
 I would therefore recomend...
(Use Headings and bullet points)
(State the purpose) (use relatively formal and impersonal style)
 The principal aims/objectives of this proposal are to...
 In this proposal I describe/evaluate/assess...
 This proposal is intended to...
(Background information)
 Coments made at the end of the questionnaires suggest...
 Following a survey among families of young children...
 Concerned members of the local community were invited to
 A number of concerns with regard to the most recent street party
were expressed by locals…
(use your task input as the guide for how to divide your report into
(Making recommendations and suggestions)
 …. Should be set up…
 There should be….
 I recommend that…

(include a sentence summarising your opinion at the begining) (use bullet
 The results of the survey/questionnaire suggest that … would seem
to be the best option/choice/solution.
 If these recommendations are implemented, …
 Unless these suggestions are implemented, it is unlikely that...
Bacgrownd Information
(give an indication of the structure of your review)
(start by raising a question in the reader’s mind)
 … is …’s first novel/second film/first starring role/third individual
 ... opened at… (whenever) and I went along to have a look.
A brief account of the plot
(Don’t just tell the story, give your assessment of what you have seen or
read) (DON’T give away the ending!!)
 Set in…, the film thells the story of…/recounts the events in...
 In the context of the period after the Great Depression, the novel
explores themes of…
 The series begins with...
(Use specific vocabulary) (Make comarisons) (Don’t forget to cover all the
points of the task)
 The script seemed rather conventional/predictable/contrived…
 The plot struck me as completely bizarre/absurd/incomprehensible.
 The director has succeeded in creating a film that is both believable
and thoroughly engaging.
 The characers are appealing and true to life.
 The dialogue is witty/stilted/natural/artifitial.
 The dancers were quite brilliant/thoroughly amateurish.
 “whoever”’s sets were a particular strength/weakness of the
(Final recommendation or evaluation)
 I would strongly encourage you not to miss/not to waste your
money on....
 I would definitely recommend seeing/visiting/reading/having a look
Types of group or musician: hip hop/rock/heavy metal/artist/band/group/musician/,
(bas/lead/rhythm) guitarist, (backing/leading) singer, drummer, folk singer/guitarist,
countr and western singer, jazz band/quartet/trio/singer, orchestra,
Elements: auditorium, cantata, concerto, hall, lyrics, piece, tune, score, stage,
symphony, theatre
People: composer, conductor, songwriter

Types: fantasy, historical, mystery, romance, science fiction, thriller, whodunit
Elements: atmosphere, author, character, dialogue, novelist, plot, setting, writer
Types: coffe-table book, cook book, travel book, textbook, manual
Elements: author, chapter, editor, illustration, index, glossary, section

Types: (as for fiction +) adaptation, animation, comedy
Elements: animation, costume, design, photography, role, screenplay, script, set,
special effects, soundtrack
People: actor, cinema-photographer, cast, director, producer, scriptwriter

Types: (as for film +) drama, farce, musical
Elements: act, costume, design, lyrics, music role, scene, set, stage
People: (as for film +) composer, playwright

TV Programme
Types: chat show, current affairs programme, debate, documentary, drama, series,
soap opera, situation comedy
People: actor, cast, compere, director, host, presenter, producer, scriptwriter

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