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Express your agreement or disagreement with the following comments using

`` Me too '' ... etc. if you agree. or `` I don't believe it '' or `` I don't agree '' if
you don't agree.
and work with these short conversations to practice with your instructor.

 I think English is difficult. you: I also agree.

 I really like pizza. you: I also agree.
 Shakira is not attractive. you: I do not agree.
 I think it's time for lunch. you: I think so too.
 Tennis is a violent sport. you: i don't think so.
 I think it's time to have a cup of coffee. you: I do it too
 I want to go home. you: i don't think so
 I think Spanish is difficult. you: I do not agree
2 Para el siguiente ejercicio describa o recree UNA de las siguientes
Situaciones y seleccione cualquiera de las opciones para su presentación.

Para Todos: Presentación personal que incluya:

- Name
- Age
- Occupation
- Marital Status
- Short Personality description
- Place where you live

Presentación personal
My name is Anderson Jair Romero Romero i am twenty six years old I live in
Puerto Berrio Antioquia I am a private security supervisor, I have my home as
a free union, I work as a security guard in a supermarket, I like motorcycles
and my dream is to finish this career and continue studying mechatronics.

B Recree una escena en la que se acerca a un restaurante donde en su

interacción debe utilizar al menos 8 verbos modales para solicitar al mesero su
orden. Para esta situación puede valerse de la ayuda de un amigo o familiar o
puede hacer los dos papeles usted mismo.

Escena de restaurante

Anderson: Good afternoon, how are you?

Waiter: Very good sir, could you take it to your table?
Ander: yes please
Waiter: what do you want to drink?
Ander: a bottle of wine.
Ander: could you tell me the menu please?
Waiter: of course it will be sushi
Ander: could bring two dishes
Waiter: see you later
Walk: I can use your bathroom

Waiter: yes
Ander: I'm going to cancel you
Ander: can you consult please
Waiter: correct kits
Ander: I must go now thanks.

Anderson :Buenas tardes , como esta.

Mesero: Muy bien señor, podria llevarlo a su mesa.
Ander: si porfavor
Mesero: que desean beber.
Ander una botella de vino
Ander: me podrias decir el menu
Mesero : claro sera suchi
Ander: podria traer dos platos
Mesero Te vere mas tarde
Ander puedo usar tu baño
Mesero: yes
Ander: le canselo
Ander :Puede verificar por favor
mesero : correcto
ander debo irme ahora

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