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‫ﺑﺳﻡ ﷲ‬

“I have a dream; I am strong enough to make it come true.” 

Foundation Booklet:
Grammar, Vocabulary and Ideas for IELTS (2019)
This is not a grammar course; grammar will not be repeated
again in the course. Please study this Foundation booklet. It
is very important.

Dr. Muhammad Khalil Moussa
SECTION -1- GRAMMAR QUIZ (ANSWERS are in the Grammar Video)

After studying the Booklet, Please correct the following sentences:

1) In my family, there is 5 members and the closest person is my father who work as a teacher.
2) Internet is one of the modern invention in the meantime.
3) My friend and I has gone to Alex.
4) The Egyptian people is kind-hearted.
5) The world suffer from pollution.
6) Internet has many disadvantages and it is important to discuss it/ them.
7) Internet has it’s dangers.
8) I and my colleagues hang out together every weekend.
9) Capital I or not?
10) There are another reasons why I think women should not join the army.
11) Many years ago, I have been in France.
12) Internet becomes important.
13) Internet can helping people around the world.
14) I didn’t went to America last year.
15) This is good solution.
16) We have a huge problems.
17) Typing is more better than handwriting and it is more faster.
18) Burj Khalifa is more tall than any other building.
19) The most movie I like is Titanic because it talks about a love story.
20) When I see you next time. I will give you a present.
21) A mother should help her children, gives them care and supportive to them.
22) Ahmad car is luxurious.
23) Many researches give many advices and informations to parents.
24) I will see you in the weekend in Friday on 2 o’clock.
25) This problems have a negative effect on children.
26) There are some people believe that the key to happiness is money.
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27) I am seeking for happiness.
28) I want to learn my children to be decent.
29) Many Arabic people suffer from the lack of self-confidence.
30) I looked to him and my eyes were full of tears.
31) From 3 months, I took the course.
32) Playing sports are good for health.
33) Travelling to many countries have a good effect on your personality.
34) My friend is Ahmed which works as a businessman.
35) My friend is very amazing.
36) There is many challenges that people face on daily basis.
37) The both point of views will be presented in this essay.
38) Egypt suffer a high percentage of unemployment.
39) Whilst some people are of the view that internet is beneficial. Others think otherwise.
40) My family and I has a lot of fun.
41) Many years ago, I decide to learn a new languages.
42) Recycling helps people protecting environment.
43) Youth crimes have become an alarming phenomenon, a high percentage of youngsters have been
charged with crimes such as murder and robbery.
44) My friend travelling nowdays to england.
45) Technology can saves a lot of time, when we travel or work.
46) She will immigrates to Canada in next year.
47) There are many problems and this essays discusses it.
48) We should be aware of the drawbacks of the internet as well as it’s merits.
49) My friend do not like this kinds of dishes.
50) If education improves. This will be good for egypt.

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Section -2- Fatal Grammatical Mistakes
1- Singular and Plural Verbs: (Subject and Verb agreement)

Singular (s) Plural
is are
was were
has have
does do
subject + verb (s) verb

anyone is

each  everyone 
person is is

each one  everybody 
is is

anybody is anything is

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All people have to abide by the rules.
All students have to come on time.

Many problems emerge from the lack of proper education.
Many scholars view this problem as chronic.

One of He is one of my friends.

In my family, there is 5 members and the closest person is my father who work as a teacher.
In my family, there are 5 members and the closest person is my father who works as a

Internet is one of the modern invention in the meantime.

Internet is one of the modern inventions in the meantime.

My friend and I has gone to Alex.

My friend and I have gone to Alex.

The Egyptian people is kind-hearted.

The Egyptian people are kind-hearted.

My father work as a doctor.

My father works as a doctor.

The world suffer from pollution.

The world suffers from pollution.

Egypt suffer from over population and everyone is under stress.

Egypt suffers from over population and everyone is under stress.

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2- Wrong use of pronouns

Difference between “other” and “another”
Wrong pronoun reference

•I have many problems but I try to solve it. 
(correction is them because of "problems").
•Another: singular. This is another 
•My friends usually stand by me, and that is  negative effect for smoking.
why I like him. (corrrection is them because  •Other: plural. Other teachers do not 
of "friends")  care about their learners in tertiary 
•Another person/view
•Other = plural (other people)
•Other problems emerge from the 
lack of monitoring by parents.
(it’s = it is) & (its (‫ﺍﻟﻣﻠﻛﻳﺔ‬

•Internet has it’s dangers.(its not it’s)*Its (NO 
Confusing it’s and its

apostrophe) = possessive neuter ‫ﻟﻠﺟﻣﺎﺩ‬
•Internet has its own merits and demerits.
•It’s going on well. 
•Writing: no contraction because contraction 
is informal= speaking and  a letter to a friend. 
This/ That….is followed by the singular (This 

•Speaking: it’s raining.  (it is / it has); In 
speaking, you can use contractions (doesn’t; 
isn’t; it’s). 

• Note: 
has…That has) 

•This + singular: 
The Pronoun “I”: (Always 
capital)/ My family and I

•People prefer homeschooling to 
•My family and I always travel in the summer.  sending their children to school. This 
has a positive on the economy of 
the country. This shows that parents 
•I and my colleagues hang out together every  should be keen on monitoring their 
weekend. (wrong) children. 
•My colleagues and I chill out together at 
weekends. (correct)
•Capital I or not? I/(upper case; Capital): the 
pronoun I is always capital.  

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3- Tenses in IELTS (2019 Version-MKM)

Rule In IELTS Example

Singular Subject +  Habits  I believe that internet affects
Verb(s)  facts our modern life.
Plural Subject + Verb  opinions  How often do you go to the
Present Simple

 traditions gym?
Always- often-  personal information  I usually go to the gym at the
usually- every day- and facts weekends.
every; How often….? Words:  Finland represents a perfect
Always; often; usually; example of a country which
never; sometimes has introduced extracurricular
Am/is/are + verb(ing) A temporary action in the  I’m suffering from insomnia
Present continuous

present these days.

Words: Note: Avoid these sentences:

Now, these days and  I am believing that….
nowadays (wrong)
 I am agreeing that
 I am playing football.
Has (or) have + past  Action from past till  I have worked as a pharmacist
participle present for 10 years.

 Action that has just  Internet has become

finished influential in our life.
for and since
Has (or) have + been Non-stop action from the  I have been working as a

+ verb (ing) past till the present. teacher for 20 years.


 People have been living in big

cities for years.

Regular verbs(ed)/  A complete action in  I was a trouble maker when I

Past simple

Irregular verbs (check the past was a child.

at the end of this file)  History  The revolution broke out in
 Memories 2011.
last; ago; yesterday

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Had + past participle  An early action or  After the revolution had
event in the past broken out, youngsters rushed

into the streets.

 After I had graduated, I met
my wife.
After/ before  A long action in past  I was going out with my

friend when the accident


Will + verb  Future plan  In Conclusion paragraph:

Future simple

Am/is/are + going to  prediction  By 2020, people will be

+ verb  Expectation obsessed with social media
Words: platforms.
 Next; tomorrow  I think social media platforms
will negatively affect human
Will + have + past  A complete action in  By 2020, many coastal cities

participle the future will have vanished because of

global warming.

Will + be+ verb (ing)  A future event that will  In the coming week, I will be
take a long time working around the clock.

 In the future, people will be


travelling around the world.

Am/is/are + about +  A very recent future  I’m about to travel soon.

to intention or action  I’m about to graduate.

 She’s about to get married.

Will / may/might/  In conclusion: you give summary, recommendations or

can/ could/ should prediction.
Modal Verbs

+infinitive verb  Media should raise awareness campaigns to draw people’s

attention to the issue of drug addiction.
 Government should impose restrictions to control the
inflation of prices.
 Authorities have to issue laws to ban bullying at school.

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 It can be said that youngsters play a pivotal role in any
after modal verbs  I want people to be fully aware of the significance of
After “to” parental control over adult websites.
Infinitive verbs

After help, make and  This will make people invest more in education. This will
let. help countries to develop.
 Look forward to + verb (ing)
 am/is/are + used to + verb(ing)
 I look forward to hearing from you.
 I am used to going to the gym at the weekends.

•Government should impose a strict regulation to curb the drug trafficking. 
•Family should monitor their offspring.
Should=  •Media should launch awareness campaigns. 
recommendation  •Public figures should participate in campaigns against or for… 
concerning problem •Social media should contribute in finding a solution to the problem of youth crimes.  
•Education should provide extra curricular activities.
•NGOs should volunteer to alleviate the suffering of the poor. 

What’s your favorite  •I love the Lebanese cuisine and I love Shawrma because it is a delicious dish but 
cuisine?  people have to be careful because this dish is full of  fats. 

What do you do  •I go to  posh restaurants and we eat together.
when you go out  • When I was younger, I used to spend more time with my friends, but nowadays I'm 
with your friends?  overwhelmed with a lot of work. 

Do you prefer  •I like typing because it is faster than handwriting. I have always been fond of typing because 
typing or  my handwriting is not clear. I believe in the future all people will type out everything and 
handwriting? handwriting will be rare. 

 Note: The sentences are good examples of different tenses in IELTS writing and speaking.
More will be provided in class.

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-4- Use of Adjectives with “a” and “an” (A/an + adjective+ noun=singular)

•With adjectives: A/An +  The most one is a common mistake= ‫ﻣﺵ ﻣﻌﻧﺎﻫﺎ ﺍﻛﺛﺭ ﻭﺍﺣﺩﺓ‬

Adjective + singular noun (He is a 
With singular and plural nouns

good friend). 
•NOTHING + Adjective + plural  The most + adjectives with more than one syllable = the 
noun (They are good students).  most memorable 
•Internet plays an important role. 
•These are dangerous effects.  Noun + Subject verb +the most= The person I respect the 
•My best friend is Waleed and he  most is Dad. 
is a supportive friend.
•Biking is  a healthy solution to 
traffic jam.  The most dangerous thing on the internet is the adult 
•Write a letter to a broker and ask  material.
for help in finding a job.  Warning: "The most"
•The: singular/ plural (known to  The most thing I hate about TV is that it is time consuming
the reader and the listener). 
(Wrong Sentence)

The thing I hate the most about TV is that it is time 
consuming (Correct)

I love Titanic and the thing I like the most about the movie 
•He is more better than my 
Common Mistake with 

is its romantic theme.
relative. (much better)
•Adjectives: more better (only 

better); the most best (only the 
The movie I love the most is Titanic. 
•Burj Khalifa is much higher than 
Cairo Tower. 
•(more + adjective + than)  I love Titanic and this is the movie I love the most.
•(Jeddah is nearer to Mecca than 
I love my family and my elder brother is the person I love 
the most. 
Short and Long 

•In the line graph, divorce rate is  The most popular movie to me is Titanic. 
higher than marriage rate but the 
highest trend was of those who 
stayed single.

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Tall Taller  Tallest  Avoid Using "Very"
Good  Better  Best  Never use with strong 
We can use
Bad  Worse Worst 









Low  Lower  Least 

-5- Capitalization

Names; Surnames; Address; Agencies (UN; Ministry of Education); country; Continents (Africa 
has many resources); City (Alex); Nationalities; Days of the week; Months. Beginning of the 
sentence; titles (Mr.); Ministry of Education.

Dear Mr. / Miss/ Mrs. / Professor/ Ms. Sally Parker 

Mr. Smith / Dear Dr. Johnson,

Capital letters are used after full stop, question mark and exclamation mark.
Has the internet dominated the modern world? In fact, we have become exposed to 
many changes thanks to the internet.

Is the world dominated by technology? This is an important question that has to be 
raised by looking into the positives and downsides of technology. 

Ex: I believe that the Ministry of Education should intervene in the crisis of unemployment by 
providing extra‐curricular activities about the importance of handcraft work and technical 

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-6- Punctuation marks:

 Full Stop .
After a complete sentence+ followed by a capital letter. 

• He works as a dentist. He graduated from the School of Medicine. 
• Mobile applications are useful in language learning. 

 Semi-Colon ;
2 complete sentences
• Sentence 1 (complete meaning); Sentence 2 (complete meaning)= it explains 
sentence 1 or the result of sentence 1. 
• Semi‐colon: as a result + in other words. 
• Fast food has become popular around the world; many teenagers and youngsters 
are overweight. 
• Obesity has become a problem around the world; 60% of US teenagers are 
overweight because of junk food. 
• Youth crimes have become a huge problem around the world; many youngsters 
have become criminals even at schools. 
• Mobile applications help in learning languages; some of them such as BBC learning 
English are widely used by learners.
; (in other words/ as a result) 
• Global warming is a threat to the whole world; many coastal cities will vanish in the 
foreseeable future.

 Remember:
If you want to have a better future for yourself, then please start now. Don’t
procrastinate (delay) things till tomorrow. Please believe in yourself. (MKM)

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Comma ,
Opening & Signature
• Dear Mr. Smith, 
• Sincerely, (semi‐formal)
• Faithfully, (formal)

• I need to buy rice, oil and flour. 
• When I get band 8, I will celebrate, apply for immigration and finish my paper work. 
• My friend is supportive, works as a business and a quick driver. 
• Homeschooling improves children’s study skills, protects their cultural principles 
and gives them enough time to relax and play. (1,2,3 and 4) 
• I have Ahmed, Alaa, Hossam and Mahmoud.

This is parallelism: 
• My friend is supportive, gentle and generous. (adj, adj and adj)
• My friend works around the clock, supports his family and manages his time very 
Complex sentences:  (Band 7 in speaking and writing)
{Fragment  = band 5 }
• If you study IELTS for English. you will get the band you want.  (wrong sentence= 
• If, While , Whilst , Although , As long as , Despite , In spite of …,..., Because …., 
• I like whatsapp because it helps me get connected with my family and colleagues 
at work.
• I will travel, after I finish IELTS. 

After connectors:(CONNECTOR, SENTENCE)
• In addition, However, For instance, Moreover, Furthermore, For example, 
Nevertheless, To begin with, ………..
• There are major issues that we encounter in our modern world because of youth 
crime. Moreover, 60% of youngsters commit cybercrimes. 
• Education is essential to the development of any nation. Many people in  Egypt, 
however, do not fully understand the importance of education. 

Parenthetical sentences: ‫ﺟﻣﻠﺔ ﺍﻋﺗﺭﺍﺿﻳﺔ ﻟﻭﺻﻑ ﺷﻲء‬

• Internet, a new means to bring people together, has unfortunately failed to help 
people socialize because everyone is absorbed in their virtual world like Facebook. 
• Einstein, a German‐born American scientist, has become a symbol of scientific 

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After/before/although/if/ despite/in spite of +

• Sentence 1(dep),  Sentence 2 (independent)  (you have to use the comma). 
• If you study, you will pass. 
• Although Sweden has a high quality of life, but there is a high rate of suicide. 
• Although he is rich, he is unhappy. 
• When I see you next time, I will give you extra practice. 
• If new weds get parenting training, this will be better for their children. 
• While I was driving, I saw an accident. 

‘s Or s’

• People’s lives are affected by the media. 
• Ahmed’s brother works in the GCC. 
• My daughter’s birthday is on Sunday, 23rd October. 
• Singular (noun’s) my brother’s shirt is from London. 
• Plural (nouns’) = My brothers’ shirts are from London. 

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-7- Spelling mistakes

Saturday problem Sunday Monday Tuesday  Wednesday

Thursday Friday  Beginning  Receive  Believe  Deceive 

Government  Environment  Tomorrow  Definitely  Until Till

Pollution  Prefer  Statistics  Address  Youngsters 

Species  Extinction  Advice (noun) Advise (verb) To an extent Their ‫ﺑﺗﺎﻋﺗﻬﻡ‬

There ‫ﻫﻧﺎﻙ‬ Benefit Challenges Fluctuation  Attitude Lose  ‫ﻳﻔﻘﺩ‬

A lot  Awareness  Campaign  Foreign Beneficial Society

Rely on (not 
Rule and role Develop  Published  previously  opinion (not 

Writing Written  Deny  Colleague  Successful  Female 

Controversial  Male  Complain  Complaint  Against  Achieve 

Severe available influence different priviledge

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-8- Putting the punctuation marks at the beginning of the page.

• There are many challenges facing families because of drug addiction
. If parents spend more time with their children and raise their awareness,

-9- Watch the plural form of the following words:

Research studies (NOT 
Research findings 

Information Pieces of information 

Advice  My father advised me to develop 
(noun)  Pieces of advice/ tips  intercultural skills. It is the ability 
Advise (verb) to understand other cultures.

Furniture Pieces of furniture 

Equipment Tools

Pieces of updated news are…
News is News updates are… 

Family is or are

Team is or are

data is / data 

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-10- On= day; at= hours; in= months, years and seasons and century.
In the twenty first century

In the summer

In In spring

•Never use any prepositions with “last” or “next”. 
In April •I will see you next Sunday (NOT in the next 
In 1992 •I was born on 8th August, 2010.

On Saturday Date
On •UK Date:  (Egyptian) 16th Feb, 2018. 
On weekend •US Date: Sept 11, 2001. 

At 7 o'clock
At weekend

-11- Affect (verb); effect (noun)+ on

Effect = impact = influence 

•Money  (money wasting) 
•Health: psychological and physical 
(chocolate boosts my morale but it’s full of calories and so 
you can put on weight) 
•Time (time wasting)
Affect • Smoking affects our  •Friends 
(verb) health negatively. •Work 
•Society: children; teenagers; youth; seniors; handicapped 
Effect • Smoking has a negative 
(noun) effect on our health. Note

•Positive and negative Effect (IELTS): 
•Health (psychological)X physical 

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-12- There is (noun) + (which/who) + verb
There are some people who believe that…

There are problems which affect children. 

There is a problem that affects many people. 

There are people who believe that being vegetarian is healthier than being carnivorous. 

-13-This/ These (This= cohesion)

This is the problem. (This= singular)

These are the problems. (These= plural)

These/ those… (followed by the plural noun)
This  That 

 
Singular Singular
These people are waiting for me. 
These   Those
 
Plural Plural
Those people wasted my time because they visited me without any 
prior notice. This is very unprofessional.  

Internet has advantages, and one of them (cohesion) is research 
collection via academic websites. This shows that distance learning is 
the future of education around the world.

Saudi Arabia has decided to Saudize many jobs. This means that many 
expats  will leave the Kingdom. 

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-14- Confusing words:
Learn  Teach 
I learn IELTS with Dr. M. Khalil.  Dr. M. Khalil teaches IELTS. 

Borrow  Lend
I need to borrow some money from my brother.  My brother will lend me some money. 

Buy  Sell 
My nephew will buy my car.  I will sell my car to my nephew. 

I took a course from 3 months.
Success (noun)= succeed (verb) 
I took a course 3 months ago. 

Developed countries ‫ﻣﺗﻘﺩﻣﺔ‬
Egypt’s economics = economy 
Developing countries ‫ﻧﺎﻣﻳﺔ‬

Access (noun): 
Educational system (not education system)
I cannot have access to the internet.

I am agree.  (I agree)  He drives fast (not fastly) 

Regarding (not followed by “to”)
Concerning (not followed by “to”)
Statistics and statistical study 
Regarding the problem of gender inequality, it 
can be inferred that…
You have to work hard. (not hardly)
With regard to (followed by noun) Note: 
I write to you this letter with regards to the  Hardly: rarely 
complaint I issued last week.  I hardly ever see my family because I’m up to 
my ears at work. 

Remind and remember 
Arab (nationality; culture; people) •This film reminds me of the success story of 
Arabian (to the Arabian Peninsula)  my father. 
Arabic (only language) •Whenever I feel down, I remember my mother 
who is so supportive to me. 

Seek (without for) 
I look at 
Stake holders have to seek a solution.
Never say “I look to”

NEVER SAY  regardless of  (not just 
I am confused 
“I CONFUSED”  regardless)

-Wait for: People wait for every chance to feel happy.
- I want to can to travel. (to be able to travel is the correction)

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-15- Travelling to many countries is good for your experience.
Gerund is always signular
• Playing sports is good for the health. 
• Speaking languages enhances your interpersonal skills

-16- Confusing Words in Pronunciation

(Listen to the pronunciation in class and record the words)
Fortunately Museum Northern – North
South- Southern Idea Event
Chair Share Think
March Conversation Determine
Determination Inspire Inspiration
Quarter Beach Close
Question Hotel Suggestion

Section -3- Mastering IELTS and Organizing Ideas

•Inconsistency in tone (formal and informal style); EMOTIONAL WRITING FOUND IN FORMAL WRITING. 
Why 6‐6.5 in  •Ideas are not well‐developed=4 layers (Band 8= paragraph= TEXS)
writing and  •Cohesion and coherence are missing
speaking? •No grammatical variety. 
•No lexical accuracy; collocation problems. (Check Vocabulary File)

a. Inconsistency in tone
Formal Style Informal Style
(Letter to a friend & Speaking)
Don’t / doesn’t / didn’t/ I’m/ I’ve got/ I’d 
Do not / does not /did not/  I am / I have got/ cannot
(connected speech)

Gonna/wanna (Not even in speaking because they 
Going to/want to
are slang)
Kids (informal)

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NO Emotional writing So / very 
•avoid too, very and so In speaking, if you say the word “Hence”, it will 
•Undoubtedly sound strange/ awkward.
•Truly •Ex: Education is very important and so I think 
•It is undoubtedly true that… that government should have to improve the 
No exaggeration ‫ﻣﺑﺎﻟﻐﺔ‬ quality of education. 
•Ex: Education is so important because it is very Informal letter:
good for our development.  •Ex: I miss you very much, bro.I just wanna tell 
(avoid: so/very) you that I’ll pass by you next week. 
So:  Therefore/ Hence/ Subsequently/ As a  •To wrap up = In a nutshell (INFORMAL) = NOT 
result/ Consequently USED IN TASK 2 ESSAY.
•Ex: Education is pivotal/important for national 
progress. Hence, 
•Ex: Governments have to enhance the 
educational system.

You can start the sentence with informal and 
Never start the sentence with “and” or “But”
speaking connectors such as “and” and “but”. 

 “Pros and cons”= informal for speaking ONLY.
 In speaking: I’m up to my ears at work, but sometimes I spend the weekend with
my family to vent out the stress. You know what, I just feel I’m on cloud 9 whenever
I speak my mind with my elder brother.

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b. How to develop your ideas for critical thinking

Idea Explain Example Result Idea 

Internet can have negative effects on children and teenagers because they can be exposed to dangerous
ideas and beliefs (explanation). For example, a recent article published in New York Times has found out
that 32% of American teenagers have tried to commit suicide because of movements on the internet
(example). Thus, parents have to monitor the content which their children access via the internet.

Beef up your essay= examples: Make up examples as long as the examples are:

Research  Personal 
Articles  Survey  Books  Sensible: convincing  Source + Audience + 
study  information 

Present well-developed ideas (Western Culture)

Academic presentation of an idea: 
Layer 1

(How? Why?)
My favourite search engine is google.
•No generalization
•Avoid sweeping statements.
Layer 2

Because google helps us in our education as we can find 
Writing (BAND 5) academic articles online. Actually, google helps us access 
other important websites such as Wikipedia and even social 
media websites. Additionally, google can save you time in 
• Internet is important because it is useful.  translation through the service of google translation.
Therefore, we all need the internet.

Finally, I believe that google is an important website for our 
Layer 3

social and academic life. 
Speaking (BAND 5)
(magical words of academic writing to support your ideas: 
because/ in other words/ for example/ in conclusion) 
•My favourite website is google. I think it is 
important. It helps us. It is very useful.

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Examples from  Technical 
Research  Scientific  your personal  information 
Books Articles  Statistics 
papers  findings  life and  from your 
experience.  field.


For example, many people suffer from stress. (BAD example)

For example, many Egyptians suffer from stress owing to the current economic depression.

Types of Examples:
- General information: Many women in Egypt have to work support their husbands
financially, and this reduces the time parents spend with their juniors./ In a questionnaire
conducted by The Egyptian Gazette, most of the male adults in Cairo spend 10 hours of
work every day, and only 3 out of 10 manage to spend more time with their families.
 Scientific Example: According to a research study published by the Faculty of
Medicine, Cairo University, many youngsters suffer from heart strokes because of eating
too much junk food. / Global warming has its negative effects such as the melting of the
ice in the Antarctica.
- Personal examples (if relevant): Online education can help many sectors of the society,
especially those who have to take on a job just after graduation from high school. My
cousin, for example, had to support his family after his father’s demise, and afterwards,
he obtained his accounting certificate via online websites, and now he is a businessman
owning a firm thanks to the courses he attended virtually./
- Immigration has negatively affected the junior family members of the first generation of
immigrants. My niece, for example, who was born in Canada, hardly speaks the native
language of her parents, Arabic. She has even failed to maintain any relation with her
Egyptian friends owing to the culture clash and her upbringing in a different culture.

 Concrete and Factual Examples (Using actual names to support the ideas):
- Google Corporation started to incorporate robots in their stores to ensure efficacy and
precision in production.
- Steve Jobs left his university because he thought that education and assignments would
hinder his dream of launching his own brand Apple.
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- Leonardo Di Caprio is a prime example of a celebrity who started a foundation to support
research in the field of environment protection and global warming.
- Mohamed Salah, the Egyptian footballer, participated in a campaign against drug
- Pepsi and Coca Cola used male athletes to increase their sales of beverage drinks; male
athletes are more popular than their female counterparts.
- In China, living a normal day in a city like Beijing has the same negative effects of
smoking two packs of cigarettes; this is due to the fumes coming from factories.
- Some upper Egyptian governorates do not have access to drinking water and there is no
proper infrastructure.
c. Cohesion and coherence
Speaking Connectors Writing Connectors
Also Moreover ‐ In addition = Furthermore

By the way To begin with

Let me add that Nevertheless

Besides Yet

But For instance = for example = such as

However In actuality

Like = for example = such as Hence= Therefore= Thus 

Actually = basically In conclusion

So = This means that= Therefore= In a nutshell,= To 
To conclude
wrap up = Finally 

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 Tips
Do not repeat the same connector  Lexical cohesion

•another/ other

You can create cohesion through  Structural cohesion

•This shows that/ This means that/ As mentioned 
•There are problems and one of them is the  before, / As I said before, / As I have previously 
greenhouse effect. mentioned,…

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Grammatical Variety and Sentence Structures

• S + V
• Internet is good. It helps many people in business.

• FANBOYS: for / and/ nor/ but/ or/ yet/ so
Compound • Internet is good, saves time and helps many students. 
I live in New Cairo and I have been there for 10 years. 
Internet is important, but it wastes time. 

• Although /in spite of/Despite/When/Whilst/if/not only but 
also/because/ As soon as 
• Although my friend is good, he sometimes lets me down. 
Complex Although…..never put “but”
Although, education is important, it does not get enough budget 
from the government.  (wrong use of comma).

• It is believed that....
• It is argued that... 
• It may be suggested that... 
• It may be claimed that... 

• Who – which – where – whose

• This is where I was born. 
Relative Clause
This topic, which is controversial, can be seen from various 

• Although pollution is an urgent issue, governments are not 
attempting to solve the problem and they do not even try to 
Complex structures  recycle garbage.

• If Egypt improves its educational system, this will have a positive 
If conditional impact on the economy.

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• Inversion 
‐Not only does internet help in business, but it also 
brings people together. 
‐Not only is he my friend, but he is also my brother‐in‐
‐Not only did he give me money, but he also helped 
me in my study

• (Or):  Internet does not only help in business, but it 
Inversion also brings people together. 

• Should there be any queries, please do not hesistate to 
contact me via email or at my office in Oxford Street. 
• Should you change your mind about selling the car, I'd 
be happy to buy it from you.
• Had it not been for ... (only because of)
• Had it not been for the efforts of parents with 
younbgsters, the principles of voluntary work would 
have not been there among in our society.  

• Complex Sentences ae created by using the following words: 
• (Rubric of Writing and Speaking: a variety of complex sentences)  

After Even If Unless Although Even Though until As

(because) If When As if In order to Whenever

As long as In case Whereas As much as

Once where As soon as Since Wherever As though

So that While Because That Before Though

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Section -4-
Band 8 Vocabulary Compiled by Dr. M. Khalil Moussa

-I- Words and Synonyms for Writing and Speaking:

Neighbourhood I reside in New Cairo.
I live in New Cairo.
I live in a congested district.
It’s a modern neighbourhoods.
I live in a posh district. ‫ﺣﻲ ﺭﺍﻗﻲ‬
My house is located in downtown Cairo.
Studies College
Faculty of Arts/ Science/Engineering/ Pharmacy/ Medicine
My major is economics.
I graduated from the Faculty of Medicine in 2010.
People Public opinion
The current generations
A sector of the society
Opponents and proponents
Individuals in the society
Human beings
Youth Youngsters
The future generations
Children Dependents
Nowadays In the modern age
In the meantime
Think Believe
Of the belief
Of the view
Consider Deem
Internet The world wide web
Internet platforms
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Social media platforms
Online pages
Technology Electronic devices
Electronic gadgets
Artificial intelligence
Cutting edge tools and devices
Advantages Merits
Disadvantage Demerits
Show Manifest
Shed light upon
Problem Issue
Favorite I prefer/ I am a big fan of/ I am crazy about…/ The thing I love
the most is…
Memories In the olden days
In the good old days
Back in the past
Our ancestors used to spend more time with their families.
The older generations= predecessors
Negatives Drawbacks
Negative aspects
Weak points
Positives Strong points
Positive aspects
Media TV and radio
Public figures on media
Social media platforms
TV and radio channels
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Media should launch a campaign against drug addiction.
To initiate a campaign to support
Government Officials
Decision makers
Stake holders
Discuss Tackle
Personality The tragic flaw of my friend is that he is too kind and everyone
problem takes advantage of him.
Expensive Not affordable
Money consuming
Cheap Budget friendly
Friend My intimate friends
My companions
Buddies (speaking only)
Begin Commence
Big Gigantic
Laws Regulations
The government should issue (or) pass laws to control the
inflation of prices.
Fight against Combat
Search Look for
Seek (with no preposition)
Use Utilize
Agree Agree with someone
Agree upon something
Consent with
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I consent that people should exercise to keep fit.
Aware of Raise awareness about
Fund Finance
Financially support
Allocate fund for
Communicate Get along with
with Correspond with
Parents Fathers and mothers
Family guardians
Family breadwinners
Tiring Exhausting
Opinion View
Point of view
Practical Viable solutions
Pragmatic ways to …
Supporters Proponents firmly believe that…
People who are of the view that…
There is a consensus among some people that…
Opponents The opposite view is …
Other have an adverse opinion that…
Others are inclined to believe that…
Disbelieve They do not believe that …
They are skeptical about…
Solve the To mitigate the problem
Outweigh Exceed
Many Numerous
Effect Impact
Depend on Rely on
Help Assist
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Famous Popular
A celebrity
Is/are renowned for
Information Knowledge (gain knowledge)
Happy Joyful
Blessed with
On cloud nine (speaking)
I feel gratified with…
Sad Down in dumps (speaking)
I feel sorrowful
I am down
I am blue
Buy Purchase
Think Believe
University Tertiary education
education Undergraduate education
It is clear that It is crystal clear that
It is obvious that
It is definite that
It is certain that
Beautiful place Mesmerizing setting
Picturesque place
Stunning place
Beautiful Charismatic
person Appealing
Good looking
Handsome (man)
Good looking
Hate Resent
Decide Make up my mind
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Take a decision
Dangers Hazards
Negative consequences of
Allow Permit
Give the green light to
Prohibit Prevent
Task Assignment
Employees Staff members
Employers Businessmen
Company owners
Traffic jam Traffic congestion
Road block
Means of Vehicles
transportation Cars
Bikes (motor bikes)
Shuttle busses
Commit a Atrocity
crime Breach a contract (or) laws
Violate laws
To be involved in illegal actions
Celebrities Public figures
Super stars
Icons (Mo Salah is an icon for Arab tolerance).
Man/ woman Male/ female
Both sexes
Both genders
Country Nations
Citizens of a country
Locals of a place
Global It is the increase in the world temperature and the rise in the
warming water level of seas and oceans.
Climate change
Greenhouse effect
Example A prime example
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A typical example
This is exemplified by Germany which controls the car emissions
through passing regulations to control air pollution.
Married Newly weds
couples Husbands and wives
Newly married young men and women
Money Raise fund for a project
Provide financial support to poor people

2- More advanced vocabulary and expressions

Word Sentence
1. Plethora Obesity can lead to a plethora of health problems.
2. A myriad of A myriad of problems can be caused because of too
much time on the internet.
3. Censorship There must be censorship on movies because of some
violent scenes.
4. Exposed to People have to be exposed to different cultures.
5. Acquire I have to acquire different skills to cope with the global
6. Broadcast Media channels should broadcast episodes about the root
causes of youth crimes.
7. Seek People should seek happiness in every moment of their
8. Await I am awaiting your response regarding the issue I have
mentioned before.
9. Discrepancy There is a discrepancy between the educational level in
the West and the poor education in the Arab world.
10. Curriculum Educators should develop a modern curriculum that
helps the future generations get ready for the digitalized
11. Sociable He is a sociable person who gets along with everyone.
12. self-driving vehicles Thanks to artificial intelligence, there will be self-driving
13. Should not be ignored The dangers of global warming should not be ignored. Q
14. In the long term If authorities raise awareness about the dangers of global
warming, there could be some fruitful benefits in the
long term.
15. bring some obvious If we bridge the gap between cultures, this may bring
benefits some obvious benefits. Q

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16. steadily improve our Technology is claimed to have steadily improved our
quality of life quality of life.

17. Impact The internet has impacted people’s life because many
services and facilities have become accessible online.
18. Ills One of the ills of the fast pace of life is stress which has
many negative influences on health.
19. Browse People browse through various platforms, blogs and
websites in search of some valuable information.
20. Facilitate I believe that electronic devices and mobile applications
have facilitated the educational process.
21. Consensus There is a consensus among many people that age of
retirement should go down to 55 years old.
22. Second I second (support) that learners should improve their
interpersonal skills, not just their academic background.
23. Soar Due to the consumer culture, prices of many
commodities have soared.
24. Deteriorate The educational level in many countries has deteriorated
since parents are concerned only with the scores of their
25. Squander People squander a lot of their money on mobile phones
and brand names to imitate celebrities.
26. Mindsets The future generations should change their mindsets
regarding women’s work because many females have
become successful in different positions.
27. Athletes Athletes and football players have become role models
for many youngsters.
28. Recession Because of economic recession in many countries, many
young people immigrate to richer countries in quest of a
better quality of life.
29. Humanities Humanities such as literature and art should be
introduced to children during their early stages of
30. Human creativity Parents should encourage their children to develop their
human creativity through education.
31. Tertiary education Many students are keen on working during their tertiary
education to fund themselves and pay for their own fees.
32. Organic food Organic food has become quite popular but very
expensive at the same time.
33. Home cooking Home cooking saves a lot of money because people
spend a lot of money on junk food.

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34. Rear Parents should rear their children properly and this
requires a lot of courses in parenting.
35. Full time job Many have to do overtime beside their full time job to
make ends meet.
36. Extensive resume Promising youngsters must have extensive resumes to
start their career life.
37. Qualified graduates Only qualified graduates can get good jobs at
international companies around the world. Q
38. Bilingual To be able to work abroad, you should speak more than
one language. Bilingual employees get better job
39. Mitigate One way to mitigate the problem of traffic jam is to
encourage the culture of carpooling.
40. Classical architecture Glass building facades have become popular in the
twenty first century, whilst many people are still fond of
the classical architecture of the early twentieth century.
41. Fix One way to fix the problem of obesity is to provide free
gyms in parks and public places.
42. Virtual reality Dealing with people through social media and internet
has created the virtual reality which has negatively
affected our human interaction skills.
43. Commit a crime Many teenagers commit crimes because many of them
have become drug addicts.
44. Recruit Companies recruit young men and women who enjoy
effective communication skills.
45. Allocate Authorities and senior officials are requested to allocate
money for education.
46. Linguistic The linguistic abilities of children improve when they
interact with adults.
47. Investigate Senior officials should investigate the causes of youth
crimes and try to find solutions.
48. Decline The ecosystem on planet earth has declined because of
pollution and greenhouse effect.
49. Utilize Electronic gadgets have to be properly utilized in the
field of education.
50. Smoking Smoking should be prohibited on any university campus.
51. Upsurge There is an upsurge in the percentage of crimes in
developing countries.
52. Gradual decline There is a gradual decline of the public taste, as audience
do not prefer classical art anymore.
53. A public consensus There is a public consensus that celebrities play an
that… important role in shaping youngsters’ vision.
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54. General feeling of There is a general feeling of discontent among senior
discontent citizens because they suffer from the lack of facilities.
55. Tackle It is important to tackle the issue of unemployment
because it has its social and economic effects.
56. There is an agreement There is an agreement among many that women should
among many that… stay at home to look after their children.
57. Some people predict Some people predict that the rate of divorce will increase
that.. because married couples do not have any information of
marriage life.
58. Eradicate Politicans should eradicate any form of class differences.
59. Contain the problem Authorities should contain the problem of drug addiction
by raising awareness amomg people.
60. Escalate/aggravate the When the prices of fuel go up, this will agrravate some
problem of… social and economic problems.
Perceive=think Some people perceive that tertiary education is a must.
Dominant A sector of a society thinks that the internet plays a
dominant role in our lives.
Deterrent Longer prison sentences would act as a deterrent and be
one useful measure to tackle rising crime.
Pursue The majority of people pursue happiness in their
everyday lives.
Perspective In my perspective, I believe the merits of computers
outweigh the demerits.
Scope Educationalist should do their best in order to improve
the education scope.
Deem =consider Online education is deemed to be a convenient way of
Versatile=flexible Governments ought to set some versatile regulations to
overcome traffic congestions in the city center.
Notion=idea This notion is considered to be one of the fasted
solutions to solve deforestation.
Interim=temporary This is an interim solution of the traffic congestion
Concur=agree I concur with the latter view.
Enterprise An economic environment which encourages
Immense Smoking has an immense negative effect on future
Implication= effect Arts have direct implications on enhancing skills as
well as creativity.
Imminent = approaching If officials do not control the rate of pollution, an
imminent disaster will happen.
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Curb = control Parents should curb the internet access to a minimum
Inevitable= unavoidable Paying taxes is an inevitable action that should be done.
Pivotal=substantial =important Education is a pivotal aspect in our daily lives.
Quintessential = typical Going to cinemas is a quintessential way to watch
Bias=discrimination It is unethical to show any bias against women.
Opt=choose If people opt e-books rather than traditional ones,
libraries will disappear in the foreseeable future.
Reiterate=resaid It can be reiterated that media contributes to spreading
violence among societies.
Hectic Employees have hectic schedule and work hard to earn
Squander= waste Youth are squandering their time on surfing numerous
social platforms.
Trafficking The problem of drug trafficking is extremely dangerous.
Perilous=dangerous=hazardous Smoking can cause perilous diseases.
Dilemma = problem There are several solutions to solve this dilemma.
Ailment=disease Junk food can lead to serious ailments.
Detrimental Fast food can have detrimental influences on our
Dire Bullying can result in dire consequences for
psychological health of children.
Constrain=control Prices were constrained by continuing state controls
Infrastructure Governments should assess what damage is and rebuild
critical infrastructure systems.
Exorbitant=unaffordable The prices are skyrocketing; the basic items are quite
Intellectual property When students use the internet in plagiarism, they
disrespect intellectual properties of authors.
Residence = home Officials need to guarantee appropriate residence for
their citizens.
Prospective I need a reference letter for my prospective employer.
Pragmatic = practical There should be a pragmatic solution for this issue.
Expenditure The government’s expenditures on renovating schools
ought to be increased.
Embark = begin=commence To embark on, there are myriads merits of online
Cutting edge technological Cutting edge technological gadgets exist abundantly
gadgets among our community.
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Atrocities The rate of atrocities has increased among the society.

Thriving= prosperous People are trying to have a thriving future.

Tangible= materialistic Parents need to meet the tangible demands of their
Rival = competitors Nowadays, there many rivals who are competing each
other in the business market.

-III- Idioms ONLY for Speaking

1- When I spend time with my family, I feel I am over the moon.
2- It is hard to recall the bad memories of the past because I usually feel down in the dumps
whenever I remember my schooldays.
3- I don’t have time to go shopping because I work around the clock.
4- Shopping nowadays costs an arm and a leg.
5- This is a hot potato topic because it is controversial and there could be various perspectives.
6- After graduation, I tied the knot and now I have a small family with 2 kids.
7- It is important to be on the same page with your friends and family members.
8- I only go to the cinema once in a blue moon because I’m overwhelmed with work.
9- I am always ready to go the extra mile at work and study to achieve my dreams.
10- It’s a rule of a thumb that I don’t work or study at weekends because I must have my me-
11- I don’t usually hang out with my friends when I am under the weather. I get some hot
drinks with some medication.
12- I’m overloaded with work and I always have to work against the clock.
13- What drives me banana (crazy) is that young people are so stubborn and don’t listen to
their parents.
14- Bad memories are gone and they are now water under the bridge.
15- The saddest moment in my life when my father kicked the bucket 5 years ago.


 Days of the week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday,
weekdays, weekend
 Months of the year: January, February, March, April, May, June, July August, September,
October, November, December
 Hobbies: gardening, stamp collection, orienteering, caving, spelunking, scuba-diving,
snorkeling, skateboarding, bowls, archery, ice skating, darts, golf, billiards, photography,
painting, embroidery, climbing, chess, parachute, pottery, woodcarving.
 Subjects: science, politics, architecture, law, geography, history, biology, archaeology,
literature, statistics, mathematics, performing arts, visual arts, logic, physics, psychology,
anthropology, economics, philosophy, chemistry, humanities, business management,

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 Marketing: catalogue, interview, research method, entertainment industry, TV program,
strategies, leadership, management, customer, special offer, collecting data, display, products,
questionnaire, survey, mass media, poll, business card, training, trainee, statistic, profit
margin, newsletter, competition, merchandise, manufacture, recruitment.
 Studying at college/university: course outline, group discussion, handout, research,
Proofreading, experiment, written work, report writing, experience, reference, textbook,
student advisor, teamwork, module, topic, dictionary, laptop, printer, assessment, library,
department, computer centre, classroom, attendance, deadline, give a talk, speech, lecture,
tutor, main hall, computer laboratory, certificate, diploma, placement test, facilities, college,
dining room, specialist, knowledge, international, accommodation, overseas students, full-
time, home stay, primary, secondary, intermediate, media room, commencement, dissertation,
leaflet, school reunion, feedback, tasks, outcomes, advanced, introductory, extra background,
resources room, staff, higher education, guidelines, post-secondary, faculty, pupils, pencil,
supervisor, bachelor’s degree, compound, foreign students, schedule, vocabulary, student
support services, student retention, publication, registrar’s office, stationery.
 Work and jobs: designer, occupation, profession, decorator, architect, engineer, waiter,
teacher, vacancy, professor, specialist, manager, waitress, psychologist ،volunteer, craftsman
,work experience, curriculum vitae, freelance, secretary, mail address, receptionist,
pilot, lecturer, office assistant, clerk, accountant, guard, flight attendant, cashier, captain
 Health: yoga, tai-chi, keep-fit, salad bar, vegetarian, outdoor activities, leisure time, disease,
meal, protein, balanced diet, food pyramid, vitamin, carbohydrates, rice, pasta, potatoes, pizza,
tomatoes, bread, cereals, minerals, zinc, meat, seafood, eggs, beans, milk, cheese, yoghurt,
fruit, vegetables, citrus fruits, green pepper, blackcurrant, nuts, egg yolk, liver, medicine ،
treatment, remedy, nursing care, nursery, regular exercise.
 Nature: field, footbridge, river, mountain, forest, village, environment, waterfall, coast, reef,
lake, valley, peninsula, earthquake, avalanche, tornado, typhoon, hill, cliff, island,
desertification, volcano, disaster, landslides, storm, flood, hurricane, pond, catastrophe,
erosion, jungle, oasis, dam, canyon
 The environment: coal, fossil fuels, acid rain, global warming, carbon dioxide, greenhouse
effect, burning fossil, exhaust fumes, smog, climate, pollution, temperature, power plants,
deforestation, nitrogen oxide, landfill, cattle, wind turbine, renewable, source of energy,
reliable, solar panels, solar power, hydroelectric power, environmentally friendly, oxygen,
chemical-free, vegetation, sea level, ocean currents, soil conditioner, firewood, desert,
degradation, drought, contaminated.
 Continents: Australia, Africa, South America, North America, Asia, Europe, Antarctica
 Countries: Switzerland, Turkey, England, Egypt, Mexico, Germany, Greece, Brazil, India,
North Korea, the Dominican republic, France, Indonesia, India, Malaysia, New
Zealand, United Kingdom, China, Italy, Nigeria, Pakistan, Singapore, the Philippines,
 Languages: Japanese, German, linguistics, bilingual, trilingual, polyglot, Portuguese,
Mandarin, Bengali, Chinese, Hindi, Russian, Punjabi, Thai, Persian, Filipino, French, Italian,
Greek, French

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 Architecture and buildings: dome, palace, fort, castle, glasshouse, pyramid, log cabin,
lighthouse, hut, skyscraper, sculpture
 Homes: chimney, bedroom, semi-detached house, duplex, town house, row house, bungalow,
thatched cottage, mobile home, houseboat, block of flats, apartment building, condominium,
basement, landlord, terraced house, tenant, rent, lease, neighborhood, suburb, dormitory,
storey, kitchen, refrigerator, microwave, sofa, coffee table, ground floor, oven, hallway,
 In the city: central station, cities, street, lane, city centre, car park, department store, bridge,
temple, hospital, garden, avenue, embassy, road system
 Transportations: boat, lifeboat, cargo plane, shipment, container ship, ferry, liner, canal
boat, narrow boat, dinghy sailing, hovercraft, hydrofoil, sailboat, paddle steamer, cabin
cruiser, kayak, canoe, punt, gondola, aircraft, rowing boat, rowboat, helicopter, seaplane,
airship, hot-air balloon, airport, platform, hire a car, automobile, ,crew, passenger.
 Workplaces: staff selection, clinic, dentist, reception, appointment, colleague, workshop,
employer, employment, unemployed, technical cooperation, team leaders, showroom,
information desk, stress, ability, vision, employee, internship, confidence.
 Places: parliament, accommodation, local library, swimming pool, cafeteria, cottage,
restaurant, bookshop, sports centre, city council, canteen, cafe, dance studio, park,
conversation club, kindergarten
 Money matters: cash, debit, low-risk investment, credit card, cheque, annual fee, monthly
membership, tuition fees, poverty, bank statement, money management, current account,
interest rate, deposit, student account, withdraw, mortgage, grace period, in advance, budget
deficit, retail voucher, coupon ،counterfeit money, debt, interest-free credit, purchase, partial
refund, annuity, public money, taxpayers’ money, income, non-refundable, MasterCard,
VISA, duty-free store, distribution costs, finance department, family finances.
 Rating and qualities: expensive, cheap, reasonable, satisfactory, dangerous, poor quality,
satisfied, disappointed, efficient, luxurious, safe, strongly recommended, colored, spotted,
 Touring: souvenir, trip, tourist guided tour, ticket office, guest, reservation, view, culture,
single double bedded room, picnic, tourist attraction, hostel, suite, memorable, aquarium.
 Adjectives: energetic, social, ancient, necessary, fantastic, exciting, fabulous, dull,
comfortable, convenient, suitable, affordable, voluntary ،mandatory, compulsory, temporary,
permanent, Immense, vast, salty, extinct, vulnerable, pessimistic, optimistic, realistic,
practical, knowledgeable, flexible, confident, Western, intensive, tranquil, spectacular, intact,
 Verbs: train, develop, collect, supervise, mark, edit, revise, exhibit, donate, surpass, register,
support, hunt, persuade, concentrate, discuss, suggest, arrange, borrow, immigrate, review,
learn, touch.
 Sports: jet-skiing, body boarding, snowboarding, cricket, baseball, basketball, rugby, hang-
gliding, skydiving, soccer, American football, hockey, swimming, tennis, squash, the
javelin, badminton, ping-pong, field, court, pitch, stadium, team, the discus, the hammer, the
high jump, horse racing, show jumping, polo, cycling, canoeing, refreshment, gymnasium,

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extreme sports, paragliding, abseiling, athlete, gym, bungee jumping, white-water rafting,
surfing, windsurfing, kite surfing, mountain biking, push-up, judo, recreation, jogging, press-
up, snooker, walking, barbell, treadmill, championship.
 Shapes: Oval, Square, rectangular, triangular, polygon, spherical, circular, curved,
cylindrical, three dimensions, Measurement width, length, altitude, imperial system, metric
system, spiral, Mass, depth, breadth, height, frequency
 Weather: humid, hot, sticky, breeze, chilly, cold, cool, dry, dusty, freezing, hot, warm, wet,
weather forecast, antenna, moisture,
 Equipment and tools: helmet, light, musical instrument, cassette, silicon chip, digital
monitor, gadget, device, screen, breaks, wheels , mechanical pencil, disk, backpack,
 The arts and media: Opera , Orchestra , concert , symphony, the press, conductor, vocalist,
audience, festival, carnival, exhibition, classical music, theatre, cinemas, art gallery, museum,
ballet, television, radio, graphics, newspaper
 The animal kingdom: lion, penguin, seabirds, poultry and game, birds of prey, mammals,
genus, species, cetacean, whale, primates, rodents, reptile, insects, octopus, phylum, fish,
amphibian, class, order, family, livestock, creature, plants: mushroom, fungus, stem, roots,
cluster, fertilizer, leaves, seed, core, bark, trunk, twig, branch, flower.
 Vehicles: camper, double-decker bus, single-decker, minibus, forklift truck, school bus,
coach, truck, tanker, van, lorry, transporter, tow truck, breakdown truck, pickup, jeep, taxi,
cab, tram, underground, subway, caravan, tractor, stream train, freight train, goods train
 Expressions and time: midday, three times, three times per week, millennium, a gap year,
fulltime, part-time, midnight, century, decade, fortnight.
 Materials: aluminum, copper, fur, metal, steel, rubber, plastic, ceramics, cement, stone,
textile, cotton, fabric, wool, glass, leather, bone, paper, lumber/wood, glue, concrete, wax,
paper, wood, silver, composite, fiberglass, gold, feather
 Color: blue, white, orange, green, grey, black, red, yellow, purple, brown, pink

 Other: sufficient, dialogue, passport photo, state, variety, private sector, practice, gender,
creativity, government, individual, original inhabitant, indigenous, demonstration, circuit,
guarantee, commerce, carriage, narrative, strike, entrance, chocolate, satellite, decision,
prototype, attitude, activity, recipient, ultrasound, pedestrian safety, daily routine, personal
fulfillment, traffic jams, procedures, creation, senior, opportunity, driving license, prize,
junior, process, literary, man-made, republicans, waiting list, sewer systems, liberal
democracy, democrats, umbrella, frequently updated, lunar calendar, libertarian, burger,
videos, fund-raising event, magnet, dialect, ramification, straight, nature conservation, life
expectancy, farewell, welfare, encyclopedia, illiteracy, robot, proficiency, evolution,

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