Boeing76741 50pgdiea 140816102322 Phpapp02

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Prepared by-Khilendra Chauhan(41)
Kirti Tripathi(42)
Kaustub Kharosekar(43)
Kumar Varun(44)
Kunal Phutane(45)
Lokesh Kumar(46)
Madhuri Patil(47)
Mallinath Haldagi(48)
Manish Bhangre(49)
Mohammad Baseet(50)
Introduction to Boeing Company

In Boeing Timely delivery is the utmost priority

The commercial airplane division consists of the 717, 737, 747, 757, 767 and 777 families of
jetliners and the Boeing business jet. Building family of planes by developing on same

Availability of more variants and options including standard, long range, freighter, flexible
design with inherent growth potential.

Common family of plane produced on a common assembly line results in earlier reaching of
breakeven point

Expertise in global marketing, technological leadership, customer support and production


Having centralised coupled with manufacturing systems and tools for project management.
Problem statement
Thorton knew that the planes had to be
converted to models with two person cockpits.
But what was the best way to proceed?

Should the building of 30 planes be done as

originally planned & then retrofitting them with
two person cockpit in a separate rework area?

Should the changes be made in line inserting new

cockpits into 30 planes without removing from
flow of production?
Analytic Hierarchy Process
Comparison Matrix for Parameters

parameters for Best Delivery Learning Technical
Hidden risk Labor Hours
Alternative Time Curve difficulties

Delivery Time 1 2 3 4 5

Learning Curve 0.5 1 2 4 5

Hidden risk 0.33333 0.5 1 3 2

Technical difficulties 0.25 0.25 0.33333 1 3

Labor Hours 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.33333 1

Analytic Hierarchy Process
Geometric Mean, Weightage & Eigen Value

Geometric Mean Weightage Eigen value

Delivery Time 2.6051 0.409169 5.460602

Learning Curve 1.8205 0.285936 5.307808

Hidden risk 0.9999 0.157049 5.388546

Technical difficulties 0.5743 0.090202 4.891815

Labor Hours 0.3670 0.057643 5.210682

Calculating Consistency Ration

Power of matrix n 6
Mean Eigen value 5.251890737
Consistency index CI 0.06297
Random index RI for n 1.2479
Consistency ratio CR 0.056226
Analytic Hierarchy Process
Final weights & Ranking

Alternative 1 Alternative 2

Delivery Time 4 3.5

Learning Curve 3.8 3

Hidden risk 3.6 3.2

Technical difficulties 3.8 3.4

Labor Hours 4 2
Final Weights 3.8619 3.2144
Ranking 1 2

We choose Alternative 1 as the Final Solution to this as per AHP.

Reasoning for Assigned Priorities in AHP :

• Was Sacred to Boeing

• Most important being the Airframe Industry
Delivery time • Late by even a day would have caused huge

• Disruption can cause huge loss of both time and

Learning Curves labor

• Higher and unidentifiable risk is not acceptable

Hidden Risk • Identification and correction of Risk most

Labor Hours • Least value is desirable from Cost and time frame
Generation of Purchase
Orders of Electronics
equipment of dedicated two
crew cock pit

Design Modification Programs

Calculation of Labour Hours

required for Retrofitting

Retrofitting Of Two Person


Final Functional Testing

Delivery Of Boeing 767 for Flight Test


Labour hours required for Completion of retrofitting- 10,00,000

Permissible Delay Period – 1 month

No. of Shifts – 3 Shifts

Orders & Purchase of Newly required Electronic Equipments –

Assume 3 days

Time for establishing new Workstation for Retrofitting – Assume 5 days

Learning Curve For Retrofitting



Labour Hrs Required





0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
No of Aircraft being Modified

Labour Hrs Req


• Arrangement of Parking Lots for Planes waiting for

1 • Equip the Parking Lot with Safety Precautions

• Procurement of Materials required

• Removal of existing Three Cock Pit Crew

• Modification & Repairing from Three Crew to Two Crew Cock

3 • Management of Scrap Three Crew Cock pit as inventory

• Functional Testing of newly installed Two Crew Cock pit

From above analysis following points are favorable for choosing completion
of production & subsequent modification

Less number of Labor Hours are required

Neither learning curves nor schedules would be disrupted

Functional Analysis of flaps, ailerons, landing gears etc. would be done while
final assembly

No problems will be hidden by system

So we conclude that Mr Thornton should go with offline retrofitting with two

person cockpit in separate rework area

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