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JULLY. 2015

socio-economics status and its impact of on the performance of solapur
university wrestler and their achievement at all india level competition

This study examined the effects of All India Inter University wrestling players and socio-
economic status on Sports performance of Solapur University wrestling players. The sample
consists of 208 male wrestling players form zonal level and 16 players from ALL India Inter
University level in age range of 18 to 28, and 20 Coaches from Solapur University. Convenience
sampling method was used for this study. Socio economic status scale developed by
Kuppuswamy’s Socioeconomic Status Scale (2012, Revised) and Coaches Knowledge Scale
developed by experts opinion was used for data collection. While the total SES score and winner
and loser of the zonal and All India Inter University level for consecutive two years were
considered as an achievement criteria. Mean (M), Standard Deviation (S.D), Standard Error of
the mean (S.E.M), Pearson Correlation were used. This study shows that Middle SES class is
higher than other SES classes, SES influence the achievement of the wrestling players
performance level. The result of this study showed that the difference between high and low socio-
economic status groups. It was found that the Sports achievement was influenced by the socio-
economic status and those who belonged to high socio-economic status showed better
performance. It was also found that lower knowledge their professional fields of Solapur
University wrestling coaches. Based on the findings some recommendations were given in this
research, with great suggestion for both the practice and further studies.

Keywords: Sports Achievement, Zonal level players, All Indi Inter University players, Socio-
Economic Status Scale, Coaches Knowledge Scale.

1. Relevance of the Problem

Previous literature states on sports sociology to the importance of the Socio-Economic status of
athlete because it’s directly affects at performance of the athlete. Socio-economic status is an
important factor in sports success and sport is an important ingredient in a democratic society.
An individual's socio-economic status may influence his choice of activity, in which he take part
effectively and performed the skills with a high level of motivations. It has been recognized that
socio-economic factors play a vital role in an individual’s performance in sports. The Socio-
economic status make-up of an individual plays an important role in their achievements in every
field of life. Considerable research have been conducted on the socio-economic status of sports
persons, individuals sport players. But very few research studies are available in published from
a socio-economic status of on sports like team and individual game players. There are many
psychological factors like socio-economic status attitudes, motives, spectators, self concept,
motivation, adjustment etc., which influence the participation and performance of sportsmen in
games and sports. The socio-economic status of the group and the status of an individual in his
group influence competitive and co-operative behavior for different reasons and the different

factors that those motivating people in the middle and upper economic group influencing the
well being of the players.

On the basis of this background the investigator notes that Socio-Economic status has paramount
influence in sports performance. In State, National and All India level research on Socio-
Economic status is much laminated, therefore, the present study “A Study on Socio-Economic
Status of All India Inter University players in Solapur University.”

2. Statement of the problem

Socio-Economic status can enhance or inhibit sports performance. Performance is associated
with participation at different levels and Socio-Economic status. A researcher himself being
wrestler his knows how to impact on socio-Economic status, has experienced such situations and
hence wants to study the on Socio-Economic status and performance. The researcher has
therefore undertaken study entitled socio-economics status and its impact of on the
performance of solapur university wrestler and their achievement at all india
level competition
3. Significance of the study
1. The findings of the study may help the physical education teachers, coaches and trainers to
utilize what is the actual effect of socio-economic sates on sports performance.
2. The findings of the study may help the physical education teachers, coaches and trainers to
utilize what is the actual effect of socio-economic sates on sports performance.
3. The study may help in development of wrestlers by channelizing their attitude and interest
towards right goals.
4. The findings of this study may help to know the, how to affect on performance of the Socio-
economic status.
5. The study may also help in a small way to professional literature on sports coaching in India.
6. The parents should re-examine its financial support to players such support is viewed as the
main contributor towards the players sports performance.

4. Objectives of the study

1 To study the Wrestler performance in All India Inter-University Competitions of Solapur
2. To study the Socio-Economic status of wrestling players in Solapur University.
3. To study the correlation between socio-economic status and performance of All India Inter-
University wrestling players in Solapur University.
4. To study the use of modern technique and Coaching knowledge to their professional fields
from Wrestling Coaches of Solapur University players.

5. Hypotheses of the study
H1: There will be significant correlation between Socio-Economic status and wrestling players in
Solapur University.
H2: There will be significant correlation between Socio-Economic status and Performance of All
India Inter-University level in Solapur University.
H01: There will be no significant correlation between Socio-Economic status and wrestling
Players in Solapur University.
H02: There will be no significant correlation between Socio-Economic status and Performance of
All India Inter-University level in Solapur University.

6. Assumptions
1. It was assumed that the subjects are well-trained.
2. It was assumed that they will give proper response to the questionnaire.
3. All the situations and circumstances will be dealt according to the All India Inter-university
levels competitive status.
4. It was assumed that coaches and trainer well knowledge of wrestling training.

7. Limitation of the study

1. Daily routine, diet of subjects, Leisure time, and rest of students cannot be controlled by
researcher and hence was a limitation to the study.
2. Collection of the data was not possible single handedly; the researcher took help from a
number of qualified professional from the field of sports and games to facilitate easy data
collection. However, the research cannot control the intra individual variation of this
3. Although socio-economic factor will be assessed during this study, the related factors of the
players during assessment testing period cannot be controlled.

7. Delimitation of the study

Since the researcher had to work successfully with proper planning within limited time and
finance, he delimited the study as follows.
1. The study is delimited to the wrestlers of All India Inter-University level players in Solapur
University only.
2. The study is delimited to the wrestlers of All India Inter-University level players in Solapur
University men’s only.
3. The study is delimited those students have participated in Solapur University players
consecutive year only.

8. Definition

A. Socio-Economic Status:
Socioeconomic status is commonly conceptualized as the social standing or class of an
individual or group. It is often measured as a combination of education, income and

B. Wrestling defines the dynamic, “all-out” aspect of the sport. The wrestlers are expected to
attack and counterattack continuously during the wrestling time.

The sport or activity of grappling with an opponent and trying to throw or hold them down
on the ground, typically according to a code of rules.

9. Operational Definitions

A. Wrestling Players
The wrestling players are the player who is participating in Zone, Inter-Zone and All India
Inter University level in Solapur University.
B. Socio-Economic Status:
The impact of Social and Economic condition on his performance during the competitions
and practice time of the players it s called as Socio-Economic status.

2. Review and Related Literatures

Many studies by sociologists, economists, statisticians and academicians are conducted to study
the correlation between the SES and the Sports achievements of players at different levels of
their study, in different areas and at different times. Studies have shown repeatedly that SES
affects players Sports achievements. Review of the related literature precedes a well planned
research study.
3. Methodology

The present study was undertaken with a view to evaluate socio-economics status and its
impact of on the performance of solapur university wrestler and their
achievement at all india level competition
The methodology followed by the researcher to conduct this survey research has been presented
in this chapter. This chapter consists the tools used for the study, namely survey based statistical
tools which used to find out truth of the study.

1. Research Method
For this study survey method was used to collect the data.Two questionnaires were designed and
administered to the participants. The first questionnaire was on the Socio-Economic Status of

Kuppuswamy’s(Kuppuswamy’s, Revised 2012)and Wrestling Knowledge and Coaches Scale.
The details of the data collection and the survey of study, and variables used in this research are
given below. In the present study was a descriptive under survey methods was used for this

2 Sampling and Population

2.1 Population
For the present study was Solapur District wrestling player’s age under 18 to 28 years was
considered as population and coaches of Solapur district considered as a total population in this

2.2 Sample
For this study the investigator selected the sample using the convenience sampling method to
represent the population.
Table: 3.1
Sampling of the Study (Players)
Years Inter-Zone All India Inter-University Total
2012-13 96 08 96
2013-14 96 08 96
Total 192 16 208

Table: 3.2
Sampling of the study (Coach’s)
Years Coaches Total

2012-13 10 10

2013-14 10 10

Total 20 20

3. Selection of subjects
To achieve the purpose of the study, 208 players from Solapur District those who have been
participated in All India Inter University Wrestling competitions with players in the age of 18 to
28 years, from in 2012-13and, 2013-14 were selected as subjects. 20 wrestling coaches (n=20)
from the Solapur district during from 2012-13 and, 2013-14 were selected as sampling for this

4. Variables of the study
The variables were selected based on the discussions with experts, feasibility of the criteria,
availability of the tools, and the relevance of the variables to the present study. The investigator
selected the following variables.

4.1 Socio-Economic Status Variables

1. Education
2. Occupation
3. Income
4. Performance of wrestling players
5. Knowledge of wrestling coaches

5. Tools of the study:

1 Socioeconomic Status Scale
Description of the Scale
A modified Kuppuswamy’s Socio-economic Status (Kuppuswamy’s, Revised 2012 ) Scale was
used to assess the socio-economic status of the students. This scale measures in terms of three
variables, viz., education, occupation and income. Each of these three variables is measured by
means of a weighted scale. It consists of 21 component sub-divisions. Each of the three
categories of socio-economic status has seven components subdivisions in this scale.

2. Coaching Knowledge Scale

A Developed Coaches Knowledge Scale was used to assess the Coaching knowledge of the
coaches. This scale measures in terms of two variables, viz., Yes or No, It consists of 8

The resulted study shows the effect of socioeconomic status and SES factors on Zonal and All
India Inter University level wrestling players. In the present study, Socio economic status of the
of Solapur District player was low level Was higher than that o Socio-economic status refer to the
social and economic position occupied by parents in the society, It is defined as a level made up of
individuals who deem themselves equal due to similarities in family background, level of
education, occupation, towards social issues .Observed that the social status of individuals is a
reflection of their economic status and he went further to explain that socio-economic status is
usually a measure of the income and occupation of the individual, irrespective of his Sports
performance or social standing. According to him this has a tremendous influence on player’s
performance. Though the above statements of the literature reviewed supports the present study.
We found that socio economic status factors in player’s sports play a major role in performance,
ability and spirit to play and accomplish their game of achievement.

Comparison of SES scales in (n = 208)Among 208 families surveyed at urban and rural area, it
was observed from that majority of High SES wrestling group score 23 (11.06 %) its means very
low other class of SES that’s why this SES scores affect the players performance because of we
studied the review of related literatures SES class was higher than performance is also higher. ,
Medium SES wrestling Group score 100 (35.71 %) and Low SES wrestling group score 93(33.21
%) we observed that in this study highest percentage of Middle SES class and second highest of
Low SES class.


1. Comparison of SES scales in (n = 208)Among 208 families surveyed at urban and rural
area, it was observed from Table 4.1 that, majority of High SES wrestling group score
23 (11%), Medium SES wrestling Group score 100 (48 %) and Low SES wrestling group
score 93(43.5 %) When the same families Modified Kuppuswamy scale was applied.
2. Descriptive Statistics of SES Wrestling Players the mean of SES Wrestling Players 14.60
with .55, Std. Mean Error is .546
3. Descriptive Statistics Winners Wrestling Players the mean of Winner Wrestling Players
.077 with .27, and Std Mean Error is .0185
4. Descriptive Statistics Losers Wrestling Players the mean of Losers Wrestling Players .94
with .23 and Std Mean Error is .016
5. Correlation between SES Wrestling Players and Winners Wrestling players was 0.093
which was statistically Significant at 0.05 level of significance (p=0.1.83).
6. Correlation between SES Wrestling Players and Losers Wrestling players was -.107
which was statistically Significant at 0.05 level of significance (p=0.124.
7. The mean of SES Scores wrestling group is 17.56 with S.D of 8.71,
8. The Pearson correlation between SES and Winner Players was .537 which was
statistically Significant at 0.05 level of significance
9. the mean of SES and Losers players is .81 with S.D of .40
10. The Pearson correlation between SES and Losers Players was -.537 which was
statistically Significant at 0.05 level of significance.

11. The mean of Physical education and Sports Conference /workshops present their result
and discussion coaching problems 12.40 and std deviation of 5.64., mean of Qualification
(e.g. degree)12.00 and std. deviation of 4.70., Mean of Observation visits to other sports
club 11.60 and std. deviation of 3.76., mean of Individual or collaborative research on a
topic of interest to you professionally 11.20 and std. deviation of 2.82., mean of
Mentoring peer observation and coaching, as part of a formal competitions
arrangement11.20 and std. deviation of 2.82., mean of Reading related literatures, Journal
evidence base paper for coaching 10.80 and std. deviation of 1.88., mean of Using ICT
Technique for sports coaching 10.80 and std. deviation of 1.88., mean of Student
counseling 9.60 and std. deviation of .94.

12. The 25% percent coaches only present their coaching problem and result of Physical
education and Sports Conference /workshops and 75% percent coaches not present their
coaching problem and result of Physical education and Sports Conference or workshops.
Its means high percentage of coaches not discussion their result and problems about
coaching and performance.
13. The 30% percent coaches only qualified degree or diploma t and 70% coaches not
qualified their degree or diploma. Its means higher coaches lack of knowledge about

14. The 70% percent coaches’ observation visits to other sports club and 30% coaches not
observation visits to other sports club. Its means higher coaches good observation or visit
to other sports club.

15. The only 35% percent coaches individual or collaborative research on a topic of interest
to you professionally and 65% coaches individual or collaborative research on a topic of
interest to you professionally. Its means y lower coaches actual interested collaborative
research on a topic of interested to you professionally

16. The only 40% percent coaches Peer observation and coaching, as part of a formal
competitions arrangement and 60% coaches not Peer observation and coaching, as part of
a formal competitions arrangement. Its means lower coaches observation and coaching,
as part of a formal competitions arrangement.

17. The only 35% percent coaches Reading related literatures, Journal evidence base paper
for coaching and 65% coaches not reading related literatures, Journal evidence base paper
for coaching. Its means lower coaches reading journal related to coaching’s.

18. The only 35% percent coaches Using ICT Technique for sports coaching and, 65% coaches
not Using ICT Technique for sports coaching. Its means lower coaches Using ICT
Technique for sports coaching.

19. The only 40% coaches do Student counseling in practice or competitions period and
60% coaches not doing students counseling for practice and competitions periods. Its
means lower coaches doing counseling to the students.

Present study and previous literatures state on sports sociology and the importance of the Socio-
Economic status of athlete, because it directly affects the performance of the athlete. Socio-
economic status is an important factor in sports success. The sports is an important ingredient in
a democratic society. As an individual's socio-economic status may influence his choice of
activity, in which he take part effectively and performed the skills with a high level of
motivations. It has been recognized that socio-economic factors play a vital role in an
individual’s performance in sports. The Socio-economic status make-up of an individual plays

and important role in their achievements in every field of life. Considerable research have been
conducted on the socio-economic status of sports persons, individuals sport players. But very
few research studies are available in published from on socio-economic status of on sports like
team and individual game players. There are many psychological factors like socio-economic
status attitudes, motives, spectators, self concept, motivation, adjustment etc., which influence the
participation and performance of sportsmen in games and sports. The socio-economic status of
the group and the status of an individual in his group influence competitive and co-operative
behavior for different reasons and the different factors that those motivating people in the middle
and upper economic group influencing the well being of the players.
On the basis of this background the investigator notes that Socio-Economic status has permanent
influence in sports performance. In the State, National and All India level research on Socio-
Economic status was much limited, therefore, the present study on socio-economics status
and its impact of on the performance of solapur university wrestler and their
achievement at all india level competitionFor this study descriptive under survey
methods was used. A questionnaire and coaching knowledge scale on socioeconomic status was
administered to the subject. The questionnaire on the Socio-Economic Status of Kuppuswamy’s,
(Revised 2012) on wrestling players and Coaching Knowledge scale for wrestling coaches were
administered. For this study the investigator selected the sample by using the convenience
sampling method to represent the population. The male wrestling players and coaches of the
Solapur District University were considered as the total sampling of the study. The sampling of
the study was 208 n = (208) male for zonal, 16 for All India Inter University level wrestling
players and 20 (n =20) coaches were used for the survey. The data was collected at inter zone
wrestling competitions. For the data collection the tool were for the Socioeconomic Status Scale
developed by Kuppuswamy’s, (Revised, 2012) and coaching knowledge scale developed by the
experts opinions. The specific tool measures, SES for Low class, SES for Middle Class and SES
for High class and correlation were observed between SES class and their performance. The
research showed that Middle SES class was higher of other classes and SES positive correlated
for performance of the wrestling players. When the coaching knowledge of coaches were
analyzed, it was found that the coaches had lower knowledge of their professional fields.

Finding of the Study

The findings of the present research are as given below:

1. The present research found that the lower SES class had lower sports performance and
achievement as compared to higher SES class.
2. Due to adverse environment and lack of skills the players from low SES are at risk for daily
practice difficulties and more slowly.
3. Players with higher SES class were more likely to be proficient on skills and performance
than players with lower SES class

4. Significant difference was found between the socioeconomic status of and winner wrestlers of
zonal payers on the basis of SES groups of Solapur University.

5. Significant difference was found between the socioeconomic status of the players and Loser
wrestler’s zonal payers on the basis of SES groups of Solapur University.

6. Significant difference was found between the socioeconomic status and winners wrestlers in
All India Inter University players on the basis of SES groups of Solapur University.

7. Significant difference was found between the socioeconomic status and Losers wrestlers for
Sholapur All India Inter University players on the basis of SES groups.

8. While testing the Coaches knowledge scale it was found that the coaches had lower
knowledge of their professional fields.

This study shows that Middle SES class was higher than other SES classes. SES influences the
achievement of the wrestling players performance level. The result of this study showed the
difference between high and low socio-economic status groups. It is found that the Sports
achievement was influenced by the socio-economic status and those who were from the high
socio-economic status showed better performance. When analyzed the Coaching knowledge
scale it was found that the lower of knowledge their professional field.
On the basis the finding and discussion given in this study it can be concluded that the
socioeconomic-status factors plays a vital role in wrestling players in anenhances the
performances to achieve the goal. While testing the Coaches knowledge scale it was found that
the coaches had lower knowledge of their professional fields.
From the above finding and discussion the hypothesis H1, H2 are accepted.

Recommendation of the study

On the basis of the Findings of the present study, the following recommendations were given by
the researcher. These are follows.

1. Similar study may be conducted in the other events.

2. It is recommended that the sports facilities of Solapur university players should be
3. Every college should be well equipped with sports facilities and financial support also
should be provided to the players for the better performance.
4. It is recommended that All India Inter University players should be providing

5. The present study is useful to Physical education teachers, trainers, coaches and policy
makers for further plan of action regarding to wrestling game and players.

6. For attracting more students in such games like wrestling which is individual game more
awareness must be created.
7. Government should supply necessary facilities to the Players College and university for
the development of individual game.

Research Guide Research Student

(Mr. Kamble Ashok Mahadeo)


The research scholar is grateful to the Department of Education University

of Solapur for giving the opportunity to work on the study and for the valuable
impetus and facilities made available for carrying out this study successfully.
The investigator expresses his deep sense of gratitude to his research guide and
scholar Dr. Wangwad V.S. for his big-hearted advice, competent guidance,
encouragement and invaluable help in formulating and successful completion of this
study. The investigator is indebted to him to an extent and hereby expressed his
sincere sentiment of gratitude and thanks to him. Without his valuable co-operation
and expert guidance this study could not been completed.
The author expresses his grateful thanks to Director of Physical Education
University of Solapur and their coach’s, and all other staff for allowing the
investigator to conduct the survey and motivation for the completion of the study.
Without their cooperation, voluntary and wholehearted support the study could not
have been completed. The researcher is also grateful to all the research participants
for undergoing the survey study procedures.
I would like to express my sincere appreciation to Dr. Anil Kamble, Prof. S.
P. Mane, Prof. A. G. Wakde, Prof. Waghmode Arvind, Prof. Ram Nagtilak., Prof.
Bhojane D.H., Prof Inamdar U.N., Prof. Vikram Nanavare, Prof. Gejage D. S. for
their continuous encouragement and advice. I am especially indebted to Prof.
Chakorkar Kiran Coordinator the Physical Education Department, University of
Solapur who helped of this work.
I am profoundly grateful for the constant support of my brilliant crew of
many dear friends, professional peers and mentors, including Mr. Sarwade Anand,
Mr. Jadhav Somnath, Mr, Chavan Kiran, Mr.Wavare Ashish.
The investigator expresses his truthful thanks to Prin. Dr. Jagtap J. P. Sameer
Gandhi Arts College, Malshiras, Solapur and Principal, Pawar S.P. Shivaji Night
College, Solapur, for rendering their support in many ways in the completion of the
study. Deep sense of gratitude is expressed by the research scholar in these few
appearance for the timely suggestions offered, their advice and enormous help for
the study, in step to step guidance, motivation in completion of the study and
enormous encouragement given to me by all the faculty members and other
teaching and non-

teaching staff of Sameer Gandhi Arts College, Malshiras, Solapur. Many thanks go
to Mr. Adat Pandurang, Mr. Vijay Kale, Mr. Adat Mahadeo to supports this study.
Many thanks go to University of Solapur and Education College of Barshi,
Solapure, and library, their expertise and talent in the world of books and
periodicals is unmatched. The investigator gives forth his earnest and a whole
hearted feeling of thankfulness and his well wishes to all who have directly or
indirectly co-operated in completing this investigation successfully.
Lastly obliged to my parents, brothers, and Uncle without their help,
cooperation and motivation this study would not have been possible. There still
remain many others to be remembered and acknowledged, who in some or the other
way helped in the completion of the study. I extend my sincere thanks to one and all
of them.

July 2015 Mr. Ashok Mahadeo Kamble



Appendices (A)

Letter of Permission

Prof. Kamble A. M.
Director of Physical
Sameer Gandhii College of
Arts, Malshiras, Solapur

The Director of Physical Education/ Coaches,
Solapur University, Solapur

Sub: Permission to conduct Test on Players and Coaches.

Respected Sir,
I am Kamble A.M. was a players of wrestling game. I am currently working as
Director of Physical Education in Sameer Gandhi College of Arts, Malshiras,
Solapur, Due to the devoted interest in wrestling event, I have decided to conduct
a research related to wrestling games. For conducting this Ph. D. Research related
to wrestling games I would like to have a favor from you. As a part of the study I
have to conduct some socioeconomic status Scale on wrestling players. It is
nowhere that I would find such situation of the players, so I would like you to
permit me to conduct the tests on the players coming for the at the zonal
competitions. The topic of the study is Socio-Economic Status and its Impact of
on the Performance for Solapur University Wrestler and their Achievement
at All India level Competition. The research is going to help for players and
coaches to understand how improve the performance and developed the
confidence of Players.

I would like to personally meet you regarding the same matter and soon
will be coming to our College I know these things have to be personally
discussed, but this is just to inform you and give you an idea about my humble
request. Hoping for your kind consideration.

Thanking you,

Yours Faithfully,

Prof. Kamble A.M.

Appendices (B)

Socioeconomic Status Scale

Table No. 3.3
Socioeconomic Status Scale
Sr. No. (A) Educational Scores
1 Profession or Honours 7
2 Graduate or post graduate 6
3 Intermediate or post high school diploma 5 5
4 High school certificate 4
5 Middle school certificate 3
6 Primary school certificate 2
7 Illiterate 1
Sr. No. (B) Occupation Score
1 1 Profession 10
2 2 Semi-Profession 6
3 3 Clerical, Shop-owner, Farmer 5
4 4 Skilled worker 4
5 5 Semi-skilled worker 3
6 6 Unskilled worker 2
7 7 Unemployed 1
Sr. No (C) Monthly family income in Rs Scores
1 ≥32050 12
2 16020 – 32049 10
3 12020 – 16019 6
4 3375 – 5049 4
5 4810 – 8009 3
6 1601 – 4809 2
7 ≤ 1600 1

TotalScore Socioeconomic class

-29 Upper (I)
16-25 Upper Middle (II)
15-Nov Middle/Lower middle (III)
10-May Lower/Upper lower (IV)
<5 Lower (V)
Description of the Scale
A modified Kuppuswamy’s Socio-economic Status (Kuppuswamy’s,
Revised 2012 ) Scale was used to assess the socio-economic status of the
students. This scale measures in terms of three variables, viz., education,
occupation and income. Each of these three variables is measured by means of a
weighted scale. It consists of 21 component sub-divisions. Each of the three
categories of socio-economic status has seven components subdivisions in this

Methods of Scoring
In this study the investigator has adopted Kuppuswamy’s
(Kuppuswamy’s, Revised 2012) Seven point Weighted Scale for all these three
variables. A detailed method of scoring on education, occupation and income is
given above tables.
Appendices (C)

Coaching Knowledge Scale

Coaching Knowledge Scale
During the Coaching Period how coaches were participated in any of the
following kinds of professional development activities and what was the impact
on their coaching development. Were for each question given below investigated
Yes or No. to indicate developmental performance of a coach while coaching.

Coaching Knowledge Scale

Sr. No Questions Yes No
1 Have you attended physical education and sports conference,
workshop and presented their result for discussion of coaching
2 What is qualification did you achieve? (e.g. degree or diploma)
3 Did you Observation and visits any other sports club?
4 Is there are Individual or collaborative research on a topic of
interest to professional development?
5 Have you Mentoring peer observation and coaching, as a part
of a formal competitions arrangement?
6 Have you gone throw the reading related literatures, Journal
evidence base a paper for coaching?
7 Did you using ICT Technique for sports coaching?
8 Are you counseling to players?

Scores 1 0

Description of the Scale

A Developed Coaches Knowledge Scale was used to assess the Coaching
knowledge of the coaches. This scale measures in terms of two variables, viz.,
Yes or No, It consists of 8 questions.
Method of Scoring: In this study the investigator had developed coaching
knowledge scale with experts of opinion of Coaches, Director of Physical
education and guide of Solapur University. If the coaches tick (√) on the YES box
than one mark and tick (√) on the NO than zero marks.
Appendices (D)

List of the coaches

1. Mr. Shantilal More , NSNIS

2. Mr. Arvind Waghmode

3. Mr. Ankush Arkile, NSNIS

4. Mr. Dada Lavate, NSNIS

5. Mr. Barikrao Mote, NSNIS

6. Mr. Vikram Nanavare

7. Mr. Kiran Chokagakar

8. Mr.Nandkumar Deshpande

9. Mr. Subhas Markad

10. Mr. Bapu Mohite

11. Mr. Aslam Kaji

12. Mr. Satish Rayaban

13. Mr.Narayan Mane

14. Mr.Vijay Pawar

15. Mr.Prashant Tanbile

16. Mr. Ramnath Nagtilak

17. Mr. Binu Molane

18. Mr.Anil Kambale

19. Mr.Ravindra Kunale

20. Mr.Suresh Landage

Appendices (E)

List of the College

1. Vijaysinha Mohote Mahavidyalaya, Natepute

2. Shankarrao Mohite Mahavidyalaya, Akluj

3. Green Finger Mahavidyalaya, Akluj

4. K.B. Mahavidyalaya, Pandharpur

5. Dnyanand Mahavidyalaya, Solapur

6. Grad Mahavidyalaya, Mohal

7. Physical Education Mahavidyalaya, Barasi

8. Baburav Patil Mahavidyalaya, Angar

9. Sant Damaji Mahavidyalaya, Mangalveda

10. English School Mahavidyalaya,Sangola

11. K. N.Bise Mahavidyalaya, Kurudvadi

12. Shivaji Mahavidyalaya, Barasi

13. S. B. P. Mahavidyalaya, Mandrup

14. Ardhnari Nateshwar Mahavidyalaya, Velapur

15. Suvarna Lata Gandhi Mahavidyalaya, Vairagh

16. Sameer Gandhi Mahavidyalaya, Malshiras

17. Sangameshwar Mahavidyalaya, Solapur

18. Sangola Mahavidyalaya, Sangola

19. Uma Mahavidyalaya, Pandharpur

20. Valchand Mahavidyalaya, Solapur

21. Social Mahavidyalaya, Solapur

22. Khedagi Mahavidyalaya, Akkalkot

23. Mandesh Mahavidyalaya, Junoni

24. Sushilkumar Shinde Physical Education Mahavidyalaya, Solapur

Appendices (F)

List of the wrestling players

1. Kiranpawar

2. Aatish more

3. Krushnawaykar

4. Samadhanpatil

5. Kishorsul

6. Sujay savant

7. Vikasbhagre

8. Sachinchavan

9. Bibishanmadekar

10. Anil holkar

11. Chetanjavale

12. Baburaobhosle

13. Vikasdhotre

14. Kirankadam (AIIU)

15. Mohsinsaudagar (AIIU)

16. Arjun sathe

17. Vinod markad

18. Vijay khandekar

19. Matinshekh

20. Sagarmiskil

21. Shainshekh

22. Rahul mule

23. Pritamgaikwad

24. Kapillavate

25. Prashant musle

26. Kuberdhangar

27. Abhijitwadtile

28. Amit gaikwad

29. Umajishirtode

30. Dattatreyhajare

31. Ravikiranshinde

32. Dnyandeo mane

33. Sadikinamdar

34. Shabbirshekh

35. Jumedshekh

36. Kiranjadhav

37. Dadasozanje

38. Sagartarange

39. Bhagvankamble

40. Sunil ghule

41. Sagarwagh

42. Sachinwagh

43. Rajkumardeokate

44. Atulkamble

45. Bhairavnathbarkade

46. Akashhavle (AIIU)

47. Akshayaavare

48. Sharaddhage
49. Amolbhole

50. Aashishwavre

51. Balajiasbe

52. Sagar gore

53. Sagardeshmukh

54. Sagarsurve

55. Bharat bhosle

56. Ganesh jadhav

57. Ranadhirsighshingare

58. Arjun ghosavi

59. Vishvambardeokar

60. Suhasmadne

61. Sitaram more

62. Kishor kale

63. Ganesh bodre

64. Bhimabeldar

65. Sohelpathan

66. Babasahebsalgar

67. Sandipgavali

68. Mangeshjadhav

69. Sachinkhandekar

70. Sadashiv kale

71. Rajkrushnatonpe

72. Ranjeetwaghdare

73. Akshayingole
74. Shivrajumbre

75. Bramhdeo more

76. Shivajibhosle

77. Satish aavare

78. Chatrapatiwakade

79. Dhananjaybansode

80. Santosh gavade

81. Hanumantbansode

82. Amoltele

83. Kiranwaghmode

84. Umajishirtode (AIIU)

85. Kallappabirajdar

86. Ram aaware

87. Yashvantgade

88. Sudhirbachute

89. Rajesh swami

90. Ganesh kharche

91. Sachinkokare (AIIU)

92. Vivekanand Deshpande

93. Laxamanyale

94. Dhananjayjagtap

95. Ganesh deshmukh

96. Vikrant aadole

97. Prashant kamble

98. Nitin bhole

99. Marutilondhe

100. Amar tele

101. Baban more

102. Mukundvadkar (AIIU 50kg first)

103. Rahul ransing

104. Rohan shinde

105. Aanandkate

106. Dnyaneshwar mane

107. Sanjay dondtale

108. Sidhanathpatil

109. Balasahebpujari

110. Sudhirghogare

111. Vikash pol

112. Somnathkakde

113. Vinod shendage

114. Ajay patil

115. Ganesh sarkale (AIIU)

116. Rahul karche

117. Prakash gangthade

118. Ajitpawar

119. Yogeshjadhav

120. Shikantbandgar (AIIU)

121. Nursing nawale

122. Ramadasshinde

123. Hanumantshinde
124. Parshuramvhankalas

125. Jattappalonar

126. Shivajibhosale

127. Bhairavnathaarkile

128. Sachinbhosle

129. Nandkumarkakade

130. Vasudeopujari

131. Amit gaikwad

132. Sagarvakase

133. Matinshekh

134. Suryabhaningole

135. Govind mane

136. Somnathwaghmode

137. Navnathkhurange

138. Aannajagtap (AIIU)

139. Rajesh waghmode

140. Tanajiwavre

141. Himmatsalunkhe (AIIU)

142. Sachinchavan

143. Abhijitvadtile

144. Chetanjavale

145. Sachin mane (AIIU)

146. Sandipkashid

147. Farukhsaudagar

148. Vittalpalve
149. Laxamandudhal

150. Baburaobhosle

151. Yogeshbombale (AIIU)

152. Aatish more

153. Fadnisjarakh

154. Samadhanjarakh

155. Vikramwadtile (AIIU)

156. Dhanajidhane

157. Nileshkhalate

158. Sadhu yele

159. Mosinaatar

160. Dipakbhosale

161. Ramesh patil

162. Dattatrayvarkad

163. Rahul aatkar

164. Chandrakantaalge

165. Balasahebprakshale

166. Somnathkakade

167. Sjjanshivshingwale

168. Umesh borate

169. Bapunetway

170. Shivajibhosale

171. Sagargadekar

172. Sunil jadhav

173. Babasojadhav
174. Pramodnarute (AIIU)

175. Vaibhav more

176. Samadhansonavane

177. Pravinpisal

178. Samadhanmali

179. Bhagvatbandgar

180. Dhanagihonmane

181. Ganesh chawan

182. Sunil bansode

183. Shailesh borate

184. Ganesh khatal

185. Mahadeo mane

186. Ratnakarshelke

187. Dighambardange

188. Pratappujari

189. Sunil nagane

190. Aabadadas

191. Gopinathgund

192. Sharadghogare

193. Malojiraojadhav

194. Sachinshinde

195. Shekharbalke

196. Govind mane

197. Birudeolavate

198. Aabamadane (AIIU 60kg second)

199. Samadhanjarakh

200. Tatyasoghodke

201. Jaydeepshitole

202. Ganesh bagal

203. Vaibhavsule

204. Amolmusale

205. Aananderkar

206. Satish patil

207. Samadhanpatil (AIIU)

208. Sarjeraomasal
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I declare the thesis entitled, Socio-Economics Status and its Impact of on

the performance of Solapur University Wrestler and their achievement at all

India level Competition. submitted by me for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy

(Physical Education) is the record of work carried out by me during the period July
2010 to July 2015 under the guidance of Dr. Wanghwad V. S. and has not formed
the basis for the award of any degree, diploma, associate ship, fellowship, titles in
this or any other University or other institution of Higher education.
I further declare that the material obtained from other sources has been duly
acknowledged and cited in the thesis.

June, 2015 Mr. Ashok Mahadeo Kamble


This is to certify that Mr. Ashok Mahadeo Kamble, student of Department

of Education University of Solapur, has written the thesis entitled, Socio-
Economics Status and its Impact of on the performance of Solapur University

Wrestler and their achievement at all India level Competition . for the degree of
Doctor of Philosophy (Physical Education). The study done by him is his original
work and has not been copied or performed for the award of degree, associate title
in this or any other University.
Mr. Ashok Mahadeo Kamble has worked under my supervision for the
required period as per the ordinance. The thesis is satisfactory from the language
point of view and presentation of the subject matter. It is logical & sequential. I am
forwarding the same for the evaluation. I further declare that the material obtained
from other sources has been duly acknowledged.

June, 2015 Signature of the Research Guide

Dr. Wangwad V.S.
Shree Sushilkumar Shinde College of
Physical Education, Neharunagar, Solapur


1. Introduction

Since the inspection of civilization, game have been playing important

role in the life of human being. With the rise in education, all spheres of man
have been affected. Sports are no exception. Now a day‟s government and
non-government organizations are taking keen interest in promoting the sports.
It is very correct to say that sports have become part and parcel of life.
Without sports, our life is like a tree without flowers and fruits. A sport is
essentially that aspect of human activity which strengthens the integration of
the body and mind. It is also pointed out in the literature that such
performance provides stimulation to the center nervous system to such an
extent that the underdeveloped, dead or dying cell will ether be rehabilitated of
their function will be assumed by other or newly generated cells. Van Dalen
(1971) contents that Greeks were the first civilized people to lay an equal
emphasis on the cultivation of the “Man of Action” (Physical Persons) and the
“Man of Wisdom” (Mentally sound persons) through games, sports and
vigorous activities. They were of the considered opinion that intellectual
achievement could not be possible without physical efficiency. „Sports‟, in
view of Vanderzwag and Sheehan is higher order of playful games. The play
spirits never completely disappear from sports. Sports retain play like quality
as one of the characteristics. Sports in its purest and most complete from
occurs in game situations. As games becomes more organized or format form
jump rope to the World Series, rules becomes more codified and consequently
more binding. Sports, as known today, fall more on the structured side of
game-rule continuum. By its very nature, a sport is generic, referring to a type
activity rather a specific activity. In the general sense, a sport is compared to
music, art, literature, science and religion. One outstanding feature of sport is
its play like nature as it as it origins to playful attitudes. Similar views on the

1. Grand Jarvie (2006). Sports, Cultures and Society. London and New York
ISBN10: 0–415–30646–9 (hbk) p.120-125
nature of sports have been expressed Wrestling is the most important game
since the ancient times. It is one of the oldest sports not only in India but also
in the world. When Olympic started, there were only two events were
conducted i.e. wrestling and athletics.

Wrestling is the father of all other sports and games. In Indian sports
and culture, wrestling traces its origin for beyond then pre-classic days of
Ramayana and then Mahabharata. The most adorable epic characters of the
great wrestlers like the mighty Hunuman and Mahabali Bhima in
Ramayana and Mahabharata respectively are the glaring evidence of the social
recognition of their combat modus and the closest marital art in its different
forms. India is also participating in the modern Olympic Games from the
starting 19th Century.

Wrestling makes a man healthy, active and smart. Pluto‟s statement

“Sound mind in a sound body” can comes into play only by doing wrestling. It
is also a big fact wrestling is the cheapest among all the games. Hercules was a
famous wrestler of Greece and even today his name is treated as the pride of
the common man, a necessity for the soldier and life-breath of the nation.
Even now its popularity is immense in the International Sport as it forms part
of the world and Olympic Games. Indeed this game is very popular in the
countries like U.S.A.S., Germany, Hungary, U.S.S.R., Belgium, Turky, Cuba,
Iran, Tutkistan and Italy.
Wrestling in India is considered as one of the most ancient and oldest
sports, and has glorious past. The game of Wrestling started its journey in
India several centuries back, during the middles ages. Wrestling is counted
amongst the most prestigious and oldest events in the Olympic Games, as it
was included in the Olympics in 708 BC. In the ancient times, Wrestling in
India was mainly used as a wonderful way to stay physically fit. It was also
used as a great way of military exercise without any weapons. Wrestling in
India is also known as `dangal` and it is the basic form of a wrestling

2. Shodhganga., Retrieved June 22, 2013 from Shodhganga., Web Site:
1.1 Mythological Reference to Wrestling
Wrestling in India is most famously known as Malla-Yuddha. Some
forms of Mallayuddha were practiced in India even before the invasion of the
Aryan. The famous Indian epic, Mahabharata has a huge mention about the
game of Wrestling in India. One of the premier characters in Mahabharata,
Bhima was considered to be a great Wrestler of that time and some of the
other great wrestlers included Jarasandha, Duryodhan, Karna etc. In the other
Indian epic, Ramayana also mentions about Wrestling in India and Hanuman
is described as one of the greatest wrestlers of that time. The thirteenth century
Malla Purana has the reference of a group of Gujarati Brahmin wrestlers
known as Jyesthimallas.

1.2 Ancient History of Wrestling

Wrestling in India, during the ancient times, used to get regular
patronage from the Emperors and Kings. The kings of pre-independence
nurtured Wrestling in India to a large extent. The Indian Kings used to keep
the wrestlers in good diet and provide them with pulses, meat, milk, sugar and
high quality sweets. The wrestlers used to keep themselves engaged inside the
wrestling court and concentrate on bodybuilding, all the time. The Indian
Kings had many stables and court wrestlers, who represented them against the
wrestlers of their rival Kings. During the British rule, Wrestling in India got
another big push, as the British rulers included the game into the military
practice. The British military including Indian soldiers got attracted to
wrestling, very much.

3. United World Wrestling, History of Wrestling, Retrieved on 22 may 2012,

Web Site:
1.3 Types of Wrestling in India
Wrestling in India can be divided into two main categories like Malla
Krida and Malla-Yuddha. While Malla Krida is the sports form of the game,
Malla-Yuddha is the battle version of Wrestling. There are also some other
forms of Wrestling in India, out of which, the free-style varieties are more
common than all the other forms, since Vedic times. The free-style varieties of
Wrestling in India are known as Pushti or Kushti. Wrestling in India can also
be divided into 4 types like Bhimaseni, Hanumanthi, Jambuvanthi and
Jarasandhi, based on the technique and methodology. The technical superiority
of the Wrestler matters the most in the Hanumanthi type of Wrestling. The
wrestler can get victory over the opponent of even greater strength, by his
technical superiority. In the Jambuvanti Wrestling, the wrestlers apply locks
and holds to get control over the opponent. The Jarasandhi form of Wrestling
is mainly focused on the breaking of the limbs and joints of the opponent and
hence, it is considered as the most dangerous form of Wrestling in India. The
other type, Bhimaseni is for those wrestlers, who have huge build and
strength. This form of Wrestling gives pressure on acquiring the strength and
then using it.
Based on the holds and methods of selecting the winner, wrestling in
India can also be divided into another two categories like the Orthia type and
the Kato Pale. In Orthia type, the wrestler has to throw the opponent on the
ground for three times consecutively to win the match. The process continues
until one wrestler comes out with flying colours. The Kato Pale type of
Wrestling demands the wrestler to accept defeat by raising his right hand with
the index finger pointed. However, the rules of Wrestling in India vary region
wise Wrestling in India continued to increase its popularity till the modern
days and India was considered among the top 10 countries in Wrestling till the
1960s. India also hosted the World Wrestling Championship in New Delhi in
1967. Being called as Pehelwan, the Indian wrestlers take part in wrestling
sport and also get trainings in few aspects of Judo and Jutusu. The Indian
wrestlers used to compete in the wrestling competitions and practise in a
20x20 deep stone courtyard full of clay and water or milk. However, in the
modern times, wrestling mats and rings have replaced them.

1.4 Wrestlers in India

Whenever we name the free style wrestling the lay people have
mistaken and call it by American Free Style or Dara Singh styled wrestling.
But it is not like this. Indian wrestling and free style wrestling are same. With
the grip of underwear the wrestling practiced on soil is known as Indian style
while it is said free style, when it is fought on a mat with a prescribed dress
(costumes and shoes). Free style is a refined shape of Indian style. The Indian
style, which is called “Catch as Catch Can wrestling” in America, was the
first time organized in 1896, Athens Olympics where Karl Sutchman of
Germany became the champion of heavy weight. In future, Americans named
the same wrestling as free style wrestling and that wrestling is known all over
the world by the name of free style wrestling in which the wrestling was
refined by weight categories, dress, duration of the bout, point system, illegal
holds etc. As a result of this, the modern style of wrestling spread all over the
world which includes the Greco roman style wrestling fought by above the
belt. It was sponsored by FILA and hundreds of countries take part in both
styles during the Olympic games. So, whenever history of the wrestling is
written, in 20 the name of India should not be forgotten. The origin of
wrestling is found in Aryavart (a old name of India). Mahabharata and
Puranas, which are full of the descriptions of fights and bouts, prove that the
wrestling history is 5000 years old. Bhima-Jarasandh, Jimoot-Jamuwant, Shri
Krishna, Balaram, Salya, Hidimba and Bakasur etc., were the Indian wrestlers
of Mahabharata period, who shine in the history of India the oldest holy books
of the world - Mahabharata, Puranas, Bhagwata, Ramayan etc., describe the
bouts of full pictures of wrestling with thousands of holds. The word “Malla”
(means wrestler) mentioned everywhere in these books puts forth the ancient
history of India wrestling. Moreover this sloka of Harivansh Purana classifies
the shape of wrestling of that period which was not inferior to the modern
wrestling. While Bhagwan Singh drew with Gama in Meerut (U.P.), there
were so many famous wrestlers like Mahaveer, Chirag Ali, Ram Janam, Teja
Singh, Harman Singh, Eassanat, Mangala Rai, Sukhdev etc., the heavy weight
wrestlers. They were world standard wrestlers. A European American free
style star was defeated by Brahmadev Mishra. Moreover it has been
mentioned before that Karim Bux won the world champion title by defeating
Tom Canon of America while Ghulam got the same title by defeating Kadir
Ali of Turkey. A pupil of Ram Moorti Gaukar secured the world champion
title by defeating Adshantal in San Francisco during 1921. Gama was declared
21 world champion in 1928 by defeating Zebisco after a disputed bout held in
London. Likewise, Viddo Pandit and Ram Moorti were undefeated in the
world. Goonga and Keekar Singh were also top most and world famous
wrestlers. Bansi Singh of Bihar State was also a famous wrestler who
challenged Gama. It is said that he defeated Chirag Ali, Thremer, Ujagar,
Allahabux, Harman Singh, Pooran Singh etc. there are so many wrestlers
hidden from the history of wrestling. Gama himself appreciated Bansi Singh
that he had no match in the world. No doubt that Indian‟ s standard is not up
to the mark in modern wrestling free style but this country was on top in soil
wrestling, the Indian style wrestling. The reason behind it is that Indians never
believed in free style or points system wrestling but they believed in fall and
flat only. Because, now Europeans have made this game so congested just like
Kabaddi by firming so many rules in it that strength cannot be tested by and in
which everyone prepares himself for the fight in the comparison of this free
style wrestling. The main reason or drawback in modern wrestling is that
Indians are not competent enough due to lack of free style competitions.
Because every wrestling competition is held on soil and not on the mat while
the Europeans practice on the mat and have their competitions on the mat and
have sufficient free style wrestling teams but India has a single team which is
also unprepared. Free style wrestling entered the country from 1932 and the
Wrestling Federation of India was formed in 1948. Before the Indo-Pak
partition the heavy weight wrestler was honored by the title of Rustam-E-
Hind. After this the next title of Hind Kesari was started. By passing the time
many wrestling federation‟s were formed in India. The new titles of
“Mahabharat Kesari” as well as “Malla Samrat” were formed. Nowadays Dr.
Pisolker is Indian style wrestling secretary and Balwant Singh is president
while free style secretary is V.M. Datta but all the responsibilities and cares of
federation are assumed by President Shri G.S. Mander. History of Free style
wrestling starts from K.D. Jadhav of Maharashtra, who secured a Bronze
medal in free style wrestling from Helsinki Olympics in 1952, while Lila Ram
of Mandola (Haryana) brought name and fame to the country by winning the
gold medal from Commonwealth wrestling at Cardiff. Maruti Mane, Ganapati
Andalakar and Malwa secured golds from Asian wrestling at Delhi in 1968.
Chandagi Ram earned gold from Asian wrestling in 1972. While Satpal
secured Gold medal during Asian wrestling 1982. Delhi heavy weight class
Kartar Singh also secured gold from Seoul Asiad in 1986 while Rajender from
Asiad. Many mini juniors brought gold medals from world wrestling. Naresh
Chand defeated light weight U.S.S.R. wrestler 23 Ruslana during Indo-
U.S.S.R. wrestling test held at New Delhi 1985. While Jogender scored silver
medal from world championship. Rajender H. Singh scored many gold medals
at national level. No doubt Lord Krishna is the founder of wrestling in
Aryavarta (old India) that is why the origin of wrestling is Mathura where
renowned wrestler like Guru Baldev Chaube has been produced. The founder
of Indraprastha (Modern Delhi) arena is also Lord Krishna from which
wrestling spread all over India as well as in the world. Chatrapathi Shivaji,
Samrat Guru Ram Das and in the beginning of the 20th century Maharaja
Sahooji brought inspiration in Maharashtra wrestling where so many wrestling
stars brought name and famed to India. Maharashtra‟ s history alone is
equivalent to the history of the rest of India at present. In the year 1959
Shripathi Khanchanale became Hind Kesari wrestler by defeating Banata
Singh Punjab Kesari at Hyderabad and in the year 1963 Indian Government
formed a team of famous wrestlers and sent it to other nations to play matches
with other nation‟ s wrestlers for 20 days. In that team Shripathi Khanchanale
is one of the leading wrestler in Indian team. The team visited Moscow,
Berlin, Uzbekistan, Leningrad, Kabul and Khandahar. K.D Jadhav name has
been already given above, Maruti Mane gained the title of Hind Kesari in 1964
and secured the gold medal during Jakarta Asian Greco-Roman wrestling in
1962. Likewise, Ganapati Andalakar became Hind Kesari in 1960 after
defeating Kharak Singh of Delhi and secured 24 one silver and one gold from
Jakarta free style wrestling and Greco-Roman style wrestling during 1962.
Moreover, Harish Chander, Biradar, Yuvaraj Patil and Dadu Chaugle were the
most reliable wrestlers of Maharashtra. Delhi has its own history of wrestling
where Chandagi Ram, Subhash, Sanjay, Kartar Singh, Satyapal as well as
Rajender Singh, Leela Ram Udechand (Haryana) and Laxmikanth Pande
(U.P.) have been the champions of Asia. Moreover Meharuddin and Janardhan
of (U.P.) and Fateh Singh of (Rajasthan) were the super heavy weight popular
champions. Diwan Pratap Chand, Mama Mahol, Sard Panwar, Guru Hanuman,
Chandra Swami, Uttam Prakash Bansal, Dr. Pisolkar, Balwant Singh, K.D.
Nayyar, G.S. Mander, V.M. Datta, Raj Singh, Surender Vig and Dhara Singh
etc. have been the main promoters of wrestling during 20th century. The
Indian style wrestling is the base of free style wrestling. If it is separated from
free style wrestling the result will be ended in a smoke. The soil wrestling is
conducted during our religious festivals. The wrestling fairs are organized
during festivals and functions in every corner of India throughout the year
where thousands of people enjoy it. In villages wrestlers are worshipped like
gods and they are offered milk as well as cream with respect. So the wrestlers
enjoy the wrestling in fairs for the competitions and for money. Here, I feel
proud to mention about two wrestlers Naresh Chand and Ashok Kumars
amazing bouts. Naresh Chand, ASI Delhi Police, who 25 represented India in
International wrestling in Minsk (U.S.S.R.) has a record of almost 2000 bouts,
while Ashok Kumar has a record of nearly 800 bouts who secured bronze,
silver and gold medals. The other main wrestlers are Rajender Singh Chauhan,
Rajinder Yadav, Ashok Kumar, Rajinder Bisht, Shahid Ali, Jogender Singh.
Junior national champions and international upraising stars have many fresh
hopes. They are proud of their town and villages.

A wrestler generally becomes proud of his tribe as those people feed

him day and night. The master arena is called “Khalifa” or “Guru”. The
wrestler of an arena worship their Guru by touching his feet. They organize a
weekly competition of all the arenas. The Indian wrestlers mostly like to
practice in sand arena and it has been proved beneficial to practice in the soil
according to the climate of India. Here, most wrestling practice is possible
during the winter season only. But one feels a special place after practicing in
the soil. Body and face look bright. It removes hairs on body and avoids the
skin diseases while it makes the skin clean. This is the main cause that Indian
wrestlers are not able to become successful in free style wrestling. The
wrestler should practice on the mat to take part in International wrestling
which is the fresh demand during the present days. They must practice on the
mat during winter season. Then, no doubt they can secure the international
medals. Modern wrestling techniques are described with details with the
important holds. Even a lay person can also become a wrestler or master of

1.5 History of Wrestling in Olympic

Wrestling has its own history in the world. The first Olympic games
were held in 776 B.C. in which wrestling was not added but in the eighteenth
Olympic game in 704 B.C. wrestling was included in which Hercules and
Anatayas fought together. It was such a kind of wrestling, in which by
touching the knees of opponent wrestler on the ground for three times, one
was declared as a winner. After a long period of 1500 years, Baron Piere-De
Coubertien of France was credited for having reviewed the first Olympic
games. Olympic games were held at Athens in 1896. At that time, only one
bout was held there in which F. Sutchman of Germany secured the gold
medal. In 1900, Olympic games were held at Paris for the second time where
no bout of wrestling was fought. During 1904, the third Olympiad held at St.
Louis, Missouri, wrestling become a part of games. The United States won the
first “Free Style Wrestling” tournament. The Olympics gave a tremendous
impetus to wrestling throughout the world. Free style wrestling under the
name of Catch-as-Catch was first played in Olympics held at London during
1908, Great Britain got three gold medals while America got two gold medals.
12 In 1912, at Stock Home Olympic games, gold medals tally was Swedenone
and Finland-three in free style wrestling. There was a bout of nine hours
duration between Algrian and J. Bolling of Finland. In the year 1958,
Shiripathi Khanchanale fought with Sadiq from Pakistan. The bout was held at
Kolhapur for 11 /2 hour finally, the bout was drawn. Due to First World War,
Olympic was held late in 1920 at Antverp. Here, the duration for the free style
wrestling was judged upto 15 minutes. The least number of penalty point‟s
receiver should be considered as the winner and the contestant having five
penalty points might be eliminated from the competition. The next Olympic
games were held in Paris in 1924. America got four gold medals, while a
heavy weight wrestler Heglan of France snatched one gold in free style
wrestling. During Amsterdam Olympic games in 1928 Sweden and Finland
got two gold medals each. Likewise Egypt got one gold medal. During 1932
Los-Angles Olympic Games-Sweden and Los Angeles got two gold medals
each in free style wrestling. The next Olympic games were held in Berlin in
1936 and the medal tally was Sweden-one, Hungary-two while Finland,
France and Rumania got one gold each. The next Olympic games were held at
London in 1948 after 12 years, where 227 wrestlers of 27 countries
participated in wrestling. Sweden got four gold and America won the rest of
the gold. 13 In Finland, Hungary and Italy, the most attractive part on of this
Olympic games was the heavy weight wrestlers Kirsi who won the gold medal
in free style wrestling. During 1952, Olympic game was held at Helsinki,
U.S.S.R. participated in Wrestling for the first time. In GrecoRoman and free
style wrestling 423 wrestlers of 37 countries took part. Turkey, Russia and
Sweden got two gold medals each, while America and Japan got one gold
medal each from free style wrestling. In the same Olympic K.D. Jadhav of
India got the Bronze medal in free style wrestling in flyweight class. The
Soviet Union has trained five or six national teams during 30 years, while
India has only one team. During 1956 Olympics, U.S.S.R. and Turkey played
an important role in free style wrestling. Rome Olympic games of 1960 were
better than before. 47 countries participated in this wrestling. The most
appreciated heavy weight wrestler during this Olympic was W. Dietrich of
Germany, who scored gold in free style wrestling according to his promise.
During 1964, Olympic games - Japan, Bulgaria and Russia each scored three
gold medals in free style wrestling. During 1968 Olympics, U.S.S.R. stood
first and Japan at second place in free style wrestling, in Greco Roman
wrestling U.S.S.R. stood first and German in second place. During 1972
Olympics U.S.S.R. stood first and U.S.A. at second place in Free style
wrestling, while U.S.S.R. stood first and Bulgaria at second place in Greco
Union of Soviet Socialist Republic United States of America 14 Roman
wrestling. While in 1976 Montreal as well as 1980 Moscow Olympics
U.S.S.R. gained the team championship in Greco Roman and free style
wrestling. During 1984, at Amsterdam Olympics, Russia again dominated in
wrestling. During 1988, in South Korea Olympic games, U.S.S.R. again got
championship in Greco Roman and free style both, while in 1992 Olympics
held in Los Angeles, Russia gained title in free style wrestling. During 1996
Olympics, U.S.A. stood first and U.S.S.R. at second place in Free Style
wrestling, while Poland stood first and Turkey at second place in Greco
Roman wrestling. In 2000 Olympics U.S.A. was in first and U.S.S.R. at
second place in wrestling. During 2004 Olympics U.S.A. stood first and
U.S.S.R. at second place in wrestling.
The sport of wrestling has come a long way since it was practiced by
our earliest ancestors, becoming a more formal and organized representation
of the world's oldest form of competition. These days, traditional and modern
forms of wrestling are practiced on every continent and in almost every
country. The 2004 Olympics reinforced wrestling's popularity, yielding
competitors in both the freestyle and Greco-Roman divisions - a record
number of competitors for the Olympic wrestling tournament.

1.5.1 Born to Wrestle

Wrestling has roots in nearly every culture and had a solid foundation
in ancient Greece long before the first recorded Olympic Games in 776 B.C.
Greek wrestling was an extremely popular form of competition. However, it
had considerably undeveloped rules and was a much different style of
wrestling than what is practiced on mats around the world today.

1.5.2 When in Greece

Greek wrestling, also known as "Pale," stood alone as the most popular
sporting event in ancient Greece. Most similar to what we know as Greco-
Roman wrestling, the Greek style allowed two competitors to grapple until a
certain number of points were scored or one of the competitors conceded
defeat due to pain or fear. Scoring occurred when one competitor was thrown
to his back, pushed out of the wrestling area, or forced to submit to a hold.
Three points had to be scored to win a specific bout.
Greeks respected wrestling as a sport, but also revered it for its mental
and spiritual benefits. It was required for Greek soldiers to be educated in the
art of wrestling, as well as academic disciplines like mathematics and
language arts. Greek wrestling was also a popular event during the summer
Olympics, and has since evolved into a familiar form practiced all over the

1.5.3 Greco-Roman Breaks Through

Although Greco-Roman is an evolved form of Greek wrestling, its
rules were established in the 19th century by a French soldier named
Exbroyat. This style would be known in Europe as "flat-hand wrestling" or
"French wrestling," to differentiate it from other styles practiced during a time
when striking and dangerous holds were permitted.
In 1848, Exbroyat created a major rule that forbade holds below the waist. He
also barred certain techniques and holds that intentionally hurt or injured an
opponent. French wrestling quickly became the definition of sport in Europe
during the 19th century. It was during this time that Italian wrestler Basilio
Bartoli coined the name "Greco-Roman," connecting the modern style to the
sport's ancient values.
Greco-Roman was the first style of wrestling added to the Olympic
Games, making its debut in 1896, more than 1,500 years after Greek wrestling
was established at the Olympic level. The Greco-Roman style was both the
focus and main event of the first modern Olympic Games in 1896, and was so
popular that it paved the way for emerging styles in the 20th century.
The nations of Iran, Turkey, and Armenia currently produce some of the best
Greco-Roman wrestlers in the world.

1.5.4 Catch Wrestling Grabs Attention

Shortly after the establishment of the tradition-rooted style of Greco-
Roman, another fast-paced and exciting style was emerging in both the United
Kingdom and the United States. Known as "catch as catch can" or "catch
wrestling," this style had become a popular form of entertainment at various
events in the 18th and 19th centuries, including large fairs and carnivals.
Because the style was in the infant stage of development, rules would vary
from event to event and region to region.
The excitement of this style caught on quickly, mostly because of the lack of
limitations in rules. Attacks below the waist were legal, providing for a
different experience from the increasingly popular style of Greco-Roman.
Catch wrestling would prove to be a major influence on the rules of the
emerging styles of freestyle and folk style.

1.5.5 Freestyle to Follow

Less than a decade after the first modern Olympic Games in Athens, a
second style of wrestling was added to the 1904 games in St. Louis, Missouri.
This new style would be called "freestyle," an evolution of the popular catch-
wrestling style that allowed wrestlers to incorporate pushing, lifting, tripping
and other techniques using the lower body. Since the establishment of
freestyle, both of the international styles have gained popularity and respect
throughout the world - so much so that a universal governing body needed to
be put in place to accommodate the growing needs of the wrestling
community. Nations such as Russia, Azerbaijan, and Iran currently yield some
of the most successful freestyle wrestlers. American Style as Greco-Roman
and freestyle were making an impact on the international scene, folk style
wrestling was growing rapidly in America. Early folk style rules were a
combination of catch wrestling rules brought over by early American settlers
and the freestyle rules of the time. By the late 1800s, folk style had evolved
into a popular sport practiced at local athletic clubs, along with boxing and
gymnastics. Many college wrestling teams sprung up at the beginning of the
20th century, and in 1928 the first NCAA national championship was won by
Oklahoma A&M (now Oklahoma State University). Since then folk style
wrestling teams have been established at thousands of universities, high
schools, and even at elementary schools. Top level wrestlers in America
typically compete in folk style during their prep (high school, college) careers,
but eventually move on to grapple with the world's best in freestyle and Greco.

1.5.6 FILA Unites the World

By the turn of the 20th century, wrestling had evolved from being an
ancient art with various rules and styles, to becoming a major form of
organized competition, recreation, and entertainment throughout the world. In
1905, the first international federation for wrestling was created to unify and
organize the different styles of the sport, especially the rapidly growing
international styles of freestyle and Greco-Roman. This organization would
take on many names, but in 1994, the world's governing body for wrestling
would be given the name as we know it today - FILA (International Federation
of Associated Wrestling Styles).
FILA set many goals in order to expand the sport. These goals
included the establishment of a unified world championship, the creation of
regional training centers to build the current level of competition, and the
communication and networking between all wrestling nations. Since the
creation of this world committee, other non-Olympic styles have been
affiliated with FILA, including traditional forms of wrestling such as belt
wrestling and pankration. FILA has also backed emerging styles like beach
wrestling, which was established in 2004. What followed was a historic
landmark for all wrestlers, as another division based on gender was sanctioned
as an Olympic event.

1.5.7 The Rise of Women's Freestyle

Although women have participated in the sport of wrestling for many
years, organized women's divisions did not become present until the 1980s in
European competition. The rules in the women's divisions took on many forms
and changed frequently at first. Over time, however, the same rules as male
freestyle divisions were applied with very minor alterations. In 1984, FILA
included women's freestyle wrestling in its association. Just a few years later,
the first women's world championships were held in Lorenskog, Norway.
Women's wrestling has snowballed into a major force on the world level,
fielding tough all-female teams from numerous countries. Some of the best
female wrestlers come from Azerbaijan, Japan, Canada, Ukraine, Russia and
the United States. The establishment of the women's freestyle division at the
2004 Olympic Games in Athens refreshingly confirmed modern society's view
of equality, and with it the definition of what an athlete truly is.
1.5.8 Wrestling with Tomorrow
As the world's wrestling community grows, the rules, techniques, and
athletes continue to grow with it. As the sport changes rapidly to
accommodate assets and obstacles alike, one must truly be a student of the
sport to stay "in the know" with its constant changes. Internet and television
coverage has allowed the sport to reach more individuals than ever before,
continuing to bring the unique and pure competitive elements of wrestling to
spectators and athletes around the world.

1.6 The types of factors which affect sports performance are as following:
1. Physical Factors
2. Psychological Factors
3. Social Factors
This is true that the wrestling is a game of physically strong persons.
The player which wants to participate in wrestling should be physically strong,
having a solid physique, developed muscles, high stamina, having strong body
structure etc. So this is to be considered that only the strong person should
participate in this game. But as being the important factors in any activity
being done by a person, psychological factors also play important role in
wrestling like other games. So the psychological factors including personality,
intelligence, creativity, decision making, learning, memory, motivation etc.
should be included while discussing about the performance of a player in the
sports. Beside these earlier mentioned factors, social factors also play an
important role in wrestling.
In this way, the core factors out of physical, psychological, and social
factors, the following factors are having their own importance in wrestling

Socio-economic status is an important factor in selection of sports.

An individual‟s socio-economic status may influence his opportunity, his
desire to excel, his choice of activity and his success. The home environment
often influences his motivation to succeed in sports and the degree to which
success in this endeavor leads to inner satisfaction. Young people growing up
in poverty ridden communities will have fewer available tennis courts,
backyard, swimming pools and golf courses. They will have more difficulty
finding means of travel to beaches, ski areas, and lake regions. They will
usually be able to afford fewer fishing trips, mountain vacations and bowling
night‟s horseback riding, water- skiing and golf will be too expensive in both
time and money for most of them. On the other hand many of the greatest
softball, football and basketball players, boxers, volleyball players and track
and field athletes have come from the ghettos, where large numbers of
children of all ages live in crowded quarters and they face out of doors to play
with each other. They compete and interact in both organized and unorganized
play. They wrestle and fight, and romp and chase. They learn to stand up for
their rights and to accept hurts without whimpering. They often find in sports
both an outlet for aggression and a way of satisfying their desire to achieve.
Children who grow up in middle class are usually fortunate enough to have
good facilities for physical education, an adequate number of qualified
coaches, and considerable assistance and encouragement from their parents.
Opportunities development of sports skills are normally present and
motivation is reasonably high. Socioeconomic status (SES) of an individual is
a sort of rank or position as determined by the joint influence of his society
and economic ranking in the society to which he belongs. More precisely, it is
one‟s place on the socio- economic scale. Such status slab of income he
happens to earn.
Socioeconomic status would therefore be a ranking of an individual by
the individual by the society he lives in, in term of his material belonging and
cultural possession along with the degree of respect, power and influences he
wields. Family's socioeconomic status is based on family income, parental
education level, parental occupation, and social status in the community.
Families with high socioeconomic status often have information regarding
their children's health. The position of an individual on a socio-economic scale
that measures such factors as education income , type of occupation, place of
residence and some population ethnicity and religion. When analyzing a
family‟s SES, the mother and father‟s education and occupation are
examined, as well as combined income versus with an individual when their
attribute are assessed. Throughout the world people are facing a lot of
problems created by disturbances and frustrations which are political, social or
economical. History tells us that all social and cultural phases of human
evolution are ultimately determined by economic causes. Progress and well
being of a society or country depends largely upon economically soundness
and socially well adjusted citizens. India‟s backwardness and indifference
towards sports and physical education is mainly due to her economic poverty.
Children from wealthy homes often play cricket, have tennis courts and
swimming pools in their backyard and travel to ocean beaches or island
retreats for vacations .

4. Eric Dunning .(1999).Sport Matters, Sociological studies of sport, violence

and civilization. Routledge 11 New Fetter Lane, London EC4P 4EE.

While as children from lower socio economic classes have difficult in

achieving such facilities the research reveals that “The participation Games
directly related to the per capita income of the family or Nation .Cricket
occupies a significant place among all other games and sports. In some
respects it is unique as a sport. It is an ideal sport and is a grand energetic
game, giving enjoyment and pleasure and demanding fitness and dedication.
Wrestling requires specific psychological characteristics to be on top gear to
take all the qualities in the match. It is mostly played by urban and popular in
affluent class. Wrestling, Judo, Hockey is also energetic game demanding
fitness and coordination is not so much popular and played in all
socioeconomic class.
It has been recognized that socio-economic factors play a vital role in
an individual l‟s performance in sports. The Socio-economic status make-up
of an individual plays an important role in their achievements in every field of
life. Socio-economic status also Influence on habitual physical activity
.Considerable research has been conducted on the socio-economic status of
sports persons, team sport versus individual sport, Men players versus Women
players. But very few research studies are conducted on socio-economic status
of games like wrestling game players.
1.6.1 Socio Economic Status
Socio-Economic Status in terms of primary education and
characteristics is determined through vacations, income and wealth, time and
its location, education activities, caste, possession of consumer articles etc.
Socioeconomic status, sometimes shortened to SES, is a sociological
classification indicating the close relationship between someone‟s relative
wealth and that person‟s social status. Socioeconomic status is one of the key
indicators when looking at a number of different community issues, including
school performance, crime and housing. It is most often determined by
analyzing family income and assets.
Social status, in this case, means more than just who the person or
members of the family may associate with, though that is also included. It also
means the aggregate value of their education, job status and living
environment. Together, all these things can play a crucial role in one‟s life.
Closely related to income, and helping to determine socioeconomic status of a
family is the parental education level. As higher education, generally, tends to
lead to better economic opportunities, those who find themselves at a lower
socioeconomic status usually have a lower level of education and thus a lower-
paying occupation. However, there are exceptions to this rule at both ends of
the spectrum.
Most of those in various divisions of socioeconomic status tend to
cluster together. In fact, socioeconomic status may be even a bigger divider, or
at least as big of a divider, as race used to be. Many cities are divided into
sections by design or by natural inclination, where most of the inhabitants
share the same socioeconomic status. This can be both a benefit and a liability
to a community. For example, those in a higher status may enjoy less crime,
allowing law enforcement resources to be focused elsewhere. However, in
those areas where the socioeconomic status is lower, schools tend to fail or, at
the very least under perform. In many cases, this may not be the fault of the
school‟s staff, leading some schools to be unfairly penalized.
Considering socioeconomic status as a way to analyze a community
and its risk factors is criticized by some. It is argued that doing so leads to
stereotyping and profiling. Those critical of the practice argue that even within
the different strata there are individuals who do not fit the trends. However,
those who do favor using socioeconomic status indicators in such a way say
that the practice saves money. It puts resources where they need to be in order
to help the people who most need it. Without such analysis and action, money
may be wasted that would otherwise be put to good use, they argue. A family's
socioeconomic status is based on family income, parental education level,
parental occupation, and social status in the community (such as contacts
within the community, group associations, and the community's perception of
the family), note Demarest, Reisner, Anderson, Humphrey, Farquhar, and
Stein (1993). Families with high socioeconomic status often have more
success in preparing their young children for school because they typically
have access to a wide range of resources to promote and support young
children's development. They are able to provide their young children with
high-quality child care, books, and toys to encourage children in various
learning activities at home.
Also, they have easy access to information regarding their children's
health, as well as social, emotional, and cognitive development. In addition,
families with high socioeconomic status often seek out information to help
them better prepare their young children for school. “Even in families with
above-average incomes, parents often lack the time and energy to invest fully
in their children's preparation for school, and they sometimes face a limited
array of options for high-quality child care--both before their children start
school and during the early school years. Kindergarten teachers throughout the
country report that children are increasingly arriving at school inadequately
prepared." Families with low socioeconomic status often lack the financial,
social, and educational supports that characterize families with high
socioeconomic status. Poor families also may have inadequate or limited
access to community resources that promote and support children's
development and school readiness. Parents may have inadequate skills for
such activities as reading to and with their children, and they may lack
information about childhood immunizations and nutrition.
5. Burton, N., Turrell, G., & Oldenburg, B. (2003). Participation in
Recreational Physical Activity: Why Do Socioeconomic Groups Differ?
Health Education & Behavior, 30, 225- 244.
Wrestling performance is influenced by heredity factor, nutrition and
environment. The total environment which influences one‟s wrestling
performance is greatly affected by socio-economic factor which has created
many distinct classes in the society. Due to this, some get best facilities and
some get none or are forced to compromise with the minimum. The impacts of
socio-economic-status depend upon the available facilities. It is often seen that
socio-economic status factor (says the hope of getting a certificate and pair of
shoes if one, shows good performance) influence the wrestlers to take more
interest in the wrestling.
The above are not the only factors which affect sports performance.
Hence there are so many factors in this regard but these above mentioned are
the most affecting factors. That is why the researcher mentioned these. Now it
is clear that, socio-economic status is one of the most important factors that
may influence not only the participation in wrestling but also the affect of
It has been recognized that socio-economic factors play a vital role in
an individual‟s performance in sports. The Socio-economic status make-up of
an individual plays an important role in their achievements in every field of
life. Considerable research have been conducted on the socio-economic status
of sports persons, team sport versus individual sport, Men players versus
Women players. But very few research studies are available in published from
a socio-economic status of games like team and individual game players.
There are many psychological factors like socio-economic status attitudes,
motives, spectators, self concept, motivation, adjustment etc., which influence
the participation and performance of sportsmen in games and sports. The
socio-economic status of the group and the status of an individual in his group
influence competitive and co-operative behavior for different reasons and the
different factors that those motivating people in the middle and upper
economic group influencing the well being of the players.

Socio-economic status is an important factor in sports success and

sport is an important ingredient in a democratic society. An individual‟s socio-
economic status may influence his opportunity for opportunity, his desire to
excel his choice of activity and his success. A player‟s progress may enhance
his social prestige and acceptance by his peers. The home environments of the
influences motivate him to succeed in sports and the degree to which success
in this endeavor leads to inner satisfaction. Man is usually influenced by some
component of the social clime. When engaging in physical activities. Every
individual who competes in sport competition is not involved in physical
intersection only but sport participation is a form of social interaction also.
Sport is a social phenomenon of great magnitude. The general cultural setting
determines an individual‟s selection of the physical activity or sport. Sport is
recognized as an element of culture.

6. Bryant. Cratty. J., (1967.). “Social Dimension of Physical Activity”,

Englewood Diffs. Prentice Hall Inc.,

According to freed, “As civilization involves the social and

psychological characteristics of man tend to replace the physical and
biological characteristics as determinates of behavior where there is a little
question that socio-psychological factor exert a greater force upon the Natural
and extent of sport and physical activity then biomechanical or physiological
factor. Socio-economic status of the group and the status of an individual in
his influence competitive and co-operative, behavior. An individual form
lower class competes for different reason and for different things form those
motivating people in the middle and upper economic groups.
Sociology of sports is rapidly growing applied sciences. Sports as a
social institution or social system as it is sometime called, is an important
concern for all the sport sociologists. The sport sociologist is interested in why
man gets involved in sports and what effects his involvement in sports has on
other aspect of life, so that his social aspect can be developed within the frame
work of social norms, customs and traditions through participation in sports.
Age, education, religion, ethnic and socioeconomic background, place of
residence, parental values, changes over time, characteristics coming from
creation and peer pressures are just a few of the variables that may influence
students' or youngsters' knowledge, perceptions and attitudes; social attitude is
a behavior pattern, anticipatory set or tendency, predisposition to specific
adjustment to designated social situations, or, more simply, a conditioned
response to social stimuli. Social attitude is an organized and enduring set of
beliefs and feelings towards some kind of object or situation and a
predisposition to behave towards it in a particular way.

7. Cheadle. A., Pearson. D., Wagner. E., Psaty. B.M., (1994). Relationship
between Socioeconomic Status, Health Status, and Lifestyle Practices of
American Indians. Evidence from a Plains Reservation Population. Public
Health Rep., 109(3): 405-413.

1.6.2 Education and Socioeconomic Status

Socioeconomic status (SES) is often measured as a combination of
education, income, and occupation. It is commonly conceptualized as the
social standing or class of an individual or group. When viewed through a
social class lens, privilege, power, and control are emphasized. Furthermore,
an examination of SES as a gradient or continuous variable reveals inequities
in access to and distribution of resources. SES is relevant to all realms of
behavioral and social science, including research, practice, education, Sports,
and encouragement.

8. Mistry., Benner., Tan., & Kim., (2009). Perception of family economic

stress and personal financial constraints affected emotional
distress/depression in students and their academic outcomes.

1.6.3 SES affect of Society

Low SES and its correlates, such as lower education, poverty, and poor
health, ultimately affect our society as a whole. Inequities in wealth
distribution, resource distribution, and quality of life are increasing in the
India and worldwide. Society benefits from an improved focus on the
foundations of socioeconomic inequities and efforts to reduce the deep gaps in
socioeconomic status in the India and out of the country. Behavioral and other
social science professionals possess the tools necessary to study and identify
strategies that could improve these disparities at both individual and societal
9. Socioeconomic Status and Sport Participation at Different Developmental
Stages During Childhood and Youth: Multivariate Analyses Using Canadian
National Survey Data.

1.6.4 SES and Education Issue

Research indicates that Students from low-SES households and
communities develop Sports performance and skills more slowly compared to
Student from higher SES groups. Initial performances are correlated with the
home environment, where low literacy environments and chronic stress
negatively affect a child‟s pre performance. The school systems in low-SES
communities are often under resourced, negatively affecting students‟ sports
progress. Inadequate education increased dropout rates affect children‟s sports
achievement, perpetuating the low-SES status of the community. Improving
college and school systems and early intervention programs may help to
reduce these risk factors, and thus increased research on the correlation
between SES and Sports and education is essential.

1.6.5 SES and Family Resources

Families from low-SES communities are less likely to have the
financial resources or time availability to provide children with sports support.
Student‟s initial sports skills competence is correlated with the home literacy
environment, number of sports facility owned, and parent distress. However,
parents from low-SES communities may be unable to afford resources such as
sports equipments and other sports facility to create this positive literacy
When enrolled in a program that encouraged adult support, students
from low-SES groups reported higher levels of effort towards academics and

1.6.6 SES Academic and Sports Achievement

Research continues to link lower SES to lower sports achievement and
slower rates of academic and Sports progress as compared with higher SES
communities. Students from low-SES environments acquire skills more
slowly, exhibit delayed letter recognition and phonological awareness, and are
at risk for other difficulties. Students with higher SES backgrounds were more
likely to be talented on tasks of education and sports field than students with
lower SES backgrounds.

1.6.7 Psychological Health

Increasing evidence supports the link between lower SES and learning
disabilities or other negative psychological outcomes that affect sports and
academic achievement.
Children from lower SES households are about twice as likely as those
from high-SES households to display learning-related behavior problems. A
mother‟s SES was also related to her child‟s inattention, disinterest, and lack
of cooperation in school. Identifying as part of a lower/working class in
college has been associated with feelings of not belonging in college and
intentions to drop out of school before higher education. Perception of family
economic stress and personal financial constraints affected emotional
distress/depression in students and their sports and academic outcomes.

1.6.8 Sports Sociology

Although sports sociology is a sub discipline of exercise science, it is
also a part of the parent discipline of sociology, which is the study of human
behavior and social interactions within particular contexts. Sports sociology
examines sports as a part of cultural and social life, and adds a different
dimension and perspective to the study of sports and exercise. More
specifically, sports sociology examines the relationship between sports and
society and seeks answers to many issues and questions regarding sports and
Sports are a pervasive part of culture and are considered to be social
constructions within society created by groups of individuals and based on
values, interests, needs, and resources. Forms are created by groups of
individuals. Each culture creates and uses sports for its own purposes;
therefore, sports take different forms to culture.
This directly relates to the concept of physical activity and exercise for
different cultures. Because of various factors, such as religion, politics, and
economics, certain groups of individuals may have limited access or be
restricted or forbidden to take part in sports and/or exercise activities. Thus the
value of sports takes on different meanings in different cultures. Other factors,
such as which controls sports, what rewards (intrinsic or extrinsic) are
received from sports participation and the status of the athlete/participant,
have some effect on the value and place of sports in a particular society. The
purpose of this chapter is to familiarize the student with the social issues that
permeate society and thus permeate sports.

1.6.9 College Environment

Students Sports and Success is greatly influenced by the types of so
that practice attend. College factor including College Structures, College
Sports facility available composition and College climate. The College one
practice attended is the institutional environment that set the parameter of a
student‟s knowledge experience. Depending the environment college can
either open or close the door that lead to sports achievements.

1.6.10 Family Background

Family background is key to Sports person life and outside of college
and School, is the most influence on player such as socioeconomic status,
parent motivation, support, family size, and neighborhood. The environment
at home is a primary socialization agent and influences a student‟s interest in
sports and aspiration for the future.
The socioeconomic status of students is most commonly determined by
combining parent education level. Sports and studies have repeatedly found
that SES affect student‟s outcome, Students, Teachers and, Coaches is another
indicator of student‟s performance, Students who attend college or School
high of faculty credentialed teacher performance better.

Research Sow that students who trust their teacher, coaches are more
motivated and as result perform better in school or college.
10. Jennifar. Barry., (2006). The effect of socioeconomic status on Academic
Achievements. Thesis submitted Department of Sociology, Wichita State
University, Published thesis.

1.7 Statement of the Research Problem

Socio-Economic status can enhance or inhibit sports performance.
Performance is associated with participation at different levels and Socio-
Economic status. A researcher himself being wrestler his knows how to impact
on socio-Economic status, has experienced such situations and hence wants to
study the on Socio-Economic status and performance. The researcher has
therefore undertaken study entitled A Study of Socio-Economic Status and
its Impact on wrestling players performance of all India Inter University
competitions of Solapur University.

1.8 Need and Significance of the Research

Previous literature states on sports sociology to the importance of the
Socio-Economic status of athlete because it‟s directly affects at performance
of the athlete. Socio-economic status is an important factor in sports success
and sport is an important ingredient in a democratic society. An individual's
socio-economic status may influence his choice of activity, in which he take
part effectively and performed the skills with a high level of motivations. It
has been recognized that socio-economic factors play a vital role in an
individual‟s performance in sports. The Socio-economic status make-up of an
individual plays an important role in their achievements in every field of life.
Considerable research have been conducted on the socio-economic status of
sports persons, individuals sport players. But very few research studies are
available in published from a socio-economic status of on sports like team and
individual game players. There are many psychological factors like socio-
economic status attitudes, motives, spectators, self concept, motivation,
adjustment etc., which influence the participation and performance of
sportsmen in games and sports. The socio-economic status of the group and
the status of an individual in his group influence competitive and co-operative
behavior for different reasons and the different factors that those motivating
people in the middle and upper economic group influencing the well being of
the players.
On the basis of this background the investigator notes that Socio-
Economic status has paramount influence in sports performance. In State,
National and All India level research on Socio-Economic status is much
laminated, therefore, the present study A Study on Socio-Economic Status of
All India Inter University players in Solapur University.

1.9 Objectives of the Research

1.9.1 To study the Wrestler performance in All India Inter- University
Competitions of Solapur University.
1.9.2. To study the Socio-Economic status of wrestling players in Solapur
1.9.3. To study the correlation between socio-economic status and
performance of All India Inter-University wrestling players in Solapur
1.9.4. To study the use of modern technique and Coaching knowledge to their
professional fields from Wrestling Coaches of Solapur University

1.10. Scope of the Research

On the basis of the present Research, the following Scope of the Research was
given by the researcher. These are follows.

1.10.1 The present Research is useful to Physical education teachers, trainers,

coaches and policy makers for further plan of action regarding to
wrestling game and players.
1.10.2 For attracting more students in such games like wrestling which
individual game more awareness must be created.
1.10.3 Government should supply necessary facilities to the Players College
and university for the development of individual game.
1.10.4 The present research useful the enhancing the sports performance of
the players.
1.10.5 The present research useful the all games and Sports field.

1.11 Limitation of the Research

1.11.1. Daily routine, diet of subjects, Leisure time, and rest of students cannot
be controlled by researcher and hence was a limitation to the study.
1.11.2. Collection of the data was not possible single handedly; the researcher
took help from a number of qualified professional from the field of
sports and games to facilitate easy data collection. However, the
research cannot control the intra individual variation of this assistance.
1.11.3. Although socio-economic factor will be assessed during this study, the
related factors of the players during assessment testing period cannot
be controlled.

1.12 Delimitation of the Research

1.12.1 The study is delimited to the wrestlers of All India Inter-
University level players in Solapur University only.
1.12.2. The study is delimited to the wrestlers of All India Inter-
University level players in Solapur University men‟s
1.12.3. The study is delimited those students have participated in
Solapur University players consecutive year only.

1.13 Operational Definitions of Important Terms

A. Wrestling Players

The wrestling players are the player who is participating in Zone,

Inter-Zone and All India Inter University level in Solapur

B. Socio-Economic Status:

The impact of Social and Economic condition on his performance

during the competitions and practice time of the players it s called
as Socio-Economic status.
C. Wrestling:

Wrestling defines the dynamic, “all-out” aspect of the sport. The

wrestlers are expected to attack and counterattack continuously
during the wrestling time.

D. All India Inter University:

The various wrestling university team has been participated at All

India Inter University level is called as all India Inter University.

E. Performance:

During the playing situation or bout time those players have been won
according rules and regulation is called wrestlers performance.

F. Competitions:

The act or process of trying to get or win players or match is called


A players or group team that you are trying succeed against players or
team is called competitions.

1.14 Hypotheses of the Research

H1: There will be significant correlation between Socio-Economic status and
wrestling players in Solapur University.
H2: There will be significant correlation between Socio-Economic status and
Performance of All India Inter-University level in Solapur University.
H01: There will be no significant correlation between Socio-Economic status
and wrestling Players in Solapur University.
H02: There will be no significant correlation between Socio-Economic status
and Performance of All India Inter-University level in Solapur University.

1.15 Assumptions of the Research

1.15.1. The coaches and trainer gives proper response to the questionnaire.
1.15.2. All the situations and circumstances dealt according to the All India
Inter-university levels competitive status.
1.15.3. The coaches and trainer have well knowledge of wrestling

The researcher has to explain the whole research in short i.e. about
SES, its classification, its effects on performance, need of the research, and
objectives of the research. All the necessary things are explained in details.
The next chapter gives detailed information about the review of related
literature done for the research.

2. Introduction
Although the precise relationship between socioeconomic status and
performance is not clear, the focus of a large amount of theory and research on
the socioeconomic status and performance relationship indicates that low
income level is perceived to be a crucial issue in performance. Because sport
competition is often perceived to have elements of threat, both physical and
psychological, economical status.

Many studies by Sociologists, Economists, Statisticians and

academicians are conducted to study the correlation between the SES and the
Sports achievements of players at different levels of their study, in different
areas and at different times. Studies have shown repeatedly that SES affects
players Sports achievements. The chapter is dedicated to the review done by
the researcher of the available literature related to the present study.
Reviewing the related literature is vital from the point of view of research. It
helps the researcher to be conscious of the most recent growth in the selected
field of study. Gaps in the existing study can be stopped and the researcher can
give a relation behind its own study based on this review.

The researcher has gone through the related literature, which gave him
direction for the research. Review of related literature was following areas.

2.1 Review Related Literature and Research

1. Research on Academic achievement and Performance
2. Research on effect of socioeconomic status on Sports performance.
3. Research on Relationship between various sports event and
4. Research on Sports Sociology and Sports Psychology.
2.3 Review Related Similarities and differences in Present and Related

Khan , A., Nade, U. P., Joshi, M.,., (2009). Title: Study on the Social
Economics Status of State level Volleyball Players of Maharashtra.
Objective: To find out social and economic status of State level Volleyball
Players of Maharashtra. Methodology: For the present study the data were
collected from the State Level Volleyball boys players under 14 to 18 years
age group who had participated at State Level Volleyball competition
organized by D.S.O. Yavatmal (M.S.) near about 72 players were randomly
selected from six divisions namely, Mumbai, Pune, Nasik, Amravati, Nagpur
and Aurangabad. The socio-economic status scale questionnaire prepared by
S. D. Kapoor and Kocher, was employed to evaluate the socio-economic status
of the subject. The developed socio-economic status scale questionnaire was
distributed to 72 subjects. The various variables were as parent education,
economic index, income, type of house, life in material position, culture level
of family, expenditure on newspaper and magazine, belief in caste to
determine the tendency towards conservation or progressive outlook and
useful relevant information. It was convenient to grade. Conclusion: The
socio-economic status of the Lower state is having. The highest percentage i.e.
43.05% where as the socio-economic status of the upper is having 16.66%.
This reveals that socio-economic state of the Volleyball players is Lower state.
Questions objectively the data collect from the questionnaire were used to
score the points: on the basis of total point scored by each subjects. Tables
were prepared to find out the socio-economic strata of the subjects. The
subjects were assigned to various socio-economic status groups according to
their scores and numbers. The above Table reveals that the socio-economic
status of the Lower state is having. The highest percentage i.e. 43.05% where
as the socio-economic status of the upper is having 16.66%. This reveals that
socio-economic strata of the Volleyball players are Lower state.

1. Khan, A., Nade, U. P., Joshi, M., (2009). A Study of Social Economics
Status of State level Volleyball Players of Maharashtra. International
Research Journal ISSN-0974-2832, Vol. II, Issue-6
S. Chandrasekaran., A. Anbanandan., Suthakar. Krishnaswamy.,
Annida. Balakrishnan., (2010). Title: The study on the of socio economic
status and psychological factors potentiates the playing ability among low and
high performers of state level football players Objective: The purpose of the
study was conducted to analyze the playing ability among low and high
performers of state level football players by influencing the socio economic
status and psychological factors. Methodology: One hundred and fifty men
football players in the age of 20 to 25 years were selected from Tamilnadu
state level men football tournament held at Chennai in 2008-09. All the
subjects were oriented the purpose of the test and procedure of conducting this
test. The selected subjects were randomly divided into three equal groups of
each fifty members. Group 1 -Chennai Team, Group-II Salem and Coimbatore
Team and Group III Trichy and Madurai Team. Questionnaire preparation was
done by our Research Scholar with the reference to the review of the literature.
The investigator has focused onto the following variables; socio-economic
status, anxiety, and aggression. The data was collected with the help of five
PhD Scholars of Department of Physical Education who were well versed with
the conduct of test (questionnaire), and collections under the direct supervision
of our Research Scholar. Data will be collected before and after the
competition through (Questionnaire). After completed the tournament
collected the data for post test. During the competition period to assess the
three trained express for football players total playing ability to be measured
and statistically analyzed using ANOVA and DMRT. Conclusion: The effect
of socioeconomic and psychological factors in player‘s ability in performing
the game at low and high level football players.

2. S. Chandrasekaran., A. Anbanandan., Suthakar. Krishnaswamy.,

Annida. Balakrishnan., (2010). A study of socio economic status and
psychological factors potentiates the playing ability among low and high
performers of state level football players. Journal of Experimental Sciences
Vol. 1, Issue 12, p. 22-28

Pathania R., Tiwari R., (2008). Title: The study on the Relationship of
Personality Traits (Extroversion/Introversion) and Socio-Economic Status of
the Engineering non Sports person. The research was conducted on
relationship of personality (Extroversion/Introversion) and socio-economic
status of the engineering students. The main objective of the study was to
find out the relationship of Personality (Extroversion/Introversion) and Socio-
economic status of non sports person. Methodology: The sample consisted of
300 non sports person selected randomly from different engineering colleges
affiliated to Punjab Technical University. Eysenck Personality Inventory test
and Rajbir singh, Radhey Shyam and Satish kumar‘s Socio-economic status
Scale Questionnaire was administered. On the basis of Chi-square and Karl
Pearson‘s correlation coefficient analysis was used. Conclusion: It was found
that the non sportsperson‘s personality is not affected by the socio economic
status of their family. The significant correlation was set at .05 level.

3. Pathania R., Tiwari R.,1 (2008). The study on the Relationship of

Personality Traits (Extroversion/Introversion) and Socio-Economic Status of
the Engineering non Sports person. Retrieved on 12 March, 2013 from
International Journal of Sociology and Anthropology Vol. 3(11), pp. 436-
439,Web site:

Hilal Ahmad., Gaurav Dureja., and Surjeet Singh. (2011). Title: The study
on the Social attitude and socio economic status of physical education students
of Jammu Kashmir and Punjab states. Objective: The purpose of the present
study was to determine the social attitude and socio economic status between
physical education students of Punjab and Jammu Kashmir states. To obtain
data for this study, Methodology: the investigator had selected two hundred
(N = 200) subjects, out of which one hundred (N = 100) from Punjab state and
one hundred (n = 100) from Jammu Kashmir state who were studying in SKR
college of Physical Education, Bhagoo Majra Kharar, Mohali, Department of
Physical Education Punjabi University, Patiala (Punjab) Government College
of Physical Education Ganderbal, Department of Physical Education and
Sports, University of Kashmir (J&K). The age of all subjects ranged from 21
to 28 years. To collect the required data for the present study, to measure the
social attitude by applying the Hakim and Singh social attitude questionnaire
was used and to assess the socio economic status level of the subject by socio
economic questionnaire developed by Agashe and Helode. The scoring was
done for the respective questionnaires according to their manuals. ―T‖ test was
applied. Conclusion: To determine the significance of difference and direction
of difference in mean scores of variables between Punjab and Jammu Kashmir
states. The level of significance was set at 0.05. The results revealed no
significant difference between physical education students of Punjab and
Jammu Kashmir states on the variable of social attitude. However, the results
with regard to the variable socio economic status were found statistically
insignificant between physical education students of Punjab and Jammu
Kashmir states.

4. Hilal. Ahmad.,. Dureja. Gaurav., Singh.Surjeet., (2011). Social attitude

and socio economic status of physical education students of Jammu Kashmir
and Punjab states. Retrieved on 20 March, 2013 from International Journal
of Sociology and Anthropology Vol. 3(11), pp. 436-439,Web site:

Celia. Marce a., Fernando. Gimenoa., Carlos. G. Meza., ( 2012). Title:

The study on the Socioeconomic Status, Parental Support, Motivation and
Self-Confidence in Youth Competitive Sport. Objective: To study the
evaluate the relationship between socioeconomic status and perceived parental
support in young athletes of a high performance center and subsequently, with
motivation and self-confidence. Methodology: DEXPLOS design, a parental
support scale was made. It resulted in a six items scale whose discriminative
capacity in addition to its internal consistency was high (Cronbach Alpha
=0.84). Firstly, an open-ended-questionnaire (qualitative phase) was filled out
by 346 youth parental support perception. These answers were analyzed by
judge agreement to lead into a quantitative close-end questionnaire, which was
completed in a five-interval Likert scale by 209 people. Furthermore,
motivation and self-confidence were evaluated through the Questionnaire of
Psychological Characteristics involved in Sport Performance s relacionadas
con el Rendimiento Deportivo -CPRD) in order to review whether the
perception of parental support or its lack is reflected in these two relevant
psychological variables for sport performance. Conclusion: Results show that
there exists a positive relationship between parental support and status (living
in a single parent family because of divorce or abandonment, the s specific
aspects of self-confidence during competition and motivate not only help to
explain the concept but it can also be a useful tool for coaches, sport managers
and administrators in their daily job with sport youth.

5. Celia. Marce a., Fernando. Gimenoa., Carlos. G. Meza., ( 2012).

Socioeconomic Status, Parental Support, Motivation and Self-Confidence in
Youth Competitive Sport. Retrieved on 20 march, 20113 from Procedia -
Social and Behavioral Sciences 82 ( 2013 ) 750 – 754., Web Site:

Bhullar., (1976). Title: Study on the assessed the attitude of university

students towards physical activity in relation to academic performance, c.
Objective: Assessed the attitude of university students towards physical
activity in relation to academic performance assessed the attitude of university
students towards physical activity in relation to academic performance.
Conclusion: concluded that individuals who score high on personality factor
were endued favorably towards physically activity and subjects with higher
intelligence have more favorable attitude towards physical activity in general.
It was also revealed that subjects with favorable and less favorable attitude
towards physical activity i.e. top 27 per cent and bottom 27 per cent cases
differed significantly at .05 levels. On personality factor and socio-economic
status subjects having favorable attitudes were academically superior.

6. Bhullar., (1976). Assessed the attitude of university students towards

physical activity in relation to academic performance, intelligence, social
economic status and personality characteristics. Retrieved on 20 Jan, 2014
from Science direct, Web site:

Crnic., Lamberty., (1994). Title: Study on the discuss the impact of

socioeconomic status on children's performance in the school as well as in the
sports ground. Objective: To study on impact of socioeconomic status on
children's performance in the school as well as in the sports ground.
Conclusion: They concluded the segregating nature of social class, ethnicity,
and race may well reduce the variety of enriching experiences thought to be
prerequisite for creating readiness to learn among children. Social class,
ethnicity, and race entail a set of 'contextual givens' that dictate neighborhood,
housing, and access to resources that affect enrichment or deprivation as well
as the acquisition of specific value systems.
7.Crnic., and Lamberty., (1994) . Discuss the impact of socioeconomic
status on children's performance in the school as well as in the sports ground.
From Science direct., Web Site:

Ramey., (1994). Title: Study on the describe the relationship of family

socioeconomic status to children's readiness for school. Objective: To
describe the relationship of family socioeconomic status to children's readiness
for school. Conclusion: They viewed that across all socioeconomic groups,
parents face major challenges when it comes to providing optimal care and
education for their children. For families in poverty, these challenges can be
formidable. Sometimes, when basic necessities are lacking, parents must place
top priority on housing, food, clothing, and health care. Educational toys,
games, and books may appear to be luxuries, and parents may not have the
time, energy, or knowledge to find innovative and less-expensive ways to
foster young children's development.

8. Ramey., and Ramey., (1994). Describe the relationship of family

socioeconomic status to children's readiness for school. Retentive on 12 Jan,
2013 from Shodhganga., Web Site:

K. Srikanth., Chavan.Uday., S. J. Chandrashekhar., (2012). Title: Study

on the Socio-economic difference of team and individual game players.
Objective: The study was to find out the Socio-economic difference of team
and individual game players. Methodology: For this present study, 50 team
and 50 Individual game players were randomly selected as a subject for the
present study. The Socio-economic status scale by Kapoor and Koacher
(1994) was used to comprised team and individual game players, t-ratios has
been used to compare the significantly socio-economic status difference
between team and individual game players who were participating inter
collegiate tournament held at vaidyanath college Parli in the year 2011 and
2012. Conclusion: Socio-economic status difference were found between
team and individual game players (t = P<.01), where individual players having
got socio-economic status. While analysis the difference of high SES of team
and individual game players, significant high SES differences were found (t=
P<.01) where the team players was found to have less score on high SES.
Mean while, middle SES was concerned, significant Middle SES difference
were found (t=P<.01), where Individual players have high score on middle
SES. So, for low SES was concerned, significant low SES differences was
found to the team and individual game players (t=p<.01), where team players
have high score on low SES.

9.K.Srikanth., Chavan. Uday., S. J. Chandrashekhar., (2012). The study

was to find out the Socio-economic difference of team and individual game
players. Variorum Multi-Disciplinary e-Research Journal Vol.,-03, Issue-II,

Charles. K., (2013). Title: Study on the Impact of Students‘ Socio-economic

Background on Academic Performance in Universities, a Case of Students in
Kisii University College. Objective: The impact of students‘ socio-economic
background on academic performance in universities, a case study of students
in Kisii University College. The studies were to evaluate the factors that
influenced the student academic performance and the relationship between the
student socio-economic background and academic performance.
Methodology: To achieve this study, a sample of 186 respondents in Kisii
University College was selected in all the six faculties using simple random
sampling. Questionnaires were administered to the respondents. Research
Assistants presented copies of the questionnaires to students to complete and
supplementary information was obtained from the university academic staff.
Data collected was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics.
Regression analysis was used to establish the relationship between the student
socio-economic background and academic performance The likert analysis
were used to analyze the data, the weighted mean, standard deviation and
ANOVA to measure the level of dispersion from conformity, Conclusion:
The results revealed that the student social economic background influenced
student academic performance since Education plays a major role in skill sets
for acquiring jobs, as well as specific qualities that stratify people with higher
and lower social economic status. The middle class parents take an active role
in their children‘s education and development by using controlled organized
activities and fostering a sense of entitlement through encouraged discussion.
Families with lower income do not participate in this movement, causing their
children to have a sense of constraint. A division in education attainment is
thus born out of these two differences in child rearing. Lower incomes
families can have children who do not succeed to the levels of the middle
income children have a greater sense of entitlement, more argumentative, or
better prepared for adult life.

10. Charles. Okioga., (2013). The Impact of Students‘ Socio-economic

Background on Academic Performance in Universities, a Case of Students in
Kisii University College. American International Journal of Social Science.
Vol. 2 No. 2

Mihaila. Teodor., (2012). Title: Study on the influence of Socio-Economic

Status on School Performance Objective: Present study the influence that
socioeconomic status has on school performance. Depending on culture,
region and country, the socioeconomic status has an significant impact on
school performance and it is seen as a good indicator of it. Methodology:
Participants: a group of 100 young students age between 18 and 24 years old
(M.=20.19; S.D.=1.54), all of them aged over 18, being in their fourth year of
high school; Instruments: in order to validate the hypothesis we used a
socioeconomic questionnaire of our own, since the concept covers several
financial factors such as family, parents' academic level, lifestyle, family
influence, the number of people in the house. Conclusion: For the academic
performance measurement we used the average grades of the students. This
group was given a questionnaire measuring the socioeconomic status. School
performance was assessed by consulting the students' class books School
performance correlates directly proportional to the duration of hours spent
learning per day (r =0.221, p <0.05). Another statistically significant
correlation is the one between school performance and extracurricular
activities (r =- 0.30, p <0.01) Asfter the results were analyzed, we were able to
determine that school performance is, indeed, influenced by the hours spent
learning, free time, the presence of siblings in the family and the family home
place, (in the rural or urban area), all of which are metrics for the
socioeconomic status.

11. Mihaila. Teodor., (2012). The influence of Socio-Economic Status on

School Performance. Romanian Journal of Experimental Applied
Psychology. VOL NO. 3, ISSUE-3 .

Loy., (1978). Title: Study on the influence of race and socioeconomic status
on participation and physical performance in London. Objective: To see the
influence of race and socioeconomic status on participation and physical
performance in London. Methodology: He arranged the Negro and white boys
into four matched groups on the basis of age, physique and upper lower
middle socio-economic status. Conclusion: He found the Negro boys were
superior in 50 yards dash, shuttle, ran, badminton and their families and
swimming was the only item showing reliable difference between the two
economical groups, lower middle class being superior.

12.Loy., (1978). Conducted the study on the influence of race and

socioeconomic status on participation and physical performance in London.
Retried on 22 Jan, 2014 from Shodhganga, Web Site:

Meredith. Laurel. Stockie., (2009). Title: Study on the Relationship between

Socioeconomic Status Physical Activity among Adolescents. Objective: The
Relationship between Socioeconomic Status Physical Activity among
Adolescents. Methodology: Many Canadian youth are inactive (Active
Healthy Kids Canada, 2009). Socioeconomic status (SES) is one factor that
influences youth physical activity (PA) levels; however, the factors involved
in this relationship are not well understood. Given that numerous quantitative
studies suggest there is a positive relationship between SES and PA among
adolescents, but offer little insight into why the given relationship exists, the
purpose of the current thesis is to study the factors that influence the
relationship between SES and PA among youth aged 12-14 years through a
qualitative lens. Low (n = 2) and high SES (n = 3) parents and community
support liaisons (n = 15) took part in one-on-one interviews to provide insight
into how various SES indicators (i.e., income, education, and occupation)
influence adolescent PA. The interviews were transcribed verbatim, coded into
meaning units, and put into themes that related to smaller sub-themes. The
three major themes were access, time, and awareness and related to the
indicators of income, occupation, and education, respectively. For each theme
specific sub-themes were identified. Access is related to one's income which
impacts adolescent PA by determining whether a parent/family: 1) has money
available to cover the direct costs of PA programs, 2) has transportation and
travel options available for PA programming, 3) is able to meet basic needs
with limited stress, and 4) is eligible to access subsidies or low cost programs.
Time is the theme related to one's occupation which impacts one's
employment schedule. Awareness is related to both formal and informal
education which impacts one's: 1) knowledge of the importance of PA and, 2)
Socioeconomic Status and Physical Activity access to resources and exposure
to PA, and 3) knowledge of subsidies and low cost programs. Other social-
ecological factors also emerged from the data. The relationship between SES
and PA among adolescents is complex; however, the qualitative nature of this
study allowed an in-depth analysis of participant's experiences in order to
better understand the factors that influence this relationship. Conclusion: The
current results provide insight into factors that can be targeted in future PA
interventions aiming to equalize PA opportunities between adolescents of
varying levels of SES. Although income is related to the greatest number of
sub-themes, targeting factors based on occupation and education is also

13.Meredith. Laurel. Stockie., (2009).The Relationship Between

Socioeconomic Status Physical Activity Among Adolescents. Published
thesis, Laurier University, Retrieved on 20 Jan, 2014from scholars, Web

Rochelle M., Eime., T Harvey, Melinda J., Craike, Caroline M.,

Symons., Warren. R. Payne., (2010). Title: The study on the Family support
and ease of access link socio-economic status and sports club membership in
adolescent girls. Objective: The study was to investigate the relationships
between participation in a sports club and socio-economic status (SES), access
to facilities, and family and peer support, for female adolescents.
Methodology: A survey of 732 female adolescent school students (521
metropolitan, 211 non-metropolitan; 489 Year 7, 243 Year 11) was conducted.
The survey included demographic information (living arrangements, ethnicity
indicators, and indicators of SES such as parental education and employment
status and locality); access to facilities; and family and peer support (travel,
encouragement, watching, praise, joint participation). For each characteristic,
sports club participants and non-participants were compared using chi-square
tests. Multiple mediation analyses were used to investigate the role of access,
family and peer support in the link between SES and sport participation.
Results: There were significant associations (p<0.05) between sports club
participation and: all demographic characteristics; all measures of family and
peer support; and access to sport-related facilities. Highest levels of
participation were associated with monolingual Australian-born families, with
two parents, at least one of whom was well-educated, with both parents
employed, and high levels of parental assistance, engagement and support.
Participation in club sport among both younger and older adolescent girls was
significantly positively associated with the SES of both their neighbourhoods
and their households, particularly in metropolitan areas. These associations
were most strongly mediated by family support and by access to facilities. To
facilitate and promote greater participation in club sport among adolescent
girls from low SES neighbourhoods and households, strategies should target
modifiable determinants such as facility access and parental support. This will
involve improving access to sports facilities and promoting, encouraging and
assisting parents to provide support for their daughters‘ participation in sport

14. Rochelle. M., Eime ., T. Harvey, Melinda. J., Craike. Caroline. M.,
Symons., Warren. R. Payne., (2010). Family support and ease of access link
socio-economic status and sports club membership in adolescent girls: a
mediation study. Retrieved on 12 May, 2013 from International Journal of
Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity., Web Site:
Lloyd D., Johnston., Jorge Delva ., Patrick M., O Malley., (2010). Title:
Study on the Sports Participation and Physical Education in American
Secondary Schools. The purpose of this study was to determine the current
levels of physical education (PE) and sports participation among American
secondary school students, and to establish the extent to which they vary by
grade level, racial/ethnic background, and socioeconomic status (SES) of the
students. Methodology: Nationally representative data were used from over
500 schools and 54,000 students surveyed in 2003, 2004, and 2005 as part of
the Youth, Education, and Society (YES) study and the Monitoring the Future
(MTF) study. As part of YES, school administrators completed questionnaires
on physical activity (including rates of sports and PE participation) of students
in their schools. Students in the same schools completed self-administered
questionnaires in the same year as part of MTF, providing individual
background data, including their gender, racial/ethnic identification, and
parents‘ education level. Data were analyzed in 2006. Conclusion: Physical
education requirements, and actual student participation rates, decline
substantially between 8th and 12th grades. About 87% of 8th graders were in
schools that required them to take PE, compared to only 20% of 12th graders.
Principals estimate that over 90% of 8th graders actually take PE, compared to
34% of 12th graders. Subgroup differences in PE participation rates were
small. Only a fraction of all students participate in varsity sports during the
school year, with girls participating only slightly less than boys (33% Vs
37%). Participation correlates negatively with SES and was lower among
black and Hispanic students than white students, even after controlling for
other variables. Participation rates in intramural sports were even lower,
declined in higher grades, and were lower among low-SES and Hispanic
students (after controlling for other variables). Physical education is
noticeably lacking in American high schools for all groups. Racial/ ethnic
minorities and low-SES youth, who are at higher than average risk of being
overweight in adolescence, are getting less exercise due to their lower
participation in school sports. Disparities in resources available to minorities
and lower-SES youth may help explain the differences in participation rates.
15.Lloyd. D., Johnston., Jorge Delva ., Patrick. M., O. Malley., (2010).
Sports Participation and Physical Education in American Secondary Schools.
Retrieved on May, 2013 from American Journal of Preventive Medicine.,
Web Site:

Chao-Chin Liu ., Chun-Yi Chang ., Shang-Min. (2009 ). Title: Study on

the Participation and Consumption of Sport Tourism among Groups of
Different Socio-economic Status in Taiwan. Objective: The purpose of this
study was to reveal the current situation of sport tourism participation, and
compare it with the participation and consumption of sport tourism among
groups of different socio-economic status in Taiwan. The method of this
study utilized a self-devised ―Sport Tourism Participation Questionnaire‖,
which was distributed to 3840 residents of Taiwan aged 12 or above in each
county between January 1, 2006 and December 31, 2006. The result of the
data analysis concluded the following: 1) The annual frequency of residents
of Taiwan participating in domestic tours averaged 3.8 times per person and
85.45% of them took at least one domestic trip. Furthermore, the annual sport
tourism participation averaged 1.64 times per person with 59.55% of residents
taking part in a minimum of one sport tourism activity. 2) The annual
frequency of residents of Taiwan participating in overseas tours averaged 0.39
times per person and 24.04% of participants took at least one overseas trip.
Furthermore, the annual sport tourism participation averaged 0.90 times per
person with 61.54% of residents taking part in a minimum of one sport
tourism activity. 3) There were differences between participants of different
socio-economic status in general tourism and sports tourism participation
frequency. 4) There was also a significant difference in the participation of
groups of different socio-economic status in general in overseas tourist
activities and overseas sports tourism related activities. In conclusion, the
participation in travel and sport tourism by Taiwanese nationals compared
with that of nationals of developed countries is still on the low side. This
means that there is still potential for growth in sport tourism participation.
There are still obvious differences in the general and sport tourism
participation among members of the different socio-economic strata. These
differences are most evident in the frequency of participation and the amounts
of money spent.

16.Chao-Chin Liu ., Chun-Yi Chang ., Shang-Min. (2009 ). A Study of the

Participation and Consumption of Sport Tourism among Groups of Different
Socio-economic Status in Taiwan. Retrieved on 20 March, 2013 from MUIR,
Web Site:

Charles Kombo Okioga., (2012), Title: Study the Impact of Students‘ Socio-
economic Background on Academic Performance in Universities, a Case of
Students. The objectives of the study were to evaluate the factors that
influenced the student academic performance and the relationship between the
student socio-economic background and academic performance.
Methodology: To achieve this, a sample of 186 respondents in Kisii
University College was selected in all the six faculties using simple random
sampling. Questionnaires were administered to the respondents. Research
Assistants presented copies of the questionnaires to students to complete and
supplementary information was obtained from the university academic staff.
Data collected was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics.
Regression analysis was used to establish the relationship between the student
socio-economic background and academic performance The likert analysis
were used to analyze the data, the weighted mean, standard deviation and
ANOVA to measure the level of dispersion from conformity, the results
revealed that the student social economic background influenced student
academic performance since Education plays a major role in skill sets for
acquiring jobs, as well as specific qualities that stratify people with higher and
lower social economic status. The middle class parents take an active role in
their children‘s education and development by using controlled organized
activities and fostering a sense of entitlement through encouraged discussion.
Families with lower income do not participate in this movement, causing their
children to have a sense of constraint. A division in education attainment is
thus born out of these two differences in child rearing. Lower incomes
families can have children who do not succeed to the levels of the middle
income children have a greater sense of entitlement, more argumentative, or
better prepared for adult life.

17. Charles. Kombo. Okioga., (2012). The Impact of Students‘ Socio-

economic Background on Academic Performance in Universities, a Case of
Students in Kisii University College, Retvired on 22 May, 2013 from
American International Journal of Social Science Vol. 2 No. 2; Web Site:

Chandrashekhar. S. J., (2012). Title: To study the Socio-Economic Status

of Team and Individual Game Players. Objective: To find out the Socio-
economic difference of team and individual game players. Methodology: For
this present study, 50 team and 50 Individual game players were randomly
selected as a subject for the present study. The Socio-economic status scale by
Kapoor and Koacher (1994) was used to comprised team and individual game
players, t-ratios has been used to compare the significantly socio-economic
status difference between team and individual game players who were
participating inter collegiate tournament held at vaidyanath college Parli in the
year 2011 and 2012. Conclusion: Socio-economic status difference were
found between team and individual game players (t = P<.01), where individual
players having got socio-economic status. While analysis the difference of
high SES of team and individual game players, significant high SES
differences were found (t= P<.01) where the team players was found to have
less score on high SES. Mean while, middle SES was concerned, significant
Middle SES difference were found (t=P<.01), where Individual players have
high score on middle SES. So, for low SES was concerned, significant low
SES differences was found to the team and individual game players (t=p<.01),
where team players have high score on low SES.

18.Chandrashekhar. S. J., (2012). Socio-Economic Status of Team and

Individual Game Players. Retrieved on 11 May, 2013 from Variorum Multi-
Disciplinary e-Research Journal Vol.,-03, Issue-II, Web Site;

Shivasharanappa . D. Ryagi., (2011). Title: To study the Influence of Socio

Economic Status on Self Confidence and Achievement Motivation of Sports
Women. Objective: To find out the influence of Socio Economic Status on
Self Confidence and Achievement Motivation of Sports Women.
Methodology: To achieve the purpose of study 130 sportswomen who are
participated in inter-collegiate athletic meet were selected and firstly personal
data schedule is used to collect the information related to personal and socio
demographic status of the subject and Socio-economic status scale developed
by Bharadwaj and Chavan (1989) is administered. Then 68 sportswomen
divided into two groups of 34 each as high and low low SES groups by
random sampling out of total population. Secondly the Self confidence
Inventory by M. Basavanna (1975) and Achievement Motivation Test
developed by Dr. Beena Shah were administered two groups respectively and
found that positive and significant influence of socioeconomic status on self
confidence and achievement motivation of sportswomen. Conclusion: There
is a significant difference in self confidence and achievement motivation level
between low and high socioeconomic status sportswomen. Also found that the
significant relation between socio-economic status and self confidence, socio-
economic status and achievement motivation of sports women. On contrary
the low SES group of sportswomen because of their strong desire to win and
succeed, the fear and humiliations associated with failure, the urge to grow
and develop might have influenced them to adopt the higher achievement

19.Shivasharanappa., D. Ryagi., (2011). The study on Influence of Socio

Economic Status on Self Confidence and Achievement Motivation of Sports
Women. Asian Journal of Physical Education and Computer Science in
Sports. Volume.5 No.1 pp20-24,

R. Venkatesh., (2011). Title: Analysis of Socio Economic Background of

Tribal Sports in Karnataka. objective of the study is to analysis the socio -
economic background of tribal sports in Karnataka State. Methodology: 12
tribes from different parts of the state were selected and the 50 samples from
each tribe were selected through random sampling to find out influence of
socio economic conditions on the tribal sports. The data required for the
analysis of the Socio economic status such as Income, Land Type of house in
which they live, facilities available near their areas in terms of School,
Hospital, Bus Stop, Water facilities, Police station etc., and factors that
influences the change in their life style such as education, Attitude of the
people etc., were collected through questionnaire and Oral interviews.
Subsequently data was subjected to descriptive analysis. Results clearly
indicate a variation in the different 12 type of tribal community.

20. R. Venkatesh., (2011). Analysis of Socio Economic Background of Tribal

Sports in Karnataka. Retrieved on 12th June, 2014., from Asian Journal of
Physical Education and Computer Science in Sports Volume.5 No.1 pp28-30

Kour. Ravinder., Singh Surjit., (2014) Title: Socio-Economic Status of

Cricket And Hockey Players Of Jammu & Kashmir. Objective: To study the
relationship between Socio-Economic Status of Cricket and Hockey Players of
Jammu & Kashmir. Methodology: The study was conducted to investigate
the Socio-Economic Status difference between of Cricket and Hockey Players
of Jammu & Kashmir. For the present study 50 crickets and 50 hockey players
were selected who participated at least state level tournament. The sample of
this study was selected through purposive sampling technique. A structured
interviewer administered questionnaire was used to collect the relevant
information. Conclusion: There is no significance difference between cricket
and Hockey Players at 0.05 level of significance.

21. Kour. Ravindra., Singh. Surjit., (2014). Socio-Economic Status of

Cricket and Hockey Players of Jammu & Kashmir. Retrieved on 24 Jan
,2015from International Journal Of Behavioral Social And Movement
Sciences Vol.03,April 2014, Issue 02, Web site:

Ku. Pushpalata M. Deshmukh. (2013). Title: Comparative Study of Socio-

Economic Status In Intercollegiate Participation Of Kabaddi And Football
Players. The purpose of the study was to compare the socio-economic status
between Kabaddi and Football Players participation in Intercollegiate
Competition. The objective of the study was to find out whether there is any
significant difference in the socio-economic status of Kabaddi and Football
Players participation in Intercollegiate Competition. Methodology: For the
purpose of this study 30 Kabaddi players and 30 Football players were
selected as a sample who participated in Intercollegiate Competition of S.G.B
.Amravati University, Amravati (M.S.) Subjects was selected using Simple
Random Sampling Method for this study. The research Scholar selected Socio-
economic status Scale for Kabaddi and Football Players. Socio- economic
status. Questionnaire developed by National Psychological Corporation, Agra
made by Rajiv Lochan Bharadwaj (Socio-economic status Scale) To assess the
Socio-economic status measure and compare Kabaddi and Football Players
who participated in Intercollegiate Competition and find out the status of
Socio-economic of Kabaddi and Football players. Conclusion: From the
statistical analysis it is quite clear that Kabaddi and Football players does not
difference significantly with respect to their Social status but significantly with
respect to their Economical status and Socio-economical status.

22.Ku. Pushpalata Deshmukh.M., (2013). A Comparative Study Of Socio-

Economic Status In Intercollegiate Participation Of Kabaddi And Football
Players. Retrieved on 17 Jan, 2015 from Indian Streams Research Journal,
Volume 2, Issue.12,Jan. 2013., ISSN:-2230-7850 Web site:

Onifade., (1983). Title: Study on examined the relationship among attitude,

physical activity like adjustment and aggression and physical activity belief of
Nigerian male. Methodology: Nigerian male. (N=217) and female (N=133)
University students is U.S.A. Attitudes were assessed through the attitude
towards physical Activity inventory developed by Kenyon (1968), While
physical activity behavior was assumed by the use of a scale developed by
Zoich Kowsky (1979). Data was collected on the physical activity belief of
subjects by a scale development by the researcher. Data was analyzed through
the use of univariate and multivariate statistical procedures. Results depicted
that there was no relationship among attitudes, physical activity behavior and
physical activity belief of subjects. Conclusion: However, there were some
relationship between some specific attitudes and physical activity behavior
and physical activity belief. Subjects also chose individual physical activities
and dual and team activities.
23. Onifade., (1983). Examined the relationship among attitude, physical
activity like adjustment and aggression and physical activity belief of Nigerian
male. Retrieved on 12 May, 2014., from Shodhganga, Web site: www.

Meeriman., (1985). Title: Determined the relationship of the influence of

social systems, attitude toward physical activity and physical education
placement to the degree of participation in physical activity of emotionally
disturbed high school students. Methodology: 206 emotion of adjustment
disturbed male and female students aged 14-21 attending public schools in
New York City served as subjects. The degree of participation was measured
by the Physical Activity Socialization Inventory. Attitude toward physical
activity was measured by the Childrens Physical Attitude toward Physical
Activity Inventory. Conclusion: The analysis of data revealed that (1) the
influence of social system was related to the degree of participation. (2) The
attitude toward physical activity was related to the degree of participation. (3)
The influence of social systems and attitude toward physical activity, in
combination contributed to variance in participation. (4) Attitude toward
physical activity and physical education placement in combination contributed
to variance in participation. (5) The influence of social systems, attitude
toward physical activity and physical education placement, in combination
contributed to variance in participation and (6) the total variance of
participation occurred for the three predictor variables, the influence of social
system makes the largest unique contribution.

24. Meeriman., (1985). Determined the relationship of the influence of social

systems, attitude toward physical activity and physical education placement to
the degree of participation in physical activity of emotionally disturbed high
school students. Retrieved on 12 May, 2014 from Shodhganga, Web site:

Almarif., (1982). Title: To study the Personal motives and sociological

factors which were socio economic status, sports facilities availability,
significant others participation in sports, significant others approval for
participating in sports, birth order and factors influencing selection of sports.
Methodology: Were 600 male and female Iraqi athletes, between the ages of
twelve and twenty-five. Conclusion: The results showed that male athletes
tended to come from lower socio-economic families, whereas female athletes
tended to come from upper middle and higher socio-economic families. Both
males and females tended to rate some of the personal motives similarly but
sport group differences were found on many personal motives for the sports
participation and the results are as follows : (1) No significant differences
were found between the mean scores of the male sport groups concerning two
personal motives namely competence and fitness, health, (2) Significant
differences were found between the female sports groups on all the ten
personal motives, No significant differences were found between the mean
scores of male and female volleyball athletes on seven personal motives
namely, competent, social, athletic, compete/ challenge, potent and prestige.
(4) No significant differs were found between the male and female basketball
athletes on all the personal motives except on the potent motive where the
males scored higher than females. (5) No significant differences were found
between the male and female table-tennis athletes on all the personal motives
except on athletic and winner/prestige.

25. Almarif., (1982). Personal Motives and Sociological Factors which were
socio economic status, Sports Facilities Availability. Retrieved on 20 March,
2103., from Shodhganga., Web Site:

Young., (1969). Title: The relationship between the personal, social

adjustment, physical fitness and attitude towards physical education among
high school girls with varying socio-economic levels. Objective: To find out
relationship between the personal, social adjustment, physical fitness and
attitude towards physical education among high school girls with varying
socio-economic levels. Concluded that there was no significant difference
between socio-economic status groups with reference to physical fitness or
attitude towards physical education. There was significant positive correlation
between physical fitness and attitudes towards physical education for the
entire population at .001level, within the high and low socio-economic groups
at the .05 level and within the middle group at the .01 level. There was a
significant correlation at .05 level but physical fitness and personal social
adjustment for the population and within the low socio-economic status
groups; there was an inverse and significant correlation between social
adjustment and attitudes towards physical education at .01 levels.

26.Young., (1969). Studied the relationship between the personal, social

adjustment, physical fitness and attitude towards physical education among
high school girls with varying socio-economic levels. Retrieved 14 June,
2014, from Shodhganga, Web Site: www.

Barry. Bogin., Timothy. Sullivan., (1986). Title: Socioeconomic Status, Sex,

Age, and Ethnicity as Determinants of Body Fat Distribution for Guatemalan.
Methodology: Distribution of subcutaneous fat at the triceps and subscapular
skinfold sites is described for four groups of children living in Guatemala.
These groups are (1) high socioeconomic status (SES) children of Ladino
(mixed Spanish and Indian) ancestry, (2) high SES children of European
ancestry, (3) low SES Ladino children, and (4) very low SES Indian children.
The method of Healy and Tanner (1981) is used, employing regression and
principal components analysis of log transformed skinfold values to
―fatness‖ into two uncorrelated variables: size (amount of fat) and shape (fat
pattern). Conclusion: Significant differences exist between groups in size,
with lower SES groups having less fat than higher SES groups. No significant
difference in fat pattern exists between the high SES Ladino and high SES
European children. Significant differences do exist between the high SES
groups and the low SES groups. The relative amount of subscapular fat
increases from the high SES Ladinos and high SES Europeans, to the low SES
Ladinos, to the very low SES Indians. In the high SES European and high SES
Ladino samples, girls have significantly more arm fat than boys. There is no
significant difference in fat patterning between boys and girls in the two low
SES samples. Finally, the relative amount of subscapular fat tends to increase
with age in all four samples. These results indicate that (1) fatness and fat
patterning are independent anatomical characteristics, (2) SES influences fat
patterning; low SES children of both Ladino and Indian ancestry show greater
reductions in arm fat than in trunk fat compared to high SES children, (3)
sexual dimorphism in fat patterning is SES dependent; low SES children show
no dimorphism, high SES children are dimorphic, (4) ethnic differences in fat
patterning are not demonstrable for Ladinos and Europeans of high SES; fat
distribution differences between low SES Ladinos and very low SES Indians
may be due to ethnic factors, SES differences, or both.

27. Barry. Bogin., and Timothy. Sullivan., (1986). Socioeconomic Status,

Sex, Age, and Ethnicity as Determinants of Body Fat Distribution for
Guatemalan. Retrieved on 10 May, 2014, from Shodhganga., Web Site:

MehrAli. Hemmati. Nezhad., MohammadMahdi. Rahmati., Mohsen.,

Manochehri. Nezhad., (2012). Title: Relationship between Social-Economic
status of Family and Adolescents student Sport Participation. Objective: This
study was conducted to determine Relationship between Social – Economic
Status of family and adolescent students sport participation in Rasht-Iran.
Methodology: The collected from third grade high school students in three
fields, (n= 415) adolescent (159 male, 255 female), in 10 high schools that use
random from 2 area of Rasht city. Conclusion: We find that the families that
have higher level of social -Economic Status, their children were more active
and participate in sport more than others. By rising education of parents,
higher level of Economic Status (income of family) and what the parents does
(parents level of job), are important factors that amount of adolescent sport
participation increased by them.

28. MehrAli. Hemmati. Nezhad., MohammdMahdi. Rahmati., Mohsen.

Manochehri. Nezhad., (2012). Relationship between Social-Economic status
of Family and Adolescents student Sport Participation. Retrieved on 15 June,
2013 from Scholars Research Library Annals of Biological Research, , 3
(8)., Web Site:

Gulshan. Kumar., Sunil. Kumar., (2014). Title: Comparative Study of

Physical Fitness Components of School in Relation to Their Socio-economic
status. The purpose of this study was to compare the physical fitness
components of school boys of different socio-economic status. Methodology:
A total of 60 students were selected (30 from high socio-economic & 30 from
low socio-economic status) from different school of Sonepat district of
Haryana. In this study the Physical fitness of the school boys has studied in
term of Endurance, strength, speed, agility & flexibility. The five elements of
Physical fitness were studied with the help of different tests. The present study
have been analyzed with the help of mean, SD, SEM and the comparison
between the group was done with the help of ‗t‘ ratio. The study revealed that
on the basis of ‗t‘-test applied the finding of the study calculated the high and
low socio-economic status . Conclusion: Boys shows no significant difference
in possessing the Endurance, Strength, and Speed & Agility but shows
significant difference in possessing the flexibility. The level of confidence was
sat at 0.05 level.

29. Gulshan. Kumar., and Sunil Kumar., (2014). Comparative Study of

Physical Fitness Components of School in Relation to Their Socio-economic
status. Retrieved on Dec, 2014, from International Journal of Scientific
Research, Volume : 3., Issue : 2 .Web Site

Majoribanks., (1996). Explains the Importance of SES not only in student‘s

life but also outside the school. In studying the impact of various factors on
student‘s academic achievements he concluded that the determining factor is
the SES of the family. The environment at home is a primary socialization
agent and influences a child interests in school and aspirations for the future.

30. Majoribanks. K.., (1996). Family Learning Environments and Students

Outcomes: A review . Journal of Comparative Family Studies 27 (2), 373 –

Habibi., (2011). Found that there is no significant relationship between the

Iranian female athletes' socio-economic status and their participation in
trainings. That is, one cannot say that the athletes' socioeconomic status is
likely to affect their extent of participation in trainings; although, Iranian
female athletes belong to low, lower middle and middle socio-economic
31. Z. Habibi., N. Aghaei., B. Beglou., A. Dana., Z. Tarasi., (2011). Study
on Iranian female athletes' socio-economic status and their participation in
trainings. International Journal of Sport Studies., Vol., 1 (2),36

Vahid. Ravaghi., (2010). Title: Study on Socioeconomic Status and Self-

reported Oral Health in Iranian Adolescents: the Role of Selected Oral Health
Behaviours and Psychological Factors Health inequality according to
socioeconomic status has been established. There is evidence for inequality for
self-reported oral health outcomes. There has been interest in exploring the
factors that explain general health inequality such as health behaviours and
psychological factors. However, few studies have examined whether oral
health behaviours and psychological factors explain oral health inequality
among adults from industrialised countries. Objective: To investigate whether
oral health behaviours and psychological factors explain inequality in self-
reported oral health among Iranian adolescents. This study tested four
conditions according to the hypothesis of mediation; the final condition is that
adjusting for the mediating factors attenuates the relationship between
socioeconomic status and oral health. Methodology: A questionnaire was
used to collect data on four sets of variables from 639 males and females aged
15-17 studying at secondary schools in Sanandaj, Iran: socioeconomic status,
oral health behaviours, psychological factors, and self-reported oral health
outcomes. Indicators of socioeconomic status were subjective socioeconomic
status, wealth index, mother‘s education and fathers education. Oral health
behaviours were tooth brushing, dental flossing, and visiting dentist.
Psychological factors were self-esteem, depression, and anxiety. Self-reported
oral health outcomes were single item self-rated oral health, and the
experience of dental pain. Several regression models were conducted to
examine the four conditions of the hypothesis of mediation. Conclusion: This
study found a graded relationship between indicators of socioeconomic status
and self-reported oral health outcomes, but no strong evidence to support the
hypothesis that oral health behaviours and psychological factors mediate oral
health inequality for self-reported oral health outcomes. Adjustment for oral
health behaviours and psychological factors led to only small changes in the
associations between socioeconomic status and self-reported oral health
outcomes. In conclusion, oral health behaviours and psychological factors
explained a little extent of oral health inequality for self-reported oral health

32. Vahid. Ravaghi., (2010). Socioeconomic Status and Self-reported Oral

Health in Iranian Adolescents. Retrieved on 25 March, 2013, from, Web Site:

Syed. Q. J., & Borade. N. H., (2011). Title: A Study of Attitudes towards
Sports Teachers among High Socio-Economic Status and low Socio-Economic
status persons. to examine the high socio-economic status persons attitude
towards the sports teachers. Objective of the study to find out the high socio-
economic status persons attitude towards the sports teachers. Hypotheses:
High socio-economic status holders have significantly positive attitude
towards sports teachers than the low socio-economic status holders.
Methodology: Sample: For the present study 200 Sample were selected from
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad, 100 subjects
were high socio-economic status holders and 100 subjects were low socio-
economic status holders. The age range of subjects was 18-40years Ratio were
1:1, Non- probability accidental and purposive sampling was used. Tool:
Authority Figure Scale. This test is constructed and standardized by G. Alam
and Dr. Ramji Srivastva. The test consists of 40 questions. This highly reliable
and valid tool, for measuring Authority Figure Attitude. Variable:
Independent variable 1) SES a) High b) Low ., Dependent Variable 1)
Attitude Statistical Analysis and Discussion High socio-economic status and
low socio-economic status persons, Shows the mean S.D and t value of
attitude towards sports teachers SES Mean SD SEM N DF ‗t' P The result’s
related to the first hypothesis have been recorded In Table Mean of attitude
score of the high socio-economic status is 51.09 and that of the low socio-
economic status 38.41. The difference between the two mean is highly
significant‗t‘= 9.10, df = 198, P < 0.01. Thus the first hypothesis is confirmed
High socio-economic status holders have significantly positive attitude
towards sports teachers than the low socio-economic status holders.
33. Syed. Q. J., and Borade. N. H., (2011). A Study of Attitudes towards
Sports Teachers among High Socio-Economic Status and low Socio-Economic
status persons. Retrieved on 22 March, 2013. Asian Journal of Physical
Education and Computer Science in Sports Volume.5 No.1 pp73-75.,Web

Sardar. Mohamadi, Abdulwahab. Omidmi., (2013). Title: Study the effect

of socioeconomic situation of family on physical activities of 10-12 years old
students of Kermanshah city. Objective: The objective of this study is to
investigate the socioeconomic situation of families on physical activities of
10-12 years old students of Kermanshah city. Methodology: The present
study is qualitative. Data collection has been done through focus groups; 26
focus groups including 182 male students from 18 elementary schools in two
social classes of high and low socioeconomic status were interviewed in 2012
in three main areas: 1. The way parents encourage students to do physical
activity, 2. Parents' participation in physical activities and 3. The type of
physical activity that students undertake. Data were coded and analyzed
through Nvivo software (version 2.01). Conclusion: The findings indicate that
the socioeconomic situation of family plays a significant role in children'
physical activities. Students from both high and low socioeconomic status
reported that their parents encourage them to do physical activity, however,
the way they encourage them was different. Parents of high socioeconomic
status usually encouraged their children through active and non-verbal
methods and those from low socioeconomic status used verbal method to
encourage their children. Furthermore, parents of high socioeconomic classes
participated in physical activities more often. Students of high socioeconomic
status usually participated in organized sports and students from low status
usually participated in unstructured sports. Planning for families leisure time,
reducing costs of sport clubs, developing and encouraging free games through
building parks… play significant role in increasing students' physical activity.

34. Sardar Mmohama di., Abdulwahab. Omidi., (2013).The effect of

socioeconomic situation of family on physical activities of 10-12 years old
students of Kermanshah city. Retrieved on 21 March, 2014, from
International Journal of Sport Studies. Vol., 3 (11), 1259-1265, Website:

Fernando. Gimeno., Carlos. Gomez., Alfredo., Saenz., Hector.

Gutierreza., (2013). Title: Study on Socioeconomic Status, Parental Support,
Motivation and Self-confidence in Youth Competitive Sport. The
relationship between family and competitive sport and its complex interactions
has been studied as a key factor by several authors. However, many questions
about how psychological, cultural and social variables interact have been
unanswered. The objective of this study is to evaluate the relationship
between socioeconomic stat us and perceived parental support in young
athletes of a high performance center and subsequently, with motivation and
self-confidence, as these two variables have been identified as relevant by
previous research. Methodology: A DEXPLOS design, a parental support
scale was made. It resulted in a six items scale whose discriminative capacity
in addition to its internal consistency was high (Cronbach Alpha =0.84).
Firstly, an open-ended-questionnaire (qualitative phase) was filled out by 346
youth athletes, measuring socioeconomic status (residence, parent's
educational level, parent's job and income) besides athlete's parental support
perception. These answers were analyzed by judge agreement to lead into a
quantitative close -end- questionnaire, which was completed in a five-interval
Likert scale by 209 people. Furthermore, motivation and self- confidence were
evaluated through the Questionnaire of Psychological Characteristics involved
in Sport Performance (Cuestionario ―Características Psicológicas relacionadas
con el Rendimiento Deportivo―-CPRD) in order to review whether
the perception of parental support or its lack is reflected in these two relevant
psychological variables for sport performance. Conclusion: Results show that
there exists a positive relationship between parental support and status (living
in a single- parent family because of divorce or abandonment, the state of
origin and the father's educational level), as well as related to specific aspects
of self-confidence during competition and motivation. It therefore aims to
further definition of the ―parental support‖ construct, avoiding
reductionist views that limited it to a certain type of variables. It might not
only help to
explain the concept but it can also be a useful tool for coaches, sport managers
and administrators in their daily job with sport youth.

35.Fernando. Gimeno., Carlos. Gomez., Alfredo. Saenz., Hector.

Gutierreza., (2013). Socioeconomic Status, Parental Support, Motivation and
Self-confidence in Youth Competitive Sport. Retrieved on 13 June, 2014,
from Journal of Social and Behavior., Web Site

Richard. A., Miech. Avshalom. Caspi., Terrie. E. Moffitt., Bradley. E.

Wright., (2011). Title: Study on Low Socioeconomic Status and Mental
Disorders: A Longitudinal Study of Selection and Causation During Young
Adulthood. Over the past half century two competing hypotheses in
sociological inquiry have provided interpretations of the well-documented
association between low socioeconomic status and mental disorders. The
selection hypothesis asserts that mental disorders impair status attainment,
whereas the causation hypothesis states that conditions of life associated with
low socioeconomic status markedly increase the risk of mental disorders.
Using data from the longitudinal Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and
Development Study (n=1037), we examine selection and causation processes
during the transition to young adulthood by investigating the mutual influence
of mental disorders and educational attainment, a core element of
socioeconomic status. The Dunedin Study follows a cohort from birth to age
21, and includes psychiatric diagnoses for study members at ages 15 and 21
using DSM criteria. We focus on the four disorders of anxiety, depression,
anti-social disorder, and attention deficit disorder and find a unique
relationship with socioeconomic status for each one. These findings highlight
the need for (a) greater consideration of antisocial disorders in the status
attainment process and (b) more theoretical development in the sociology of
mental disorders to account for disorder-specific relations with socioeconomic

36. Richard. A., Miech. Avshalom .Caspi., Terrie. E. Moffitt., Bradley.

E., Wright., (2011).Low Socioeconomic Status and Mental Disorders: A
Longitudinal Study of Selection and Causation during Young Adulthood.
Published thesis Institute of Psychiatry, University of London and
University of Wisconsin, Madison.

Selcuk .R. Sirin., (2005).Study on Socioeconomic Status and Academic

Achievement: A Meta-Analytic Review of Research. This meta-analysis
reviewed the literature on socioeconomic status (SES) and academic
achievement in journal articles published between 1990 and 2000. The sample
included 101,157 students, 6,871 schools, and 128 school districts gathered
from 74 independent samples. The results showed a medium to strong SES–
achievement relation. This relation, however, is moderated by the unit, the
source, the range of SES variable, and the type of SES–achievement measure.
The relation is also contingent upon school level, minority status, and school
location. The author conducted a replica of White‘s (1982) meta-analysis to
see whether the SES–achievement correlation had changed since White‘s
initial review was published. The results showed a slight decrease in the
average correlation. Practical implications for future research and policy are
discussed. Retrieved on 14 Jan, 2014 , Journal of Educational Research Fall
2005, Vol. 75, No. 3, pp. 417–453 Web Site:

37. Selcuk. R. Sirin., (2005). Socioeconomic Status and Academic

Achievement: A Meta-Analytic Review of Research. Retrieved on 22 May,
2013. From Review of Educational Research., Web site:

Philip. White., (2012). Title: Study on Socioeconomic Status and Sport

Participation at Different Developmental Stages During Childhood and Youth.
Objective: To study the relationship between Socioeconomic Status and Sport
Participation at Different Developmental Stages During Childhood and Youth.
Methodology: Multivariate Analyses Using Canadian National Survey Data
This study examines the relationship between socioeconomic status (SES) and
sport and physical activity involvement at different stages of childhood and
adolescence in Canada. From the previous literature on SES and health-related
behavior, there was reason to test competing hypotheses on the direction of the
predicted relationship. The data employed in our analyses came from Cycle 3
of the National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth—1998–1999.
Conclusion: Results, after controls, showed that SES was a significant
predictor of sport involvement among 6–9 year-olds, but not for 10–15 year-
olds. In the younger group, the higher the family SES the more frequent was
the involvement. The effects of SES were much stronger for organized sport
involvement than for participation in an informal context. The discussion
bears on the implications of these findings for later adult physical activity and
sport involvement and their ramifications for sport and exercise promotion

38. Philip. White., (2012). Socioeconomic Status and Sport Participation at

Different Developmental Stages During Childhood and Youth: Multivariate
Analyses Using Canadian National Survey Data. Retrieved on 15 June, 2014
from Sociology of Sport Journal, 186 -209,

Daniel. H. Caro., (2009).Title: Socio‐economic Status and Academic

Achievement Trajectories from Childhood to Adolescence. Methodology:
Canada‘s National Longitudinal Study of Children and Youth (NLSCY) to
examine how the academic achievement gap attributed to SES changes from
childhood to adolescence (ages 7 to 15). Estimates of panel data and
hierarchical linear models indicate that the gap remains fairly stable from the
age of 7 to 11 years and widens at an increasing rate from the age of 11 to the
age of 15 years. Conclusion: Although a positive relationship between socio‐
economic status and academic achievement is well‐established, how it varies
with age is not.

39. Daniel. H. Caro., (2009). Socio‐economic Status and Academic

Achievement Trajectories from Childhood to Adolescence. Retrieved on 11
March, 2013 , from Canadian journal of education 32,p. 558‐590

Jabeen., Almas. Kiyani., Muhammad. Asif. Chuadhry., and Abdul.

Ghafoor. Chuadhry., (2014).Title: The study reveals how much relationship
between parental economic level and academic achievement of the university
students. Objective: This study examines one important aspect. It studies the
relationship between Parental Economic level and academic achievements of
university students. Methodology: For this study five discipline of Pir Mehr
Ali Shah Arid Agriculture University were selected from Rawalpindi Pakistan.
A sample of 270 students was selected from each discipline through stratified
sampling technique. This research work used descriptive statistics to obtain
relationship among parental economic level and academic achievement of the
respondents. Pearson Product – Moment Correlation (r) have been used to test
the hypothesis. The findings show positive and strong correlation between
Parental Economic Level and academic achievements of the university

40. Jabeen., Almas. Kiyani., Muhammad. Asif. Chuadhry., and Abdul.

Ghafoor. Chuadhry.,(2014). The study reveals how much relationship
between parental economic level and academic achievement of the university
students. Retrieved on 23 July, 2014., from International Journal of
Innovation and Applied Studies., Web Site:

The review of related literatures shows the effect of socioeconomic

status on sports performance enhancement. Some study show that the effect of
Socio economic status on performance was low level Was higher than that o
Socio-economic status refer to the social and economic position occupied by
parents in the society, It is defined as a level made up of individuals who deem
themselves equal due to similarities in family background, level of education,
occupation, towards social issues .Observed that the social status of
individuals is a reflection of their economic status and he went further to
explain that socio-economic status is usually a measure of the income and
occupation of the individual, irrespective of his Sports performance or social
standing. According review and finding some research a tremendous influence
on player‘s performance. Though the above statements of the literature
reviewed supports the present study. We found the socio economic status
factors in player‘s sports play a major role in performance, ability and spirit to
play and accomplish their game of achievement.
This research and review shows that Middle SES class was higher than
other SES classes. SES influences the achievement of the players performance
level. The result some review of this research showed the difference between
high and low socio-economic status groups. It is found that the Sports
achievement was influenced by the socio-economic status and those who were
from the high socio-economic status showed better performance.
On the basis of thesis chapter finding the socioeconomic-status factors
plays a vital role in players for enhances sports performances to achieve the
goal. A researcher himself, being a wrestler, coach and physical education
teacher has experienced such situations and hence feels the need of actual
study and the procedure and methodology are presented in the chapter III.

3. Introduction

The present research was undertaken with a view to evaluate A Study

of Socio-Economic Status and its Impact on wrestling players
performance of all India Inter University competitions in Solapur
University. The methodology followed by the researcher to conduct this
survey research has been presented in this chapter. This chapter consists the
tools used for the research, namely survey based statistical tools which used to
find out truth of the research.

3.1 Selection of the Research Method

There were a number of methods of research. Defining research is perhaps less
important than understanding its nature. Research is important for the
advancement of any academic field or discipline. Research can be classified as
exploratory, descriptive, or explanatory, depending upon its purpose. It can
also be classified as either theoretical or applied, depending upon the level of
application of the findings to ‘real life’ situations. Research may involve the
collection of new data (primary research) or the use of existing data
(secondary research).view on the above studies or understanding of research,
we were used survey method for this studied.
For this research survey method was used to collect the data. Two
questionnaires were designed and administered to the participants. The first
questionnaire was on the Socio-Economic Status of Kuppuswamy’s
(Kuppuswamy’s, Revised 2012) and Wrestling Knowledge and Coaches
Scale. The details of the data collection and the survey of research, and
variables used in this research are given below. In the present research was a
descriptive under survey methods was used for this research.
Best. J. W. and Kahn J. V., (1999). Research in Education (10th Ed) New
Delhi: Percentile Hall of India.p.151
3.2 Selection of the Method
The present research was based on a survey method. The
Kuppuswamy’s Socioeconomic Status Scale (2012, Revised) and Wrestling
Knowledge with Coaches scale was developed with experts opinion of the
Solapur university. The coaches and those who have been participated in all
India level interuniversity wrestling competitions consecutively for two years
are considered. A modified Kuppuswamy’s Socio-economic Status
(Kuppuswamy’s, Revised 2012 ) Scale was used to assess the socio-economic
status of the students. This scale measures in terms of three variables, viz.,
education, occupation and income of the players. Each of these three variables
is measured by means of a weighted scale. It consists of 21 component sub-
divisions. Each of the three categories of socio-economic status has seven
components subdivisions in this scale.
Developed Coaches Knowledge Scale was used to assess the Coaches
knowledge of the coaches. This scale measures in terms of two variables, viz.,
Yes or No, It consists with of 8 questions.

1.Socioeconomic Status Scale 2.Coaching Knowledge Scale

Income Occupation Education

3.3 Selection of the Tools and Technique of the Research

To achieve the purpose of the research, 208 players from Solapur
District those who have been participated in All India Inter University
Wrestling competitions with players in the age of 18 to 28 years, from in
2012-13and, 2013-14 were selected as subjects. 20 wrestling coaches (n=20)
from the Solapur district during from 2012-13 and, 2013-14 were selected as
sampling for this research.
For the present research following tools was use were given below
1. Socioeconomic Status Scale
2. Coaching Knowledge Scale
3. Education
4. Occupation
5. Income
6. Performance of wrestling players

3.4. Selection of the tools and technique of the Research

1. Kuppuswamy’s Socio-economic Status Scale (Kuppuswamy’s,
Revised 2012)
2. Coaching Knowledge Scale

3.4.1 Socioeconomic Status Scale

Table No. 3.4.1
Socioeconomic Status Scale
Sr. No. (A) Educational Scores
1 Profession or Honours 7
2 Graduate or post graduate 6
3 Intermediate or post high school diploma 5 5
4 High school certificate 4
5 Middle school certificate 3
6 Primary school certificate 2
7 Illiterate 1
Sr. No. (B) Occupation Score
1 1 Profession 10
2 2 Semi-Profession 6
3 3 Clerical, Shop-owner, Farmer 5
4 4 Skilled worker 4
5 5 Semi-skilled worker 3
6 6 Unskilled worker 2
7 7 Unemployed 1
Sr. No (C) Monthly family income in Rs Scores
1 ≥32050 12
2 16020 – 32049 10
3 12020 – 16019 6
4 3375 – 5049 4
5 4810 – 8009 3
6 1601 – 4809 2
7 ≤ 1600 1
TotalScore Socioeconomic class
-29 Upper (I)
16-25 Upper Middle (II)
15-Nov Middle/Lower middle (III)
10-May Lower/Upper lower (IV)
<5 Lower (V)
Description of the Scale
A modified Kuppuswamy’s Socio-economic Status (Kuppuswamy’s,
Revised 2012 ) Scale was used to assess the socio-economic status of the
students. This scale measures in terms of three variables, viz., education,
occupation and income. Each of these three variables is measured by means of
a weighted scale. It consists of 21 component sub-divisions. Each of the three
categories of socio-economic status has seven components subdivisions in this

Methods of Scoring
In this study the investigator has adopted Kuppuswamy’s
(Kuppuswamy’s, Revised 2012) Seven point Weighted Scale for all these
three variables. A detailed method of scoring on education, occupation and
income is given above tables.

3.4.2 Coaching Knowledge Scale

During the Coaching Period how coaches were participated in any of
the following kinds of professional development activities and what was the
impact on their coaching development. Were for each question given below
investigated Yes or No. to indicate developmental performance of a coach
while coaching.

Table No.3.4.2
Coaching Knowledge Scale
Sr. No Questions Yes No
1 Have you attended physical education and sports conference,
workshop and presented their result for discussion of coaching
2 What is qualification did you achieve? (e.g. degree or diploma)
3 Did you Observation and visits any other sports club?
4 Is there are Individual or collaborative research on a topic of
interest to professional development?
5 Have you Mentoring peer observation and coaching, as a part
of a formal competitions arrangement?
6 Have you gone throw the reading related literatures, Journal
evidence base a paper for coaching?
7 Did you using ICT Technique for sports coaching?
8 Are you counseling to players?

Scores 1 0

Description of the Scale

A Developed Coaches Knowledge Scale was used to assess the
Coaching knowledge of the coaches. This scale measures in terms of two
variables, viz., Yes or No, It consists of 8 questions.

Method of Scoring
In this study the investigator had developed coaching knowledge scale
with experts of opinion of Coaches, Director of Physical education and guide
of Solapur University. If the coaches tick (√) on the YES box than one mark
and tick (√) on the NO than zero marks.

3.5 Population and Sampling

3.5.1 Population
For the present research was Solapur District wrestling player’s age
under 18 to 28 years was considered as population and coaches of Solapur
district considered as a total population in this study.

3.5.2 Sample
For this study the investigator selected the sample using the
convenience sampling method to represent the population.

3.6 Selection of the Sampling

To reach the purpose of the research, 208 players from Solapur District
those who have been participated in All India Inter University Wrestling
competitions with players in the age of 18 to 28 years, from in 2012-13and,
2013-14 were selected as subjects. 20 wrestling coaches (n=20) from the
Solapur district during from 2012-13 and, 2013-14 were selected as sampling
for this research. For this research the investigator selected the sample using
the convenience sampling method to represent the population.

Table: 3.6.1
Sampling of the Study (Players)
Years Inter-Zone All India Inter- Total
2012-13 96 08 96
2013-14 96 08 96
Total 192 16 208

Table: 3.6.2
Sampling of the study (Coach’s)
Years Coaches Total

2012-13 10 10

2013-14 10 10

Total 20 20

3.7 Procedure of the research

3.7.1 Pilot study
The investigator had conducted a pilot survey of 50 players and 10
coaches in Solapur District, in order to know the practical difficulties in the
administration of the test, to gain additional knowledge, ideas and approaches.
It was based on the experience of the Pilot survey of individual score sheet
system was introduced to record all the test results as well as individual
particulars performance. This system minimized the time of recording and
3.7.2 Collection of the data
The first step in the process of data collection for the study was to
establish contact with the Director of Physical education, Team Managers /
Coaches of the Solapur District related to wrestling event, which fell within
the sampling frame of the present study. Accordingly, letters were posted to
coaches, Director of Physical Education. Director of Physical education and
Coaches were seeking their permission to administer the questionnaire and
tests on players and coaches. After confirmation of their permission test were
taken during Inter Zonal competition period. The first task of the investigator
in the beginning was to administering of the questionnaire to the players and
coaches. The researcher explained about the purpose of the study to the
players and assured them that the information which will be gathered would be
kept confidential.
The data were collected with the help of assistance of qualified persons
who were well trained with the conduct of test (questionnaire), and collections
under the direct supervision of the research scholar. To ensure the co-
operation of subjects, the investigator had personally met all the subjects
selected from the study. The investigator gave very clear instructions
regarding the method of answering to the questionnaire. All the questionnaires
were administered by the investigator in a fact to face relationship with the
subjects. The subjects were asked to tick the statements given personal
information on the front page and then to answer the questions. All the
questionnaires formed in Marathi to enable the students to read and understand
and respond it accordingly. Time was not restricted but everyone completed it
within 30 minutes.
Wrestling Coaches were taken the test during Inter Zonal competition
period and coaches club practice place. The first task of the investigator in the
beginning was to the administering of the questionnaire to brief the coaches
about the purpose of this study and assured them the information gathered
from them would be kept confidential.
In the present survey, every possible effort was taken to reduce, possible Non-
sampling errors. The purpose of the study was explained and enough
confidence was created in the minds of the respondents so as to make them
reveal their family financial position if necessary with relevant information.
3.7.3 Administration of Questionnaires for players
The subjects were assembled in a class room at the college. The
Investigator explained the nature and purpose of the study to the subjects. All
the test material were printed into a booklet format. Necessary instructions
were given on the top of each one as to how to the answer the questions on
Socioeconomic Status information. Each questionnaire consists of
socioeconomic information on the front page. The Investigator distributed the
Socio - Economic information questionnaires to the subjects of different
college players and assured them that the information gathered from them
would be kept confidential. After distributing the socioeconomic
questionnaires personally in a class room, the investigator explained every
item in the questionnaire and the students filled the questionnaire accordingly.
The Investigator clarified the doubts of the students whenever the students
asked. The Investigator scored according to the scoring methods of the
respective scales. The results were tabulated, discussed and analyzed.

3.7.4 Administration of Questionnaires for coaches

The coaches were also requested to assemble in a class room at the
college school. The Investigator had explained the nature and purpose of the
study to the coaches. All the test materials were in the printed format into a
booklet. Instructions were given on the top of each booklet as to how to
answer the questions on Coaches professional coaching Knowledge
information scale. Each questionnaire consists of Coaching Knowledge Scale
information on the front page. The Investigator distributed the Coaching
Knowledge Scale information questionnaires to the coaches of different
college and club and assured them that the information gathered from them
would be kept confidential. After distributing the Coaching Knowledge Scale
questionnaires personally in a class room, the investigator explained every
item present in the questionnaire and the coaches filled the questionnaire
accordingly. The Investigator clarified the doubts of the coaches whenever the
coaches asked. The Investigator scored according to the scoring methods of
the respective scales. The results were tabulated, discussed and analyzed.
3.7.5 Orientation to the subjects
For giving assurance and make the subject more responsible the
researcher had tried to aware them about the importance and its value to the
players. Further, research explained all the questions and its inference to the
subjects. By doing this players more get oriented and they responded very well
while filling up the questionnaire.

3.7.6 Orientation to the coaches

For competition the task and getting better response from respondents
each one should be oriented and aware about the purpose of the task and its
inferences. Therefore all the coaches were requested to assemble in a class for
orientation of the subject. Accordingly, all the coaches were assembled in a
class and basic knowledge were represented by the researcher in front of them.
In this explanation each and every point minutely cleared by the researcher to
the coaches and requested to answer the questions given in the questionnaire.

3.8. Data Analysis:

Descriptive statistics was used for this research. The detailed analysis,
interpretation is given in Chapter IV.

4. Introduction
The current chapter analyses the data and gives the results of the
research. The details of the statistical tools used and the interpretations of the
data are explained in detail in the given chapter. After step wise data collection
was processed through a series of statistical analysis; after the collection of
data was applied the Descriptive statistics and Person Correlation was used to
relationship between Socioeconomic Status and performance of the
wrestling’s players.
In the beginning the researcher processed the data using descriptive
statistics the mean, standard deviation and standard error of mean was
calculated. The accumulated data was examined and described as descriptive
mean scores in numerical formats, including a table of means and standard
deviations. Co -relational statistics were used to examine the degree of the
relation between performance and Socioeconomic status wrestling players.
Pearson Correlation method was used for this propose. Socioeconomic status
questionnaires and Competitions performance was collected and processed for
finding the effect of SES on Competitions performance and the SES level of
the wrestling players. The results of step wise data analysis have been
presented below.

4.1 Analysis of Data

4.1.1 Analysis of the Scale which given to the
Wrestler Descriptive Statistics of Zonal players
Table: 4.1.1
Raw Score value of SES scale and Achievements of Wrestling Players in
Zonal competitions with interpretation.
Class Frequency Lose Win
26-29 Upper (I) 27 23 4
16-25 Upper Middle (II) 56 50 6
11-15 Middle/Lower middle
(III) 60 57 3
5-10 Lower/Upper lower (IV) 45 43 2
<5 Lower (V) 20 19 1
Total 208 192 16

Interpretation: Table: 4.1.1 Structured questionnaire (Kuppuswamy’s,

Revised 2012) was used to know the SES of scales in (n = 208) Among 208
families surveyed at urban and rural area, it was observed from Table 4.1 On
the basic of this scale 33.21 % of subjects were from low SES,35.7 % of
subjects were from average SES and 11 % were from high economic status. It
shows most of students were from average SES. According to the data
presented in the above table. This is graphically represented in figure 4.1

Graph: 4.1.1
Distribution of scores according to, their Socio Economic Status Scale
Graph: 4.1.2
Distribution of scores according to, their Socio Economic Status Class

Graph: 4.1.3
Distribution of scores according to, their Socio Economic Status Class lost
in zonal competitions.
Graph: 4.1.4
Distribution of scores according to, their Socio Economic Status Class
winner in Zonal Competitions

Table: 4.1.2
Descriptive Statistics SES Wrestling Players
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Std. Error Statistic
SESCORE 208 2.00 41.00 14.6010 .54698 7.88868
Valid N 208

Interpretation: Table 4.1.2 Shows that Descriptive Statistics of SES

Wrestling Players the mean of SES Wrestling Players 14.60 with .55,
Std. Mean Error is .546

Table: 4.1.3
Descriptive Statistics Winners Wrestling Players
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Std. Error Statistic
WINNERS 208 .00 1.00 .0769 .01852 .26711
Valid N 208
Interpretation: Table 4.1.3 Shows that Descriptive Statistics Winners
Wrestling Players the mean of Winner Wrestling Players .077 with .27,
and Std Mean Error is .0185

Table: 4.1.4
Descriptive Statistics Losers Wrestling Players
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Std. Error Statistic
LOSERS 208 .00 1.00 .9423 .01621 .23372
Valid N 208

Interpretation: Table 4.1.4 Shows that Descriptive Statistics Losers

Wrestling Players the mean of Losers Wrestling Players .94 with .23
and Std Mean Error is .016
Pearson Co-relational Statistics of Zonal players
Table: 4.1.5
Correlations Between SES Wrestling Players and Winners
Wrestling players
Pearson 1 .093
Sig. (2-tailed) .183
N 208 208
Pearson .093 1
Sig. (2-tailed) .183
N 208 208

Interpretation: Table 4.1.5 show the Correlation between SES Wrestling

Players and Winners Wrestling players was 0.093 which was statistically
Significant at 0.05 level of significance (p=0.1.83).

Table: 4.1.6
Correlations SES Wrestling Players and Winners
Wrestling players
Pearson Correlation 1 -.107
SESCORE Sig. (2-tailed) .124
N 208 208
-.107 1
Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed) .124
N 208 208
Interpretation: Table 4.1.6 show the Correlation between SES Wrestling
Players and Losers Wrestling players was -.107 which was statistically
Significant at 0.05 level of significance (p=0.124.

Table: 4.1.7
All India Inter University Wrestling Competitions Players SES Scores of
Winners and Losers Players
Sr. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
SES Scores 27 28 26 28 17 18 23 22 23 21 10 13 14 4 3 4
Winner& 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Losers AIIU
Graph: 4.1.5
Distribution of scores according to, their Socio Economic Status in AIIU

Descriptive Statistics of All India Inter University Players

Table: 4.1.8
Descriptive Statistics of SES Wrestling Players
Descriptive Statistics
Mean Std. Deviation N
SES Scores 17.5625 8.71756 16

Interpretation: Table 4.1.8 shows that the mean of SES Scores wrestling
group is 17.56 with S.D of 8.71,
Pearson Correlation of All India Inter University Players
Table: 4.1.9
Pearson Correlation between SES and Winner Wrestling Players
Pearson Correlation 1 .537*
SES Scores Sig. (2-tailed) .032
N 16 16
Pearson Correlation .537 1
Winner Sig. (2-tailed) .032
N 16 16
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

Interpretation: Table 4.1.9 show the Pearson correlation between SES and
Winner Players was .537 which was statistically Significant at 0.05 level of

Table: 4.1.10
Descriptive Statistics of Losers Wrestling Players

Descriptive Statistics
Mean Std. Deviation N
Losers .8125 .40311 16

Interpretation: Table 4.1.10 shows that the mean of SES and Losers players
is .81 with S.D of .40

Table: 4.1.11
Pearson Correlation between SES and Losers Wrestling Players
Pearson Correlation 1 -.537*
SES Scores Sig. (2-tailed) .032
N 16 16
Pearson Correlation -.537* 1
Losers Sig. (2-tailed) .032
N 16 16
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

Interpretation: Table 4.1.11 Show the Pearson correlation between SES and
Losers Players was -.537 which was statistically Significant at 0.05 level of
4.1.2. Analysis of Scale which is given to the Coaches

Descriptive Statistics of coaching knowledge scale

Table No.4.1.12
Coaching knowledge scale
Questions N Mean Std.
1. Physical education and Sports Conference /workshops 20 12.4000 5.64195
present their result and discussion coaching problems
2. Qualification (e.g. degree) 20 12.0000 4.70162
3. Observation visits to other sports club 20 11.6000 3.76130
4. Individual or collaborative research on a topic of interest 20 11.2000 2.82097
to you professionally
5. Mentoring peer observation and coaching, as part of a 20 11.2000 2.82097
formal competitions arrangement
6. Reading related literatures, Journal evidence base paper 20 10.8000 1.88065
for coaching
7. Using ICT Technique for sports coaching 20 10.8000 1.88065
8. Student counseling 20 9.6000 .94032
Valid N (List Wise) 20

Interpretation: Table No.4.1.12 show that mean of Physical education and

Sports Conference /workshops present their result and discussion coaching
problems 12.40 and std deviation of 5.64., mean of Qualification (e.g.
degree)12.00 and std. deviation of 4.70., Mean of Observation visits to other
sports club 11.60 and std. deviation of 3.76., mean of Individual or
collaborative research on a topic of interest to you professionally 11.20 and
std. deviation of 2.82., mean of Mentoring peer observation and coaching, as
part of a formal competitions arrangement11.20 and std. deviation of 2.82.,
mean of Reading related literatures, Journal evidence base paper for coaching
10.80 and std. deviation of 1.88., mean of Using ICT Technique for sports
coaching 10.80 and std. deviation of 1.88., mean of Student counseling 9.60
and std. deviation of .94.
Graph 4.1.6
Show that Coaching Knowledge Scale Mean and SD

Coching Knowledge Scale Mean & SD


6 SD

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Descriptive Statistics Frequency of coaching knowledge scale

Table: 4.1.13
Physical education and Sports Conference /workshops present their result
and discussion coaching problems?
yes 5 25.0 25.0
Valid No 15 75.0 75.0
Total 20 100.0 100.0

Interpretation: Table No. 4.1.13 Show that the 25% percent coaches only
present their coaching problem and result of Physical education and Sports
Conference /workshops and 75% percent coaches not present their coaching
problem and result of Physical education and Sports Conference or
workshops. Its means high percentage of coaches not discussion their result
and problems about coaching and performance.
Table: 4.1.14
Qualification degree or diploma in Coaching
Frequency Percent Valid Percent
yes 6 30.0 30.0
Valid No 14 70.0 70.0
Total 20 100.0 100.0

Interpretation: Table No. 4.1.14 Show that the 30% percent coaches only
qualified degree or diploma t and 70% coaches not qualified their degree or
diploma. Its means higher coaches lack of knowledge about coaching.

Table: 4.1.15
Observation visits to other sports club
Frequency Percent Valid Percent
yes 11 55.0 55.0
Valid No 9 45.0 45.0
Total 20 100.0 100.0

Interpretation: Table No. 4.1.15 Show that the 70% percent coaches’
observation visits to other sports club and 30% coaches not observation visits
to other sports club. Its means higher coaches good observation or visit to
other sports club.

Table: 4.1.16
Individual or collaborative research on a topic of interest to you
Frequency Percent Valid Percent
yes 7 35.0 35.0
Valid no 13 65.0 65.0
Total 20 100.0 100.0

Interpretation: Table No. 4.1.16 Show that the only 35% percent coaches
individual or collaborative research on a topic of interest to you professionally
and 65% coaches individual or collaborative research on a topic of interest to
you professionally. Its means y lower coaches actual interested collaborative
research on a topic of interested to you professionally

Table: 4.1.17
Peer observation and coaching, as part of a formal competitions
Frequency Percent Valid Percent
yes 8 40.0 40.0
Valid no 12 60.0 60.0
Total 20 100.0 100.0

Interpretation: Table No. 4.1.17 show that the only 40% percent coaches
Peer observation and coaching, as part of a formal competitions arrangement
and 60% coaches not Peer observation and coaching, as part of a formal
competitions arrangement. Its means lower coaches observation and coaching,
as part of a formal competitions arrangement.

Table No.4.1.18
Reading related literatures, Journal evidence base paper for coaching
Frequency Percent Valid Percent
Yes 7 35.0 35.0
Valid No 13 65.0 65.0
Total 20 100.0 100.0

Interpretation: Table No. 4.1.18 show that the only 35% percent coaches
Reading related literatures, Journal evidence base paper for coaching and 65%
coaches not reading related literatures, Journal evidence base paper for
coaching. Its means lower coaches reading journal related to coaching’s.

Table No. 4.1.19

Using ICT Technique for sports coaching
Frequency Percent Valid Percent
Yes 7 35.0 35.0
No 13 65.0 65.0
Total 20 100.0 100.0
Interpretation: Table No. 4.1.19 show that the only 35% percent coaches
Using ICT Technique for sports coaching and, 65% coaches not Using ICT
Technique for sports coaching. Its means lower coaches Using ICT Technique
for sports coaching.

Table No: 4.1.20

Student counseling during practice or competitions period
Frequency Percent Valid Percent
Yes 8 40.0 40.0
Valid No 12 60.0 60.0
Total 20 100.0 100.0

Interpretation: Table No. 4.1.20 show that the only 40% coaches do Student
counseling in practice or competitions period and 60% coaches not doing
students counseling for practice and competitions periods. Its means lower
coaches doing counseling to the students.

Graph: 4.1.7
Coaching Knowledge Scale Percentage Yes or No

Yes/No In % 40
10 Yes
0 No

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
4.2 Discussion of the Study
The resulted study shows the effect of socioeconomic status and SES
factors on Zonal and All India Inter University level wrestling players. In the
present study, Socio economic status of the of Solapur District player was
low level Was higher than that o Socio-economic status refer to the social and
economic position occupied by parents in the society, It is defined as a level
made up of individuals who deem themselves equal due to similarities in
family background, level of education, occupation, towards social issues
.Observed that the social status of individuals is a reflection of their economic
status and he went further to explain that socio-economic status is usually a
measure of the income and occupation of the individual, irrespective of his
Sports performance or social standing. According to him this has a tremendous
influence on player’s performance. Though the above statements of the
literature reviewed supports the present study. We found that socio economic
status factors in player’s sports play a major role in performance, ability and
spirit to play and accomplish their game of achievement.
Comparison of SES scales in (n = 208) Among 208 families surveyed
at urban and rural area, it was observed from that majority of High SES
wrestling group score 23 (11.06 %) its means very low other class of SES
that’s why this SES scores affect the players performance because of we
studied the review of related literatures SES class was higher than
performance is also higher. , Medium SES wrestling Group score 100 (35.71
%) and Low SES wrestling group score 93(33.21 %) we observed that in this
study highest percentage of Middle SES class and second highest of Low SES

4.3 Result of the Study

1. Comparison of SES scales in (n = 208) Among 208 families surveyed

at urban and rural area, it was observed from Table 4.1 that, majority
of High SES wrestling group score 23 (11%), Medium SES wrestling
Group score 100 (48 %) and Low SES wrestling group score 93(43.5
%) When the same families Modified Kuppuswamy scale was applied.
2. Descriptive Statistics of SES Wrestling Players the mean of SES
Wrestling Players 14.60 with .55, Std. Mean Error is .546
3. Descriptive Statistics Winners Wrestling Players the mean of Winner
Wrestling Players .077 with .27, and Std Mean Error is .0185
4. Descriptive Statistics Losers Wrestling Players the mean of Losers
Wrestling Players .94 with .23 and Std Mean Error is .016
5. Correlation between SES Wrestling Players and Winners Wrestling
players was 0.093 which was statistically Significant at 0.05 level of
significance (p=0.1.83).
6. Correlation between SES Wrestling Players and Losers Wrestling
players was -.107 which was statistically Significant at 0.05 level of
significance (p=0.124.
7. The mean of SES Scores wrestling group is 17.56 with S.D of 8.71,
8. The Pearson correlation between SES and Winner Players was .537
which was statistically Significant at 0.05 level of significance
9. the mean of SES and Losers players is .81 with S.D of .40
10. The Pearson correlation between SES and Losers Players was -.537
which was statistically Significant at 0.05 level of significance.
11. The mean of Physical education and Sports Conference /workshops
present their result and discussion coaching problems 12.40 and std
deviation of 5.64., mean of Qualification (e.g. degree)12.00 and std.
deviation of 4.70., Mean of Observation visits to other sports club
11.60 and std. deviation of 3.76., mean of Individual or collaborative
research on a topic of interest to you professionally 11.20 and std.
deviation of 2.82., mean of Mentoring peer observation and coaching,
as part of a formal competitions arrangement11.20 and std. deviation
of 2.82., mean of Reading related literatures, Journal evidence base
paper for coaching 10.80 and std. deviation of 1.88., mean of Using
ICT Technique for sports coaching 10.80 and std. deviation of 1.88.,
mean of Student counseling 9.60 and std. deviation of .94.

12. The 25% percent coaches only present their coaching problem and
result of Physical education and Sports Conference /workshops and
75% percent coaches not present their coaching problem and result of
Physical education and Sports Conference or workshops. Its means
high percentage of coaches not discussion their result and problems
about coaching and performance.

13. The 30% percent coaches only qualified degree or diploma t and 70%
coaches not qualified their degree or diploma. Its means higher
coaches lack of knowledge about coaching.

14. The 70% percent coaches’ observation visits to other sports club and
30% coaches not observation visits to other sports club. Its means
higher coaches good observation or visit to other sports club.

15. The only 35% percent coaches individual or collaborative research on

a topic of interest to you professionally and 65% coaches individual or
collaborative research on a topic of interest to you professionally. Its
means y lower coaches actual interested collaborative research on a
topic of interested to you professionally.

16. The only 40% percent coaches Peer observation and coaching, as part
of a formal competitions arrangement and 60% coaches not Peer
observation and coaching, as part of a formal competitions
arrangement. Its means lower coaches observation and coaching, as
part of a formal competitions arrangement.

17. The only 35% percent coaches Reading related literatures, Journal
evidence base paper for coaching and 65% coaches not reading related
literatures, Journal evidence base paper for coaching. Its means lower
coaches reading journal related to coaching.

18. The only 35% percent coaches Using ICT Technique for sports
coaching and, 65% coaches not Using ICT Technique for sports
coaching. Its means lower coaches Using ICT Technique for sports
19. The only 40% coaches do Student counseling in practice or
competitions period and 60% coaches not doing students counseling for
practice and competitions periods. Its means lower coaches doing
counseling to the students.

5.1 Summary
Present research and previous literatures state on sports sociology and
the importance of the Socio-Economic status of athlete, because it directly
affects the performance of the athlete. Socio-economic status is an important
factor in sports success. The sport is an important ingredient in a democratic
society. As an individual's socio-economic status may influence his choice of
activity, in which he take part effectively and performed the skills with a high
level of motivations. It has been recognized that socio-economic factors play a
vital role in an individual’s performance in sports. The Socio-economic status
make-up of an individual plays an important role in their achievements in
every field of life. Considerable research have been conducted on the socio-
economic status of sports persons, individuals sport players. But very few
research studies are available in published from on socio-economic status of
on sports like team and individual game players. There are many
psychological factors like socio-economic status attitudes, motives, spectators,
self concept, motivation, adjustment etc., which influence the participation and
performance of sportsmen in games and sports. The socio-economic status of
the group and the status of an individual in his group influence competitive
and co-operative behavior for different reasons and the different factors that
those motivating people in the middle and upper economic group influencing
the well being of the players.
On the basis of this background the investigator notes that Socio-
Economic status has permanent influence in sports performance. In the State,
National and All India level research on Socio-Economic status was much
limited, therefore, the present study on A Study on Socio-Economic Status of
All India Inter University players in Solapur University. For this study
descriptive under survey methods was used. A questionnaire and coaching
knowledge scale on socioeconomic status was administered to the subject. The
questionnaire on the Socio-Economic Status of Kuppuswamy’s, (Revised
2012) on wrestling players and Coaching Knowledge scale for wrestling

coaches were administered. For this research the investigator selected the
sample by using the convenience sampling method to represent the population.
The male wrestling players and coaches of the Solapur District University
were considered as the total sampling of the study. The sampling of the study
was 208 n = (208) male for zonal, 16 for All India Inter University level
wrestling players and 20 (n =20) coaches were used for the survey. The data
was collected at inter zone wrestling competitions. For the data collection the
tool were for the Socioeconomic Status Scale developed by Kuppuswamy’s,
(Revised, 2012) and coaching knowledge scale developed by the experts
opinions. The specific tool measures, SES for Low class, SES for Middle
Class and SES for High class and correlation were observed between SES
class and their performance. The research showed that Middle SES class was
higher of other classes and SES positive correlated for performance of the
wrestling players. When the coaching knowledge of coaches Scale was
analyzed, it was found that the coaches had lower knowledge of their
professional fields.

5.2 Conclusion
1. The present research found that the lower SES class had lower sports
performance and achievement as compared to higher SES class.
2. Due to adverse environment and lack of skills the players from low SES are
at risk for daily practice difficulties and more slowly.
3. Players with higher SES class were more likely to be proficient on skills
and performance than players with lower SES class
4. Significant difference was found between the socioeconomic status of and
winner wrestlers of zonal payers on the basis of SES groups of Solapur

5. Significant difference was found between the socioeconomic status of the

players and Loser wrestler’s zonal payers on the basis of SES groups of
Solapur University.

6. Significant difference was found between the socioeconomic status and

winners wrestlers in All India Inter University players on the basis of SES
groups of Solapur University.
7. Significant difference was found between the socioeconomic status and
Losers wrestlers for Sholapur All India Inter University players on the basis of
SES groups.

8. While testing the Coaches knowledge scale it was found that the coaches
had lower knowledge of their professional fields.

This research shows that Middle SES class was higher than other SES
classes. SES influences the achievement of the wrestling players performance
level. The result of this research showed the difference between high and low
socio-economic status groups. It is found that the Sports achievement was
influenced by the socio-economic status and those who were from the high
socio-economic status showed better performance. When analyzed the
Coaching knowledge scale it was found that the lower of knowledge their
professional field.
On the basis the finding and discussion given in this research it can be
concluded that the socioeconomic-status factors plays a vital role in wrestling
players in an enhances the performances to achieve the goal. While testing the
Coaches knowledge scale it was found that the coaches had lower knowledge
of their professional fields.
From the above finding and discussion the hypothesis H1, H2 are accepted.
5.3 Recommendation of the study
On the basis of the Findings of the present research, the following
recommendations were given by the researcher. These are follows.

1. It is recommended that the sports facilities of Solapur university

players should be increase.
2. Every college should be well equipped with sports facilities and
financial support also should be provided to the players for the better
3. It is recommended that All India Inter University players should be
providing scholarship.
4. The present study is useful to Physical education teachers, trainers,
coaches and policy makers for further plan of action regarding to
wrestling game and players.
5. For attracting more students in such games like wrestling which is
individual game more awareness must be created.
6. Government should supply necessary facilities to the players college
and university for the development of individual game.

5.4 Topics for further research

1. Socio-Economic Status and its Impact on of Team and Individual Game

Players performance athletics track and field events.

2. The Impact of Sports players Socio-economic Background on Sports and

Academic Performance in Solapur Universities.

3. Relationship between Socioeconomic Status, Physical Fitness status,

Health Status, Psychological behaviors of Solapur University players.

4. Comparative Study of Physical Fitness Components of college in Relation

to Their Socio-economic status.

5. The study on the Relationship of Personality Traits and Socio-Economic

Status of Science and Arts faculty Sports person.

6. A study of socio economic status and psychological factors potentiates the

playing ability among low and high performers of state level football players.

Table of Contents Page

Title i
Declaration ii
Certificate iii
Acknowledgements iv
Table of contents vi
List of Tables ii
List of Graph viii
List of Appendices ix
Chapter I
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Mythological Reference to Wrestling 3
1.2 Ancient History of Wrestling 3
1.3 Types of Wrestling in India 3
1.4 Wrestlers in India 3
1.5 History of Wrestling in Olympic 11
1.5.1 Born to Wrestle 11
1.5.2 When in Greece 11
1.5.3 Greco-Roman Breaks Through 12
1.5.4 Catch Wrestling Grabs Attention 12
1.5.5 Freestyle to Follow 13
1.5.6 FILA Unites the World 12
1.5.7 The Rise of Women's Freestyle 14
1.5.8 Wrestling with Tomorrow 15
1.6 Types of Socioeconomic factors 15
1.6.1 Socio Economic Status 18
1.6.2 Education and Socioeconomic Status 22
1.6.3 SES affect of Society 22

Table of Contents Page No
1.6.4 SES and Education Issue 22
1.6.5 SES and Family Resources 23
1.6.6 SES Academic and Sports Achievement 23
1.6.7 Psychological Health 24
1.6.8 Sports Sociology 24
1.6.9 College Environment 25
1.6.10 Family Background 25
1.7 Statement of the Research 26
1.8 Need and Significance of the Research 26
1.9 Objectives of the Research 27
1.10 Scope of the Research 27
1.11 Limitation of the study 28
1.12 Delimitation of the study 28
1.13 Operational Definitions of Important terms 28
1.14 Hypotheses of the Research 28
1.15 Assumptions 29
2 Chapter II 30
Review Related and Literature 30
3 Chapter III 62
Research Methodology 62
3.1 Research Method 62
3.2 Selection of the method 62
3.3 Tools and technique of the Research 63
3.4 Selection of the tools and technique 63
3.5 Population and Sampling 66
3.6 Selection of the sampling 66
3.7 Procedures of the research 67

Table of Contents Page
3.7.1 Pilot Study 67
3.7.2 Collection of the data 67
3.7.3 Administration of Questionnaires for players 68
3.7.4 Administration of Questionnaires for coaches 69
3.6.5 Orientation to the subjects 69
3.7.6 Orientation to the coaches 70
4 Chapter IV 71
Collection Analysis and Interpretation of the Data 71
4 Introduction 71
4.1 Analysis of the Data 71
4.1.1 Analysis of the Scale which given of Wrestler 71
4.2.1 Analysis of the Scale which given of Coaches 78
5 Chapter V
Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations 87
5.1 Summary 87
5.2 Conclusion 88
5.3 Recommendation of the study 89
5.4 Topic for further research 90
Bibliography 84
Appendices 90

List of Table

Table of contents

3.3 Socioeconomic Status Scale 64

3.4 Coaching Knowledge Scale 65
3.6.1 Sampling of the Study (Players) 59
3.6.2 Sampling of the study (Coach’s) 60
Raw Score SES achievements of wrestling players in zonal 72
4.1.1 competitions with interpretation
4.1.2 Descriptive Statistics SES Wrestling Players 74
4.1.3 Descriptive Statistics Winners Wrestling Players 74
4.1.4 Descriptive Statistics Losers Wrestling Players 75
Correlations Between SES Wrestling Players and Winners 75
4.1.5 Wrestling players
Correlations SES Wrestling Players and Winners Wrestling 75
4.1.6 players
All India Inter University Wrestling Competitions Players SES 76
4.1.7 Scores of Winners and Losers Players
4.1.8 Descriptive Statistics of SES Wrestling Players 77
4.1.9 Pearson Correlation between SES and Winner Wrestling Players 77
4.1.10 Descriptive Statistics of Losers Wrestling Players 77
4.1.11 Pearson Correlation between SES and Losers Wrestling Players 78
4.1.12 Coaching knowledge scale. 78
Physical education and Sports Conference /workshops present 80
4.1.13 their result and discussion coaching problems.
4.1.14 Qualification degree or diploma in Coaching 80
4.1.15 Observation visits to other sports club 81
Individual or collaborative research on a topic of interest to you 81
4.1.16 professionally
Peer observation and coaching, as part of a formal competitions 81
4.1.17 arrangement

Reading related literatures, Journal evidence base paper for 82
4.1.18 coaching
4.1.19 Using ICT Technique for sports coaching 82
4.1.20 Student counseling during practice or competitions period 77

List of Graph

Figure Page No.

No. Title of Graph
4.1.1 Distribution of scores according to, their Socio Economic
Status Scale
4.1.2 Distribution of scores according Socio Economic Status Class 73
Distribution of scores according to, their Socio Economic Status 73
4.1.3 Class lost in zonal competitions.
Distribution of scores according to, their Socio Economic Status 74
4.1.4 Class winner in Zonal Competitions.
Distribution of scores according to, their Socio Economic Status 76
4.1.5 in AIIU competitions.
4.2.6 Coaching Knowledge scale Mean and SD 79
4.2.7 Coaching Knowledge scale Percentage Yes or No 83


1. Introduction
Since1 the inspection of civilization, game have been playing important
role in the life of human being. With the rise in education, all spheres of man
have been affected. Sports are no exception. Now a day’s government and non-
government organizations are taking keen interest in promoting the sports. It is
very correct to say that sports have become part and parcel of life. Without
sports, our life is like a tree without flowers and fruits. A sport is essentially that
aspect of human activity which strengthens the integration of the body and
mind. It is also pointed out in the literature that such performance provides
stimulation to the center nervous system to such an extent that the
underdeveloped, dead or dying cell will ether be rehabilitated of their function
will be assumed by other or newly generated cells. Van Dalen (1971) contents
that Greeks were the first civilized people to lay an equal emphasis on the
cultivation of the “Man of Action” (Physical Persons) and the “Man of Wisdom”
(Mentally sound persons) through games, sports and vigorous activities. They
were of the considered opinion that intellectual achievement could not be
possible without physical efficiency. ‘Sports’, in view of Vanderzwag and
Sheehan is higher order of playful games. The play spirits never completely
disappear from sports. Sports retain play like quality as one of the
characteristics. Sports in its purest and most complete from occurs in game
situations. As games becomes more organized or format form jump rope to the
World Series, rules becomes more codified and consequently more binding.
Sports, as known today, fall more on the structured side of game-rule
continuum. By its very nature, a sport is generic, referring to a type activity
rather a specific activity. In the general sense, a sport is compared to music, art,
literature, science and religion. One outstanding feature of sport is its play like
nature as it as it origins to playful attitudes. Similar views on the nature of sports
have been expressed Wrestling is the most important game since the ancient
times. It is one of the oldest sports not only in India but also

Shodhganga., Retrieved June 22, 2013 from Shodhganga., Web Site:
in the world. When Olympic started, there were only two events were
conducted i.e. wrestling and athletics.

Wrestling is the father of all other sports and games. In Indian sports
and culture, wrestling traces its origin for beyond then pre-classic days of
Ramayana and then Mahabharata. The most adorable epic characters of the
great wrestlers like the mighty Hunuman and Mahabali Bhima in
Ramayana and Mahabharata respectively are the glaring evidence of the social
recognition of their combat modus and the closest marital art in its different
forms. India is also participating in the modern Olympic Games from the
starting 19th Century.

Wrestling2 makes a man healthy, active and smart. Pluto’s statement

“Sound mind in a sound body” can comes into play only by doing wrestling. It
is also a big fact wrestling is the cheapest among all the games. Hercules was a
famous wrestler of Greece and even today his name is treated as the pride of
the common man, a necessity for the soldier and life-breath of the nation.
Even now its popularity is immense in the International Sport as it forms part
of the world and Olympic Games. Indeed this game is very popular in the
countries like U.S.A.S., Germany, Hungary, U.S.S.R., Belgium, Turky, Cuba,
Iran, Tutkistan and Italy.
Wrestling in India is considered as one of the most ancient and oldest
sports, and has glorious past. The game of Wrestling started its journey in
India several centuries back, during the middles ages. Wrestling is counted
amongst the most prestigious and oldest events in the Olympic Games, as it
was included in the Olympics in 708 BC. In the ancient times, Wrestling in
India was mainly used as a wonderful way to stay physically fit. It was also
used as a great way of military exercise without any weapons. Wrestling in
India is also known as `dangal` and it is the basic form of a wrestling



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