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It isn’t surprising that a majority of acquisitions fail to achieve their
projected growth objectives because of the unique challenges
associated with merging an acquired enterprise. Organizations
with outward bias do not comprehend the internal ground work
and preparation required to ready themselves to meet these M&A
challenges or worse, simply choose to ignore them.

To respond to the fast-paced and Identify and clearly company trying to buy assets to expand
changing business environment, and into a new market segment through
communicate business
competitive landscape, organizations are acquisition. The sales and marketing
increasingly looking at growing through
objectives and expected leadership needs to understand the
acquisitions. Leveraged as a mechanism synergies impact of the merger on its own brand
for diversification, the acquisition Most senior executives spend considerable and customer perception, and identify
route provides organizations a faster effort in developing the rationale and synergies and gaps in alignment with its
way to increase market share, acquire considerations for a potential acquisition. business model with that of the acquired
new assets, or expand in new markets. While in many cases, these considerations company. With this information, the
Though a successful acquisition results in align with the business objectives executives can now build a plan to address
improved market position and increased strategically, little attention is paid to any mismatch in customer perception
shareholder value, acquisitions are widely identifying meaningful operational sources including proactive marketing campaigns
considered risky and demanding events. that will ultimately deliver the anticipated or brand repositioning efforts.
Most independent research indicates that value. Successful executives ensure that
M&A activity has an overall success rate of
Instead the leadership must translate the quantifiable measurements (KPIs) are
50%-60%. With such a low success rate, the
M&A strategy into an actionable plan that associated with action plans to achieve the
consequences of failure are significant for a
identifies key focus areas for integration desired outcomes. These measurements
mid-market organization growing through
and gives clear direction for execution. also provide clarity to managers regarding
The leadership should also communicate the focus areas and metrics to be used
existing challenges and gaps that could in the evaluation of their performance
pose roadblocks to integration. For relative to integration of the acquired
example, consider a consumer goods company.

However, there are a few key steps that

any executive considering an M&A
strategy can undertake to prepare
his / her organization for a successful Acquisition Strategy
& objectives
Build asset synergies Improve market position Expand in new markets
Identify and communicate

1 objectives, expected synergies,


How What are How to How What are How to How What are How to
and associated KPIs Value is Operational measure Value is Operational measure Value is Operational measure
created? Activities? outcome? created? Activities? outcome? created? Activities? outcome?

2 Build a futuristic and scalable

enterprise and business platform

Leverage strategic objectives as

Regulatory &
Approach for People/Culture Business Process Supporting
the prioritization framework to compliance
merger considerations harmonization Infrastructure
make tradeoff decisions

4 Select the right team to manage

the integration
Build a scalable enterprise flux of business dynamics. Functional

5 Invest in building a dynamic

organizational culture
business platform
One common thread running through the
agility can be achieved through building
business processes and supporting systems
in a modular way to support transactions
Building a merger-ready organization is profile of companies achieving successful of different types. Leading organizations
an ongoing and continuous effort, and acquisition is that they were able to bring are often thinking about changing market
following these five steps will result in a on board new business models in an trends and operating models to support
efficient manner. future revenue streams. They intentionally
strong platform to realize the benefits of
merger and acquisition. In an acquisition, functional agility is the invest in building business capabilities
predominant capability that helps an that enable and support multiple sell-side,
organization to thrive amidst the constant fulfillment and customer service models.

External Document © 2018 Infosys Limited

Supporting Multiple Business Models

Channels Revenue Pricing Fulfillment Invoice Payment Service

Transactional List Price

Direct/Web Manufacture Prepaid Cash/Cheque Field
Subscription Bunding
Retail Resell One Time Wire/ACH Call Center
Project Discount
Partner Trade Periodic Credit Card Self-Serve
Pay-as-you-Go Custom

Process Value Chain

To promote business agility, organizations with respect to shared objectives and strategic priority ranking / rating for the
are moving towards flexible technology synergies associated with the merger. value themes to signify their relative
architectures that provide for easily Limited resources and time often force prioritization. This construct provides a
configurable and adaptable systems. the integration team to make tradeoffs, clear indication of which activities are most
In addition to providing a short and and evaluating the direct impact of the critical to realize the desired benefits.
agile development cycle, these systems outcomes of these tradeoffs on the overall
The decision framework also builds
leverage the cloud-computing architecture success of the merger is crucial for decision
confidence around decisions being
supporting XaaS (anything / everything making.
made as they are based on qualitative
as a service) business models. More
A simple decision framework based and quantitative analysis that can
importantly, they enable multiple
on strategic objectives can provide an be substantiated. Another benefit is
functional and service models with
analytical step-by-step approach mitigation of decision risk through reduced
each primary function having several
time to close complex decisions, improved
pre-defined, standard options that the to gather and prioritize merger activities.
quality of decisions, and fewer revisions.
business can choose from. The models can Further simplification is possible by
It also creates broader ownership and
be used by the acquiring company based grouping activities into value themes
commitment to decisions through multiple
on the needs of the target company’s that deliver a specific business benefit.
levels of the organization.
customer groups and services offered. Senior management can then determine
The availability of service models avoids
significant business change management
Ease of Execution

effort and results in improved adoption. 7

However, merely adopting new technology 6
2 9
3 11
architecture is not a guarantee of agility 17
unless the business leaders foster 10 4

appropriate organizational culture, policies 6 12 10

and structure. 11
5 14

4 8

Leverage strategic objectives

10 7

as the prioritization 1
9 7

framework to make tradeoff

10 2 4
11 1 3
decisions 2

14 8 3
Executing post-merger activities 11 6 4

successfully in a newly formed fluid 7 3

1 7

environment requires more than just 12

good governance and implementation
Synergy Value
rigor; it also requires understanding of
the valuation of each activity / project

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Select the right team to critical roles, how to involve them in the future pushes employees to disengage
acquisition process, and when to leverage themselves from their jobs. Such
manage the integration
their expertise. It is also crucial to build withdrawal may make them impervious to
A common practice for most acquirers and continuously nurture this team of change management tools and techniques,
is to deploy a corporate strategy and individuals that serve as a conduit for the adversely impacting productivity, and
development team not just to get the deal transition. ultimately, the success of the acquisition.
inked but also to oversee and execute
In today’s competitive environment, most A nimble and agile organization
integration activities. This arrangement
organizations operate a lean organization provides a strong foundation for change
could lead to two detrimental outcomes
and hence, investing in key individuals who management. Agility cultivates people’s
– the potential benefits expected from
will drive the acquisition and transition readiness to adapt quickly to achieve the
the deal are not aligned with realities on
activities comes at a cost. Moving people strategic and synergy objectives of an
the ground, and the line managers are
away from their day jobs to work on these acquisition. Support for developing this
unlikely to embrace their synergy targets
activities requires either back-filling their agility needs to start at the leadership level.
as they were not part of the objective
roles or asking people to work extended Leaders should act as primary change
setting process. To avoid these pitfalls,
hours. It is important that organizations agents by creating a vision and by setting
successful organizations tend to involve put together a compelling incentive plan
the functional leaders very early in the up a learning organization. They should
for these people to drive the motivation
process to identify synergy opportunities, embed learning principles into employee
and deliver results. In addition to monetary
to develop a realistic valuation, and to plan goal setting and rewards, and should
benefits, the incentives could include
the integration process and timelines. This recognize change-ready behavior. Giving
better career prospects owing to their M&A
also ensures that clear accountability for people as much empowerment and control
successful integration is established well in over their work as possible and involving
advance during the due diligence process. Invest in building a dynamic them in decisions that affect their work is

The acquisition lifecycle demands

organizational culture also important. Lastly, organizations that
focus on continuous improvement are
different sets of skills, expertise and By its very nature, a merger entails new likely to be more adaptable in embracing
seniority at different stages of the process. organizational culture, processes, and
Individuals driving this process should be experiences for the people involved.
capable professionals who are experts in Ensuring the adoption and acceptance of In summary, our experience reveals
functional areas, business integration, and this new entity in the hearts and minds that the most successful acquisition
managing cultural change. They should of employees is always more challenging integrations are built on a strong
be able to clearly define the vision for than purely implementing processes foundation of merger-ready, flexible
the future operating model to achieve and systems. As the speed of business and scalable organizations. The five
the benefits. This team of people will integration ramps up to realize the principles discussed prescribe the set of
design and implement the processes and acquisition benefits, the pace of changes transformational activities that will shape
organization for the combined entity. can produce proportionately higher the organization, people and its culture to
Organizations need to precisely determine resistance. Another problem that occurs make them ready to garner the benefits of
the appropriate candidates to fill these during a merger is uncertainty about their merger synergies.

About the author

Deepak Pajankar is an associate partner in the Management Consulting practice of Infosys for Energy, Communications & Services industries
and has extensive experience in leading M&A and business transformation programs.

For more information, contact

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