A Biofuel Made of Whiskey

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A Biofuel Made Of Whiskey

Have you ever imagined that by someday in the future what we called “dangerous” (as
the drinks we see in the picture), will have been considered a solution for a global
problem? What I’m going to talk about is a clear example of how advanced science is.
And to be more specific, science in Scotland, being able to take a simple drink and
convert it in the world most popular sensation. How did they do that? With this:

The Scots turned it into the national drink and called it “water of life”, but in 2010,
microbiologist Martin Tangney gave whiskey, which is abundant in Scotland, a different
use transforming it as a drink not only for people, but for cars too. It turns out that
Scotch scientists have invented a new kind of biofuel utilizing the traditional Scotch
whiskey and assure that in some years, will have replaced diesel.

This new biofuel has a component called biobutanol that, according to the experts,
generates 30% more power than ethanol, and uses products derived from whiskey. I
would like to point out that, to use this biofuel, there is no need to modify car engines.
Celtic Renewables, the company that created this biofuel, has been compensated with
an amount of 9 million pounds sterling to build a commercial biobutanol plant that by
next year, will have been fully finished.

I want to emphasize that this new source of energy has natural components, so there’s
no risk of an exposition or contamination of toxic gases. I mean, nobody has died for
smelling alcoholic drinks. Of course, this has occasioned a big controversy between
petrochemical industries, but as this biofuel has proved not to have disadvantages,
especially by the fact that doesn’t affect the environment, people has reacted

To conclude, it’s important to note that there are many companies that are trying to
find alternative energy sources that we can use because the usual energy sources, such
as oil, are running out. The specialists say that by 2050, oil will have ran out, and
without oil, that means: no gasoline, no paints, no detergent, and no asphalt… the
earth would be a chaos. I think, this is a good incentive for the companies that are in
that search of sources since the shortage is every day more, and also, this shows that
it’s not necessary to go so far in search of solutions, sometimes the solution may be in
our own territory.

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