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Mindful Music - Helping Children Self Regulate

with Music & Movement

People who dance once a week decrease their chance of Alzheimer’s and dementia by 79%.
(Verghese, 2003). Playing a musical instrument decreases it by 69%. (Churchill, 2002).

I Like to Jump (Music Makes Me Wanna Move)

*Children need to develop their motor skills.
*Social Interaction and Proper Touch

Time to Stretch
Teaches children to get their bodies ready to learn / focus / wake up

Ah. Breath!
Breathing is an important part of relaxing. When stressed, proper breathing brings
the heart rate down and lessens the stress.

Relax. Ah!
This used to be used in behavior modification.
When you squeeze a muscle, hold it and then relax, it helps to take the stress out
of that part of the body. Doing this for the whole body, one part at a time, de-stresses

I’m a Rag Doll

Tell what a rag doll is. (They may not know)
Teaches direction, following instructions
Ends in a Child’s Pose (Yoga) Show this before you do the song
Being healthy involves –
Sleep - Nutrition – Exercise – Hyrdration - Sunshine
Sunshine regulates you pineal gland (bio clock) and supplies Vitamin D

Time to Drink Some Water - Take a break to hydrate. Habits developed by age 7

BRAIN FACT Moving activates muscle memory, which is helpful for students who
can only learn by moving . (Hannaford, 2005

M O V E Move!
Spells word – Move. Listening skills. Body Control
Show Me How You Move to the Letter “S”
*In order to sit and write/read, children must have body control
*Each song has words to move to that begin with that letter in a style of music that
also begin with that letter.
You Gotta Laugh (Start the Music)
*Vowel Sounds
*Release of endorphins – importance of laughter

Music helps children explore emotions. The more emotions we expose them to (including
uncomfortable ones ie fear, sadness), the more capable they are of dealing with them
when they happen. Peter Alsop calls this "putting tools in their toolbox".

Bunny Foo Foo (Bk + 4)

Traditional song; fun, nothing valuable taught. Here’s what we can do:
1. Validate that the mouse is hurt;
2. Tell rabbit “Look. The mouse is crying. You hit the mouse. Hitting hurts. You
may not hit.”;
3. Instruct the rabbit to say, “You’re crying because I hit you. Hitting hurts. I
will not hit you again.” (You can teach “I’m sorry” but by itself, it means nothing.)
4. Allow mouse to decide if she wants to play with the rabbit.
a. This teaches there are consequences to negative behavior;
b. Allows mouse to feel safe and in charge of choices; and
c. You do not need to play with someone just because they apologize

Music can make children feel successful – no right or wrong.

PRODUCT So, if you can’t teach that day, don’t criticize.
You – who you give them – is more important!

Having fun makes it easier to learn!

Helps the brain understand the rhythm of language!
Dance with your children!

Baby Dolly Dance

*Following patterns and direction
*Bonding with their ‘baby’
Eyes on Me
Begin by tapping your thighs.
Teacher says “Zippity do, Zippity dee. Everybody’s eyes on me”
Children say “Zippity dee, Zippity do. We’ve got our eyes on you. And our ears, too”
You now have their attention to sit and listen to what is next.
~Attention spans must be built.
~Sitting/listening to a book being read is challenging for some children.

The Unicorn (lyrics by Shel Silverstein)

Optional – if you are comfortable with it
Teaches story - - Invites interaction

Smart Woman Merengue

To be healthy, we must eat right, exercise, hydrate and sleep

Stretchy Band
The band has many benefits – cooperation, strengthen muscles, follow directions

Lining Up
Rituals are important. They help children know what to expect and eliminate stress
Children repeat after you for this song

Shake the Shaker

Putting a small shaker egg in their hands and having them listen to when to shake it
And when to stop, teaches self control. To them, this is a game.

Pretty Scarves
Works on listening skills – directional words
Pay attention to body in space – spatial-temporal reasoning

Boom Boom Beat

Children absolutely LOVE this song.
Hold your hands over your heart for the Boom Boom beat part
Have them pretend to get a toy out of the toybox. Follow the words
At the end, everyone is laying down. Talk to them about breathing.
This is a good time to tell them what to do when they get up

For daily brain facts, visit Music with Mar., Inc on Facebook
Stay in touch on Facebook at Maryann Harman Musicwithmar

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