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Cambridge Primary

Scheme of work – Science Stage 3

This document is a scheme of work created by Cambridge International as a suggested plan of delivery for Cambridge Primary Science Stage 3.
Learning objectives for the stage have been grouped into topic areas or ‘units’. These have then been arranged in a recommended teaching order but
you are free to teach objectives in any order within a stage as your local requirements and resources dictate. The scheme for Science has assumed a
term length of 10 weeks, with three terms per stage and two units per term. An overview of the sequence, number and title of each unit for Stage 3 can
be seen in the table below. The suggested percentage of teaching time to spend on each unit is provided at the beginning of each unit. You should
decide on the amount of teaching time as necessary, to suit the pace of your learners and to fit the work comfortably into your own term times.

Where possible, several suggested activities have been given for each learning objective. Some are short introductory or revision activities and some
are more substantial learning activities. You need to choose a variety of activities that will meet the needs of your learners and cover all of the
requirements of the learning objectives. Scientific Enquiry learning objectives can be taught in the context of any of the learning objectives from the
other strands. Sample activities that particularly focus on a scientific enquiry have been included in each unit where relevant. It is recommended that
you include a wide variety of scientific enquiry in your science teaching.

There is no obligation to follow the published Cambridge International scheme of work in order to deliver Cambridge Primary Science. It has been
created solely to provide an illustration of how delivery might be planned over the six stages. A step-by-step guide to creating your own scheme of work
and implementing Cambridge Primary in your school can be found in the Cambridge Primary Teacher Guide available on the Cambridge Primary
support site. Blank templates are also available on the Cambridge Primary support site for you to use if you wish.

Term 1 Term 2 Term 3

Unit 3.1 Life processes Unit 3.3 Flowering plants Unit 3.5 The senses

Unit 3.2 Materials Unit 3.4 Forces and friction Unit 3.6 Keeping healthy

V1 8Y03 Scheme of work – Science Stage 3 1

Unit 3.1 Life processes
It is recommended that this unit takes approximately 35% of the term.

In this unit, learners:

 revise that plants and animals are living things
 use life processes to identify living things
 use simple features to sort living things into groups.

Scientific Enquiry work focuses on:

 observing and comparing objects, living things and events
 making generalisations and beginning to identify simple patterns in results.

Recommended vocabulary for this unit:

 life processes, living, non-living
 grow, move, reproduce, offspring, nutrition
 observe, group, sort
 features, feathers, scales, hair, fur, gills, fins, legs, arms, wings, beak
 fish, bird, mammal, insect, reptile.

V1 8Y03 Scheme of work – Science Stage 3 2

Framework Learning objective Suggested activities to choose from Resources Comments

3Bh1 Know life processes Learners have previously learned some of the characteristics of
common to humans living things in Stage 1. In particular, living things:
and animals include  can move
nutrition (water and  can grow
food), movement,  need food
growth and  can have offspring.
Identify what learners can recall about the characteristics of
3Bh2 Describe differences living things with activities such as:
between living and  Display three pictures – an animal, a plant and a toy vehicle. Pictures of an animal, a plant, a
non-living things Learners discuss in pairs: Which is the odd one out? Why? toy vehicle.
using What features do these things have in common? Discuss
knowledge of life and share responses as a class. Write up a list of words to
processes describe the odd one out each time.
 Place learners in groups and provide each group with a set
3Bh6 Sort living things into of cards containing pictures of a variety of living and non-
groups, using simple living things. (Maximum 12 cards in a set). Without telling Set of cards including pictures
features and learners your reasoning, have them sort the pictures into two of living things (humans,
describe rationale groups, e.g. things that move and things that do not move. animals and plants) and non-
for groupings Have learners explain why they have sorted them in that living things.
3Eo1 Observe and
compare objects, Humans and animals
living things and Prepare a set of cards with statements about life processes on
events them. These should use the terms expected of a Stage 3 learner Life process statement cards
e.g. moves, grows, reproduces, needs nutrition. Provide the Venn diagrams or hoops.
3Eo5 Make cards to groups of learners.
generalisations and
 Make sure that the learners understand the statements on
begin to identify
the four cards.
simple patterns in
 Learners use a Venn diagram with two intersecting circles;
label the circles ‘Animals’ and ‘Humans’ and place the cards
into the circles. Large hoops can be used to create the Venn

V1 8Y03 Scheme of work – Science Stage 3 3

Framework Learning objective Suggested activities to choose from Resources Comments

diagram rather than drawing, if preferred.

 Discuss and agree that the four statements about life
processes are all true for animals and humans.
 Use this to emphasise that humans are a type of animal; all
the statements that apply to animals also apply to humans.

Watch a video clips, e.g. a robot moving and they watch a

learner moving in class (could be while the video is playing).
Learners compare ways in which a learner and a robot are
alike. Learners then explain how they know the robot is not e.g. robot moving

Animals and plants

Repeat the Venn diagram activity; this time the intersecting
circles are labelled ‘Animals’ and ‘Plants’.
 Learners decide where to place the four life statement cards
(moves, grows, reproduces, needs nutrition).
 If this activity identifies misconceptions that plants cannot
move, then show some time-lapse footage of a plant moving
(e.g. towards a light source). e.g. plants moving towards a
 Emphasise that plants need nutrition. They get water light source
through their roots but they make their own food in their dZ3VKjJEw
 Use this activity to emphasise that plants and animals are
living things and so have the same life processes.

Use pictures of a lamppost and a tree.

Learners compare ways in which they are similar and different.
Learners then explain how they know the tree is alive.

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Framework Learning objective Suggested activities to choose from Resources Comments

3Bh6 Sort living things into Provide learners with pictures of different types of animals (e.g. Pictures of different animals to Note: Major
groups, using simple fish, birds, mammals, insects, reptiles). Learners can spend sort (including examples of fish, classifications such
features and some time identifying the features of each living thing (e.g. birds, mammals, insects and as vertebrate and
describe rationale feathers, scales, hair, fur, gills, fins, legs, arms, wings, beak) reptiles). invertebrate are
for groupings and decide how to sort them into groups. introduced in Stage
3Eo1 Observe and Ask learners to describe the animals in each group and to
compare objects, explain why they have chosen their groups based on the
living things and features the group has in common.
events Pictures of different plants to
Similarly, provide learners with pictures of different types of sort (including examples of
plants to sort. Learners discuss how to sort them into groups trees, small flowering plants,
and explain their decisions. grasses).

V1 8Y03 Scheme of work – Science Stage 3 5

Unit 3.2 Materials
It is recommended that this unit takes approximately 65% of the term.

In this unit, learners:

 extend their knowledge of the range of materials we use and of their characteristic properties
 develop ideas as to why materials are chosen for specific uses.

Scientific Enquiry work focuses on:

 collecting evidence in a variety of contexts to answer questions or test ideas
 suggesting ideas, making predictions and communicating these
 observing and comparing objects, living things and events
 presenting results in drawings, bar charts and tables
 drawing conclusions from results and beginning to use scientific knowledge to suggest explanations.

Recommended vocabulary for this unit:

 materials, object
 hard, soft, shiny, rough, smooth
 properties; waterproof, transparent, transparency, opaque, porous, porosity, absorbency, strength, pliable, coarseness
 insulator, conductor, insulates, conducts
 sort, group, classify.

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Framework Learning objective Suggested activities to choose from Resources Comments

3Cp1 Know that every Place a block of material in a feely bag so that it cannot be Feely bag - a bag made of dark
material has specific seen. Learners try to identify a material simply by using the cloth which objects can be
properties, e.g. hard, sense of touch. Ask learners how they knew what the material placed and learners have to use
soft, shiny was. Discuss the properties of materials that can be explored by their sense of touch to
touch (e.g. hard, smooth, pliable). Are there other properties we determine the object.
cannot determine by touch? Discuss. A selection of blocks of different

Describe a range of properties including (but not limited to): A range of materials with
transparency, porosity, absorbency, hardness, pliability, different properties.
coarseness, heat/electrical conductivity. Learners explore a
range of materials for each property; they discuss what each
property ‘means’.

Play a question game in groups. One player has a material on a Cards of materials. The card
card and answers questions from the group on the material’s has an image and a summary of
properties, e.g. Is it transparent? The card holder uses the card the materials properties to
to answer the question. The winner is the player in the group support answering questions.
who correctly identifies the material on the card. The winner Use common materials the
selects a new material card. learners will be aware of for the

3Cp3 Explore how some Learners look at, and play with, a selection of magnets. Discuss A selection of magnets which Misconception alert:
materials are where they might have seen them before and what each is used can include some magnetic toys Magnetic materials
magnetic, but many for, e.g. fridge magnets, games. Discuss why magnets are only and objects. do not stick or attach
are not attracted to some items. to magnets. There is
no physical
3Ep2 Suggest ideas, Scientific Enquiry activity interaction involved
make predictions What materials are magnetic? Learners will test different A selection of materials to test in a material being
and communicate materials to see if they are magnetic or not. Provide learners with for being magnetic. attracted by a
these magnets and then identify materials around the classroom to test. magnet.
Learners can make predictions on which of the materials are
Observe and magnetic. Learners then test the materials. Record predictions and

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Framework Learning objective Suggested activities to choose from Resources Comments

compare objects, results in a table; the name of the object and  or x to indicate if Misconception alert:
3Eo1 living things and it is magnetic or not. Compare results to predictions. Address Learners may find it
events any misconceptions learners may have. difficult to distinguish
between a magnet
Present results in The learners can make a fishing rod by attaching some string to and a magnetic
drawings, bar charts a drinking straw and fixing a small magnet on the end of the Drinking straws, string, paper material. Magnets
3Eo3 and tables string. Provide the learners with some ‘fish’ with different clips, small magnets, fish cause magnetic
materials as part of them; use some magnetic and some non- shapes, materials/objects. materials to be
Draw conclusions magnetic materials. E.g. a fish with a paperclip, a fish with a attracted to the
from results and rubber, a fish with plastic etc. Have a ‘Go fishing’ competition to magnet. A magnetic
3Eo4 begin to use see who can ‘catch’ the most fish in a given time. Discuss why material will not
scientific knowledge only some of the fish can be picked up. attract or repel
to suggest another magnetic
explanations material/object.

3Cp4 Discuss why Give learners an object made of two or more materials, e.g. a Objects made from two or more
materials are saucepan with a wooden handle; a spoon with a plastic handle; materials.
chosen for specific a shoe with a rubber sole and leather upper. Learners draw the
purposes on the object and add labels that identify which materials have been
basis of their used for the different parts and why these have been chosen.
properties For example, a pair of scissors with metal blades and plastic
3Ep1 handles has: blades made of metal (strong, hard and can be
Collect evidence in a sharpened easily) and plastic handles (easy to shape, more
variety of contexts to comfortable to hold than metal). Learners carry out a class
answer questions or audit of objects and their materials, and why those materials
test ideas have been used.

Ask learners to look at objects in other information sources. Secondary information sources.
Learners identify the materials the objects are made of and
discuss why those materials have been used. This can
introduce learners to uses of materials outside of their personal
experience. For example: What is an aeroplane mostly made of
and why?

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Framework Learning objective Suggested activities to choose from Resources Comments

3Cp4 Discuss why Scientific Enquiry activity Misconception alert:

materials are chosen Learners investigate which paper is the most absorbent. Cup of water, samples of Insulating materials
for specific purposes Introduce the activity by spilling a cup of water and trying to mop different types of paper (e.g. do not keep cold in
on the basis of their it up quickly. What type of paper would do the job well? Discuss writing paper, newspaper, filter or hot out; they
properties the term ’absorbency’ as the ability of a material to soak up paper, absorbent paper). prevent/reduce
water. energy transfer
3Ep2 Suggest ideas, Provide samples of different papers for investigation. Before the between the
make predictions test, learners predict which they think will be most absorbent to environment and a
and communicate least absorbent; they stick samples of each paper, in predicted material, so allowing
these order of absorbency, on a recording sheet. cold things to stay
How can we test this? Consider all reasonable suggestions from cold and hot things
3Ep3 With help, think the learners (see comments). Suggestions for the method may to stay hot. This
about collecting include: dripping drops of water on a sample and waiting to see explains why a coat
evidence and how much drips through; placing paper in a volume of water and on a snowman will
planning fair tests measuring how much water soaks up; soaking a same-sized keep it cold as well
sample in identical volumes of water, wringing it out and as keep someone
3Eo1 Observe and measuring the amount of water squeezed out. Agree on a warm.
compare objects, method and make sure it is a fair test. Learners test the samples Conducting materials
living things and and record the results. Which paper was the best? How do you are better able to
events know? transfer energy,
Present a familiar item made from a new (or different) material. which is why we use
3Eo2 Measure using How could you test if this item performed better than the others? metals for wires as
simple equipment What other materials could we test absorbency for? they allow electrical
and record energy to be more
observations in a Scientific Enquiry activity effectively
variety of ways Learners investigate which paper is the strongest. A selection of different paper transferred through
What type of paper will make the best paper bag? Suggest that bags for testing (e.g. bread them.
Present results in a bag is needed to carry potatoes or vegetables. What property shop, carrier bags, bags for
drawings, bar charts should the paper have to be able to do this? (It has to be holding presents in), different
3Eo3 and tables strong). types of paper, weights.
Show the different types of paper available for testing. Label

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each type of paper. Learners predict which they think will be the
strongest to the weakest.
In groups, plan a test to find out which paper is strongest. Share
ideas with the rest of the class. Agree methods and
demonstrate, if necessary, how to perform the test. Discuss fair Investigation planning sheets.
testing, i.e. same size strip of paper, same type of weight.
Learners carry out the test. They draw a bar chart of results and
compare their predictions with what happened.
Which paper was the strongest? How do you know? Graph paper.

Scientific Enquiry activity

Learners investigate which material is best for keeping a drink
Have you ever let a hot drink cool down when you are busy
doing something else?
Demonstrate to learners how to take the temperature of different
liquids using a thermometer. Learners practise using a Thermometers, liquids e.g.
thermometer; they can record their results. water (iced, cold and hot), juice,
Explain that the learners need to find out which material is best milk, fizzy drink, plastic cups.
for keeping a drink hot. What material is the best insulator?
Provide each group with a small bottle to put the warm water in. Plastic bottles, measuring
Discuss how to make the test fair, e.g. same amount of water, cylinders or jugs, thermometers,
record temperature before and after an agreed time limit, same stopwatches, hot water,
number of layers of wrapping. materials (e.g. fabric, cotton
Give each group different materials to test; learners should wool, bubble wrap, newspaper).
wrap the material around the cup. They record the temperature
before starting, and after finishing, for each material and a bottle
with no covering for comparison (a control). Introduce the term
‘thermal insulator’ to describe something that prevents heat
energy from moving; in this case the heat from the drink is
prevented from moving to the air. Describe the opposite (i.e.
something that allows heat to spread) as a ‘thermal conductor’.
Discuss, if needed, where both properties could be useful.

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Which material was the best thermal insulator? How do you


Scientific Enquiry activity

Learners investigate which material is best for keeping ice cold.
Prior to the lesson make enough ice cubes for one per learner
plus a teacher one. Any shape of mould is suitable for the
How were things kept cool before the invention of fridges and
freezers? (e.g. ice houses, marble shelves, cellars, storing
things in streams).
Explain to the learners that each of them will be given a ‘pet’
ice cube to look after for the remainder of the lesson; the
winner will be the learner who keeps their ice pet the longest. Ice cubes in transparent
Before giving out the ice pets ask the learners to plan what sealable bags, materials (e.g.
methods they might use to stop the ice from melting. fabric, cotton wool, bubble wrap,
Is there anything we could wrap an ice cube in to stop it newspaper).
As a class discuss the observations they will make.
What evidence will we collect?
What do you think would be the worst thing to wrap the ice
cube in? Explain that there will also be one ice cube that will
have nothing done to prevent it from melting, as a control, the
teacher will volunteer their ice pet to be the control.
Give each learner an ice cube in a transparent, sealable bag
and allow them to use the method they planned to prevent their
ice pet from melting.
Ask the winning learner to explain what they did to prevent their
ice cube from melting. Look at the last remaining ice pets.
Which materials were they wrapped in? Do the materials have
anything in common?
Discuss with the learners that insulation makes it hard for
energy (e.g. heat) to move from one place to another. In this ice-

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Framework Learning objective Suggested activities to choose from Resources Comments

cube experiment, the insulation slows down heat from outside

reaching the ice and increasing its temperature enough to cause
the ice cube to melt

Scientific Enquiry activity

Learners investigate which material is harder. Explain that soft
materials crumble and are easily scratched. Hard materials are
more difficult to scratch. Rocks are classified on the basis of
hardness. Granite is a hard rock; talc and chalk are soft rocks. Rock specimens.
Show specimens of each, if available. Wood, modelling clay, rock,
Provide a range of materials on which to carry out a scratch test metal, plastic, rubber (or
to measure their hardness. Demonstrate the method to use and sponge).
discuss how to ensure the test is fair. Make a class prediction Something metal to perform the
for the test. Allow groups time to carry out the investigation. scratch test, e.g. a fork.
Provide a results table for the learners to complete. Results tables.
Which is the hardest/softest material? How do you know?

Scientific Enquiry activity

Learners investigate what materials are porous. Explain that
‘porosity’ is the ability of a material to let water through it.
Learners will test materials to rank them from the most to the
least porous. Range of materials, bottles,
In pairs or small groups, learners talk about how they might do water, stopwatches
this. For example:
 Adding drops of water to samples and observing what
happens to the drops.
 Having a material as a ‘plug’ in an upturned bottle, which is
then filled with water; observing how much water gets
through the material over a given amount of time.
Allow learners to try out their own ideas, if they seem
Which materials are the most porous? How do we know? Could
the investigation be improved?

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Framework Learning objective Suggested activities to choose from Resources Comments

Scientific Enquiry activity

Learners investigate what materials conduct electricity.
Set up an electric circuit with a switch and bulb. Recap Stage 2
learning from electricity. Remove the switch and talk about what
else could be used to complete the circuit. Discuss how some
materials have the property of being able to conduct electricity.
Replace the switch with a selection of objects to see which ones Circuitry equipment; battery,
can complete the circuit. Remind learners that each end of the wires, switch, bulb.
object must touch both wires where the switch has been Range of materials e.g. different
removed. metals, pencil lead/graphite,
Give each group different objects to try, or let them choose. rubber, plastic, paper, wood.
Each group reports their findings back to the rest of the class.
List the materials that bridge the gap.
As a final example, ask learners to predict what will happen
when the wires are put into a cup of water. Demonstrate what
happens. Explain that water is a conductor.
Conclude that objects made of metal can complete the circuit
and water can also conduct electricity; this is why we keep water
away from plugs/electronics. Cup of water.
This demonstration
Scientific Enquiry activity is a good opportunity
Learners investigate the strength of different threads. Invite to discuss with
learners to suggest ways this could be investigated. learners why it is
In pairs, or small groups, learners will plan and carry out their dangerous to mix
investigation. A range of different threads, e.g. electricity and water.
Approve their plans before they begin, making sure that their cotton, fishing line, wool, silk.
suggestion is reasonable and able to be undertaken; an Sticks, forcemeters.
investigation planning sheet will help them to do this more A selection of objects (slotted
independently. masses are ideal).
Learners predict which the strongest thread will be. They carry
out the investigation and draw a bar chart using the results Investigation planning sheet.
obtained. Paper or workbooks, graph

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Framework Learning objective Suggested activities to choose from Resources Comments

Why are some threads stronger than others? What could you paper, rulers.
use each of the different types of thread for?

3Cp2 Sort materials In groups, learners sort materials on the basis of their properties. Range of materials with a range Misconception alert:
according to their Learners write the materials and properties on sticky notes and of properties to sort. E.g. plastic, Ensure there are a
properties use them as the basis for a Venn diagram. They try different a range of metals, paper, wood, range of plastics
ways of sorting, listing the different criteria they try. How many rock samples, glass (if safe to available so learners
ways are there to sort and group the materials? handle). understand different
List the properties in a table for different materials within the materials of the
same group (e.g. metals) and identify what makes them all same type can have
metals. Repeat for other types of materials (e.g. plastics, different properties,
fabrics). e.g. not all plastics
are opaque; not all
metals are magnetic.

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Unit 3.3 Flowering plants
It is recommended that this unit takes approximately 60% of the term.

In this unit, learners:

 revise the parts of a plant and their role in keeping a plant healthy
 extend their learning to understand that plants need water and light to make their own food and grow.

Scientific Enquiry work focuses on:

 suggesting ideas, making predictions and communicating these
 thinking about collecting evidence and planning fair tests, with help
 drawing conclusions from results and beginning to use scientific knowledge to suggest explanations.

Recommended vocabulary for this unit:

 root, stem, leaves, flowers, water, temperature
 healthy, unhealthy, wilt, pot bound.

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Framework Learning objective Suggested activities to choose from Resources Comments

3Bp1 Know that plants Learners have previously learned the names of parts of plants in Photographs of a wide variety of Misconception alert:
have roots, leaves, Stage 1. Begin by seeing if they can identify roots, leaves, plants. Make sure learners
stems and flowers. stems and flowers on a wide variety of plants such as: understand that
 roses, tulips, lilies crops, trees and
 trees such as almond, olive, apple grasses are all
 rice, wheat, potatoes, maize. plants, even if we
don’t always call
Learners draw an unfamiliar example of a tree, a grass and a Pictures (internet or books) of them plants.
flowering plant. They label the roots, stem, leaves and flowers. unfamiliar trees, flowering plants
and grasses.

3Bp2 Explain observations Scientific Enquiry activity Similar flowering plants. In Stage 1, learners
that plants need In Stage 1, learners may have taken part in investigations about Water and watering can (or will have been taught
water and light to plants needing water and light. These can be repeated with measuring jug). that plants need
grow learners having more responsibility for the design of the Equipment for observations or water and light to be
investigation; different groups can complete different measurements (e.g. rule, digital healthy. Now, in
3Ep2 Suggest ideas, investigations. Learners could: camera). Stage 3, they extend
make predictions  use plants that are as similar as possible (e.g. same this learning to begin
and communicate species, similar height, similar appearance) to explain why both
these  describe how they can tell that both plants are growing well. water and light are
 decide what question to answer (e.g. Do plants need water needed.
3Ep3 With help, think to grow? Do plants need light to grow?)
about collecting  predict what would happen if a plant was grown in the dark
evidence and or not watered
planning fair tests  decide how to make a fair test by only changing one variable
at a time
 decide what results to collect (measurements or
 collect their results and write a report giving their conclusion.

Learners may need support in designing a fair test. Variables to

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keep the same are:

 type of plant
 age of plant
 size of plant
 temperature plant is being kept in
 neither plant is pot bound

 volume of water and frequency of watering

light levels.

3Bp5 Know that that plant Scientific Enquiry activity

growth is affected by Learners reflect on their previous scientific enquiry activity and
temperature identify what they have learned about fair tests.

3Ep3 With help, think In groups, learners plan an experiment that would find out if a
about collecting maize plant grows differently in hot and cold places. Ask
evidence and learners to consider the following questions and then write a
planning fair tests method for their experiment:
 How would you change the temperature?
3Eo4 Draw conclusions  What variables would you need to keep the same?
from results and  What would you measure?
begin to use
scientific knowledge Then give learners some data to analyse. Discuss the data and Data which can be based from
to suggest what it shows. What conclusions can we make from this data? research e.g. https://ars.els-
(this will need making into a
table so it is accessible to

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3Bp2 Explain observations Roots Misconception alert:

that plants need Learners look at pot-bound plants and re-pot them. As a class, Ensure learners
water and light to discuss why this will be good for the plant. Elicit the idea that the Pot-bound specimens. understand a plant is
grow plant will be able to grow more roots and therefore take up more Compost and new pots. (generally) passive.
water. It will move/grow to
3Bp3 Know that water is face light and
taken in through the Show pictures of trees grown in pots and in open ground. increase absorption
roots and Learners consider why the trees grown in pots are smaller. Pictures of trees grown in pots of water and
transported through and in open ground. nutrients but it
the stem Show learners examples of plants grown to be very small on doesn’t actively drink
purpose (e.g. bonsai). Ask learners to explain why people who Pictures of bonsai (or similar or ‘suck up’ water or
3Bp4 Know that plants grow bonsai trees use small pots. small trees) in pots. light.
need healthy roots,
leaves and stems to Stem
grow well Show a stick of celery, complete with leaves at the top:
 Talk about the plant parts, identifying the stem, leaves and Stick of celery with leaves. Prepare this the day
where the flowers (if any) and roots would be. before the lesson,
 In pairs, learners talk about what roots do for the plant (take ideally with the
in water and anchor it in the ground). learners. The leaves
 Give each pair a stick of celery that has been standing in may have changed
coloured water overnight. Explain that the colour has been Celery that has been standing in colour slightly, to the
used so that we can see the water. coloured water (e.g. water and same colour as the
 Learners observe it closely, looking at the stem and leaves; food colouring; blue is coloured water it has
they should identify that the coloured water has moved up recommended). been standing in.
the stem in tubes to the leaves.

As a demonstration, you can cut a stick of celery into cross

sections and give each pair a piece of the stem. Learners use Magnifying glasses.
magnifying glasses to observe the dots in the cross section.
‘What are these dots?’ (Explain that the dots are tubes in the

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stem which allow the water to travel from the roots to the

Show a white flower: White flower (e.g. carnation or

 Talk about the plant parts, identifying the stem, leaves and lily). At least 24 hours
where the flowers (if any) and roots would be. A similar, white flower that has before the lesson,
 Show learners a second flower that has been standing in been standing in coloured water cut the flower stem
coloured water overnight. (e.g. water and food colouring). at an angle whilst
 Learners observe it closely, looking at the flower. holding the stem
 They should identify that the coloured water has moved up under the coloured
the stem in to the flower. water. This prevents
air bubbles
Learners draw, or annotate, a diagram to show that water enters becoming trapped in
a plant through the roots and then travels up the stem to the Diagram of a plant. the stem.
other parts of a plant. It can take up to 24
hours for the
coloured water to
travel up the stem
and colour the white

3Bp4 Know that plants Leaves Learners from

need healthy roots, Show learners a picture of a plant showing the roots, stem and Picture of a plant showing the temperate regions
leaves and stems to leaves. Identify which parts of a plant are found underground and roots, shoots and leaves. will know that some
grow well which are found above ground. trees lose their
Elicit the idea that the parts of a plant that need light are the leaves in autumn/fall.
leaves. Explain that plants make their own food, using light as a Explain that this is
source of energy, in their green parts (especially their leaves). because the life
processes within the
Show learners pictures of plants that have unhealthy leaves Pictures of plants with unhealthy tree ‘slow down’ in
such as: leaves. the cold weather,
 wilting leaves and it is more
efficient for the plant

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 yellowing leaves to lose the leaves

 leaves eaten by pests and regrow them
Explain that the plant will no longer be healthy as it cannot make when it is hotter and
its own food. sunnier not because
Give learners some scenarios of damage to plants. Learners they are unhealthy.
predict whether the plant will still be healthy and explain why:
 an animal eats all the leaves of a plant
 insects eat the roots of a plant
 a gardener moves a plant from one place to another and
cuts off its roots
 strong winds break the stem of a plant.

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Unit 3.4 Forces and friction
It is recommended that this unit takes approximately 40% of the term.

In this unit, learners:

 build on previous knowledge of forces and how they can affect the movement and shape of objects
 find out that forces can be measured, using forcemeters, and compared
 are introduced to friction, i.e. a force created between solid objects when they rub against each other and which acts against the direction of
 learn that forces have direction and can vary in size.

Scientific Enquiry work focuses on:

 suggesting ideas, making predictions and communicating these
 thinking about collecting evidence and planning fair tests, with help
 observing and comparing objects, living things and events
 measuring using simple equipment and recording observations in a variety of ways
 presenting results in drawings, bar charts and tables
 drawing conclusions from results and beginning to use scientific knowledge to suggest explanations
 making generalisations and beginning to identify simple patterns in results.

Recommended vocabulary for this unit:

 push, pull, friction, motion, direction
 force, forcemeter
 newtons
 weight, mass, speed.

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Framework Learning objective Suggested activities to choose from Resources Comments

3Pf2 Explore how forces Learners choose a material and then describe in Range of materials (including Misconception alert:
can make objects drawings/writing/words: metals, wood, paper, rock A force, if large
start or stop moving  how it can be made to move samples, modelling clay. enough, will always
 how to make it go faster or slower move a mass. This
3Pf3 Explore how forces  how to make it change direction includes when a
can change the  how to make it change shape (if possible). mass changes shape
shape of objects A worksheet designed for this purpose may be helpful for some Worksheet. as the mass is
learners. moving around the
Have some modelling clay and discuss why it can be used to Modelling clay.
make objects. Explain that when a force is applied it changes
the shape of the object; the change occurs where the force is
applied and also beyond that. Learners manipulate the clay;
they describe to each other when they are applying forces and
the effect it has.

Learners roll a ball between them, as a class/. Discuss how they Ball.
start the ball moving (pushing or pulling on it) and how they stop
the ball (they block it and their hand pushes on the ball stopping
it). Present diagrams of the ball with force arrows to show how
forces can be applied to start and stop motion. When discussing
‘stopping’, highlight how one force acts in the opposite direction
to the movement.

3Pf1 Know that pushes Describe how particular toys move using pushes and/or pulls. Selection of toys. Misconception alert:
and pulls are Write and/or draw a diagram to describe how the toys move; Some toys use
examples of forces use the word ‘push’ or ‘pull’ and arrows to describe the direction electrical (or wind
and that they can be of the push or pull. Explain that when anything begins to move it up) motors to move
measured with is the result of a force being applied. which can make it
forcemeters difficult for learners
A learner pushes and pulls a large box (large enough so a to recognise where

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learner can sit in it). Discuss how it moved because a force was Large box the push or pull is
Suggest ideas, applied. Ask another learner to sit in the box. Ask another being applied. Use
3Ep2 make predictions learner to try and push and pull the box now that the learner is toys that only require
and communicate inside. Was it easier or harder to push/pull the box when there a push or pull by
these was someone in it? Which push/pull required more force? Why? hand
Explain that the heavier an object is the more force is required
With help, think to move it.
3Ep3 about collecting
evidence and Scientific Enquiry activity
planning fair tests How can we tell how big a force is?
Give out a variety of forcemeters to pairs (or small groups).
Measure using Compare similarities and differences between them. Why might Forcemeters with different
3Eo2 simple equipment they have different markings on them? Explore how they work. scales.
and record Demonstrate how to use a forcemeter to measure a force.
observations in a Attach the forcemeter to an object and read out the force (in
variety of ways newtons) as you pull. This is the force required to pull this object
on this surface at this speed.
Present results in Hand out a few objects to each pair. Learners measure the force
3Eo3 drawings, bar charts (in newtons) required to make each object just start to move. Objects of any sort (e.g. bricks,
and tables Discuss. Which object required the most force to start it potatoes).
moving? Why? Weigh the objects and link the mass of the
object to the force required.

Scientific Enquiry activity

How can we change the distance we catapult a marshmallow?
Learners make marshmallow catapults; they launch
marshmallows outside by flicking them from a rubber band. Marshmallows, elastic bands,
(Suspend the rubber band between your thumb and index forcemeters.
finger, place a marshmallow on the band and pull/release to
make the marshmallow fly through the air.)
Learners investigate how to change the distance the
marshmallow travels. Who can send the marshmallow the
furthest? How did you do it? What effect does the size of the

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force have? Learners predict how the size of the force affects
the flight of the marshmallow. They measure the force applied,
by using forcemeters to pull back on the elastic bands, and then
compare the forces to the distances travelled. Record the
results in a class table.

Scientific Enquiry activity

Investigate the force required to break a cotton thread. Show a
piece of cotton thread and discuss how learners can find out the
force required to break it. Have learners come up with different
ways of carrying out the investigation. Discuss how they will Cotton reel/thread, forcemeters.
know the size of the force applied when the thread breaks.
Learners carry out the investigation.
Spend time reflecting on their results and looking at any
variation within them; discuss how there can be variation in the
strength of thread that has come from the same cotton reel.

3Pf2 Explore how forces Scientific Enquiry activity Misconception alert:

can make objects Make a tray of ice (large enough to slide an object on). Show Tray of ice, range of objects; Many learners may
start or stop moving learners the tray of ice; discuss the difference in the surface of some rough and some smooth. not realise that it is
the ice to the surface of a carpet, floor, wall, etc. Push an object the thin layer of
3Pf4 Explore how forces, on the ice; discuss how it moves compared to the same object water on top of
including friction, pushed on the floor. Why does the object go further on ice? melting ice that
can make objects Explain that this has to be connected to a difference in forces greatly reduces
move faster or (on the floor/on ice) because forces make things move or stop. friction. This doesn’t
slower or change Describe ‘friction’ as the force between solid objects rubbing need to be explored
direction against each other that acts against the direction of motion. but, if learners notice
Show this with a diagram. the ice is melting,
3Ep2 Suggest ideas, then investigating the
make predictions Have a range of different objects available, some smooth and effect of water on
and communicate some rough. Learners rub pairs of objects against each other in friction could be an
these the combinations: rough-rough, smooth-smooth, and rough-

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Framework Learning objective Suggested activities to choose from Resources Comments

smooth. Discuss which combination took the most force and extension activity.
With help, think which one the least. Explain that friction acts between the
3Ep3 about collecting objects and is a force against the force they apply. Which
evidence and combination has the most friction? Why? Highlight how rough-
planning fair tests rough has the most friction as the materials catch on each other
and there is more surface to rub against. Explain that this is why
Observe and people who go to icy places have spiked shoes, and why you
3Eo1 compare objects, have grips on shoes; in each case the rough surface helps to
living things and prevent slipping.
Scientific Enquiry activity
Measure using Learners will test the effectiveness of grip on footwear. The one
3Eo2 simple equipment with the best grip will produce the most friction when pulled over A range of footwear with
and record a surface. Look at the soles of the shoes the learners are different soles, forcemeters,
observations in a wearing. Compare these with sports footwear, e.g. trainers, ramp (plank).
variety of ways plimsolls. Discuss the differences in the grip on the soles of the
Present results in Learners make wax crayon rubbings of the patterns on the soles Misconception alert:
3Eo3 drawings, bar charts of footwear. They place a piece of thin paper over the footwear Wax crayons or soft pencil, thin Grip is not the same
and tables and rub with a wax crayon (or gently with a soft pencil) to reveal paper. as friction. An object
the pattern. Display the rubbings. with ‘good’ grip
Draw conclusions Which shoes do you think will have the best grip? Why? produces more
3Eo4 from results and Learners then predict the force (in newtons) required to make friction as it is a
begin to use each piece of footwear move on the surface. rougher surface.
scientific knowledge Test footwear on a ramp (this takes greater force than testing on
to suggest a flat surface). Pull the footwear up the ramp using a forcemeter
explanations and measure the force required to just get the footwear moving.
Use footwear of similar size, with different amounts of tread on
Make the soles. As a class, decide why good grip is important for
3Eo5 generalisations and some sport shoes. Which footwear had the best/worst grip?
begin to identify How do you know? Link the size of the force to the grip and
simple patterns in remind learners that this force is just more than the force of

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friction which is acting against the movement.

Watch a video clip of a child on a slide in a park. What can

make a difference to how fast a person travels down a slide? Is Video clip of a child on a slide.
the surface of a slide smooth or rough? Explore how this relates
to the friction produced when someone goes down a slide.

Scientific Enquiry activity

What would happen if someone went down a slide sitting on a
fabric mat?
Learners investigate which fabric reduces friction the most. One
method is to place a piece of weighted-down fabric at the Fabric samples, masses, ramps,
bottom of a ramp with a mass, and pull it up the ramp, recording rulers, forcemeters, recording
the force applied with a forcemeter. sheets.
Carry out the investigation to discover which fabrics produce the
highest/lowest friction.

Scientific Enquiry activity

Explain that speed is a description of how fast something moves
between two points. If a ball takes 5 seconds to travel one Balls, timers, forcemeters.
metre, and another ball takes 10 seconds to travel the same
distance, the first ball is travelling faster. Can we link the speed
an object moves with the force applied to it? Will a bigger force
move objects faster? Discuss how this can be investigated by
setting up a start point; a finish point; a moveable object and
then varying the force applied. Discuss the need to use a
forcemeter to measure the force.

In pairs, learners consider the advantages and disadvantages of

a world in which friction didn’t exist, e.g. doors would always
open easily, people and vehicles would struggle to stop! Think
of examples where friction is useful or a hindrance, e.g. road
surfaces are rough, the blades of ice skates make minimal

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contact with the ice.

Unit 3.5 The senses

It is recommended that this unit takes approximately 35% of the term.

In this unit, learners:

 revise the human senses
 explore how senses allow them to detect things happening outside of their body.

Scientific Enquiry work focuses on:

 collecting evidence in a variety of contexts to answer questions or test ideas.

Recommended vocabulary for this unit:

 sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste
 detect, sense, source, external.

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Framework Learning objective Suggested activities to choose from Resources Comments

3Bh5 Explore human Check that learners can recall the five senses and name the In Stage 1, learners
senses and the parts of the body most associated with each one. were taught that both
ways we use them Introduce the idea that our senses allow us to detect things humans and animals
to learn about our happening outside our body. have the senses of
world sight, hearing, touch,
Sensing forces smell and taste.
3Ep1 Collect evidence in a Explain that in our skin there are parts that can detect forces
variety of contexts to (e.g. pressure, stretching). We use them to find out about Throughout this unit,
answer questions or objects we touch. be aware of the
test ideas needs of learners
Learners make touch detectors by attaching samples of different Fabric samples, lolly sticks, with sensory
fabrics to small sticks (e.g. lolly sticks). scissors, glue. difficulties.
 Demonstrate how to use these to test the ability of different
body parts to detect that they have been touched; touch the
body part with the touch detector, e.g. the sole of the foot,
back of the hand, forehead.
 In pairs, learners do the touch detection test.
 Discuss how well, or badly, different body parts can detect

Sensing food by taste and smell

Discuss what foods learners like to eat. Elicit the idea that Be aware of food
different foods have different tastes. Explain that on our tongues allergies and
there are parts that can detect different flavours. intolerances for any
activities involving
Explore how the sense of taste interacts with sight and smell: A selection of different foods – food.
 Volunteers can eat a variety of foods blindfolded to find out if sweet, sour, salty or bitter,
they taste different when they cannot see them. blindfolds. Misconception alert:
 Volunteers can eat the foods while holding their nose. A common
misconception is that
Use food colouring to make some food a dramatically different Mashed potato that has been different parts of the
colour (e.g. mashed potato made to look blue). Ask volunteers coloured blue with food tongue are
colouring. responsible for

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to try the food and see if it tastes different. different tastes.

Instead all parts of
Explain that our experience of food is influenced by smell, the tongue can
appearance and taste. detect all tastes.

Sensing light The brain can

In Stage 2, learners found out about sources of light. Reinforce compensate for
that light travels into our eyes where it is then detected. impaired vision to a
Soft balls (one for each pair of degree; it is possible
Explore the difference in vision when using one eye or two eyes: learners), open space for for someone to see,
 Learners practise catching a ball with both eyes open. throwing and catching balls. and operate well,
 They shut their right eye and try again. with one functional
 They open their right eye, shut their left eye and try again. eye rather than two
 They try again shutting both eyes. but it does take time.
As with all of the
Look for patterns in the results. Was there a difference when activities in this unit,
you had one or two eyes open? When was it easiest to catch deal with any visual
the ball? What made it easier? impairments
Discuss how the ability to sense/detect light can be important. sensitively.

Sensing sound Misconception alert:

Explain that sound travels from a source to our ears where it is Talking about light
then detected. travelling from a
Perform some simple, everyday activities whilst learners have source and then
their eyes closed. Ask learners to guess what you are doing, sound travelling from
e.g. turning the pages of a book, pouring water, clapping your a source may
hands. confuse some
learners. Both light
Learners listen with eyes closed for a minute and then recall all and sound travel
the sounds they have heard. from sources to
detectors (i.e. our
Play a game about detecting the location of a sound source: eyes and ears), but
 Learners sit in a circle; one learner sits with their eyes they do so in

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closed, in the centre. different ways (e.g.

 Someone in the circle rings a bell or makes a sound. sound doesn’t travel
 The centre person has to point in the direction they think the in straight lines). You
sound came from. may need to
 Repeat the activity; this time the centre person has their highlight the
eyes closed and one ear covered. differences as well
 Record findings and look for patterns in results. as how they both
come from a source.
Extension activity
Throughout this unit learners can compare human senses to
those of animals e.g. bats, sharks, owls.

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Unit 3.6 Keeping healthy
It is recommended that this unit takes approximately 65% of the term.

In this unit, learners:

 explore the components of an adequate, varied diet
 find out about the effects of eating too many fatty and sweet foods
 learn how to keep their teeth healthy
 investigate the effect of exercise on heart rate and recovery time.

Scientific Enquiry work focuses on:

 observing and comparing objects, living things and events
 measuring, using simple equipment, and recording observations in a variety of ways
 presenting results in drawings, bar charts and tables.

Recommended vocabulary for this unit:

 diet, adequate, varied, nutrition
 carbohydrate, protein, dairy, vitamin, mineral, fat, sugars
 exercise, pulse, rest
 incisors, canines, molars and pre-molars.

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3Bh3 Explore and What can we do to be healthy? Learners discuss in pairs and
research exercise share responses.
and the adequate,
varied diet needed What makes us unhealthy? Learners discuss and decide what
to keep healthy makes a healthy lifestyle: an appropriate diet, exercise, personal
hygiene, keeping warm and safe etc.

Show a film clip about someone who needs to keep healthy
during a round-the-world expedition. Learners watch, and list, ?v=7DKLv0GAGjU
the different ways in which she keeps healthy.

A visit from a health practitioner could be arranged during this

unit to talk about healthy eating and lifestyles.

3Bh1 Know life processes Adequate diet

common to humans Remind learners of the life processes. What happens if Be aware of food
and animals include someone does not have enough of the right nutrition in what allergies and other
nutrition (water and they eat and drink? dietary requirements.
food), movement,
growth and Look at the World Food Programme website for some examples
reproduction of people around the world do not have sufficient food and/or
water. Discuss possible reasons for this, e.g. climate, disasters.
3Bh3 Explore and
research exercise Conclude that it is vital to have enough of the right nutrition in
and the adequate, the food water we consume; what is eaten and drunk must be
varied diet needed appropriate for the needs of the person.
to keep healthy
Varied diet
3Bh4 Know that some Learners discussed healthy eating in Stage 1. Ask learners to
foods can be make a mind map of everything they know about healthy eating.
damaging to health, Use the mind maps to identify the different types of food that we
e.g. very sweet and

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fatty foods need to eat.

Introduce the names of some of the main food groups:

 carbohydrates containing starches for energy
 protein for growth and repair
 milk and dairy for vitamins and minerals
 fruit and vegetables for vitamins, minerals and fibre
 fats for fatty acids which, among other things, help absorb
 sugars for an immediate source of energy.

Learners sort examples of foods into the main food groups. Examples of each food group, or
images of food/drink from each
Learners can plan the types of food that would be suitable for food group.
different scenarios such as:
 for a long walk
 for an Olympic athlete
 for someone recovering from a broken leg
 for a person who can’t eat dairy.

Learners can keep a food diary for a week and analyse whether
they are eating an adequate, varied diet.

Learners can use information sources to find out why eating too Secondary information sources.
many fatty foods is damaging to health.

Learners can look at drinks labels on snack foods and compare Snack food packaging with food
the amounts of fat they contain. labels intact.

3Bh4 Know that some Ask learners to write down two foods they like and two that they Misconception alert:
foods can be do not like. Learners label (or group) the food choices according Sugar doesn’t

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damaging to health, to whether they eat it often or rarely. Then consider if these are directly cause tooth
e.g. very sweet and foods that should be eaten often or rarely (i.e. are the foods decay; bacteria feed
fatty foods healthy or more of a ‘treat’). Why should some foods be more of on the sugar,
a treat? creating plaque; this
Observe and produces acid, which
compare objects, How do you look after your teeth? Encourage regular brushing, decays teeth.
3Eo1 living things and avoiding sugary foods and drinks, and visiting the dentist
events regularly. Explain that tooth decay is caused by plaque-forming
bacteria. These bacteria feed on sugar and produce acid which
causes tooth decay.

Learners use mirrors to inspect their own teeth. They count,

name and look at the shapes of different types of teeth. Noting Mirrors.
there are: incisors, canines, molars and pre-molars

Look at drinks labels on fizzy drinks and compare the amounts

of sugar they contain. Drinks packaging with food
labels intact.
Look at pictures of gum disease and tooth decay.
Pictures of gum disease and
tooth decay.
Leave an egg, chicken bone (or tooth) in a fizzy drink, or
vinegar, overnight. Observe the results. Explain that chicken A chicken bone/egg.
bones are made of a material similar to our teeth. Explain that Glass of sweet fizzy drink or
the fizzy drink, or vinegar, is acidic; plaque produces an acidic vinegar.
environment in our mouths.

Discuss the importance of brushing teeth to remove plaque.

Look at different toothpastes and discuss how many contain Variety of toothpastes.
fluoride to make teeth less likely to decay.

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3Bh3 Explore and Discuss why exercise is important and what types of exercise
research exercise the class take part in. Make a tally chart.
and the adequate,
varied diet needed Healthy and safety:
to keep healthy Scientific Enquiry activity Make sure that you
Investigate the effect that exercise has on heart rate: Stopwatches or other method to have a safe space
Measure using  Demonstrate to learners how to take their own pulse. take the time. for learners to jog on
3Eo2 simple equipment  Learners take their pulse at rest. the spot.
and record  They do one minute of moderate exercise (e.g. jogging on Graph paper.
observations in a the spot). Misconception alert:
variety of ways  The pulse is taken again immediately after exercise. It is possible that
 The pulse is then taken again after one, two and five some learners will
Present results in minutes of rest. think the heart
3Eo3 drawings, bar charts What happens? produces blood, and
and tables Learners draw a table of results and discuss the conclusion. by pumping harder it
makes more blood to
Explain that during exercise our muscles need more blood so get to the muscles.
our hearts beat faster. Once we stop exercising the heart rate Ensure learners
decreases again. The more fit we are, the less the heart needs understand that the
to speed up and the more quickly it goes back to normal. amount of blood in
the body stays the
same; it is the speed
the blood goes
around the body that
the heart affects.

V1 8Y03 Scheme of work – Science Stage 3 36

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