Week 2

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Rep Deadlift

Competition Stance (Standing on a 1” Deficit)

75% x 5 sets x 4-5 reps per set (Reset each rep) 

Block Pull

60% x 4 sets x 5-6 reps per set

Ballistic Squat

50% x 8 x 4 sets EMOMS

Lat Pulldowns or Barbell Rows

4 sets x 12 reps

Lilly Shrugs

4 x 15


4 x 25


3 x 1:00

Light Bench Day

Bench Press Competition Grip


50% x 8 repetitions

60% x 8 repetitions

70% x 5 repetitions

80% x 3 repetitions

85% x 3 repetitions x 4 sets

60% x AMRAP x 2 sets

Close Grip (All % are of Close Grip Max)

75% x AMRAP x 2 sets

Incline Dumbbell Press

4 Sets of Increasing Weight x 12, 10, 8, 5-6

Skull Crushers w/EZ Curl Bar

5  Sets of Increasing Weight x 12, 10, 8, 6, 5

Seated Arnold Presses

4 x 12

DB Flyes

4 x 10

Barbell Rows

4 x 10


Heavy Squats

Competition Squat Stance 

80% x 3 sets x 3, 85% x 1, 90 x 1

Pause Squat

70% x 4 sets x 5 reps 

Lat Pulldowns or Barbell Rows

4 sets x 12 reps

Lunges (Walk with bar on back, or DB’s in Hand)

5 x 12


4 x 25


2 x 1:00

Heavy Bench Day

Bench Press Competition Grip


50% x 8 repetitions

60% x 6 repetitions

70% x 5 repetitions

80% x 3 repetitions

90% x 1 x 3 sets

80% x AMRAP x 2

DB Palms Facing Bench Press

(Lower into Armpit)

4 sets of Increasing Weight x 10, 8, 6, 5

Incline Bench Press (% Based on Incline Max)

75% x 3 repetitions x 3 sets

DB French Press

4 x 15

Lat Pulldowns
4 x 12

Military Press

4 x 12


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