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The Advantages and Disadvantages of taking ABM strand for the future career of Grade 12 1

I would like to thank Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, for giving the wisdom, strength,
support and knowledge in exploring things, for the guidance in helping surpass all the trials that
we encountered and for giving determination to pursue our study, and to make this study
The researcher would like to extend their deepest sincerest gratitude to all the people who
helped there in any manner, who have shared the effort and knowledge in order to make this
research a reality.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to our research adviser, Ms. Noreen L.
Capuno for the continuous support to our study and research, for her patience, motivation,
enthusiasm, and immense knowledge. Her guidance helps us all the time of research and writing
of this research we could not have imagined having a better advisor and mentor for our research
To the researcher’s loving parents, for their moral encouragement, financial assistance as
well as their spiritual support every path the researchers take.

First and foremost, this study is dedicated to our Almighty God who serves as guidance and
the source of strength and knowledge for without His guidance everything is futile. We also want
to dedicate this research study to our valued family, friends and to our advisor who gave us
heartfelt supports, believed and guide us in order to finish this study.


The Advantages and Disadvantages of taking ABM strand for the future career of Grade 12 2

This research aimed to determine what are the advantages and disadvantages of taking
ABM strand for the future career. This is important to all Grade 12 students of ACLC Guagua
who take ABM strand. This research will provide the information if taking ABM stand can help
the Grade 12 of ACLC Guagua for their future career.



The Advantages and Disadvantages of taking ABM strand for the future career of Grade 12 3


The Advantages and Disadvantages of taking ABM strand for the future career of Grade 12 4


Choosing and deciding on something have consequences. The results of what you have
chosen can either help you, it will hinder you in the future. It is also the same to the course that
you will have to decide. According to Reynolds, “there are times that the students choose their
course/track based on their personal interest. The students based their choosing a course
according to their interest. It is good to know if the student chooses their course according to
what they really want. And not the decision of others. Because if they follow what other people
say to them, there will be a situation that they cannot handle their goals properly”. [CITATION
Rey \y \l 1033 ]

The students based their choosing a course according to their interest. It is good to know
if the student chooses their course according to what they really want. And not the decision of
others, because if they follow what other people say to them, there will be a situation that they
cannot handle their goals properly.
Jackson, G. (2012) The parents is the second one why their child chooses their child's
course/track. The parents influence their child because they think about their financial situation if
they can afford what their child's course/track. Sometimes, if the students follow the course/track
that they want to choose, but their parents cannot allow them financially, they can't choose a
course that they want to.[ CITATION GJa12 \l 1033 ].Sometimes, if the students follow the
course/track that they want to choose, but their parents cannot allow them financially, they can't
choose a course that they want to.
Sometimes, most of the students chose to stop because they are not enjoying what they
are doing anymore. Aside from this, they are having a hard time to understand their lessons
because that is not really their chosen course. As a result, some of the students were not going to
study anymore or that student will be a repeater but this time, he will choose his chosen course.
According to Dr. Casey & Laitsh (2006), the most influence in making a decision in
every student is their friends. Their friends affect the attitude of a student in a negative or
positive way. Friends also is the one who always there to a student. Because every time they go
to school, they are always with their friends. They can also give each other an opinion if what
course/track is right for them. [ CITATION Cas06 \l 1033 ]. Friends are also the one who always
there to a student. Because every time they go to school, they are always with their friends. They
can also give each other an opinion if what course/track is right for them.


The Advantages and Disadvantages of taking ABM strand for the future career of Grade 12 5

ABM stands for Accountancy, and Business Management. If the students are planning to
take up a Business course after Graduation then ABM strand would be the Best Choice. As an
advantage, this strand would be beneficial for those who are planning to take up business-related
courses as this strand will give them enough knowledge about business management. Some of
this knowledge are the basic concepts that they need to know in the field of business. They will
be able to enhance and develop their skills and potential in the industry. Another advantage is the
demand for business-related courses as the economy keep striving for growth. The disadvantage
of this strand on the other hand will be on shifting courses that are not business-related. It would
take extra time for a student to keep up without the proper stepping stone and knowledge they
need to acquire before continuing college.

Being an Accountancy and Business Management students is not easy. You will have a
better understanding of all topics relating to business finance, economics and marketing. One of
the key benefits of studying ABM is that it offers students the opportunity to undertake work
placements and professional projects. Being an ABM student, you need to learn on how to
manage your time, to have a long patience and to concentrate and focus on your studies. In
ABM, you can explore more, you will learn more on how to manage your own business. You
will have a knowledge on what business are you going to start with and how will you run your
business. ABM is not just focusing on how will you manage your business, it also tackles about
the payment that you are going to pay, the risks in managing business and on how for your
business to be successful.

Background of the Study

The k-12 program of the Philippine government refers to have mandatory, it is required
that kindergarten and added two years of the past 10-years basic education cycle. If in the past
after six years in elementary and four years in high school (overall 10 years) will be able to
pursue their college. Under the K to 12, before college, they need to past the added two years
after four years in high school. In the new system, the added two years is called senior high
school. The four years in high school in old system is called junior high school.
Overall, grade 1-12 is the official name of 12 years in basic education, under the k to 12,
but many of the parents are disagreeing in this program. In Asia, only the Philippines have 10
years’ basic education, so that the government and DepEd declared the k to 12 curriculums, in
this program, they made it mandatory for children going to kindergarten, junior high school and
senior high came up. This program started to implement way back years 2012 it aims to change
the education system in our country.
The applied subjects like economics, business ethics and responsibility, accountancy,
business math and principles of marketing, the students are trained to think broad. For those
students who complete this strand will do an important role in the corporate. Accounting
business management covered the courses in college such as accounting, entrepreneurship
business management, finance and etc.


The Advantages and Disadvantages of taking ABM strand for the future career of Grade 12 6
Conceptual Framework


(Accountancy and Business



who choose


Fiigure 1.

In this figure, the researchers what is ABM. The ABM strand in its most fundamental
sense refers to the accountancy, business, and management academic programs that concentrate
on the foundational concepts in corporate operations, financial management, business
management, as well as each and every factor that revolves around those central fields. ABM is a
track in academic strand in senior high school, this track is perfect for those are good in
organizing, planning and for those who want to start a business in their future. It will help them
to enhance their skill and knowledge for their future career. ABM students, they have different
basis why they choose ABM strand if they are just influenced, parents or if it is their personal
interest. If it is their personal interest or have a passion on it, there are different factors/skills that
they need to have in ABM strand, because if it is not their passion they will face consequences in
the next journey. Taking ABM strand have advantages and disadvantages. Students who choose
ABM strand because it is their passion and they have the skills needed on it, there are courses in
college that is aligned in ABM strand. Courses that will help them for their career path someday.


The Advantages and Disadvantages of taking ABM strand for the future career of Grade 12 7

This study explains that Grade 12 ABM students assumed that they will know what
are the Advantages and Disadvantages of taking ABM strand in their future career. It helped
them to make the right decision and chose ABM strand that is aligned to their future course.
Their mind had been enlightened what ABM really is. ABM student assumed that all the
lesson they learned in ABM strand will help them in the future. They could use ABM strand
advantages in their future career.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to find out what is the Advantage and Disadvantages of taking ABM
strand for the future chosen career of the ABM students. This are the following questions that
we will aim to answer:

1.What are the good factors/ skills of choosing ABM strand that is align to their future
2.How this new program of DepEd will prepare the students to become more capable to their
future courses?
3. What are the possible courses they may pursue in college if they take ABM as an SHS?


The Advantages and Disadvantages of taking ABM strand for the future career of Grade 12 8

Significance of the Study

The purpose of this study is to determine the benefits of Accountancy Business and this study
will greatly benefit the following:
Students: This study is essential to all the students especially to those future accountants and
business man/woman because they will know the different benefits of taking Account inch
Business and Management as strand in senior high school. This study will also provide further
insights in regards with subject areas that will provide knowledge and learning with different
departments. Students will gain advantages of those subject learning areas particularly in
application process. Through this process, an ABM student would likely inherit and apply it with
the way an individual live especially with strategies used in the fundamentals of accounting.
Institutions: this study would enable the institution to provide an environment of learning, and
good things, encouraging the students to conduct researches that has a valid impact in our
Future Researchers: this study would help the student researchers to be aware and
knowledgeable about what ABM strand really is. It would help them to be a better analyst and it
can be a help as a future reference for more study’s in the future.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study aims to provide broader knowledge about Accountancy Business and
Management as strand in senior high school. The focus of this research is to study the advantages
and disadvantages of taking Accountancy Business and Management Strand to future
accountants and
business man/woman. Only those grade 12-ABM students in AMA ACLC GUAGUA S.Y 2019-
2020 is the target participants in this study. The research also provides further understanding on
how to apply all the leanings from the subject areas under ABM strand into real life setting.
This study is delimited by the sources of information and data from the researcher’s need.
It solely focuses on the possible benefits of the different subject areas under Accountancy
Business and Management that will likely help future accountants and business man/woman for
further information and in-depth understanding of this strand. The study does not cover the
effective strategies of an accountant and business man/woman. It solely focuses on the possible
advantages a student can gain if they will take the strand. Those students who are not taking
Accountancy Business and Management strand are not involved.


The Advantages and Disadvantages of taking ABM strand for the future career of Grade 12 9

Definition of term

The following words will help you to better understand and comprehend this study:

Accountancy- It is the main duty of an accountant that relies on evaluating accounts.

Business- It is an individual’s in demand profession and job.

Management- refers to the control and regulation of things and even the participants involve.
Accountancy Business and Management- It refers to a strand particularly the study of
accounting and business that deals with different subject learning areas under K-12 Curriculum.
Crucial- decisive or critical, especially in the success or failure of something.

Delineated- to describe, portray, or set forth with accuracy or in detail.

Freight- the compensation paid for the transportation of goods.

Nuanced- having nuances : having or characterized by subtle and often appealingly complex
qualities, aspects, or distinctions (as in character or tone).

Intrinsic- belonging to the essential nature or constitution of a thing.

Inclined- leaning or turning away from the vertical or horizontal; sloping.

Concise- giving a lot of information clearly and in a few words; brief but comprehensive.

Syllogism- an instance of a form of reasoning in which a conclusion is drawn (whether validly or

not) from two given or assumed propositions (premises), each of which shares a term with the
conclusion, and shares a common or middle term not present in the conclusion.

Geared- design or adjust the gears in a machine to give a specified speed or power output.


The Advantages and Disadvantages of taking ABM strand for the future career of Grade 12 10

Dr. Casey & Laitsh (2006). A case study of the perceptions of stakeholders
regarding transformational leadership processes and structures implemented in a high
poverty, high achieving school. N.Y

Jackson, G. (2012). Communicating with parents about vaccination: a framework for health
professionals. Article number: 154 (2012), N.Y

Reynolds (n.d) (2010) . Classification of students, N.Y


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