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Students encountered many and different problems during their school year.

These problems vary differently during their study years. According to the American

Planning Association (APA, 2018), Irregular student have a very complicated class

schedule just to enroll subjects they need and to be with different type of people in

class. For some students, it would be difficult to approach new faces in every class

and it would be tiring to have a busy class schedule with hardly any vacant time in

between class period. Irregular students often encounter many problems on their

academic subjects. The quality of problem can be labeled as severe to a simple type

of problem encountered. Failing grades or being dropped in a particular subject can

be considered to be a severe problem academically by an irregular student.

In the Philippines, according to the study of Bernadeth Bobiles (2004),

Staying in school for more than ten years taught students the great difference of

being a high school and grade school student from college student. Studying in this

highest tertiary level demands active participation, patience, goal-orientation and

interest to acquire all the knowledge given by their instructors. It also requires the

student to learn on how to adjust in the drastic change of their environment ; from

the smallest detail on how to maintain good grades , and taking the right subjects in

the curriculum, up to the most effective way of interacting with their co-students ,

instructors , and other significant people in the campus .Most college students are

having a hard time coping with their academic problems , especially when they are

irregular students who may experience peer discrimination , not well organized class

schedule, lesser number of units and subjects ,and other factors that make them

deviate from the regular one . These affect their ways of adjusting emotionally and

makes some of them to gain low test result, major exams and grades. For them to

cope up with their academic concerns, they should learn how to handle their

emotions appropriately with regard to the existing problems they encounter in school.

In Davao City, based on the study of Abellar K.F. B. (2016), there are several

factors affecting the concentration and focus of the students while studying. Some of

these are social media, peer, noise, and environment. Today where everything is

modernized, technology causes great distraction in the study lifestyle of a student.

Somehow, there are many different ways of studying.

Based on the researchers’ readings, aside from the fact that they are

all in the international setting, those study are qualitative in nature. In fact, the

researchers have not come across a similar study in a local setting that looked into

the depth and realm of the resilience of irregular students. With this context,

encourage the researchers to explore in detail the live experiences of Irregular

students. It also aimed to broaden the perspective of finding solution to the

experiences of Irregular students. Through this study, they could find ways to sustain

courage and overcome challenges and difficulties of Irregular students.


Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study was to determine the live experiences of grade 12

irregular students and how they cope up with the challenges as well as their

learnings and insights. This study helps aided the administration to provide

intervention and assist in the completion of academic requirements given to students.

To inform all the students and most importantly those irregular students that

their experiences are very hard and challenging. This research will analyze the

various circumstances that bring students to certain situations like irregular one.

There will always be different sides to certain story and this must definitely apply to

how irregular students are viewed.

Research Questions

1. What are the experiences of grade 12 irregular students?

2. How do they cope with the challenges as grade 12 irregular students?

3. What lessons, insights and reflection do the participants share to other

students in general?

Theoretical lens

This study is anchored to Motivational Theory (MST) which was utilized as a

theoretical foundation for the study. The MST identified the components that are

involve in the process of human motivation (MST; M-Ford 1992). Based on the work

of M. Ford (1992), the MST described how motivational psychology, and behavioral

process, resulting on the effective functioning of the whole person. Within MST the

concept of motivation is viewed as an organized interaction between personal goals.

Emotional an usual and personal agency beliefs, from this definition, the four

components of human motivation (Motivation, Goals, emotions, personal agency

beliefs) emerge as goals, capabilities, beliefs, context beliefs and emotional

accordance with this representation, the guiding principles of MST is that Human

motivation cannot occur of any of the four components of human motivation instead

of examining each aspect individually, a more complete view of human behavior and

development is represented.

Significance of the Study

The researchers believes that the study is very important and beneficial to the


To the Students, this will let them know the untold stories of grade-12 irregular


To the Parents, for them to be aware how important is their involvement to the

academic performance of their irregular student.

To the Teachers, this study would help them guide and give proper attention

to student and teachers relationship with regards to the academic performance of

irregular student.

To the Administration, results of the study will be useful as reference for

evaluation purposes.

To the Future researchers, this study help them as guide. It also helps the

researchers to understand how important to know the stories of irregular students.

Definition of terms

Academic performance. This refers to the standing of the student in a

particular class, subject, as measured through their general average.

Irregular Students. This refers to students whose subjects and number of units

exceed or less from the list of regular course curriculum in every semester.

Delimitations and Limitations

The study involved public secondary school students from of Cabantian

National High School, Davao City Division, Region XI who are Irregular students. The

data were gathered from 10 chosen student participants through in-depth interviews

and focus group discussion. The study was dependent on the ability of the

participants to describe their experiences and answer the interview based on open

ended questions. Participants had varying degree of knowledge and experiences and

therefore might be subjective. Since administrative permission was necessary to gain

access to the participants, the School Principal was informed of the study and its

purpose. The study is limited to grade 12 irregular students of Cabantian Senior High

School to describe their experiences as Grade 12 irregular students. The researchers

employed ten (10) participants, five (5) from grade 12 GAS and five (5) from grade 12

TVL, during the academic year 2019-2020.

Organization of the study

In summary, Chapter 1 shows the problem of the study. Introduces the

importance of the study. Followed by the discussion of the researchers’ purpose of

the study which aims to emphasize the live experiences of irregular Senior High

School Students. To unfold their challenging experiences and how they cope with

these challenges. To present the researches which can be utilize during the interview

of the participants. In this chapter we also conducted a theoretical lens to support the

research study. Significance of the study and the people benefits from this research

is also shown. It is also important to have a clear understanding of the terms, thus,

importance of the keywords are operationally defined. The last part of the study is the

Limitations and delimitations of the study to clearly defined the potential participants

of the study.

In Chapter 2, The researchers accumulated reading that they made for the

study to be more understandable. The chapter insisting the related studies for the

study to be more realistic. Included the different point of view of the author about the

key points of the study in the conduction of the research.


In Chapter 3, which are the design and methodology, are to give enough

information to a experienced investigations to be able to replicate the study. Including

the research design, the role of researcher, research participants, data collection,

data analysis, trustworthiness that explains the four criteria such as credibility,

transferability dependability and conformability and lastly, the ethical consideration of

the study.

In Chapter 4, present the results of the study which four part namely; the

informants data, the data analysis procedures and step the categorization of the

emergent themes, the response to the interview and summary of the responses.

In Chapter 5, finally presents a discussion of the results. It elaborates the key

findings in relation to the literature cited. This also contains the implication.

Chapter 2

Review Related Literature

According to American Planning Association (APA, 2018), irregular student are

those who have enrolled subjects that are different from regular students. This could

mean that they have to cope up with the time and classmates they would encounter

in every class which could give more peer pressure to them. The quality of the

problem can be labeled as severe to a simple type of a problem.

In the study of Paner (2012), Students who do not pass certain subject

requirements are doomed to repeat it, thus making a bad mark on his or her

transcript of records. And worst, making an impression of failing. Irregular students

handle their own time, they are to fix their desired schedule on their own, so if he or

she is lucky enough, he or she can choose a class that suites his or her preferences.

Irregular students are oftentimes the ones who have the most friends because they

get to meet and stay with new sets of classmates every semester, if they choose a

different class each semester. But not all are can adapt easily to the many changes

that go with being an irregular student , thinking that they are better off focusing on

passing the subject on their own to get back to where they were really supposed to


Galiher (2006) and Darling (2005), used GPA to measure student

performance because the main focus in the student performance for the particular

semester. Some other researchers used test results or previous year result since

they are studying performance for the specific subject or year Hijazi AND Naqvi,

(2006) and Hake, (1998). Many researchers have discussed the different factors that

affect student academic performance. These are internal and external classroom

factors and these factors strongly affect the student performance. internal classroom

factors includes students competence in English, class schedule, class size, English

text books, class test results, learning facilities, homework ,environment of the class,

complexity of the course material, teachers role in the class.

However, External classroom factors include extracurricular activities, family

problems, work and financial and also social problems. Research studies show that

students performance depends on many factors such as learning facilities, gender

and age differences, etc. that can affect student performance (Hansel, Joe B.,2000).

Harb AND El-Sharaawi (2006) found that the most important factor with positive

effect on students performance is parental involvement.

In a contrary, regular is for something to be normal, usual or customary. Irregular

is for something to be not according to rule or unusual. In relation to our study,

regular students are those who are following the normal flow of the given subjects to

be passed, while irregular students are those who may have difficulties or problems

in their given subjects (Crisencio P., 2012). There have been a number of studies

researching the factors that affect a person’s grade point average (GPA). Many of

these factors include family life, personality characteristics, employment, and

extracurricular activities.

Lee and Lee (2007) found that family closeness is a key factor in determining

a child’s academic performance. Their results indicated that students who rated their

family closeness at a higher level displayed an ability to adjust to their schools better,

which could enhance academic performance because they were more comfortable in

their environment. Although not suggesting that the closeness of the family is a

predictor of GPA, the Halawah study (2006) did indicate that children whose parents

were involved in their education and encouraged them to do their work had

significantly higher GPAs.” Though it is not a requirement to have personal closeness

with the family members, the study have concluded that having supportive parents

gives a huge impact on the student’s academic performance. The less the support

the student get, the less he/she may respond to the academic requirements.

Cheung and Kwok (1998) indicated that a student’s participation in

extracurricular activities may not help their academic achievement and might actually

harm it. This might also include employment during school months. Working an

excessive number of hours (35 hours or more per week) may have unfavorable

consequences for students. Kulm and Cramer (2006) suggested that students who

worked this many hours spent less time preparing for class, which resulted in a lower

GPA. Students who worked excessive amounts of hours also did not have time to get

as much sleep.

In 2018, Paner stated that theres a lot of activities to be considered, there are

organizations that allow students to enhance their given talent. But those activities

should be balance with the student’s academic performance. The imbalance of


extracurricular activities and academics may lead to failure of minor or worst, major

subjects, which should be highly prioritized. Another problem in academic failure is

the imbalance of work and academics. In the Philippines, it is normal for college to

students to be working while continuing their studies, but according to Kulm and

Cramer (2006), these students who work excessive hours does not take enough

sleep to obtain energy to their next activity which usually is attending their classes.

For some health reasons, sleep is a very important part of the life of a normal

human being. Having or not having a proper sleep effects the activity of a person

during non-sleeping hours. Murphy, Richard, Masaki, and Segalowitz (2005) studied

the effects of wakefulness on test taking. The tests were given after four hours of

wakefulness as well as after 20 hours of wakefulness. They concluded that

participants were less able to recognize mistakes that were made during the tests

after extended wakefulness.

  In some case, irregular students sometimes feel discriminated from other

students who are mostly regular. This is because most students in a class, especially

in a block section, have their own group of peers which are also regular students like

them that makes irregular students to be left behind. This makes them feel  ‘out of

place ‘thus may find it hard to adjust in their environment. They may feel alienated

and wish that they can be like others who can perform well and are socially accepted.

This is the start for them to feel some negative emotions such as fear and anger,

which when they did not able to handle appropriately, can cause more problem that

can affect their interpersonal relationship and academic performance. When such


problem occur, it is important for these students to be able to manage their emotions

appropriately. This is known as Emotional Intelligence. It is one’s ability to monitor

one’s own and other’s emotion, to discriminate among them, and to use the

information to guide one’s thinking and action. (Bernadeth Bobiles, 2004)

In the study of Goleman (1995), Emotional Intelligence is a master aptitude,

a capacity that profoundly affects all other abilities, either facilitating or interfering

with them. Emotional , or social intelligence involves at least five types of skills ; self –

awareness refers to having an accurate understanding of how you behave , how

other people perceive you ,  recognizing how you respond to others , being sensitive

to your attitudes , feelings , emotions , intents , and general communication style at

any given moment and being able to accurately disclose this awareness to others . It

helps a person keep an eye on their thoughts and emotions so they can better

understand why they feel a particular way. Finnegan (1998) argues that schools

should help students learn the abilities underlying emotional intelligence. Possessing

those abilities, or even some of them, can lead to achievement from the formal

education years of the child and adolescent to the adult’s competency in being

effective in the workplace and in society.

Furthermore, Macapagal (1999) state that frustration is the negative emotional

state that results when something interferes with obtaining a goal. She also explained

that “aggression is always a consequence of frustration and that “frustration always

leads to aggression.” Elias (1993) indicated that the transition into middle school

required students to be capable of accepting many social challenges. In the U.S.


educational system, student advancement is predicated on graded performance in a

series of classes. Failing to achieve passing grades has numerous additional

implications during secondary school, above and beyond students’ overall individual

achievement level. Students with failing grades are often unable to enter more

rigorous curricula (Dornbusch, Glasgow, and Lin 1996).

 Balberan (1997) explained that most of the students nowadays are having

hard time in deciding what course they really want to take. Some take the risk of

enrolling the course which they think they would be interesting, without knowing the

demands of the course they will be into. Some would enroll a course just because

their parents force them to, these are some reasons that contributed to a high

percentages of drop-outs, shifters and under achievers. Many students discontinue

this college education at the request of the failing on some or all examination in his

subjects and therefore failed some or all of his courses.

According to American Planning Association (APA, 2016), It could be as

simple as missing a homework or getting late in class. Or it could be as severe as

getting dropped in a certain subject or worse failed the subject. Several of these

problems occurs which results for a student to have an irregular status in school.

Irregular students are those who have enrolled subjects that are different from

regular students.

Alegria V. Garcia (2017) stated that there are several factors affecting the

student academic performance. Some are home, school, teacher, and student

factors. Most of the factors are home related: family size, financial burden, work at

home, parental attitude towards education and parenting style. When it comes to

school, the relationship between the teacher and the students and the distance of the

school from home are some factors that affect. However, the student himself or

herself contributes to the case particularly the peer group influence. It reflects the

student’s values and priorities when it comes to the life’s choices. For example, the

choice to study hard and give a focus on the study. The teacher qualities and

capabilities also affect the performance of the students in their studies. Some of the

attributes of the teacher like teaching experience, teacher attitude towards students,

and teacher training can highly affect the student’s perception on the study.

Parents play a very important role in the process. They should effect their

presence and availability in times that the learners need their presence. They should

support and sustain the studies of their children through financial stability. But more

than that is the affection, the love, and care that students must feel so that they will

be inspired to go further in their studies. “A student educational success contingent

heavily on social status of student’s parents/ guardians in the society” Graetz (1995).

In the same perception, the parent’s income or social status can positively affect the

student’s performance in the school.

In his widely cited paper, Romer (1993) is one of the first few authors to

explore the relationship between student attendance and exam performance. A

number of factors have contributed to declining class attendances around the world

in the last 15 years. The major reasons given by students for non-attendance include

assessment pressures, poor delivery of lectures, timing of lectures, and work

commitments (Newman-Ford, Lloyd & Thomas, 2009).

Based on findings, a number of stakeholders have called for mandatory class

attendance. Although the existing evidence points to a strong correlation between

attendance and academic performance. The inability of these cross-sectional studies

to isolate attendance from a myriad of confounding student characteristics (e.g.

levels of motivation, intelligence, prior learning, and time-management skills) is a

major limiting factor to the utility of these findings (Rodgers & Rodgers, 2003).

Year 2012, Jay Arnel Bilocura studied that being always present in class

and getting to school on time are two of the crucial determining factors of a student’s

success, not just as a student but as a person who will be managing his/her own life

in the future.   It includes facts about tardiness, the different factors that causes it and

its effect to the students as students and as bearer of their own lives in the future.

They are expected to perform well with excellence in everything that we do,

most especially in the academic aspect. One factor that dictates the quality of

performance of a student is his/her punctuality that is, getting to school on time or

being tardy. As cited by Nakpodia and Dafiaghor (2011), “lateness” can be defined as

the “situation where an individual arrives after the proper, scheduled or usual time

(Oxford Advance Learners’ Dictionary, 5th ed., 1995), Lauby (2009) puts it as a term

used to describe “people not showing up on time”.

Breeze et al. (2010) contributed by saying that, lateness is synonymous with

“tardiness”, which implies being slow to act or slow to respond, thus not meeting up

with proper or usual timing. In addition, Weade (2004) defined tardiness as “being

late for any measurable length of time past the stated or scheduled start time for

work or school.” In most schools, a student is considered tardy when he/she is not

present when the school bell rings or when the first teacher starts to give instructional

materials for the first subject in the morning class.

One of the most recurring and the most “frustrating problem” that the schools

are having with their students nowadays is tardiness (Sprick and Daniels, 2007). It

creates problems, not just to the students but also to the teachers (Cowan Avenue

Elementary School Community, 2007, para 1). Cowan Crier, the official School

Publication of CAESC, also states that while having “occasional tardy” isn’t a big

deal, unfailing tardiness is and it gives students problems including being ill-prepared

for the job market. According to the results of the study of the U.S. Department of

Education on “truancy”, which is related to tardiness, being present and on time in

going to school are big factors on the “success and behavior” of the students (Zeiger,

2010, para 1). Thus, it is a lot important to value time and practice being on time

while being a student.

Irregular students may feel tardiness among its own negative repercussions.

Nakpodia and Dafiaghor (2011) emphasized that lateness or tardiness is not just the

problem of the late student but it affects the surrounding people. A student coming

late in class distracts the rest of the students and disrupts the flow of the teacher’s

discussion. It is even a burden to the student/s whom the late students ask for what

to catch up with. The rest of the effects are about the welfare of the whole school, its

productivity and revenue. Knowing the possible effects of lateness or tardiness, it is

necessary for solutions to be executed.

Due to the fact, the tardiness has been giving negative effects on the students

nowadays, the most important thing to do is to develop a firm, consistent and

functional policy that addresses late students. There must be defined sanctions and

penalties for late students. Nakpodia and Dafiaghor (2011) stated that school

administrators must lead by example. They should be punctual in their own meetings

and classes to avoid students to think that being late is just alright since even the

authoritative persons are doing it. They should as well teach it and integrate it in

every lesson. The effort on the remedy on lateness or tardiness does not start and

end with the school. It must begin with the parents of the students and the

government must take part as well. Transportation must be improved in order to

avoid students getting stuck in traffic or encountering other obstacles down the


Many studies have shown the reasons and factors that may contribute to the

tardiness of a student. One of the mentioned reasons of tardy students was waking

up late in the morning, which can also be attributed to late-night activities, such as

social networking, watching movies and television shows, as well as untimely

academic and domestic errands. As proven by several studies, sometimes, it’s not

also the act of the student that leads to his/her tardiness. The heavy traffic, the

teachers, the school surroundings and policies may also serve as influences to the

tardiness of students. (Nakpodia and Dafiaghor, 2011)


Many studies have also shown the effects of tardiness on the students, the

teachers, the school and the society. According to these studies, the tardiness of a

student consumes his/her learning time as well as disturbs other students and

teachers. The tardy student also poses as a threat to the school as an educational

and professional institution and the student may be one of the less productive

members of the society.


Chapter 3


This section includes description of the research design, role of the

researcher, research participants, data collection, data analysis, trustworthiness, and

ethical considerations.

Research Design

This study employed a qualitative research design specifically

phenomenological approach. A qualitative research design was described as an

approach for exploring and understanding the meaning of individuals or groups

ascribe to social or human problem (Creswell, 2013). Moreover, Qualitative research

seeks to understand the meaning people have constructed, that is, how people make

sense of their world and the experiences they have in the world (Merriam, 2009).

It is said to be phenomenology for the researcher studied the experiences of

Senior High School Grade 12 Irregular Students. Phenomenology is the study of

structures of experience, or consciousness. Literally, it is the study of phenomena,

appearances of things, as they appear in our experience or the ways we experience

things. Thus the meaning of life is based in our experience (Stanford Encyclopedia of

Philosophy, 2014).

Role of the Researcher

As researchers, their role is to gather reliable information from the participants

mentioned in the book of Tracy (2013). The researchers were able to follow certain

interview etiquette to ensure the authenticity of the information disclosed by the

participants. In this undertaking, different roles were demonstrated by the

researchers. They acted as interviewer, note taker, encoder, and facilitator.

Ultimately, they became the primary data collector. As an interviewer, the researcher

conducted focused group discussion and in - depth interview using semi structured

interview guide. The interview among the participants was tape recorded to ensure

that the data or information collected reflects the actual responses.

Research Participants

The participants of this study were public Senior High School Grade 12

Irregular students of Cabantian National High School, Km. 10.5 Cabantian Davao

City that are enrolled for School Year 2019 - 2020.

The process of selecting the participants was purposive sampling since the

researchers decided on the needs to be known and sets out to find people who can

and are willing to provide information by virtue of knowledge or experience.

Purposive sampling is the deliberate choice of an informant due to the qualities that

the informant possesses. It is nonrandom technique that does not need underlying

theories or set number of participants, (Bernard, 2002; Lewis & Sheppard, 2006).

Data Collection

In this research, the researchers used different kinds of data sources in

obtaining pieces of information from the research participants. Creswell (2013)

suggested that gathering of data should happen in a natural setting which could

be developed through observations, interviews, documents, or audio-visual

materials. For this reason, the researchers personally gathered data in Cabantian

National High School Senior High School, while following their protocols in

conducting the research. Among the aforementioned data gathering techniques in

qualitative research the researchers considered the type of research participants that

for individual and group interviews.

Data Analysis

The interview transcripts were transcribed for analysis with the help of the

Research Adviser. Transcription is an integral process in the qualitative analysis of

language data. It represented an audio taped record, and the record itself

represented an interactive event, (Linsay, 2009). During research class, the

researchers were oriented on how to analyze the data. That the answers were coded

according to the main themes and core ideas. First, it is important to thoroughly read

the transcription comprehensively by understanding deeply the message. Second,

identify the segments and divided the text accordingly. Third, eliminate the

unnecessary phrases or words that were not related to the topic. The researchers

summarized the text and created themes.



There were four elements in trustworthiness that the researchers considered

in this research such as credibility, dependability, transferability, and confirmability

(Gempes, 2015 citing Lincoln & Guba , 1985). In order to establish credibility, the

researchers used data triangulation technique and member checking. Data

triangulation was brought about through the use of variety of methods in gathering of

data such as in-depth interviews, focus group discussion and the use of audio visual


Ethical Considerations

In the conduct of this qualitative undertaking, measures were considered to

avoid violations of participants rights. Herein, some of the principles were being

highlighted. The researchers talked to the research participants to get their initial

agreement to be part of my study. The researchers explained to them that their

participation in research is voluntary in nature and their decisions in the participation

in research are made from an informed position. The researchers have undertaken

the protocol of informed consent adhered to the contention of Creswelll (2013).

The researchers included the agreement letter, the right of the subject and the

study participants to withdraw from the study anytime, the central purpose of the

study and the procedures to be used in data collection, comments about protecting

the confidentiality of the research participants, a statement about known risks

associated with participation in the study, the expected benefits to be added to the

study participants, and a place for them to sign and date the form will be included in

the draft, and likewise, understood and accepted by the key informants.

The conducted in depth interview and focus group discussion were scheduled

on informants’ availability, properly done in the place and environment safe and

suitable enough for the study. Lastly as a sign of gratitude, participants were given

tokens for sharing their stories and experiences as well as their time for the

realization of this study.




Presented in this chapter are the experiences of the study participant, how

they cope up with the challenges as a senior high school student, their insights and

perception as well as construct which emerged from the information gained through

in-depth interview and focus group discussion.

This chapter is divided into four parts. Part 1 discuss about the research

participants information from which a qualitative data were collected. Part 2 covers

the data analysis procedures and the steps in categorization of the emergent

themes from the results of the in-depth and focus group discussion. Part 3 deals

with the responses the in-depth interview and focused group discussion questions

under each research problem and part 4 contains the summary of the responses.


The participants in this study were composed of 8 senior high school

graduated of Cabantian National High School. It compromise 3 respondent in-depth

interview and another 5 to focused group discussion. It aims the study of the

experiences of Cabantian Senior High irregular students who shift and transfer at

Cabantian Senior High School. These participants are carefully chosen based on

their experience and who have back subjects. The ideas by these individuals, were

used to sort out issues, insights and perceptions related to senior high school.

Participant’s Information

Code Gender Location Year Level Study Group

name Experienced
Focus Group
1 year
Asus Female Davao City Grade 12 Discussion
Focus Group
1 year
Samsung Female Davao City Grade 12 Discussion
Focus Group
1 year
Cherry Female Davao City Grade 12 Discussion

Focus Group
1 year
LG Male Davao City Grade 12 Discussion
Focus Group
iPhone Male Davao City 1 year Grade 12 Discussion
Focus Group
Vivo Female Davao City 1 year Grade 12 Discussion
Focus Group
OPPO Female Davao City 1 year Grade 12 Discussion

Huawei Female Davao City 1 year Grade 12 In-depth Interview

Q-net Female Davao City 1 year Grade 12 In-depth Interview

Lenovo Male Davao City 1 year Grade 12 In-depth Interview


Focus group discussion was conducted to seven participants, two men and

five woman who are currently irregular students from Cabantian Senior High

School. On the other hand the in-depth interview was participated by three

participants with two female and one male. All of them are from same school or

location, who are currently experienced challenges for being irregular students

especially in terms of academic demands. The discussion was conducted to gain

added insights and concepts on the experiences of the students who manage their

different experiences and to strengthen and verify findings.

Experiences of Irregular Senior High School Students

From the data collected based on the experiences of the study participants

four main themes are presented in Table 1. These themes are help us determine

which core ideas to report. These themes were: Status: Complicated, gaining

friends, mediocre assessment result, and sensing responsibility.

Status: Complicated

The experiences of Senior High School irregular students covers the theme

Status: Complicated because most of them are feeling uneasy in the back subjects

and absences in the subjects discussion. These includes: stress in passing the

requirements of the students on time, sacrifice the other subjects to take the other

one, limited time to do the assignments and projects.

Table 1

Themes and Core ideas on Experiences Irregular Senior High School Students

Major Themes Core Ideas

Sometimes, we are confused in our schedules, it is very different
to our regular classmate. You always need to coordinate in
Status: Complicated former subject teachers for time schedule for that particular
We need to sacrifice the other subject classes because we need
to attend our back subjects
Sometimes we need to rush because there is quiz, and we didn’t
It is Complicated in the sense of preparing projects, it is an
additional expense also for us because we have added subjects.

You can gain a lot of friends because they are in a new set of
Gaining Friends section.
There are students who allow us to borrow their notes especially
if we didn’t attend on their class.
You have someone to ask especially if there are requirements
and summative
They share their notes, they join us in projects, sometimes we
only need to pay for the expenses because they are done.
It is also good because we can have friends
Sometimes we can’t attend the class because time confliction in
Mediocre particular subjects. we can’t study that results low score
assessment results especially in summative.
Even we have low score, the teachers give tasks for us to
Even we missed some of the quizzes, we can also pass
because of the additional task and requirements that the
teachers gave to us.
Sometimes you need to accept, we can’t study because of the
requirements that we need to pass on time.
It is complicated if you don’t know how to manage your time
Sensing We should manage the task that is given to us, regardless if it is
responsibility easy or not, anyway you can ask for assistance to teacher if
there is something that you need to comply because they teach
You should always follow the works in terms of academics
because if not you destruct to your accomplishments.
You always reminded that you need extra effort because you
need to attend the other subjects, that you can reach the
passing rate.

On the other hand, the participants in focus group discussion states that projects

and assignments, and time are the things that challenge them. This includes:

schedules and passing the requirements on time.

Participant Asus admitted her experience on complication and said:

Para sa ako challenging siya, halimbawa di jud

maiwasan na irregular ka so naa gyud kay back subject
parehas sa contemporary ug ang akong philosophy ug
religion so nagkuan sila masabay so hirap kaayo saako
ang pag-handle. (USG12ISFGDP#1)
For me it is very challenging, for example we cannot
avoid that I’m irregular student because I have back
subjects like contemporary, philosophy and religion that
are simultaneous so it is difficult for me to handle.

Samsung feel uneasy as she expressed her experience. She says:

Dili pud sya easy kay ug dili pud siya dali banaban-on
kay syempre kuntahay naa kay advance ang imong
back subject kay masabay so matagbaw kag manage
saimong time. (USG12ISFGDP#2)
It is not easy because it is also not easy to manage like
if you have advance and back subject at the same
schedule and it is hard to your time.

In addition, iPhone also stated:

Dili siya lalim, kay daghan kay kag i comply na activity.

It’s not easy because there’s a lot of activities that you

need to comply.

The experience shared by the participants showed the theme “Status:

Complicated” when facing different experiences as irregular students in their

academic fields.

Gaining friends

The second major theme that was formulated is gaining friends. This theme

came out because there are times that they can socialized to another person or

another class which they can perform in a particular academic requirements and

demand. These includes: allow them to borrow the notes of their classmates or

giving their a notes if they missed the particular subject and join to the group


Participant Q-net shared her happy experience and said:

Para saakoa naa kay naa koy nakaila nga other

students then naa koy ma friend nga naa sa iba nga

For me yes, because I have known other students then

I have friends to the other classrooms.

On the other hand, participant OPPO states her experience:

Para sa akoa yes, happy ko na irregular student ko kay

naa koy nakaila na mga bag ong classmate naka learn
pud kug lesson about sa among strand.

For me yes, I am happy that I am irregular student

because I’ve known a lot of classmates and I’ve learn a
lesson about our strand.

When it comes to academic perormances, Asus shared her experience by


Yes, since wala akong parents ang nakatabang gyud

sako kay akong mga friends kailangan i improve ang
kailangan i improved. (USG12ISFGDP#1)

Yes, since my parents are not here, my friends are the

people who can help me to improve the thing that I
need to improved.

Irregular students feeling happy with the experience in gaining friends which can

help them to inform and improve their projects/assignments and tasks.

Mediocre assessment result

Mediocre assessment result is the third major theme which emerged during

the focus group discussion and in-depth interview of irregular students. This was

formulated from their general response which centered on pressure in the class

activities, how subject teachers help them to improve their performance, and can’t

take the tests.

OPPO stated:

Oo, naa kay back subject man gud kailangan nimo mo

give up sa isa ka subject na mananghid ka sa imong
teacher na dili sa ka musulod so kailangan jud sa
sudlan ang back subject nimo atleast ma informna
kailangan. (USG12ISFGDP#7)

Yes, I have back subjects that I need to give up for the

other subject then tell to you teacher that you can’t
enter to her/his class, so you need to enter to the class
at least you are informed if needed.

In correlation with this, Cherry added her experience and said:

Lisud kay labi nag mag conflict ang time tapos naay
quizes sa isa ka subject tapos sa akong back saubject
kay naa sad. (USG12ISFGDP#3)

It hard especially the time conflicts then there are

quizzes in particular subject and also to my back

In addition, Vivo said:

Ako kay dili ,kay naa man gud usahay mag conflict ang
schedule kuntahay mag summative ang isa ka subject
tapos sa isa pud unya di nimo masabay ba , mao nang
usahay naa gyuy lack gyud. (USG12ISFGDP#6)

I am not, because sometimes the schedules conflicts,

like if there is summative in a particular subject and
same to the other one, that’s why sometimes there is

Schedule and academic requirements may somehow affect the behavior of

the students and his or her relationship to others.

Sensing responsibility

The fourth major themes that was formulated is sensing responsibility. This

theme came out because there are time they need to work hard in terms of

academic responsibilities. This includes: working hard for the requirements and

projects, managing time, and accomplish the passing rate.

Huawei shared her experience by saying:

Hindi ko naman masabi na yes or no pero i will do my

best hanggang sa makaya ko kasi gusto is wala akong
mga bagsak gusto ko is yung mga mataas yung mga
grades ko para in college makakuha ako ng
scholarship para hindi na magastuhan yung
nagpapaaral sa akin ngayon. (USG12ISIDIP#1)

I can’t say if it is yes or no but I will do my best until I

can because I don’t want to have failed, I want is to
have good grades so that in college I can have
scholarship and the people who bring me to school
can’t pay.
In a contrary, Q-net said:
Tingali, kay para saakoa kung naay koy mga subject
nga na missed akoa jung e ask nako ang teacher kung
unsa akoang kulang. (USG12ISIDIP#2)
Maybe, because for me if I have missed subject I ask
the teacher for my deficient.
In addition, Vivo shared her experience with confidence in saying:
Oo sure ko nga makapasa ko ani kay ofcourse gibuhat
nagud nako tanan nganng di pa ko kapasar.
Yes I am sure of passing this because of course I did all
of my best and why I can’t pass?

Extra effort mar help irregular students to dwell their academic

responsibilities and perform well in their different fields.

Coping with the challenges of irregular students

From the data collected, there were three major themes which emerged from

the responses as shown on Table 2. These are success underpins diligence,

Parental, Teacher and Peer Support matters, Disregard stereotyping.

Success Underpins Diligence

Success underpins diligence emerged as the first major theme under how

participants cope up with the challenges as irregular students. Different ideas were

made during the focused group discussion and in-depth interview. The following

core ideas are: taking serious the task that was given by the teacher, do the

projects early as much as possible, and update always on the discussion of the

subjects that they missed.

Here are some of the responses of the participants in relation to the theme

success underpins diligence as their form of coping mechanism.

My only strategy is you need to have a time

management, you should not waste the time because
being irregular student is hard so be brave and you
must maintain the time because have a lot of work at
home so time is the best. (USG12ISIDIP#1)

In addition, Q-net share her respond when she said:

I always think that I can do it for my family and for my

future. (USG12ISIDIP#2)

Moreover, LG response and he said:

You need to fight because if you are finished you also

the one who cherish everything and you can pay back
to the hard works of your parents. (USG12ISFGDP#4)

Fighter and being positive are very essential for those who experienced

different levels of being irregular student. By doing so, they can share their

problems and concern to others, as a result, they will achieve their goals.

Table 2

Themes and Core Ideas on How Participants Cope with the challenges as
Irregular Senior High School Students

Major Core Ideas


You need to be alert, and you should not be lazy

You need to follow your classmates if you miss the session.
Success You should not be complacent, because you are complicated
underpins and panic if you fail.
diligence Since there are subjects added you need a double hard work to
Comply all the requirements even you can say that it is
Not shy if you ask or seek for favor from teachers
The teachers help the students that have back subjects.
The advisers update us if we take our back subjects.
If your parents know your situation, they always support you.
Parental, Be open with your parents, they will always there to support you
Teacher and They enter/join us to the requirements, we only need to pay for
Peer Support expenses
matters Our classmates are helpful, they inform us to that task that we
need to comply with our back subjects
Be kind if you ask for help if ever there is session that you can’t
attend because of the conflict in another subject.
They allow us to borrow their notes, we share the slides of
teacher in class
Acquire proper mind set always, that in order to overcome these
challenges you will also motivate yourself to do even if others
Disregard see as difficult.
stereotyping I can, don’t surrender the battle, prove to others that you were
able to succeed because you have good disposition in life
Do not entertain negative thoughts from others, it will not help.
You’re there for a reason, make the best out of it.

Parental, Teacher and Peer Support matters


Parental, Teacher and Peer Support matters came forth as the second major

theme under coping strategies of senior high school students who experience

challenges as irregular students. It elucidates different core ideas which includes:

support from the parents/guardian and teachers, communicating and sharing of

emotions with their peers, family that serves as their refuge in times of challenges

and love ones who always there to support and give comfort.

When we asked to her coping mechanism on finding if their friends and family

help them to improve their performance, Samsung said:

Yes my family and friends help me in a way that they

encourage me and financial support. (USG12ISFGDP#2)

This was supported by Huawei when she said:

Of course I have friends that I told them that Bes, I am

irregular student and it is difficult, it is first time that
happened to me so my friends are there even along the
way they comfort me that you can do it, you need to
fight Bes because all of the problem has its solution if
you can. (USG12ISIDIP#1)

Communication and support from family and love ones are very important in

order to rejuvenate ourselves. It encourages healthy mind and body. It help us to

achieve a clear and calm mind, your thought process is more positive and helps

you in making decisions.

Disregard stereotyping

Disregard stereotyping came forth as the third major theme under how

participants cope up with the challenges as irregular students. It elucidates different

core ideas which includes: be positive, doing you best and do not give up.

Q-net feel motivated as she stated her answer:

Gi undergo nako ni kay para sa akoa self ang saakoa

family bisan pa ug lisod siya kaau pero kayanon then
laban lang. (USG12ISIDIP#2)

I undergo for myself and for my family even though it is

very hard but can do it and fight.

Asus shared her perspective when she said:

First palang gyud nako confident nakay ko, kay diko

gusto Makita sa tao na down ko kay tungud ako
transfere ug kung naa may ihatag sa teacher sa ako
dapat di gyud nako ibaliwala (USG12ISFGDP#1)

In the first place I am confident, because I don’t want

that other people look down because I’m transferee and
if the teacher gave me I should not keep it nothing.

Lenovo sincerely said these statement:

Kay dapat hatagan nato ug halaga ang atong pag

eskwela and next time dli na magbinuang.

“We should give value on our studies and next time we

should not be unserious”.

Based on the answers of the participants, having a positive mind can help

reduce the stress of irregular students and also help them to overcome these

challenges. Gaining a personal relationship to our love ones is very important and

having a strong a faith and trust in yourself is the most beautiful foundation to build


Shared insights and Learnings of Irregular students from Cabantian SHS

The responses of the informants and participants of the study are presented

in Table 3. It formulated themes, namely: Take the risk, Time is of the essence,

Plan. Shifting strand is not a good option.

Take the Risk

Take the risk appeared to be the first theme in the shared insights of

irregular students which covers the following core values: facing the different

challenges as irregular students, manage and accept the struggles, and obtain self-


Here are the responses of the participants in relation to the theme as take risk.

As we ask them on what lesson they can share to other student Huawei said:

Ang ma share ko lang sa ibang students na nalearn ko

ay maging brave na kailangan pa talaga maging strong
somasasabi ko talaga na dapat kung may pamilya ka
pa na nandyan dapat pahalagahan mo talaga hindi
katulad ko na walang pamilya na nagtatrabaho pa ako
diba mahirap tapos may mga problema pa sa school.
Ang mashare ko lang ay mahirap talaga kung walng
pamilya, mahirap kung nakikibahay ka lang.

I can only share to other students that I learned is be

brave that we need to be strong so I can say if you have
a family give them value unlike me that have no family
and I am working so it is hard and there’s a lot of
problems in school. I can share, it is difficult if you have

no family, it is difficult if you are staying into others


Q-net shared her answer with courage and said:

Table 3

Themes and Core Ideas on Insights that Participants Can Share to other
students in general

Major Themes Core Ideas

Manage whatever the consequences of the action that
you take.
Do not blame others, instead learn to accept and work to
Take the Risk overcome such challenges.
Accept and overcome difficulties by working hard
Just continue and work for it, no matter how hard it is.
If you think it is difficult, keep going because you can’t
learn if you are not in the situation, though it can wider
you experience because you learn from it
Time is gold, learn to adjust from that circumstances,
what’s important is for you to finish the subject, and get a
passing mark.
If you are irregular student, time is of the essence, to be
absent in class is a mortal sin
Time is of the You can left behind in case if you don’t know to manage
Essence your time
Possibly you get a failing mark if you don’t know how to
manage your time. Imagine, doing task from one subject
to another, it’s not that easy.
List important task that you have to do earlier, so not
easily forgotten.
It is helpful to have a career guidance in school, for us to
be enlightened about our career choices in life.
Know the pros and cons. If you don’t have any other
choice but to transfer, then always do what best for you.
Plan: Shifting Strand We still have long way to travel as students, thus we need
is not a Good Option. to always plan for our future.
Have “To do List” so that you will be guided of things that
you’re going to do.
Consult and seek for advice. From then you will learn
other possibilities or life’s experiences that would help
you get through it.

Akoang na ning isa-isip na ang mga lesson nga akoang

na learn nga bisag unsa pa kalisod ang imong kinabuhi
kung magtinarung lang jud ka is maabot lang nimo ang
imoang mga dream nimo balang araw.

I should put in mind the lessons that I learned that no

matter what are the struggles in our lives if you can be
serious/good, you can reach your dreams someday.

In correlation with the insights of the irregular students, participant Asus said:

Miskan unsa man kalisud atung maagian di ta mo give

up. (USG12ISPFGDP#1)

Even what challenges we encounter we should not give


Challenges are common thing that is part of the life of the person especially

the students. But as long as the person know how to dwell the challenges in life, it

is possible for them to achieve their goals in life.

Time is of the Essence

Time is of the Essence appeared the second major theme under shared

insights and learning of the irregular students from Cabantian SHS. It explicates

different core ideas during focused group discussion and in-depth interview which

includes the following: Joining the class of back subject, time management, and

doing and passing the projects or requirements on time.

Here are the lessons and insights of the participants about the theme time is

of the essence.

Medyo nabalaka kay feel nako magkalisod ko usahay

sa mga subject nga akong ginabalikan.

I feel worried because I feel that it is hard sometimes in

the subjects that I taking back.

Sauna kay regular paman sayun ra kaayu sya kay naka

stay raka sa isa ka place, kay sa karun naa nay kahati
imong time. (USG12ISFGDP#1)

Before I am regular and it is very easy because you are

staying in one place, now there’s time conflict.

The statement above are the shared insights and reflection of the

participants from their different experiences.

The shared insights below are the different responds of the participants

when we ask if they are satisfied in their lives.

Yes satisfied ako because kuntento ako kung anong

meron ako kahit na nahihirapan ako as irregular
student kasi ito na eh, tsaka minsan nakakaya ko
naman e manage ang time ko. (USG12ISIDIP#1)

Yes I am satisfied because I am contented for what I

have and even it is difficult as irregular student because
this is it, and sometimes I can manage my time.

Dili ko satisfied kay usahay dli nako mamanage anf

time tapos mabehind ko. (USG12ISFGDP#2)

I am not satisfied because sometimes I can’t manage

my time and I am behind.

Having a time management can give a person hope to stand and to fight.

The challenges of the person can lead to stress but if we have that positive and

clear mindset we can balance the time and overcome these challenges.

Plan. Shifting strand is not a good option.

Plan. Shifting strand is not a good option came as the third major themes

under shared insights and learnings of irregular students from Cabantian SHS. It

elucidates various core ideas during the focused group discussion and in-depth

interview which includes the following: highlight the chosen career, advice from the

parents or teachers, and planning for the future.

Here are their insights about coping the challenges as irregular students.

Cherry give advice with smile as she said:

Kung ma irregular student man mo maagian gyud ninyu

ang mga trials na akong na encounter so laban lang.

If you become irregular student you encounter many

trials that I encounter so you should fight.

Lenovo also responded when we asked what is/are the difference of regular to
irregular student by saying:

Karun kay lisod na kaayo mag manage ug time dli

prihas sa una nga ayahay kaau ka. (USG12ISIDIP#3)

Now is very difficult to manage your time unlike before

that you are so lucky.

OPPO sincerely share her thoughts saying:

Pag regular nalang mo pra di mahati inyung time.


You should be regular for you to have no time conflict.


The shared insights of the participants goes with saying there is nothing

impossible to the person who perseveres to overcome challenges. Having a

positive mind and proper time management will help a person to be successful.

Chapter Summary

Based on the responses from both in-depth interview and focused group

discussion, the study revealed the most of the participants encountered challenges

and negative situations as irregular students. These are Status: Complicated,

gaining friends, mediocre assessment result and sensing responsibility. Coping

mechanism of the participants includes success underpins diligence, Parental,

Teacher and Peer Support matters, and disregard stereotyping. Despite the

challenges, they account to share insights and learnings such as take the risk, time

is of the essence and Plan. Shifting strand is not a good option. Student life is

changeover period and they may experience high levels of stress in many areas of

their life. And students should be well matured enough to accept changing and hard

situations in their life while improving their capabilities and skills as participants of

the study.

Chapter 5


This chapter presents the discussion of the results of the study as well as

the conclusions and the implication for the future research which are anchored on

the results of the investigation. This study aims to describe the experiences of

irregular students from Cabantian SHS by bringing out their feelings, lesson and

insights and determine what concepts may be gleaned from the results.

The participants of the study simply described their lived experiences

regarding on the challenges as irregular students. The first major theme that

emerged in the study is Status: complicated. Status: complicated were experienced

by the irregular students when they are feeling uneasy to their status and getting

absences most especially to their back subjects in the grade 11 class.

Considering the statement of participant OPPO as she said that she feel

uneasy and being challenge to the task of irregular students that the teachers gave

to them especially when the two subjects are in the same schedule. Another

experience shared by the participant Samsung as she said the same thing as

OPPO but she added that, since the two subjects are in the same schedule, it is

hard for her to manage her time in appropriate way. In addition, iPhone also stated

by saying his experience in a sad aura that it is challenging for him because of the

requirements and projects that was given by the teachers at the same time and

day, and there’s a lot of things that he need to comply.

The statement above was supported by APA or American Psychological

Association indicates that irregular students mostly missing a homework or getting

late in class. Or it could be as severe as getting dropped in a certain subject or

worse failed the subject that can really affect the student personal lives, stress and

ultimately impact on the outcome of the achievement. Several of these problems

occurs which results for a student to have an irregular status in school.

In addition, Paner (2012) stated that not all irregular students can adapt

easily to the many changes that go with being an irregular student, thinking that

they are better off focusing on passing the subject on their own to get back to

where they were really supposed to be. So in conclusion, irregular students

especially in the secondary levels experienced greater and feel uneasy to the task

that can possibly affected on their decisions and achievements.

Gaining friends came forth as the second major theme of experiences of the

irregular students. This theme (gaining friends) came out and happen because

there are times that they can socialized to another person or another class which

they can perform in a particular academic requirements and demand. Let’s take the

case of Q-net, she stated that being irregular students may also have

advantages because you can gain friends not only in your classroom but also to the

other students from the other classrooms. On the other hand, Asus shared and

added that her parents are not near to her so friends can give her a understanding

to move and step forward and do the things that needed to be done. In addition,

OPPO states her experience that she is also happy for being irregular because she

can build a new set of friends from the other classrooms and she can learn a lot.

Irregular students can also have happy experiences which can also gain a

lot of friends that can help them to achieve the passing rate of grade and it also

help them on the requirements and academic demands. Paner (2012) state that

irregular students are oftentimes the ones who have the most friends because they

get to meet and stay with new sets of classmates every semester, if they choose a

different class each semester.

Mediocre assessment result is the third major theme which emerged during

the focus group discussion and in-depth interview of irregular students.

Students can have a low grades because of the time and the assessments of the

subjects which can affect the grades of these students. Thus, they need to ask for

the teachers help to passed the exam and comply the thing that they are lack.

Irregular students may also have a failing grades because of the missed subject

class in terms of summative and quizzes. Let’s take the case of OPPO, she

admitted that if you are irregular student you can sacrifice the one subject and join

to the other one but she added that they need to ask the teacher that they can’t

enter to the class so that they are informed in your situation. In addition, Cherry

state that it is hard for her to take the challenges as irregular student especially

when time conflicts and sometimes they have quizzes to the back subject and to

the other one. Moreover, participant Vivo state that he is not happy because if their

schedule conflicts most especially if there is summative in the two subjects in the

same time so it results that she have lacks.

It is common for the irregular students to miss some of their subjects but in

terms of being failed in the subject is not good for them. Regular students can also

feel the same way but they are not that complicated as irregular students are.

Sensing responsibility is the fourth major themes. This theme came out

because there are time they need to work hard in terms of academic

responsibilities. Irregular students should have managing skills regardless on the

tasks that the teacher give to them and also they also need an assistance from the

advisers. Time management also considered in order for the students pass the

subject requirements on time. Let’s take the case of Huawei that she respond when

we ask if they are sure of passing the semester and she said that it is unpredictable

but she assure that she will do her best to pass and get scholarship for college in

order for her to help her love ones. Moreover, Q-net respond the same thing as

Huawei because she have missed the class a lot and she is lack in the

requirements of the subjects. In addition, Vivo also answer that she is sure of

passing because she did her best with confidence.

We, as students have a lot of responsibilities not only in school but also in

our home. Irregular students having a complicated in taking their responsibilities

because of the limited time that are given to them but they are striving and fighting

despite of the challenges. Through these challenges they are being tensed and

have a lot of issues thinking about. Sometimes they are being alone to resolve of

their challenges because they know to themselves that they can do it. Second,

irregular students can also feel stress in doing and facing the challenges of life.

Sometimes they think that it is hard and stop in school because of these. But then,

they always think the people that they need to help and people that they need to

pay back most importantly their loving and supportive love ones.

As the end, being irregular they can always asking for help and advice.

Some of them can also receive stigma from the regular students which can really

affect the thinking of these students. It is hard for them to excel in all kinds of

subjects because of their status.

The strategies or coping mechanisms do the participants used to address

challenges as irregular students that came from Cabantian SHS that generated

three major themes like success underpins diligence, Parental, Teacher and Peer

Support matters, and disregard stereotyping. Each emerging theme is presented

with its corresponding core ideas supported by authors and references.

Success underpins diligence is the first major theme that was formulated

during the thematic analysis of the irregular students from Cabantian SHS.

Responses of the participants revealed that when they feel hard and difficult, they

choose to fight with courage and diligence.

Considering the case of Huawei, she admitted that only strategy is that she

need to have a time management and as irregular students should not waste the

time because being irregular student is hard so be brave and they need also

maintain the time because have a lot of work. Moreover, Q-net added that she

need to strive for her family as she thinks of the future.

Coping strategy refers to the ways of how the students handle and fight the

challenges that they faces. Elias (1993) indicated that the transition into middle

school required students to be capable of accepting many social challenges. In the

U.S. educational system, student advancement is predicated on graded

performance in a series of classes.

Parental, Teacher and Peer Support matters came forth as the second major

theme under coping strategies of senior high school students who experience

challenges as irregular students. Being challenge is one of stage that students

should undertake so the support of the family and friends always present.

Let us take the case of Samsung that as irregular students her family and

friends always support and help her to achieve things that she wanted. Lee and

Lee (2007) found that family closeness is a key factor in determining a child’s

academic performance. Their results indicated that students who rated their family

closeness at a higher level displayed an ability to adjust to their schools better,

which could enhance academic performance because they were more comfortable

in their environment.

Moreover, participant Huawei feel so happy that she have a friend who

always comfort her which she is comfortable to share her problems especially if it is

all about being irregular student.


The feeling having a moral support from you family and friends are the best

weapon in order for the students fight their stress. It can also help a person to grow

passionately and be determined to achieve her/his goals.

The statement above supported by the study of Halawa (2006) that indicate

that children whose parents were involved in their education and encouraged them

to do their work had significantly higher GPAs.” Though it is not a requirement to

have personal closeness with the family members, the study have concluded that

having supportive parents gives a huge impact on the student’s academic

performance. The less the support the student get, the less he/she may respond to

the academic requirements.

Disregard stereotyping came forth as the third major theme under how

participants cope up with the challenges as irregular students. Often when irregular

students faces the different challenges the word never give up is the first thing that

we should always remember. The case of participant Q-net undergo such difficult

things as irregular students for her family. In addition, Asus confident because she

don’t want that other people discriminate her and she need to prove to the people

that she can do it. Moreover, Lenovo admitted that we, as students should focus

and value education.

The challenging situations can feel we face in life are often the ones that

offer us the greatest opportunity for personal growth. Year 2012, Jay Arnel Bilocura

studied that being always present in class and getting to school on time are two of

the crucial determining factors of a student’s success, not just as a student but as a

person who will be managing his/her own life in the future.   It includes facts about

tardiness, the different factors that causes it and its effect to the students as

students and as bearer of their own lives in the future.

The participants of the study take into account that shared insights learned

from their experiences as irregular students from Cabantian SHS. Core ideas are

developed and emerged three major themes which includes: take the risk, time is

of the essence and Plan. Shifting strand is not a good option.

Take the risk is the first major theme emerged because irregular students

are complicated and having a hard time to fight against the challenges that they

have. Let’s give a scenario, the Philosophy and creative writing of grade 11 are in

the same schedule of time and it is near to examination and as irregular students

you need to take both summative test and since it is in the same time you need to

sacrifice one subject in order to take the other one, after you need to take the

missed test to the break or free time. In this case the scenario shows how irregular

students taking the risk.

Time is of the essence come to fore is the second major theme appeared

because irregular students always know how to manage their time when there are

continuous demand about the subjects requirements especially in the examination

day. Giving value of the time make a student independent on the things or

responsibilities as student. Irregular students are easily get stressed and annoyed

with the least thing that another person.


One participant said that she is unsatisfied about the things that she faces

now because sometimes it is hard for them or for her to manage the time properly

and because of this it results being behind in the subject.

Plan. Shifting strand is not a good option is the third and last major theme

surfaced for the irregular students from Cabantian SHS. Senior high school is

considered as college life it can help us to think what course we need to take if we

go to the college. If you are study as grade 11 in that school you should finish your

seniors life in that same school because if student transfer to the other school as a

grade 12 it is hard for her/him to adjust because they need to shift from grade 12 to

grade 11.

In the same way, Balberan (1997) explained that most of the students

nowadays are having hard time in deciding what course they really want to take.

Some take the risk of enrolling the course which they think they would be

interesting, without knowing the demands of the course they will be into. Some

would enroll a course just because their parents force them to, these are some

reasons that contributed to a high percentages of drop-outs, shifters and under

achievers. Many students discontinue this college education at the request of the

failing on some or all examination in his subjects and therefore failed some or all of

his courses.

Furthermore, Finnegan (1998) state that schools should help students learn

the abilities underlying emotional intelligence. Possessing those abilities, or even

some of them, can lead to achievement from the formal education years of the child

and adolescent to the adult’s competency in being effective in the workplace and in


Implication for practice

As the end of this study, several questions were formulated in the minds of

the researchers. These are the following: “why did the researchers choose this

study?” What pushes or encourages the researchers to study this particular topic?”

The researchers knew from qualitative methodological standpoint that their stories

have not been told before which would illuminate the live experiences of irregular

students from Cabantian SHS. We personally believe that this under taking would

be significant source of information not only to irregular students but for academes

and general.

Irregular students are not new to all who give outmost priority to education.

Many of them encounter challenges at their personal level so as with the family and

school. One of this is limited time to make the projects and assignments. And this

factor will somehow affect the personal relationship with people around them. This

is the reason why we conducted this study. Even with the different trials and

challenges they encounter, still they always look at the bright side of life and think

positive in order to realized their dreams and wishes in life. At this age irregular

students tend acquire coping strategies which helped them avoid the negative

effects of the circumstances brought to them. A good realization and learning

insights that can be shared to other students whom in one way or another share the

same experience.

Implication for Future Research

Since the study is limited to the irregular students of public secondary of

Cabantian National High School – Senior High School, the following future

researches are recommended.

That the findings of this study are not generalizable beyond 10 participants.

Future research may be conducted by describing the experiences of irregular

students from other schools of Davao City with another group of participants in

order to substantiate the findings. Second, future research may be conducted by

describing the experiences of irregular students in the private school or in other

parts of the country to add to the research base ideas and issues related to it.

Also, further research may be done to re-interview some of the participants

in the study whether to see their views and perceptions have changed over a

period of time. The findings of this study were viewed only from the lens of Senior

High School irregular students. Future research may be conducted to determine

the irregular students from private Senior High School viewed the same

experiences, coping and insights to conform the findings of the study.

Concluding Remarks

Gathered from the findings of this study are the stories and experiences of

Senior High School irregular students of Cabantian National High School, which

revealed that most of the participants face different challenges. The findings of the

study showed that even they encounter hardships and difficulties, they are even

motivated and determined to overcome the challenges. Irregular students are

alienated and stigmatized in school. They were judged beyond shuffled schedules,

labelling us as lazy and negligent. They are the ones considered as the least

prioritized or be removed from the narrative. However, as student, all of us are

reminded to take responsibility in all our actions. If there are circumstances beyond

control, it is but necessary to manifest the virtue of hard work and perseverance in

order to overcome life’s battle. As participants the following highlights as the

emerging themes, Status: Complicated, gaining friends, mediocre assessment

result and sensing responsibility However, by applying different coping strategies

reduces stress and emotional disturbance for success underpins diligence, with

Parental support, as well as teacher and Peer Support in order to disregard


The contribution of the study was making the perceptions and insights of

irregular students from Cabantian senior high school as well as the construct that

derived the findings available to the general public. Moreover, it brings the

advantage of using qualitative approach in understanding certain experiences

which also opened opportunities and ideas for future researchers in as much as

there is a great idea and understanding about the lives and experiences of irregular

students in school.


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