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Sub Name : Electrical Drives & Controls Department: MECHANICAL
Sub Code : EE 8353 Year : II
Date : Timing: 3 hours
Max. Marks: 100

ANSWER ALL THE QUESTIONS (10*2 = 20 marks)

1. Name the types of Electric Drives.

1. DC Drives 2. AC Drives
It is also classified as
a. Individual drive
b. Group drive
c. Multi motor drive

2. Mention the various factors that influence the choice of electric drives?
a. steady state operation b. Transient operation
c. Related with source d. Capital and running cost
e. Life period f. Reliability
g. Location and environment

3. What are the advantages of electric braking over other type of braking?
 Less Maintenance and cheap
 Wear and tear is not taken place
 Pollution free
 Electrical braking is smooth and heat produced in this method is not affecting the

4. Single phase induction motor is not a self starting motor. Why?

Single phase supply is fed to the single phase induction motor. Its stator winding
produces a flux which is only alternates along one space axis only. It is not a
synchronously revolving flux, as in the case of a two-or a three phase stator winding,
fed from a 2 or 3 phase supply. Now an alternating or pulsating flux acting on a
stationary squirrel cage rotor cannot produce rotation. That is why a single phase
motor is not self-starting.
5. What is the necessity of a starter for DC Shunt Motor?
When a DC motor is directly switched on, at the time of starting, the motor back emf is
zero. Due to this, the armature current is very high (nearly 25 times the rated current).
Due to the very high armature current, the motor become damaged. To limit the
starting current starters are necessary. In DC motors, starters are used to limit the
starting current within about 2 to 3 times the rated current by adding resistance in
series with the armature current.

6. Name the different types of starter used in 3-phase induction motors.

The following starting methods are used in 3-phase induction motor.
a) Three phase squirrel cage induction motor alone
 DOL Starter
 Primary Resistance starter
b) Both squirrel cage and slip ring induction motor
 Auto transformer starter
 Star-delta starter
c) Slip ring induction motor only
 Rotor resistance starter

7. Define duty cycle of a DC chopper.

The ratio of ON period of chopper to the total time period is called duty cycle of
α= =
8. Draw the block diagram of phase controlled rectifier fed DC drives.

Phase Controlled
DC Supply DC drive

9. What are the various conventional speed control methods used in induction
Stator side control:
a) Stator voltage control
b) Stator frequency control
c) V/f control
d) Controlling number of stator poles to control Ns
e) Adding rheostat in stator circuit.
Rotor side control:
a) Adding external resistance in the rotor circuit.
b) Cascade control
c) Injecting slip frequency voltage into the rotor circuit.
10. What are the advantages of V/f speed control of three-phase induction
 Smooth speed control from zero to 1.2 times the rated speed is possible.
 Higher starting torque can be achieved.
 Higher power factor at start can be achieved.
 Good efficiency at all speeds
 Speeds below and above rated speed are possible.

11. a.Explainthe thermal model of an electric motor for
(i) Heating the electric motor when starting from cold
(ii) Cooling the electric motor when it is switched off from the mains.(16)
b. (i)A constant speed drive operating at a speed of 500 rpm has a cyclic
loading as given below:
200 Nm for 10 minutes
300 Nm for 20 minutes
150 Nm for 20 minutes
No load for 10 minutes
Estimate power rating of the motor.(8)
The equivalent torque criterion gives

T eq=

√ ∑ T 2i t i
∑ ti

(2002 ×10 )+(3002 ×20)+(1502 ×20)+(02 ×10)

T eq=
√ 10+20+20+10
2 πN
= 210.1586 N-m
Peq =T eq×ω=T eq ×
210 .1586×2 π ×500
Peq =
60 = 11kW
Assuming η of drive equipment as 80%
P eq 11
Power rating = η 0.8 = 13.75 kW

(ii)Explain about Group drive and Individual drive and Mention its
advantages and disadvantages.(8)
The electric drives used in industry may be divided into three types namely
• Group drive
• Individual drive
• Multi-motor drive

Group drive

• This drive consists of a single motor, which drives one or more line shafts supported
on bearings.
• Two or three loads(machines) are driven by single large motor.
• The line shaft may be fitted with either pulleys and belts or gears, by means of
which a group of machines or mechanisms may be operated.
• It is also some times called as SHAFT DRIVES.
• A single large motor can be used instead of number of small motors
• The cost of single large motor is less than the cost of many motors of same aggregate
• Only one motor is to be handled
• It is well suited and still used now-a-days in process and textile industries where
stoppage of one operation leads to stoppage of sequence of operation.

• There is no flexibility. A fault in the motor renders all machines or loads idle.
• If only small load is to be used, the high rating motor has to work with light load.
This results in reduced efficiency.
• Addition of extra machine to the main shaft is difficult.

Individual drive

• In this drive each individual machine is driven by a separate motor.

• The machine can be placed in any desired position and can be moved without any
• A fault in the motor will not idle the other loads.
• The motor always runs at full load.
• It eliminates all shafting and belting.
• Machines can be installed at any desired place.
• Addition of future load is easy.
• Speed control of individual load is easy.
• The system is very safe
• The noise level is less
• The appearance is good
• Motors operate at good power factor
• The fixed and initial cost is high
• It is not suited for a sequence of operations

12. a.Describe various methods of electrical braking of d.c shunt motors.

Compare their relative merits and demerits. (16)
In case of emergency or to save time if the motor is being used for frequently
repeated operations, it is desirable to stop a motor quickly.
The motor and its load may be brought to rest by using either (i) mechanical
(friction) braking or (ii) electric braking.
• In mechanical braking, the motor is stopped due to the friction between the moving
parts of the motor and the brake shoe or brake drum. i.e. kinetic energy of the
motor is dissipated as heat. It requires frequent maintenance.
• In electric braking, the kinetic energy of the moving parts (i.e. motor) is converted
into electrical energy which is dissipated in a resistance as heat or alternatively, it is
returned to the supply source (Regenerative braking).
• Mechanical braking has several disadvantages including non-smooth stop and
greater stopping time.
The following three methods of electric braking are commonly used:
i. Rheostatic or Dynamic braking
ii. Plugging or reverse current braking
iii. Regenerative braking
Electric Braking of D.C. Shunt Motor
Rheostatic or dynamic braking :
• In this method, the armature of the running motor is disconnected from the supply
and is connected across a variable resistance R.
• However, the field winding is left connected to the supply.
• The armature, while slowing down, rotates in a strong magnetic field and, therefore,
operates as a generator, sending a large current through resistance R.
• This causes the energy possessed by the rotating armature to be dissipated quickly
as heat in the resistance. As a result, the motor is brought to standstill quickly.

• The braking torque can be controlled by varying the resistance R.

If the value of R is decreased as the motor speed decreases, the braking torque may
be maintained at a high value.
• At a low value of speed, the braking torque becomes small and the final stopping of
the motor is due to friction.
• This type of braking is used extensively in connection with the control of elevators
and hoists and in other applications in which motors must be started, stopped and
reversed frequently.
• Connections to the armature are reversed so that motor tends to rotate in the
opposite direction, thus providing the necessary braking effect.
• When the motor comes to rest, the supply must be cut off otherwise the motor will
start rotating in the opposite direction.
• Armature connections are reversed while the connections of the field winding are
kept the same. As a result, the current in the armature reverses.

• During the normal running of the motor, the back e.m.f. Eb opposes the applied
voltage V. However, when armature connections are reversed, back e.m.f. Eb and V
act in the same direction around the circuit.
• Therefore, a voltage equal to V + Eb is impressed across the armature circuit.
• In order to limit the current to safe value, a variable resistance R is inserted in the
circuit at the time of changing armature connections.
• The braking torque depends upon the speed of the motor.
• Thus braking torque decreases as the motor slows down.
Regenerative braking:
• In the regenerative braking, the motor runs as a generator. As a result, the kinetic
energy of the motor is converted into electrical energy and returned to the supply.

• In one method, field winding is disconnected from the supply and field current is
increased by exciting it from another source.
• As a result, induced e.m.f. E exceeds the supply voltage V and the machine feeds
energy into the supply.
• Thus braking torque is provided upto the speed at which induced e.m.f. and supply
voltage are equal.
• As the machine slows down, it is not possible to maintain induced e.m.f. at a higher
value than the supply voltage.
• Therefore, this method is possible only for a limited range of speed.
• In the second method, the field excitation does not change but the load causes the
motor to run above the normal speed.
• As a result, the induced e.m.f. E becomes greater than the supply voltage V
• The direction of armature current I, therefore, reverses but the direction of shunt
field current If remains unaltered.
• Hence the torque is reversed and the speed falls until E becomes less than V.


b. (i) Draw the approximate equivalent circuit of a three phase induction

motor and derive the torque equation. Sketch also a typical toque-speed
characteristics of such a motor and indicate the different operating regions.
When running at slip s,

At standstill

Rotor Torque:
The torque T developed by the rotor is directly proportional to:
(i) rotor current
(ii) rotor e.m.f.
(iii) power factor of the rotor circuit
Starting Torque(Ts):

It is clear that the magnitude of starting torque would depend upon the relative
values of R2 and X2(i.e., rotor resistance/phase and standstill rotor reactance/
Torque under running condition:

It may be seen that running torque is:

(i) directly proportional to slip i.e., if slip increases (i.e., motor speed decreases), the
torque will increase and vice-versa.
(ii) directly proportional to square of supply voltage
Maximum Torque under running condition:
Torque-Speed Characteristics:

Operating Regions
The torque-speed curve has three operating regions:
1. Braking, nm < 0, s > 1
Torque is positive while speed is negative.
 This operation is also called plugging.
 This mode of operation can be used to quickly stop a machine.
 If a motor is travelling forwards it can be stopped by interchanging the
connections to two of the three phases.
 The power is flowing from the stator to the rotor and also into the rotor from
the mechanical system.
2. Motoring, 0 < nm< ns , 1 > s > 0
Torque and motion are in the same direction.
 This is the most common mode of operation.
 Speed decreases and torque increases till breakdown torque is reached.
3. Generating, nm > ns, s < 0
Torque is –ve maximum while speed is +ve.
 In this case, power flows from the mechanical system, to the rotor circuit,
then across the air gap to the stator circuit and external electrical system.

Torque-slip characteristics consists of three regions.

 Stable operating region
 Unstable operating region
 Normal operating region
At s = 0, T = 0 so that torque-slip curve starts from the origin.
At normal speed, slip is small so that s X2 is

 As slip increases beyond full-load slip, the torque increases and becomes
maximum at Sm = R2/X2.
 This maximum torque in an induction motor is called pull-out torque or
break-down torque.
 Beyond the maximum torque, the term s2X22 increases very rapidly so that
R22 may be neglected as compared s2X22 .

 The maximum torque remains the same and is independent of the value of
rotor resistance.
 Therefore, the addition of resistance to the rotor circuit does not change the
value of maximum torque but it only changes the value of slip at which
maximum torque occurs.
(ii) A DC series motor runs with a speed of 800 rpm and draws a current of 20
A from a supply at 250 V. The armature and series field winding resistances
are 0.2 ohm and 0.3 ohm respectively. A load change causes the current to
increase to 50 A. Assuming the flux produced is proportional to current.
Calculate the speed of the motor at the new load.(6)

13. a.With a neat diagram, explain the working and merits of a four point
starter for a dc shunt motor (16)
Necessity of Starter:
At the instant of starting, Eb =0 Because N=0 .
So at the time of starting, starting current is nearly 25 times the full load current. This
excessive current will blow out the fuses,damage the commutator,brushes etc.
The main function of starter is to control the starting current drawn by the motor.

Types of Dc Motor Starter:

 Two Point Starter
 Three Point Starter
 Four Point starter
Four Point Starter:

 Initially the handle is in OFF position. Soft iron piece is attached to the handle. When
the handle is moved to ON position, the soft iron piece is attracted by the electromagnet
 The starting resistance is connected in series with the armature of a dc motor.
 A NVR coil is directly connected across the supply line through the high resistance (HR).
 An OLR coil is connected in series with the armature.
 Movable arm is placed near the OLR coil.

 At the time of starting, the handle is moved from OFF position to stud no.1 to include
full starting that the starting current is reduced.
 Then the starting resistance is gradually cut down and the motor gathers speed, which
will then develop back emf.

(I) No Voltage Release coil(NVR):
 It is an electromagnet.
 When the handle is in ON position, the NVR coil is magnetized and attracts the
soft iron piece and keeps the handle in ON position against the spring tension.
 In case of failure or disconnection of the supply or break in the field circuit, the
NVR coil is de-energized so that the handle moved to OFF position.

(II) Over Load Release Coil (OLR):

 It is an electromagnet.
 It is connected in series with the armature.
 If the motor becomes overloaded beyond a certain predetermined value, iron
piece below the OLR is lifted up and this leads to short circuits the NVR coil.
Hence the NVR coil is de-energized so that the handle moved to OFF position.

Merits of Four point starter:

 When the speed control,the motor speed increased by weakening the flux
( Nα )
φ .so that the field current reduced.
 To achieve very high speed, field current should be reduced to very low value.
 In the three point starter, because of this very low value of field current, NVR
coil is de-energised. Because the NVR coil is connected in series with the field
winding. Hence the arm pulled back to OFF position. So the three point starter
is not suitable for variable speed motors.
 But in the four point starter, the current in the shunt field circuit does not affect
the current passing through the NVR coil .because the two circuits are
independent of each we can adjust the field rheostat for speed control.


b. With the help of a neat circuit diagram, explain the working of following
starter for three phase induction motor
(i)D.O.L Starter
(ii)Star-Delta Starter
(iii)Rotor Resistance Starter (16)
1. Direct on line starter:

 When TPST switch is closed  UVRC Energized  Main contactors to close 

Full supply voltage is given to motor
 Closing of A  Retains the supply to UVRC
 S2 Open  An emergency condition, Disconnect the motor from supply
No Voltage Protection:
If Supply voltage is low  UVRC de-energized  Main contactors to open 
Disconnect the motor from supply.
Over Load Protection:
Line current exceed  OLRC energized more  S4 Open  UVRC de-energized 
Main contactors to open  Disconnect the motor from supply
 Highest starting torque
 Low cost
 Simplicity
 The inrush current of large motors may cause excessive voltage drop in the
transmission line.
 The torque may be limited to protect certain types of loads.

2. Star –Delta starter:

Two way switch – connects the motor in star for starting and in delta for normal running.

 Start position:
Stator windings are connected as star  so the applied voltage is reduced a factor
1 V
V ph= L
of √3 . Because for star connection √ 3  so the starting current is reduced
 Run position:
When the motor speed reaches 70 to 80% of normal speed, two way switch is changed to
RUN position. Here stator windings are connected as delta. Therefore full voltage is
applied to the motor in the running condition

3. Rotor

 Used to start
slip ring
motor only
 External
resistance is
connected in
terminal to
reduce the
motor speed
 Full line
applied across the stator.Starting current reduced by increasing the rotor side
 At starting, Full resistance is included  Starting current reduced
 The resistance gradually cut out off the rotor circuit as the motor gathers speed.

1. R2 (increase)  I2R Loss (increase)  Operating efficiency( decrease)
2. Speed depends on both R2 and Load. This method is used only where the speed
changes are needed for short periods only.

14. a.(i)With a neat circuit diagram discuss in detail the Ward-Leonard

system of speed control of DC shunt motor. (10)
1. Full forward and reverse speed can be achieved.
2. A wide range of speed control is possible.
3. Power is automatically regenerated to the ac line through the M.G set when the
speed is reduced.
4. Short time overload capacity is large.
5. The armature current of the motor is smooth.

1. High initial cost.
2. The overall efficiency is low(< 80%),because of an additional M-G set.
3. Costly foundation and a large amount of space is required.
4. The drive produces noise.
5. It requires frequent maintenance.
(ii) A DC shunt motor draws a current of 50A from a supply of 440V and
runs at 900rpm.The field resistance is 100 ohms and field voltage is
440V.The armature resistance is 0.3 ohm. A chopper is used to control
the speed in the range300 to 600 rpm. While the torque remains same.
The ON period of the chopper is 4ms.Determine the chopper
frequencies at 300 rpm and at 600 rpm.(6)


b.Explain the speed control of a dc shunt motor using three phase half
controlled rectifiers. (16)
Study and write the points given below:
3 Phase semi-converters are used in Industrial dc drive applications upto 120kW
power output.

 Single quadrant operation is possible.

 Power factor decreases as the delay angle increases.
 Power factor is better than that of 3 phase half wave converter.

Three Phase semi-converter circuit:

Phase volatage:
V an=V m sin(ωt )

V bn=V m sin(ωt− )

V cn =V m sin (ωt+ )

Line to Line Voltage

V ab=(V an−V bn )=√ 3V m sin( ωt+ )
V bc =(V bn −V cn )=√3 V m sin(ωt − )
V ca =(V cn −V an )= √3 V m sin(ωt + )
Where Vm is the peak phase voltage of star connected source.

Two case study:

1. Three phase semi-converter for α ≤ 60º - Continuous output voltage
2. Three phase semi-converter for α > 60º - Discontinuous output voltage

Waveforms of Three phase semi-converter for α ≤ 60º

Average output voltage of three phase semi converter for α ≤ 60º

Waveforms of Three phase semi-converter for α >60º
Average output voltage of three phase semi converter for α > 60º

Speed-Torque Characteristics
15. a.(i)Explainvoltage/frequency speed control method of 3-phase induction
motor. (8)
(ii)Explain the pole changing method of speed control for a squirrel cage
induction motor.(8)
b.Explain the operation of two methods of static slip power recovery schemes
to control the speed of 3-phase slip-ring induction motor.(16)

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