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(An Experimental Research at Grade IX of MTs AS Sakienah Indramayu)
Siti Kolilah
IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon

Ilman Nafi’a
IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon

Siti Luruh Ayu Noerjanah

IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon

Abstract: In the learning process, reading is one of the aspects that should be
enhanced. However, there is a fact that most of students are still low in learning
reading, especially when they should comprehend reading text. Therefore, it is
needed to use the strategy in teaching reading comprehension. One of the
strategies is TPRC strategy and this research purposed is to identify whether this
strategy has significant effect the researcher conducting a research. The
objective of research is to find out the students’ achievement in reading
comprehension of descriptive text at control class and experimental class, and to
find out the significant effect of TPRC strategy on students’ reading
comprehension in descriptive text of the ninth grade at MTs As Sakienah. This
research uses quantitative research. The population are all the students in ninth
grade of MTs As Sakienah Indramayu, the sample are students at IX A that
consist of 27 students and IX B that consist of 27students. The data were
collected through two techniques: test and observation. The research findings
showed gain of experimental class is higher than control class. It means that the
students of experimental class have a good significant. The t-test result is t-score
7,009, t-table 2.00665, df 52, and sig (2-taild) .000, it means Ho rejected and Hi
is accepted there is a significant effect using TPRC strategy on students’ reading
comprehension of descriptive text at the ninth grade in MTs As Sakienah. Based
on the result, TPRC strategy is effective for teaching reading comprehension in
descriptive text.
Keywords: TPRC Strategy, Reading Comprehension, Quantitative research.

People able to read, hear, see, and tell something that occurs around us in daily
life. Supported by Alwasilah (2012) As the human beings who live normally, we do
our activities. We never just stop without doing anything because we live in this

world which full of things that we can do, see, hear, feel, and speak, such as speak
many foreign languages. English is one of many foreign languages that must be learn
by students at school. In fact it has been studied since elementary school up to
university. The student are demanded to be able to have English knowledge at least,
they can understand English both in oral and written language, eventhough the
competence is limited. English is one of important subject, the students should have
strong effort to get a good achievement in learning English.
English as means of communicationis used by many countries in this world. It
plays an important role as international language. People use English to communicate
each other, while in Indonesia English it is not their first language but English is as
the foreign language for them. English is an international language which consists of
four skills, namely listening, speaking, writing and reading that should be achieved by
the students who learn English. Those skills are divided into two kinds, namely
productive and receptive skills. Supported by other statement from Harmer (2001) the
productive skills are speaking and writing while the receptive skills are reading and
listening. Thus, the productive skills means that people are able to produce or make
something in the form of spoken or written, whereas the receptive skills means that
people are able to receive or get something from what they listen to or read. Those
four skills aimed for students to be able to communicate in English language both in
spoken or written language. Among those four skills, the writer only wishes to
discuss reading comprehension.
According to Alwasilah (2012) reading is very important for the student of
English Department, because there are many advantages from reading. By reading,
student will be able to increase their knowledge. In short, reading is very important
for all people in this world but reading is less intriguing for people, because it is a
complex process. However, reading is the most difficult skill for foreign learners.
According to Jeremy Harmer (2007) state that EFL learners have serious problems in
reading comprehension due to the fact that university pay more attention to English
grammar, reading and vocabulary. Learner difficult to pay attention and focus on
English text of reading, because they do not understand the meaning, they do not
understand the meaning because they are lack of English vocabulary. It makes the
learner lazy to read English text and teachers did not use the interesting strategy
which caused the students feel bored, these problems are found at MTs As Sakienah
Islamic Boarding School. Therefore, teacher should use interesting strategy in order
to make the learner spirit in the learning process such as use PQRST (Previewing,
Questioning, Reading, Summarizing and Testing) strategy, Think Pair and Share
strategy and Think, Predict, Read and Connect (TPRC) strategy.
Think, predict, Read and Connect (TPRC) strategy is one of the strategies that
can guide the students in reading comprehension. It is suggested by Ruddel (2005)
TPRC (Think, predict, Read and Connect) strategy requiresstudent to work in pairs or
individual. Teacher ask every groups or every students to work together or work
alone to understand and have an idea about general topic. TPRC strategy makes
people think and predict before they read a passage, can be useful in reading

comprehension. TPRC strategy will help the readers have a better way to comprehend
a pessage, the result will be more effective. The implementation of the TPRC strategy
are. Think, the students think and write down everything about the general topic of
reading. Predict means that student predict the content of reading and also mark the
ideas which are expected to be found in the literature. Read means that students read
a passage of text, mark the key ideas in the passage, mark the appropriate reading, the
contents of the prediction and student write down things in the passage that has not
been predicted. Connect means that student connect all the knowledge that was
already understand in every passage.
The researcher conducted a research, experimental research at the ninth grade
students of MTs As Sakienah Islamic Boarding School in academic 2018/2019.
Furthermore, there are two variables in this research, divided into independent
variable and dependent variable. Independent variable for this research is TPRC
(Think, Predict, Read, and Connect) strategy and dependent variable is students’
reading comprehension. The purpose of this research is to give information for the
teachers to use the appropriate strategy that can facilitate and help students’ in
learning reading.

Method of the research in this research is experimental research (Surakhmad:
2004). Experimental research is the way to find the relation between cause and effect
in the research variables. The purpose of this research is to find out the use of TPRC
(Think, Predict, Read, and Connect) strategy result on students’ reading
comprehension in descriptive text. The research method is a quantitative method with
using the quasi experimental research design. Quantitative is the discovery method,
because this method develops and uses the statistic (Sugiyono: 2017). Based on the
explanation above, the quantitative method use the numbers and SPSS. The
researcher use quasi experimental research to find out the real data from the
This research divided into two groups namely experimental and control group.
The experiment group will have a treatment which is TPRC (Think, Predict, Read,
Connect) strategy, while the control group do not have any treatment. Both of groups
will have Pre-test and Post-test, the result will be compared. The participants of this
research is students of MTs As Sakienah Islamic Boarding School Indramayu. This
research is only concerned on students from grade IX A as the experimental class and
IX B as the control class. The techniques of data collection are, observation and test.
Then the data analysis are normality test, homogeneity test, paired sample test and
independent sample test.

Students’ Achievement in Control Class
In this discussion, the researcher presented the students’ achievement of
reading comprehension at control class, on February 27th 2018, the researcher give
the pretest. The purpose of pretest is to investigate how far the students’ score in
reading comprehension. In the control class, the researcher didn’t give treatment,
only pretest and posttest. The posttest was conducted on March 22 th 2018. The
students’ were given the test about descriptive text, and the amount were 10 multiple
choices, 15 true and false that chosen based on the untested result and 5 essays. The
students’ reading comprehension achievement of descriptive text at controlled class
based on pre-test and post-test showed that the mean score pre-test was
70,11whereas the mean score post-test changed into 82,62. It means the mean score
of posttest higher than pretest.
The Frequency Distribution of Controlled Class
The frequency distribution of controlled class here, shows that the result of
pretest and posttest at controlled class, that includes the total of students both of
classes, mean both of classes, mode both of classes, minimum both of classes, sum
both of classes. The list of Frequency Distribution of Controlled Class can be seen in
Table 4.2:
Table : 4.2
The Frequency Distribution of Controlled Class

Pre-test Controlled class Post-test Controlled class

N 27 27
Mean 70.1111 82.6296
Mode 70.00a 80.00a
Minimum 60.00 67.00
Maximum 77.00 93.00
Sum 1893.00 2231.00

Based on the data above, the mean score pre-test was 70,11 and mode score was
70. The minimum score pre-test was 60 and the maximum score pre-test was 77 with
the total pre-test 1893. Whereas, the mean score post-test was 82.63 and mode score
was 80. The minimum score post-test was 67 and the maximum score post-test was
93 with the total 2231. The diagram pre-test and post-test of controlled class present
bellow diagram 4.3:

Figure: 4.3
The Diagram Pre-test and Post-test of Controlled Class
82.63 80 77
100.00 70.11 70
80.00 60 67
60.00 Pre-Test
40.00 Post-Test
Min Max

Normality Test
Normality test used to find out whether the data has normal distribution or not.
In this research, normality test used SPSS 21 with Kolmogorov-SmirnovaTest. The
criteria of determining normality pre-test and post-test of controlled class using
Kolmogorov-SmirnovaTestas follow:
If the significance score > 0,05, it means the data has normal distribution.
If the significance score < 0,05, it means the data has not normal distribution.
The following data normality test at control class in Table 4.4:
Table : 4.4
Normality Test of Controlled Class

Pre-test Controlled Post-test Controlled

class class
N 27 27
Mean 70.1111 82.6296
Kolmogrov-Smirnov Z .816 .866
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .518 .441

The result or normality test in the table One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test

showed that the significance score pre-test was 0,518. The significance score pre-test
was higher than the significance score 0,05 therefore pre-test of controlled class has
normal distribution. While, the significance score post-test based on Kolmogorov-
Smirnov Test was 0,441. The significance score post-test was higher than the
significant score 0,05. Thus post-test of controlled class has normal distribution.
Paired Sample Test
After the researcher got the result of normality test pre-test and post-test of
controlled class, then the researcher used Paired Sample Test to find out the

difference of mean score pre-test and post-test of controlled class. The hyphothesis of
paired sample test formulated as follow:
H0 : There is no difference pre-test and post-test score of controlled class
H1 : There is difference pre-test and post-test score of controlled class
The following data paired sample statistics at control class in Table 4.5:
Table : 4.5
Paired Sample Statistics of Controlled Class

Mea N Std. Std. Error

n Devia Mean
Pair Pre-test
1 Controlled 70.1111 27 4.60212 .88568
Controlled 82.6296 27 7.41178 1.42640

The table of Paired Sample Statistics above showed that the total of respondent
of controlledclass was 27 students. The mean score pre-test was 70.1111 with
standard deviation 4.60212. Meanwhile, the mean score post-test was 82.6296 with
standard deviation 7.41178 In conclusion, there is difference mean score pre-test and
post-test of controlled class.
Table : 4.6
Paired Sample Test of Controlled Class

Paired Differences
Pair 1 Post- mean Std. Std. T D Sig
test – Pre- Devi Error f .
test ation Mean (2-
Controlled tail
Class ed)

12.51 6.84 . 9. 2 .
852 651 1.317 5 6 00
61 0 0
Determining Paired Sample Test as follow:

1). If the significance score > 0,05 and t count< t table, it means H0 is accepted and
Hi rejected.
2). If the significance score < 0,05 and t count> t table, it means H0 is rejected and
Hi accepted.
3). If ttabellook for with α = 0,05 and df = 33, therefore ttabel = 2.05553
Based on the result of Paired Sample Test above, the significance score was
0,000. Because the significance score is lower from the significance score 0,05 and t
count (9,501) was higher from t table (2.05553).Therefore, H0 is rejected and Hi
accepted. It means there is a difference score of pre-test and post-test of controlled

Students’ Achievement in Experimental Class

In this discussion, the researcher presented the students’ achievement of reading
comprehension at experiment class, on March 1st 2018, the researcher give the pretest.
The purpose of pretest is to investigate how far the students’ score in reading
comprehension. In the experiment class, the researcher gives the treatment. The
posttest was conducted on April 8th 2018. The students’ give the test about descriptive
text, and the amount 10 multiple choices, 15 true and false that chosen based on the
untested result and 5 essays. The students’ reading comprehension achievement of
descriptive text in experimental class based on pre-test and post-test showed that the
mean score pre-test was 69,70 while the mean score post-test changed into 94,18. It
means the mean score of posttest higher than pretest.
The Frequency Distribution of Experimental Class
The frequency distribution of experimental class here, shows that the result of
pretest and posttest at experimental class, that includes the total of students both of
classes, mean both of classes, mode both of classes, minimum both of classes, sum
both of classes. The list of Frequency Distribution of Experimental Class can be seen
in Table 4.8:
Table : 4.8
The Frequency Distribution of Experimental Class

Pre-test Experimental class Post-test Experimental class

N 27 27
Mean 69.7037 94.1852
Mode 63.00 93.00
Minimum 57.00 87.00
Maximum 87.00 100.00
Sum 1882.00 2543.00

Based on the data above, the mean score of pre-test was 69,70 and mode score
was 63. The minimum score of pre-test was 57 and the maximum score of pre-test
was 87 with the total of pre-test 1882. Whereas, the mean score of post-test was 94,18
and mode score was 93. The minimum score of post-test was 87 and the maximum
score of post-test was 100 with the total 2543. The diagram pre-test and post-test of
experimental class present bellow:
Figure: 4.9
The Diagram Pre-test and Post-test of Experimental Class
94.19 93 100
87 87
100.00 69.7
80.00 63 57
60.00 Pre-test
40.00 Post-Test
Mean Mode Minimum Maximum

Normality Test
Normality test used to find out whether the data has a normal distribution or
not. In this research, normality test used SPSS 21 with Kolmogorov-Smirnova test.
The criteria of determining normality pre-test and post-test of experimental class
using Kolmogorov-Smirnova test as follow:
If Significance score > 0,05, it means the data has normal distribution
If Significance score < 0,05, it means the data has not normal distribution
The following data normality test at experimental class in Table 4.9:
Table : 4.10
Normality test of Experimental Class

Pre-test Post-test Experimental

Experimental class class

N 27 27
Mean 69.7037 94.1852
Kolmogrov-Smirnov Z 1.047 1.046
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .223 .224

The result or normality test in the table One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test
showed that the significance score of pre-test was 0,223. The significant score of pre-
test was higher than the significance score 0,05 therefore pre-test of experimental
class has normal distribution. Whereas, the significance score of post-test based on
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test was 0,224. The significance score of post-test was higher
than the significant score 0,05. Thus post-test of experimental class has normal

Paired Sample Test

After the researcher got the result of normality test pre-test and post-test of
experimental class, then the researcher used Paired Sample Test to find out the
difference of mean score pre-test and post-test of experimental class.
The hyphothesis of paired sample test formulated as follow:
H0 : There is no difference pre-test and post-test score of experimental class
H1 : There is a difference pre-test and post-test score of experimental class.
Table : 4.11
Paired Sample Statistics of Experimental Class

Mea N Std. Std.

n Deviati Error
on Mean
P Pre-test 69.7037 27 8.17037 1.57239
a Experimental
i Class
r Post-test 94.1852 27 4.29702 .82696
1 Experimental

The table of Paired Sample Statistics above showed that the total
respondent of experimental class was 27 students. The mean score pre-test was
69.7037 with standard deviation 8.17037. Meanwhile, the mean score post-test
was 94.1852 with standard deviation 4.29702. In conclusion, there is difference
mean score pre-test and post-test of experimental class.
Table : 4.12
Paired Sample Test of Experimental Class

Paired Differences
Pair 1 Mea Std. Std T d Si
Post-test n Deviatio . f g.
– Pre-test n Err (2
Experim or -
ental Me ta
Class an il

24.48148 10.54795 2.02995 12.060 26 .000

Determining Paired Sample Test as follow:

1). If the significance score > 0,05 and t count< t table, it means H0 is accepted and
H1 is accepted.
2). If the significance score < 0,05 and t count> t table, it means H0 is rejected and Hi
is accepted..
3). If ttabellook for with α = 0,05 and df = 26, therefore ttabel = 2.05553
Based on the result of Paired Sample Test above, the significance score was
0,000. Because the significance score is lower than the significance score 0,05 and t
count (12,060) was higher than t table (2.05553).Therefore, H0 is rejected and Hi is
accepted. It means there is difference score pre-test and post-test of experimental
The Significant Effect of Students Achievement in Control and Experimental
The significant score at control class was 0,441, meanwhile, the significance
score at experimental class was 0,866. Because the significance score is higher than
0,05, it means the data has normal distribution. It proved that TPRC (Think, Predict,
Read, and Connect) strategy has significant effect on students’ reading
comprehension. In other word this strategy is effective for teaching reading
comprehension in descriptive text.
Therefore, the result of Independent Sample Test showed that the significance
score 0,000. Because the significance score lower than 0,05 and t count (7,009) was
higher than t table (2.006), thus H0 is rejected and Hi is accepted. In conclusion, there
is a significant different of the control and experiment class. Here, students’ are
taught to use TPRC (Think, Predict, Read, and Connect) strategy and as a result, they

have a better score than students taught without using TPRC (Think, Predict, Read,
and Connect) strategy.
The Comparison between Experimental and Controlled Class
Normality Test
Table : 4.13
Normality Test of Experimental and Controlled Class
Class N Kolmogorov- Asymp. Sig.
Smirnov Z (2-tailed)
Experimental 27 1.046 .866
Controlled 27 .224 .441

The result of normality test using One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test of

controlled class showed that the significant score was 0,441. Because the significance
score is higher than 0,05, it means the data of controlled class has normal distribution.
Meanwhile, the result of normality test of experimental class using Kolmogorov-
SmirnovTest showed that the significance score was 0,866. Because than 0,05, it can
be concluded that the data of experimental class has normal distribution.
Homogenity Test
Homogenity test used to find out the homogeneous variance of the population.
In order to measure the homogenity from the two sample, the researcher analyzed the
variance of each data. The result of homogenity described below:
Table : 4.14
Homogenity Test of Experimental and Controlled Class

Levene df1 df2 Sig.


6.496 1 52 .014

The table of homogenity test using Lavene Test above, it showed that the
significance score was higher than 0,05. Thus, H0 is rejected and Hi is accepted.
which means the data has homogeneous variance.
Independent Sample Test
Independent sample test aims to find out the difference of mean score
experimental and controlled class. The hyphothesis of this test organized as follow:

H0 : There is no difference of experimental and controlled class
H1 : There is difference of experimental and controlled class.
Table : 4.15
Group Statistics of Experimental and Controlled Class

Class N Mean Std. Std. Error

Deviatio Mean
Experimental 27 94.1852 4.29702 .82696

Controlled 27 82.6296 7.41178 1.42640

The Group Statistics table showed that the total of respondent of experimental
class was 27 students and controlled class was 27 students. The mean score of
experimental class was 94,18 with standard deviation 4.29702. Whereas, the mean
score of controlled class was 82,62 with standard deviation 7.41178. Therefore, there
is the difference of mean score between experimental and controlled class.
Table : 4.16
Independent Samples Test Experimental and Controlled Class

Levene's t-test for Equality of Means

Test for
F S T Df S Mea Std.
i i n Error
g g Diff Differ
. . eren ence
( ce

D Equal 6.496 .014 7.009 52 .000 11.55556 1.64878
a varian
t ces
a assum
Equal 7.009 41.704 .000 11.55556 1.64878
Based on the table of Independent Sample Test, it showed that the significance
score was 0,000. Because the significance score lower than 0,05 and t count (7,009)
was higher than t table (2.006), thus H0 is rejected and Hi is accepted. It means there
are the differences between experimental and controlled class.
From the result finding statement above this research concluded that TPRC
(Think, Predict, Read, and Connect) strategy can make learning reading
comprehension in descriptive text easy to understand. The researcher believes that
TPRC (Think, Predict, Read, and Connect) strategy has significant effect in students’
achievement of reading comprehension. Related to the theory of TPRC (Think,
Predict, Read, and Connect) strategy as explained before in chapter II, TPRC (Think,
Predict, Read, and Connect) strategy makes people think and predict before they read
a passage, it can be useful in reading comprehension of descriptive text.
TPRC (Think, Predict, Read, and Connect) strategy will help the readers to
have a better way to comprehend a passage, the result of reading will be more
effective. The implementation of the TPRC strategy are Think, the students think and
write down everything about the general topic of reading. Predict means that student
predict the content of reading and also mark the ideas which are expected to be found
in the literature. Read means that students read a passage of text, mark the key ideas
in the passage, mark the appropriate reading, the contents of the prediction and
student write down things in the passage that has not been predicted. Connect means
that student connect all the knowledge that was already understand in every passage.
The discussion in this case, with the research problems which discussed as
follows: students’ of experimental class got pre-test, treatment and post-test
meanwhile students of controlled class got pre-test and post-test without any
treatment. A treatment of experimental class was TPRC (Think, Predict, Read, and
Connect) strategy used in teaching reading comprehension of descriptive text,
through this strategy the researcher found that students were actively in the learning

Thus, the researcher got the mean score of pre-test of experimental class was
69,70 then, after given a treatment of TPRC (Think, Predict, Read, and Connect)
strategy the mean score of post-test changed into 94,18. Besides, the mean score of
pre-test of controlled class was 70,11 and the mean score of post-test changed into
82,62. In conclusion, there is an improvement of students’ achievement of
experimental class after given a treatment.
Therefore, the result of Independent Sample Test showed that the significance
score 0,000. Because the significance score lower than 0,05 and t count (7,009) was
higher than t table (2.006), thus H0 is rejected and Hi is accepted. It means there are
the differences between experimental and controlled class.
Based on the result of research findings and explanation above, it could be
concluded that using TPRC (Think, Predict, Read, and Connect) strategy is effective
in teaching reading comprehension at Junior High School especially for ninth grade
students of MTs As-Sakienah Islamic Boarding School. It proved that TPRC (Think,
Predict, Read, and Connect) strategy has significant effect on students’ reading
comprehension of descriptive text. TPRC (Think, predict, Read and Connect) strategy
is one of the strategies that can guide the students in reading comprehension.
Using TPRC (Think, Predict, Read and Connect) strategy in teaching reading
comprehension of descriptive text is effective. After analyzing the data by using test
and observation, the researcher concluded about the result of students’ achievement
in descriptive text at control class, the result of students’ achievement in descriptive
text at experimental class, and a significant effect by using TPRC (Think, Predict,
Read, and Connect) strategy in reading. Thus, the researcher will describe the result
of the research as the follow:
Firstly, students’ reading comprehension achievement of descriptive text at
controlled class based on pre-test and post-test showed that the mean score pre-test
was 70,11whereas the mean score post-test changed into 82,62. It means the mean
score of posttest higher than pretest.
Secondly, students’ reading comprehension achievement of descriptive text in
experimental class based on pre-test and post-test showed that the mean score pre-test
was 69,70 while the mean score post-test changed into 94,18. It means the mean score
of posttest higher than pretest.
Thirdly, the significant score at control class was 0,441, meanwhile, the
significance score at experimental class was 0,866. Because the significance score is
higher than 0,05, it means the data has normal distribution. It proved that TPRC
(Think, Predict, Read, and Connect) strategy has significant effect on students’
reading comprehension. In other word this strategy is effective for teaching reading
comprehension in descriptive text.
Therefore, the result of Independent Sample Test showed that the significance
score 0,000. Because the significance score lower than 0,05 and t count (7,009) was
higher than t table (2.006), thus H0 is rejected and Hi is accepted. In conclusion, there

is a significant different of the control and experiment class. Here, students’ are
taught to use TPRC (Think, Predict, Read, and Connect) strategy and as a result, they
have a better score than students taught without using TPRC (Think, Predict, Read,
and Connect) strategy.

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