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/*************Candidate A*************

1. Difference between class and object

2. Which is the keyword is used for Inheritance
3. use of 'this' Keyword
4. use of 'super' keyword
5. use of Friend function
6. MaterialDesigning
7. RecycleView
8. The arguments returned by getview method

/***************Candidate B***********
1. Android Hardware Interaction(Camera,Gallery).
2. Key –value transfer to Json parsing.
3. Connection between Phone gap and Eclipse.
4. Sax and Dom parsing.
5. Which is better Base Adapter or Array Adapter?
6. What is Recycler view?
7. What is fragment? How to create fragments?
8. What is Activity? Life Cycle...
9. final and static keyword from java....
10. How to stop Shared Preference?(Ans. Force stop button in real device)
11. Brief idea about Projects....
12. Global class(App data class)... How this class is used?
13. finally block from exception in java....
14. Swapping and factorial from java.....

/************Candidate C*********
1. What is Activity?
2. What is Fragment?
3. Draw the life cycle of Fragment
4. Difference b/w array and arraylist?
5. why use sharedpreference
6. what is class and object?
7. what is polymorphism?

/****************** Candidate D*********

1. How can you create SQLite database in android?
2. In which folder of eclipse project will you save tha database file?
3. How to view data saved in android database(SQLite)?
4. What is the work of ApplicationConstant Class?
5. What is the functionality of DB_PATH and DB_NAME in DbHelper class?

/********* Candidate E***************

1. What is activity And describe Activity life cycle.
2. What IS SharePreferences. or Shared Preferences not Saved after app restart.
3. Describe JSON .
4. Describe fragment.
5. Difference Array and ArrayList.
6. Swaping using third variable or not.
7. factorial programming.
8. overloading ,overriding.
9. Thread In Asynctask

/******* Candidate F*******************

1. Which is better Base of Array Adapter?
2. What is Recycler view?
3. What is thread and material design
4. difference between recyclicview and list view
5. How many methods in ASyncTask class???
6. what is the version of Marsmarlow?
7. what is class?
8. what is the properties of JAVA?
9. Difference between class and object
10. Which is the keyword is used for Inheritance
11. use of 'this' Keyword
12. use of 'super' keyword
13. use of Friend function
14. MaterialDesigning
15. RecycleView
16. The arguments returned by getview method
17. what is material design?
18. What is recycle View ?
19. Write a code for custom Array Adapter.
20. jsonparser HTML code.
21. Basic difference between Java class and Object.
22. What will happen if we send View object as parameter within Oncreate Method.
23. LoadBalance concept.

/******** Candidate G*********************

1. what is material design?
2. What is recycle View ?
3. Write a code for custom Array Adapter.
4. jsonparser HTML code.
5. Basic difference between Java class and Object.
6. What will happen if we send View object as parameter within Oncreate Method.
7. LoadBalance concept.
8. Viewpager with fragment and with textview(machine test:)

/********* Candidate H***********

1. RecycleView?
2. main Diff between listview and RecycleView?
3. using One Method how u get a image from different mobile device?
4. material design?
1. What is fragment and activity
2. difference between fragment life cycle and activity life cycle
3. what is intent?describe two type of intent.
4. What is intentfilter.
5. What is manifest file?if i remove manifest.xml file then what happened.
6. What is thread,Asynctask class
7. vector image
8. What is gravity and weight and difference.
9. Name the DbHelper class @Override method.
10. What is sqllite and why we use in application.

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