Solas Cheklist Lsa & Lfa-2 PDF

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SOLAS CHECKLIST Weekly. & Monthly Checks for Life Saving Appliances & Fire Fighting Equipment 12 month period from ..../..../...... to ../ 1. ° LC. BRINDLE & Co. Ltd ® 20) Published by: LC. BRINDLE & Co. Ltd ® Broadstone, Dorset, England Tel: +44 (0)1202 657814 E: ‘wun COPYRIGHT LC. Brindle & Co. Ltd 2013 ‘All rghts roservod. No gat ofthe copyright materi this publication may be reproduced, stored ina retreval system or transnited in any form or by any means without the pcr writen permission ofthe publishers, First editon - 2000 Second edtion - 2008 Thind Eaton 2049 be cross referenced with Introduction provides a record of the weekly and monthly inspections of Life Saving Appliances and Fire Fighting Equipment aboard this vessel, that are required by 1432, SOLAS chapter Ill.20.6 & 20.7 and MSC.1/Circ.1206/Rev1. An appropriate Checklist for monthly inspections is specifically referrad to in SOLAS chapter |I1 20.7.2 and 36.1. Specific monthly checks are also required by MSCICirc. 1047 (immersion suits and anti-exposure suits) IBC Code 14.2.6 (breathing apparatus) and IGC Code 14.2.6 (breathing apparatus) and MSC. 1/Circ.1318 ("xed CO2 fire extinguishing systems). These and other IMO documents ere referred to in the following pages, but users should be aware that regulations and performance standards are frequently upgraded and that they should comply with any amended check criteria required by IMO or manufacturers or good practice, Certain inspections may be performed by competent crew members, who have the appropriate qualifications and experience, while others must be performed only by persons (iwho may be crew members) specifically trained in the inspection of particular equipment. Maintonance and inspections should be carried out in accordance with the ship's maintenance plan having due regard to ensuring the reliabilty of the equipment and systems, ‘The checks herein listed are in most cases expressed in generic terms and reference should be made to the manufacturer's i inspection and maintenance programmes to obtain more detailed and precise instructions. The owner or operator should car relevant items that have not been itemised, and delete items not applicable to this vessel. uctions, and ship and company and add any other Carrying out the inspections detailed in this Checklist are, in nearly all cases, required to be entered in the ship's log book. For each item or group of items a following separate page is provided for recording brief details of defects found during the inspections and the date on which the defect was rectified. In addition to entering dates on which on-board checks were completed, dates of items such as Iiferaft servicing, davit fall renewals, davit lozd test, etc. should be recorded. ‘This SOLAS Checklist is divided into two parts. The monthly inspections. it has been arranged so that is for use when completing the required weekly inspections and the second is for use when completing the rovide a complete record for a period of one year from the date of commencement, hea wae Introduction page 3 Weekly Inspections Lifeboats Rescue Boats Liferafts Means of Rescue ‘Marine Evacuation System Control Panels Fire Datection & Alerm Panels & Valves Fixed Ges Extinguishing Control Panole - Fite Doors Ship's Whistle, Public Adcress & General Alarm BA cylinders EEBD cylinders Low Location Lighting Fixed Water Mist, Spray 8 Sprinkler Systems Emergency Lighting for Lifeboats & Rescve Boais (Passenger Ships) Emergency Lighting for Lforafts & Moans of Roecue (Passenger Shigs) Monthly Inspections Emergency Lighting for Lifeboats & Rescue Boats (Cargo Snips} Emergency Lighting for Liferafts (Cargo Ships) Lifeboats & Equipment Rescue Boats & Equipment Literats Moans of Rescue Marine Evacuation System Lilejackets lenmersion Suits & Anthexposure Suts EPIRBs & SARTo Hand Held GMDSS Radios Pyrotechnics & Line Throwng Appliances Ltebuoys & Attachments MOB Recovery Equipment Firo Mains, Pumps, Hydrarts, Hoses & Nozzles C02 & Fixed Gas Fire Extinguishing Systems Fixed Foam & Chemical Dry Powder Systems Fixed Water Fire Exinguishing Systems Fixed Aerosol Fir Extinguishing Systems Firefighter's Outfis & BA Breathing Air Charging Compressor Portable Foam Applicators, Mobile Foam Units & Wheeled & Fixed Fire Extinguishers Portable Fire Extinguishers Contents page page 4 Inspacton as SOLAS chilL20.6 and NSC.1/Cire:1206 Rovt. Inspection, maintenance and Weekly inspections Lifeboat No.4 adjustments of aunching appliances and aseociatod equipment by persone (who may be ship's crv) vine {uly trained anc fariiar nih these dutes, - Routine maintenance under te ditec supersion of senior ships offeerin accordarce withthe maintenance manuals) Omer ems by crew Visual condition inspection [2 =] [xe [rn] coe ne] oo [nnn] [ un nn ne on] [ou nan] [bee] [ oe Jn] oo non] [ome nn] one mt] vow Jr Lifting hooks & Hook attachment to boat Release goer: Property & completely reset with any locking pins and fall preventer devices corroctly located & clearly colour coded General condition: Blocks, falls, davits & winch (Fals inspected with special regard for areas passing ‘through sheaves) General condition: Boat exterior & interior Engine run ahead & astem. Gearbox & train engaging im 3 mins. Possible ptions for pre 1986 ships), Batteries fully charged Boat moved from ils stowed ] position. (without persons on board, and weather permitting) (excopt froc-fall boats) icatos the items are in 2 sate condition and ready IC.BRINDLE ‘except aa detailed onthe folowing Defeats Sheet Lifeboat No. 1 Wookly pages Lifeboat No. 2 Weekly Inspections ship's officer in accordance with the maintenance manual Omer tems by crew nist] | One | ie] ove ve] ae] Date re] [cae [on te [ats] cate [rats] | Dam loa Vieual condition inspection ‘Dae [nts] | Oxe [int] cae [eins] [me livia] [One ints] | cate [tat | 0 ‘at tins} [oat [tate | Date Jina] [Oate [iva] | ate [rts | Oa [ran Lifung nooks & I I T Hook attachment to boat Release geer: Property & completely reset with any locking pins and fall proverter devices correctly located & clearly colour coded (Fats inspected with special regard for areas passing through shoaves) General condition: Boat exterior & interior Engine run ahaed & astem, T Gearbox & train engaging (Minimum 3 mins. Possible s ‘exemptions for pre 1996 ships). Batienes fully charged Boat moved from iis stowed T positon. (without persons on laa = alle board, and weather periting) (oxc9ptfroe-fall boats) sf cordtion and ready ‘lowing Defeots Shoet Lifeboat No. 2 Weekly pages jc 0.6 and MSC. 1/Cire.1206 Revit. Inspection, maintenance and Rescue Boat No. 4 10 may be ship's crew) direct supervision of senior Weekly Inspections Date fri Visual condition inspection ‘ate nti] [Oa Jina] [oat [ntas]| cat [inte | One inna Lifting hooks & l Hook attachment to boat Release gear: Property & completely reset with any locking pins and fall provontor dovieas corroctly located 8 Gearly colour coded Bbdk, falls, davis & wireh | (Falls inspected with special rogard for areas passing through sheaves) General condition: Boal exterior & intarior T Inflatable boats & RIBs at corect pressure Engine run ahead & aster. Gearbox & train engaging (Minimum 3 mine. Possible ‘exemptions for pre 1986 ships) | Batleries fully charged ling above indicates the items are in a safe condiiion and ready mediate uso, axcopt a8 detailed on the following Defects Shoot Rescue Boat No. 1 Weekly page7 ( ( ( ( Rescue Boat No.2 Inspection 98 SOLAS chl20.6 and MSC.1/Cite.1206 Revt, Inspection, maintenance and Weakly ineaeenont a adjustments of launching appliances and associated equipment by persons (who may be ship's crew) y aa {uly trained and famitar wih these dues. Raulne mantanance under the rect supenision of senor ships oftcer m accordance wth the maintenance manuals). Other tems by cre. ae Ink ate Date |initiats|| Date jintsats |] Date |iritisis|| Date ae ‘etits || cate [rats] | bate linitats] | Da Visual condition nepection [P= =][= ome] | ra] [be no] [ome ~ cf f f os amlf Lifting hooks & I Hook attachment to boat Release gear: I Property & completely reset with any locking pins anc fall preventer dovices corroctly located 6 clearly colour coded Ger Blocks, fas, davits & winch 7 bln ze] (Falls nspectad with special regard for areas passing | through sheaves) General condition: Boat exterior & intarior Inflatable boats & RIBs at correct 4 — pressure Engine run ahead & aster. Gearbox & train engaging i (Minimum 3 mins. Possible 1 a a ‘exemptions for pre 1986 ships). Batleries fully charged a Initialling above indicates the itoms ro in a safe condition and ready HEN eae for immediate use, except as detailed on the following Defects Sheet Rescue Boat No. 2 Weekly page 8 ( ( ( Lifeboats & Rescue Boats Weekly Inspections Defects Date |Item Defect Corrected Date | Initials Lifeboats & Rescue Boats Defects weekly pace it "spection, maintenance and Liferaft No.1 erscns (who may be ship's crew) Weekly Inspecsians ‘under the direct supervision of senior Visual condition inspection ate [intas || cate [atts { vat [mate] [vate naa] | vate [ss ]| oat [ras Container, container merkings & securing arrangements. Sip hook T ] free to operate, - dontity tag in good order and atteched I HRU(s) and psinier property connected, ‘Any remote controls properly set! charged Davit Launched Rafts Only Lifting hook & Hook attachrrent to fal Lifting hock operating freely and lacking securely. Liferat lifting point readily accessible ‘arees passing ing above indicatos the items are in a safe condition and roady immediate use, except as detaled on the following Defects Sheet Liferaft No. 1 Weekly page 10 it Inspection as SOLAS chill 20.6 ané MSC.1/Cire.1206 Revt. Inspection, maintenance end Inspections EWeraftNo. 2 adjustments of launching appliances anc associated equipment by persons (who may be ship's crew) Weekty inseaceoe fully trained end fariar with these duties. Routine maintenance under the direct supervision of senior ‘ship's offcerin accordance with the maintenance manuals). Otner fiems by crew. Visual condition inspection tate [mrs] { oa [rmoe] [ose |muas] [coe [este]| aw [nis] | oat [otae]| cate [ntos]| paw Jinan Container, container markings & ‘securing arrangements. Slip hook 1 free to operate, Identity tag in good order and attached I HRU(3) and painter properly connectad, 1 Any remote controls properly sot charged te Davit Launched Rafts Only Lining hook & Hook attachment to fall Lifting hook operating freely and T T locking seourel. Liferaft iting T point readily accessible 15 | Pel General condition: Blocks. falls, davits & winch T inspected with special oe i for aroas passing through sheaves) I regi inating above indicates the itoms are in a safe condition and ready emai 08 forimmodiate use, except a detailed on the following Defects Sheet Liferatt No. 2 Weekly page 11 i Inspection se SOLAS chil 20.6 and NEO.1/Ge.-1206 Revt Lferaft Ne. 3 sijnmers of mur eppances en ato su pspection, maintenance and Weekly Inspections ¥ persons (ito may be ship's crew) ined and familar with these duties. Routine maintenance uncer the direct supenisicn of senior ‘nips omen wovtraanan wl a Mowtacance naan Ober tome by one Visual condition iiepaction one [rine] | ce fas on [ett] [ oe fas] [one oto] ca [rns [ot si] [tna] [ ote [nt] vam frat] [one [roa] | cate [rea oa fra i Containor, container markings & T ‘securing arrangements. Sip hook L [ free to operate. [ | Identity tag in good order and attached HRU(S) and painter property connected. Any remote controls property set’ charged Davit Launched Rafts Only Lifting nook & Hook attachment to fall Lifting hook operating freely and locking securely. Liferaf iting point readily accessible = inspected with special for aroas passing through sheaves) [ Initiating above indicates the items are in a safe condition and ready ‘ayaseae for immediate use, excep! as detaited on the following Defects Sheet Literatt No. 3 Weekly page 12 ( ( Liferaft No. 4 Inspection as SOLAS chil,20.6 ond MSC.1/Cite.1208 Rev1. Inspection, maintenance and ea adjustments of launching appliances and associated equipment by persons (iho may be ship's crew) fully trained and familiar with these duies. Route maintenance uncer the direct supervision of senior Ship's officer in accoreance with the maintenance manual(s). Other tems by crew. Weekly Inspections Visual condition inspection at [rata] f owe mma] [ on [ints] cate [rts] [0am jn] [one [rmvas] | vate [rans] | one [ret] [oat [inte] | one [rat] | Oats nta] Containor. container markings & ‘securing arrangements. Slip hook {ee to operate. Identity tag in good order andt ‘attached I | HRU(s) and painter properly connected. ‘Any remote controls property sev’ charged Davit Launched Ratts Only Lifting hook & Hook attachment to fal Lifting hook operating freely and lockina securely. Liferaft lifting T point roadly accessiblo { eas Iniialling above indicates the toms are in a safe condition and ready ae for immedicte use. excopt es detailed on the following Defects Sheet Liferait No. 4 Weekly page 13 Liferaft No. 5 Inspaction as SOLAS chill 20.6 and MSC.1/Cire.1206 Revt._Inspaction, maintenence and sigrai ey agjustments of launching appliances and associated equipment by persens (who mey be ship's crew) full trained and familiar with these dutes, Ship officer n accordance with the maintenance mani Weekly Inspections ance under the direct supervision of senior Other tems by crew. 1al condition inspection Container, container markings & I I securing arrangemen's. Slip hook {ree to operate. Identity tag in good order and attached HRU(6) and painter properly connected. ‘Any remote controls property set/ charged Davit Launched Rafts Only Lifting hook & Heok attachment to ‘all j Lifting hock operating freely and locking seourely.Liferaf liting point readily acces: ‘General condition: Blocks, falls, davits & winch (Falls inspocted with special a regard for areas passing through sheaves) L ling above indicates the toms are in a safe condition ané roady for immediate use, except as detailed on the following Defects Shest Liferaft No. 5 Weekly page 14 Means of Rescue trope SOLAS 8.8 wi MOG: ten9 lta. arnt ed Weekly Inspections direct supervision of senior Other items by crew. ips officer in accardance with the maintenance manual aw [rats] | aw [ona es Visual condition inspection eas ][ oat [tine [ ae [ina Container, container markings & ‘securing arrangements. Sip hook frae to operate. | Identity tag in good order and attached HRU(s) and painter propeety connected, Any remote controls properly set! charged Lifting hook & Hook attachment to fal point readily accessible General condition’ Blocks, falls, davits & winch (Falls inspected witn specal regard for areas passing through sheaves) ina safe condition and ready then 1 following Defects Sheet MOR Weekly page 15 ( ( ( Inspaction as SOLAS ch.Il20.6 and MSC. 1/Cire.1206 Revt. Inspection, maintenance and je agjustmonts of launching appliances and associated equipment by porsone (who mey be ship's crew) Weekly: estes ars fuly trained and familar with these duties. Routine maintenance under the direct supervision of senior ship's offer in accordance with the maintenarice manuai(s). Other ttems by crew. Eiitor fore details of any MES Sys ‘State any weekiy inspections and tests required by the Flag Authority, manufacturer and the vessel, and the expiy or next test date of any ifed comrpanemt Confirm the completed inspection by entering below and note any defects on the following page. MES No. 1 MES No. 2 MES No.3 MES No. 4 Initiating above indicates the tems 2re in a safe condition and roady esatstont for immediate use, except es detailed on the fllowing Defects Shoot MES Weekly page 16 ( ¢ ( ( Liferafts, MOR & MES Weekly Inspections Defects Date (Item Defect Corrected Date | Initials SLGBRINDE Liferafts, MOR & MES Defects — Weokly page 17 Control Panels - Fire Detection & Alarm Inspection as SOLAS ch.lh2. and MSC. 1/Cire. 1492, Annex para 4 Weekly Inspections Panels & Valves - Fixed Gas Extinguishin, By ships crew Control Panels - Fire Doors uaa pmamroneiemauae ont as ram] [ bo on [ om fom] [0a [mm oe fm [am pre] [ oe [om oe] [ soe rm] be me] Vestal re dotecton and alarm | ont panel indcators aro I functonalby operating the lam indicator tost switch | I Control Panels & Valves - Fixed Gas Extinguishing Verity all fxed fire extinguishing system centrol panal indicators are functional by operating he = fp —} ‘| lampiindicator test switch Verify all controVsection valves are in the correct position I | Control Panels - Fire Door all fre door contral pene! indicators are functonal by operating the lam a Lhe { Control Panels - Fire Detection & Alarm in @ safe concltion and ready Panels & Valves - Fixed Gas Extinguishing led on the following Defects Sheet Cortrol Panels - Fire Doors Weekly page 16 1g above indicates the ymediate use, except as, Control Panels - Fire Detection & Alarm ( Weekly Inspections Panels & Valves - Fixed Gas Extinquishin: Control Panels - Fire Defects Date item Defect Coneciadl Date | Initials Fire Detection & Alarm Control Panel Fixed Gas Extinguishing Panel & Vaives Fire Doors Control Pane! Defects — weekly page 18 Inepostion as SOLAS ch.L2., MSC.A/Gire-1482, Annex para 4 and SOLAS chill206.4 Weakly Inapuctars suns ‘Address & a aaa General Alarm Ship's Whi: Verify all ship's whistles are | funstioning correctly Public Address Systems Veiify all public address systems ‘re functioning coreectly General Alarm Systems ‘Verify all general alarm systems. I I are functioning correctly Ship’s Whistle, intialing above indicates the items are in @ safe condition and ready Public Address & — for immediate use, except as detailed on the folowing Defects Sheet General Alarm Systems Weekly page 20 ( Weekly inspections Ship’s Whistle, Public Address & Defects General Alarm Date [item Defect | | Corrected Date initials. ! t Ec Ship's Whistle, Public Address & General Alarm Systems Defects weekly page 21 “LC. BRINDLE Inspect 28 SOLAS oh.Ih2. and MSC.1/Cire.1432, Annex para 4 By shi yes Weekly inspections este as runs] [oom mem] em [omen] [om [roma] om nae] [ vow Joma] [om J] ate [iis] [bat [ratte] [ose [nnn] | cate [rns] | Date [ia] Examine all broathing apparatus cylinder gauges to confirm they are in the correct pressure range EEBD cylinders Examine all EEBD oylinder T 20988 to confi they arin he |) correct prosaure range =i Low Location Lighting Verify low location lighting systems are functional by ‘switching off romal lighting in solected locations BA. cylinders Intialling above indicates the items ars in a safe condition and raady EEBD cylinders & for immodiato uso, oxcopt as detaled on the following Defects Sheet Low Location Lighting Weekly page 22 ( ( ( Inspection as SOLAS ch.1L2. and MSC. 1ICire.1422, Annex para 4 Weekly Inspections By ships crow ou [rauas][ cate [rmes][ oa frat] [ose [unas] vate [rons] | oat fans] [oe [ras] | cate [rts] [ ox [innine] | one [intias] | cate [rina] | [ras ]| Oat [ins Water Mist, Spray & Sprinklers Verify all control panel incicators and elarms are functions Visually inspect pump units and theirfitings CChesk the pump unit valves are correctly set (if the valves are not locked) 19 above indicates the items are in a safe condition and rwady mediate use, except as detailed on the following Defects Shoot Fixed Water Systems Weekly page 23 ( ( BA & EEBD cylinders Weekly Inspections Low-location Lightin: & Fixed Water Systems Defects Date Item Defect Corrected Date | Initials BA, Low Location Lighting L.C.pRINDLA ee & Fixed Water Systems Defects weekly page 24 As SOLAS chill Tested at each abandon ship dill By ships crow Weekly inspections Lifeboats & Rescue Boats At each abandon ship drill Passenger Ships ‘ae |mnaats| | oxte |imnias]|oate [innate] ate [eats] [ose [ints ]| oat [rete] | aw [rsa] | Ox [ina] ate [rite] dam [ras] | Due Jineats]| cate Jaa] | Oa nan] Lifeboat No. 1 Preparation & Overside Lights, Electrically OK. Al’ switches, I ‘swivels and adjustments OK Lifeboat No.2 T Preparalion & Overside Lights. Electrically OK. All switches, 1 swivels and adjustments OK Rescue Boat No.1 Preparation & Overside Lights. Electrically OK. All ewitehes, swivels and adjustments OK Rescue Boat No.2 Preparation & Oversice Lights. Electically OK. All switches, ‘swivels and adjustments OK Iniialling above indicates the items are in a safe condition and ready Emergency Lighting for for immediste use, oxcopt as detailed on the following Detects Sheet Lifeboats & Rescue Boats Weekly page 25 ‘Ae SOLAS ch.l1.19.3:3.9 Tested at ach abandon ship dil Weekly inspections By ships cew Al each abandon ship drill Passenger Ships Liferafts & MOR ae wn] one [into] ose [nat] [one [ntins] | one [rita] | vate [tats] [Oa [ini] | oe nat] | oat [reat] Dae [raat] | oat [rts] | oem rasan] one [nna] Liferaft No. 4 I Preparalion & Overside Lights. I 1 Electrically OK. All switches, ‘swivels and adjustments OK I Liferaft No.2 Preparation & Overside Lights. 7 7 Electrically OK. Al switches, swivels and adjustments OK I Liferaft No.3 Preparation & Overside Lights. Electrically OK. All switches, swivels and adjustments OK Liferaft No. 4 ai | | Mopac & Ovo Lig. Electrically OK. All switches, I ‘swivels and adjustments OK Liferaft No. & Overside Lights. ly OK. All switches, ‘and adjustments OK - MOR T Preparation & Overside Lights. T al a Electrically OK. All switches, swivels and adjustments OK ining above indicat the ters ae in a safe condtion and roady Emergency Lighting for for immodiate use, excep! as detailed on the following Defects Shee! Liferafts & MOR Weekly page 26 Monthly Inspections Cargo Ships Emergency Lighting for Lifeboats & Rescue Boats De [hae ona ][ oate neat] [ on [ons] [ ox [rmnae|[ oa nas | oat [innat][ oste [rotate] | one [reat] xe [ne || Oar |tas || vote Jie 5 Lifeboat No.1 Preparation & Overside Lights. Electricaly OK. All switches, swivels and adjustments OK Lifeboat No.2 Preperation & DversideLights. Electrically OK. All switches, swivels and adjustments OK Rescue Boat No.1 Proparation & Overside Lights. Electically OK. All switches, swivels and adjustnenis OK Rescue Boat No.2 Preparation & Overside Lights. Electrically OK. All switches, swivels and adjustments OK Initaling above incicates the ilams ate in a safe and satisfactory condiion and Emergency Lighting for ready forimmediate use, oxcont as dateiled on the folowing Defects Sheet Lifeboats & Rescue Boais Monthly page 27 Emergency Lighting for Liferafts Liferaft No.2 Liferaft No.3 Liferaft No. 4 Liferaft No.5, L.C.BRINDLE ‘As SOLAS chill. Tested at each abandon ship it Monthly Inspections By shps crew At each abandon ship del Cargo Ships Proparation & Overside Lights Eloctrically OK. Allewitshos, ewivels and adjustments OK Preparation & Overside Lights. ivels and adjustments OK Proparation & Overside Lights. Electrically Ok, All swichos, swivels and adjustments OK Preparation & Overside Lights. Electncally OK. All switches, swivels and adjustments OK Preparation & Overside Lights. ly OK All switches, swivels and adjustments OK ling ahove indicates the items are in a safe and satisfactory condition and ready for immediate use, excopt a5 deteiled on the following Defects Sheet Emergency Lighting for Liferafts & MOR Monthly page 28 Muster & Abandonment Date [Item ( Weekly (pass. ships) Monthly (cargo ships) Defects Defect “|| Corrected || Date | Initials Emergency Lighting for Muster & Abandonment Defects — weeny page 29 Lifeboat No. 4 Boat Nanufacturer Serial Number Dimensions Number of Persons. Manufacturer Type Serial No. Engine Launching Instructions, INO Signs & Waring Notices, Rudder. tiller & steering eystem. Painter correcty raged and quick release OK Engine checked & maintained as manufacturer's instructions and ship's planned maintenance schedules Hull outside & insi¢e, closures, doors, openings & structure Hooks, release cear, biooks, Cavits and winch checked, inspected and maintained in ‘eccordance wih the ‘manufacturer's instructions and the ship's plamed maintenance schedule Inepoction as SOLAS chil.20.7 and MS justments of launching eppliances a ly trained and familiar wth these du I's officer in acc ic.1206 Rev'. Inspection, maintenance and sociated equipmert by persors (who may be ship's Routine maintenance under the direct supervision of senior jance with the maintenance manual(s). Other items by crew, Monthly inspections ) 12 to weekly inspections Davit Make | Type Falls Constuction/ Length _ Serial Nes. Break Strain / Proof Load Winch Make Date Turned / renewed Serial No Hooks Manutacturer SWL /Siatic Lone Test Type Date of Static Test Load Serial No(s) Lowering Load Overload & Proof Test foe [mes [oom [rns] ne [reas] ose [me] [ome tise] [one ints] eam [na ][ one [nea] [oan [rn] [Oe | mnt] oa [oie || oat [an | | Cf | | cates the tems are in a safe condition and ready ‘excopt ae detaled on the following Defects Sheet Lifeboat No. 1 Monthly page 30 Lifeboat No. 1 ction, maintenance and Monthly inspections y Persons (who may be ship's erew) a sse duties. Routine maintenance under the direct supenvssion of senior ational fo weekly inspecitons ‘ships officer in accordance with the maintenance manuals). Other items by crew, ‘xe [insta] ose irae || cate [inate || oate | vtane i] [ bae [iae ][ oat [mise |[ oat [ivan ]{ com [ene] one [nate] | cae [inns || ome |nna 19 above indicates the items are ina safe condtion and rasdy ymodiato Use, excopt as detaled onthe following Defects Sheet Lifeboat No. 1 Monthly page 31 Lifeboat No.4 Inapeion oe SOLAS chil20.7 nd MBC.1/.1206 Revi. hepecton, maintnance and Monthly Inspections Steboat No.7 may be ship's c rect supervision of by crew. fully trained an sdditional to woekly inspections Ship's offcer xe inte] [ on» jt [ Ox [nas] [ oe [nna] | oat [rss [Dae fais] onte tt] et [rn] [ox la [ ate wna] on a [ae ras] ars (not free-fall boats) (number...) CrutchesiThole Pins (no. ......) i Beat Hook (2) Bud 2) ‘Survival manual | Compass with means of illumination Binnacte (if compess not fitled) Mounting (if compass not fited) Sea-anchor & hawser | | Tripping line (if required) Painter (2x stowage height or 15m. the greater) Hatchet /Aco (2) Frosh water (litres per person). Expiry... De-salting apparatus (optional) Desalinator (optional) Water dipper (rustoroof) with lanyard Drinking vessel - graduated (rustproof) “Focd rations (10,000 kj per person). Expiry T Perachute red rocket (4). Expiry... Red hand fare (6). Expiry Buoyant orange smoke signals (2). Expiry... * = tom may not be requred de to nature of voyage ling atove indicates the tems are in a safe condition and ready oat 200 forimmosiete use, except 28 detailed on the folowing Defects Shoot Lifeboat No. 4 Monthly page 32 i Inspection as SOLAS chIl.20.7 and MEC.A/Cire.1206 Rev. inepection, maintenance and Inspecti Lifeboat No. 1 adjustments of launching appliances and associated equipment by persons (who may be ship's Monthly inser trained and familiar with these duties. Routine maintenance uncer the direct supervision Ship's officer in accordance with the maintenance marual(s). Other tems by crew. ‘cdiionel fo weekly Inspections at [rate [02ers] {owe [vais] oa [neois]| ne [nan] [one nna] aw [rane] [oar [nan Torch with batteries. Bats to be changed. Spare batters & bulb, Bats to be changed | Daylight signaling mirror Rescue signals card Whistle or equivalent sound signal | I Fist Ald Ke, Expres Jack-knife attached by lanyard Tin opener (3) Buoyant resoue quoit & 30m line (2) Manual pump (if boat not self-balling) “Fishing tackle (set)* | | | | | Anti-seasick medicine (48 hr Iperson) Expiry | | | | | | | | Tools for minor engine adjustment (set) Fire extinguisher (portable). Sutable for oll free Searchlight Radar reflector (ifno SART stowed in boat) | TPA (10% of compliment or 2 - the greater) [ EPIRE (i fitted) Inspected & Tested- OK | | | | SART (if fted) inspected 8 Tested - OK * = lem may not berequired due to nature of voyage The results of the inspection of lifeboat crew lifejackets & immersion sults should be entered on pi ‘3ff and 621 respectively ing above indicates the items are in a safe condiion and ready for immediate uso, oxcopt ac detaled on the following Defects Shee! Lifeboat No. 4 Monthly page 33 Lifeboat No. 2 Monthly Inspections el weekly inspections items by crew Boat — Manufacturer Davit Make / Type Falls Construction / Length Sorial Numbor Serial Nos, Break Strzin / Proof Load Dimensions Winch Nake Date Turned /enewed Number of Persons ‘Serial No. Hooks Manufacturer Engine Manufacturer SWL / Static Lead Test Type Type Date of Static Test Load Serial No(s) Serial No. Lowering Load Overioad & Proof Test ‘ome [ents |[ oe [tonae [| ote [inna] oate [nats] oat [rise] [ Ome | tie || Oa [intae || oat [ras || caw raat] | one [wawte]| ove Jinuae] | bate Jonas Launching Insiructons, IMO Signs & Waring Notices Rusdor,tilor & steering system. Painter correcty rigged and quick release OK Engine checked & maintained as manufactures instructions and shig’s planned maintenance schedules Hull outside & inside, closures, doors, openings & structure I | Hooks, release gear, blocks, falls, Gavi ond vinch choc inepaced and maitinedin 10 above indicates the items are in a safe condiion and reedy iate use, oxcopt 2¢ detailod on the ‘ollowing Defects Sheet Lifeboat No. 2 Monthly page 34 ( fhebosk No.3 Inapation + SOLAS chi.207 nd MEC.1;e:1206 Rev. specie, rsntenanoe nd iioniniy insaetene kifeboat No. 2 adjustments of nunching apptances and revocited equbrert by persons jw ray be sips ew) ¥ fully trained and familiar with these duties. Routine maintenance under the direct supervision of senior uil/onal to weekly inspections this omoerinaccrcence win he marirance manuaio)"Oher tems by sew ate [raise || on [iwi || sate [inte |[ ont [rstat || one [wns] [ox |e || oae anon] | caw [innawe]| ost [rae] | Ont [rotme] | bas [rae || baw [muse ‘Tumed out from stoned position (except free-fall boats) : Limit Switches tested Lowered to the water (practicable a different boat at successive drils) jbove indicates the tems are in a safe condition and ready ato use, excopt as doiailed on the following Defects Sheet Lifeboat No. 2 Monthly page 35 Lifeboat No. 2 Inspection 2¢ SOLAS ch.ll.20.7 and MSC. 6 Revt._ Inspection, maintenance and Monthly Inspecti adjustmenis of launching eopliances and equipment by persons (wo may be ship's crew) bbe fully rained and familiar with these duties. Routine maintenance under the direct supervision of senior =cultlona to weekly inspections Ship's officer in accordance witn the maintenance manual(s). ther items by crew bat [inte] oxo ints] ost [tts] oat [rts] owe aan] [Oxo nits] oat [rte] [O0% las] | Oxo Jima] Dave [owiou] | ae frau] | Dae inna (Oars (not free-fall boats) (number...) Crutches/Thole Pins (10...) Boat Hook (2) Survival manual Compass with mears of ilumination Binnacle (if compass not fitied) Mounting (if compass not fitted) Sea-anchor & hawser Painter (2x stowage height or 15m. the oreater) Hatchet / Axe (2) ies per person). Expiry. De-satting apparatus (optional) | Desalinaior (optional) Water dipper (rustproof) with lanyard Drinking vessel - graduated (rustproof) “Food rations (10,000 kj per person). Expiry Parachuto ed rocket (4). Expiry... Red hand flare (6). Expiry Buoyant orange emoko signals (2). Exoiry ... * = tom may not be requires due to nature o above indicates the toms aro ina safe condiiton and ready diate use, excep! as detailed on the following Defects Sheet Lifeboat No. 2 Monthly page 36 i No. 2 Inspection a6 SOLAS chll20.7 and NSC.1/Cite.1206 Revt. Inspecton, maintensnce on pecti Lifeboat No. 2 1288 and associated equipment by persons (who may be nity ins era duties. Routine maintenance under the direct supervision of senior ditional to weekly inspectors ship’ officer in accordance with the maintenance manuels). Omer tems by crew. tate [ras] one inti] | at [ott] cate line | oa [inate [ute [ria]| vat nts] [oat lint] [ose |intise]| One [rate] [Dae Ina] | Ost [inn Torch with batteries. Batts to be changed. ‘Spare batteries & bulb. Batts to be changed. Daylight signaling mirror Rescue signals card Whistle or equivalent sound signal First Aid Kit. Expires... Anti-seasick medicine (48 hr (person) Expiry. Jack-knife attached by lanyard Tin opener (3) Buoyant rescue quoit & 30m ‘Manual pump (if boat not sa 9) “Fishing tackio (sot)" Tools for minor engine adjustment (: Fire extinguisher (portable). Suitabl Searchlight Radar reflector (ifno SART stowed in boal) ‘TPA (10% of comoliment or 2 the greaten EPIRE (if fited) Inspected & Tested - OK 'SART (iffitted) Inspected & Tested - OK * = tem may rot berequred cue to nature of voyage ‘The results of the inspection of lifeboat crew Hfejackets & Immersion suits should be entered on pages 53ff and 62ff respectively 19 above indiealns the items in a safe condition and ready 1 the following Defects Sheet Lifeboat No. 2 Monthly page 37 ( Rescue Boat No. 4 tion © SOLAS ch.ll20.7 and MSC. 1/Cire. 1206 Revit. inspection, maintenance and Monthly Inspections rents of launching appliances and asscciated equipment by persons (who may be ship's crew) faned anc famifar with these duties. Routine maintenance under the direct supervision of senior adc ‘Ship's officer in accordance with the main‘enance manuals). Other items by crew. Bost — Manufacturer DavitMake/ Type Falls Construction / Length Serial Number Seral Nos Break Strain / Proof Load Dimensions aa Winch Make Date Turned / renewed Number of Persons: ‘Serial No. eats Hooks Manufacturer Engine Manufacturer SWL/ Sialic Lead Test Type Type Date of Static Tost Load ‘Serial No(s) Serial No. Lowering Load _— Overload & Proof Tost fo [rite] [ one [reas] sae [rsa] [one [rn Date [iia |[ oat [innate] [one [raise] [ one Jronom] [ome Jonas || on [name Launching natrusions, MO Signs [7 & Warning Notices Rudder. tiler & steering system. Painter correctly rigged and quick release OK Engine checked & maintained as ‘manufacturer’ instructions and ship's planned maintenance sohedules Hull outside & inside, closures, I T doors, openings & structure Hooks, release gear, blocks, intained in accordance facturer’s instructions and the Ship's planned maintenance schedule Initialing above indicates the iterne are in a sale condition and ready LC BRING! for immediate uso, except as detailed on the followng Detects Shast Rescue Boat No. 1 Monthly page 38 ( Rescue Boat No.1 1.20.7 and MSC. 1/Cire.1208 Rev1. Inspection, maintenance and Monthly Inspections liances and associated equipment by persons (who may be ship's crew) these duties. Routine maintenance under the direct supervision of senior ¢0Ullional to weekly inspections ship's officer in accordance win the mamtenance manualis) Cther tems by crew ‘cae |rmate}| vate innits|} Cate |waiats || ate linnits]| Oat Jintat]| Date [inti] cate |r] Date nits | Oate lini || Date [rita] [Oa tnninie|| Oate [nine Oars/Paddles (number...) Crutches'Thole Pins (no. ........) | T Baier Compass with binnacle & means of illurrination | Mounting (if compass not fitted) Sea-anchor & hawser(+tripping line if -e9.) [ Poinior wth release device | (604m) aiteries. Batts to be changed. Spare balteries & bulb, Batts io be changed. Whistle or equivalent sound signal First Aid Kit Expires Buoyant rescue quolt & 30m line (2) Searchlight Batis to be changed | Redar reflector TPA (10% of compliment or 2- the greater) Fire extinguishor EPIRB (iffitod) Inspected & Tested - OK SART (if fitted) Inspected & Tested - OK | ‘The results of the inspection of rescue boat crew lifejackets & immersion sults should be entered on pages Sif and 62ff respectively Initaling above indicates the tems are in a safe condition and ready forimmediate use, excep! as detailod on the following Dofocte Shoot Rescue Boat No. 1 Monthly page 39 Rescue Boat No. 1 Inspection as SOLAS ch.l.20.7 and MSC.1/Circ.1208 Rev4. Inspection, maintenanc Monthly Inspections nce under the direct supervision of senior *lit’onal fo weeldy inspections Other items by crew. ite as [tine {oom fra] [om tte] [rin] [ms] [ as [nn] Additional Equipment for Rigid Boats Boat hook Bucket Knife o° hatehat Additional Equipment for Inflated Boats Safety boat heok Sponge (2) Buoyant safety knife Bellows/pump (manually operated) Repair kit Initaling above incicates the lems are in a safe condition and ready for immediate use, except as éetailad on the following Dofocts Sheot Rescue Boat No. 1 Monthly page 40 Rescue Boat No. 2 Inspection maintenance and Monthly Inspections by persons {who may be ship's crew) 's. Roubne mainienance under the drect supervision of senior 20ifonal to weekly inspections Boat — Manufacturer Falls Constuction / Length Serial Number Serial Nos, Break Strain / Proof Load Dimensions. an Date Turned | ranewed Numbor of Persons Hooks Manufacturer Engine Manufacturer Type Type == Serial No(s) Serial No, Lowering Load Overload & Proof Test oe |imien [one [rien [on [one] [ one [wns] [one [enon ][ oom [noon [[ one [nna] one [ite] [one [wane ][ O00 [iwse]| one Jima ]| oom Jas Launching Instructions, INO Signs l & Wemning Notices Rudder. tier & steering system T 7 T Painter correctly rigged and quick | release OK schedules Hull cutside & inside, closures, I T T doors, epenings & structure Hooks, release gear, blocks, falls, l T davits and winch checked, inspected and maintained in accordance with the manufacturers instructions and the ‘ship's planned maintenance schedule ing atove indicates the items are in a safe condition ané ready mediate use, except as detailed on the following Defects Sheet Rescue Boat No. 2 Monthly page 41 Rescue Boat No. 2 id Monthly Inspections Jon of senior @&tlionat 0 weekly nspecions = a ao rn [ow rac] [om [oma] om [nme] o> ae] [os Ja OarsPadaes (number... | ntenest0e (0...) Baller Compass with binnacle & me: ‘Mounting (if compass not fitied) iluminetion Seavanchor & hawser (+tripping line if reg.) Painter with release device | ‘Towing line (50m) Torch with batteries. Batts to be changes. Spare batteries & bulb, Batis 1o be changed... Whistle or equivalent sound signal First Aid Kit. Expires Buoyant rescue quott & 30m line (2) Searchlight. Batis to be changed [ Radar reflector TPA (10% of compliment or 2. the greater) Firo extinguisher iffted) Inspected & Tested - OK SART (ff ited) Inspected & Tested - OK J ‘The results of the inspection of rescue boat crew lifejackets & immersion suits should be entered on pages 53ff and 62ff respectively hnialing atove indicates the tems are in a safe condition and ready {orimmediaio use, except as dotaied on the following Defects Sheet Rescue Beat No. 2 Monthly Frage 42 ( ( Rescue Boat No. 2 Seow econ a ons Monthly Inspections Rescue Boat No. 2 Persons (who ray 7 nance under the direct supervision of senior li#oval lo weekiy inspections )._Other items by crew, Rescue Boat No. 2- Equipment at |rnis]| ae [ines] oat Jia oate [rite] | oa naan] One [itt | oate [cate] Dae Jrnas] | oat [ratos]| daw Jinan] | oue Jr] | Owe Joan Additional Equipment for Rigid Boats Boat hook Bucket Keife o- hatshat Additional Equipment for Inflated Boats Sefety bost hook Sponge (2) Buoyant safety knife Bellowspump (manually operated) Repair kit Iniialing atove indicates the items are in a safe condition and ready vei for immediate use, exc foots Sheet Rescue Boat No. 2 Monthly page 43 ( Lifeboats & Rescue Boats ( Monthly Inspections Defects Date Item Defect Corrected Date | Initials | | LC. BRINDLE Lifeboats & Rescue Boats Defects — monthly page 44 Liferaft No. 1 Inspection as SOLAS ch Il 20.7 and NSC.1/Cire.1206 Revt. Inspection, maintenance and Monthly Inspections ——— adjustments of launching appliances and associated equipment by persons (who may be ship's crew) fully rained and famili fies. Routine maintenance under the direct supervision of senior sitio fo weekly inspections ship's officer in accor iaintenance manuals). Other items by crew. Raft Next Service Due Davit_ Make /Type Falls Construction / Length Manufacturer Serial Nos. Break Strain / Proof Load ‘Seral Number Winch Make —_ Date Turned /renawed Number of Persons, ‘Serial No. Hooks Manufacturer Emergency Pack Type SWL / Statio Load Test Type Painter Length Date of Static Test Load Serial No(s) Stowage Hoight Lowering Load Overload & Proof Test (Lightshp) HRU— Manutacturer/Type Serial No(s) Next Service / Replace ae [inion ][ nate [innate [ote [init ][ oar [itis |[ oom [rien ][ oate [nics |['one [inne] | ox [owas || om Jwrwon]| ow [imam ]{ oat [nna] | one [inno | Bs Launching Instructions, IMO Signs & T Werning Notices Cradle, lashings & slip hook. Container, seals, orientation & markings Remote roloaso system(s) T [ inspected, checked & OK Cradle, lashings & slip hook. Containar. seals, orientation & markings Hooks, release goer, blocks, falls, T == [=a] [2m [mmm] [om [rm ][ mom [rae] one Jon] [om [on] [ om Jones] em [nen] [ a [se] [oa [nme ened, apeved LOL wal .ccordance with the manufacturer's ‘ship's planned maintenance echedule Initaing above indicates the items are ina safe concition and ready forimmadiate use, except as detailed on the fllowing Dafects Shest Liferaft No. 5 Monthly page 49 Monthly Inspections cidtiona! to waekly Inspections fully trained ond ships officer in accordance with the maintenance manual Reft Next Service Due Davit_ Make /Type Construction / Length Manufacturer Serial Nos. Broak Strain / Proof Lead ‘Sera Number Winch Make Date Tumed / renewed Numberof Persons Serial No. Hooks Manufacturer Emergency Pack Type SWL / Static Load Test Type Painter Length Date of Static Test Load Serial No(s) Stowage Hoight Lowering Load Overload & Proof Test (Lightship) HRU Manufacturer /Type Serial No(s) __ Next Service / Replace ve [intias |[ oat [intan |[ ome [rite] [ Ome [reste || on naisn|[ oat [ina |[ ont [inane] | one |iae|| ome [imeaw || cor rman] | cow Jonan]| one [onan Launching Insiructions, IMO Signs & T Werring Notices Cradle, lashings & slip hook. Container, seals, orientation & markings, Remote roloaso system(s) T inspected, checked 8 OK - radia, lashings & slip hook. T Container. saals. orientation & markings Hooks, release gear, blocks, f ‘arits and winch checked, ‘and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and the ship's planned maintenance schedule fe sree Inialing above indicates the tems are in a sefe condition and ready (oe for immaciate use, ex fetailed on the following Detects Sheet Means of Rescue Monthly page 50 ( ( Inspection a6 SOLAS ch I.20.7 and MSC. t/Cire.1206 Ravi. Inspection, maintenance and Monthly Inspections iments af launching appliances and atsocated equipment by persons (who mey be ship's crow) fully trained and familiar with these duties. Routine maintenance under the direct supervision of senior ditional fo weotly inspections ship's officer n accordance with the maintenence manuals)" Other Rems by Cen. Enter Fore details of any MES Systom. State any monthly inspections and tests required by the Fleg Authorty, manufacturer and the vessel, and the expry or nexi test date of any liled component. Centirm tne completed inspection by entering below and nate any defects on the following page. ta [itis] [ose [rma] oa Joan] One [rests] [one [nuns] [ ove [rts] oam [rine || ext nese] [ox [rise] [on [rune] | ose |imuow MES No.4 MES No.2 MES No.3 MES No. 4 cae Initiating above indicates the tems are ina safe condition and ready I scars forimmediate use, except as delailed on the folloving Defects Sheat Marine Evacuation Systems Monthly page 51 ( ( ( Liferafts, MOR & MES Monthly Inspections Defects Date item Defect Corrected Date Initials Liferafts, MOR & MES Defects — monthly page 52 Lifejackets (1) Inspaction as SOLAS ch IL20.7 By ships craw Monthly Inspections jnflatable jackets Moke / Mad Moke Node Make/Model xen cuanity van Light Make / Model Light Make / Model Light Make / Model oe os] [oe [sm ns] [oe [a [ba fo] [ oe [oem] [me rm] [ om rm] [om ome] [dm [me] [om No 4. Location ‘Type (Perm / Inflatable) Light expiry. Next service due (inflatable lifejackets) General condition. Webbing and buckles, Markings, Rofective material, Light & Whistio No 2. Location ‘Type (Perm / Inflatable) Light expiry General conditon. Webbing and buckles. Markings, Refective material, Light & Whiste No 3. Location ‘Type (Perm / Inflatable) Light expiry service dus (inflatable lojackets) No 4. Lo Type (Perm / Inflatable) Light expiry Next service dus (inflatable General candiitan, Webbing and buckles, Markings, Reflective material, Light & Wistio a ready for Lifejackets (1) Monthly pace 53 Lifelackeis (21 Inspection as SOLAS ch tl 20.7 Monthly Inspections By ships crow aw [rots] [one [ost |[ one [nate] | oxo [inna ][ ate [inate Dats [na |[ oat [ratns][ dam ion] [ Date [nits] [ ox [rte || oom | naa NOS. Location z ‘Type (Perm / inflatable) Light expiry Next servica due (inflatable ifejackets) General condition, Webbing and buckles, Markings, Reflective material, Light & Whistle No 6, Location ‘Type (Perm / Inflatable) Light expiry Next service due (inflatable lifejackets) General condition, Webbing and buckles, Markings, Reflective material, Light & Whistlo | No 7. Location : ‘Type (Perm / Inflatable) Light expiry Next service due (infatabi ifejacke's) General condition, Webbing and buckles, ] Markings, Reflective material, Light & Whistle No 8. Location ‘Type (Perm /intatable) Light expiry . Next service due (inflatable lifejackets) General condition, Webbing and buckles, Markings, Reflective material, Light & Whistle Type (Perm / infatable) Light expiry .. Next service due (inflatable lifejackets) Webbing and buckles, ive material, Light & Whistle Next service due (inflatable lfejackets) ory condition and Lifejackets (2) Monthly page 54 Lifejackets (3) By ships crow Bate [ratte] [oxo [rte] vate [inna] [oat [eats] oat inte] [ Oxte [tinte]| Dat [inne] | One [rate] [oat [rnin] | ate [rat] | One [teas || tar [in] No 11. Location ‘Type (Perm inflatabie) Light expiry Noxt service due (inflatable Hejackets) : General contition. Webbing and buckles, ] Markings, Reflective material, Light & Whistle I No 12. Location Type (Perm/ Inflatable) ... Light expiry Next service due (inflatable Hejackets) Gonoral condition, Wotbing and buckles, Markings, Reflective material, Light & Whistle No 13. Location General condition, Webbing and buckles, ‘Markings, Reflective material, Light & Whistla No 14. Location General condition, Webbing and buckles, Markings, Refiecive material, Light & Whistle No 15. Location General condition, Webbing and buckles, Markings. Reflective material, Light & Whistle Inspection as SOLAS ch Il20.7 Monthly Inspections ‘Type (Perm inflata bie) Light expiry Next service due (inflatable Iiejackets) Type (Perm/ inflata bie) Light expiry Next service due (inflatable lejackets) ‘Type (Perm. Inflatabie) Light expiry Next service due (inflatable ejackets) No 16. Location General condition, Webbing and buckles, Markings, Rofloctive material, Light & Whistlo LC.BRINI ‘Type (Perm! Inflatable) Light expiry Noxt service due (inflatable jackets) factory condition and 2 detailed on the folowing Defects Shoet Lifejackets (3) Monthly page 55 Lifejackets (4) Inspaction as SOLAS ch th20.7 Monthly Inspections By ships crew Date [nat] [one tits || oate | nia || cate [ita] [ose linia || Oate [innate] [om [onan || oom [owns No 17. Location ‘Type (Perm / Inflatable) Light expiry lext service due (inflatable fejackets) General condition, Webbing and buckles, T Markings, Reflective material, Light & Whistle | TT No 18. Location ‘Type (Perm Inflatable) Light expigy lext service due (Inflatable Ifejackets) General condition. Webbing and buckles, 7 Markings, Reflective material, Light & Whistla | No 19. Location lext service due (inflatabh Light expiry areal condor, Wobbing and buchos, Manings, Relecive mato, Ligh & White |__| | | No 20. Location 5 Type (Perm | inflatable) Light expiry Next service due (inflatable ifojackets) General condition, Webbing and buckles, T Markings, Reflecive material, Light & Whistle I No 21. Location ‘Type (Perm | inflatable) ght exoiry Noxt service due (inflataal General condition, Webbing and buckles, [ | Markings, Reflective materal, Light & Whistle eee No 22. Location ‘Type (Perm / Inflatable) Light expiry Net service due (inflatable lifejackets) .. General condition, Webbing and buckles, Markings, Refleciive material, Light & Whi ales the items are in @ safe and satisfactory condition and ready for immediste use, excep! a8 detailed on the following Delocte Shoot Lifejackets (4) Monthly page 56 Lifejackets (5) SOLAS chil 20.7 Inspection as By ships crow Monthly Inspections Daw [nat [ose [ti] Dateline Oe nine No 23. Location Type (Perm/ infatabie) Noxt service due (inflatable li General condition, Webbing and buckles, Markings, Reflective material, Light & Whistle No 24. Location ‘Type (Per / Inflatable) Next service due (Inflatable it ifejackets) General condition. Webbing and buckles, Markings, Reflective material, Light & Whistle ee SSS No 28. Location Type (Penn / Infatabie) Light expir Newt service due (inflatable lifejackets) General condition, Webbing and buckles, Markings, Reflective material, Light & Whistle e—rr—————— eee No 26. Location ‘Type (Perm infiatabie) Light exoi New service due (inflatable General condition, Webbing and buckles, Markings, Reflective material, Light & Whistle | EE No 27. Location ‘Type (Perm Inflatable) Light expt Next service due (inflatable ifejackets) Webbing and buckles, ive matenal, Light & Whistle No 28. Location ‘Type ( ble) Next service due (inflatable General condition, Webbing and buckles, Markings, Reflective material, Light & Whistle ling ready forimmediate use, except indicates the items are in a safe and satisfactory Lifejeckets (6) Monthly page 57 Lifejackets (6) No 29. Location General condition, Webbing and buckles, Markings, Reflective material, Light & Whistle —_. SeSSSSSSSSSSFSSeSeSESFSseF No 30. Location ‘and buckles, I, Light & Whistle No 31. Location Gonoral condition. Webbing and buckles, Markings, Reflective material, Light & Whistle oo SSSSSSSSSSsSsSs No 32. Location General condition, Webbing and buckles, Markings, Reflective material, Light & Whistle a CE No 33. Location General condition, Webbing ard buckles, Markings, Reflecive material, Light & Whistle -oSS No 34. Location General condition, Webbing ard buckles, Markings, Reflaciive material, Light & Whistle eae Monthly Inspections am [mit] [one [inet] [ ox [ras] one [utits][ oa [rns] | ox Jonas] oa mar] | coe [een] foam nae] oon Jomac] one Jonas] [ens Type (Peim / Inflatable) Light oxpiry Jext service due (inflatable Hejackets) Type (Perm / Inflatable) Light expiry Next service due (inflatable Iifejackets) Light expiry xt service due (inflatable Hejackats) (Perm Inflatable) Light expiry Noxt service due (inflatable Mojackste) . Type (Perm | Inflatable) Light expiry Noxt service due (inflatable lfejackets) ‘Type Perm | Inflatable) Light expiry Next service dve (inflatable jackets) Initiating above indicates the items are in a safe and ready for immediate use, except a led on the f factory condition and ing Defects Sheet Lifejackets (6) Monthly page 58 Lifejackets (7 No 35. Location General condition, Webbing and buckles, Markings, Reflective material, Light & V/histie _ SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSss No 36. Location General coniition, Wetbing and buckles, Markings, Reflective material, Light & Whistle No 37. Location jcondition, Webbing and buckles, Markings, Reflective material, Light & Whistle ee eeeeEeeeSSSFSFMFFFFsFheheMeeeeSeSS ‘Type (Perm Inflatable) No 38. Locati General condition, Webbing and buckles, Markings, Reflective material, Light & Whistle Se OOUOOCCOCOS EE ‘Type (Perm inflatable) No 39. Location General condition, Webbing ard buckles, 1. Webbing and buckles. Markings, Refleciive msteral, Light & Whietlo Inspection as SOLAS ch 20.7 By ships crow Monthly Inspections ‘ate [inte] Out Jinan ne [hs xe [int Type (Ferm / Infatatle) Light expiry Next service due (inflatable litejackets) Type (Porm /Infatabie) Next service due (inflatable Iifejackets) Next service due (inflatable lfejackets) Next service due (inflatable Hojackote) Light ex Next service due (inflatable Type erm Inflatable) Light expiry Next service due Initaling above indicates the items are in a safe and satisfactory condition and ready for immediate use, except 2¢ dotaiied on the following Defects Sheet Lifejackets (7) Monthly page 58 Lifejackets (8) No 41. Location General condition, Webbing and buckles, Markings, Reflective material, Light & Whistle Ua ee No 42. Location General co Natkings, Reflective material, Light & Whistlo No 43. Location General condition. Wabbing and buckles, Narkings, Reflective material, Light & Whistle —_—— Sse No 44. Location General condition, Webbing ard buckles, Markings, Reflective material, Light & Whistle hv sess No 45. Location General condition, Webbing and buckles, maternal, Light & Whistle No 46. Location General condi Webbing and buckles, Markings, Ref i ive material, Light & Inspaction as SOLAS ch.liL.20.7 By ships crow Monthly Inspections Daw [rate] one Jina ‘te [ri Type (Perm infatal Light expiry Next service due (inflatable Hejactets) Type (Perm / inflata Light expiry Next service due (inflatable Hejackets) .. ‘Type (Perm / inflata ble) Light expiry Next service due (inflatable Hejackets) ‘Type (Perm / inflata ble) Light expiry Next service duo (inflatable ejackets) .. ‘Type (Perm Infatat be) Light expiry Ne lext service due (inflatable Wejackets) Type (Perm | inflatable) Light expiry Ne lext service due (inflatable Mejackets) | ling above indicates the iterns are in a safe and satisfactory condtion and ready for immediate use, oxcopt ae deiaiied on the following Defects Shest Lifejeckets (8) ‘Monthly page 60 ( ( ( ( Lifejackets Monthly inspections Defects Date [item Defect Corrected Date initials Lifejeckets Defects Monthly pageet Immersion Suits & Anti-exposure Suits (1 Inspection as SOLAS chll.20.7 end MEC/Cie.1047 By ships crow. Any repairs by ‘suitable (authorised) repastation’ Monthly Inspections ae [in] ote [nt] [one [rman] oat [rc] [one |rmas]| one Jonean]| oa ate [iat] [ oats [iaits xe [tna] [on [oni] No 1. Location Date of nexta pressure test Light (Ft0<) expiry cate 29 condilon. Ease Faun removal Legile jons. Contents typetsie corectyiertiied deal [Seal ny inside & Out. Visual damage cveck eck pp eperaion& lubricate Ls eck (1) Read support & b.oyare rng for lamage & propery atached, (2) Infation hoces No 2. Location Date of next air prossure tost Light (F ted) expry date insiructions, Conterts typeisize cerrecty identified] je & Ou. Visual damage chek jag condiion, Ease of ult renaval Lege ‘Operation & lubricate No 3. Location Date of ne air pressure test Light (F fited) expiry date 9 condlion. Ease of sultremoval, Logie insirctions. Contents typelsize correct identfied| L fff} ie fy inside & ou, Visual Gamage check. heck zipper operation & lubricate heck: (1) head support & buoyancy ring for jamage & property attached: (2) Inflation hoses | Retro tape, Whisto I No 4. Location Date of next air pressure test Light (if ited) expiry date ‘Condition. Ease of sult removal, Legible structions. Contanis typelsize correctly identified iPper Operation & lubricate 1680 Support & buoyancy Arg for z insido & out. Vieuel damage check. hes 7 a sroperly attached: (2) Inflation hoses etro tape. Whistlo ing above indicates the items are in a safe and ready for immediate use, except ae detailed on the tory condition and lowing Defects Sheet Immersion Suits & Anti-exposure Suits (1) Monthly page 62 as SOLAS oh 20.7 and MSCiCire.1047 Monthly Inspections ew Any repairs by ‘sui (euthorised) repair station’ me ersion Suits & Anti-exposure Suits (2) Bete | rai | cate owas] | exe [intias | oate [ita] [oar [ratte] am [rian] | owe [inna] | baw Jnnce No 5. Location Date ofnext air preseure test Light (fftted) expiry date ay condlion Ease a! eat removal Logie T jstrctons, Contents typelize correct eifed Fy inside & Out. Visual damage cneck hack zipper operation & lubricate heck: (1) head support & buoyancy ring for lamege & proreriy attached: (2) Inflation hoses i fies ofl if [Retro tope, Whistic [a No 6. Location Date of next air pressure test Light (# ftted) expiry date ‘ondlion. Ease of sult removal Legibe juctions. Conterts typeisize correcty identfied inside & out. Visual damage check. heck zipper operation & lubricate +neck: (1) head support & buoyancy ring for T aamage & properiy attached: (2 Inflation hoses otro tape, Wheto. No 7. Location Date of next air pressure test ted) expiry date jag condition. Ease of sultrenoval. Lagibie instructions. Contents typelsize correctly identfied| | IE ry inside & out. Visual damage check, heck zipper operation & lubricate eck: (1) head support & buoyansy ring for No 8. Location Date of next air pressure test Light (i ited) expiry date lac condition, Ease of suit removal Leaiblo T isual damage chock. heck zipper oporaton & lubreale | heck, (1) head support & buoyangy fing for jamage & properly attached; (2) Inflation hoses ee factory condtion and Immersion Suits & ing Defects Sheot Anti-exposure Suits (2) Monthly page 63 Immersion Suits & Iepmcton ne SOLAS ch. 20.7 ang MSCICKe S047 Monthly Inspections Anti-exposure Suits (3) y ships crew. Any repairs by ‘suitable (authorised) repair Date [twine || oate | ‘owe lwomias|| oate [mists] Dae intas || cate [nits] [xe [nite | oate innate] | oat wniae || dam Joona No 9. Location Dato of next air pressure test Light (i ftted) expiry date iors. Contents typeisize correctly Kientieg ide & out. Visual Gamage check, Feet Reg ea ore ae T ‘head support & buoyancy ring for Droperiy attached: (2 Inflation hoses Petro tape, Whistie [ | L No 10. Location Date of next air pressure test ited) expiry date condion. Fae of sat removal ] instructions Centon yposie correctly ert ry inside & out Visual damage check eck 2pper operation & kiorcate “heck: (1) head support & buoyancy ring for smage & propery attached (2) Inaton hoses Pitot. vinst No 11. Location Date of next air pressure test ui ight (if ftteg) expiry date 39 Condition, Ease of suit removal, Lagible T Instructions. Contents typelsize correctly identified ry inside & out. Visual damage check, Date of next air pressure test Light (if tted) expiry date L _ ae Initialling above indicates the items are in a safe and satisfactory condition and Immersion Suits & RIND! ic ready forimmadiate use, except a8 detelac on the folloveng Defects Sheet Antiexposure Suit ® 3) Monthly page 64 mersion Suits & Anti-exposure Suits (4) No 13. Location Inspection as SOLAS ch Il_20.7 and MSCiCire, 1047 By ships crew. Any repairs by ‘sullable (authorised) reparr station’ Monthly Inspections ‘Date ti Date of next air pressu Light (ir ftted) expiry date No 14. Location [faa cordon Ease cheat removal Lege Insinctons. Converts typeisite corectyidertiied| ry inside & out. Visual damage check eck zipper operation & lubricate heck: (1) head support & buoyancy ring for jamage & property attached. (2) Inflation hoses pe, Whiste No 15. Location ha contiion. Ease of satremovat Logo fnsincons, Contr typasiza corecty ented rene Sou. Vauel camae cock ovo tape, whist No 16. Location ht (if fited) expiry date jag condition. Ease of sut removal. Legitie instructions. Contents iynalsize correctly identified head support & buoyancy ring for mage & properly tached. (2) Inflation hoses tro tape, Whistle ing above indicates the items. a safe and satisfactory condition and ready for immediate use, except 28 detailed on the following Defects Sheet Anti-expesure Suits (4) Monthly page 66 ( Immersion Suits & Monthly Inspections Anti-exposure Sults Defects [Date Item Defect Corrected Date | Initials E t t LC RRINDLE Immersion Suits & Anti-exposure Suits Defects Monthly page 56 EPIRBs & SARTs, Normally manufacturers recommend monthly inspestion and test. Monthly Inspections i = ascii By shios crew oat Jima [cae [man] Oxo [tts | ate |r| date [inti |[ vate |inaats][ oate [tate] | one [rise] | one Jae] | omw Jionas]| acm [ren || caw Jmwan EPILRB.No.1 Make /Mocel Location Batt, Expires - HRU Expires | a] E.PLR.B.No.2 Make /Mode! . Location ss Batt. Expires HRU Expires ] T S.AR.T. No.1 Make/Model Location ‘i Batt. Expires S.ART. No. 2 Make / Model . Location . Batt. Expires NOTE: EPIRBs ané SARTs located in survival craft and rescue boats are listed with the appropriate craft equipment list —— Initaling above indicates the items are in a safe and satsfactory condition and co ready for immediate use, excep 2s dotaied on the following Defects Sheet EPIRBs, & SARTs, Monthly page 67 Hand Held GMDSS Radios ‘Normally manufacturers recommend monthly inspection and test Monthly Inspections By ships cen Radios reserved for emergency use only —_Emargency Use Only radios should be provided with seperate test batery | ate {rts |f ome [mens | oate [inmeas|[ pate [tata] [ ose ntios || oat [innas] | One inns] [oe Jemnae]| oww Jam ate [rate] [ oat ata Radio No.1. Make / Mods! Losation Batt. Expices inspected, Tested & Batt seal OK. pare Batt, OK & sealed (expires. Radio No.2 Make / Mode! : Location Ban. Expires napedied, Tested & Balt wal OK pare Batt OK & sealed (expires I I l Radio No.3 Make/Model cos: Location ‘ Batt. Expi inspected, Tested & Batt soal OK. spare Bait. OK & sealed (expire Radio No.4 Nake/ Mode! Location Bait. Expires . [rspeciod, Tostod & Batt oocl OK Beare Batt. OK & sealed (exires, Radio No.5 Make / Mode! Location Batt. Exoires ispecied, Tested & Batt. seal OK. Radio No.6 Make / Model Location Batt, Expiros ffspected, Tested 8 Bat sea OK pare Batt O« & sealed (expres...) flest Batt._Los Expires I initaling above indicates the items are in a safe and satistactary condition and Hand Held GMDSS Radios era ready for immediate use, excort 2& detailed on the following Defects Sheet Radios reserved for emergency use only Monthly page 68 Normally manufacturers racommend monthiy inspection and test Monthly Inspections a el By ships crew Radios used also as working radios ae | tat |[ dae [tase [0m [ita] [ one [ina] [Ox [roar] | Ome Joonne]| ome [win Radio No.1 Make / Mode! Location inspected Tesed BOK, I I Radio No.2. Make / Mode! Location Inspocted, Tasted & O.K ] Radio No.3 Make /Model Location Inspected, Tesied & O.K Radio No.4 Make / Model - Location, paola OR | Radio No.S_ Make / Model Location Inspected, Tested & O.K. l L Radio No.6 Make / Model Location Inspected, Tested & OK Battery Charging Units Location(s) Inspacted & 0.K. Initiating above indicates the items are in a safe and satisfactory consition and Hand Held GMDSS Radios ready for immediate use, excopt a5 detailed on the folowing Defects Shee: Radios also used as working radios Monthly page 69 ( ( EPIRBs, SARTs, & Monthly Inspections Hand Held Radios Defects Date [Item Defect | Corrected Date | initials TE cumin EPIRBs, SARTs, & Hand Held Radios Defects Monthly page 70 Monthly inspections Inopestion as SOLAS ch.Il.20.7 Pyrotechnics & 7 By shps cew em [oe] [oe Joo] [mes] [a [nm [om rs] [om Jr] [oe J] [ow Jon] [5 me] [om me] [os [mw] [om om Nate ede Losson ee Other Pyrotechnics (1) Type a. Location a omer Protecnnies (2 type Lectin ey NOTE: Pyrotechnics in lifeboats are listed with the lifeboat equipment, and MOB smoke markers are lisied with ifebuoys. Location Expiry (pyrotechnic type) Make/Type: Pyrotechnics & Monthly page 71 Initialing above incicates the items are ina safe and setisfactory condition and Line Throwing Appliances ready for immediate use, except a8 detailed on the folowing Defects Shoet LC. BRINDLE ( ( ( Pyrotechnics & Monthly Inspections rowing Appli Defects Date Item Defect Corrected Date Initials Pyrotechnics & a ae Line Throwing Appliances Defects — wonthly page 72 Lifebuoys & Attachments (4 inspecton as SOLAS eh.t.20.7 Monthly Inspections By shps crew at Jose] [oat [inne a jnmars]| oate [rene] [ome [intat][ bate Jian No 1. Location Dia. mm. Wi kg. Date of last weight check Light batt. expiry / renewal Line ( T Marksngs. Retro tape. Bracket | —. oo No 2. Location Dia. mm. Wi kg. Date of last weight check cos Light batt, expiry / renewal Line (....m.) free to run T Markings. Retro tape, Bracket See Se: No 3. Location Die. mm, We kg. Date of last weight check Light batt. expiry/ renewal Line ( ) free to run 7 7 Markings, Retro tape, Bracket | | No 4. Location Dia. ema. Wh kg. Date of last weight check Light batt. expiry/ renewal Line (.....m) free fo un Markings. Retro tapa, Bracket | —.e >»> >See No 5. Location - ia. een. Wh kg. Date of last weight check Light batt. expiry / renewal Line (....m) fre to run T T Markings. Retro tape. Bracket See EE No 6. Location Dia. mm. Wt kg. Date of last weght check ght batt. expiry | renewal Line im) tee to run Markings. Retro tape, Bracket above indicates the itoms are in 2 salo and satistactory condition and immediate use, excopt as detailed Lifebuoys & Attachments (1) Monthly page 73 No 7. Location Line ( Markings. Reo tape. Bracket No 8. Location Line (......m) free to run, Markings. Retro tape. Bracket ooo No 9. Location Line (......m) free to run, Markings. Retro tape, Bracket TS No 10. Location Line (mm) free to run Markings. Retro tape, Bracket ror No 11. Location Line (...-...m) free to Markings. Retro tape. Bracket No 12. Location Line (.....m) ee to an Markings. Retro tape, Bracket inspection as SOLAS ch.lI.20.7 By ships crew Monthly inspections ‘ate [imate] oat ia es bate [ate] [oa [rain] [oat [nei Dia mm. Wt ko. Date of last weight check Light batt. expiry / renewal Dia. mm. Wt kg Date of last weight check Light batt. expiry / renewel Weight check Light batt expiry / renewal Dia mm. Wi ka 1st weight check Light bat. expiry /renewal Dia. mm. Wt kg ;stweight check Light bat. expiry /renewat Dia. mim. We kg Date of last weight check Light batt. expiry | renewal above indicates the items are ina sale ard immediate use, except a8 detailed on tho factory conditon anc fects Sheet Lifebuoys & Attachments (2) Monthly page 74 & Attachments (2 Inspection as SOLAS By shps crew 207 Monthly Inspections Date [nite] oat [tat ][ one [rts] oat [mnie] | Owe [orate] ove Jinsou || cae [anata] [ome Joanne] | ean No 13. Location Dia. mm. Wt kg. Date of last weight check Light bat. expiry | renewal Line ( ) free to un Mackings. Retro tape, Bracket SS No 14. Location Dia mm, We kg. Date of last weight check Light bat. expiry / renewal Line (fre to wun, Markings Retro tape, Bracket hw No 15. Location e Dia. mm. Wt kg. Date of last weight check Light bat. expiry / renewal Line (_.m) free to un Markings. Retro tape, Bracket S————— ss No 16. Location Dia mm. Wt kg. Date of last weight check Jscise Light batt. expiy / renewal Line (..m) free to run Markings, Retro tape, Bracket | ass No 17. Location Dio. mm, Wt kg. Date of last weight check Light bat expiry / renewal Line (..----m) foo town, Markings. Retro tape. Bracket l ! Dia. mm. Wt kg. Date of last weight check Light batt, expt / renewal Markings. Rotr tapo. Bracket NDLE Lifebuoys & Attachments (2) Monthly page 75 Inspection as SOLAS ch.ll.20.7 Monthly Inspections By ships crew Gangway. bi. mm. Wt kg. Date of last weight check . Light batt. expiry / renewal Line (0m. free to run Markings. Retro tape. Bracket Pilot Ladder. Die. mm, Wt kg. Dale oflast weight check cons Light batt. expiry / renewal ... Line (co...) free to run T Markings. Retro tape. Bracket Location Location Make Expiry dato. Make Expiry date Ca ||| a | || Te | eis || tate — | tana —|[ ~bnre —|—taa—| “tate ae | | | Initaling above indicates the tems are in a safe and satisfactory condition and asa ai ready for immediate use, excopl a8 detailed on the folowing Defects Sheet Lifebuoys & Attachments (4) Monthly page 76 ( Lifebuoys & Attachments ( Monthly inspections Defects Date Item Defect Corrected Date Initials _ Lifebuoys & Attachments Defects — wonthy page 77 Inspection ae SOLAS ch.II.20.7 By ships cron Monthly inspections Enter here details of any MOB Recovery Equipment that is not listed elaswhere. ‘State any monthly inspections and tests required by the Flag Authority, menufacturer and the vessel, and the expiry or next test date of any lfed component Confirm the compleied inspection by entering below and note eny defects on the following page. i i Date [nat] [cate rate] [Oat as] [Ont wens] one [rat] cv is] Dam ron] [Da Joma] | ome Jona] me [rts [ oat [inte] [ose [rata] Set No 1. Location Set No 2. Location Initiating above indicates the items are in a sate and satisfactory condition and ready for immediate use, except as detalled on the folowing Defects Sheet MOB Recovery Equipment Monthly page 78 ( ( ( ( Monthly Inspections Defects Date Item Defect || Corrected | Date | Initials MOB Recovery Equipment Defects month pege79 ey isis Popes Inepostion as SOLAS ch.l- and MSO. 1/Gre.1482, Annex para 5 Monthly inspections Hydrants, Hoses & Nozzles — ‘ae [tine] [owe [rte [cow [rts ][ Ove [ota] [One mnie] one atas | oom [inna || ea [roman] [am [oa][ we [iran] [one Jmnns]| oan [nme \Venfy all hydrants and couplings are in a serviceable condition (c/w with washers and seals, if appropriate) \Vorify all hoses end nozzles are in place, propery arranged and in a serviceable conditon (c/w with washers and seals if appropriate) Operate all ire pumps to confirm they continue to suoply adequate pressure Confirm the emergency fire pump is adequate, end heating system Is satisfactory (if applicable) Initiating aboue indicates the tems are ina gafe and satefactory condliion and Fire Mains, Pumps, ed ready for immediate use, except a2 detailed on the folowing Defects Sheot Hydrants, Hoses & Nozzies Monthly page 80 ( ( i Fire Mains, Pumps. Monthly Inspections Hydrants, Hoses & Nozzles Defects Date |Item Defect Corrected Date | Initials . Fire Mains, Pumps, LE extm a0. Hydrants, Hoses & Nozzles Defects monthly pege 81 Inspection as SOLAS ch.IF-2!, MSC.1/Cite.1432, Annex para and MSC.1/Circ.1918 Monthly inspections By ships crew es es a [rama] [one [rons] [one [ons] [ one [nas] [oxe [ranas || oa mas \Verfy all contaners / cyinders fitted with pressure gauges are in the proper range and the installation froe from loakage | ] [ | | General visual inspection of the overall system conditon for obvious signs of damage T Al stop valves are in the closed position {Al releasing controls are in the proper position and readily accassible for immediate use {Al discharge prping and pneumatic tubing isin tack and has not been damaged ‘Al high pressure oylinders are in place and properly sooured ‘The alarm devices are in place and do not appeer damaged Initialing above indicates the items are in a safe and satief condition and CO2 & Fixed Gas ready for immediate use, except as detailed on the folloning Defects Sheet, Fire Extinguishing Systems Monthly page 82 Low Pressure CO2 Fixed Gas Inspection as SOLAS Fire Exti i 4, MSO.1/Gire. 1492, Annex para Sand MSC.1/Cic.1318 Monthly Inspections hing Systane By ships crew ate [iets | [aw [imat |[ oat [innae || cate [neat] | Ove Javan oo ome [mm] mm Je [ om J I The following low pressure system checks are in addition (0 the fixed gas system checks detailed on the previous page The pressure gauge is reading in the normal range The Iquid level indicator is reading within the proper level l 1 The manually operated storage tank main service valve is secured in tho opon position ‘The vapour supply line valve is secured in the open position Initaling above indicates the items are in a sale and satisfactory condition and Low Pressure CO2 Fixed Gas ly for immediate use, excopt se detailed on the folowing Dsfects Sheet Fire Extinguishing Systems ‘Monthly page &3 Fixed Foam & Inspeotion as SOLAS ch.IL2. and MSC. +/Cire. 1432, Annex para Monthly Inspections Dry Chemical Powder eo. Fire Extinguishing Systems one rat] te |e | ont tn [ate [ia] [ote [sata] [ one Jostnis][ cae intion [ose [intine || vaw [rman ]| ox Jan] | One [rte] | ox Jom Fixed Foam Systems Verify ail control and section valves are in the proper open or closed position \Verfy al pressure gauges are within the proper range Fixed Dry Chemical Powder Systems Verify all control and section valves are in the proper open or closed position Verty all pressure cauges are within the proper range Initialing above indicates the items are i a safe and salsiactory condition and Fixed Gas, Foam & Dry Chemical Powder ready for immediate use, excopt a8 detaled on tho following Dafects Sheet Fire Extinguishing Systems Monthly page 84 Fixed Water Inspection as SOLAS ch I- and MSC. ICre.1432, Annex para § Monthly Inspections e Extinguishin By ships crow xe [invite |[ oom [tne || oote inna ][ oa [rms] one ie] | ome [tas | 22m Jintans || owe Jota] | oat [imeie] | one twits] [oats [init] Date |iauae \Verfy all control, pump unit and section valves are in the proper open or closed position \Verfy sprinkler pressure tanks or other means have correct levels of water Test auiomatic starting arrangements on all system pumps (as appropriate) ‘are within the proper prossure ranges ‘Test selection of system section valves for flow and proper iitiation of alarms (Note: th Verfy al siandby pressure and airigas pressure gauges e Selection should ensure that all valves are tested within a one year period) panera Initaling above inicetes the tems are ina sala ard satisfactory conciton and Fixed Water nD cccsusre ready for immediate use, excapt a8 detailed on tho folowing Defects Sheet, Fire Extinguishing Systems Monthly page 85 Fixed Aerosol Inopoction 28 SOLAS ch I- and MSC. 1/1492, Annex para'S Monthly Inspections Fire Extinguishing Systems By ships crew ae [itn J[ eae [rman ][ one [rina] [One [ie] one jane ][ Pow [nas |[ one [two] | on Jrmne] [ome [oan || cow Jenn || ow wo] [owe [mse \Verify al electrical connections andlor manual operating stations are properly arranged and in a proper concstion ‘Verify the actuation system/control panel circuts are within the manufacturer's specifications Initaling above indicates the items are in a safe and satisfactory condition and Fixed Aerosol ‘ready for immediate use, excapt as detaled onthe folowing Defects Shee Fire Extinguishing Systems Monthly page 86 Monthly Inspections Defects Date Item Defect Corrected Date | Initials “LG. BRINDLE Fire Extinguishing Systems Defects monthly pages? Inapection 05 SOLAS of I- and MSC. t/Cir.14%2, Anne para'S Monthly Inspections By ships crew ‘am Jratau] [one Jason] [one fas] [one ran] betas] eat [wi] oat [roa] onm natal [bam Js] [Daw [ota] [Ome nn] [One nn] | Gate nn) Set No 1. Location ify the full inventory and in serviceable condition. ing. Rigd helmet & visor Boots (non-conducting) Lamp (ahs) (@coroo!ifnecessary) ‘Axe with high-vots insulated handle Lifeline (....m) with snap-hook BA Location cou Oytnder 8 [ PIESSUTE ooo BAR, Test due: 1), 2). Mask clean & clear. Fave seal & ofnasal seals OK Inhalation valve and demand valve in working order. Backplate, hamess, buckles and hoses in good order. | l (Cylinders in date & in good order. No loose fibres on cyinders. ‘Oring seais in place & in good order. Dust capsin place. Fully charged. Set No 2. Locstion wontory and in serviceable condit Protective Clothing. Rigid helmet & visor [Boot (non-conducting) [Lamp (3hrs) (ex-proof if necessary) [x wih high-rlsinstaied handle Lifeline ‘m] with enap-hook BA Location size litres / pressure BAR. Test due: 1). 2. Mask clean & clear. Face seal & orinasal seals OK_Inhalation valve and demand valve in working order. Backplate, hamess, buckles and hoses in good order. oe l l [Cylinders in date & in good order. No loose fibres on cylinders _‘O/ rng seals in place & in good Dust caps in place. Fully charged Initaling above indicates the items ready for immediate use, excopt o a cafe and satisfactory condition and Jetaled on the folowing Defects Sheet Firefighter's Outfits & BA (1) Monthly page 88 Ingpoction as SOLAS chIL- and NEC.1/Circ.1432, Annex para S Monthly inspections By ships crew ‘bate rata) | ate inca] vate [nna] [oat [ett] one [ative] | Os [nae | Owe ata [Ome Jima] i i i = Set No 3. Location “erty the full inventory and in serviceable condition. [Protective Clothing. Rigid helmet & visor Boots (non-sonducting) i Lamp (3hra) (ex proof necessary) ‘Axe with high-volts insulated handle [ Lifeline ¢ im) with snep-hook BA Location... : Gyinder size s / pressure BAR. Test due: 1) 2. 3). Mask clean & cleer. Face seal & orinasal seals OK, Inhalation valve and demand valve in working order. Backplate, hamess, buskies anc hoses in good order. I (Cylinders in date & in good order. No loose fibres on oyinders. ‘Ci rng seals in place & in goodorder. Dust caps in place. Fully charged Set No 4. Location ery the full nd in serviceable conditon [Protective Clothing. Rigid helmet & visor Boots (non-conducting) ‘A300 with high vote insulated handle Lifeline ( m) with snap-hook | se ae Ez BA Location : cylinder size hires J pressure BAR. Test due: 1). 2 3). ‘Mask clean & clear. Face seal & orinasal seals OK. Inhalation valve and demand valve in working order. Backplate, hamess, buckles and hoses in good order I Gyinder in date & mgood oder Notooee fores on oynders tna seas inlace&h good oder Dust capsin piace Fully chaned intialing above indicates the itarns are in a safe a ‘ready for immediate use, oxcopt 28 detailed on the ‘satsfactory condition and iowing Defects Sheet Firefighter's Qutfits & BA (2) Monthly page 89 Inspection as SOLAS ch.II2.142.2.1 and MSC.1/Cre.1492, Annex pera S By ships crew Monthly Inspections es 5] [ ba tat] [Oe fra] ate nti] oa] oe oa [om a Set No 5. Location... 5 “eri the full inventory and in serviceable coral Protective Clothing. Rigid helmet & visor Boots (non-conducting) Lamp (ahre} (excproof # necessary) ‘Axe with highwvolts insulated hande Liftin (0m) with snap-hook BA Location cylinder size lines | pressure BAR, Test due: 1 2. [Mask clean & clear. Face seal & orinasalscals OK. Inhelation valve and demand valve in working order _Sackplate, harass, bucKes and hoses in good [Grieder nda 8m good onorNo hove ves on ners 0" g seas pace En gond ode Dustcape pane Fa aged Set No 6. Location erify the full invert in seniceable condition. Protective Clothing. Rigid helmet & visor Boots (non-conducting) root if necessary) th high-volts insulated handle Lifeline ( im) with snap-hook BA Location cylinder sze litres / pressure ........BAR. Test due: 1). 2 ‘Mask clean & clear. Face seal & orinasal seals OK._ inhalation valve and demand valve in working order. Backplate, hamess, buckles and ho Cylinders in date & In good order. No loose fibres on cylinders. 0 ring seals i 188 & in good order. Dustcaps in place. Fully charged, 7 T T Initialing above indicates the items are in a safe and satisfactory con: Sioa ready ‘or immediato uso, oxcopt 28 detailed on the following Def ion and is Sheet Firefighter's Outfits & BA (3) Monthly page 90 Inspoction as SOLAS chil- and MEC.1/Cire.1432, Annex para S Monthly Inspections By ships crow ‘te taut [oat [ina] oe [ita] [oat [tits] oa fata] | oa [rma] [One tsi] | One [intiat] [Out incon] [ De [itas] | oat [a] Date ta eri the full inventory and in serviceable condion. Protectve Clothing. Rigid helmei & visor Boots (non-conducting) Lamp (ahrs) (ox-proof Fnecesssry) ‘Ne with high-volts insulated handle e ( 'm) with snap-hook BA Location ce Oylinder size lives / pressure BAR, Test due: 1) 2, Mack clean & doar. Foce ecal& orinasal scala OK. Inlaon vave and demand valve working order Backplate, harness, bucNles and hoses in good I I I I I (indo in date & ni good over. Noloose fibres on oyinders. °C’ rng sealsin piace En caps it place, Fully charged Set No 8. Location Jerify the full invertory and in serviceable condion. Protective Clothing. Rigid helmet & visor [Bots (non-conducting) roof if necessary) [Lifetine ( ‘m) with snap-hook BA Location... cylinder size lies / pressure Bai Test dt 2. hhamess, buckles and hoses in good order. [Mask clean & Gear. Face seal & orinasal seals OK. _Innelaion vale and demand valve h werkng order [Cinders in date & in good order. Noloose fitres on cylinders. ‘O' ring sealsin place & n good order, Dustcaps in place. Fully charged above indicates the items are in a safe and satisfactory condition and sisi ready for immediate use, excopt as details onthe folowing Defects Sheet Firefighter's Outfits & BA (4) Monthly page 91 Inspection as SOLAS chil- and MSC. 1/Cire.1 422, Annex para S By ships crow Monthly Inspections ae rns] [oe nea [ One ea] one Js] ean [nt [one ran] [on rn] [ose ras] owe rian] [oo Jn] | Cat [rts] | von ter in serviceable condition Cyinder size res / pressure BAR Test due: 1 2). [Mask clean & clear. Face seal & orinasal scale OK. Inhalation valve and demand valve in working order. Beckpl: I harness, buckles and hoses in [Cylinders in date & in good order. Nolcose fibres on cylinders. ‘©’ ring seals in place & caps in pl narged. Set No 10, Location serviceable condit Protectve Clahing Rigid helmet @ visor | Boots (non-conducting) | Lamp (Bhrs) (ex-proof if necessary) ss wit igh wots Ieultod Renal Lifeline (.....) with snep-hook BA Location cytnder size les / pressure Bar Test due: 1) 7 2 [Mask clear @ clear. Face seel@ crnssal seals OK._Inheladon valve and demand valve in working order, Backplate, hamess, buckes and hoses in good order. I I | l [Ctnaers in date & in good order. Noicose fibres on oyinders. “O' ring seals in place & in good order. Dustcaps in piace. Fully c above indicates the items are in a safe and satisfactory coneltion and immediate use, oxcapt a8 detailed on the folowing Defects Sheet Firefighter's Outfits & BA (5) Monthly page 92 Inspection as SOLAS ch.1L2. arid MSC.1/Circ.1492, Annex para 5 Monthly Inspections By shipscrew is} | Oate nitots| | Date intias|| Oate jinias|| osteitis} | Date lintias|| Cate |tatisis|[ date linia] | Om fas ‘ate Jinaas] | one [ita] one [rat] [Cae [rts Set No 11. Location a Verify the fullinventory and in Pratecive Clothing. Rigid helmet & visor Boots (non-sencucting) Lamp (Gh) (expocf F necessary) Axe with high-volts insulated handie Litine (....m) with snap-heok BA Location Cylinder size .......ttes | pressure... Mask clean & clear. Face seal & orinasal seals OK, Inhlaiion valve and demand valve in working order. Backplate, hamess, buckies and foses in good Bar Test due: 1) 2) (Cylinders in date & in good order. No loose fibres on cylinders." ng seals in place & in Dust caps in place. Fully charged. Set No 12. Location inventory and in serviceable condi Protective Clething. Rigid helmet & visor Boots (non-conducting) Lamp (3hrs} (excprocf f necessary) ‘Axe with high-volts insulated handle Lifeline ( 'm) with snap-heok BA Location cm Oy Mask clean & clear. Face seal & orinasal seals Oh n valve and demand valve in working order. Backplate, harness, buckles and hoses in I I inder 3s | pressure BAR. Test due: 1). 2 (Cylinders in date & in good order. No loose fibres °C ring seals inplace & in good caps in place. Fully charged. Initaltng above indicates the items ara in a safe and satisfactory condition and ready for immediate use, excapt as detailed on the following Defects Sheet Firefighter's Outfits & BA (6) Monthly page 93 ( ( ( Monthly Inspections Defects Date |item Defect Firefighter's Outfits & BA, Defects monthly page 4 ( ( Inspection as IBC code 14.2.6 and ICG Code 14.2.6. By a responsible officer Monthly Inspections Breathing Air Charging Compressor NOTE: The regulation referred to above requires monthly checks of the compressed air equipment However, compressor manufacturers may express their insoection regime in terms of Operating Hours, Care must be taken to comoly with the manufacturers instructions. Enter here the monthiy inspections and tests required by the Flag Authority, manufacturer and the vessel, and the expiry or next test date of any lfed compcnent. Confirm the completed inspection by entering below and note any defects on the fellowing page. T oa prea] [ox nnas] | one meas] one [wes] cae [ens] Set No1. Location Set No 2. Location Initaling above incicates the itoms are in a sate and satisfactory condition and ready for immediate use, except as detailed on the folowing Defects Sheet Breathing Air Cherging Compressor Monthly page 95 Breathing Air Charging Compressor ( Monthly Inspections Defects Date Item Corrected Date | initials Breathing Air Charging Compressor Defects Monthly page 96 Portable Foam Applicators Inspection as SOLAS chi. 142.21 and MSC. Cire 1492, Annex para ionthiyioeeens Mobile Foam Units & By ships crew Wheeled & Fixed Firs charged and in a ready“iowuse: condition Wheeled & Fixed Extinguishers Verity all whesled and fixed fire ‘extinguishers are in placo and in a ready-to-use condition Portable Foam Applicators, Initiating above indicates the items ara in safe and eatistactory cancition and Mobile Foam Units & ‘cady for immediate use, except os detaied onthe following Defects Sheet Wheeled & Fixed Fire Extinguishers Monthly page 97 Monthly Inspections Daw [nits |[ ome |e i a [rns] [ one [nats |[ ose [in| cae [rit] one [at [cate [rns] [oa Jinnins]| oat rus] [ one [tae || am mia No 1. Location as Extinguishant Size Date of last pressure test Next pressure test In situ. Unobstructed. Sa'ety pins and seais OK. Pressure OK (if gauge fited). No signs of darnage, leakage, corrosion, etc. Bracket & securing OK _—— — — — — — No 2. Location Extinguishant Size Date of last pressure tost Next pressure test In stu. Unodstructed. Safety pins and seais OK. ‘gauge fted). No signs of darmage, leakage, corrosion, etc. Bracket & securing OK _ — — ———— No 3. Location Extinguishant Sie Date of last prossure test Noxt prossure test leakage, corrosion, etc. Bracket & securing OK —_e—————————————— No 4. Location Extinguishant Sie Date of last pressure test Noxt prossure test Extinguishant Size Next pressure test T | Extinguishant Size 2 3 g Next pressure test Portable Fire Extinguishers (1) Monthly page 98 Monthly inspections So os ‘ae [ita oe [bm | [ome [isa at [ie No 7. Location Extinguishant Size Date of ast pressure test Next pressure test In situ. Unobstructed. Safety pins and seals OK. [ Pressure OK (if gauge itad). No signs of damage, leakage, corrosion. ete. Bracket & seauring OK ee ___ No 8. Location Extinguishan’ Size Date of last pressure test Next pressure test voted. Safety pins and seats OK. Oo ‘gauge fittad), No signs of damage, leakage, corrosion. ete. Bracket & securing OK a No 9. Location Extinguishant Size Date of last precsure test z Next prossure test Extinguishant Size Date of last prossure test . Next prossuro test No 11. Location Extinguishant Size Date of last procsure tost Next pressure test In situ. Unobstructed. Safety nins and seais OK | leakage, cormsion, ete Bracket & securing OK No 12. Location Extinguishant Size In situ. Unobstrucied. Safety pins and seais Ok Pressure OK (if gauge fitec), No signs of damage, leakage, corrosion, ete. Bracket & securing OK t prossure test Next pressure test Portable Fire Extinguishers (2) Monthly page 99 Portable Fire Extinguishers (3) No 13. Location In stu. Unobstructed. Safety pins and seals OX. Pressure OK (if gauge fitted). No signs of damage, leakage, corrosion, etc. Bracket & securing OK No 14. Location In stu. Uncbstructed. Safety pins and seals OK Pressure OK (if gauce fitted). No signs of damage, leakage. corrosion, etc. Bracket & securing OK No 15. Location In stu Unobstructed. Safety pins and seals OK Pressure OK (if cauge fitte). No signs of damage, leakage. corrosion, etc. Bracket & securing OX No 16. Location In Stu Unobstructed. Safety sins and seals OK Pressure OK (if gauge fitte). No signs of damage. leakage. cormsion. etc. Bracket & securing OK No 17. Location In stu. Unobstructed. Safety pins and seals OK Pressure OK (if gauge fittec). No signs of damage, leakage. cormsion, etc Bracket & securing OK No 18. Location In stu Unobstructed. Safety sins and seals OX Pressure OK (if gauge fitte). No signs of damage. leakage, corrosion, ec. Bracket & securing OK ‘nts [itinte || Oat nine Date of last pressure test Date of las! pressure test Date of last pressure test Date of las! pressure test Ds jessure test Date of last pressure test above indicates the items re 2 safe and satisfactory condition and ton the following Oefects Shest Monthly inspections Portable Fire Extinguishers (3) Monthly page 100 Portable Fire Extinguishers (4) Monthly Inspections ate [ia] one [inte] oat linn [ose [inate |[ oa [ima] {ate [raate]| ome |intne || oate [rita] [One [inins]| oat innat] | oat [wanes] | baw [nnon No 19. Location Extinguishant Sie Date of last pressure test Noxt prossure teat led, Salety pins and seals OK. j2uge fitted). No sigrs of damage, yn, etC. Bracket & securing OK ee No 20. Location Entinguishant Se Dat In stu. Unobstructed. Salety pins and seais Ok f last pressure test Noxt pressure test Pressure OK (if gauge fied). No signs of damage, leakage, corrosion, etc. Bracket & securing OK a eee No 21. Location Extinguishant Sie Date of last pressure test Noxt pressure test In stu. Unobstructed. Safety pins and seals OK. Pressure OK (if gauge filed). No siars of damage, leakage, corrosion, etc. Bracket & securing OK a No 22. Location Extinguishant Se Date of last pressure test Noxt pressure test In stu. Unobstructed. Satety pins and seals OK leakage, corrosion, etc. Bracket & securing OK a —— No 23. Location Extinguishant Sie Date of iast pressure tost Next pressure test pins and seals OK No sians of damage, Extinguishant Stee Date of last pressure tost Next pressure test ructed. Safety pins and seas Ok. T ec). No sis of darvape et & Securing OK Initiating above indicates the items ara in 2 safe and satisfactory condition and lam reasy for immediate use, except as detaied on the following Defects Sheet Portable Fire Extinguishers (4) Monthly page 101 Portable Fire Extinguishers (5) No 25. Location In situ. Unobstrucied. Satety pins and seais OK. fo sions of dearnage, Pressure OK (if gauge fitied). No sons of demage, leakage, corroson, etc. Bracket & securing OK ——— — No 27. Location ited. Saiety pins and seals OK. jae fitted). No signs of damage, jauge fitted). leakage. corrosion, etc. Bracket & securing OK ———————————— No 29. Location In situ. Unobstructed. Safety pins and seas Ok jauge fitted) No signs of damage, leakage. corrosion, etc. Bracket & securing OK OO No 30. Location In situ. Unobstructed. Safety pins and seas OK. jauge fitted) Monthly inspections Dov [ia | ‘ae [inti] oate [reas] [oa [ints | oat [nat] [ one inte ]| Ox [ia Dae [twat] ome [inna Exting uishent Sze g ata of last pressure test Noxt pressure test Extinguishant Sve Date of last pressure test Noxt pressure test uishant Sve Date of last pressure test Noxt pressure test Sve 9 ate of last pressure test Noxt pressure test sie D: st pressure test Nox prossure test uishant Size Date of last pressure test Noxt pressure test taling above indicates the items are i a safe and satistactory condition and aces ready for immodiato use, excopt ae detailed on the following Defects Sheet Portable Fire Extinguishers (5) Monthly page 102 Monthly Inspections ove [es owe [isan] [ome [itt] [one [min] ome [rina] [ 0 [tn oat [rte] [oa [nea [ost meas] [one [owas || vw [one Extinguishant Sze Date of last pressure test Next pressure test | | Extinguishant Sie Date of last pressure test Newt pressure test leakage, corrasion, ete Bracket & Securing OK sO ssesSsSse No 33. Location ; Extinguishant Size Date of last pressure test Newt pressure test Extinguishant Size Date of last pressure test Newt pressure test No 35. Location Extinguishant Sie Date of last pressure test Next pressure test fed. Safety pins and seals OK. T 1uge fitted). No signs of damage, ete. Bracket & securing OK No 36. Location Extinguishant Sve Date of last pressure test Next pressure test fed. Safety pins and seals OK. 7 T if gauge fitle). No sgrs of damage, leakage, corrosion. ete Bracket & securing OK oe Initiating above CERIN mint ready for immed ates the items are in a sale and satisfactory cn nd 190, excopt as detailed on tho folowing Defects Sheot Portabio Fire Extinguishers (6) Monthly page 103 Portable Fire Extinguishers (7) Monthly Inspections Daw [innate ][ one [rite] Sat [ate] | cate [rnin] 6] [bate [tas] [vate [ote] [ose nnn] No 37. Location 7 Extinguishant Se In stu. Unopstruciec. Satety pins and seals OK. auge fed). No signs of damage, 9 ate of last proscure tost Next pressure test No 38. Location Extinguishant Sie Dato of last pressure test Next pressure test In stu, Unobstructec. Satety pins and seals OK. T Pressure Ok (if gauge filed). Ne signs of damage. leakage, corrson, etc. Bracket & securing OK a ——— EE ——— SS No 39. Location Extinguishant Ske f last pressure teat coo Next pressure test In situ. Unobstructec. Safety pins and seals OK. | Pressure No signs of damage, leakage, corrosion, ete. Bracket & securing OK No 40. Location Extinguishant Size Date of lact proseurs test Next pressure test. In stu Uncbstructed. Safety pins and seals OK. T Pressure OK (if gauge fitac). No sions of damage. leakace, corosion, ete. Bracket & securing OK No 41. Location Extinguishant So g ate of last pressure test coves Next pressure test In stu. Unobstructed. Safety pins and seals OK I Pressure OK (if geuce fitted). No signs of damage, | | leakage, corrosion, etc. Bracket & securing OK ee No 42. Location Extinguishant wos Sito Uncbstructed. Safety pins and seals OK. Jauge fitted). No signs of damage, | 9 ate of last pressure test Next pressure test ling above indicates the ites are in a safe and satisfactory con: mo a roady for immediate use, except as detal jon and ts Sheet Portabie Fire Extinguishers (7) Monthly page 104 Portable Fire Extinguishers (8 No 43. Location In situ. Unobstrucied. Safety pins ane seals OK Fressure OK (if gauge fited). No sgns of damage, leakage, corroson, etc. Bracket & securing OK No 44. Location In sit. Unobstrucied. Safety pins anc seals OK Pressure OK (If gauge fied). No signs of darnage, leakage, corrosion, etc. Braclet & securing OK No 45. Location In situ. Unobstrucied. Safety pins and seals OK Pressure OK (If gauge fied). No sgns of damage, jacket & Securing OK In situ. Unobstrucied. Safety pins end seats OK. Pressure OK (it gauge fitted). No signs of damage, leakage, corrosion, etc. Bracket & securing OK ee ——— No 47. Location {In Stu. Unobstructec. Safety gins end seals OK. Pressure OK (if gauge fitted). No signs of darnage, leakage, corrosion, etc. Bracket & securing OK es eee No 48. Location Monthly Inspections SS oo ate of last pressure test pressure test pressure test 2 ate of last pressure test pressure test .. ate of last pressure test pressure test Date of last pressure test proseui 7 2 ate of last pressure test presouro test Portable Fire Extinguishers (8) Monthly page 105

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