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Lesson Plan in Philippine Politics and Governance Grade 12(HUMSS)

I. Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

a. Differentiate politics from political science.

b. Know the connection between politics and political science.

c. Recognize the value of studying politics.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Politics and Political Science


De Leon, H. S. (2014). Textbook on the Philippine Constitution. Philippines: Rex Book


Philippines Politics and Governance by: Rhene Tabajen and Erlinda Pulma, pp: 3

Materials: Laptop, projector, Powerpoint presentation

Values: Develop a sense of appreciation of what was in politics and it’s

implications to the present. Valuing the contributions of political science to the
present society.

III. Procedures

Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity

A. Preliminary activities

A1. Greetings

“Good morning class!” “Good morning Ma’am.”

A2. Prayer(The teacher wil call student to

lead the prayer.)

“Okay before we start our lesson,

let us pray first.”

Ms. Carisma please lead the Okay, Ma’am. Let us bow our heads and

prayer. place ourselves in the presence of the


(the students will arrange the chairs and

“Kindly arrange the chairs and pick pick up the pieces of paper)

up the pieces of paper on the floor.”

A3. Checking of the attendance

(The teacher will have a list of

names that she will read. Student who

are in class will raise their hand or say,

"Here" or "Present." )

“Please raise your right hand or

say present if you are present today.”

Ms. Araza. “Present.”

A4. Review of the past lesson (The

teacher will call student/s to recap the

past lesson.)

“Who can recap about what we “Ma’am! Last meeting we have tackles

have discussed last meeting?” about the meaning and various views on

“Thank you. That’s good.”

B. Motivation

4 Pics 1 Word: Four pictures will be

shown to students at a time. The students

shall find the connection of the pictures. A

word that connects the pictures will be

guessed by the students.

“Okay class; are you ready to learn “Yes, we are ma’am.”

a new knowledge?”

“Before we proceed to our new

topic we will have a motivational activity

which is the 4 Pics 1 Word. I will flash

four pictures at a time and then you will

guess the word that connects the


C. Presentation/Discussion(The

teacher will present a video clip that

discusses political science and give the

students the guide questions. After the

video presentation the teacher will

proceed to the discussion about the


“Well it’s good to know that you are

ready to learn new knowledge. Our

discussion for today is all about politics

and political science.” Before we will have (Students will jot down the guide question

our discussion I’m going to show you a on their notebooks.)

short video about political science. And

for your guide questions please take note.

“Why do you think we study politics?

What are the differences and the (Students are watching the video about

connection between politics and Political political science.)


(Video Presentation)

“Let’s start with the lesson then.

Everyone please pay attention to the “The term `politics‟, is derived from the

discussion and after this we’ll be having Greek word `Polis‟, which means the

an activity.” city state According to Greek

“The Concept of Politics” Philosophers.”

“Who knows about the etymology of


“We study politics in order for us to be

aware with all the activities and affairs of

“Very good!” You really prepare for the government.”

today’s lesson.

(The teacher will discuss about politics)

“Based on your experience, Why do you

think we study politics?”


“After we have discussed politics, we will

now discuss about political science. We “Political science is “the study of the

will also know the connection between state and government in all their

politics and political science as well as manifestations, aspects and

their differences.” (Teacher’s discussion) relationships.”

“What is political science?”

“Yes, politics and political science are

related. It’s because political science is a

“Thank you. That’s correct.” study about political reality.”

“Based on the video being presented, is “The main difference of these two things

politics and political science are related? is that politics is something that happens

If so, why?” in the real world and political science is

the study of politics, not the actual

“Then, what is the difference between political process.”

politics and political science?”


“It seems that you are all ready for the

next activity. So, we will now proceed.”

D. Activity (The students will be grouped

into three and they will be given jumbled

concepts that define politics and political

science; they will be given the chance to (Students will count of 1, 2, 3)

decide whether the given concepts

belong to politics or political science)

“Now let’s move on to the activity.

Please pay attention for the instructions.

Count of 1, 2, 3 and then proceed to your

respective groups so that we can proceed

for further instructions.”

“I am going to flash different

images through my powerpoint

presentation and then you are going to

answer this question, What is happening

in the picture? Please relate your answer

in our discussion. Then, choose a

representative to present your answer in

the class.”

“Do this in ten minutes.”

“Discuss with your groups to come “None.”

with a correct answer and be aware with

the time limit on this game. Did you (Students will present their answers in the

understand the directions?” class.)

" Any questions or clarifications?”

So, proceed.”

E. Analysis (The teacher will divide the (Students will count of 1,2)

class into 2 teams and let the students

answer the given question in a manila


“Now we will proceed to the next

activity. Please count of 1,2. then proceed

to your respective groups choose a

leader, secretary and a reporter. What (Group members choose their leader,

you are going to do is you will answer this secretary and reporter.)

question; What is the significant

connection or relation of politics and

political science? Leaders make sure that

your members are sharing their ideas.

Secretaries please write your names and

group number on a one half sheet of

paper. Reporters prepare to present and

discuss your answers briefly and concise.

Group 1 and 2 these are your manila (Students will present their answer in the

paper and pentel pen. Be aware with the class.)

time limit on this activity. Is my instruction

clear? Very good, so we can now


“Politics is…”

F. Abstraction (The teacher will ask the “Political science is…”

students about their own definition of

politics and political science.)

Thank you for your answer.”

“Very good.”

G. Application (The teacher will ask the

students about the practical application of

the concepts being discussed in their

daily living as HUMSS students.)

“It is necessary for students who aspire to

be lawyers to take Political Science

“Thank you for your wonderful because it will help us to have a strong

answer. That’s very good.” written and oral communication skills

which are effective tools to be an

outstanding lawyer.”

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