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A pilgrim [CITATION httnt \l 13321 ]

(from the Latin pereginus) is a traveler who is on a journey to a holy plac
e (literally one who has come from afar).   This is typically a physical jou
rney (often on foot) to a place of particular importance for adherents of a 
particular system of religious belief.In Christian spiritual literature, the co
ncept of pilgrimage and pilgrimage may refer to the experience of life in t
he world (considered as a period of exile) or to the inner path of the spirit
ual aspirant from a state of wretchedness to a state of bliss
.Five churches have been assigned to the pilgrimage tour, these are Shrine
of Saint Francis of Assisi Barasoain, Our lady of Caramellum, Parokya
ng Imaculada Concepcion, Katedral at Basilika Minore National Shrine,
Parish of the Divine Mercy and Parokya ni San Miguel Arkanghel de

The first church we went to was the Shrine of Saint Francis of Assisi. The 
church was a little old and full of dust.You will see the beatitude of this c
hurch when you go inside, and you will sense the presence of God in ther
e.Through the strength of their religion, they tried to begin to find a plan 
on how to fix this kind of situation and ask the Lord for guidance.

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The second church was Our Lady of Caramellum Parokya of Imaculada 
Concepcion. It was made of metal with fine mixtures of gravel and white 
cream. The altar was great and cool, and it shows how beautiful the altar 
was.This church was one of the best churches I've seen in my whole life. 
It was dazzlingly clean, with a golden color on the ceilings.

The third church was the Cathedral of the Katedral at Basilika Minore

National Shrine . It was a large and wide area in which there were a numb
er of buildings on it. There was a souvenir shop, wishingwell,objects, and 
a gym with a church outside.There was also a museum where items were 
found lately in the golden age and sought to preserve it. It reveals how Ca
tholics have maintained their faith through their religion.
Frequently, they claim that this church has also done some miraculous thi
ngs to the people who have actually come here. It has also made our trust 
much stronger than it was the last time.

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After we went to the church called the Cathedral of the Katedral
at Basilica Minor National Shrine, we walked for about 60 meters to meet 
the fourth church enlisted for our pilgrimage and that was the Parish of
the Divine Mercy.

This church was for seminarians, who are likely to be a priest in the futur
e. Here in this church, the seminarians were qualified to be a high priest, 
a bishop or an archbishop. To make the Catholics more driven and to wal
k along the right path.

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Parokya ni San Miguel Arkanghel de Marilao was the last church. The
church was built of stone bricks of concrete. The altar of this church was
made of pure steel with a gold or bronze coating on it. The church was
full of overhead chandeliers. In the past, the church was as majestic as an
old castle.

Arkein Dale D. Luis


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Adventures are minutes in life that characterize and remake the fantasies
we make about ourselves as well as other people. Very frequently the
goals of a one-sided network or choose bunch are seen as the model by
which all people must pursue. To get away from the weights of an
aggregate standard an individual must go outside the limitations of a
network and find their very own actual personality. On such a voyage one
can anticipate snapshots of arranged reflection or surprising cases of
disclosure. A voyage is each moment of my reality, as I travel through
life and attempt to find out my own quality in its cycle. A fundamental
voyage/pilgrimage happened on December 10,2019 when we set out on a
journey. It was my first time to this sort of movement called pilgrimage
wherein it resembled a field trip, however the spot had been assigned as
holy places. Having my classmates with me, it was incredible to be with
them to know one another and to have an advancement in solidarity and
cooperation. To realize them significantly more and attempt to spend time
with them. In our class section they generally plan something amusing for
get us much more cheerful than to be exhausted. Having them in this
adventure would be stunning cool and glad reason I felt them as my
subsequent family and this is our last year in Don Bosco so we have to
make ourselves feel good for one another. The Pilgrimage was bit
extraordinary at all reason we knew various things about our catholic
stuffs like how did this congregation was assembled? is there any odds of
supernatural occurrences having here like that. Despite the fact that it is a
problem to travel a far spot and attempt to visit every one of the churches
that was absolutely arranged by our school however we increased another
information about our religion. It is a debilitating day after we do that
however the thing is we fulfilled ourselves more learned and more than
we do.

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Since I am home and think back on our journey, I find that I am not
simply left with memories; the encounters of visiting and supplicating
these heavenly places have reinforced my confidence and made me
progressively resolved to be better Christians. Positively the journey for
me was 'an adventure for a lifetime', a really profound encounter.

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