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1. Who is the sculpture by?
It’s sculpture by Auguste Rodin.

2. Who is it called?
It’s called the door of the Hell (La Porte de l’Enfer).

3. What is it made of?

It´s made of bronze.

4. What dimensions is made the door with?

The door have 6.35 of lengh, 4 metres of wide, 85 centimetres in depth
and weighs 6.7 tons.

5. How many doors of the Hell were sculptured in the world?

8 doors were sculptured.

6. In which countries are the doors exhibited?

They’re exhibited in Tokio, Paris, Zurich, California, Seul, Pensilvania,
Shizuoka and Mexico.

7. Where is it exhibited in Mexico?

It’s exhibited in Sumaya Museum in Mexico City.

8. When was it finished?

It was finished in 1880.

9. When was it opened in Mexico City?

On July 6th 2016.

10. Who was it inspired in?

It was inspired in the Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri.

11. What is it represented Rodin in his sculpture?

It’s represented the journey that Dante made in the hell that goes from
the smallest sin to the most serious, such as: pride, greed, lust,
cowardice and envy.
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