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Review Article ISSN: 2320 5091 Impact Factor: 5.344


Yadu Gopan1, Sinjid R2, Vishnu C P3

Assistant Professor, Department of Kayachikitsa,
Assistant Professor, Department of Shalya Tantra,
SGES’s Dr. N. A. Magadum Ayurvedic Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre, Karnataka, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Roganidana and Vikriti Vignana
Rajeev Institute of Ayurvedic Medical Science, Karnataka, India


Pakshaghata is one among the 80 vatajananatmajavikaras. It is a condition in which one half of the body is af-
fected leading to loss of function, pain, loss of speech and loss of sensation. Symptoms developed by the associa-
tion of other doshas along with vata are also explained in the textbooks of Ayurveda. Hemiplegia is the condition
which is correlated with pakshaghata in the current era. Though there are different causes for hemiplegia, the
most common correlation is made with CVA. Margavarana and dhatukshaya are two reasons for any vatavyadhi
which are understood as ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes respectively. The line of treatment explained by dif-
ferent Ayurveda texts includes snehana, swedana and virechana. Basti is the best treatment for vatadosha and the
half treatment in vatavyadhi. But virechana is given with the priority in the treatment of pakshagahta. This can be
justified by various facts based on the nidanapanchaka, lakshana and chikitsa of pakshaghata. The current paper
focuses on understanding virechana as the treatment in pakshaghatabased on explanations available in Ayurveda
texts and modern view.

Keywords: pakshaghata, vatavyadhi, virechana

Ayurveda, the ancient science of life has its two inten- the most potent among the three and it can take other
tions as protecting the health of healthy individual and doshas from their normal site to different places to
curing the diseases of the ill.[1] On the basis of this, a cause various disorders.[3] Similarly there are 80 dis-
number of texts are written on Ayurvedic understand- orders explained which are caused by vatadosha, 40
ing of various principles of health, disease and treat- and 20 by pitta and kapha respectively.[4]
ments. Any derangements in the tridosha cause dis- Vatavyadhi is included among the ashtamahagadas.[5]
eases and their normalcy is the state of wellbeing.[2] Two main reasons for any vatavyadhi are; avarana to
Diseases are caused by the dosha either alone or in vata marga and dhatu kshaya.[6]Pakshaghata is one
association with other dosha and dushya.Vata dosha is among these. It is a disease of the madhyamaroga-
Yadu Gopan & Sinjid R: “Pakshaghate Virechanam” – A Review

marga.[7] The nidanasevana leads to vataprakopa and dusnehavirechana with tilwkasarpi, sathalaghrita or
the vitiated vata resides in one half of the body caus- erandataila with milk. After shodhana, obstructions
ing the vishoshana of sira and snayu develop into to vata will be removed and vatadosha will be paci-
pakshaghata.[8] One half of the body is affected with fied.[21]
symptoms like loss of function, pain, loss of speech Involvement of sira and snayu: In the samprapti of
and sensation.[9][10] The symptoms of association of pakshaghata, the vitiated vayu resides in one half of
pitta and kapha are also explained in the body and causes the drying of sira and snayu of
texts.[11]Margavaranajanya and dhatukshayajan- that side.[22]Sira and kantara are the upadhatus of rak-
yapakshaghatas are correlated with ischemic and tadhatu.[23]Kantara is also considered to be the sthu-
hemorrhagic strokes respectively. lasnayu.[24] The treatments advised for the
Chikitsasutra of pakshaghata by different Acharyas saptadhatudushti are also applicable for their
include snehana, swedana and virechana. Virechana upadhatu also. In raktadhatudushti, virechana is ex-
is one among the panchakarma. The oushadha is tak- plained as one of the treatments.[25] So virechana can
en through the mouth and the dosha are eliminated be given in the dushti of sira and kantara which in
through the anal route in virechana.[12]Basti is the turn is applicable in pakshaghatachikitsa.
main line of treatement advised for vatavyadhi[13] but Involvement of majja: The adhishtana of
virechana is given the priority in pakshaghata. pakshaghata is masthishka or mastulunga.
Here in, the various facts explained in Ayurveda texts Mastulunga is considered as the “avileena ghritakara
justifying virechana as the treatment for pakshaghata mastaka majja”[26]. Dalhana says pittadhara and maj-
are discussed. jadharakala are same.[27] The treatment advised for
Pakshaghatachikitsa sutra: Pakshaghatachikitsa su- pittadharakalavikriti is virechana. In majjadush-
tra explained by all Acharyas includes virechana. As ti“kaaleshuddhi”[28] (timely purification) is advised as
per Charaka, snehana-swedana-virechana are the the treatment.
main treatments for pakshaghata.[14] Susruta describes Concept of avarana – anubandha: One among the
the selection criteria of pakshaghata patient suitable main pathology behind pakshaghata is margavarana
for treatment and he says the initial line of manage- to vata. It is correlated with the ischemic stroke which
ment of pakshaghata is through snehana, swedana accounts for 87% of all stroke cases. Pakshaghata
and mrudu shodhana (mrudu virechana).[15] He also may present with symptoms of the avarakadosha
advices particular duration for chikitsa and gaping along with vatajalakshanas. Visheshalakshanas of
between each course of treatment. Snigdha virechana pakshaghata are also explained based on the associa-
is advised by Vagbhata in pakshaghata.[16] tion with pitta and kaphadoshas. Mridushodhana is
Vatasya Upakrama: As pakshaghata is a vatavyadhi, indicated for the removal of avarana to
the vatasya upakrama told by Vagbhata can be ap- vata.[29]Virechana in common is explained in pittavru-
plied in the management of pakshaghata. Mridu sho- ta and kaphavrutavata conditions.[30] Whenever pitta
dhana after snehana and swedana is advised as and kapha are together associated with vata, the prior
vatasyaupakrama.[17]Teekshnashodhana is contraindi- treatment should be given to pittadosha.[31] The main
cated as it may provoke vatadosha.[18] treatment for pitta is again virechana.
Pakwashaya is vatasthana: The normal abode of vat- Prana vatavikriti: Pakshaghata is generally compared
adosha is pakwashaya.[19] The first chikitsa for with CVA stroke, ischemic being the most common. It
pakwashayagatavata is snehavirechana[20] and it is caused due to the lack of oxygen supply to the brain
should be followed by basti and other line of treat- tissue leading to cell death. This can be compared
ments. The normal pathway of pakwashayasthavata with the obstruction to pranavata. The normal path-
will be obstructed due to the association of other way of pranavata is from above downwards.
dosha. This can be corrected by giving mru- Virechana has anulomana effect and thus it can re-

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Yadu Gopan & Sinjid R: “Pakshaghate Virechanam” – A Review

move the obstructions to pranavata to bring it in natu- management of all vatavyadhi include virechana.
ral pathway. Pakswashaya is vatasthana and virechana is advised
Virechanaphala: Virechana is the elimination of the in pakswashayasamutthanavyadhi as it is the nearest
dosha through the lower passage (anal route). route of expulsion of dosha. The involvement of si-
Virechana, when carried out in the proper manner raand snayu in the samprapti of pakshaghata accounts
with all its precautions yields multifaceted effects to to the role of raktadhatu in pakshaghata for which
the person. It improves the intelligence, strength, sta- virechana is the treatment. Masthishkamajja is the
bility of dhatu, agnibala and it can delay the ageing adhishtana of pakshaghata and virechana holds good
process.[32] Through virechana, shareerashudhi occurs in treating majjadhatudushti and majjadharakalavika-
which in turn leads to manashudhi and then bud- ra. Avarana to vatamarga plays big role in the devel-
dhiprasada; improvement in the intelligence.[33] opment of pakshaghata and associated symptoms of
Modern view: Normal fluid homeostasis plays a vital other dosha are also expressed in it. Virechana is ad-
role in maintaining the health of cells and tissues. visable in both conditions. Virechana brings the pra-
Changes in the vascular volume can alter the endothe- navata in its normal pathway hence it is useful in pra-
lial function leading to various morbidities. Endotheli- navatadushti taking place in pakshaghata. As the
al cells regulate several aspects of homeostasis and main pathology in pakshaghata takes place in mas-
cytokines have highest effect over endothelium. Dur- thishka, there is mental and physical impairment to the
ing virechana cytokines are produced which stimulate patient. Budhiprasadana and dhatusthiratwa are the
the endothelium and thereby improve the fluid home- benefits of virechanakarma. Thus, virechana can act
ostasis. Thus, the deranged cellular elements are improve the mental and physical conditions of the pa-
brought back by an action like koshtagati of tient.
shakhagata dosha.[34] Virechana can improve the cellular functions and cor-
Different neuropeptides and hormones of gut are rect the tissue damage through fluid homeostasis. It
found in brain. They have great effects on neurons, helps in the proper brain functions and can be used in
smooth muscles and glands. Virechana can improve the disorders of the brain. Hydropic degeneration is
the number of neuropeptides by cleansing the gastro- prevented by virechana, so it is useful in ischemic
intestinal tract, as a result it may affect the brain and disorders like stroke.
modify its various functions. Hence virechana can be
used in the disorders of brain.[34] CONCLUSION
Hydropic degeneration is a type of cellular degenera- Being a vatavyadhi, the description of virechana as
tion caused by the increased water content in the cells the line of management in pakshaghata can be disput-
damaging the mitochondria. Virechana checks this able. Basti is the main treatment for vatadosha but
situation by causing fluid loss. Similarly, virechana virechana has been given the priority in pakshaghata.
All such questions are answered by the analysis of
helps in the treatment of disorders due to ischemia and
various facts explained here justifying the selection of
vacuolar degeneration.[34] virechana in pakshaghata. Though direct points are
not available in the texts, a thorough evaluation of the
DISCUSSION etiopathogenesis, lakshana, anyadoshasamsrushta-
Virechana karma is one among the panchakarma lakshana and chikitsasutra support the role of
which is mainly advised for pitta dosha and pittaja virechana in pakshaghata. Virechana not only coun-
teracts avarana but improves dhatuposhana also. So,
vikara. But it has a good role in the management of
it is useful in both margavaranajanya and
diseases caused by other two dosha also. One among dhatukshayajapakshaghata. Research works tried to
such conditions is pakshaghata, where virechana is explain the action of virechana in modern perspective
explained to be the main line of management by where the results shown the ability of virechana in the
Ayurveda texts. Pakshaghatachikitsa and general management of nervous system disorders. Currently

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Yadu Gopan & Sinjid R: “Pakshaghate Virechanam” – A Review

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Source of Support: Nil

Conflict of Interest: None Declared
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IAMJ: Volume 8, Issue 2, February - 2020 ( Page 2818

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