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Jhoyvhie G.


Kung Fu Panda 1
Movie Review


The story started on Po, daydreaming about himself being an awesome

legendary warrior panda who has extraordinary kung fu skills but then woke
up to reality of being the ordinary son of a noodle shop owner. Po, being an
ambitious panda, and one of the biggest fan of the Furious five, together with
Master Shifu, Tigress, Viper, Crane, Monkey, Mantis, and his dad was shocked
when Master Oogway has chosen him not only as the Dragon Warrior, but also
the one fated to stop Tai Lung. Being doubtful of his capabilities and own, Po
almost surrendered due to lack of self- esteem and hurtful words coming from
Master Shifu and other members of the Furious five not until Master Oogway
gave him a positive perception to the things that can and will happen. Soon,
Master Oogway’s vision about Tai Lung breaking off the prison happened, the
old master didn’t last long either the moment he told his disciple and friend,
Shifu, it’s his time. Master Shifu being left with Master Oogway’s words of
wisdom begins to train Po into becoming a Dragon Warrior with the aid of food
as motivation to boost Po to train harder. Little do they know, as they are busy
in training, the furious five set into journey to face Tai Lung, but ended up
coming to the Jade Palace to announce their defeat. Master Shifu, shaken off
by the power of Tai Lung, ordered Po together with the furious five to evacuate
the citizens of Valley of Peace but not far as they go, thanks to Po’s dad, Po
have made up his mind to face Tai Lung as he is the chosen Dragon Warrior. In
the end, Po was able to defeat Tai Lung, and the citizens of Valley of Peace
don’t have to leave anymore as Po, the Dragon Warrior, finally brings peace.

Describe the characters (Furious Five)

 Tigress is a brave and strong female kung fu tiger that is ruthless and
hot headed especially to Po as she dislikes and sees no potential in him
of being a Dragon Warrior; in the end she shows humility and respect
towards Po.
 Viper is the green female venomous kung fu snake that possesses a
sympathetic attitude especially to Po, she was probably the most
composed and calm master among the five of them.
 Crane or master kung fu crane is a sarcastic bird that seems to display
awkwardness when speaking to Po, he is loyal to his group and enjoys
most of his rest practicing Chinese calligraphy.
 Monkey seems to be the most energetic and playful among the furious
five. He also throws hurtful words to Po being chosen as the Dragon
Warrior but then liking him afterwards.
 Mantis being the most talkative but lacks humor is one of the furious
five that shows irritation towards Po in the beginning but later on treats
him with sensitivity and warmth.

Analyze the values they have adapted, how do they differ to the act of Tai

All of the members of Furious Five show discipline in terms of kung fu,
they also possess high respect towards their Masters Shifu and Oogway. They
are also very supportive to each other. Overall, they have adapted strong
integrity and moral values whereas Tai Lung shows greed in power and rage
towards the two masters for wanting to gain more.

Differentiate the teaching techniques of the two Masters.

Master Oogway’s teaching technique seems to be more focus on student,

developing not only its skills in kung fu but also the attitude and personality in
becoming a great kung fu warrior whereas Master Shifu’s teaching style being a
student centered too but is strict and focuses mainly to the physical output,
outcome, or strength of the student.

How does Master Oogway differ with Master Shifu?

Master Oogway can be described as a calm and composed master that

possesses a strong positive attitude and wisdom towards life whereas Master
Shifu is easily distracted, nervous, and displays a negative attitude.

How do their personalities affect their student’s behavior?

Master Oogway’s positive perception to life also brings a positive outcome

to his students, to do better and think differently moreover positively and act
calmly towards situations, while Master Shifu’s strict personality produces a
well disciplined and skillful students
What is the implication of the movie to you as a ‘would be’ teacher?

Not everyone possesses a positive attitude towards life. As an aspiring

teacher, an educator rather, it is a must to look through things positively no
matter what situations, turn of events or life throws. Being able to remain
calm, analyze and look for solutions in difficult situations or problems to avoid
creating panic and build connections in the students is one of the attitudes
that a teacher should have.

What is the relevance of this movie to the present educational system?

The movies relevance has something to do with the student-teacher

relationship, as teachers are the facilitator of learning it is our task to guide
each and every student that will be entrusted to us, to instill them not only
with knowledge but wisdom and attitude that will benefit not only the present
but also the future.

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