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Nama andi ravida rahma syafruddin Xinfeng

NIM K011171807 Huangfu, MD,*

Topik Hipertensi, Smoking Zhengbao Zhu,
MD,* Chongke
Zhong, MD,*
no Judul Artikel Penulis Bu, Tahun
MD, PhD,*
Yipeng Zhou,
MD,* Yunfan
Tian, MD,*
Buren Batu,
MD,† Tian Xu,
Tobacco smoking: Health impact, prevalence, MD, PhD,*,
1 correlates and interventions Robert West
‡ Aili Wang, 2017
MD, PhD,*
Hongmei Li,
MD, PhD,*
Smoking, Hypertension, and Their Combined Mingzhi Zhang,
Effect onIschemic Stroke Incidence: A MD, PhD,* and
Prospective Study among Inner Mongolians Yonghong
in China Zhang, MD,
2 Xinfeng PhD*C8 2017

3 Laporan Hasil Riset Kesehatan Dasar (RiskesdaKementerian Kes 2019

Li, Guoju
Wang, Hailing
Wang, Ke
Wang, Wenrui
Dong, Fen
Gong, Haiying
Hui, Chunxia
Xu, Guodong
Li, Yanlong
Pan, Li
Zhang, Biao
4 The association between smoking and blood pressure
in men: A cross-sectional study 2017
5 The Correlation of Age, Gender, Heredity, Smoking Habit, Obesity,
and Salt
Khasanah, Uswatun,
with Hyper-

Sunil Kumar
Jena, Kanhu
Charan Purohit
6 Smoking status and its effect on blood pressure: A study on medical students Sunil
Department 2020
7 Smoking and hypertension: Effect of adenosineFulvia
M. Banci, A. Neri, A. Magrini & E. Bottini

Barengo, Noël
Harald, Kennet
8 Smoking and cancer, cardiovascular and total m
Pekka 2019

9 Relationship of Smoking to Hypertension in a Developing

Sohn, KitaeCountry 2018

Kim, Byung Jin

Seo, Dae Chul
Kim, Bum Soo
10 Relationship between cotinine-verified smoking
Ho incidence of hypertension in 74,743
Korean adults
11 Prevalensi Konsumsi Rokok Pria Usia 18 - 64 Tahun
Hipertensi Di Desa Susut, Kabupaten Bangli Bali Tahun 2

Collaboration, GBD 2015 Tobacco

12 Smoking prevalence and attributable disease bu 2017

Yobert N
Wulan P J
Nelwan, Jeini
13 Hubungan Antara Merokok Dengan Kejadian Hipertensi
Ester 2019

Delmi, Sulastri
14 Hubungan Merokok dengan Kejadian Hipertensi
Lestari, Yuniar 2015

, Ali
15 Association of socioeconomic status and hype Masoumeh 2018
Nama Jurnal Informasi yang anda dapatkan dari jurnal tersebut

1. Didalam jurnal ini menjelaskan dampak negatif akibat

merokok, manfaat ketika berhenti merokok, faktor-
faktor yang menyebabkan orang merokok dan cara
Psychology and Health mengkontrol perilaku merokok.

1. Didalam jurnal ini terdapat faktor-faktor resiko

penyebab penyakit darah tinggi dan hasil yang siginifcan
antara hubungan perilaku merokok dengan hipertensi.
Journal of Stroke and Cerebr2. Cohort study prospective.

Menyediakan informasi derajat kesehatan yang telah

dicapai selama kurun waktu 5 tahun terakhir dan
informasi besaran masalah faktor risiko terkait derajat
kesehatan yang diukur, sebagai bahan pertimbangan
dalam merumuskan kebijakan pembangunan kesehatan
di Indonesia.
Riset Kesehatan Dasar 2018 Tujuan

1. meneliti tentang hubungan antara merokok dan

kejadian hipertensi pada pria (terdapat hubungan).
2. The findings revealed that the adjusted DBP and MAP
were lower in current smokers versus nonsmokers.
3. SBP was lower in current smokers versus former
BMC Public Health smokers.
1. Hypertension is closely related to physical activity.
2. Hypertension generally develops at the age of 36 - 45
years which is mainly due to reduced blood vessel
3. Salt consumption was a factor that has a major
influence on the cases of hypertension.
4. hubungan antara merokok dengan hipertensi negatif.
GHMJ (Global Health Management
5. CrossJournal)

1. this study reported the effect of short duration of

smoking with low pack year on BP and obtained the
result of increased BP in smokers.
2. They reported that there is increase in systolic as well
as DBP along with heart rate (HR) after cigarette
smoking whether tie cigarettes are of low-nicotine
CHRISMED Journal of Healthcigarettes or high-nicotine cigarettes.
Clinical and Experimental H 1. Smoking increases the proportion of subjects showing hypertension: such effect is more marke

1. resiko kematian disebabkan oleh paparan rokok sama

antara umur 45-64 dn dengan umur 65-74.
2. kemataian akibat CDV lebih tinggi pada umur yang
Preventive Medicine Reportslebih muda daripada yang lebih tua

1. No relation between smoking and hypertension in

indonesian man.
2. Healthy lifestyle control the hypertension
GLOBAL HEART 3. cross sectional study

1. Cohort study case

2. cotinine-verified current smoking at baseline
significantly decreased the risk for incident chronic
smoking and hypertension
3. cotinine-verified new-smoking or sustained-smoking
decreased the risk for incident chronic smoking and
hypertension compared with cotinine-verified never-
Circulation Journal smoking, these results were distinct only in men.
1.analisis deskriptif
2. dari total sampel yang mengalami hipertensi
sebanyak 33 (37%) orang dan 56 (63%)orang tidak
menderita hipertensi
3. status merokok sample merupakan perokok aktif
(48,8%) dan kebanyakan perokok ringan (88,8%)
4. jenis rokok yang di konsumsi penderita hipertensi
Intisari Sains Medis adalah rokok filter (100%)

1. one in every four man in the world was a daily

smokers and one in every 20 women smoked daily in
2. moking remained among the leading risk factors for
early death and disability in more than 100 countries in
3. Smoking patterns diverged by geography, level of
development, sex, and birth cohort, emphasising the
need for tailored approaches to change smoking
The Lancet behaviours.
1. Kebiasaan merokok dan hipertensi memiliki
2. resonden memiliki kebiasaan merokok diatas 20
tahun dan menhisap rokok sebanyak 10-20 batang
3. di pengaruhi oleh sebagian besar responden pria
bekerja sebagai petani.
KESMAS 4. cross sectional study

1. Didapatkan 60 (65,2%) dari 92 responden mengalami

hipertensi. Kejadian hipertensi berdasarkan
karakteristik umur dijumpai paling sering pada usia 55-
65 tahun dengan jumlah 27 (45%) dari 60 responden
2. Dari penelitian didapatkan jumlah responden perokok
ialah 57 orang (62%) dan bukan perokok sebesar 35
orang (38%). Artinya lebih dari setengah responden
Jurnal Kesehatan Andalas merupakan perokok.

1. a close association between elevation of blood

pressure and experience of heavy smoking
2. older men who were heavy and moderate smokers
have significantly higher systolic blood pressure than
Acta Biomedica 3.
ion: such effect is more marked in those carrying the ADA ( adenosine deaminase polymorphism).

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