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Words Meaning + Sentence

underhand, tricky, unscrupulous (without moral)

Skullduggery The entire saga smacks of a corrupt-to-the-core system where Bahria’s
skulduggery has been enabled
Inertia To do nothing
cheerful readiness, brisk
Alacrity NAB, which moves with such alacrity against other alleged instances of
corruption, has displayed a curious inertia vis-à-vis the colossal scam
unfolding since years on the outskirts of Karachi
in preparation or progress
Afoot Machinations designed to minimise the impact of the damning May 4 verdict
are now clearly afoot
to provide or supply one’s business
Purveyor which was the iconic purveyor of cultural fare in an era when TV had yet to
make its debut in the country
Outrage, injury, disdain, contempt
DESPITE the Indian media’s assumptions of a US strategic volte-face…
Clever or skillful
adroitly The US special envoy adroitly commenced a trilateral US-Russia-China
dialogue to build regional consensus
In his freewheeling days
transgressions Go beyond limit set by
Elderly, infirm
decrepit THERE is a cruel irony in India reducing the Saarc to a virtually decrepit body
because of its bilateral disputes with Pakistan
Relating in meaning in language, or logic
India Pritish Nandy queried Gandhi about “some semantic uncertainties
apposite Very appropriate, apt
Confluence Junction of rive, act/process of merging
Vociferous Expressing strongly held opinions; vehement
didactic Ulterior motive
Protagonist Leading character, prominent figure, advocate for a cause
Turbulent manner
With an economic crisis roiling the country
Lose momentum
But where press freedom falters, so does democracy
An annoying or provocative person
rabble-rousing A person who stirs up the crowd, especially for political purpose
exasperated Irritate intensely
cash-strapped Extremely short of money
protracted Lasting for long time
mundane Lacking interest or excitement
- esque In style of, resembling
Subject to sudden changes
Mercurial leader
blight spoil
obscure Hard to make it out
Among other things
Inter ali
The committee also finalized inter alia the following…..
convoluted Complex, delicate, technically twisted
Spoken with advance preparation
He remembered that Imran Khan was a ‘popular leader’ and ‘athlete’ and
then ad-libbed his way through the flip-flop of Pakistan-US relations since he
became president
Confident, stylish, charismatic
the most debonair prime minister in the world
sanguine Optimistic
Umpteen Indefinitely many
Permeate Pervade, spread throughout
Suffuse Gradually pervade
Qua In a capacity
assuage Satisfy, reduce
sojourns Temporary stay
Display openly,
hile his immediate predecessors may have had similar meetings in similar
places during their Washington sojourns, Khan did it while exuding more
charisma and confidence
The security adviser inevitably has the advantage of propinquity
prowling It puts India firmly within a select group of countries prowling the solar
system for commercial, strategic, and scientific reasons
disenfranchisement Deprive of a right or privilege or vote
Fiasco A ludicrous and humiliating failure
Ludicrous Absurd, foolishness
Assuage Less intense; satisfy
downtrodden Oppressed, treated badly
Wanton Cruel, unprovoked
crème de la crème The best person or thing of particular kind
Acknowledgement, superiority or distinguished person
Once one reaches political eminence
Infallibility Incapable of making mistakes
Facsimiles An exact copy
laissez-faire, A policy of non-interference
Obduracy Stubbornly refusing to change one’s opinions
Intransigence Unwilling to change one’s view to agree
- esque Style
red herring Distraction, misleading act
Obsequious Obedient
Servile Excessively willing
Quixotic Idealistic, impractical
downtrodden Oppressed or treated badly by people in power
mudslinging Use of insult
wishy-washy Weak or thin, feeble or insipid
shenanigans Mischief; secrete or dishonest activity
subterfuge A trick or attempt in order to achieve one’s motive, objective
insipid Lacking flavor, vigor or interest
casus belli An act or cause provoking war or justifying war
ill-will animosity
mealy-mouthed Reluctant to speak frankly
curio Rare, unusual
Schadenfreude Pleasure derive from another’s misfortune
ennobled Give noble rank, elevation
Lukewarm Moderate, unenthusiastic
Chauvinism Excessive and exaggerated patriotism
Perfidy Untrustworthiness
acquiescing Accept without protest
Usurpation Take illegally by force
Copiously Abundant, ample
Tribulations Cause of great trouble and sufferings
Reparation Compensation paid by defeated state; making of amends for worng
protracted Lasting for long time, or longer than expected
Disingenuous Not sincere
Din Unpleasant, prolonged noise
willy-nilly Without direction, haphazardly, whether one like it or not

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