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Performance objective confirmation form


This form is for affiliates applying for membership who completed the ACCA examinations in the June 2012 sitting or before
and who have 36 months’ relevant work experience.
You must be able to demonstrate that:
• you have completed 36 months’ work experience in a relevant role and have achieved the performance objectives
• you have achieved the level of competence required for ACCA membership
• you have completed the Professional Ethics module/Ethics and Professional Skills module.
Sections 1 to 4 must be completed by the applicant. Section 5 must be completed by a referee who is a qualified accountant
recognised by law in your country, and is able to confirm that in their view you have the necessary level of competence to be admitted
to ACCA membership.
A scanned copy of the completed form should be emailed to the customer services team at
Please keep a copy of the original completed form in case it is required to validate your membership application.
ACCA retains the right to independently seek verification of your employment history.


To be completed by the applicant

Full name

ACCA registration number


To be completed by the applicant

Please provide details of your full employment history. You should:
• start with your current or most recent position
• include all periods of your employment
• indicate the roles you are choosing to demonstrate your achievement of the 36 months relevant accounting and finance experience,
and that you have provided evidence of employment for these roles*.
* Note: You are required to provide evidence of employment for the roles that you are using for your PER. This means that you need to provide evidence for the roles
counting towards your 36 months total and the roles you are using to demonstrate achievement of your performance objectives.
Evidence could include a payslip or letter from your employer. You DO NOT need to provide evidence for all your additional employment roles.

1 Employer’s name



Job title

Dates of employment Start date Finish date

Is this a supervised relevant role? Yes No If Yes, enter months achieved

I am using this role for my PER and have provided evidence of employment Yes No
2 Employer’s name



Job title

Dates of employment Start date Finish date

Is this a supervised relevant role? Yes No If Yes, enter months achieved

I am using this role for my PER and have provided evidence of employment Yes No

3 Employer’s name



Job title

Dates of employment Start date Finish date

Is this a supervised relevant role? Yes No If Yes, enter months achieved

I am using this role for my PER and have provided evidence of employment Yes No

4 Employer’s name



Job title

Dates of employment Start date Finish date

Is this a supervised relevant role? Yes No If Yes, enter months achieved

I am using this role for my PER and have provided evidence of employment Yes No

Note: If you have had more than four employers, please include your additional information on a separate sheet.

To be completed by the applicant

To be eligible to apply for ACCA membership you must have completed 36 months in relevant finance/accounting roles and you must
also have achieved all five Essentials and four Technical performance objectives from the list below.
Please review the performance objective descriptions and elements, which can be found in the ACCA performance objective booklet
available to download at, then mark the performance objectives which you have achieved.

Performance objective Mark X

1 Professionalism and ethics

2 Stakeholder relationship management


3 Strategy and innovation

4 Governance risk and control

5 Leadership and management

Corporate reporting 6 Record and process transactions and events

7 Prepare external financial reports

8 Analyse and interpret financial reports

Financial management 9 Evaluate investment and financing decisions

10 Manage and control working capital

11 Identify and manage financial risk

Sustainable 12 Evaluate management accounting systems


accounting 13 Plan and control performance

14 Monitor performance

Taxation * 15 Tax computations and assessments

16 Tax compliance and verification

17 Tax planning and advice

Audit and assurance ** 18 Prepare for and plan the audit process

19 Collect and evaluate evidence for an audit

20 Review and report on findings for an audit

* To achieve the tax objectives you need to demonstrate that you have experience with:
• tax for individuals
• tax for single companies, groups or other entities
• direct and indirect tax

** To achieve the audit and assurance objectives you need to take part in audits (eg, you work in an audit team/audit function)
Please describe how you achieved the performance objectives you selected on the previous page. You only need to cover the broad
description of each performance objective. You don’t need to summarise how you achieved the individual elements. Please include:
• provide a heading for each objective and confirm the role where you gained that experience
• one or two tasks as examples for each objective
• highlight any lessons you learned.

To be completed by the applicant

I understand that when transferring to membership, I could become liable to disciplinary action for events which engage ACCA bye-
law 8, liability to disciplinary action, which occurred before or after I transfer (read Notes section below now).
I confirm I have now read the Notes section below and:
• I understand that if I fail to declare an event which may engage bye-law 8 I may face an allegation of dishonest conduct;
• I understand while I am a member of ACCA I will notify ACCA about any event which may engage bye-law 8;
• I agree to comply with ACCA’s Charter, Bye-laws, Regulations and Code of Ethics and Conduct;
• I confirm I have not been subject to any criminal, disciplinary or other matters which may engage bye-law 8 that have not already
been brought to the attention of ACCA’s Assessment or Investigations Departments.
• I understand that the UK Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 does not apply to the accountancy profession and that I am required
to disclose any convictions and/or cautions, that are not ‘protected’ as defined by the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974
(Exceptions) Order 1975 (as amended in 2013). The amendments to the Exceptions Order 1975 (2013) provide that certain spent
convictions and cautions are ‘protected’ and are not subject to disclosure;
• I understand that any matters which I have disclosed to ACCA which engage bye-law 8 will be taken into account when dealing with
my application, but that the matters may not automatically stop me transferring to membership;
• I confirm and declare that I have included anything ACCA needs to know, and there is nothing else I should bring to ACCA’s
attention at the present time.
I further undertake that I will only use the designation ‘Chartered Certified Accountant’ and the designatory letters ‘ACCA’ (or
‘FCCA’ when I become a fellow) only while I remain a member of ACCA. I understand that if I engage in any public practice activities
(as defined by The Chartered Certified Accountants Global Practising Regulations 3 and 4), I will need to hold an ACCA practising
certificate. I confirm that I have read and understood the factsheet: Do I need a practising certificate?1
I acknowledge my duty to the public to ensure that the quality of my knowledge and service is maintained after qualification. I therefore
accept my responsibility to undertake adequate continuing professional development as directed by Council and specified in the
Chartered Certified Accountants’ Membership Regulations.
I agree to pay the applicable membership admission fee2 and understand that I will be invoiced for this fee on successful
conversion to membership. I am aware that failure to pay sums due to ACCA may lead to removal from the registry of

Signature Date

Notes: ACCA bye-law 8 sets out the details of the events which could lead to disciplinary action. These events include (but are not
limited to) the following: he or it has pleaded guilty to, been found guilty of, or has accepted a caution in relation to, any offence
discreditable to the Association or to the accountancy profession; in any civil proceedings in which he or it has been a party or witness,
he or it has been found to have acted fraudulently or dishonestly; incompetence in carrying out work; breach of ACCA Bye-laws or
Regulations; disciplinary action against you by another professional body; bankruptcy or insolvency; failure to satisfy a judgment debt
without reasonable excuse within two months; misconduct – this includes (but is not limited to) any act, or failure to act, which brings,
or is likely to bring, discredit to the individual or relevant firm or to the Association or to the accountancy profession.

1 If you have any queries as to whether your current work constitutes public practice, please contact ACCA’s Authorisation Department on +44 (0)141 534 4175
or via
2 The membership admission fee for membership applications finalised by 31 March 2018 will be 119 GBP. Any membership applications finalised after 31 March 2018 may
be subject to the full membership admission fee of 236 GBP.

To be completed by the referee (who must be a qualified accountant who is recognised by law in your country).
Please complete ALL fields.
Referee name

Job title



Are you a qualified accountant recognised by law in your country? Yes No

Professional accountancy qualification(s) you hold:
Membership number

Membership number

Please confirm how long and under what circumstances you have known the applicant

Please give your assessment of the applicant’s skills and attributes:

Excellent Good Average Unable to rank
Professionalism and ethics
Stakeholder relationship management
Strategy and innovation
Governance risk and control
Leadership and management
Please use the space below to comment on how you feel the applicant has the competence required for ACCA membership.

I confirm that, in my view, the person named in Section 1 has the required level of experience and competence to be admitted to
ACCA membership

Signature Date

When completed, please email a scanned copy of this form to:

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