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Final Exam (Semester 2)

ENG 147 - C (Medical)

The final exam is composed of a Computer Based Test (CBT), a Writing Exam and a
Speaking Exam. The CBT counts for 30% of the final semester grade, while the Writing
and Speaking Exams count for 10% each. Therefore, the total weightage of the final exam
is 50%.

Final CBT (30%)

Item Marks
Grammar & Vocabulary 20 (10+10)
Reading (2 passages) 20 (10+10)
Listening (1 dialogue + 1 monologue ) 20 (10+10)

 There are 60 questions and each question carries half a mark (1/2).
 The exam duration is 90 minutes.
 All the questions are multiple-choice questions (MCQs) with four options.

Source: Q-Skills (5) Reading & Writing

Q-Skills (5) Listening & Speaking
English for Medicine (EFM)

Final Exam Syllabus:

 The final exam will be based on Units 4-6 (Q-Skills books) and Units 6-8
(EFM book).
 In addition to Units 4-6 (Q-Skills books) and Units 6-8 (EFM book), you
also need to cover the grammar and vocabulary list mentioned in this


 10 Multiple Choice Questions.

 The grammar questions will be based on all the grammar points from
Units 4-6 (Q-Skills books) only.
 In addition to the grammar points in Units 4-6 (Q-Skills books), the following
points also need to be covered for the final exam.

Grammar Points
Verb be
I am a student.
He is a doctor.
What is/What's your name?
Auxiliary verbs; - do and does
Where do you like to study?
How often do you make a study plan?
Does he like English?
Verb patterns; - like and would like
Do you like cars?
I would also like to play?
I like English.
Modal verbs; - can and could
Can you spell that, please?
Could I have…...?

There is, there are

There is a viewing platform.
There are four minarets.
Indefinite articles; - a/an + n.
a drill, a speedometer, a machine, an object, an assignment.

Expressions of quantity; - Countable/ Uncountable

nouns (C/U), - much, - many
We haven't got much time - let's go!

Question Forms; - Wh- questions, - Yes/No

Where do you…...?
What does she teach?
How old are you?
Are you a student?
Is he a student?
Parts of speech; - recognizing parts of
speech, n., v., adj., adv.
suburb, lunch (n.)
save, check (v.)
quick, windy (adj.)
always, quickly (adv.)

Adverbs of frequency; - always, usually, sometimes, never

I always read slowly.
I usually drink tea at home.
Comparative/superlative adjectives
more expensive, smaller, biggest

Prefixes; re-, pre-, il-, mis-, un-, sub-

inaccurate, unhappy, irregular, impossible, subway, anticlockwise, multimedia

Prepositions of time, place and time expressions

at, on, in
at home, in a library, in the morning, in the afternoon

Past Simple
I lived in London.
I saw him there.

Present Simple
My name is...
They come from Delhi.
I get up at 7.00 and I have breakfast.

Future tense; - will and going to

Houses will be very different.
We are going to have…
Passive voice; simple present and simple past
The building is made of glass.
It was opened in 1755 and is more than 250 years old.
Contrast; however, but
George studies hard at university. However, he never does well in exams.
I understand Farsi, but I don't speak it very well.

Cause; because
Open-plan offices are cheaper because they use less electricity.

Result; so
The building is made of glass, so it gets very hot in summer.

Sequencing words; first, then, finally

First, she has a cup of tea. Then she goes to her first class.

Giving examples; for example and such as

Mobile phone companies, such as Nokia and Sony Ericsson, are very successful.

Relative clauses; which

A GPS is a device which uses satellite to locate the user's position.

Grammar Sample Questions
Option Option Option Option
S.N Question
1 2 3 4

1 Francis __________ an engineer. be am is are

Angela __________ want to go out because she has

2 does do don't doesn't
a lot of homework.

A: _________ are they?

3 What Who Where How
B: They are my brothers.

__________ names are Will and Harry. They are

4 My Their Your His

5 Our _________ name is Terry. teacher's teachers teacher teachers'

6 Saudi National Day is __________ 23rd September. in to at on

At the moment Travis __________ to school every

7 walks walking walk walked

I __________ to spend the Eid holiday last month

8 decide decides deciding decided
with my family.

Yesterday Alex ___________ ten cups of Arabic

9 drinking drinks drank drink

There are __________ oranges in the fruit bowl, but

10 any some most much
not many.


 10 Multiple Choice Questions.

 The vocabulary questions will be based on Units 6-8 (EFM book) only.
 In addition to the vocabulary in Units 6-8 (EFM book), the following vocabulary
list also needs to be covered for the final exam.

abnormal emergency relaxant

affluent envelope replication
analysis equatorial scientific
anatomical factors sedentary
antiviral function separation
biochemical generalized sign
body growth soothing
care healthy specialized
case human substance
cell identify symptoms
characteristics immobilize therapeutic
contaminant infection toxic
convert interact triage
cycle metabolic underdeveloped
daughter molecular unhealthy
department nucleus unnatural
destruction nurse variation
developed physiotherapy virus
development prevent
disease recovery

Vocabulary Sample Questions

S.N Question Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4

A __________ writes for newspapers and

1 postman manager consultant journalist

2 Where are you? I can't _________ you. use understand see watch

Chad is very __________ . He has a lot of

3 slow rich friendly fast

4 I'm tired! I need a __________. present prize wedding break

The __________ sells painkillers, toothpaste,

5 pharmacy college factory library
and shampoo.

Our grandmother is very sick. We need to

6 office ambulance ice-cream engineer
phone for an __________.

7 "Please __________ your spelling." write send check agree

Stephen had some __________ problems, so

8 personal modern exciting easy
he left the university.

Can you close the __________? I don't want

9 menus cookers notebooks blinds
anyone looking through the window.

Gold is a good __________. The price usually

10 exploration investment education invention
goes up.


 20 Multiple Choice Questions ( 2 reading passages with 10 MCQs each)

 The final exam will be based on the reading skills covered in Units 4-6 (Q-Skills books)

Sample Reading Passage with Questions

1. Mumbai is India’s largest city. Mumbai was part of the British Empire until
independence in 1947. It was then called Bombay. In 1995 it was renamed
Mumbai. It is the fifth most populous city in the world, and in 2010 it had a
population of 23 million.

2. Mumbai is in the north west of India, on the coast. It has a tropical climate, with
four seasons. January and February are the winter months, with average
temperatures a cool 16 to 18°C, while March to May is the summer period. May
is the hottest month, averaging 34°C. The monsoon season, from June to
September, is very wet, with July experiencing the heaviest rainfall. The highest
rainfall in the history of Mumbai was recorded on 26 July 2005. On this day, a
record 944 mm of rain fell on the city, causing large scale flooding and property
damage, and claiming several lives. The dry season, October to December is
cooler and drier.

3. Mumbai is both old and modern, rich and poor. The streets are full of people
doing business. They sell snacks and clothes, or just live. Mumbai is famous as
the entertainment capital of India. The country’s most important businesses and
banks have their headquarters in Mumbai, and it is one of the world's top ten
centres of business and finance. It is the richest city in India, and money is
everywhere. However, sixty per cent of the population live in buildings with no
water, no electricity, and no sanitation. Modern skyscrapers and new shopping
malls are right next to these slums.

4. Public transport in Mumbai carries millions of people by rail, road and water
every day. The cheapest and easiest transport is by bus or taxi. Trains can be
crowded and dangerous. Because of its poverty, Mumbai can be a difficult place
to live. But it is also unlike any other city. The experience is unique.
S.N Question Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4

1 When was the city renamed Mumbai? 2010 1947 2005 1995

the north- the south- the north- the south-

2 Where in India is Mumbai located? east east west west

3 What is the average temperature in May? 18°C 34°C 26°C 16°C

4 In which month does most rain fall?? March January July October

Which type of transport is NOT mentioned

5 plane train taxi bus
in the last paragraph?
too much too much
The word flooding in paragraph 2 means rainfall in damage to
6 heat in the water in the
__________. July buildings
city streets
The word slums in paragraph 3 means modern poor and poor and
7 new malls
__________. buildings dirty houses dirty streets

What does the word They in paragraph 3 old and

8 streets rich and poor people
refer to? modern

What does the word it in paragraph 3 refer

9 India Mumbai headquarters centre

What is the best title for this reading India's The Weather Transport in The People
passage? Largest City of Mumbai Mumbai of India

Note: The vocabulary questions (6 & 7) should be answered from the context of the
reading passage. These words are not taken from the vocabulary list provided in
the vocabulary section.


 20 Multiple Choice Questions ( 2 listening scripts with 10 MCQs each)

 The final exam will be based on the listening skills covered in Units 4-6 (Q-Skills books)

Sample Listening Script with Questions

Alan: Hi Walter. How are you? What are you doing today?
Walter: Hello Alan. I’m fine, thanks. I’m studying lifestyles - the way people live - in
other countries.
Alan: Which countries?
Walter: Today I got onto Wikipedia and read about Canada …and then France, Alan,
because many Canadians speak French.
Alan: That’s interesting. What did you read about France?
Walter: Well, France is part of Europe, and most of the culture there is totally
different from Canada.
Alan: How is it different, Walter?
Walter: Well, for one thing, when you have a meeting or appointment in Canada
you must be there on time. But in France it’s acceptable to be up to one
hour late.
Alan: Hey Walter! I think I’d like to live in France. I wouldn’t have to buy a watch.

Walter: Maybe not, Alan. Anyway, tomorrow I’m going to look up China and Japan.
Alan: They both speak the same language, don’t they?
Walter: Actually, Alan, they don’t. The languages may sound similar to us, but
Chinese is totally different from Japanese.
Alan: Oh. …Really?
Walter: Not just that, Alan. China itself has two different main languages. One is
called Mandarin and the other Cantonese.
Alan: Hmm – I’m not really interested in China, Walter. But Japan appeals to me.
Walter: Yes. I’m thinking about visiting Japan in a year or two. It has an interesting
culture. For instance, people there don’t shake hands when they meet.
They bow to each other. Also it’s considered bad manners, even rude, if
you don’t take off your shoes when you go into a traditional Japanese
Alan: Hey Walter – in Japan I could walk around without shoes and then get my
dinner faster when I go out to eat!
Walter: That’s very funny, Alan, but you will need shoes in Japan, even in summer,
because, according to Wikipedia, many cities get a lot of rain.

S.N Question Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4

How many countries did Walter read

1 1 2 3 4
about today?
What does Walter say about the
It is exactly It is totally It is a little
2 culture in Europe compared with It is similar.
the same. different. different.
In France you can be __________
3 60 30 15 0
minutes late for an appointment.

4 Where would Alan like to live? Japan France China Canada

They are They have They have

What does Alan say about China And They are
5 different different the same
Japan? both in Asia.
countries. languages. language.
Which language do they speak in
6 French Japanese English Cantonese

When does Walter think he will go to in the new 2 or 3 years 1 or 2 years

7 this year
Japan? year from now from now

What do people consider bad not shaking shaking not taking off taking off
manners in Japan? hands hands your shoes your shoes
so he is not
so he is not so he can get so he can
Why does Alan say that he won't rude to
9 late for his food save money
wear shoes in Japan? Japanese
meetings quicker on shoes
What is the weather like in many
10 rainy windy sunny cloudy
Japanese cities?

Writing Exam (10%)
Item Marks
Writing 12

 The writing exam is based on a topic with three prompts to answer.

 Two markers will mark each writing script.
 The average of the two markers’ score is considered the final mark.
 The writing exam will last for 60 minutes.
 Students must write a minimum of 120 words.

Writing Exam Sample:

You should spend about 60 minutes on this task.

Write at least 120 words.

Write about reading.

You should write about:

 Where you like to read;

 What you like to read; Why?
 Do you like to read quickly or slowly? Why?

Speaking Exam (10%)
Item Marks
Speaking 20 (15+5)

 The speaking exam is based on three parts i.e. personal questions, describe a picture
card and conversation about the topic from part 2.
 The assessor will award the analytical marks out of 15.
 The interlocutor will award the global mark out of 5.
 The speaking exam will last for about 10 - 15 minutes for each pair of student.

Part 1 – Personal Questions


1. Do you like shopping? Why/why not?

2. What was the last item (clothes, shoes) that you bought?
3. Can you describe it (them)?
4. Do you follow fashion? Why/why not?

Part 2 – Describe a Picture Card

TOPIC: Daily University Routine

3 3

Part 3 – Conversation About the Topic from Part 2

Topic: Daily University Routine

Q: Talk about your daily routine at KSUPY. How is it different from

school, and how is it the same?

1. Tell us about the start and finish time of your studies.

2. Are the classes different at PY from your school? How?

3. Do you like the cafeterias or cafes at PY? Why? / why not?

4. Talk about the evenings, after university.


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